Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 16, 1912, Page Page Three, Image 3

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    Would Like
to Make an
To n'imt" for space in the state
1S0 ,1m Iiik the loglHlntlve boabIoii
, mi exhihli from the economics and
olltltal Ki li'iice departments of tlio
fnivfrsiiy of Oregon Prof F. G. Young
tni f i hiit uViu't"ont conferred
,. a Hiirv Olcott today.
profnssor Voting plans an exhibit of
dlltfl perlalnlnB to plans for the utlllz-
..h ......rot VAaillliaftaa rf
the sta"' 1,1 va,'lou8 wfty8, Dnta ani1
clher Ini'iiiniiition on the organization
of oKrlrutMiral corporations will alHo
l,o 8iowi. Mho municipal and county
accounting systems of a uniform na
ture will r f'ivo attention In the ex
hibit If It Ilicwl 'i t,ie Btatft house.
Financial statlBtlcs will be shown and
VIH be Illustrated by modols.
The imiln Idea will be to make the
exhibit a part of the regular publicity
work of (h university In the depart
ment of political science and econom
ics. Professor Young claims that the
txhlblt method of publicity Is effective
in making iteople look at things as
they really are.
It Is doubtful, however, If the uni
versity can be accommodated to tho
extent of allowing the exhibit to be
placed In tho capltol building since
every nook and corner of It is made
use of when the legislature is In ses
sion. Al Hie last legislature It was
neccssiirv for many of the most Im
portant committees to meet In the
corridor.; of the building, while sev
eral com i ,i i I ( ops had to meet at the
same time In the rooms that were
the i:i iioruAX m ay of
Drnnd W'hltlock, mayor of Toledo,
Ohio, litis just completed an eight
weeks' lour of Ireland, Scotland, Eng
land, France, Belgium and Germany,
which was undertaken chiefly on ac
count of I ho new Ohio law conferring
homo rule on cities. He desired to
equip himself as fully as possibly to
meet the complex conditions which the
new situation imposes upon Toledo,
where he is now serving as mayor for
the fourth term. On the eve of his de
parture from Berlin ha told the New
York Times correspondent that Eu
rope In general and Germany in par
ticular were far ahead of America
in almost everything pertaining to
city government, and that the munici-
iaii.es o tne united States had an, It can be 8pen (nnt wl(hfmt addJ.
Incalculable amount to learn from the tlonal illcreaso ,0 the number now
other side of the Atlantic. In that absolutely cerlain lt wll, ,)0 neee8
interview he said: eary to provide additional facilities.
"My American patriotism has not During all tho present term lt has
been lessened by the revelations which been Imperative to rent an outside
awaited me in Europe. It has rather room, and present prospects point to
been Intensified, for I go back more 'ward several more rooms being need
tlwn ever convinced of the vast room 'ed next year,
for Improvement in our municipal I The proposition of moving the
cof,itk)ns' I present public school building upon
"I take my hat off especially to the the back part of the district property
German!!. Their cities are probably and erecting a modern two-story
the best administered communities in building upon that site Is quite pop
the world, outside of Glaseow. whlrh ' ,,in in n.iu Mtv Tho cost of the nro-
atso splendidly governed.
"Speaking generally, I should say
that the two things which -chiefly ac
ount for the good city governments
in Europe are: First, that trained
jfessl"al men are in charge, more
Big dolls at little prices. Kid
dressed, Make your selections now,
Do not wait until they are picked over, Large J
sample line of big dolls, Best assortment in this city, X
Dolls with real hair, those that close their eyes and 1
some that do not,
Rememhpr the little nrices. Doll f
buggies, go-carts
I Toy tea sets each,
I Toys, Trunks and
Fine umbrellas at $1,25, $1,75, $2,00 and up to $3,50
IVen's neckwear, nice neckties
iofp 1-iirr lino dn H
v.Wivuiuro tJify iiiiw ttnu
doth, mercerized table cloth,
1 - 4!almse oi )"
I 240-246 North Commercial Street
OP inaa ,.
''-". and second, .tr;1
J" are utter, ..I ' U0M
"at they keep what. ,,.
""' and other , ' , ,'. ''""
rra,e 1111,111 ; :.,r
"eaa of Imndli, ,.., ov '' "
'"t'ft to,,,,,,,, ,!.,; "
J 'ose two facto, 4 ,,,
'lu'lblyas bolnLriw,,,,,.,,,. . 1".'"
ayth.nge,Hefl, ;,.,;:
the effe,ol7 ,lf -municipalities.
1 ' n
"Tho abb.it i
..v.iiu.H It'll III I. ,, ,.
..,, i" ' "ut'ii, I III V Ut'O
Blvlng BaliHfaeiory 8,,.V,,. ,,. ,
'andpolnt of both ,1(J , ,
!'"' IV,
"The svtnm n, ,
admlnUde beyond v,
"I realize bow (llfflci.li'ii i ...,.. .
KunDpean measures and fnniM u,
wholesale to our own cmUwm f't
there are a number of
we could borrow . our hualeuiabie,
"Tho German el(.3 wi,io)l j ,mve
already lnsiKeii.'dKrnniir,...i r,....'
den, Oalogno and Ilorlin-iuo MHnitiw
model municipalities, rwv i,i
can city which can uffttnl tn ,....
to send the mayor to tho Fatherland
io see now Ideally government is rou-
"I linvo linm. 1,,..lt.i , , .. ..
- - '." iitn-reu ny tun tnor- , lu,! esrapps. Kg.
oughncss of everything and have I tima,ln? '"oeostof a kindergarten de
learned so much I never knew before !1,ar,n,p,,t ,n -"0n. the ))0aril roc-
tlinf T n1.n11 1 ..... I niiltlW.Il.ln Oi'.f ...
that I shall have difficulty to know
wnore to begin In applying the lessons
which I am taking home with me.
"Everywhere I have encountered
burgomasters and town cmineHtr,
with whom tho Bclence of municipal
government is not a political oppor
tunity or pnsslng occupation, hut n
profession which they have pratlced
for years, and Intend to practice nil
their lives.
'Everywhere I havo found tho pltv
in possession of what belongs to the
city, and not given awny. Everywhere
I havo found a vigorous public inter
est In civic affairs and a feeling of
personal pride In cleanliness, good
order, efficient government, and ev
erything else which Is part, and par
cel of a municipality's function,"
silyeiitov msrs
Hecenl census for Bchool district No,
4, Silverton, shows G!2 children of
school ago, nn Increase of 124 over
tho year 1911. Of this number SI aro
of tho ages of 5 and 4 years not yet
old enough to enter school. It Is esti
mated that at least 40 of theso will
be old enough to enter school by Sep
tember, 1913. The class which will
graduate at the close of the present
term numbers 10.
posed building will be about $.10,000.
Children Cry
bodies, dressed or un
and toy furniture, j
15c, 25c, 50c, 75c j
and $1.00 I
Wheelbarrows j
at 2oc,
littlp. nrices,
Linen table ttw
m..-w r -
napkns to match,
School Tax
Next Year
In 0 0 ItM.
1.1 II IV 111 I IIL'I MhK
ric Salem Bdioni ...
V.iV,' , ,,, , '"Vf.M i "i o wear :Vm
.0'-'''",'-ii''WDtr,.FH ,-omk vuom
'"B.fn. and addni,,,,;,
I flJ.Ouil I., t
oxtonMi,n. , ' "';m..,..o ,,u , wh,,h,r v. '
.... , w,. ,,. , ,.
, "' l .Ml. i lira I., .1
' HI 11 f
I:,,"iv..,i , , 1,1 """"SClU
" Inn '.ZZTT
early l,,,,,,,, m
' "'HI '' i IV.
Sal hi da
11 neenitiif rt ' . .
-U:r f MimI children of I., Me,
.e now attendlnc tit, i.t,. ...... .
, o . .'Lm: BCllO KH.
hci'.nU).M( vef thtii,ni0
;!V';Mn,,a Wtondepar.mel
on. ctfitu notvuourcci fo
T'n..li :a iwtl.rn.-r the additional mon
rv "M A h.HB pia,,.
"ad y need,',:, afordlng to tho heard
"1 the Grant nu, i,.i .,
. " '""'iP,
"un win P,,s. nl)onl j i0no
Is 11. SMI1-V
, , -i 1'iovuie mi
HClUlO! Itlllllll Ufa M-lt t. rt.
provide ti,0
oinniends that a total of ni tt i
00ft bo included In the general funds
The kindergarten feature is meeti,,,.
with considerable favor, It Is umW-
slocd, and a largo petition waa sub
nittted to the board.
It was found ivmipulsory by a city
ordinance recently passed to Inmni'i
fire escapes on the school biilld'.iu-s
and, all hough members of the board
did not think It. necessary, the eliv
aws require the expenditure for the
The budget shows that the cost of
maintenance of the Salem nubile
schools for the past year, totals $101 -000.
There has been receipts to ocr-
jconie this amount partially, in ih" sum
of $H,2i;;..'.r; and a levy amounting to
5.3 mills will be necessary.
Tho yearly business and new recom
mendations will bo submitted to the
people next Friday night, when they
hold their annual meeting In th. high
school building to consider the differ
ent items In connection with school
district No. 21.
Following Is the compilation of the
Salaries f $0,000
Supplies 3,0110
Repairs 2,!i00
Interest S.000
Power and light 1,.'00
Insurance MO
Water and phono 1.000
Freight 200
Wood 2.500
Sundries 1.000
Improvements 1,500
Total $101,000
Money Borrowed,
Borrowed 23,050
Balance on buildings 500
Bnlnnce on heatliiK 2.500
Kills i 30
Paving, sewers 5,000
Total 32,00
Jieconiincnilcd for Hetlcrincnts.
Klmlemarten 2,000
Heating plant nt Lincoln and
Grant schools
Fire escapes In school build
ings "
Total l2'000
The Interest charge Is on the out
standing bonds, now amounting to
of NKWiiKitft iikmk;i:
....... .i.t iinl.ite
On the ftronnus w.
nntvldcs that no county In this s" r-..,-i:,." ... -
oiriiK-iiranindoblernossaioonn'li.i.oda, Intern,,,, nn In Ulv-n
more than - ' J ' " '
Tn, ,'( ill lltliiy
lfst Saturday afternoon is.and a tem-
,..i,b.i. will r-st rain
porary injmn u"" "
the county of Yamhill from erecting
bridRe at .Vwberg. J
This ruling Is the nfU'rinain "',,rokc
vigorous astern on thlfho, .7H ,,,
.1,. Vim i If) ' i'i tni'i 1
,i o ,n brides tho
tho defendant j
unit j
.,,. in nav one-half of
til" ex-
and Marion county the otb
. . ,it t. lni) the !n ceding
br-.i-Blr. by I-ee Laughlln. A. M. fn.,
, it,.,,-, lev. J. 1. iiern
nuiK. J' '"
... . T A St n .
I Vanthilt ou,Hy. Yamhill connty I
l,U;w $;:,:,fi in debt and tho urn-ny""
I ..,,:.! hI noon t.':e iinpro.en.' n'
!,.., -his rea.n. -'n'" ':"' '
l-CSKod oil sevel-il other l of
! ,. i i i have
Jar naiai"
jallinn,"! by the hlK'i-r t,-!biMial:.
y0is a Keiil I'1"!-
i ..,fi tdot exists
When a bu. ,"""
Iir liver and boweis -o
. . fMoini. to aei, -"':
HKingS . ..... .,.tm They gently
abuse or y " . n.r
,, rl,ht aeuon '
j r'Storo ""
iC oi
J. C
and all good tVM-
' perry.
ith chronic
eol'siuon the mlM and entle
consul .,..,,.. Taheti m
fort of Caair.D""'"- -
Su espeda.lv M to your
For iale by all
r,tJiw ..
!l't our iiii't'ivisi,,., t... .,.
I' rwuk of n.er,lv"trv. m
!- Mm, u-. ,r 1
I ,.,,v r,1(1 fl.'om'' p
i.,. 1 "( m other causes i.vt
i ,U-
t.l.U'J !.)' (1 l.Hll ft-.,.,. ..!..
.'i""u cr rot. I,ot
'J '.I
a. Mcculloch
2i'l North Commercial Street
lOround Floor)
Office hours 9 tu
mt ttUUNU-UP
Hank clearing In Portl.,,,.1 i.,
week imiotmied to $1 2.Slt!.uoo a gain
of U per unit, over the sum.,
b t year.
The typhoid fever situation In iw
Ron City growing steatllly worse.
many new cases bolng reported.
Warrenton's Hevolopnient League
has endorsed Teal for secretary of the
Klamath Falls lias develop,,! a warm
light among the Kemocrabs for ibe
position of postmaster.
l'ortland is having an epidemic of
twins, sixteen pairs of them having
been born since October 1.
The rorthind Citizens" roinniiitee
endorses the vice crusade, but "de
plores its publicity."
Portland's big poultry show ended
Saturday night. U was a remarkably
good one and the attendance was un
usually largo, 20,000 attending.
Portland may be forced to adopt an
honor system nf her own as Ihe city
and county jails aro full and Kelly's
llutto and tho roekplle are crowded to
Portland Elks will brighten Christ
inas for some of the needy, having ap
propriated $1000 for this purpose.
The First I'r.lted Fresbylerlan
church at Portland Saturday evening
burned a $r,o00 mortgage on Un
church with appropriate ceremonies.
Bandon has another weekly paper,
the "Western World, published by L. J.
Bntterfleld and A. J. Weddle.
Tho matter of supplying Its own
electric lights Is being agitated In Al
Newport will remain wet for iinol ti
er year, despite tho fact that at lis last
election It voted "dry." A defect In
calling tho election Is the eauso.
Mike Kpanos, 2! years old, was con-
vlctod of murder In the first degr it
.Mclktrd Saturday lor me Minn,; i
the Greek
Gooi-ko Dediisknlous, last
'J lie jury was oui oniy
I ' K'lt'W t!
' I land will be taken to Horky He-f,
Albany expects 200 fnltcl Arttos ; .,.,. .y wj ,.,. , willameli"
to bo In attendance at the im-elim; j ,,v(r ab(Vfl N,.w .;rlli p lUll, ,,,
thoro Tuesday, lt beliitf a blf? dhilrlct vs K1 (f h,. wnianietie from fm
convention. i w, ct ,,u the w, s, side main lino ti.o k
' ' 'which Is ludai: recmstr'ictod. Aii'iilor
Tho funeral of tho veteran steam-
boat man. Jacob hnmrn, who dbd n
Portland Saturdav
was held from J, i -f
" ""' '
If all tlio nations are lo continue :
buildlnq bbrcer navies, tl." result will
he after awhile that everybody but tie
millionaires and offici
w ith money.
Morris, Cash
Feed and Grocery
3 pU's min1
'j j.ki;s ii'
2 f .-it s K""'
; cans la:-'
r, it's wiii'
fat O.'b'-M
, I "
5 I!iS jiltik !-,'
J cans pa'm'ii
OS I",,'
. . . .Vie
.. .'.!
. . . -'"-
r.kt'S K:
inkle f.'oin Kla
cans table peaches
5 r
ans table aprirots
3 cariB ne
3 onil eorn
,.in wheat floor.
IVrfeclion valb-y
Mre b-imu cur'-d hams ..
drifts ex:or,i an,.
Liberty Plfnre snowa.
I'hono U'jI.
Bridge to
be Done in
Two Months
' ,;y :!...
ir.iii: ci,
'iiy - w
!tbe W!l ..
. of MiuvV, th..: e n t,
'K i new l'..:;;s rails
rai'ivad biitlg,, m,.r
'!ie at the feoi of l a.,,,,
' lt s .: i l ow i't ., ,
ni f ;m nw.ir.v
"' i,:"iis,er .i-.,v4 n, iv..
lifI. '';t h HiU be hvated betue,,,
:"'"!Hl r.vl t.;iv,l j ier froti. i ,
CM.iny ,!,!,., wil, ,. :)arno!l .
''i i. i men before lm-
j M lu-c.V'it inelu vy . f l,lst,-tei
: lei, i
'oruvy tientle work in ..l.
lili.i! I lie
'anievs may ms under.
'1 be ti-estl. work ,, n, , . , ,
hi:-A 1 " co.nilete,!, ,! , i)u
,:he east m.Io it III be .onipleletl within
T 1 tl., ..... , . .
I - 1 " iie'iiia. , inri'i' ermv ..r n.,.,i
workers was busy yesterday, and
about 100 spectator seemed Interest
ed In watching the husky me,, Ka,nbol
on the high, structure, while a strong
wb'.d was bl., .,g ,lwn the river, that 1
made their movements seem prettv
Ainn r it k M il
The plans of Ihe l'ortland. Kimono
Kastoin people In building clerf.lo
lines lit :hc v.il' y nt-e iletaile,! tus
by J. H. McClymomls. chief cnciiiccr
of the company :
"This new lino t ill b n complete
new road lie,! ,ncr mueh of the dis
tance, and ices' of th, ri;l,t .,f ;
being secnrcl w ill he ' it and I an IV, -t
The purpose of this Is to aco mi, mo
dale (he future lniiness. While
onlv n shn;le tracl; Is helng Inillt
now. the coiimaiiv ttl'miil.Mr
double truckage and ft n r trail; ser
V ice In the future."
He said the Southern Pacific
Ihe-nmh their sylein In ralil'oi ni.: ;;iv
oporal iiiK now ,Mu miles of two 1 1 , k
olcclrie lines and their Ihium-oss pun
iiiereased many times s In, e the elec
trification has liecit e'ttabllslied.
"IHsiuniv Is not measured so
much In miles as in speed." said bo,
"when ciiisiilerliiK the centers of
trade. Tenple with business Inter- ;
osts in the city will think tvothlm; of
10 to 30 miles for resilience homes !
when Ihe electric lines aro oomidet.'d ;
while tho express trains will pick up
provisions nloiiR the line, nt plat
forms, where no nlnU'ons are main
tained, Ihiis giving the rural seclions
(lie benefit of the city market. Wood-
burn will have pnssoni;,'!' ncrvloo ov-
cry hour or oflinier with every part
of tlio valley,
'This matter Is n;, ovperlmenl with
llio coiiiaiiy. They havo nlready or
dered much nf their rolling stuck and
ciinlpment and tho whole Rvsteni Is
lielni; built upon a plan nf the lies!
Service possihle lo he ,:lven."
The main oast side line will l,o used
almost evcliislvely for the through
truffle to f'allfornla. and for frolr.ht,
while Ihe electric, will bo used f,,r fast
passeiurer traffic, local frelithl ami
express service, maldnp a nelwork of
oleotrlo lines from KiiKone to l'orl
I I. the main artery lino lielnir the
lone from laic, no tin, inch Salem.
: prnm .,,,., , rl(. w K .,, the
nw H(ajI of f,.(n
silv,.ri,,n lo WmtdlMirn. from V,hI
m m ))(, .,,.,., , ,
s,)lltll,.rn .a,:fc tracks to llubbaid,
from Hubbard a dlroct. Hue to I'm I -
ill paien, me'lb ,11"" or iinsll'ln.n
t. rtlH'-d l t:,!n I'.ipir lire for talo ,
Drug Store
Ultl I.OM
II I so
-,.-. r r t. i r
Which cuics in a il-w
MKc.nilR! ITCH or SEVF..N
, mi vw
Price SI. 00
Marie bv Dr. S
. c. sTorjfc.
I Sa'eu C-scun
1 '"v;
The Xmas Store
You will find here
Xmas merchandise
PAIN I V MlVf l l v Jl FI.KY
Solid cold KoM ,.,tcd and
siorliiiR. I'lti,, une comitrlst's
boanly pins, l,,,r , loickles,
br-U'olets. h.ckots, coin purses,
cuff links and tie , l.i,ps, ,,, Iced
19c. to $6.50
won i'iiimms
Silk llclciy
N eel, near
Tea prims
K 1 III 111! Its
l eal lo r LeniN
I inhrclliis
I lllells
roille ( l'nrtland will he when reach-
liiK Cllvnrtim to ko l,y Mar,tiam and
Taiihy, (tuhsIiik Ihe main lino truck
near Caiihv,"
Are the Slatenii'iils of Salem ('lllcin
Nnl Mure Hi llahle limit Tims,'
nf I'ller Milliliter.. t
This Is a vital iiuomiun.
It is fnnutlil wlili Im, rest fn Siileni,
It I'ormlis of only one nnswer.
It cannot lie evaded or luoied.
A Salem cltlen spiiiltH here,
Speaks for the Hillaio of Sal, in,
A I'll I .,'ii'h statement Is rollaldo.
An utter h! i liner's ilouhtful.
1 1, une pi oof Is the host pnuif.
l K) iV. , IV "
I MERCHANDISE i'Mrr swti .tuwttn suit t cjyur T7,..
j Ill "
Did You Spend All Day Monday
Over a Wash Tub?
(la. i d tv
1 1.
Of Hi" I'lltl.H' k'" ,"T,
That It If Hb" I'llll olhll'1 to
l.lil'V'lt I'f Iht, tlllh 1,1, 'I H"l
da Been.H th" , uoo 1 1, v
Ii.-llt ale an. I f tni'v i'i' i
wli' i, I " - I v I . f,,r
J'ml, at raief'.llv i' wle ri
iai.e no f' ur -f nny uitb
.'I..!'-, ritt oi
(ii e ill I.; n,
, i like io lei
KJ(M(K; S. Liberty Phone
Anrnmohile Motor Cvcle and
A .-'s'"- " J
Accessory Dealers of Salem
inuis-w CYCLES
n, f f i .Vj
P Thrrr
a dandy fee of sensible
at prices to please all.
.Vilv t . ... .
" 1 ' t"' I U''R plenty of
and can ccrtnl'iiy sup.
I'iy tber,:
W In f.l.it)
Short Kid Rl,,v,. n , w
,!1 S'ov. a fl j;
Nil K 1M1I SSI S
imv Kf'.m-. to noli all our
M. i.'l. in.. I color,;! nlik dies,.
I' l-.aitllcss ,,f cost - we must
close them out
!;' alar I'-':' .'ii, ! and
': :;. v tines, bh.,-:i I ..;,
A. W. I,,l ,, It. V. ). No. 1, Mem,
On-Kon. sayr. wa luhl up for two
wet ks hy illsorderu.l kliln H, causoil
I believe, by n Hlraln. 1 tried iiovoral
remi'dleH, but obtained no roller, and
when a nelchbnr iidvlsed mo to lnk
I'oau'H Kldnev Tills I did in. Tlio
t'i'lileiilH of ono Imx made ma no well
thin I lesiiiued work. Doiut'H Kidney
Tills helped mo ('really and I am
pl.-aHeii ,,i rei'omini nil theni."
l or sale by nil iIcuI.th. I'rlt'O fo)
i-eiilH. l',,.,lor Mllhuin Co, llutfalo,
New Vol),, ,'itle ac.enls for tilt! I'lllletl
lt.'inember tin, imme - I tonu'i mid
I ,k" i I her.
.In,: H' bilald., h.i.'k eil.tl,
bl'Miiitlnc In i it , r"ii.
l!i family wii h den, ciib, t'.n Unci
(,', -A'tV, J'.ilt
lint uath to
' it ! r.
be i -' j r u I In i,.t :'
d f,,n
bit'id. !-y hid I milled ).
d'Hiti at Iri'ii", ill. I
l" ).. ilninni'i .) wbllu I,
i ; ,i t ,
, t.
I nii i: ii. t w i.. H. Mnit i.ii. ,
!.. t ttt f'.r I!. I . II. mid I t,ri
l.i,ri,r i. it'l Kt-rrj strtft.
tntillli,ii. Hlilii rull.
.,fih ( -i,irrfliil Slrrrl l'h,tn 141
Sfl HHUhHt M IM' 1
liatl'l I.'"'", "l- tAnugrr.
S.ilrni, nr. -s'.'t" limitii lllh ntl