Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 17, 1912, Image 1

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ALL the news that's fit
to printhonest ed
itorials, influenced by
neither clique nor corpora-tion-"The
Capital Journal
stands for the people.
for 1913
Advenlist Preacher Has Hail
Stones Sized up and Fall'
ling While the Sun Is Cook
ing (he Bunch of Us
Dps Molnea, la., Dec. 17 "There
won't bo any Panama-Pacific exposi
tion. Those poor, misguided persons
en Hie ruclflc slope are wasting their
money, niey naa Doner d directing
their energies In preparation tor the
Judgment Day. For the good Lord
is going to bring this world to an end
In 1913."
This was the declaration here today
of Rev. W. D. Parkhurst, pastor of the
First Adventlst church, who backed
Ills assertion with many quotations
iroiu the Mule. He also pointed to the
Balkan war ns partial proof of his
'All tho bobs and rivers and foun
tains will turn to blood," said Park-
tost. "Hailstones weighing 57 pounds
-will fall, and the sun will be so hot
that men will literally be burned alive.
Kext summer will be so hot that peo
ple will be cooked on their bones.
"When yim turn tho kitchen faucet next
July warm blood will flow, and the
soft skin of women will break out in
loathesome sores, and seven plagues
will devastate the earth."
Dr. Parkhurst advises the people to
road tho 24th chapter of Matthew,
Terse 27, if they don't bollovo It.
Requesting the city council not to
accept the work of the contractors
who are paving South High street,
until a critical examination of the
work has been made. Mrs. Julia Mon
tague Lord, administratrix of the es
tate of W. P, Lord, submitted a com
munication to the city council last
night. W. P. Lord, Jr., addressed the
council on the points brought up in
the letter.
Mrs. Lord complains particularly of
the work on South High street, be
tween Leslie and Oak streets, includ
ing the intersection. She states that
all this portion of the street has been
laid during the last month on a wet
foundation, notwithstanding her pro
, test.
Mrs. Lord says it Is her understand
ing that after the work has been ac
eiitert by the city she would have no
redress in the courts to avoid the as
sessments or to secure reimburse
ment, should the work prove unsatis
factory. Because of the excavations
n the South High street hill Is the
most expensive Improvement ever at
tempted in the city,
Mrs Ixiril .Wlnroa that- oftoi- lo vtn c '
four blocks of the Improvement the who are working the railroad deal de- Q m (U rieriihnrdt, east side of I.lb
ntiactors shipped their equipment to Clare that It is sure to go this time, 1, ,,0weon Kearney and Mission J.
McMlnnville, and she recommends that and that as soon as the municipal elec- j A Cammt MRt si(Il nf T.it.erty between
the council instruct the city attorney tion Is over next Wednesday this end Ke;nnoy and Mission. Amu S. MiH' i ,
to beg!,, action to collect the penalty of the line will be ready for detail , (fh fi(Ic of JjnUc betwenn ron.in.-r-of
$23 a day which the contract calls work to begin. Tho municipal elec-1 ca, aluI Lirrt:-. John IV Roland,
for If the work is unduly delayed. ' tion is for the purpose of votins $-0').-, MU(h 8,(le of ,,,,e between roi.mi.-r-The
communication was referred to 000 in bonds k that the city can as-., and Lii.rty. Cora L IT-sr-ott.
the streot commlVeo with the city en- sist In building the road. jamllh Bde of Leslie between romme,
8'noer apd the city attorney, with in-1 Dr, J. F1. Reddy, who has returned Ub(.rtv. O U rr ku
tnictlon. to report at the next meet- from Crescent City, sav, that the fj, Mc of 8e m. r.n...rc 1.1
Ing. L,e there are subscribing liberally to Llberty. O. 0. McClel.an. south si I
. 'the Stock. , of resile between Commercial and I.i
ItKCON MAN WANTS The Crescent Cltv council voted Mrg Kllli.,. F. Jory. "'"h i."
TO MAHRC DIVORCEE $25oo and De' Norte county commis- 0,nIer lietwPM Twentieth Riid
Ioners drew on the county funds to !,..,,,, Minnie Frlck-v, souil
Iunitkd Pn.M ....... w.k. 1 I
- .
fcan Francisco, Dec. 17- On the sup-
l.asitlon that a ludiro who divorces.
that a judgo who divorces
i'eople nilEht. hn nanful In hrlntrine
"art hungry Individuals together, Al-
oxaudcr Donald McEvoy. of Provolt.
Or., has written to Judge Thomas F.
Graham here today, stating that ho
wold like tn mnrrv Mr. Rmnu F. 1
n, to whom Judge Graham grant-
ed ,iiv ,
- "u. niree weeas ago.
see you have granted a divorce
,0 Mrs. Emma Wilson, judge," reads
,h 'otter, "if Bhe is a good hearted
-"...an i would like to have you place
me In corresnondencfl with her. I am
"4 years old."
McEvoy stated in his letter that he
a8 a former member of the San Fran-
, eo fo'ice force In 1891, and left to
11 P mining.
rt' a wonder that all people agree
anythlng--the points of the com-
p(a8. or that sunshine warms, for in-
wis am ; nm. n
: iiimii
Bwllu Adopts Crcmallou'V
nor In. Doc. n.-After a l08
and bitter light, In which the
Protestant and Catholic clergy
took a strong stand against it
cremation has finally been In
augurated In nerlln. The first
body was cremated this week It
costs $12.50 to cremate a corpse.
A niche In the crematorium for
an urn enn be rented 20 year
tor 25 cents a year, or ?5 for the
Period. Popular prejudice
against cremation was very bit
ter but seems overcome.
uerun, uec. 17,-That Field Mar-
stial Baron Von Der Goltz, who re.
organized ithe Turkish army some ten
years ago, stated in his then laid de.
fense plans for Turkey, that it would
take a besieging army three months
to capture Kirk-Killsseh, which tho
rtulgarlnn took in three days, Is the
charge made by Dr. Franz Llpp In a
local newspaper.
Llpp claims to havo a copy of the
plan of campaign in event of a Bal
nan war against Turkey, drawn up by
Von Der Goltz.
as a result of tlio publication, it is
said, tho aged field marshal will be
gin an action for libel against l)r
War Costs
Every Day
Vienna, Dec. 17. An idea of the
"financial mobilization" of a war may
be had from the estimate of a compe
tent military authority here who
places the cost of a war between Aus
tria and Servla at not less than $4,
000,000 a day, or $120,000,000 a month,
for Austria and Hungary alone. This
is exclusive of naval operations.
In the Franco-German war It cost
J. A . . . i
Germany an average of $1.20 a day for I cati0ns:
every man in the field. In the Rubso- In front of tne property of the
Turkish war it cost Russia $2 a day gmith-GllIlnKlmm Co., south side of
per man. J Miller street, between Commercial
Australian military experts figure ;an(1 saKIlaw-. Elsie Keuscber, east
that it will cost the dual monarchy j gl(e of Salem-Oegon City road, be
$1.60 per day per man for the 2,500,- twePn Highland avenue and the north
000 men that will be mobilized,
if It
comes to blows with Servla.
Grants Pass
Crescent City
Grants Pass, Ore., Dec. 17. It looks
as If Grants Pass was going to be
I connected with tho ocean town
mllna nwav within a short time. Men '
, t nt J1.100. and the Woman s
jjjy " T
0v.,nrv nledged $210.
! f the interior towns not I
... ,1111tip- to give money
H.r I- "I ,,,
aso manv days' labor with teams and
mea Th'e crescent City eml ls 1:in;p'
, nassted by heavy lumber concerns,
and h(l8 ra8ed $10.'00 already.
. .... nf surveyors runi.nm
f.lley to connect
down the AppleR" Vi
... ... ,.i0 Pass line, came
itri tne ii."" .
from Murphy, where the survey .
been completed two miles "'low
town. Ralph Cowgl". is
tne party, says un-,
on U the coast.
fireiit Actor DfU'l-
RlSr-p n' AnXal-an acto,
dThe May at .heripe.e e . . .
Rignold a best v
Han, especlaBy w
cent order. He , haa
tlrement for mans
. A
AlUUIf m
w w- r 0 tajr mm n r i. it a -. tji-
Murder Is
by Feast
Papuan Chief Morders Hnn -
dreds of Natives in New
Guinea and Feeds on Ten
der Parts of Victims
frxiTrn rur.ss
ojunoy, i. s. V Dec. 17. -Frightful
massacres instigated by a notori
ous native chief In Papua, the British
section of New Guinea, have been
made public by Jiuues Arnold, a pros
pector who had just returned from
that country.
At tho head of ills murdovous gams
the chief recently swept down on sev.
eral native villages, butchered the In-
habl'nnts. devastated their homes and
diner off the tenderest portions of tho
slain. The chief did not confine him
self to the native villages, hut attacked
European sections from which he was
repulsed. Mr. Arnold himself had a
thrilling experience. Ills camp wat,
near one of the native villages and
he was alone. He witnessed tho awful
bu'ehery and after tfie blacks were
satisfied with the blood of their broth
ers, they turned their attention to the
lono white man. .Grabbing bis Win
chester rllle Arnold defied the murder
ers, who after he had killed one and
wounded another, turned and fled.
A series of 23 new sidewalk reso
lutions were brought, before the city
council at its meeting last night, and
all were adopted. A resolution passed
at the meeting a week ago for a side
walk in front of the property of R. P.
Boise, on the south side of Jefferson
street, between the fair ground road
and North Sixth street, was repealed,
upon petition of Mr. Boise.
The resolutions passed last night
,,rovlde Bidewalks In the following lo
city limits. Ina C. Bublte, east side of
Liberty street, between Wilson and
Meyers. Robert Basey, east side of
Liberty between Miller and Wilson.
Anna Olinger and Laura T. Ramsden.
east side of Lllierty between Miller and
Wilson. Harmon Snook, east side of
Liberty between Bush aim .Miner
.Tnmh and Lou Amsler, eaRt side of
Liberty between; Bush and Owens. O
r.' .,,,,1 T-enn. Sllngmnn, east side of
liberty between Bush and Owens.
H. and Catherine Muller, east side of
. .. . i,etween Bush
and Owem:
KmmaniKipp, east side of Liberty near
Helrs of Taul Kllngler, east, oi
t , i.piwcen Kearney and Mission.
, . . rpnt,,r i.Kween l -n.o ...
Twenty-first. C. A. W.i"'
west l'"e
and Ma
. f I'oiir-
, Fn,.rtePth between vm
" ... .. . ,
.teenth between Cenier and Marion
ivon.n-iiK Fl,:"
i.(ii((.n i
.,n Franciso.
IXc. 17.- aoKei
,;. net of attempting "
Pina Schreiber In the ba
,ssai.!t little
.i.i- nf of the
hWt lmn;e. G''n;o
Williams, a m-
i.Ll in the r-li.'.r Iiy
...irter. was
' ...... ..r
Clarence Richt'-r
a p;is II '.- . '
taken to Ja'l. charg.
oilav, and later
with a statutory offend
Many Cblnre Killed.
A,Jy. Cbln. IX- AlHrge nom-
lr of clansmen w
re KHH-o ti'.e
in op,n flghtlnr " "
ernment troopi so far nave
been un
able to restore
Hie (ilrU Gate (Mil.
New York. Dee. 17.-Three
more suffragettes of the original
37 who set out from hero on foot
to journey to Albany to present
a petition to G-overnor-Klo.-t Wil
liam Sul.er when ho takes otllce,
dropped out today, leaving but
five In all to continue the march.
These five are expected t0 reach
Osslnlng tonight. They are re
ported to he In a very much be
draggled condition.
liximi l'litss ijsaskd wiiiE.)
Portland, Or., Dec. 17. According
to the postofflee authorities, postal
money order No. 169.063, the receipt
of which was found among the effects
ef the thug shot by Siuita Ann, Oil.,
possonien after he had assaulted 14-ear-old
Myrtle Huff, was drawn out by
Ira Jones. An attempt Is being made
to identify Jones' business and his
connections in this city, The order
was for $2.1, drawn In favor of Fred
Glenn. Clalskanie, Or. The Clnlskanlo
authorities are being communicated
with in an effort to locate Glenn and
find out what ha knows of Jones.
Word is expected from Hood River,
Eugene and oilier points momentarily
regarding Jones' operation in those
Cars into
by April
OrnRon Electric cars will be run
ning Into Corvallis before April 1 and
improvements on other portions of tho
Hill system In Oregon will be. In pro
gress with the early approach of
:,-rlng, said Joseph If. Young, presi
dent, upon his ra'.urn yesterday from
St. Paul, where he conferred with
heads, of tho Great Northern and
Northern Pacific railways, Joint own
ers of the local lines.
Connection with the Oregon Electric
ii'nln line will b made at (iniy a
IKiint six miles south of Albany and
named in honor of Carl H. (.ray, pres
ident of the Great Northern, and Mr.
Young's Immediate predecessor In of-1
flee. Ralls will ho laid to the east
hank of the Willamette river before
February 1. Activity will be tempor
arily suspended then pending the com
pletion of the new county bridge
across tho river. Provision will be
made for accommodation of the Ore
gon Electric cars on this bridge. Ai i
soon as the bridge Is finished the!
track will he extended Into Corvallis
and regular service Inaugurated. As
the distance between Gray and Cor
vallis Is only six miles iPtln time will
be reuulrwl Terminal property in
Corvallis already has been secured.
mini akizom
I. Nin.i. i-iaiss mmsi.ii mi; 1
Nogales. Ariz., !.. 17.- Kigl.t pris
on. r:i In tin- county Jail hen-, indud
lug one iMirderer, .-scap.-'l at midnight
,,11.1 fled to the nil's oil the Mexlr.HI
side on the International border.
The prisoners gained their liberty
by liiing a hick on the dour of a g'-n
ern ei
t L r iH.'-a
into the
p Tln-y made their way
he sherUf's olliee and walked
main Mid of tho town and
pped ncru
is into Mexico. I hey are
belli? pursm-d by rumlefl.
Going! Going!! Gone!!!
AH Your Chances Will Be
Gone U You Don't
Shop t Once,
f :'
!.:(DEC. 17)
- wr
HlSKlt 17. llll.'.
Must Keep
Hands Off
Bulgarian Envoy to Peace
Congress Warns the Cap
italists to Not Meddle
With It's Actions
Lmdon, lVc. 17.Varnlng toTu
ropean capitalists not to meddle lino
the peace lu-gotlatloim between Tur
key and the Balkan allies, unless they
wish to see n renewal of hostilities,
was Bounded here this afternoon l
Premier Daneff, of Bulgaria, wi,.;,
one of the envoys to the conference in
progress here, who alleged that finan
cial Interests are arrayed with Tur
key In (he diplomatic battle over peace
lVsplle the pessimistic altitude of
military observer here, ulm t
I he negotiations to fall, Premier I i.iu
eff said there was hope of an nmleahle
adjustment If the envoys are allowed
to tlx the terms without outside inter
ference. "We will concede minor points to
Turkey," said hr lianerf, "and the
terms of our Indemnity demands toav
perhaps be altered, hut the sultan
must meet our principal demands, In
cluding the disposition of Salonika
und Albania.
"If Turkey refuses to licrepl the
boundary line we have proposed, I am
anlhorlze.l to cable Sofia to fire on
"European financiers are iitleniot
Ing to make favorable terms for the
sultan by maintaining the Integrity it
the Turkish debt, which can mean
nothing but that the (Inaticlem are op
posed to the allies. They should re
member thnt I have the authority to
order the Bulgarian army to reney
Its attack on Adrlauople.
I HIH I Ft. V III1IS Ktlll
Without reading, K! bids Hiibn.llte.l
to the city council last night for the
luiproveineiit of Oak street from the
west line of High street to the east
lino of Commercial was referred to
the (vitnmllfee on streets. III. Is from
two contractors, Areic, ft Son and Au
gust Kehrberger, for the Improvement
of Rural avenue from Coininerclnl to
Twelfth street, were rejected, and the
clly engineer was instructed to bring
In plans and specifications at the next
meeting for nil kinds of pavement.
The bids for the Oak street Improve
meiit were as foli iwh:
Monlag.i" - O'ltel'ly Co., for six
grades of Kl Oso paving, $7ilf.! V).
$7Lft, I7.-.KI.1I. $7oi!l .fin, $72".T.-..
August Kehrberger, roncr.-t.1
Aret.z ft Sou. giavel ronercti
Claik Henry Coii;0 . net Inn Co, ;.)
,ih,.!i roin-re'e, 7' t : B'ni.da.d iv
id ait. 7!'-"' Vi; IlKh' cravel bilullH.i
$;inii::t; !,. vnv.-l hltuli.bl.-. f '
hlliiinlii'M.s coiici'-t.', $7.;''.'!.
I1IMMS VV.YS 1.1 u.i i:
Hll i TUMI. Ill
The regular iii.-llne of Ihe Sa
illll-lne-H M.-ll'S U-a.-U- Will be I
I., night at tie- I'.oa.d ol Trade r
al 7:.'l'i. The u line. ;.t this i
-,o far have ln I hi al Ho
rlon bo'. 'I. Lot on a "'in' of Ho- i.
i ) , m caii.s.-l hi 'lie h'.ll.la'.- r fi.
hnii'pn t .!! b" a'''-" d H
Otll ' 10'
mid the rc-ni, i.
.aill)' v II
life r'S,I: -I,
at the lloai-l '.
V-,eral tol-K1
, in- up for oi
l ile of He h;,,ci
1, II Will b" 'I! '
,-d u,n I - ' '
o pr- s : ' '.
I iv. I)' an 'I b"t d
; -on f hi !,'
V r K'.s I- 'on
g. n I!'-' ail M c i
I e pr.- ll' t" I'11
al,- ci-Ii I ' I.' ."II
d irl'-g Jan1
Sos kloii '' HI
I' r K 1 1 H of "
Tie- t:
.-IS ll' Hie
-I and r-ill,
1, ..,,,1.. r ,
... . in ..
I" '
,1.1 ,o
all ii'ld
e (..li'.-Ii'1'.!! ''I'll
A- 'i."1" l:;'"''r'1
lore in. K. i-rai i.H.'-rs of l,i,.i'- e
:,, ioiioi n; for .ot.ti'l'-r.iii' ii im I
rusodon. While ll, any of the
.I am are lemy. a full atotidu'i'
evp. c-.-d
i .-r-
:v, ':m" :
M.-una. D,v 17.- With bills for
goMs to the .iiuor.-' of fiii.O'W..
W'1 s..hl to th,. Balkan states
iin.oilectabl,. owing (,. the legal
suspensh.n ,f payments ordered
bv tho B.ilk.in cove- nmenti, the
Ai.stitau ti vi!, and ! -aih, r tr.
dustries ate facing ruin. The
telilo rtoik.. are Vu-ttiu's
greai.t liidustrj, 'he Hiiikuu
stales ne been Hem ; the
prln. -ipal cuoir.ers. 'I he situa
tion Is made still ,.rs. by th,
present tense .Vn-dro-Sen Ism
m Hditi) iti ( iiji)
ok Kisr Avmoiis
I cni run I .H -.N . i iKi-p i.ir )
Is Angeles. Cal . Wee. 17. No word
has been received today from the tug
t'ollls, which left lio.lomlo Beach ill
midnight to search for tho lent avia
tors, Kearney and Lawrence The lit
tle veiimd carried three , lays' provls
I. ns, and It Is believed she will run to
the Anacapa Island ., ai the upper end
of Crescent hay.
Along the wilier front In Itedondo
today wild minors that the men had
been toui.d rlne on one of the na
c.paa caused limcll excitement. The
reporis. houeier, could not he traced
to a ilclliille -..nil-, e.
Will Not
(he Canal
C N 1 1 1:1. I UKKS I IllH.ai 111.:
Montreal, Due. 17. -"There Is no
neccHhlly for the Cana.llan I'licllle
railway to operale lis ships through
the I'anuma canal," wns the Hlnlemi-iit
of Mr. (1. M, ll.mwoltll, vice president
of the f". V n, today. II e.lechned Unit
Ihn Atlantic and 1'inifle meauuMp
lines of tho company work In the en
pat'll v of iisnlslants to Ihn tin in
Canada inllway, and If their routes
were changed to :i direct service
Ihrougli 111" cam. I It would hciI.mihIv
affect the rnllwav.
Mr llosworlh sals there Is llllle tell
Ing what tile future mk'it I. ting. !'i
lltue II may be ahsol.u.ly iil-eessnn
tllllt the C. I'. It use II lite, bill III
this .late, he hiiv h "The ua.lh.lt ol
our ships Is to bring g.hi. I the mill,
and the decision of tic loinpanv 's
that the hh.ps of the Ailnull. will not
t raven;- I lie I'm 'I fie, n . III I he ship i
of the I'l elflc opeiale oil Hie Atlalillc."
Trust Here
InsiTri. 1-io.ss i.msri' I
I'.ii llaod. oi , lie- 17 Ki I.I--IH s of
ii,. eil 1. 1 1 a ' le.m.ei ik trout In
the noil hi-, e-o, nulling ' -1 1 '. 1 "
I, aid ..r ll.nl". ol "I.Hll'-r Im-I" In
. e, a r- n.'HO' i.li.i.l'li'd i-b.v bv II."
!,-', nil aiHIiorllli s nod. r iir--Hoi.
, f He- il- o. I ' i.i. ii i '
The III'. Igalh'l. : I l.-ll,f K.ll.l.l' "if
,y l-'i .l.-ral I M - ' 1 1. ' ,..oia. John V.
i t im l in, know n t.. i".! o' Hiot.e
cm . . Ii. "I ha l h'-ll g'-IIO' ' II for
Hue- 'I he lin e-liga.' ion i on-.-s a h I '-
-suit of ii, any pioi- '-I III--I 'I'll
I p.i'Hi,. nl. of ,
'.u.i.-r , ci ei.ni and c
, olisell- I s, ,'-. I a I ill.
I.y iioi'Ii-u1
m' ,1
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,1.1 In M', nl, in.'
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'-.ci i:.-:-t
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Morgan I-
',,.'. ,
,,:'). '
,, I I' M
, . ,, r.ii.i'
Moiran "
.(.'! .
i - r-i,..fi'
p, sxii.r.
, o
.1 I'-!.,
ml I, i
i.-i-i -I
i ..'ii
.it a
1"HE largest circulation in
Salem and it is
steadily increasing
The Capital Journal affords
the very ocst medium for
all advertisers.
1 ranic
in Girls
Is Great
; i Italian Tells of Working of
Black Hand Society in
White Slave Traffic-Business
Thoroughly Organized
IcsiTtii r-iucin itiatn won 1
Montreal, Wee. 17.-Implicating
many local Iiallaiu, at leant one of
whom occupies n prominent position
In the comuiuully, Carlo WI Batllsla.
who Is king within the shadows of
the gallows In the local Jail, yester
day, In the presence of Judge l.e.-t.
Mils counsel and co.nt stenographers,
I gave a thrilling recital of the eounlrv
i wide operations of the black bund so
.cletv and white alave truffle through-
out fan, el.i and the t'uile.l tales
Wi'.illm: w Ith the w bite slain truf
fle, Batllsla admllicl that he was one
of the mm lug spirits In the wmk, and
.claiming Hint the business wan -or-j.'.nnled
on a si stenii.llc basis through
i out the country, tint only In 1'i.sleni
jt'unada, hut acoss the continent to
the I'aclfle const M ini of Hie pil ls
'are Catiadlan horn, hut unite a per
jcentiii'.e n.e brought from Hie old conn
j try for the silo purpose of suppMnit
I dlsreputahte houses thro.ii-.ho.it the
Iciuiili and breadth of Canada II
iguve a clue to Hie numerous mutdern
of llalhius which have I oh.-n place In
Mont real and elsewhere .luring Ihn
past few Venn.
oh iitiiitanio
Nami.a, Ida, I me 17 -'l'hr-n thou
miud nor in of fertlln bind noulli of the
Snake river n.vir Wilson will b
l.r.iilglil under ciiltlvitflon und opened
10 settlement within Ihn neit three
inimlhs when the Irrigation prole, t be.
Ing built by the Hivihee ltiwermlr,
t'unal Co Operative Coiislr.icllnit U
According lo V II. Has, president
of (he company, only the or sU home
si. ads huui Ims-ii taken up ...it of I'm
ii-.tlr- llinio acres, und the remain. b-r
v. ill be ..pen to pnl. lie eniry on com-ib-l!oli
of the pro),s t Mr. Bun, estl
mules that the cost of the water will
b.- 1! . an ace The project will c.'ii-
slsl of Seven l.llh'S of lll'cll am I a Hill-
t age rcaervnlr. The water Is taken
fimii llernol.ls i-n-i-k The laud Is on
Hie soulh Mhle of til- llier, 1!) miles
fioiu Hi!, clly mid eil-uiU to within
I i.ir a mile of Hie low ii of Wilson It
11 w. ! protect, . hv the hills all. I will
grow trult-t and lo-r iTnp of tender
viiib-iv. II Is mild to hn c billr
adapt, d to .11 1 el I lied funning.
Supri no- t niirt li-cMiiiu.
Kupr.-me ' .eiit loilay took a. Hon
ill Hi
follow lug
- of Ol.-.-oll
oi.d- n', iigaliU't
ter'n 'II ' oiln
III'. .ICill.l -t .1.
, allil lie 'I J.l
S I ;cll..'l.
e (oillily Mtll't
ul . app'-lhin's.
II, -I .Inll.rt
',ll-. 11:11,
,1 M
I' V r.
I I. .. 1:111 .
h .- M-,..n-
ll'-ll'oll I
ml Hi
li;o,k o' r,,,lel -ll, re-
I,', Cl I I J.1IIII.
J i .11. s
I, Ills,
I ron HI- in l'"rl..u',.l.
ll. i l,i re li.iti '
I iri',i.ii!iMf,
not . I
I . ( . . oil, pi ill.t
,-:- ,, ,.! . l ib H
, ii :.,. o'l l" li;
'I 1