DAIIT CAPITAL JOrHN'AL, ,Mfl0!, THrBW4 CLASSIFIED ADTERTISlivr. moo 7" ww.js.wi A ailU- V 1C1 " wi MJlUiIAL t ARnC Dr a i o-. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. REAL ESTATE Capitol Journal "Want Ads" Brlnq Quick Results One cent a word for flrat Inncrtlon One-half cent a word for each Imertiou thereafter. No advertisement taken for lena tban 25c. taunt all worda to tba line. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN I.i.lM.K HEISLEY and Dr. BAKERIES. BUTTERNUT BREAD It Is worth more than any other bread, yet the price Is no higher. For sole at your grocer's. California Bakery, Thomas & Cooloy, Props. BUSINESS CIIAIVCES. I CAN SHOW YOU how to Increase the earning power ow your money with absolute security. Send name and address for particulars. Tom Bates, 208 U. S. Bank building. ll-25-lra I DR. 0. P, """iey (graduates of A S n lflrbis,.lll w ' " ""-'"i mi), ur. a. T, Still president of the school and found er of the science of Osteopiithy) general osteopathic practitioners' Also hydrotherapy and electric light baths given without extra charge for rheumatism, kidney and nver troubles. The success In these treatments Is equal to going "J we not lakes. Confinement cases and female troubles a spec ialty. 529 Court street. itiKi:cTouY-cii,.Jt , Misni.i.AM'ors- mtv AND GENERAL INFORMATION MARKETS. S. Elta,w,)()llKN OK V0IU.D-M,u ,!.... I It. . - ....av l(;iU n- T;:!0 0'd(,ck Mii.so.Ho lia'.l, MoCarnack block n Ii .. . . - . At'liaillStltl, (.', f ; I Clerk. DRS. C A RBI AGE TRIMMING AXD PAINTS F. W. BLISS Successor to Walker; carriage and automobile trimming, carriage trimming goods, new work and repairing. I am carrying" a full line of Masurey's house and buggy paints, brushes, oils and the very best varnishes. 304 S. Commercial. 12-1-tf IBOPBACTIC.SPINOLOOIST. PR. O. L. 8C0TT Graduate of Chir opractic's Fountain Head, Daven port, Iowa. If you have tried every thing and have got no relief, try Chiropractic Bplnal adjustments and get Well. Office 406-7-8 U. S. Na tional Bank Building. Phone Main 87. Residence Main 1629. 6-8-tf B. H. WHITE AXn P wr Walton, Osteopathic physicians and nerve specialists. Graduates of American School of Osteopathy, Kirksvllle, Mo. Post-graduate and specialized In nervous diseases at Los Angeles College. Treat acute and chronic diseases. Consultation free. Lady attendant Office 605 506 U. S. National Bank building. Phone 8G9. Residence 346 N. Capi tol street Phone 469. riCMIJKBS. THEO. M. BARR-Plumblng, hot water ana steam heating and tinning, 164 Commercial St, Phone Main 192. 9-1 -lyr CLEANING AND PRESSING. MARION PRESSING PARLORS Dry and steam cleaning and dye works. Ladles' Bilks, laces and gloves given special attention. Gents'sults cleaned and pressed. We are cleaners and repairers . Try us. Goods called for and delivered. Parlors, 24B North Liberty St Phone Main 2044. 9-22-tf ELECTRIC FIXTURES. ELECTRIC FIXTURE & SUPPLY CO. 130 N. Liberty street Electric Contracting, inside wiring supplies and fixtures, estimates given. Tele phone Main 263. 9-3-tf HOME BARGAINS. RENT PAYMENTS BUY HOME New three-room bungalow,450 down, bal ance $10 per month. Fine oppor tunity to save your rent. Begin to day, every month counts. German Investment Co-, Steeves building. 12-4-tf LAUNDRY. CLOTHES LAST LONGER With our all hand work; established 20 years. 225 South Commercial St. Phone 1158. Hop Lee. 7-25-tf LIQUOR HOUSES. SCAVENGER. SALEM SCAVENGER Chas. Soos, proprietor. Garbage and refuse of all kinds removed on monthly con tracts at reasonable rates. Yards and cesspoolg cleaned. Office, tele phone Main 2247. Residence Main 2272. 6.U.tf in K. i Fletcher. ' 1-10-0'.)! SALEM IIl-MAXB SOClKTY-D n Heeler, president: Mm. Uni Tillson' i serrefiirv Alt ,! j ,, ,.,. c n. . Continued, very 8A1.EM EMPLOYMENT 111 KK.V.-V1 I kinds of help furnished. In I your orders. A.l.lr. ss 10", s,:'th I i '.miiiiorclal street, Phone RAILROADS. llll KN VU UIC fOMl'INV Time Tallin- lVtlmnl liiiM,,,,. drain, Hour, i . . .1. V ie. Owb, i :L!. 7S.' M ; 'an. IT Prlves Off a l.rr.i The chief executioner e: .1 . 1 . lln"ll!,ls "honld be " winter and aprlng iuoii Ei l, n " uc'el ror invo"'- ,no,llil- Us advance CEN'TIIAL LODtlK No. IS, K of I V'ltu' ,..ll nv. ... mui, luoB.uiy or eacii wo 7:30 p. in. Leo 13. AMo, i .'. W. Cox, K of R umt S k. -a !e...h in l- pueu i colds : one of i l.isl i Ma,n- I1EAL ESTATE, $1300 Will tako one acre close to city i limits, good soil, nicely located, on ! a popular street, with a new 5-ioom ; house, some fruit, bored well, a very good buy, 1 1000 down The Square Deal Realty Co., V. S. Hank build- 1 lug. Room 304. Phono 4,0. FOR SALE By owner MM pri i. In any at'., ok . these maladies no tlm. !i uM in t'Mlng the bent nieda , nb!" to drive It off. ( o.mt.e., a:i,!. lu.ve found HiIb t" i V'.' i iseovery. "My b '.an i t 'i ins Kepi Iif in froni lia.ii moiiis ihreo or four imies." vii,.s Mia. lleoigo W. Place, l;.i. sm a,,., 1 1., and for coukIib, tolds wu have never fouiiit li ,.i. ,i " ,.- ' - i'... ant.d for all bronchial affections, l'rlce f,0 its. and 1.00. Trial Mtle free of J. C. I'errv. ' -1 a m t.0.' 11. III. r. .1 a in. '.l.iu'U 11'.. 1 ni. . 2.e0 pin. . t .ii.'i p III I .l.i'.i'" a in. '.0..',u u: ' strictly mod- ! "' Jones, of KMa- em B-room cottage, also 7-ronm " ,8, t0 8av 1110 '''""I' ni;;illaiit house near churches, school and car-iIj,u,t Tlulrs,,"' 110 reslmied from die line. A bargain worthy of Investl-'00lmc11, b,'C(lll9 woman, Mrs. K. M gallon. Call 203 Llneoln ir... wag elected a councilman Phone 1003. uu , i; I rain No. lll.'.ui 10 - Albany Pasefccr. . . . " 1 1 - I'lMiland Express .... 1 vri son l Aoress. . .. Wllla,i-,.to l.linltrd , , U Shasta Luuit.M 1 I'.irtlaml tas,M!Kr. . . -i I'ort! u.d PiuMv.poc. . . " '' ''! iv fr-mli:. . 1 ort.aii t ilirouuli fr't eilllilie,in.l. I'.ll'IO 'U ii'1'1 S;l l';-A'4ili.ml I '.i.'cfin; .. . . , I .--Kosobiu,. r.'.Psoiii;, r. . - W iliaii.ct'.e l.niitd. . U-Sli:u,:a Limited "ul e'l,.i.-t!.m ITaiioi.co Kv..r..H. ; .n,,i:iy l ,i i,i;,.r ''2'- - local wey f;-,'lv;lil. , . "21 Sun Francisco tlimm-li fri'lRlit 12:01 pm. Salem-(icer llrumh. U'T-d'ussciiKer urr. Salem.. 9 2", a.m. K1U Pans, und leaves Salem 10:00 a.m. 129 Pilau, mxd arr. ShUmh .. 4:00 pin lJS-l'ass'uKer leaves Salem 5:30 p m pee si'."it.-. ?'": iiu,i,i..i KK.'.u r.'itoms. i.;io rtratuhi, ::.i'ii; (i'rt: Valley, fr.iliaui, :!!'. U 4. 'in Whole, f craek.M ton. H. iv Timothv, $17; a'falf i ''eer, $10: and , ,. '.:, hay. fl'.i.: U. "'is No. !. l,t,, .,; Vn : I flecf.H k. 'tTi (llmlor 10,m tl, y SfVri 10.n to KMil 11, i'" 1','wa, per hundred welkht Ij' Ks. f.K, (,r ,Hlnj r-wes, ivr jH,,1Iuj JIM.'"i 'mi'S. ikt peunT! ,e; eai, iirtr,l;;ii (l) red Celt. I'ry. per ,im,j . . , Salted country pelts. H.'ich u'"' Uiuiti ivlts, Pch . . It fill I (f4M .U'7S, g H it lit li bs en. 1 1'. . 1 1 . 1 , . I 2i ., i '. ill:. p I i barrel, I MO liemird. ilil. lliUli! ,',l, 'I'll'' readers of this i,ai,er 120; bole;l''."'ed to learn that th, u .. , dreaded dUea.-,. i,:,t el,.., k ' n'i'-'oenreluall Its tK-. and ' lata.,!,. Hall's -Mlurh rr s the only positive cure now known to me.!,, al fraternity. (vll;ln n l e, ii,tluiti,;il disease, reqnlrrg 'usliliilional treatment, Hall'a IV ""' h Cure Is t ikon Internally, selim . iy unoii ttu. hlivd ;i'.ifacfs of dm '; per; 1'.'; ! am . , p in. . 10. ,',i p.m. . 8:;lO, in. .12:3.'. p in olid 1 !,'(:! 12-K!-2w' "O0ll,1('11 woman." Jones just goi mad tunoAuu on iiiauc; liiti 'j acres. 100 acres In cultivation, very good buildings, good water, 8 miles out J 4 miles from railroad station, at lila per acre; will Uko $,"000 city prop erty. See J. A. Mills, 275 Slato St. Phono ltl. 12-2d-:tt and quit. The Secret Terror. The haunting fear of sickness and helplessness 1b the secret terror of the worklngman. Health Is his capi tal. Kidney diseases sap a man's strength and vitality. They lessen IiIb onrtilng capacity. Foley Kidney Pills bring buck health and strength by healing the disease They are Iho pest THERESKA HAT WORKS. HATS of all kinds renovated and re- cleaned. Prompt alterations; work guaranteed. Thereska Hat Works, 205 S. High street. Phone Main 261, Salem, Oregon. 6-25-tf UNDERTAKERS. LEHMAN & CLOUGH U. J. Lehman, A. M. Clough, morticians and funeral directors. Latest modern methods known to the profession employed. 445 Court St. 9-20-tf UPHOLSTERING, REN'OYATISU. F. B. MERRY & CO. Vacuum carpet cleaning, on or off the floor; carpets altered and laid; mattresses made and renovated; furniture re-covered; shades and awnings made and al tered, 238 High street Phone 668. 8-22-tf VETERINARIAN. DR. W. G. MOREHOUSE Practical veterinarian. Successor to Dr. J. J. Kenwell. Gradunte Cornell Univer sity Office Jack Darr's feed stables, 544 Ferry street. Phones, office 2199; house 1510. Saictn, Oregon. 1 7- WILLIAM BUTTE Pine wlnes.llquors and cigars. We handle the celebrated Kellogg and Castle whlsklea Cool and refreshing beer constantly on draught South Commercial St FAMILY LIQUOR STORE All stand ard brands of liquors kept In stock. Wines by the gallon, bottle or case. Free delivery in the city limits. E. Eckerlen, 206 N. Commercial St. MOSEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN on diamonds, watches, jewelry and all articles of value. We also buy and sell. Unredeemed pledges for sale. Wil liams typewriter for sale, $6. Sa lem Loan Office, 120 Liberty st. NEW AND 8ECOND-ITAND flOOIH. E. L. STIFF New and second-band furniture, hardware and general supplies. Best cash prices paid for second-hand goods. Just received a large shipment of new linoleums, carpets an 4 nigs. Corner Court and Liberty streeta. Phone 941. 3-12-tf HIGHEST price paid ror second-hand furniture, ranges, hardware, tents, etc. We carry the most complete stock of above articles in town at the lowest price. O. L. McPeek, 170 South Commercial St, phone Main 1233. 8-25-tf PEETS new and second-hand store can save you money on new furni ture, as well as second-hand goods. See me before selling your house hold goods or buying your second hand goods. See me for bargains. Phone Main 451, 252 State St 4-15-tf PORTLAND HOTELS. NEW MATTHIESEM HOTEL Corner Front and Columbia, at Oregon Elec tric depot Steam heat, hot and cold water in all rooms. Open day and night; rooms 50c, 75c and $1. Also Hotel Harrison, 401 to 407 Front St. John Matthiesen. proprietor, both houses 10'5"tf SAND AND GRAVEL. PALEM CONSTRUCTION company can supply yoa with sand and gravel. Office 464 Court street Phone Main 790. Gravel bed on Front street and North Mill Creek. l-28-tt WOOD AND COAL. SALEM FUEL YARDS Fuel kept tinder shelter. I handle Koplab coal, and imported Ilrltlsh Colum bia Wellington coal, the best on the Pacific coast Also hard and soft wood, cut to suit, well seasoned and In the dry. Satisfaction guaranteed. See my stock, 752 Trade street, or phone 629. Mark Slddall. FOR SALE Modem five-room bunga low, close to carllne and school, Hit Ished strictly modern includlne tlUHi Initio, mm In 1r 11 1 11. if mi.l 1 ... I --t. ....i..uv ikiiid iwt ni"iw,t mill until plumbing, light, llxturos, bath and der troubles. They act quickly and cabinet kitchen. Bargain for cah If thoroughly. You can buy nothing lxt- taken at onco. Apply to Roy H. tor. John McMasters, Slreator, III., Mills, Spauldlng Logging Co., office. Bays: "I feel better and a great deal Phone Main 1830. 1 2-14-tf stronger than I hnvo for many years DAIRY LAND FOR SALE-ltit acres "''"'"n '"V" ? choice dairy land, partly Improved, bmM W" Sl"fl I'"S' Co' good pasture, easily cleared, plen- Mrs. Boo llllman, Socialist candidate ty spring water, no hills, no rocks, for city treasurer of La Grande, at the Dandy barn, good community and election there Monday was defeated, market for milk, 12 miles from Sa-1 " lorn and two miles from Autusvllle; I We wIb1 ,0 ciU1 'our aU,n,t"n ,c will sell all or part. $60 per acre the f,lrt tlmt m"Bt lllfecll"9 Hseuses Terms one-hal caah. Rosenberg R"dl ns 'lioo.lng oough, diphtheria Bros., Aumsvlllo, Ore. 12-l-2w am' BCarlet f"VPr aro contracted when i the child has a cold. Chamberlain's .-i-lr,,-, Cough Remedy will quickly cure a FOR SALE Forty-foot counter cheap. CHI" Krcttl,y 'cssen me ..auger Call at 371 State street Phono "r contracting these diseases, mis Main 2232 10-8-tf ' .anions .or n ernes ". colds. 11 contains no opium or other FOR SALE 12,000 Italian prune trees narcotic nn,l may l ulccn to a child for sale, 5000 pencil, acclimated with Implicit confidence. For sale by trees. Address 195 South 21th nil dealers. OREIUIN ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO. Northbound. Loaves Salem. Arrive Portland Train No. 10 a.m 2 Owl.... r,:4,r,a.iu 6 : 30 a in 8 8 : f0 am 8:00a. m 10 Ux... 10:20 u.m ":55am 12 11:20 a.m lu :00 a in 14 Ltd ....11:55 a.m U:20a.m 1.1 1:40 p.m 2:00 p in IS 4:20 p.m 4:00 p in 20 Ltd 5:55 p in 4: 15 p.m 22 ti:lop.m 5:50 pin 24 S:I5 p in 0:00 pm 20 11:20 pm Smilhbiiuiiil. Leave Portland. Arrives Salem. fi :10 a. m 1 ........ S : :tl a in 7 : 110 a.m 3 9: 50 a.m 8:20a.m 5 Ltd llLlila.in 10:40a. m 7 1 lit) p in 2:05 p.m 9 3:40pin 11 4:40 un 13 Ltd... 6:00 p.m. . 7:35 p.m. . 0:25 p.m.. 11:15 p in. . 17 I c. 19 21 25 Owl. Northbound. . 4: 3D p.m . (1:05 p.m . U:30 pm . 8: 15 p.m . 9:55 p.m .11:40 p in . 2 15...IU street. Phono MIS. 12 -tit It's easy to get a man to agree with 11 the stuck and fixtures .. lr ...... .,, iin..mw ,. V V - FOR SALE in h (ood general f toro jus,, ouuiile iliis oil:, doing good business, '.','iie $M,iO. We might consider;', a Undo fcr if If. and take ni' cash for other haif Sec John Van La:me,-. State btreet '2 21 WATER COMPANY. SALEM WATER COMPANY Office corner Commercial and Trade sis. For water service apply at office. Bills payable monthly In advance. WATCHMAKER. U. S. MILLER, the WATCHMAKER Over 20 years' experience as a watchmaker at Beatrice, Neb. High grade work at eastern prices. Opera House hlnck. 4K4 Court St. 10-5-tf LODUE DIRECTOR!. SALEM LODGE NO. 4, A. F. & A. M. Stated communication on first Friday in each month at 7:30 p. m., In Masonic ball, McCornack block. D. W. Pugh, W. M.; John Bayne, secretary. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA, Oregon Cedar Camp No. 5246. Meets every Thursday evening at 8 o clock. In Masonic ball, corner Court and Liberty streets. Elevator service. A. H. Bunn, Consul; F. A. Turner. Clerk. GUARANTEED AUTO SPRINGS We manufacture high grade auto and truck springs, also repair, set up, and re-temper old springs. Our lorg list of satisfied customers will rec ommend our ability as leaders In our work. Laher Auto Spring Co. 20 North 15th St., Portland, Or. 10-5-tf FOR RENT. The Busy IVoiiiiiu's Day. It begins early, ends late, ntul Is full of work. Sl.o often bus kidney trouble without knowing It. Her back ' aches, nnd sho Is tired and worn out. Sleeps poorly, Is nervous, no appetite. Hor bladder gives her trouble too. Foley Kidney pills will cure nil that and make her strong and well. Mrs. Iiena Beyer, 12 Frederick St., Auburn, N. Y., says: "Three boxes of Foley Kidney Pills were all that wero needed to mako mo strong and well." They are tho best medicine niacin for kid ney and bladder disorders. Try them. Dr. Stone Drug Co, Leaves Albany. 7:00 a in lo:ir,n m 4' 45 p. in Leaves l''.Ugclie. 7 . a.m Ilouam 1 :,.', p in i: mi p in 12:01 ii m Arrives Salem. 10 8:iiUn.n HI II 2iHiin 21 5:50 p.m Ai'i'lveH Salem. 1 t Ltd .... 10.110 a in !f 2. oil p In 20 Ltd .... 4:00 p n, 20 II: OH p. in 2 Owl 3.1'i a.m umt niueoiit lystoni. thcrel'v ,!- 'loving the foundation if (..,, ,t;,. '" a.M giving the patient tr.iig(h i'-'V burning iu, ih euustitiitien K.i,l u ('f!li'g nature In doing Its W(k. n,e I'r,'pi!c1rs hav,, mueli fmn, 'uutitlve powers tint they offer O.m HuihIi.hI Uullnrs for iiny cn, Unit U tails to cure. Send fr llslof testlmo- Dials. Address p. ledo, Ohio. fold by all druuKlsts, 75o. Taku Hull's Family pills for constl pntlou. J. CllKNI'Y t CO., Tiv Pi'. Win. Sadler, author of "The Cus nnd Curo of ColiU," sya u,t common eddg should tx taknn -rloiihly. PHprdulljr wlieii tliry "bang on. lolev'i llonev ,i,,,l T,.r I'.,.,, pound Is a relluhln tiouseliold iu, clim for coughs nnd odds, equally ef fective fr chl ilren ami grown pcr ,ns Tlm It when yon fool i rol, eonilng on. It will avert danger of serious reHiillii and curn quickly, Mrs. N. ('. Young. lVKgnh, du, saya: "Ko Icy's Honey and Tar Conipouihl com pletely cleared my threat ami cured my cold " Dr. Stonn I'rug Co, FOR RENT Two furnished nwnis for housekeeping. Electric light and water, 440 Union street. Phone i: 1S17 23-25 FOR RENT Furnished Bleeping rooms. Close In, electric lights, gas, hath and heat. 535 North Liberty It seems like an occasional person in meaner around Christmas time than ordinarily. street. Crimpy Conglm anil Wluiry Colds Tho quickest simplest way to rid the children c.f dangerous croupy coughs and wheezy ntuffv colds Is to plv them F..,ev's Honey and Tar furnished rooms Compou.nl. It give, almost Instant rtdlef aril stol" a feign prompny. n scKithes and heals. Contains no opl- H. L. !'.loiriqulit, hi'iiaue, is., l.i aves Salem. 11:40 i. in !. mcs Sale.n. 2: 15 a in S 30 a m 1H:10 a m Lejives Slllelll. 1:011 p in I'iinw Salem. 11-12-tf FOR RENT Fines' In the city, all mod :u ' n tur nlshlnes throughout Hot and cold ..... - - w,i ami eloctrlo Btes, ' Ih . and look says: "My w.fo cnselers ,,,W. . . ,., Trn,. nml Tlir CoMIIKIU.1,1 til" .'""l tnem over, mo " Main 1S90, 311 CUen.eketa stre-t. 12-7-lm SoiiIIiIiiiiiiiiI. I.cavi Seleni. Arrive Albany. 4:3iiii.ln 9 5,20 P in Arrives Kugeiie .'. . 7:110 p m Arrive Albany. 21 12 40 a . n Arrive Kugctic. 25 Owl. . . . "Ml a in 1 II llOaui 5 1.1,1 12:10 p m Stop.uit Albany. 7 2 00 p m Arrlvo Eugene C :!0p,m 13 0 (Ml P in Leaves Salem. Stops at Albany. S. 15 pm 17 :2" p.m SALMI, FALLS CITT A WFSTLItN RA1LHAV (O-TIMK TAMIL. West N.ilem. Leaves No. 1 for lllnek Itoek 9 m No. 3 fur Kails ('My 1 2 , m N'o 5 for I alls city 4 45 p in No. 12:i for Independence... !,0 n t'i No. 125 for l.i,ept,ii,!en, ",.. .') .10 p in Arrives From Unllns H15 a m Fi.ua lll.uk Ko.ll 12 -I'M".) Krom Kails City P 111 ,1, $2; ,:'.', Oairr and rourtrf I'r-'Sinv. 1 vi r nreg-n , 1, , ' 'k. ,',7 'to per 11, : pi i-i:i 5! ': .Jel'C. I 'M - Olcg.ui rai.e'.i. 32 'v u:;,' ,!.,:. Cheese Full Cre.iip twins, p,ic ,H.r It' : Young America, 20 '. Poultry- liens, 12j l.'.c, broilers, 12 m Lie; ducks, young, lOi'i Ho; goos 12'vc, turkeys, live, ISo; dressed, 2,1c Vwil Fancy, 85 to 125 pounds, lll'i it 14,1 per Pork Fancy, 'J 'o per lb, Groceries, Drli-4 Fruits. Etc, Dried Fruits-Applwi, lOo per lb ; currunts, 10r; apricot a, 13iifl4e; peaches, Stfllc; piunea, Italian, 8i) 10c, silver, ISc; figs, white und black. 1f7Hc; currents. 9Mic; raisins, loose Muiicntel 6V4l77Sc; blenched Thompson, 11 He, nnhleachwl Hultnn ss, KHe; seeded, 7HtfS14ic CoffiMt- Hoasted, In drums, IS if 40c per pound. Nuts Walnuts, 17 ' 4i Kc mt IP: H11u.il nuts. I2'1ic; lllherts, 15c; nl nion.ls, lli .j ISc; pecans, 17c; coooii nuts, '.kc d (1 per do,eii, Salt llraiiulated. $14 per ton; balf e.roiind, lone, $'.125 ir ton; 50s, $10 per t,n. Heaiis- Sumll white, $5 40; large white, $4W5; Lima. $.150; pink, l,c; red Mexicans, 5c; bayou, $4 05. Sugnr Dry granulated, $5.75; fruit nnd berry, $5.75; beet, $r,.f,r,; Kit C. $."25; powdered, lmrrelH,$0 00; cubes, barrels, $t! If,. Itlco-No. 1 Japan, f. ti & 'i i-; dump er grades. te. Itnlloy- l liolce, ic per lb. Vegetable and Krulls. Fresh Krultii -Applea, MVu $1.50 per lu x; pears, 11 $1 25 per bo; grapos 11 .'....( Ii ii hi,v; ciaiilinrrloit, $11 5u 'p. r bun el; r.T.has, fLT.n per doen Tropii il Fnills Oriiuues, Vnleiic.n, $1; iii,,i'ls, $2 5o,i 3 ,,o; Callfurula apeli mi, ,! .i 3 511; F ,,-,l,'i grapefruit $1.50; leniiuis, $0 per box; pineapples lie per Hi; pomegranates, J2 per box; perdu, mom,. $1 75 per box. j A ,., t Ii Ink ll would ell,,y hel Vei;elahlea Means, 12e; caldmg.i. le i,,,. ,,,. t l,,tl., , Iiiihii'I per lb; caullllower, 4oe'(j$l2j M'r,nny, doen; celery, :i 50 per Clllte; CUCIIIII I - . m . , . In rs, 50 '..1 line per dozen; eggplant, l"c per pound; head letlue. $2 prr eiale; peppers, III" per poind; radleheii, I5'.f ! I2..0 per doen; sprouts, sc; tionuloes, ' '$125 per lix; gallic, 5'(i': per lti ; . pumpkln.'i, I 'i c pvr It,. j Sa, k VegelahleH -Turnips, 75o per uok; lielH, 75c; rutahnhaa, 75, ; car-; r.-ts, 75e. I SWe. t p,i(at.H 2 'i e per Ih j Potatoes - II, irhanl 11 li'i'(lii..e pur Clti I The navy crn.n has now spread to Canada nnd other Ilrltlsh colonies. 80 far Guam bns.i't offered I'nclu Bain liulllcnhlp. 4 He; woitlieru bend, $:I 75 cane; Ht rultKxl, You will find tlmt druggists every whore speak well of Chnmhei Iain's Cough Kenedy. They know from long experience In the Kul.t of It tlmt In eases of coughs nnd colds It can al ways he depended upon, nml that It Is pleasant and afe to take. For sain hy nil dealers. 1 11111,1111 Singe Menu I let . . look with horror 011 Hklu Kmpilons, Hid, lies, Sores or Pimples. Ttmy don't have tlieni. For all such troll-hh-s uu., lliiekllii's Arnica Salve It glot Ifies the fa, Lxi elleiit for Ke ''in 1 ,r .'-'.ill Llli lllll, II I III kim Hps , -liapi liamls. elilllil ilns, be ils tin M". . il'n lllel luill'lert. t 'tltni r 0l nn', for pil, 2.1 1 . mi of .1 C I'ei ry P11IU a hull I'leL When n sliaineful plot eilsls be tween liver mid bowels to eiiuan ills tress hv refunlng to net, Inks Dr. King's New LIT I'llls, nnd eml mu lt alius" of your svsteui. 'l'li.y gently 11, lulu I right nelloii of Ht.imuch, liver und bowels, and rentorn your le'nllh sad nil good findings 2f,o of J. ('. Pert v It l ,111 (11, , Mi,i llo; to I Wo. Ie:l,.l : M'.'i.iii ; Hide, , i.if, I'll ; i:V', y ill,, dry ; 1:1' 11,111,1 uu Or, i.i, 11, 1 1 in) per mi, k Mops juI. Hide. I I.. J nop, I, ill"", a,, old iii.,,oy. I l.'n ,t, ru Href, hi, 1 1 . 19c per Vnlley, 21 a 25, . Il 'I , , .:,i,., I ;", p. r It, ; all,, I kip. 11' , 11 hides. II1 alf. N 1 I, 2.. 1 1.,. 1 . I ,liireiel flu I v' lltll, r ''i l'M,l.(V 1 ., inn,: I,, noli l.lin for ill 1 , 51. in e lis li nn who e.itll'l iflelllieill all kilo 1 I ll'. d ,:, i,i,i" dry nine- f f I Honey ; cough cur.) and It gives the best re sults." Dr. Stone Drug Co. YVANTFH. V A.NTEU Clrl for geie-ral house work Must bo oin;et..m' l'. 1 Phono P'4. or c:i ui " 12-21-lf Mages r-'ate t reet. CHADWICK CHAPTER NO. 37, O. E. S. Regular meetings first am. , vi.i rr.,,io,- Mason c can. i'" Marie n Derby, W. M. cock, secreUiry. Ida U Rab- glil In family and go-xl :.: Court st ret. AVTKTi A i'g' : work of three, Call at 12-23-tf CASTOR I A For InfaiiU and Children. tie Kind YtuHave Always Bought Beant the J$'?' . Sinaturo From In leprunleii, a "" 11 ! From ludep-nd, ton I Uvi- fSn. 11 for ItUek Ho, k 00 a " 1 S'o 13 for Ills, k It,e k I 20 0 ... I No. K, for Dnllks 5 '' P 111 '.No 121! f",r IrolepeirP ii' .. 9 5" a in ; No. i2T, for lndejH'iideii, m. , . ;P' p 1,1 Arrives-- i From linllss 15 a m From Ula.k l.ock I '"I"" ' r r: III..' K It'" '' ' 3 ' ' 1:1 '.,: r-i ,. r.J.i. - . -.9 ''"',' 'I'M m Iv1ep'-ndl.'" 1. I !" Preitilell". i hi. M, I enllllod, 11' I mild Sli.uii K,ir .ley. .n,l I., 1 1 , ii y.i.i fi "in th" hot of 11, t I" 11 '. " w role C II ll.ii L r. , v ,-,l.'iig, W. V.i . ' f.r Hie won ll ., l I.. I,. e fit I got fiolii I.I", - I'f.i-f ti. Iii , nrlni: iii,i of tniili 1 , .. 1 :i.. of Mum o I, IrtMiMn mi I ,.1111 ;,! I;,, 11. f ! "Hi III' Il I I. id t."0l l'ln,",f helpbss S I'fi p'r f"r tell :l . (( 1 I' II 15 1 . , 1 iiolee, 1 1,1 S.l M 'I! Me. lei'" l,:l:im il 1 y Himiked M drl.l l' f se nideS. Ti I'lrklH ' (M, t"ilFir h.l l.i,:i,. l: ki I " . I r ' ' ,11'. , I IV. ' ' Ktal -Ui d ' 'i l' . 1 rl. Il '! it I . ' ' , . Iv d. Hie el..,' llei. Hill for . J.l 1.1 llO' ', 15" I 11 Y fil I In . ,11, in, f !ioil'l 15. r djSpepSi.l, nml lo iM thn it, , 1 1, ill , iitltw 11,11. I 4 IlitVH il i:vi) I- ('In 14 or!, 1 1 ohl of I C P, ) 'l, l Hi U II,,, I.' I .Lid. ' . $!' ..ni kit' re ; 1 ' Ml H-f '. -eat Chinese Doctor L. M. Hum MULTNOMAH ROYAL ARCH CHAP ter No 1. Masonic hall, second Friday of each month, al 8 P- m. L s. Rowland, Ex. High Priest: Lot U Pearce. secretary. & innnf N'O. 50. A. F. "te hail, third Friday in ach month at 7:30 p. m. Jaskoskl, W. SI.; Lot L. pearce. secretary . rxirirTARTisA bly No. 84, meets every Wednesday at 8 p. n... in Moose Ha". f:l"''n C' ii ; r. Vale, Secretary, Niles, M. A. h. 133 South Cottage St Phone 1-M TZtZTrnMOOP MOOSK- Cherry 7:30 In .Moose rtiv Ixxlse No. rrv evening at Hall, corner Court and High streets. D R. Yantis, Dictator; II H. Turner Secreury, 135 South Commercial Street ri.nT-A hlack fur k l'"'"- eral reward for tl.o r t'eltijolin. I'bo.10 VirJ i.lb- O. C.T. Co.'s . fl. i" le I are e, 1 urn to Mrs. ,r 12- 'l-IJ Stenn-'T I'-uvs day, Weilr . .. :' M.-n- f.,; I'or'h'id ! Fridt,)- i.t 1 . nAi.iiwn, lift. M.i' 1.1 ' y en . a Mlloiii 11 aid ! a tr ,1 b " , '1' it 5 ' 0 1' 1 n 1 1 1 nil V '10 of air! K'i 'hum I :i en I ! , ,o K , Hi)-- I III II 11 uu. 1 su i. t f: k j 1 wn'.l, lll h i,,nk" 1 e, H ',, . , I n ( n'11 1 iu,, r Jin'iii.dMiii' , i"..-r k'li.ey 'I' 1 . I or a nolle,. ii'is. t" ill,- I ;.' ' fif i'll'r aa. .'.ll 1 i" 51 k A HO '- I l.o.U, il II, .1; I LCK1 '--l.:i.'y's "I"'" i;lftin nicvement. 1! .1 ( itlre. free rfoll ll.-tiiri! v:: 1 Cliildron Cry FOR niKWi c; r O o 1 A MISlUI.ANKOI ,! ' phichejter s pills '- - ' - J ' ,, ..si. mull, a ,,,,. tri'rr M'fili'C ; 1 j.-. SALt.il I'ENCI: M)hb II Hi .l,i, 1 111 mi 1.1 1 - ' " Vf'h.' I 5, d . . ij-.i-.:- -f- :.;:;.. iliW.i...lSh I V.W '4 ,1 a f; Ot.lHlll,,., '. ...a ; art f I I 1 ' (!' a a ,11 a.'el , :'.! 1 1-11, ni" .(HMttl a IH.P 'i I I I Mi ArCTIONKKRSaletii's r' l!";' Kan.) sa.e" so.i''""1- ' ul; sii'ihi-o h" Harry h. '"' first ?'r-'''. ourds. '- er. per c no pay Ran avenue, s-ato fair r Mi' of ' 15. 1'i''i . , !-t A big store alsj r. of patience. t. . , . 1 M M"" fP.EUH UT.i t D 'W -J-i-if r"- f'' llllll: pdlllliT tMlH V Hil l I IX RtKH "'' ' M IT HOIK l"1"! I ' V. X II. and l.l-'i'V l: ,; 11 s, .(, 1 . ( ; ',' ' tit Court 1 ,, (il)l.l) DIST I I.OLR t.le ''? II" I -iin ritrtui iiiii'iMi, . S, illl. J. tlri'iill ue f .r tauill; I Id I nil r It liert, ,.r lr II aU.iM "'' Id .a ki4 I'liultf) ::i