n - n tuntlt 16. 1012. , ,. . i- ' W a ft I aStFlEP ADTERn5.NGFESSI0N;- Oaiefll aild VlCltlitv Bring ..1 f,,. Mith InHaetlnn Ont-bal' ''";lNo jdviTtlBcmeiit taken for line- HAKERIER. rTEKNUT BREAD It la worth more than any othor bread, yet the ,., is no higher. For sale at your California Bakery, Thomas fi Coolcy. Props. lU'SINESS CHANCES. I CAN SHOW YOU how to Increase (lie earning power uw juui umcj wlth absolute security. Send name end address for particulars. Tom Bates, 2U8 U. S. Bank building. ll-25-lm fABKIAfiK TRIMMING AND PAINTS f V. JM S3 Successor to Walker; carrlngo and automobile trimming, carriage trimming goods, new work and repairing. I am carrying a full line of Masurey'a house and buggy paints, brushes, oils and the very best varnishes. 304 S. Commercial. 12-1-tf i flllltOrKACTIC-SriNOLOGIST. PR, 0. L. SCOTT Graduate of Chir opractic's Fountain Head, Daven port, Iowa. If you have tried every thing and hav got no relief, try Chiropractic spinal adjustments and get well. Office 406-7-8 U. S. Na tional Rank Building. Phone Main 87. 6-8-tf J2C I'llYSIfJANS &R. 0. F. IIEISLEV an.) Dr tgrnnuntes of Klrksvllle, Mo., ir. A ..uui or 8 B(.nou, and f er of the science of Osteopathy) general osteopathic practitioner ' Also hydrotherapy and fc,clrlc light baths given without extra charge for rheumatism, kidney ana iver troubles. The lceci)8 ln these treatments is equal 1- going tl'e hot lakes. Confinement caes ana female troubles a spec, ialty. 02!t Court street. i.',, :.,. . - nuun p a., ,, A. S. 0., sat., , URLD- every T. Stilt ,,. '' '"Knt ,:30 1 011 KNT (Continued.) MARKETS. 1'0IITI.VP n U' KIM'S. 1'l'K RENT - v ' i VI I .1 ,M CI m '"' o clock n -n,e nail, McCarnack hi l- "t ' ' 'U ;'" ' Hectric 1 1 Donaldson, c c i u ,,, 'I hc.u. CK-rit. "''eiier, st ""-iriu LODGE NO RAILROADS. "t. North Lib M. Masonie '-. A. well month n r-..V J 1 ld:,y ln Jiswt',':" ' .Prank Pcarce. ''W'ag n'U Ui:-N;' :''-' or t!.: ;v , llisliul Ttl.ni: f., I , c.ousc close t.i ear lino. 1; fin et. i inv.iiN nunc com piny Time r.il.! . Portland IihWon. 1'rain N.i ! Wl, hhleMcui, ll'.,ssian, '. Mlils;uf, fln.rts. $'. 15 ruin, Vloiir, Food, I te 1 Tr,i, i- i I 1, ; lili y Hr.m, .'.'liir .'old, foiuh 11'.: nna w u nm,.,, T!7 . mlB w "iioa, usteopnthlc nloslelans and "yvi.muDUi. uraduates of mr1Can school of Osteopathy Klrksvllle. Mo. Post-graduate and specialized In nervous diseases at Los Angeles College. Treat acute ana cnronic diseases. Consultation free. Lady attendant Oflke 505- bUb u. S. National Bank building Phone 859. Residence 346 N. Capi tol street. Phone 4C9. i'OHTLaYd HOTELS." NEW MATTHIESEN Hotpi-p . - iw VUIIIVI i ront and Columbia, at Oregon Elec- ino uepoi. steam heat, hot and cold water In all rooms. Open day and night; rooms 60c, 75c and 1. Also Hotel Harrison, 401 to 407 Front St. John Matthlesen, proprietor, both houses i0.5.tf MAIilON PRESSING PARLORS Dry and steam cleaning and dye works. Ladles' silks, laces and gloves given upeclnl attention. Gents'sulU cleaned and pressed. We are cleanors and "repairers. Try us. Goods called for and delivered. Parlors, 245 North Liberty St. Phone Main 2044. 9-22-tf ELECTRIC FIXTmUKS. ILECTR1C FIXTURE & SUPPLY CO. 130 N. Liberty street Electric contracting, Inside wiring supplies and fixtures, estimates given. Tele phone Main 2G3. 9-3-tf PLUMI1ERS. THEO. M. BARR-Plumblng, hot water and Bteam heating and tinning, 164 Commercial St., Phone Main 192. 9-1-tvr SALEM mAXiTioTriT hoc ( president ; Mrs I r i reports to the socety for lnvei- LOST. LCKT-On SouMi i ft xniall ri'Oi Wade McK. Ol'tilV. Couinii'.'i'ial sr, book, iiruncnv ncy, RiMuvii i.i j,iUv l.-ll I'NITEl) ARTlSAXS-CaplW -o. St, me, ts fit V .i ... ", ln A,o"se Hall. Glenn C M. A. s. R. Vale, Secretary, 1-8 South Cottago St. Phone 1214 LOYAL. ORDER OF .MOOSE Cherry iuuKe m. w, meets every Tuesday evening nt 7:30 In Moose Hall, cowr Court and High streets. R- Yautls. Dictator; H. h. Turner Secretary, 1.15 South Commercial Street, Assem-L MSI'LLLAXKOIS ine80ay SALEM km pi nvM..-vT,,. - UKll,v I'a-iK.r T.:ia.m I-.lVn!;ir.d Krr.. 5:,i,iam, '-Oivcoii l'M. ;, ;;t ., rx -Wl!!.iu:,.tU. l.'uii..l .... .:;5M.U ':';'--l.l l.'l'i.i d l,..s,..,11:,.r 2.,...,,,,,' -" -Portlniul i.ii..sciigor ;;,!S p.m '--,!- L:il ay tl'vu-ht li;;u .i.'.ii, r-I-IVrtland ilirotiiiH fr't. .ULati p v,: Sciiilhliound. l." California Express J. 31 am : Flour l'aton; sir.ili'hls, ;1;ih, Vall.'y, f.;ui; heat. t l(t. l'o:il--Vhl!e, t.-ll. . It?.!.' e,nirt' i ahar.',, " rT i a. per t'arr.'l; Hi'1; !iole Llvrntofl. Stsera (umlor 10(H) lb ) Siivm 1 1 i0 to li'eo h )" 1 ows. l er Imuilred i',lK!it IJoks. fat, p,..- ,milj K'r iio.iii.i N'rliiR lae H. ,.r jionml ! eal, ac,-,i:i;t (,, ,1Milly I'elK I'ry. per immkI Raited lti. mtry ,,.ttB. ivich' ' -Hull i In. ,.,1,-lt , . . .. ,!5 fc09 . . lUOtfl tt 50 jf 4 bl -77 W f-iVU 8 H 1U . ..ti.'.cifll ibm '6; cra.Kcl, p.. .ll:li a. m REAL ESTATR. KM :i oi help furnl.dud. s,n,l in your orders. Ad.ln-ss i; South Oommoreial street. Phone Main Ml' 1MI-1ii:o 4: p in. p.m. ' .Ki p m. al ' 111. j 1 rt. j .11! HEIISCIIEACII & SON nave .,. eued a hlacksniith shop at S0;l Nortli l.itieni si root, where we will do nil ' kinds of work, wood or Iron. ,.,.,. I1-'-!'"1 mobile sprliiKs a specialty. ll-iS-tm : The Secret Terror. The hamulniv fnw ,f ..:..i . . . 1r. irnvs i . . ' ""-"'"ss ami very good soil, one-half helplessness is the river bottom, 13 acres cleared, 5 the workingman. Health is his capl acres In 1-year-old peaches, cher-tal. Kidney diseases sap a man's rles and apples, 5-room new btiuga- strength and vitality. They lessen his low, ham; 2 miles from center of yarning capacity. Foley Kidney pills m.i. i nco w, on terms. Square 'ring back health Deal Realty Co., room 304. Phone healing the disease. 470. 1'.' -Ashland ra-enger. . 1 7- KoM'lmt i; Piit-si'ngor. NVillauiotte I.IiimI,.,! ;, ,11 Shasta Limited ; ; If San Francisco l-prosn.M i l' -.lba::y Vassrng.T 1.".',"' Local w v f;vU:h "1:1 San Fr.iiuisco Ihivimh I free lit 1 Salcm-llcer lliamli ngiT arr. SMem. . 9:''", a.m. L'.o- - li;-s. mxd leaies Salem 10:00 a.m. K".' Pass. md ai r. Salem .. 4 p.m. US-PasK'nger leaves s.d'nn ;,;;i0p.ni. Hay C'.ol ,'r hay. O.I!: It II. liar ii',;. i Ti::.o:hv, ft;; alfalfa. fVl; fl"; oais and vetch, grain Mil No w liitc, :li; )i,-r to'i. brew - d. f.M.;,0 per t ro'.Uil. f '' , .i ;s. I'lilrr and riMinrrjr rrmliice. Iliitter- -Or'gon creamery, o!M ick. HT'-.'e- ici- 11.,; prints, ! ox lots p in i p.m. ;01 pin. IV i-r 1: geesi SAXII AMI OltAVKL. SALEM CONSTRUCTION company can supply you with sand and gravel. Ofllee 464 Court street. Phone Main 790. Gravel bed on Front Btreet and North Mill Creek. 6-28-tf HOME BARGAINS. GET A HOME, MR. WORKMAN Pay $25.00 down, then $12.50 monthly for E4 months and get deed to home. No Interest. Let us show you. Ger man Investment Co., Steeves Bldg. 12-4-tf LAUNDRY. CLOTHES LAST LONGER With our all hand work; established 20 years. 225" South Commercial St. Phone 1158. Hop Lee. 7-25-tf LIQUOR HOUSES. WILLIAM BUTTE Fine wlnes.llquors and cigars. We handle the celebrated Kellogg and Castle whiskies. Cool and refreshing beer constantly on draught. South Commercial St SCAVENGER. salum SCAVENGER Chas. Soos, proprietor. Garbage and refuse of all kinds removed on monthly con tracts at reasonable rates. Yards and cesspools cleaned. Office, tele phone Main 2247. Residence Main 2272. 6-11-tf FOR SALE By owner, strictly mod ern 5-room house, also -room house, near domiciles school and earllne. A bargain worthy of Investigation. Call 205 Lincoln street. Phone 1003. 12-13-2w FOR SALE, CHEAP-Slx aero tract, 3 miles from town. All In bearing orchard. 5-room house. 3 minutes walk to ear line nt Claxtar station. Easy terms. J. W. Beecraft, Route 8. U-25-lm niul strength by They are the brwt medicine mado for kldiu-y and blad der troubles. They act quickly and thoroughly. You can buy nothing bet ter. John McMasters, Strealor, 111., says: "1 feel better nml a great deal stronger than I hnve for many years and Foley Kidney Pills did it." No harmful drugs. Dr. Stone Drug. r0. THERESKA HAT WORKS. KATS of all kinds renovated and re cleaned. Prompt alterations; work guaranteed. Thereska Hat Works, 205 S. High street Phone Mnln 251, Salem, Oregon. fi-25-tt UNDERTAKERS. LEHMAN & CLOUGH U. J. Lehman, A. M. Clough, morticians and funeral directors. Latest modern methods known to the profession employed. 445 Court St. 9-20-tf FAMILY LIQUOR STORE All stand ard brands of liquors kept In stock. Wines by the gallon, bottle or case. Free delivery ln the city limits. E. Eckerlen, 206 N. Commercial St. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN on diamonds, watches, jewelry and all articles of value. We also buy and sell. Unredeemed pledges for sale. Wil liams typewriter for sale, $6. Sa lem Loan Office, 120 Liberty st. NEW AM 8ECOND-ITAND GOODS. E. L. STIFF New and second-hand furniture, hardware and general supplies. Best cash prices paid for seeotid-hnnd goods. Just received a 'arge shipment of new linoleums, carpels and rugs. Corner Court and Liberty streets. Phone 941. 3-12-tf HIGHEST price paid Tor second-hand furniture, ranges, hardware, tents, etc. We carry the most complete stock of above articles ln town at the lowest price. O. L. McPoek, 170 South Commercial St, phone Main 1233. 8-25-tf LTHOLSTERIXG, RENOVATING. F. B. MERRY & CO, Vacuum carpet cleaning, on or off the floor; carpets altered and laid; mattresses made and renovated; furniture re-covered; shades and awnings made and al tered, 238 High street Phone 568. 8-22-tf FOR SALE A good 8-room new house good barn mid chicken house, good well, .1 blocks to where the new union depot will he built, or.e-half block lo paved street. Price $1300, all cash. See .lolm Van Lmuicn, 275 State street. 12-13-3t FOR SALE Modern five-room bunga low, close to earllne and school, lln ished strictly modern including plumbing, light, lixtures, bath and cabinet kitchen. Bargain for cash if taken at oneo. Apply to Roy II. Mills, Spaulding Logging Co., office. Phone Main 1S30. 12-1 l-lf A GENUINE BARGAIN' In Portland real estate. The first with $1000 gets a $2000 choico lot in good locality, or a $1250 lot in beautiful Hay Ocean nt $750. A rare opportunity for small cash; balaneo payments or improved Salem property. Apply 405 Court street. 11-15-tf "veterinarian. DR. W. G. MOREHOUSE Practical veterinarian. Successor to Dr. J. J. Kenwell. Graduate Cornell Univer sity. Off!co Jack Darr's feed stables, 544 Ferry street. Phones, office 2199; house 1510. Salem. Oregon. , 1 ''' FOR S U.F,. FOR SALE Forty-foot counter cheap. Call at 371 State street Phone Main 2232. 10-8-tf FOR SALE A good little horse. Price $15. See John Van Lwinim, 275 State street. 1 li-l.'J-Ct NORTHWEST NURSERY Phono Main 141S, 195 South Twenty-fourth street. Large stock of fruit trees, especially prune, npplo and peach tm,s. 12-10-Of WOOD AND COAL. SALEM FUEL YARDS Fuel kept under shelter. I handle Kopiah coal, and Imported British Colum bia Wellington coal, lite best on the Pacific coast. Also hard and soft wood, cut to suit well seasoned and in the dry. Satisfaction guaranteed. See my stock, 752 Twle street, or phone 529. Mark Siddall, WATER COMPANY. SALEM WATER COMPANY -Office corner Commercial aim For water service apply at office. ,.n.-oh r. Trinnr V 111 n 'ifii'i- Bills PEETS new and second-hand store can save you money on new furni ture, as well as second-hand goods. See me before selling your house hold goods or buying your second hand goods. See me for bargains. Phone Main 451, 252 State St 4-15-tf iU. S. MILLER, the WATCHMAKEK- Over 20 years' expei. - ...,i.w,w nt Beatrice. Neb. Hlgn gra work at eastern prices. Opera ?. i.iv AM Tmirt Bt. 10-5-tr NATDR0PTI1Y. NATUROPATHY Is the coming scl- enfe of assisting nature In remov 'm? disease and staying well. It com hines the best In all other drugless systems with a certainty of success, nt to be compared with the one ideaisms of the past There is no sickness without a cause, which, if token in time, may not be easily ad J'lsted or removed, If the laws of nature are Intelligently applied as di rected by this system. We have ni!"iy testimonials to prove its Wonderful results when all else had toiled, ne plus ultra. Dr. J. T. Work, jCourt street. Journal 'Want Ads." bring results. GUARANTEED AUTO SPRINGS-We manufacture high grado auto and trmk !:prln,-s, also repair, set up, and re-temper old springs. Our long list of satisfied customers will rec ommend our ability as leaders In ouf work. Laher Auto Spring Co. id North 15th St.. Portland, Or. 10-5-tf Mrs. Fannie Sutherland, of Portland while demented, left her homo Tues day and cannot be found. It Is feared she has met with foul play or has fallen In the river. Dr. Win. Sadler, author of "The Cnuso and Cure of Colds," says that common colds should be taken se riously, especially when they "hung on." Foley's Honey and Tar Com pound Is n reliable household mull clno for coughs and colds, equally ef fective for children nml grown per sons. Tnko It when you feel a cold coming on. It will avert danger of serious results and cure quickly. Mrs. N. C. Young, Pesgah, ;a says: "Fo ley's Honey and Tar Compound com pletely cleared my threat and cured my cold." Dr. Stone Drug Co. oiu:;i i l l (Titir Rtii.w Northbound. Leaves Salem. Arriv Traill No. 3:l"a.m 2 (hvl. O lio a m s S:0"n.in 10 I ,oo. K:5.-.a.in 12 '"on a.ni 11 Ltd.. U:2oa.in i,i 2:oo p in is LO'ip m 2u Ltd.. 4:15 p.m 5: 50 p. m 21 ! : in 2ii Nonlhlioiind. Leaves Portland. An n, s Sal CO. Portland i .:,.:.,., . V..l n. m ! . t0:2oa m j .ll L'Oa in .ll:.".-. a in . 1. 10 p. in i . 4 :20 i in . p in . d: to in . S:15 p.m .11 20 p in Ma. m 1 :1M a in ;i Ji 2o a in. . 1 ii: i a in. . 2:or, p.m.. 3: lo p m. . 4: 4o p in. . 1.1.1 , II III Ltd. Loo p. in 17 Uc 11: 15 P in. . p.m. . p.m. , 10 21 25 Owl. Northbound. . s :;o a in . 9:50 a m .M. ma. in . I : oo p m . 4:110 p in . ii o:, p , . I!. 110 p iii . S:15p.n, . 0.55 p. in ,1140pm . 2. Li a. m $14 per ton; balf Pt Ion; f.Os, $10 Leaves Albany. 7:oo am 10:1.-, a. m 4: 45 p.m Lean s Eugene, 7:115 a. m 1 1 : mi a. m 1 :115 p in Arrlvt M 21 . Salem. ::on a in I'o a m Arriv 11 Ltd 10. mill in IS 20 Ltd.. Ever notice thai all old-fashioned photographs of a bride and groom look like they were standing up to be shot. . Wo wish to call your attention tc the fact that most Infectious diseases such as whooping cough, diphtheria and scarlet fever are contracted when the child has a cold. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will quickly cure n cold and greatly lessen the danger of contracting these diseases. This remedy is famous for Its cures of colds. It contains no opium or other narcotic and may he given to a child with implicit confidence. For sale by all dealers. !2;ol a.m. l.eaw Sale 1 :.'! p.m. . Sale 2 Owl. . . Southbound. I. Arriv II Arnvi It's easy to get a man to ui:iee whb you if you want to borrow money. la an 1 1 : lo p. mi 1 .em e:, Salem. 2 :15 a. In S.llo a in loiloaiu 5 Li ales Salelll. Loo p. in 7 l'ines Salem. I, l!o p.m 11! Femes Salem. S.15 . m IT A i riie I I Arrive 5 Owl.... 1 1 I ,:o p III Albany. 2. 10 a in Flll'.elle. ; 5o ii iii II 110 a m Ltd 12 10 p m .Slops at Albany. 2 oo p in Arrive Eugene !i 00 p in ps at Albany. . . . . li.2o p. in Sle WANTED. WANTED Married man wishes tlon on ranch. Inquire at f son restaurant. posl- Tgll- 12-14-31 WANTED Position as general farm hnnrt. Call at 146 Center street. Phone Main 1525. The lluny NouinnN Day. It begins early, ends late, and Is full of work. She often has kidney trouble without knowing It. Her back aches, and she is tired and worn out. Sleeps poorly, Is nervous, no appetite. Her bladder gives her trouble too. Foley Kidney pills will euro nil thi.t and make Imr strong and well. Mih. , ., In.-i never. 12 Frederick St., Auburn, j From N. Y., says: "Three boxes of Foley Kidney I'll Is were nil that were needed to make mo strong and well." They aro the best medicine made for kid ney and bladder dlforders. Try them. Dr. Stone Drug Co, SALEM, FILLS MTV A WESTERN H AIL WAY I'D -Tin K TABLE. 12-11-Ot HOARDERS WANTED at 2274 State ctreet, nice rooms with hot water, bath and electric light and heat. LODGE DIRECTORY. SALEM LODGE NO. 4, A. F. & A M. Stated communication on first Friday in each month at ' l0?. .- D. W. Ptigh, W. Jom ' secretary. Llberty streets. Elevator service. A, H. Bunn, Consul; F. A. Turner. Clerk. 37, O. E. o. ne""" - ,, ,, Mr, HI" " " , ' , Marie n Derby, V cock, secretary (.iiiirrn NO. . CHADWluv ; , nLf, first nd e hall. Ida M. Dab L, rearce, secretary- 1 WANT For my !"'. lt; v"rfl oU1' position on a farm to make hlmsel' useful rnd be trained I" all branches f farm work. Call up Mr. noun! i.f Train; onoo, o. nt the phone ,".o2 nn-'M' Knit KENT. Ff.'l I'; REXT- 2.', KUi ! f.-room c'lOtige at JI0 )i' r mouth. 12-10-Ot I CR RE. NT rooms, " Pl,r,l,e 22V), -Furni-li"'l ',5 North 1; ;,:-,. keeping roji:i'T:lal. lM3-.'!t FOTULNT-Flnest furnish in the city, ail modern and ne, fur Lh'PFS throughn it. Hot and co d tr. W ,r l,,t and electric iiRn. ulso bath. Come ami IchA ."mover. The Argo Hotel. Phone . 01 311 Lneuier.ei 12-7-m Main Is CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children, Tub Kind You Have Always Bought Boars the nature of Went Salem. j Leaves - 1 No 1 for Itlnck Itoek 9:00 a m No. .'I for Fulls City 1 20 p in No 5 for Kails City 4 45 p in. j No. 121! for Indepcndeneo. . . i):5iinni J No. 125 for Independence, . ,i 110 p in Arrives 1 Dallas 8 15 n in Mliu k Itoik 12 '10 p.m j From Fulls City l. lo p m 1 From Independence From Independeneo Sulldi!) Ilnl;. Leaves No. 11 for llbuk Itoek .. No. 13 for Itlnck Itm k . .. No. 15 for Dallas V,, I"! fur I lutein. rui'lK II No. J2.1 for lllllependelll t), . .0 110 pm j1" '11 Arrives Froin 1ml I as H-lf, n.iu From llloek Ito k MOpm F'rom Black Itoek fi Do p in. .'rrilil IluleoendeneH '. 00 a III Eggs O.e.ion raneh. 0r. I'lieo-io Full Cnain twins II'.; Younc America '.M'.. 1'iii.ltry - Kens, i; ,, t:'e; ,rn4r '.' lac; ducks, young, 1 1. 12 vc; turkeys, live, ISc; dressed, 211c Veal- Fancy, 85 to 125 pounds Ill's j 14c per lb. Fork - l.'ancy, o 'ie per lb. Groceries, iirlcj fruits. Elc. Drlisl Fruits-Appl.iH, 10o per lb.; currauts, Klc; Hprleotii, 12 if 14c; peaches, SWlle; prunes, Italian. 10e, silver, ISc; figs, while and black, 51-UN7lnc; eiirrents, 9'ie; raisins, looso Muiu'iitcl fiXjirTe; libmched Thoniisoii, llle, uilbleached Sultan a, 8 He; aeeded, 744f8c. Coffeo Itoasted. In ilnims, 26 J 40c per pnuud. Nuts . Walnuts, 1 7 ' v u i ISc per h: Hnu.il nuts. 12 'tie; lllberts. 15c; al monds. Ill ,1 1 Si-; pecans, i ,V; ,v on nuts, 00c ii $1 per doen. Salt Craiiiilaled ground, lone, fl per toll. Means-Small white, $5 10; large while. $1 ,i 5; l.liiin. fil 1,0; pink, r,c; red Mexicans, ac; bayou, $ I (15. Sugar - Dry granulated, J.'i.Tf,; fruit and berry. .V75; beet, $5.5;,; Extra (' 25: powdered, barrels, Jt! 00; cubes, barrebi, $0 15. Mice No. 1 Japan, 5 5 14 e ; cheap er grades, 4'.ae; soiitlieru head, ! if Cc. llonov ('In. ice, ;i.75 case; strained. per lb. Yi'Kchililrii mid KrullH. Fresh F l ulls - Aiiple.'i, tulcii $l.fi() per I'm box; pears, 75e.$l 25 per box; grapiv, Salem. f.:;;, .,o ,.,. ,v; eriuiberrlon, ill .'.0 per barrel; caslias, 2 50 er doieii. - "'M'liij Tioplc.il FiullH- llranges, Valencia, I "11 P.m I , ii, u, .Is, $2 I.O n It.l.ii; t'alltornla '' ""l'iu( ape.l'niit, ?:: o ;i 1,0; F m lda grapefruit " M'a.m ,$ :,o; lemons, i; p, r box; pineapples, jlic per lb; pomegranates, J per box, Albany, j p,, rnliiiiiiini'i, $1.75 per box. 5-0 pm Veg, tallies lleiuis, 12e; ciibbago, le Fugell" p,.r ,; , , ,, f -r, M.r dozen; celery, fl! fill per eiale; cueiiiu. In rs, ho n Hoc per doteii; eggplant, Hie per it u ml ; bead lettneo, yi per crate; peppers, llle per pie. lid; radii. hen, 15 .f 20i: per doon; spiouto, he; lomuloes, l 25 per bm; garlic, fi'uile ier lb; pumpkins, 1 'i ii per lb. .Sack egi laldes Turnips, nii k ; be.'lji, i'Iic ; riitaluibas. iris, 75e. Sue, I potato. m 2'ii' T lb. Potatoes Hill hlltllt'l 1,0 1',,'n- per I'll Oniuiis nregoii, $1 oo per ion k. Hops, Wool, Hides. Me. Ilup.i pill! imp, I'Mil-.-. a. mm. I lug to ipinllly. Wool Lasiera Oregon, II pound. Valley, 1M ; :e. Molmlr- Cbob o lll'e Illd' S Sailed, 111 'i p.T lb calf, pie; sailed I. In. 12c; will ll ',4 1 , .Meell hides, II lie; dry calf, No I, 1 I2ii 111 ':. I'rniMollK. Iliiii.i All -.l.ei. pi. ; l I' ll h K. l.ii; eUllled, iS 'ill lie, bull ed, 2,5 . ll,o .,ii I- ,.le y, 2.' 0 , Kla.-.ila: 0 m ; el, ob '-, 21' ; KUk.l'..li. 15 ' tt I'o Iny Salt M'-uis b.u k-i, diy in!', L ; 1 e; 1,10 lis, Mle.ke.1, I I ' . ;l I.. t iUHl Kewanl, jil'H'. The r.M.! f tl, , :i;,.r , ''.IM, t ! ,1.1,1 !;,.,. U .It Icilt ''..UM -l"tse ,1:, ,.,..,,. ),.i, '"'" vt!ri in ail n m.i.i.n , I1'"" U '"-I'-i.-lh. Halls I'.,;.,,..;, ,-,. is He' only - o.itlve en,,. n,nv Kr . i, to m.l'..-., fraternty. ritai-,!, i,,,!,,,. : '"O'lsig-tl ,lioas,.. re.pi:,,.,. I'oo.-'itcfi. ml tieatment. u.itl'a (V - ta"lll I'll ,. M t,l.u .,;y miag 'Invclly npo.. the b . ,1 an I mucous s-n-f;ues ,.f the ivs,, in. thoid.v d.i-s'rcMi,- t'. foiind.u'on of tho dis ''a ' and gli ing tl,0 padent strength by builling up the constitution and as. sls'ing n.imte I,, doing its work, Th progi '.etois baxe i o much faith In lis furatlxn p. neis that they ofl'er Him .Hundred Dollars for any case that It falls to cure. Send for list of irstimo- , nlals. ! Address F. J. CIIF.NI-IY .C CO., To ledo. Ohio. Sold bv all ,li-ugv;Uta, 7;H. T'ah.i Hall s Faiully pills for constl-pallon. Mrs Hoe Hiluian, Socl.ilisi caudlilalii for city ti-.vi oner of Iji (liando, at (h,i election there Monday was defeated. You will find that druggists every where speak well of Chainhei Iain's Cough Remedy, They know from long experience In t, a 0 ( ,mt j eases of eoiiglis and colds It can nl iwavs bo depended upon, ami that It In pleasant and safe to take. For sain by all dealers. I llinois Stnue Heimlich , . look with honor on Skin l-li uptloiis. Ml 'tches, Son-s or Pimples. They don't have tbeiu. For nil such troil I bbv uso Miieklln's Arnica Salve. It Ig.loilflos tin- lace. Excellent for He- a or Salt Kheiiin, It cures sor lips, chapped hands, chilblains; heals burns, cuts and bruises. l iisurpiiHsed for piles. "5 cents of J C pei ry i A man thinks lu would enji.v help, ling bis poor relations If he hain't i any. ( roiiiy ( 'hiikIii nml liei-t Colds The ,eckeHt sllllpleiil win- to lid tho cblldien of dangerous crimpy coughs nml whee.-y sluffv colds Is to give tin-in Fold's Honey mi, I Tar Coiiipioiiiil. It gives iilmest Instant ndlef and stops a 01,0:11 pinniptlv. It siiiilheH ami heals CoiilaliiH no opi ates. II. I. Mlouoiulst, lliidalle, Wis , navs: "lv w ife ciioildei s Foley's llnii.-v and Tar Coin,ound the best i cough cum and It gives the Ih-hI re sults." Dr, Sieiio Drug Co per 1 nr- A D'-h Moines mail bud all attack of liiuiieiilar 1 lieu ma 1 1 m in In his Hluoilder. A ft lend ioU Ihi-iI I1I111 lo go lo Hot Springs. That meant it 1 1 exp'-nso of $1511011 or nml,. He h, night tor a quicker ami cheaper nay t ciiio it and found II In fhitiul.ot lulu's 1 .1 11 1 -ineiil. '1 In iIiivk after tho find up- J 1 1 li 11 1 1 1 . II of tills IllllllO'llt lie was well. For 101I0 by all ib'uleis Tim pllblii: lllld big e.ilooimei n Khuiild ml tbo example In using "llm- goll lllllde," ' I" ; call. 'I -d slags diy I. bleu dry slugs, 'J 110 11 111 4.45 p m 9 00 a in ; 1 I'u p in j r, r,o p in I 9 Ml u m. 1 From ll,ieiendell,e ........ f, 1 4 p III. O. C.T. Co.'s fif.e.amr leaves for Portland Mon day, Wednesday and Friday at 0 a. rn. M. V. BALDWIN, AirL When ion have a bilious at Chamberlain's Tal.l-ts a trial 1 are ex':' lb-lit. For sale bv all ib a k gl hey A big : ', palo ii' lie .1 big ley 1,1,11. I I'm-; i..,.k.-.l. 1'" HlllO.lerl MnalH H-lf llOlgO-. fl, Iwf es, -lie . l.ll'ullll , !i'r. Ill slip, "lie; kino-kin. 21c I'lekllll (iO'elS ll.iirelH, plg feet $14, n-iiUr Hip", Jlo, leoiey coinli tilit, 112; liiinh 'oiigoiK, $111', Ian. In' tongues, Jin Uti'l -- E'-ni'i r.-M'I'-l !. t.en.-a I ;t r, Ml, 1, 1 1 1 , ' ' ii.! iid, lor. i. Il'-.i , t .'.a. I I'm. i.oc 1 1, Hum hhii.h n 1 if k nr. RHICHESTER S PILLS U J Tin mi ' "' a j-5)V. ,!!,. I ,X-t '.'" 'i.IO I ' a .","" ' ui '' m'"rn ui 1,1 i"in nn t m m i -. ' ' ' ......... .... i.--. - " SfJi3PalC(ilSISlU.Kintilkf inn I Children Cry FOR FLETCHERS C A S T O R ' A SALEM FENCE WORKS Hevl'iuf rie- f',.- nop vua. pon.iiiv Mim'i flIMff V1I!K nxiN'i HA lift HIKE ItHlN MOOES MtLIIDUM 11'lOHNII r. Si n. iiiid iir.AMY iMHinv; All It 'bo lowest p'-l'-' , 1 r 1 iimr K. 15. I LLMli Hurtmtur U (!. D. W i 1 1 U" n 2i(f Court 8le-t I'.lal:, ; liour, 1 ! j ( 011I1I Shout For Jo). "1 want to tliiink ynii f-mii Hm but Moo of mv le-ail," ml,- C II K.olei-, of l.ea 11,'iiig, W a, "for the won- ll.-lful ilou'de peflt I got r I Flee. ll le MUtel , III 1 0, lug Ii, ,f (,.,. ii a m,. .., e 1 ; i f hIooi.o I, ' f o'loln aid of li.llli all.illi, flom M III' ll I I, el I II all allli'e-i belpb s" Huff. '. 1 for ten yeillrt ll 1. 1 1 j I II, V I :i I ll.o'lgll load., J.eii for 11. " l or d " phI.'i. i!,,i , . -.'ion, i,imi:,", 111. -I i" , :! ill" :(,, of I. Idle V l - li. .OS "' ,1 I OI " . I .oi, 1.1. , 'l ie :, 1 ll 11 . II., ,,. ! ,, I , ll.ell, !.!. "!'! I'I gi ! ,1,!. ! lo S l'l' f. 1 ",' , ' ',' of .1 C Pel I V Childron Cry FOR FLETCHER'S Q A S T O R ' A Great Chinese Doctor L. M. Hum llu nn- ll, iii n wh'eh IH ! ! ny linunii dis' .me Ho i.uili'- l " In i' r Of HUil H I1' '.Ij'I'I-4 til e,, r, Ml'-wlh, Kit. 1I11114, MiuK. 11 1, ail. 1 lo"i'iii mio. diOdl I'y, Ion, ,u Ii. liver, ki ll."' tlo'il.le, vlu nuf M10 kernel nt olboi mi- nrskefi 1 : 1,, i n il I p. , ! r-nlc ; ul k.fU of I... 'it. I"H iietiil I. f,nl kuM. he'iilu irmi'l-s i.. ;.fl Vila 1 'oi.H'il'ui'i.ii fn-i 1 1 o f TO Hm 'Ii.m o . Ch'i.iwo diot ii-l hrt I iff , K hoo: flooi IV I'' 1 Hi 'el I 1,, 7 p ! I, ft'.. i,.- I .S ,lol 1 't liV': rt're.-l, III',, If .-1-1 1- "I. ,,f1 1 1 ll, tl : liOI.D DUST I I.OI R ItiKt.-r mul i KK". I'DUltl). n,.e ht tje iNJliMV I'dWIt HIMIMIY, Si 'In, j. OriV'ii M,cli' (-if I mnlly I "' i t, , , r t.,r IL firm 1 4. lol MiuMi lf " Piioiie l-'l Fi 1 iMi.s Hon.. I r 71.. n. p- r .10 . 1 'f . .': v. 11. n in ti v. i'