10c Percale 7c YAM) Table Linens SPECIALLY TltlCED FOU XMAS Women's Suits and Coats AT HUNTED 1'IIICES Madam Roots Hair Goods iti:iiiTi:n i- ruin; lflc Ginghams Tc YARD Linens Table Sets REDUCED Furs M TO 1.8 sm:iin men s i I '""""I I Neckwear AT 1 1 fUf " I I I m W r. m M rRICES y j Handsome Silk Waists REDUCED Was Tired of Life at Sixteen tl'SITED l'RSSS IJtAU WHO! Ne York. 1CC. IS. D.'fell,,:, o l,w iicld.il Intention with a statement ecvi-rolng two sheets of fiKi'.seap, Jo seph IVbiu, aged 16 yinrs, la dead ut 'Ms Kasi side homo here today by his own bund, Hostile the body lay the , writings on death of the Russian nov ellut, Turgenloff, and his own views. "It is necessary," wane DoMu, "to ; terminate, nn odious and unless ex istence and what is newssary Is just. If It Is cowardice for one to take one's own 1M. I bell.H'o It still more cow ardly to submit weakly to social con ditions to allow one's Individuality to be rrusliod In tho grind of ootumer clnll.:n." Seven Days to Christmas Will Print the Bills Vetoed By. Governor Pursuant to a request of Governor Vest, ('. N- McArthur and Dan Mnlar Vey, tlio two latter prospective Bpcak er of the house and president of the senate, State Printer Duniway Is pre paring to print the bills which the governor , vetoed at the last legisla ture. The printing will be completed by the first of next week. I'l'ie"" vetwd bills number about 63. After being printed they will be given publication and mailed to the legisla tors in order that they may have an opportunity to familiarize themselves with them before the beginning of the legislative session the middle of Jan-vary. i the exception of some minor details, and Superintendent MeNary is on the ground and in charge. Art- Killing Pheasants. A farmer who Uvea near Urooks complains that hunters are shooting Chinese pheasanta on his farm re gardless of the law which 1b supposed to prevent the killing of the game birds at tho present time. Others be sides the Brooks ninn have also com plained of a decrease In the flocks of the game birds throughlut the valley. Some time ago there was a large fock of the pheasants near Salem numbering 35 or 40 birds. In the re gion where tho birds were accustom ed to feed and spend the nights It Is j i-ald that there are not now more than two or three to be found. The First Lot Patients Go to Pendleton HOUSE PASSES XE1V IMNNiKATION IIUJ, UNITKD 1'HESB LK.ISKD WIIIE. Washington, Dec. 18. Ry a vote of ITS to C2, the house this afternoon passed the Burnett-Dillingham bill requiring all Immigrant aliens over 20 years ' f age to be able to read and , write their native language. Hit ninny Is Sure, Claiming that the corrupt practices ict Is be'ng violated by R. A.'ilorris and others who were connected with the pirunolicn of the flat salary bKI for the date printer, Willis S t'on' way will nltempt to have ni.toments of eenpes filed by these g.Ttlcn;i n or ascertain the reason why they are not filed Mr. Fjunmay Ik feeling rather un- cliaritably toward Secretary uf State Olcctt whr he alleges, failed 10 ,n fiii in him who bad not V.U'A state ments niter he had nsked the surt tary by letter to do so. The secretary mailed Mr. Duniway a list of the can didates s-nu promoters of UHa-i.'es w li . have fled statements, but did noi state w!m ,ad not filed. Tli State printer t' 'nks Secretary Oliv't pur posely avoided giving him n iilre:t ic Ply. Printer Dunlwny says tPrt state metns arc inking from Harry il. lllll win had a prominent part m the campaign crotnotlng the llat tnlnry nnd li'nm R. A. Harris, til.) ch ef booster of the measure. Are Testing the Sanity of Prisoner Dec. 181 Umbrellas T Just One Week More. Start It Right by ing Your Christmas Shopping. IllMTOI 1'llltSS IJtASUD WIK.1 hacrnnicntn, ('ill., Dec. IS In order that further tests may be made as to his sanity, Charles Carson, who was to have been hanged at I'olsom this Friday, was today reprieved for eight weeks by (ioveruor Johnson, upon rec ommendation of Warden Johnston, of KoIboih, and Dr. Y. W. Hatch. Carson has not spoken a word for the past three years. Several sanity tests have already been made In the belief that Carson Is feigning. Carson was sentenced to death as a result of his Implication in the prison break of PKU, when he slabbed Captain Murphy. Drives Off a Terror. Tho chief executioner of death in the winter and spring months Is pneu- The first transportation of patients mona. its advance agents are colds from the Oregon State Hospital for the and grip. In any attack by one of Insane, located at Salem, to the new these maladies no time should be lost Eastern Oi'egon asylum, at Pendleton, ' jn taking the best mcdlcin9 obtaln- was made today, when 22 patients, 1 uye to drive It off. Countless thous with three attendants In charge, left ami8 have found this to be Dr. King's on a special car over the Southern Pa cific. All of the patients who were moved today were sent to the aBylum from counties east of the mountains. Im mediately after the first of the year a trainload of 300 patients will be trans ported to the new Institution. The Pendleton hospital Is completed, wth New Discovery, "My husband believes It has kept hlra from having pneii' monlB three or four times," writes Mrs. George W. Place, Rawsonvllle, Vt, "and for coughs, colds and croup we have never found Its equal." Guar anteed for all bronchial affections. Price 50 cts. and $1.00. Trial bottle free of J. 0. Perry. About School Itonds, A change In tho slate text-hook law for the convenience of students and to save them expenses, also to Keep i r,,H( ,,f Kddle The Trial of Eddy Has Begun trSITKK 1'IICKH UCml'II WISH) 1 Los Angeles, t'ul., Dee. IS. -In a courtroom crowded to the d uns, the first witness in the case against tiny Kddle, former city prosecutor, was called to the Bland III the Juvenile , court today. Kddle Is charged wlih contributing to the delinquency of Mis. Alice Phelps, a minor. Tho first witness, was K. Mcljiugh-' till, a huuinue officer. During the examination of the w li nens, iridic alternately took Holes ami conversed with IiIh wife, who hiiI ut his elbow throughout the proceedings Hundreds of persons, who sought ad mittance to the court room, were turned away. They filled the corridors and stairways of the bulldiiiK. McUiughlfn participated In I lie ar- lie testified thai he . 1 D V m v finish- I ,. WW S Ji.Wi .. -SO, "V. rt Si 4! T : A A.Wi' n!a;, :i li",'u .-..nuden 1 .1 ;)" ,.-.te i;Ml f..r ladN 't a i'i iM'eiu.i!'. 'I'V'tr s Iv.-n !. elle le. til them. 'I 'ley !! I. mK alike. Sw lb,,. the V New India Umbrellas Have appeared, there a dKlliict'.ir dll'i'emii e ubmit th. ui ilinl t wor thy of no' ice. first tiny li:ue I ribs, nei'ead of the unu'l e en or el;lit Ill's, This Ulake n.lrroAe,- : I'.i as, which h',.k llealev. The top Is flutter nud tbi ednes droop, as slu wn In the lllu-li iitb-n 'I'hlt feature uffords better prnli etlou from the sleno, mid Indies rspe cially appreciate the high-set spreaders, which do not Inteifeie wllh the hat or millinery. In addition to Ihesn advantages, I he fiauie Is the stron:esl made, and. owliudo the peculiar shape, It Is ulnie-t liiix-sllilo (or the IM)V I l lilt HIV to turn riiiii;.lile out, unlc the wind Is so sliong as to tear the labile. We have a splendid assoiinient of handles for you to select (nun. Prices for 1MMIS are no bluer than for the obi slle umbrella. We carry extra ribs and replace, fire of rharr.e. am which break. Holiday Shopping lies begun In earnest. Trade forenoons If yen can. as 11 Is almost luipoHHlble lo give ou I be proper ntlcnllim during the afternoon rush Everybody is Admiring Our Line of Holiday Novelties Message Is Discussed. united riiEss iJEAsno wist. Washington, Dec. 18. President Taft and his cabinet discussed the president's forthcoming message to congress nt the reguPtr Tues 'ay meet ing, It probably will he the last ses sion of the year, because tl e Presi dent leaves Thursday for Panama nnd will not be In Washingtan until De cember 31 The forthcoming message will be devoted largely to a review of the hc- compllBhments of the government de partments In the last year. The pres ident hopes to send It In Thursday. If you don't believe the good wife does some traveling while working about the house, give hr a pedometer for a Christmas present the stale school system In more sys tematic, running order will be submit ted to the 'eglMiiluro by State Su perintendent Alderman. The main feature of the bill will be a provision preventing tho chang ing of all of tho text-hooks at one time. A meeting of the text-hoik commission each year will be reeoin- hitd known tho defendant five years, and that he also knew Mrs. Phelps, who was then led to the court room for Identification. A murmur of ex citement ran through the crowd when the girl appeared. Tho witness then testified thi't he went to the corridor onlHlilc Kdilles office October 2, and found Officers mended, but a change of more llinn j Uoyd. Ilolman and Johnson In the one filth of the books at n time will hall, l.loyd, be said, was looking Into he discouraged. j I'Mdie's office through oi f two holes "Advantages of such a law," raid bored in the wooden doors. Kuperilltenilent Alderman this morn-1 "Describe what you saw when you lug, "will he that the expenses of tie1 looked through the hale," McUughlln pupil will not bo so great, nor the dls-was ordered. lurbu.ice m the school sy:teni so During Mel Jiughlln's recllal the trmiblcsn-c.c. Another bad featue of '.spectators gave every evidence of M.e i.resent law which will be el'mln- breathless Interest. The willies was nt. ,1 Is that with the change of book i ' further Interrogated regarding Ibis In- being (dcred In June It Is usually We've pi o bled a splendid show lug lor Slorea" can't match our prices. jour In-pccilon. "t'ledll Our Store c hh u-iial at 5 Hill eury CMiilim Ibl. neck, cxceplln Friday and Satiirdsj. 1 while because of the Gifts of Furniture That are really worth while of the satisfaction that comes to those who give lasting Pleasure and apptiveness a e.nnc jg m, wk Worth while because of the satisfaction that comes frlfla Cl, ol,,,rlntr n( cr ff film tUre 88 IS neiC " hmo, k7uv.il a, oiiun mft o-- to make selections. Useful Gift Suggestions Appropriate gifts for every member of the family at pr.ces wilhln the reach of all impossible for tlio students to proem e all of the new IsTokB In September. With the law that la proposed 111 ef leit thai hxl-book coinmlsslon will have a Metier opiKrtunlty 10 examine the books Hint, nro to be selected lit each c'lange." A Mvely Htinanay. A delivery team owned by Shoemaker created ebleiit by Deputy District Attorney Itlalr, who finally asked: "After looking through the hole, what did you do?" "We broke In the door," he replied "It gave easily" MeUughlln then tesllfled that Dep uty ('It v Prosecutor Nlmnio then was I he called to the ofriee, and that upon bis arrival, Kddle at once asserted that he was the vbtlm "f a "frame up" When Kddle was taken to Judge Wll- I Weston Is the Man He Was After i;u il is I'ltoYIMi nit ii I n Hi ih inn Mother lamiaw (Dresser, Rug, Dining noom, Set, Plate Rack, Carpet Sweeper, Lace Curtains, Rope Portlers, Library Table. Music Cabinets Center Tables Sister Music Cabinet, Brass Jardln ier, Picture Pedestal. Sew ing Table, Mirror, Shirtwaist Box, Skirt Box. Writing Desk Father Reading Kasv Rockers, Lamps, Smoking Stand. Cc erette, Card Table Case, Shaving Stand Book I J. :4 Dene conslderiible ex- .1,1. nrternnon bv trvlnif to bur's court room JU'i juigonn ' beat each other to some' place, they he asked that no complaint be Issued. 6)' knew not where. The team was siann- siiying in." - lK In front d the Lawrence grocery, ami mm won , land, becoming frightened ... a pnsslng A.lorney l.ewls Works, ho,, of I nit ',;, truck, ran north on Commercial e.l Sla.es S-nalor Works, the, le con street People scat.ered, and the an!-, the cross exa.nb.al Ion "f Mclji'igbllti nmls were given a clear street. They! I came near colliding with a south-1 'bound car near Court, but shied around' it and ran to Marlon, where they turned. Men and bijs brought then, to a ball t tl"' InteiHee.ion of Ma- i Hon and Liberty sl.ve.s No dama: was done. Tin: son or nn: Mtiois. (fontlii in d fr.ua page !.) Mill. 1-III.I.S 1 1 ini i. w ii" I Oxnard. Cal, I"'1'. IH. Af.-r l-r-n rlzlng Hi" Casltas district n.nr here t..r ,.,... i Ini n an hour nnd Ih-elng I" bills, where be exctutll g. 'I oi""- ... ..i in u than a hc.io of iiliots wini nn. .." " M.Hse, a mini who gave tho inn ' Sam Smythe, was caplunil nboMh aMeiiuH.n loday. due of lb., punning d. puMe w ,,, I to bau. bed, "il !' wciMil.il. but tbU was Id "'iillil I 'lb a:, Is belle' e. lo be lie an.. II,. (ani'd l" ' iM.-m and Iwn r.'.el' ,,h niel de. laic.l ibat b- "ai. n-ui.h-:hg fr Kdwiild I'a.v -"li '"' ""' i.eil.tlilali. I , ,an app'oiv.l leur I . " " ,,,!!,. lhwcl of UOiai.l laO la t . , i, lug and l..k I " " ' '' '' high a) . w lo-re be op. CXI llll I lll I lMI.lt III" 1 Oakland, fill. I"''. I1 Muluiil blin keiigig of chain. ler Is being In ,lge. III In the I '!'.. "r e siflt of Miss Kll'ub'Hi Marsh agalnal .la II llt"n. " . "i " .llllil,,r .(.uit b'-i" t-lM.v llrown k,' Ids engagement with Ml" Mai ah ti marry Mb- Kbo' ie" It""' field, a i buriiH ghl. M,s Mural, h attorney put ll,,,"' on tb.i rt'iiii'l l'"lny showing lh.it llrown had serious loe aflalrs with Mlhs (iiuv.'H of (liikbind nnd a Ml" frown, of lie, k. ley. and Unit. b In geiieial s Ij.iIiiiiI.i. Ill own baa i alb-d w'tle -ti.es In sImiw' lllil. b! I till I II ,11, ee had I, l'd S" in., w ir.. ,.; i y - 1 1 m. bdii. an. ""ii "I (,., mel le : lit o( Al ime.h, . M lll'V MIMi I MPIM I H.tlNM ntlllKIW e. Umbrella Stands Brother Card Table, Morris Chair, Stand, Ceiereu.-, Hook SI"''". Shaving rtendine Table. )ffce Chair, Chiffonier. 'a sr('KFin'Mi:n AS Al,th A M !"' rsirrn I ,s ,itsn wmr. 1 Washington, D'-e. IK.-Th- non.lm. tlon of (1011', 1 A. Carpenter as circuit tele,, to fill tl" vacancy caused bv.be rwlgnatlon of IV-r S. CrosKiip, was ent to the sena'e today by .s,.,it ( arpen.er is ,,f pp Northern district Culling n d Judge Carpe.i Mall," k, w bo Is r l.eie, ib.lar.-' tile re'-' 1 1. 1 .f'll' ,11. a, el the , principal '',.. j . (!.- I'bi'.li.n ek, 'be ebb f id ',:!b ,s b'-ie I proe l.i'iil 1''" s i',, , .' I '. but II . letW'.n the t 'il. ., rlpiiiuis diller "i ii, lai.-. . t , iir-.i from M 1 .oh, .' and II. nil ....lei. ! 1 1 Arm Rockers center lauira n , , An(;.f,rt nn wil a If in doubt, a vsit to this Store Do your Xmas shop ments of appropriate gifts, will prove suesu ping now Taft. At pre Stales judge nt Illinois. Charl'S S. nominated to sue d ter. I'rlnleil ne I--"- . . . ... n... lice '. AS'orm. harg" "i 1 C , an- lil " ''el' ., fir i!,er ; in ' I l:al on being ...'reoiely I Matlock ' -I'Sl I l.a"liv ha"' ouerail.m (or !,;.,"i"loll.s "'v.-l. I.enklinr f"r .i,im-. V., 'hoe ';e'S i-rablisli.-.l Is being .. i,"v ..I f'-iy f'.r liii Mi Keiib rlx'-r !"'"' nK.fi.-y onl'Ti. if f..r v. ! e w-r- f'-rid ' l,.,if lia.ly In .I'-'' .1""' ' r. I -' ' """' aik'on ..'.ii1 II,,. -I . i ,'t -.,"llh ' I I' ''! .1 fol Hi.' ,nw n.-.l 'i" ; ,,, l.v a '!' " ;.;,l.l.'. 11 II, ,1 ,.-. I, I...I y . i.' .'l,ll:,. Ir. I Mil I.I ' 1 I" I, , ,. v Jul. I, l I"' P. Ill Me'! I,. l.Ol II f I.M.lie, " I Ml... II, , I II, I."" ,1 f'- .KIH.i' Mlhll ,,( I...S i, ,,,,, III Ol ny-r a' I)' V I H " I and ,..ir line He i! I I 1 (jMi. .-, a t I ,. ii i'!,t i tl... I. I ' "A P, ,. v.l,. -II Mil. the ,1 pii'l. v .... I" .ill lli- 'il'. b f..le -. 1,1 111. CMiaron Cry iTR MTCHEH'S O A 53 T O R ' A REALTY SNAPS ii -i ,.e,! le ..r.-vicd on a with tl'' failure o. , weekly tiew.aper her 1 tMicy. a'' '. -l';i' "x v. ,m bound over i'i 'I'1 ;(i. mi of f, I, el ..I h! ,,l ,i.i I Ir ..,' a' Easy Terms Made dell In eiiiinec.i Plain, leiiler.' was I, r-a;i'.-., ' ,.vaii.li-i'i'"i. prarel jury. It Is .!1' L'"d ' ibeadvenl'-ng In-be sli,g ,-;..,. .,Th P11.i.erTrlnt.-d....,I.ifaf. ii this r oney on I. n -" - n i.-ii'i ... -templed " r' fi:'l.i,r a l" rtl ,.h tr-i ,il ,ci- il.cri.!.'. in" ii wle tlier or r f.-i a,.. big I" de ho -andell e.iilc""' f"r wail oi p'.i a' i'...' il ,i ti, ii',. It "'a' , l.i'U.S to k. " lel nl rale I r.n I a'. 'el bis f ,r li .Infuvi ba 'I ' b.-e.l Hi' t ,, ' ;n i ' , . s v, ,", .. ' Il" I '1 , ,,," 'I' e ' for ... I, '. .,( f... I Ict l'-t,l,t " I ,, x:,i,.i.. H'l Ma.,'. '-hit . n I i : It T Held I I1 -""- ,. I - Ik-.,.." 'I'' ' led I.ot'l UP ' I ' i-virri. i Wnslilng'".' n.-nators t'.'iay "li : ...'' p. t, l.-i of r.f V ,.1 mine army ' ' l,.,.lii,l,S fXK'-'A t" Wn tb.v 0 ' .i-P!"" . h r,,r a',, as ' l''K i -do of Dl old i.ii nn i. k i;vmv I : i ,n, i . . 1 : i 'i: It'll''- navv hp'll'"' rtH, irotii II' .".IT .State Mr'iU I I- " '" '" Wednesday, Dec 18' March 4 l,en Presidett-i'lect wl."ii . Open evenings, Commencing asBiit.ies office-