" fliltT Pim m. . jufrx it- sales, OBEGOS, Tl LS1IAY. DECKMllKR IT, W?ities in Salem ani VtiiZ . v,AKUb, REAL ESTATE AMh fpvrn i Capital Journal "Want Ads" Brlnq Quick Results nt i word for flrat Iniertlon. 0,1K.,f ct word for ch lu.ertion 0nt h ,.,.r No advertisement tken for l&'twi 25c. funt ill wordi to tb. Hoe. 'Minucd. BAKERIES. TEIINUT BREAD It is worth more than any other bread, yet the ric0 jg no higher. For sale at your grocer's. California Bakery, Thomas a Cooley, Props. "business chances. i CAS SHOW YOU how to increase the earning power ow your money witii absolute security. Send name Bnd rldross for particulars. Torn Bates. 208 U. S. Bank building. ll-25-lm RBiAC.E TRIMMING AJTP PAMTS f W. BLISS Successor to Walker; carriage and automobile trimming, corrliige trimming goods, new work and repairing. I am carrying a full lino of Masurey's house and buggy nalnis, brushes, oils and the very best varnishes. 304 S. Commercial 12-1-tf rimiorRACTic-spiyoLOOiST. PR. 0. I SCOTT Graduate of Chir opractic's Fountain Head, Daven finrt. Iowa. If you have tried every thine and have got no relief, try Chiropractic spinal adjustments and get well. Office 406-7-8 U. S. Na il,,! Bank Building. Phone Main 87. 6"8"tf .(Mfilt upaihy) pneilti, n. ,9 ami o'lP.Mri,. , r'Ar,i "gut oaths given without extra charge for rheumatism, kidney and Hvcr troubles. The success ia these treatments la equal to suing to the hot lakes. Connnemc.it cases and female troubles a spec. I.U.. rim rt iuuy. oa uourt street Masonic hall, DonaM.-.,;ii, '0H1.D Meet every F01 tU ,1U I' P'. .'..- It. McCn.-inck hied.-. i'.; L. H. Helsley gradual,.,, m a , i uuilt- F KlrksvlllA m., t.. . Ba,l,- night i , atii! nvniiiH..fii . . """"Ul " iue behjo! i-.nd fi 01 IU8 Scion,-,; ... Ost general oieopnt',i!i ...... ncia, e , "--'"ii,. ,, a 1. V. "I;- ihird Friday tu p. m. Frank M.; Lot I Fearce, ESTATE AND GENERAL INFORMATION FOP. 11F.XT (Contluusl.) K. Fletcher. 1-1 ..-0'J M..N I Mnall In". .-v. villi i' i'l-r iu -ill'. Flu iii. m,,t., i,;( .11111 Street. RAILROADS. i. iisoi ,!o each mouth i Jaskoslil, v. secretary. 1VU .'(, 11.. i) K Vi Kuvnlshid Nonh lioi,-Co:' ij-h,-;;i i.. .Mill. 13 r rt. . " " i I- i hi jtank socncTY-n d i ,"w,,,,vm uiu TilUon. iaiu llilBOIl - - - sceretary. MSe, 0, crudt o; rou ,;y nlect of dnmh anlnal, should be u'sh.'j ! reported to thp society tot lnvea.l. .., l'Olt KK.-; - Furiiish-M tWVMK rHmis. t'Uipo in, eleot.ic li'ht.,, h'llh .ml heat. 035 North ?'"0,',. u.i - k Z -1'ortland . sua, Ulorty soniii kn ni ini i mil v v lliiie T.ilile- I'lM-thiud Mi 'I i ;. In No. K' -All'iiiiy l-,'nsir 1 '- IVrCiiiiiil Fvprofi V iliv.;i.ii l"pr--sii " W'lliit.U'lti. I.llliU, il ! '- S!..i.-l.v Limited l 1 1 Furt'.iii.l l,assii(!1ir FiiKseiUvr una. n. h. i TB AVr P w Walton, OBteopaailc physicians tttl1 nerve HpeciailRts. Graduates of American School of Osteopathy, Klrksvllle, Mo. Pout-graduate and specialized In nervous diseases at Los Angeles College. Treat acute and chronic diseases. Consultation free. Lady attendant Office 505 606 U. S. National Bank building. Phone 859. Residence 316 N. Capi tol street. Phone 469 ! gatlun for investi- "KITED ARTISAN'S Capital Assent" oi AO. m, meets every Wednemlay , i p. in., in Moose Hall. Glenn C Nlles, M. A. S. R. Vale, Secretary l'8 South Cottage St Phono 1214 I'OKTLAM) HOTL'LS. NEW MATTHIESEN HOTEIi-Corner Front and Columbia, at Oregon Elec tric depot Stenm heat, hot and cold water In all rooms. Open day and night; rooms 50c, 75c and $1. Also Hotel Harrison, 401 to 407 Front St. John Mntthiesen, proprietor, both houses 10-5-tf LOYAL ORDEtl OF MOOSE Cherry city UKlgo No. 4US, niixtfl v'very Tuesday evening at 7:30 In Moose Hall, comer Court ami High streets. D. K. Yantis, Ilicuitor; H. II. Turner Secretary, 1.!,-, South Commercial Street. I'Ll'MDEKS. H liAJSJNft AJiD PRESSING. MARION' FRESS1NG PARLORS Dry and Bteam cleaning and dye works. Ladien' silks, laces and gloves given special attention. Gents'sults cleaned and pressed. We are cleaners and repairers. Try us. Goods called for and delivered. Parlors, 245 North Liberty St Phone Main 2044. 9-22-tt THEO. M. BARR Plumbing, hot water and steam heating and tinning, 104 Commercial SC. Phone Main 192. 9-1-1vr SANK AM) GRAVEL, ELECTRIC FIXTURES. ELECTRIC FIXTURE & SUPPLY CO. -130 N. Liberty street Electric contracting, inside wiring supplies - and fixtures, estimates given. Tele phone Main 263. 9-3-tf SALEM CONSTRUCTION company can supply you with sand and gravel. OlBco 404 Court street Phone Main 790. Gravel bed on Front street and North Mill Creek 6-28-tf SCAVENGER. HOME BARGAINS. SALEM SCAVENGER Chas. Soos, proprietor. Garbage and refuse of all kinds removed on monthly con tracts at reasonable rates. Yards and cesspools cleaned. Office, tele phone Main 2247. Residence Main 2272. 6-11-tf RENT PAYMENTS BUY HOME-Xew three-room bungalow, $50 down, bal ance $10 per month. Fine oppor tunity to save your rent. Begin to day, every month counts. German Investment Co., Steevcs building. 12-4-tf LAUNDRY. CLOTHES LAST LONGER With our all hand work; established 20 years. 225 South Commercial St. Phone 1158. linn Lee. 7-25-tf dos, sired T Two or three nicoly t.:r rop'.iis (or hous"k,v;v!i-. to car line. t;.:.l South Hich U-iiO-'f Local v. ,y i'lvlsht . . . i'.'J.- l'ort':iii,l brunch fr't I Siuthliniuul, 15 (Y.ifornlu Kmhv,i . . . 1!' Ashland Fi.ssonisor. . . '.M il '". i1 1 i r.i .'' ;i in :.ie.i ' i p.i'.i. 2 :o0 p.m. ; ":3S p.v.i I lO.-UCi.r.i. I'V id p.m. MiSCELLAMidl'S SALEM EMPLOYMENT IH'UI kliuls of hi-lp furni.-licl. your orders. Address If, Con iiieriiul street, l'lione Main 7 l'i i IMI-ltno .j27 Willametti' Llu.itisl. . Ai'-Ail tl s!i,i;.ta l.lmltiM ;;c'ld in L'.'an Frincisci i:pri Sor.tli i '.'--AU'iitiy riiirfi'iii'i-r, . . IxH'iil ivi'V freight . , . . J:JIiu. . 11 : 10 u iu . . 4:27 p tu. . . 5. IIS p.m. . . 7 : II S i m. ii.t0 .if, . .i . . s :to p in. . .12.115 in. MARKETS. l'oi-ri.wn 1 KKETS. 1 Grain, Flour, Vccj, Vtc. Wheat --Track pi Ves; v"a;h, :1 1 .mu. Se i Me; (.'.rt loi.l. ;sc; iii ssi,i,i. Ti'e; v.illey. ,;ie, .1U ii - Itnui, $2 ' i ' r j s 'u rt s. J. : .Hi,-1; y '. F'-v..r - I a'.eitts. 1 1.30 i r ' im,.li:lits. Jtiie; o; i'rlf. .' in i..:ey, J 1 1!,1; c-ii!i:i:n. t'.'O; h. .u. 1.10 Corn -Whole, f.f; in k, -J, ton. Hay ''. iinothi , $17; a'.i'al'.i ('.over. l'i; tu'.i ati l wteh. $12 ii.iv, mil O.il.- Nn, 1, wliKe, J2f, pet ten. H.uioy l-i.'il. M 50 per ton; , Iti-ji.x-k. If , flt.r (iiiuii),' J.lrti) ih t , . ; !?'e, r ' "i i t , i;oo 'h '. Con s, t i'in,lr,l wimu , t'.'js. f;v ir ikv.,,,,1 Siock I'e.-h, por k uiiil , , , I ilm-ii. i .r .mu j I fppny led ". pit t'U'.iml . . . according to o i.illiv . . ivi:.. P"'. P.T po'itl l Salted .MiMit.y f u.(, Ui nti pe in. e n h J5 6PC i ni' .! ; :..'4"4 hi Si Km ll. M . (:Cl; H If I nrrel; ' -if .170. whole .!7 lor f!2l Krii'.n toil. lrc- lail l!ei'rd. ri'i'd-r n( (his IW. 1 .'!.'r e'.i I'm .tar. 1 ,liv,v;y UK. : .1 .s. Puirjr inil fiiiiiiiTj rrud'i.e. Hutter- -Ori'c.'il eroiimiMY. olM 'iU. .'.T'vc ' i l!i ; .t:nt-. hox lo'e. 21- tliioiicli R. J. HERSClinACH & SON i,.uo op ened a hliuKsinith shop at M'll North Lihertj street, where wo will do ail j kinds of work, wood or Iron, nato ' niobllrt epiitiRS a specialty. 11-ls-lm :01 p in. REAL ESTATE. The Secret Terror. 15 ACRES Very good soil, one-half' Tll haunting fear of sickncRs and river bottom, 13 acres cleared, 5 helplessness Is the secret terror of ncres in 1-year-old peaches, clier- M wnrkiiiKiium. Ilculth Is his c.ipl rles and apples, 5-rootn new hunga- lu'. Kidney diseases sap a nun's low, barn; 2 miles from center of s,rt-'Kth and vitality. They lessen hla city. Trice 3700, on terms. Square ""ruing capacity. Foley Kidney rills Deal Reulty Co., room 304. Phone '"''"i! hack health and strength by 470. healing the disease. They arc the heal medicine uuulo for kldm-v and hind- FOR SALE Three-room house and lot dor tronhlea. Thev act milcklv utid close to school; price $:!()0, half cash thoroughly. You can buy nothing bet See John Van Uianon, 275 Slate St. tor. Jnhn McMasters, Streutor, 111., 12-lfi-Ilt says: "I feel hotter and a groat deal stronger than I have for many yeans and Foley Kidney Pills did It." No harmful drugs. Dr. ftony Plug. Co. -San Fraud freight S.ilcni-tJci r Hriiicli. 1 1-7-Piiiiseiig, r arr. Siuei. . $:?5a.m. 1.10 Puss, nixd leaven Sail in 10:00 il.in U".l-Pans nivd arr. Salem .. 4-OOp.m. !"S Pas ,'tigor leaves Salem 5:30 p.m. (TIKIION UKTUIC UVILWW CO. NurlliliHiiml. Lenves Saleni. Arrives Ponlaiiil Train No. . . 2 Owl ;,: 15 a in . . s s. . . 10 Lo, 3:10am. il.no a.m. S:00 a.m. S :55 a. in. 1" no a m. I'.gg:. .ircgou van. h, ti-.- I I'liciisi - Full Croiiin lulus, Uo p-'V lh ; Yotitig Ae el ion. 20 ' c. Poultry - Ileus, HIiMIlc; hrnllui's, l; ii lilc; diii ks, young. 104, He; gees 12'se; tiiikevs, lUo, ISc; dioMcd, ;3c. Veal Faiiiv, 85 to 125 pounds. l.I'v ,i He per lli. Pork -l,uii, i, ii've per lli. (Jroeerlcn, Pried FrulK Flo. Piled Fruits -Apples, 10c per lb I curriintH, 10c; niirtcios, 12 it I4e; peachoB, S'u'llc; pnines, Itallun, 10c, silver, ISc; figs, whlui Hint blink, s. :.o a in i 8 Mi W7 c; cuirents. S'jc; rulslm, 10 '2o a in ' leiwo Muncniel 6Si.i7Mic; lileivched I li.i rend-r of this i i-i . i i.. ",'l to U u n Hut t!i, : U ni lenst .1:,'.','., I lli. t'.lsn th 't II, .'i,e l,.i en iiele to e;:i, m ntj ;:, m..., Mv : l C: ...:' lt.,U' C.IUnh Cu.O t',.e otile io. '.,...' e n,, ,yA- LnLlun t .ileal f: Ueinllv, f.it i, i h tuOnf a ooiisiliiitloiiiil Oiso.ise, ro.talres a CMislllullotiiil freatinotit. li.ill's Ca- i Cue Is taken Internally, actlti upon t,:e IiIihmI and mucoiii smf.iCM of the ;..'lom, thciehy dii sp oving the found. H on v)f th,, ,i-ra.-.e iin.l ghie:; tin, p.i'leat litrcngth l y l.ui'.ling up the, i. institution and ss slsilng nutiiie In doing us work. The piopt ieloi'i" luivo no much faun In ll ciiiiitlvo powers that they offer due Hiiii .,ed liolliivii for any iiaso thnt It ; (.ids to line. Send for list nf testltnii j nlai Addle., F. ,1. CHKNLV H CO, To ledo, Ohio. Sold hy all druggists, 7U Take Halls Family Pills fo pillion. 1J . .11 .20 a in ..11:55 a in Thoinpson, 11 So, unhleaehi'd Sultan- eoiisll- Mrs IW lliliiian, S,H'lnll t caiidldnlii for clly ti'ivi.uii'er of Ui tirnndo, at Iho oli'itloll tliei'i. Moudav will defeat, si 'OR SALE Py owner, strictly mod ern 5-room house, also -room house, near domiciles school and carllne. A bargain worthy of Investigation. The navy craze has now spread Call 205 Lincoln street Phono lfio:',. Canada and otlnv llritish colonies. FOR SALE, CHEAP-Slx acre tract, 'i miles from town. All In bearing orchard. 5-room house. 3 minutes to So -mw far tiitani hasn't offered I'nclo Sam a batllcahlp. . . . It Ltd 11 :L'0 a. in If, I : (0 p. in 2 :00 p in IS 4 2o p. in 4:0ii p m 20 Ltd :.:..:. p in 1:15 n in 22 (I.ioiitn f. p. in 21 S: 15 p ni ' '"ends P. on p in 2il 11 2o i in Southbound. Loaves Portland. Arrives Saleni. t.'lOa.m 1 S.i'.Oii in You will find that druggists every n hero speak well of Chiliiiliorlalu'i Cough Remedy. They knmv from long at. 84c; s led, TWSHc. ppoi.c,,.-.. m .,, su.o or u mai in CoffcHV-Rousted, It, drill,,., 20 if 40c nWA ''"" vM 11 n , w.is In, depended upon, iiii.l that It per pound. i , , ... ... .... , ... Ui , lea, -nit and safe to take, lot al Nuts - WalnuH, 1, 'jiilSe jior lb; iiiil.'.u ii u i h. ij've; unions, i.ie, Hi lt! if ISc; pecans, 17e; cocoa TllEltESKA HAT WORKS. IiATS of all kinds renovated and re- cleuned. Prompt alterations; work guaranteed. Thereska Hat Works, 205 S. High street Phone Main 251, Saleni, Oregon. li-25-tf Hr. Win. Sadler, nut bar of "The Cause and Cure of Colds." says Unit walk to car line at Claxtar station, .common colds should be taken se Easy terms. J. W. Ileecraft, Route S.'rlously, especially when they "hang 11-25-lm 'on." Foley's Honey and Tar Com pound Is a rellablo household noill cIiih for cnuulis and colds, eiiually ef- hotise and big lot. ,11x1,10 roet, close f,,rtvo for clil'.dren and grown pcr to school. Price $1400; $100 down. L I18 Tilli(, it wnp ,ou feel a cold balance. $12 per month. Soo John iro)K on, it will avert danger of FOR SALE A good new (i-room ' Van Laanen, IMIERTAKERS. LEHMAN & CLOUGH U. J. Lehmnn A. M. Clough, morticians and funeral directors. Latest modern methods known to the profession employed 445 Court St. 9-20-tf LIQUOR HOUSES. WILLIAM BUTTE Fine wlnes.llquors and cigars. We handle the celebrated Kellogg and Castle whiskies. Cool and refreshing beer constantly on draught. South Commercial St Ul'IIOLSTEltlNG. RENOVATING. F. B. MERRY & CO. Vacuum carpet cleaning, on or off the floor; carpets altered and laid; msttresses made and renovated; furniture re-covered ; shades and awnings made and al tered, 23S -Wgh street Phone 568. 8-22-tf SlntO Btl'ee', P. -10-IU FOR SALE Modern live-room bunga low, close to carline and school, fin ished strictly modern Including' plumbing, liglit, futures, balli and cabinet kitchen. P.argain for cash if taken at once. Apply to Roy II. Mills, Spaulding Logging Co., office. Phono Main 1W0. 12-14-tf serious results find cure rpilekly. Mrs X. C. Youiir, P. 'Stall, (.'.a,, says: "Fo il ey'g ILinoy and Tar Compound coin plot, ly cleared my thrrr.t and cured inv cold." Pr. Stone llrug Co. 7 : no a in ,1 :5o a m v.20ii in 5 Ltd in 10a. in o in a ui 7 I ;"0 p m 2:0.', p. m 9 4 30 p in j 3:40 ii in II 'I "' p in I 4:40 p in 13 Ltd Ir.30p.inl f,;oo p. iii 17 bic S: 15 li in 7:35 ii.ni IU '.' 55 p. in V.25 p. in 21 II .40 p. in II ; 15p.ni 25 Owl 2.15 a m ol'lllbl'llll,. Lnueii Albany. Arrivos Saleni. 7. no ii, in i s.oiia in 10: 15a in K 11 :20u m j 1 : 15 p in 21 :,:MIi.ni 1 . ines 1 . 1 1 l- ii' . An iviii Sah oi. 1 7;::.',a.ui II Lid 10 I 11 111 IM 1 t MllL'H lll'lllltlt' . tuns, '.me n $1 tier do.-en. i.,,,., .,,,, ,,. ,., ., Salt (liiinul.lteil. $14 ier ton; half-j lll.itebes, Soies or Pimples. Tliey r. I nun il . lone, $'i 25 ''f ton; 50m, $10 'don't limn tliein 1'or nil Hiieh trou l,. I,,,! ' bbn use Hucklln's Ariilea Salvo. It lli mis- -Small white, $5-10; large ' glorifies Iho fuoiv Kvn'IbMit fur Ke Hhito, $tii5; Lima. $ii50; pink, i,e;'"'"a or Salt llheiun. It ciires sor ...I l.., I.. ,., ., I.mvioi tir,", ll'I'i. eh. Hie, I Ini lul". I'l.llblillor lio.ils Sugar 1 try gninnl.iti d, $:..,5; fruit luini". cuts mill biulses I Usui passed and bet i v, $:, 75; beet, fi. I.;.; Hxlrn C ;fr ubf '' n' "f .1 ,', Pern Ever notion that all old-faslilniii'd photographs of a bride and giooiii look like they were standing up lo ho shot. i a in. . '.pin.. on p. In I2;0 a 2" Ltd.. . 2 Oh I . . MMillihi'ii ml. 4'"o p. in :i no p. in :: ina in FAMILY LIQUOR STORE All stand ard brands of liquors kept in stock. Wines by the gallon, bottle or case. Free delivery In the city limits. E. Eckerlen, 206 N. Commercial St. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN on diamonds, watches, jewelry and all articles of value. We also buy and sell. Unredeemed pledges for sale. Wil liams typewriter for sale, $6. Sa lem Loan Office, 120 Liberty st A GENUINE RARCiMN In Portland real estate. Tho first with $1000 gets a $2000 choico lot In good locality, or a $1250 lot In beautiful Pay Ocfan at $750. A rare opportunity for small cash; balatico payments or inip.'oved Saleni property. Apply 495 Court street. 11-15-tf Wo wish to call your nllontlon tc the fact that, most Infeclious diseases such as whooping (xmgli, diphtheria and scarlet fever are contracted wlien.H: I'M the child lias a cold. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will quickly rule a colli mid Kreatly lessen tho danger of contracting these diseases, romedv Is famous for Its cut Salem. .in Saleni. "YETEItlXAKIAN. F0U SALE. TOR SALE Forty-foot counter cheap. Call at 371 State street Phono Main 2232. 10-8-tf DR. W. O. MOUEHULSCi i-uuiuii veterinarian. Successor to Dr. J. J. Kenwell. Graduate Cornell Univer sity. Ofl'ce Jack Darr's fted stables, 541 Ferry street. Phones. nfflna 2199 1 house luW- tal'''"' m AX) SECOND-n AND GOODS E. L. STIFF New and second-hand furniture, hardware and general supplies. Dest cash prices paid for Becond-hand goods. Just received a ..'P.U VI U ' - carpets and rugs. Corner Court and Liberty streets. Phone 941. 3-12-tf HIGHEST price paid ror second-hand furniture, ranges, hardware, tents, etc. We carrv the most complete stock of above articles In town at the lowest price. O. L McPeek, 170 South Commercial St. phone Main 1233. 8-25-tf Oregon. I 7 Icidds. It contains no opium or oilier, I narcotic and may be given lo a child U with Implicit confidence. For sale by I "i all dealers. BICYCLE I 'OR SALE -Cheap, if taken at once, good cun'lillon. Call at Capital Citv Laundry. Phone Id. 12-Hl-Ht W00II AND COAL. SALEM FUEL YAR Dh- ne, S'buported Prhrsh Coliitn bla WelHnBton conl, the best on th Pacific coast. Also hard and so wood cut to salt, well seasoned and rn hed y- Satisfaction guaranteed. See my stock, 752 Trade street, or phone r,. Mark Siddall. WORTH THE MONEY Two .stra good driving maris, both trim to -rl.- L-oiid sad.ll". Mlchignn Ave.. east, of stab' fair grounds. llenryEVorliies, Ain't. 12-K. It'R easv to get a man lo agree with vou If vou want to borr iw money. e;i, Si'l'ill. Al'lLe MbilllV. , ;;pi pm !l .'. ,2n p in Arnve.'i ling, lie 7:110 p in Arrlio All v. 21 12 lOaci All-lie H'lgell.'. 2 , On I ... . 7 5o a in II 20 a in 5 Lid I2:lup" Slops al Albany. mi p in 7 2 no pin ales Salem. Anlio Eug ; m 13 li on i in l Salei... Sl..in nl All.alH. I vi:, inn 17 '' 2o p. in $125; powdered, barrels. Jfi 00; cubes, I bai'icln, fii.15. i Hlco No. 1 Jai'iin. 5 ii 5 '.iic; cln'iip-! or gl'inloH, 4'ac; Hon t lu I u head, 5 ii I'c. llotioy Choice, $3 75 cur.o; strnllied, I.ie per lli. Ycgi labli'K ami I'rults. I'l'esh Fl lllts .p.lo,l, .He tl 50 pel' l;,,, n ni a, 7 " n Jl 2'i per box; gr;i,o.i 1 1 :: , . i ,,o per !, ; oraiiln ri b", i 1 1.5" ,pei- bin nl; I'liili.vi. $2 u " r ilo.'ii. Tiopie il Kniii.- ( .ii :ini',' -i, V.il. ni'in. ; naii'l.'i, $1' i.l'.o, Callliilln.i a i el rn t , :.i.: ; Foihlll I . . 1 1 . 1 1 nit l-'o; I' noiii', i'l p' r b.n; pun apple a lie per lb; i'lllllill.'.'., 2 per box, ' pel .Mlilll. .ii ., $1.7.'. p. r bo. : Vera 'tables H'.iti''. I-''! inbl'iO'.o. le p, r lb ; i aulllhiw. r, 40i 0 $1 25 P' ' ' ,1. ..-) ; i oli'iy. $.1 50 per i i alo; em inn ,o o ion per doon ; i grplaut, lm- A Ii .: illlV iiiaii tiiiin. i I n would enjoy help Ills poor n lii ! 'i If be biit-n t ( roup) CinmliH and MI,i "m Culdi The iillcki'st nllilplesl nay In lid Ihn chibliin of iliingi'ioiis cioiipy coughs and iiheivy stutfv colds Is to gu.i lh. in Foley' lloio'v in,. I Tar I ', ,n , p. mu,! . Il gin s ill iii Vt Instant . lief and slips a nmgli pi ooiilly. It soollleS nlnl le'.llH ColllallH tin llpl 'lleS II I. iloiii.iii!.t, llcllallo. Wis, ri.iiH " l v 'fo c.iii'ii.b'l s F II v and 'lar I'nini m Hn' cell h run' .He I II gluii Hi" I Hlllls." IU' SlollO Plllg I'll lev's best ,t 2:1-5 a in . S;5o a.m. This ! I": l"o B Of j I.eilM'S Si. ,1,1x1 . In .nl leiiin In,. i,e' On'. Ii. 1 r 1 1 1 1 . i ii, hpioul.'i, Se; pel bin; gal lie, 5. 11 c per lb. il,b", ' I" 1 1 r ri 1 1 . ,e; rulababa" 11 I r i rnte Ii l 15 , t.iiiiiitiH'i fe .il lb "WATER'COJirASY. SALEM WATER C05IFANY- Off Ice corner Commeruim Vnr water service apply at of.ice. j.0r win" Btl .i.i , orlvance. Hills payaii'" 1 - IVATCUMAKEIL, PEETS new and aecond-hand store can save you money on new furni ture, as well as second-hand goods. See me before selling your house hold goods or buying your second hand goods. See me for bargains. Phone Main 451, 252 State St. 4-15-tf U. S. MILLER, the WEAKER- Over 20 years . , uvel. noitrlce. Neb. Hign WraTerpr.0pe hlnrk. 484 Court Ft l2Ll NATCROPTHY. NATUROPATHY Ia the coming scl- pnee of assisting nature in remov ing disease and Btaylng well. It com ''Ines the best in all other drugless systems with a certainty of success lot to be compared with the one i'leaisms of the past. There is no sickness without a cause, which, if token in time, mar not be easily ad- Justed or removed. If the laws of nature are Intelligently applied as di rected by this system. Wo have nlans' testimonials to prove Us Wonderful results when all else had toiled, ne plus ultra. Dr. J. T. Work, 4J5 Court Btreet GUARANTEED AUTO sri(LV.s-.-e nmnufneturo high grade nino tripk springs, also repair, set up, and re-temper old springs. Our iorg imt of satisfied customers will rec ommend our ability ns leaden in 0. 'vork. Laher Auto Spring -j. 20 Ninth lSU St- P'""-'"'-1- 0r. The llil-y 1oiiiiiii's Hay. It liegins early, ends late, tmd Is full of work. Siie offn has kidney troulili! wlihoiit knowing It. Ht I'M h aches, i. i.d sin' la tired and worn out. Sloops poorly, Is nenous, no appetite Her bladder gives h"r trouble tin. Foley Kidney Pills will cure all that and make b'T strong and w"!l. Mi' i (.. it 1 : I' n i el ll K M., nu, 1 -lui I ' . ' t - v ,...va ' I hn e boxes of Kidney Fills woio all that weroiie' ... 1... ., tit mil L' Jlinl W' 11." '1 sai.eh. nils riTT A WISIIRV ltII.WAV CO-'!' HIE TAIIIH. IVest Villein. Leaves No. 1 for lllm k It". 1111 "i N, 3 for Falls CUT ' 1 1. i s, ." i pepp. 2"e I SI 25 plllllpkllOl, I j Sin k Vi'i: ; mi. Ii ; In olif , n l',. 75c. j Sue, ! poiiilo. a 2 'i c ,i r I I'oliiloi'H I'm l.anl.a '." 'I ' in,,..., i n . c n ! I I" r , llnpH, ll Milieu. I Ic. ; ..: '. It'12 i i'.f. '"' '". ' un; t.. iiaii l'v ' V ll I I .1 ' ill Oregon, I I II ; V:,l!i ), 21 " !.! p.r A I it's Moine.i iieui bud ul, una' k of iniiiii'iibir 1 1 io ii ii i .i ' 1 1. it , In Inn shoulder. A fi o ml lull isril him lo go I" Ib't Splines. That nn ant an i'p' iiiin of I ,11 4 II I ,,r Inole III. h,llli:llt for II ipii, l,er iiml i 1 1 e 1 1 .. . r uv t i ciirn It ami f"iiiel It lo I'hiiiib.ollilu'i, Lint i, . at ' In . .. dais ntl.'r Urn (list iip ' plli i, lb, a of Ibis lliilineiit In) was well, l or sab, by all ib'ib'is lb pel (lb n k. i Tho public lilniilld It. t til" gun II,. 'l.b " i ..ni.: nn. I i vain; Id,; I ..lis.lllielS le III Ub g "I'll" 11 11,1 I.I ,,f III. 1.1 .f I fill 1VA'TEI). No. r. for bails i ii y No. 12't for liiib'pi'ii'l' ni " N,. 125 for li,.b',iM,den'i. Arrlies Uriuii Iinlbin Krnm Plat k Hoi k l', y i Krtmi Falls City ,j HTniii inoepi'ii'i. iFrutn Indepi'tidi mo HundnjH niny. 4 .4.. p in , 8 I," ii ni , ; no p in . H 15 a in .12 .10 i 10 . It 4', p in . :i on a iii . 4 45 p in pie M'.l.nll Hides cult, I'"-; i, i ; i; i I-,, diy I2ul.'.' ,..iii. iM.'l .1 iliril Kr .Int. ,,u,l, ion fniln lli" but ,. - . i, ,1., (', II llad-i. V, V i , ' for ' !, ' ""- I (.,., M.-e-.. .,( I,. oh a I'ln Sail, sail. i, n'i i d kip. lib I,, .lis, n No. I. 2 ,-r lb . Mill '..lll'-.i it lit I, 1 1 y bl I"-' dry h I a . : -, all ' ' rrni!li'ii. In i.f PI . bell III I f ' , f . I. 'Ill I iii ni.; ii I i, ,d i . and I III.' i .rlK'' . . ...ii,.;.,,. for ki l I .,.i,.k. aro tim !. n ., . .,. e ,,,., . . . rr,-- t null .fi I 111 lilir n ii'" " n..y and man-n'i ' ' ,., fif Dr. Stone Prilg ' o. A. , inP VO. 4. A. F SALhM '-,., first M. Stated comraun a m - -j Friday In each mo nth t P In Masonic hall; McCor D. W. Pugh, v. M'. J0I1D aorrPtAfV. . u, s .. ,.;e at i Thursoa.',,-: :, , nlirt and WANTEn-Marrlcd nmn wishes posi tion on ranch. Inquire " - son restaurant " TTTD-rrTsition as general farm "S5!D J Fhone ..wm KnTrEH at 2271 State .,re,t. nice W wi,, hot water, bath and elw-rlc PgM and ,.. tennis corner Court and Elevator service jneny --.. - A. Turner A. H. Hunn, tou""" Clerk. - itnfV7 ' In Masonic ball. Liberty streets. CASTOR I A For Infanti and Children. TUB Kind You Have Always Bought HI for lib,' k Ito' k. . No 15 for luilliis No 121 for Inilepfiidcfi' (, No. 125 f'.r liidepindoi,' Arrives From Pallas ! Ila in. i lib. i, I'! led, 27c. j ll.n on K im n in Is lo All . U In ii.- I i I '' IS Pf I III'. I I '.He laid f bob 1 20 p m f, Ml p in !) 50 a in I', IPI p in H 1 5 a to V,. ii I From IHH.-k Ho- V J" P 1 l.'rorn llllo k I From Ind-l ! r'rm.i lii'i"! It'.t k Il'lell ndi n f, Ho p in i tl on a ii, .!, 14 p in. Heurs tli Signature o O.CT.Co.'s Wh.., - on bav" a t.III... t'."'K vU' f'i,.,,e,i,'irs 'I iibb tN a m il "'' ' art- .-V" I i, I b , !., ' '. "" biol' -t, di s.iil, Hllioltf'l Me'l'l ilib.l Li'f hi. iii.l.. ' ' . k"'!' k I'lchliel l.oielS $11. r.H lil. II toiiC'i' IjiI'I I m:i P.. II. ; .oaie I .'.' l I'" ill )' HIt. I I l-ef OH .Me ..: I .'IS, ll.ll It I -. I.O, II' ; lain h ton go- i $1" II1. ill sinoki'il ti.llgll'. s, 1 fe.t Chihlrun Cry fUR ntTCHER'S n A STO R A Great Chinese Doctor L. M. Hum i l-or b all l.elll,. M . II1.' . udet'-i i ... .1 '. HU 11." I1' ' k no ii 'I of li.o I f I i' ' I. ll,,l I il; II-, i.l' II b: I.DI tl. IHIIU ll K 11 llIkFI. ii, ,,,. i ' i .il k A ."tl, I 'Oh '. of , .,r n . i l!')t p i r ' b 4.0 'Villi ' . ,l,". . ,),e. .-toll' ' I'. I Summer dav, V.'i'dn KOK Itf'M. foi; ii-:nt-N"V'' 17th stre-.-t. at -.-room COlti'lK" lu per month. 12-10-01 CHADWICKRa 1.7 S. Hi-Mi...' V 57. O. irt and "cr""r. vn Mrs. RiariL" ocretary. its'iMULTNOMAH t,wnA - tar No. i. "' .t . I) p. rn. Friday of each mom- t a now and, Ex. " Pearce, secretary. ZTTomi iiorsi'j .,( iT S. LOIiilio " at 4S., b'liiia !,..,!, for Portland Mon ,.k,y a .d Friday at C a. P. II.IMMHN. AkL Childron Cry FOR FLETCHER'S 1 1 II,' .-il off. ... 1 to 7 e i i t r 'i ' - a 1 .. I : .: i . I lirt. . ii. id 'itVI ti niodei Iniuirc RHNT-All Cotniii' f'b' 12-11-::'. rTT,-T-Finest Mmwn.. iv.ll..v!ern andneN -; "' . Hot and cool hr,t water r1' ' a so bath. -)... . ...trt,.1. Phono niiiPHPSTER S PILLS ''i:A niL-M vsxn: lai-'-'VTv1 '. y jALLi'i I w'vl mv.s, "i", t."i I, V 1.1 .Ti'oiii 'if f I II. IV , ,ii w i.r . i:i 'WD nor va'er, liphw. B nni-""-''"",", . , B 1 '""Vr-" ' T.'! 3', Ke ol p. I '1t" for ttiiu; '"! '" M 1 lSi; Hit U.N ll!l: f(Nli n-1, unlit itooi'iNii P. A II. and ItlMI'V llOOHi All t tht lowt p'1'-' R. 13. rLLMING . . ... I t... I). MdII'.'ii uire.tr i" - - - iiC Court Stri-il I'bone l.'t l ef i. liij.l. r mi 'I 1 ' V 'Uitrj. r II. p.f ,D. . ... HtllM i nii IH I, I A-k nl ,. ir cr' s,.,rl. , r f..r it. Iun ! Y. B. "HI U K, " 0