Editorial Page of The Salem Capital Jowaiai THURSDAY Dec 26, 191 a The Capital Journal Published by The Barnes -Taber Company GRAHAM P. TABER, Editor and Manager An Independent Newspaper Devoted toAmorlcan Principles and the Progress and Development of Salem In Particular and All Oregon In General I'lihllubnl Kvery Kfenlnff Except Sunday, Hulrin, Urrnon SUBSCRIPTION RATES: (Invariably Id Adfniice) Dally, by Carrier, per year ...15.20 Per month.. 4flc Dally, by Mall, per year 4.00 Per month.. 8Bc Weekly, by Mall, per year .... 1.00 Hll roontlia.BOe FULL I.RARIJI) WIKIfl TKLKUItAl'II HKl'OItT The County Settles Its Bills (Continued from yesterday.) The Capital Journal I more than anxious to give Its subscribers the very lirwt carrier service possible. If you don't get your paper on time, Jost phone Main S2 and a copy will bo sent yon by special messenger. The Capital Journal management wuntH all Its suliNcrlliorg to recclre prompt and ei'lirlent nerrlee your complaints registered at this office will recclre cartful attention. A (O0I RFNOMTION. will enconrago others to use and pur- MIRISTMAS Is now In tho discard cIiobo, so far as tlioy can, Oregon made with all lis llltlo kindnesses, and products In preference to all others." New Years comes on, the time for good resolutions and lots of them. Of course, many will be made and In round numbers the same number will be broken. However, this Is no rea son why they should not he made, for, If kept only a little while, they help some. However, whllo you are making yours In tho next few (lays, here Is a suggestion for one that all of us will d-- well to mako and keep. After as many, and as many kinds of whereases as you care to make, let It or them wind up, "therefore be It, "Resolved, That with the beginning of the year 1911 I will In so far as I can, purchase and uw' only articles iiiado In Oregon; that I will line them In my home and business, In prefer ence to all others, prices and qualities being practically the same, nnd that I You will bo excusable for breaking soino of tho others, if you keep this one for on this resolution on tho part of tlt-oso living In Oregon, her future greatly depends. That the state will in tlmo take her place as ono of the great manufacturing sections of the United States Is assured from her tre mendous wator power, mioxcolled any whero; but tho combined loyalty of Oregon people to Oregon mado pro ducts will hasten that day, and place her In that position that much the nioro quickly. So Just remember that, while It may be Indirectly, you arc none the less helping yiourself when you help creato a market for Oregon mado products. It's a good resolution to make, even though you Bhould, as on some other, mako an occasional slip. Try it. Ruysorlo, A. J., labor 3.50 Goeldl, Andy, do 2.00 DavldHon, It., do 10.00 Davidson, W. F., lumber 26.77 Special Tax 11 I). No. II. Nelson, Ed. 0 wood 9.75 llurgcr Henry L., labor 20.00 Holloway, L. J., crushed rock.. 87.90 Johnson, Nols C, labor 43.75 Johnson, Nols C, team work , . 5.00 Kenworthy, A. L., labor 16.25 do. 7.C0 10.00 2.50 14.00 2.80 8.75 Laiigford Beat McVey Tonight KIM FT (IF FIWIT IN AI'STKAMA TOMUIT It i: A 'II US .lOlHNAL AT ilfyfn O'clock in moiimm; (II SAMi: DA V. t'NITKtl MIENS I PASKIl WHIR. J Sydney, X. S. '., Dec. 2ii.-Aft.-r a tonicst which for fierceness has not been equalled for years In Austria, Sam Langford decisively knocked out Sam McVey In the thirteenth round at the stadium today. McVey had the advantage In the opening- sessions but the fourth round Langford got In a smashing series of rights and lefts to the face and body ami sent his opponent to tho floor for the count of nine. MrVoy arose with blood inuring from bis mouth and thereafter put up n plucky, clever but linglngcrful fight until the thirteenth. Fighting at Janina Is Furious Peterson, Andrew Rowo, A. I), do Stirling, Charles, do Special Tax It. P. Jio. 23. Graham, Al., hauling rock .... Harrison, D. F., do Williams, W, IL, do Special Tax R. 1). No. 25. Arnold, S. T., grading 7.00 Burres K., dumping Bcraper, . 4.37 Freeman, D. 0 labor 7.87 Freeman, Merit, hold'g scraper 3.50 Hullt, C. J grading road 5.25 Lang, L grubbing 4.37 Lang, F. W grading 10.50 I-ang, Joe do 10.50 Mtchko, D drilling 9.62 Rosscll, John, plowing 15.00 KtempHkw, Stony, grading .... 5.25 Special Tax It. I). No. 21). Whitman, S. J gravel 4.90 Special Tax R. I). No. 33. Ilerlnger, C. E., teaming 44.00 Hamilton John, labor 18.00 Morris, Albert, do 18.00 Morris, O. L do 1,00 Richards, A. A., teaming 40.00 Rider, Paul, labor 6-00 Sandburg, O. E teaming 16.00 Zimmerman, Oscar labor 38.00 Special Tax R. I). No. 31. Raskin, O. R., labor 40.00 Raskin, Ren, rep. road 22.50 Rlckett, Win., hauling gravel . . 5.00 Rlekett, C. A., spreading gravel 2.50 Cullum, Wm., shoveling gravel Cummins A. J., hauling gravel 2.00 5.70 6.55 4.80 Lewis, John H., constable . . . Stsito is. J. F. Thomas, Webster, Daniel, justice Lewis, J. IL, constable 1700 Slate ts. "Slim" Hrotvn. Webster, Daniel, Justice Lewis, John')., constable Roland, W., witness 170 Vnndersol, Foster, do 1.70 Thompson, Walter, do 1-70 Iiurkhitrt. Sam, do 1-70 State ts. J. A. Rickey. Webster, Daniel, Justice . . . Iewis, John IL, constable . Ramos, L. E., witness 1.70 Ramos, Eugene, do 1.70 Whltlatch, J. A., do 1.70 Dickey, Edwin, do 1-70 King, Lorln, do 1.70 Mann, Frank, Sr., do Mann, Frank, Jr., do Pork, W. E.', do 170 Stale ts. W. F. Campbell. Webster, Daniel, Justice Rurkhart, S. O., spl. constable State ts. Orvllle Jones. 11.90 8.35 1.70 1.70 Grclor, Gorome, do 5.00 Hammond Lumber Co., do .... 5.00 3.00 allowed Harold, Aellc, do 10.00 Heln; Chas. F., do 7.50 5.00 allowed Highland Grocery, do 10.00 $7.50 allowed Hermes Lodge 56, K. P., do ... . 3.50 Humphreys, W. H., do ........ 5.00 RelBterer, F. J., do 5.00 Jost, Rudolph, do 2.50 Jobson, J. J do 5.00 Macleay Grange 293, do i 6.00 $3.00 allowed Mulkey, Wm. P., do 3.50 Mahoney, Jag., do 3.50 Myers, George, do 3.00 McCormick, John, do 3.00 Neal, W. W do' 2.50 5.00 OUR THIRTY DAY ANNUAL CLEARING money ad- 3.50 3.70 1 10.50 i Perllch, A., do .. Phillips, E. D., vansed on rent Ross, C. E., rent . . . .j 4.00 Simmons, L. H., do 3.50 Simpson, F. D., do ; 3.00 Ss.konl AlatrM Vn. 1ft. An 2.50 Webster, Daniel, Justice 4.95 Townsend( 0. L.. do 12.50 Lewis, John H constable 2.00 . J7 R0 ..iiowpr State ts. AV. II. Yearrlcr. . , ..... do , B0 Webster, Daniel, Justice 10.65 Scnurel. W. R do 2.50 Uwls, John H., constable 35.80 Bmkhi j do , 00 Rerger, Henry L., witness .... 6.50 5Q Mowei Gllmore, Claude, do 11.60 Thomaaj Geo H( poBt Q A i-eterson, Anurew, do .u do 5 rjo Kenworthy. A. L do 3.10 . g" ' "V' " " ' " " 2.50 Schindler, Al., do 4.70 y & c do 5,00 Arthur, Win., do. 4.70 .3 M Mov,ei Stato ts. Chas. 0. Ilroyles. Zoe, w do 6,0o Webster, Daniel, Justice 10.45 sffi b. U & So, do 6.95 Purkhart, S. O., constable 6.40 Faulus, Robt. C, canvassing Uwls, John H do 4.80 , board 21.00 1.25 2.50 1.25 2.50 IINITCO 1'HBSH IJCASEt) Willi. Athens, Dec. 2.-I)lspatchcs re-1 chamberltn, M. W., shov grav reived benv today from the Greek ( C'lm mix-1-1 1 n . M. E.. haul irniv fiont say that, furious llghllng Is again j iIOuKli. J. E hauling 100.OO in progress in mo district 01 jnnina. M,.,.rH A. y, BhoVfillnB 0,,.,, 3fi25 Storms of sleet and snow are hamper-. ivi.,.Hi A n d() 3S2r lug the operations of both armies, but jij.,,, Gilbert, labor 8 7". the Greeks are steadily pounding ,;,,, M haunB 3' away at, the defense which bars tho ;0(a, A. F do 10 00 way ,,. mo city 01 Jumna, luruey a Simmons, I, IL, labor 2 50 last stronghold to oppose tho Greek I ., . . , 1 .-I'iniii ia. It, , AO. ,1.1, Retgerson, Ollle, haul, gravel.. 30.00 Partoz, Hlldegard, do 18.00 1 Grafe, II. A., do 12.00 .Special Tax R. I). No. 4U I l.leeson, M. W., hauling gmvel Gleesoii, Minor, spreading rock Craven, Louts, witness 3.20 Smith, Russell, do 3.20 Rolton, Donald, do 3.20 Purkhart, S. 0 do 3.20 State ts. Herbert Looney. W ebster, Daniel, Justice 11.85 Lewis, John H., constable 14.10 Terhune, Robert, witness 4.50 McDonald, John, do 4.50 Rozell, J. W., do. 1.70 Rice, C. O., Juror 1.00 Matthews, D. W., do 1-00 Shaw, Geo. E do 1.00 Sims, Paul, do 1.00 Stale ts. Oeoru'e II. f Iny. Rrentano, John F. T, R., Justice 3.70 Ray, W. W., constable 8.50 Slato ts. Oscar Poo?. PouJade, L. IL, Justice 2.25 Coroner's Account. Ciough, A. M., Investigation... 5.00 dough, A. M., do. 5.50 dough, A. M., taking Inquest.. 31.50 Gray, James H., rent and care of booths ,, ! 3.50 $3.00 allowed Smith, Guy 0 registering vot ers 3.50 Page, Chas., hauling booths .. 1.00 Hall, Henry, delivering boxes 20.25 Kraus, A. H., booths 10.35 Xovelty Wood Works, table .... 4.00 Yates, Lafe, police 4.50 Disallowed Gosser, T. C hauling returns 1.00 Earl, H. L., registration 70 Coburn, J. M., hauling booths.. 2.00 $1.00 allowed Whitman & Hardcastle, use of stove, etc 1.50 ipuntlng, H. & Son, wood 3.00 Reach, A., constable 6.00 Disallowed Board of Election, Incorpora tion Donald 44.00 Continued Ptlner, G., Juror 1.00 Ercntano, J. F. T. B canvass- xing, Amos, do. Kumler. R. T., do, Mot horn, J. A., do. Roberts, C. AL, do. Rowen, Asa, do. 1.00 ing board 21.00 1.00 Webster, Daniel, do 21.00 1.00 Hosmer, J. E., registrations .. 13.54 1.00 Rrentana, J. F. T. R do , 1S.20 C. M do 2.75 advance. Burglars Fine Haul in Tacoma 1.00 , Crittendon Jnckman, W. T witness 1.70 Allen, R. D., stamps 10.00 E. L., delivering 1.70 Kapphahn, 1.70 1 booths 1.70, Oregon Statesman, sample bal- 41.00 4.00 4.00 Runner. A. IL, labor 2.00 28.02 74.50 Salem Constr. Co., crush, rock Sweglo, Geoigo, team work ... Special Tax R. I. No. CO. Moore, J. G., money adv 337.59 Special Tax R. I). No. 51. Lee, Henry, do McCnustland, Walter, do. . . . Viuwllmm n V. Hamilton, Ira, do 1.70 lota. 10 00 Savage, J. I do 1.70 Moore, J. C, money advanced.. 21.60 Thompson, Walter F., do 1.70 Capital City Transfer Co .... 1.00 Miles, Dr. O. B., phy, serv 5.20 The Club Stables, team 3.50 Ciough. A. M., inquest 82.95 j Judges nnd Clerks. i.ow, w, d., juror i o Lewis, John, do 11.F0 SALE IS NOW IN PROGRESS The following goods will be sold at lees than manufacturers' first cost, and in many cases away below half price. Now Is the time when your money has the greatest buying power. &1$4.50, $6.50, $8.50, $10.50 New Coats- $3.75, $5.90, $7.50, $10.50 Coats, Now 98c, $1.98, $2.50, $3.50 22??..... .75c, 98c, $1.49, $1.98 ODDS AND ENDS, REMNANTS and broken numbors of HOSIERY and UNDERWEAR, slightly soiled goods and all the rest will be sold regardless of cost. Now Is the time when your money has the great est buying power. MUSLINS, OUTING FLANNELS, BLANKETS, COMFORTS, BED SPREADS, SHEETS, PILLOW CASES and TOWELS will be sold for the next thirty days at Manufacturers' First CoBt. ODD SIZES IN MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, MEN'S UNDER WEAR, SHIRTS, Eetc, will be sold regardless of cost during our AN NUAL CLEAN-UP SALE. Every year for 30 days we have made a rule to soil goods for cost, and In many cases less. Look around and get the other stores' prices and then come here and see the money we can save you. Chicago Store SALEM OREGON The Store That Saves You Money i Rubens, Theo., do ... I DuRette, F. R., do . . . . Imlah, John, do .... McWhirter, W. B do usim rsrss ijuhkd wiiik.) Tacoma, Wash., Dec. 26. Burglar? Jimmied their way into two downtown From. Chris., putting In culvert stores where they secured loot to tho I Special Tax R. I) No 58 when a terrltic onslaught by lang-1 probablo value of several thousand Doerller, John, placing rock.. ioni drove mm to t!o ropes over v bleb he bung In a helpless condition. McVey thi n ("ollapsod on the flixir and a- th" count of 0 endeavored to n c.Tiin Ills fis t, but the punishment he bad receded v;is too severe nnd he toi,,-i !.;k k and out. 3.00 1.75 Until uoiiarH nisi night. A pan of gold j ri(i Account. nuggets was part of tho plunder tak-'City of Salem, watchman on on from the Jewelry establishment of brlilgo c 00 i. .i.i.. . nil,.,,,, i.... i voiuiiieico sireeu paillillng Uig, ('., f,.rrv HCft. 1 1 Is likely to reach well Into the Current Kvpense Account. """siimls. Allen, R. D. stamps Hut a few minutes before the (.'an- 'Aufninc. A. Fuirene. Kt:,.n Workman, IL J., do, Cornelius, T. E., do. Gibson, D. W do Roberts, J. W., do Walker, C. M.. do Robertson, Dr. C. IL, witness.. Starkey. W. B., do Strang, A. E., do Nltchy. F. A., do , Williams, P. A., do 1.70 Howd, Wm. IL, do Fnlrchlld. Dr. James IL, do. ... 1.70 speer, A. P., do J. A., do. QA nil , "'uu Mernardl I Frazler, A. L., do, 1-uu Rahn, Frank, do 6.00 1.00 porter, Harry, do 6.00 !-00 Putnam, G. I., do . . . .; 6.00 i-IO Hein, Chas. F do 6.00 1-0I Osndlt, H. B., do 6.00 i-O Swt,nk, Sherm, do 6.00 1.70 Fm,ri Gi j, n;, do 6.00 1-70 Simpson, W., do 6.0C 1-70 McAllister, C. L do 6.00 ., 6.00 6.00 1.70 frj., A. 5L, do .. 1.70 ?adler, J, W., do 'lie blacks were In excellent u'n was robb.-d. a second-hand Rarthold Rarg. Co., stationery -I t t . n anil Mcev u:m not s n ;s l'i I Is prclini! eiicageineiits w!'h I Mi:i. i .1 The bitter nave n pb-lidld exhibition of l.o,g an.l wa-i both f.i-e anil tierce. i io-hing store nearby was entered i Moore, J. (., I Cashatt ... I The Capital ass'gd. by C. E. Journal, claim docket ', 7", Footsore and Weary V Beautiful Picture, What is oinccbii to be about th .."M o,"na, au.i eea.miui uoK pie- Cornelius. Lizzie, stamps 2.00 oou u m u.is ,-uy is owne.1 by Com. Print. Co., r.velpt b,ks Mr and Mis 1 (J. Curtis, of South Prager, D. (L. exp. books Sale.u. ami which would undoubtedly l,Trlck. R. II, Jr, stamps ". ! '. '. r.-.e,e r. ii award at any art show. Moore. J. G., do ' '''he ph-t.ny la entitled "W'hat is homo M,H,r.-s. Ross K Cn "b.i.'.i -(in1 r' "' 70 1-Ve,,('rt- I'01lls. do I ,.iiii.tnrii)c, ,,iio. ivucyrrui.t, uu..t A. iv ill, A, 11,, 00 I Parr, T. M., do 1.70 Grim, Earl, do I Fisher, D. W., witness 1.70 Bruns, Wm., do Roberts, L. IL, do . 1.70 Smith, W. J., do .... Weston, F. C, do 1.70 Judd. Orln, do Ablers. J. L., do 1.70 Heldecke, J. A. W., do 1S.30 45-00 17.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 28.40 6.00 6.00 8.13 40.00 .00 The subjects are ' blanks but Game w i! limit a mother? I - l'" ' I'l'l' "h their fond McN'ury, J. IL, stamps .... .c.oth.r s-'aiuliiii: Kunnl ov,.r iliem nr........ o,,... ,,11 ..uii.vMuuu, priiumg las Rioe, F. J , stamps ! Kodgers. Paper Co., suppllm I w l "" Ul" l'1' '"an sn.ip.-i tho cam- Ration Rr.w . ammll... je:a. The photo cr-at'-d much Interest I'. R. R. & J. ( lluds,m, N. Y , He,-. -X, .-The th e , ;. . M..rday and Mr CurtU Is finding It I'ac. T & T. Co., idlones' '. - "f----. h, , iiKniini; u.uicuii to supply the demand through the sn,.w on a walk from fi o-i,.s n;ak. ..n him for c.pU-. V..,v V.irlr I . , 111,... .1.-1.1 I ... .. ....,,.,,.,., i iin,- - lv;,l,l, ii. . lienimdil Pn-,.-nU ,lm,h w M ' a .e.c.ii:. ii ( !.rN:u!A.i g.ff was piv. vn 1 nt.-d to A Ci M.iir.rs yoM-nlay by! the eu.plov.M at tile Sr.. ii.liir.l l.l,iin,r ! i.i i - -ii i.woiik .11111 !.., glass mpaiiy. m t'.e sha;- of a gctuiliie Cai.ital Cltv i l the roads now are much better than ; Imported Swlsj i hluni clo-k. The they wore for the last few days. jtiuiepl.ve Is of rare w,M and Is d-H- CraU r Rr.vs., u-ket i.enerai uosaiui ,ioii,.s. me b-a.ler , cately ileslu.M. For a minute pre- hutil. r II . I . ..... , oi i no women, now provisos to organ-1 1 cling the time for the aiinmimvmont ', fnurill this mornliig. Their dosiMnation fer tmlay Is Stockport, five miles fri-in bore Hereafter the dally walks of the suffragettes will be short, although 54.90 7.00 6S.00 12S.55 18S.15 43.00 200 10.7S 2.80 16.00 1'nlon Tel. Co 4 13 ( eurt llotie Kvnense. I II. 4 Co. Coll . lltl l.o a party to walk from New York ' of the hour, the clock's chimes nil the Valem W I x- i v and the bell then ' lamps. . Muse, A. IL, do 1.70 Cochran, B. G., do 6.00 Poor Account. Springer, C. D do 6.00 rv.r,lr I T r. ru II. 11. , ., j aa a v'iv, iv. u nuiiw irui vi. w iioover, . a uu D.uu ,1.00 r.1.... V .. ,.1111... J-rt,1 r.... AAA I'iKuiiesi, .., ior vieo. rviiiiau iu.ee auerson, uick, ao o.uu Egan, Wm. IL. rep. fence P. F. 3.00 Kldrldge, IL C, do 11.00 Continued Finney, Geo., do 6.00 George Rros., meals 2.50 Palmer, E. M do 6.00 Jones, T. It., groceries 9.35 Norwood, T. A., do 6.00 Moore, J. C, money1 advanced.. 43.00 I-aFbllette, J. W., do 6.00 O'Leary, Bo Neil 75.00 Lick, F. M., do 3.00 Continued Diem. R. M., do 3.00 jThe Plymouth, underwear 8.50 Beckner, A. L do 3.00 Cbaso & Purvine, reimlring Goulet, Romeo, do 3.00 wind mill 9.30 Harris, Clyde, do 3.00 .... 3.00 . . . . 9.00 .... 9.00 . . . . 9.00 ..... 17.40 . . . . 9.00 . , . . 9.00 . ... 6.00 .... 14.00 service. Salem. Hospital . . . Salem Taxi & T. Co Savage, J. C I Taylor. Earl. sunt, noor farm 145 i win r i,.ii 1 . v.. 1 ,11111. 1 ........ Club Stables, team Flection Kxponses. Albert. .Lis 1 90 Cont'd to Washington starting In the ml. bile room with music 5 40 42.75 16.50 of February and arriving la the cap ital by March 5. n i;iii'i:i w it surf ROOSTS U!;!UII0 Icnitiii 1-nrvn iHinre wikk 1 H . 1 l'n. lice. "6.--The general fear of W T. which has been sweeping oci 111 1 1:1 1 I'.uropo Is giving a strong Im petus to emigration. About S0O0 sall i.l from I'reinen-llamhurg In one day foi North mul South American ports. Circuit Court. 83.00 Fgan, A. J., do 1.00 Murray, John, do 12.00 Johnson. Andrew, do 02.15 Scheurer, W. R, do .. 25.00 Cone, E. A. M., do .. 3.50 Feller. A. E da .St. Hellen. E. IL, do rent 10.00 Smith, J. E.. do . Continued McKay, W. R., do .. Asplnwall, Rritt, do 6.00 Pillett. Edward, do .. Austin, Kinmett, do 10.00 Zorn, Henry, do 6.00 6.00 1011s oil tho hour. I hoso clocks are George Rros., meals Jurors.. iarei sis-n 111 this country and Mr. Cart!. 'Id. IMna. Mag'-.s prl.es It highly. Pociois (lisagrw except as to the Bi.-.o of the bill. I IFKCF (Jtl.FS V1SF SMFFI IXi FMil IS1I CO 1ST llMTKU IHtKS lKISKll WIHKl l'ljiuoiiih, Eng.. leo. 26. Terrltic yalos today are sweeping the coasts ot England, and the loss of life and dam age to proiwrty Is exiH-ct.-d to bo honvy. The ltrazlllan steumer Goya and two Muxmers alrMidy have lnvn reported ashore. 4.25 S 2." $5.00 allowed Coleman. A. R do 6.00 Johnston, F. 0., do 15.00 Bellamy, J. W do 15.00 Pearmine, W. O., do 15.00 Vincent, W. E do 15.00 Weeks. W. H., do 15.00 Manning, E. W., do 9.00 .Mangold, F. A., do 9.00 jDupuis, Ed., do 9.00 Siegmund, A. R., do 14.80 Tanzler, Alois, do 9.00 Benjamin, Gilbert H., do .... 9.00 Horner, A. B., do 6.00 Anderson, G. W., do ,. . . . 6.00 Joost, Rudolph, do 6.00 Dike, L. T., do 6.00 Harris, H. W., do 25.20 Smith, D. C, do 6.00 Janz, A. F., do ,. . 9.00 Stevens, Ellis, do 14.00 Dunlgan, Edward, do 9.00 Ottoway, G. IL, do 9.00 Wiesner, E. G., do .. 9.00 Manning, II. D., do 9.00 Crittenden, C. M., do 9.00 Coyle, A., do 9 00 Scholl, L. M do 9.00 Hurst, W. S., do 9.00 Calvert, E. M., do 9.00 Beck, Geo. N., do 9.00 Humphrey, G. W do 9.00 Doty. N. H., do 16.00 Pease, S. A., do 9.00 Stelwer, Karl, do 9.00 Shumaker, A. J do 9.00 Wall, Frank J., do " 9.00 Miles, B. J., do 16.00 Chestnut, T. O., do 12.00 Zosel, Wm,, do 12.00 Neelon, 'Thoa. J., do 12.00 Hemsley Grove do 12.00 Carpenter N. N. do 12.00 McAllister, W. B., do , 6.00 Martin, O. L., do 11.00 Marchand, A. E., do 6.00 Ramsden, C. J., do 6.00 Ramsden, Claud, do 6.00 Wolfe, G. IL, do 6.00 Johns, E. R. M do 9.00 Hnynes, F. C, do 9.00 Colgan, J. A., do 15.00 extra papers Justice Court. Stale s. II. Midi. Webster. Daniel, Justiiv 9 1", Minto, II. P.. constable Lewis, John IL, do lal wards. It. K., witness Stale . T. V. Harton. Webster, Daniel, justiiv M'tto. II. P.. constable Slate !. Jce M. C ard. Vebaler. Daniel. Justice U'wls, John IL, constable! Stale is. John Valet. Rlakeley. F. L ik, 5.00 Jel. o. C. W. A., do. . Rutler. Mrs. Mary, do 2.00 Reefer, D. S.. do City of Gervais, do 7.00 Claggett. R. L do $5.00 allowed Mtulge. Geo. H.. do fi no City of Hubbard, do 6.O1I Ratzberg, John, do f! nn 6.00 6.00 6.00 Webster, Daniel, Justice 5.70' 1.00 1 " , City of Jefferson, do 1 City of Mt. Angel, do 5.15 170 Cook. J. I... do I Davidson. T. L., do . . 3 70 parr, Jack, do 11 80 Gregernon, Knute, do Glddiugs. J. D.. do .. $5.00 allowed Newmyor, J. J., do 5.00 Rof?, T. I. do 10.00 Simmons. U IL, do $5,00 allowed .Walling. L. W.. do 3.00 Cummins, A. J., do 3.00 'Ueese. H. M., do 7.50! Lewis, A. E.. do 3.50 Ro.ln, A. F.. do 17.55 .Mahoney, M. W do ... 6.00 10.no 26 00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 Continued tarthaler, John, do 12.00 6.00 Stephens, Geo. W., do 6.00 Russell, C. W do .. 6.00 Farlow, J., do 6.00 Andress, Geo., do .... Kenadjl, P. L do .... Welnacht, Michael, do Davis, M. C, do .... F'reelund, Albert, do . . Gilbert, Geo. T., do .. Siegmund, E. G., do .. Richards, J. A., do .. Hamilton, J., do .... Irvine, J. W., do .... Mulkey, C. A., do .... Beringer, Gaylord, do Bertram, Wm., do .... Letellier, Geo. H., do Kerr, Henry, do . . . .1 Hawkins, A. F., do .. Hill, D. B., do Hauptman, John, do Ross, J. T., do McKee, Chas. A., do . . Haj-es, T. F do .... Simmons, Raymond, do Norton, G. L., do White, G. G., do Smith, Harvey, do Cooley, C. J., do j Beck, David, do ...... Mattl, Max, do , Bauman, Jack, do Buchheit, Jos. J., do , Judson, L. E., do Clark, Wm., do ( Richmond, Wm., do . . Ratcliffe, C. A., do .., Vorls, G. M., do Clark, E. G., do ' Parker, J. B., do Cox, S., do Butler, 0., do .......... Groves, J. F., do Cauthorn, H. K., do . . . jHoyser, H. F., do ... ;Teter, R. D., do Birdsell, H. M., do ... Burrls, J. H., do Way, W. E., do Noot, ThoB., do Burrls, C, do Gesner, B. B., do 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.0O 15.00 6.00 6.0O 6.00 6.0O 6.00 6.0O 24.60 6.00 6.00 16.80 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 22.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 9.40 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 10.80 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 10.40 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 9.00 (Continued on page 3.) Ladd & Bush, Bankers Established 1868 Capital $500,000.00 Transact a General Bank ing Business, We issue travelers' checks and letters of. credit avail able in all parts of the world.