ALL the news that's fit to print honest ed itorials, influenced by neither clique nor corpora ion...The Capital Journal stands for the people. 36TH YEAR. Miss Orth to Serve Sentence Broke Her Parole in Port land, Is Brought Back, Pa role Revoked and She Is Now in the Penitenitary The parole of Miss Ora Orth, the young woman who waa sentenced about two months ago to from 1 to 10 years In tlio penitentiary for the crime of grand larceny, was revoked today by Judge Percy R. Kelly, in depart ment No. 1 of the circuit court, and the prisoner was committed to prison. The revocation of her parole and flnal Incarceration in the penitentiary emi8, for a time at least, a very stormy llfe for .Miss Orth. After many thrill- lng escapes from arrest, occasioned to frequent trouble with officers In ,,, , this county, Miss Orth and a young mn by the name o Frank Buffln n- l ? W';n",0;" T" nue ... .... .. .. jtail nuri'ieu Bw.iiu uwuu niiim i- freshnicnts, MIhs Orth and nuffin calmly relieved him of $85. The per- formaiveo look place In Polk county, ami It was several days afterward that Deputy Sheriff Each concluded to ar rest the pair. Immediately nfter the crime wan committed, the Orth girl and Duffln separated, and, not wishing to arrest one and lose the other, Deputy Sheriff Each delayed the matter until he was jure of his quarry. Through several different sources, the deputy learned that the couple were going to Portland separately, and would meet at a cer- uid poniT. mis imormauon resuitea In Miss Orth and nuffin being followed and arrested, while they were in the act of boarding a North Bank train for northern points, A speedy Indictment was returned and a conviction with equqal prompt ness found. While the Jury charged Puffin with larceny from the person, It was inclined to be lenient with the Orth girl, and, thinking the charge of lesser gravity, found her guilty of sntmi larceny, in tne majority or states, according to the lawyers, lar ceny from the person carries with it a heavier penalty, but In Oregon the sen- OLD WILDING fiOIN'G twice is heroic for grand larceny. DIHVX THE CIll'TKS Consequently, nuffin was given a sen.- tence of from only 1 to 5 years, while down wooden funnels in Miss Orth was sentenced to from 1 to Btreamg of brick and mortar, the old 10 years, liuffln was sent to the pen- Marq,iam building, Portland, is grad itentlary, while Judge Kelly, acting uftIljr meltlng away, and within 30 upon tho recommendation of the Jury, dayg( lt l9 the opinion of the con paroled Miss Orth. , , tractorg i charge of the razing pro- This new lease of life and freedom cess, everything will be In readiness evidently proved too much for Miss for the new Northwestern bank build Orth. After securing a position as a j lng of the Portland Trust company to nurse In a Portland hospital, and work ' rise over the site from which the ruins ing hut a few weeks, she waa arrested 0f the old building are being removed. In the Oxford Hotel and booked on The wrecking of the old Marqunm the charge of being drunk and dls- )s n the hands of the Sound Con orderly. According to Lola M. Bald-! utructlon company, and the plans for ln, president of the Board of Safety ! the new class A building are being 'or Women, and an official of the Port- prepared by the architects of the firm land police department, who brought !0f Doyle, Patterson & Beach. These Miss Orth to Salem, the case Is a most j pian8 are now well advanced and aggravating one. Miss Baldwin do-1 probably will be completed within the "ires that when Miss Orth was found to the Oxford Hotel she was stirround- ed by three men and two relatives, and all were in an Intoxicated condi gn. The Orth woman refused to lave the room, states the officer, and It required the assistance of five male attendants to handle the carousing owd. Deputy Sheriff Esch declares that Miag orth's mother and sister Were nnmnn i.i . ai":e In the hotel, and that Mrs. Orth Va ordered out of Salem recently f(,r raising disturbances. whn Miss Orth appeared In the room this morning, she wore a Pleasant smile and talked and laughed 'lth her guardian and with Sherifr Mlnto. Her former counsel, Grant or,'r, was present, but, after talking the case ever with both Miss Baldwin and iiiR cl,,nt notlfeci the court tnnt n further hearing was necessary. Jdge K,,iiy immediately issued an or revoking the parole, and Miss Orth as ,,ikrn to the penitentiary to serve t the original sentence. When told she iimst go to prison the broad smile banished. Tears gathered In her eyes, and It Wa8 with a great effort she con tro"cd her feelings. If J'ou had been properly cautioned, would not have been In this fix," m MIP8 Baldwin, as she left the girl " rl,m'Re of Sheriff Mlnto. "We paroled "Knten the lives out of our targes In Portland." TO JJMSii j, i'" , M )' -''i.iiloil .ori tfl 1,. V. ,. ".mm nuin, or., nw. m"IMI, rep..rlH current 'ortlan,!,, ll,,,.owlode 1 f"1""1 Friday, declared 11111 every cent of a Um fund to nid F,u,ior was ,)ro , lnt They declare they ,,0,(, receipts frm Norman Fauldor brother of the dead convict, rr' a" moneys Bnd will wol(,omo any probe for their actions Servia at End of Her Resources UNITED WIKSS njASKD Vina Washington, nun ii; o ... Kailantrv f . the trll)uted ft . con- fttIl of the T fc nlllllfttl(m f,om J a,), from Aug trIa ,,..,,,,, , . rom A"s- lnn" ftccoidlng to a letter from Mad- din Bl " DoIgrado , U)e ''0Cl TO, every a, e l0(1 , ,)(twc(,n (ho aRc. o 1C and (15 on the battlefield, ,10 per cent of whom are heads of an average family of sev en, and with 40,000 sick and wounded to care for, the country today is with out sufficient food supplies or means to secure them. Summers, In an appeal to the Red Cross, recites an eloquent account of the bravery and self-sacriflco of this lltllo nation, and declares that unless peace is declared Immediately, and the soldiers allowed to return to their homes there will be no crops In Ser via next year. And Servia has only ,,e n(ri.Icilltllrfl ,0. m.imma. TnouBandg of Sorvlangi the fk)Wer of tho comlry havfl mc, dca)h Qn the battlefield already, and 20,000 more have returned to their homes penni less, and so badly Injured that they will be unablo to support themselves for the balance of their lives. Cut with a winter, a cold and merciless one, staring them In the face, Sum mers says, Servla's warlike spirit Is not dimmed by her misfortune. Still defiant, mothers are hastening their yonnf,,v 8ml8 lnt0 the fleld of battle, and taking upon themselves the hard burden of caring for the wounded, next ten days. The 1'ortiana in... company expects to see the new build ing completed by October 1 of tho coming year. Saw Hi Sen Killed. frsiTF.n ri.Kss lkakkd wihf.1 Taconia, Wash., Dec. lG.-WWlo at work on the top of a telegraph pole In the downtown district this morning, Guy McClure, a lineman was shocked to death by a short circuit of heavily charged wires. Just as the young man received th, deadly current, and crumpled Into a heap on his high perch, his father, E. E McClure, a traveling man chanced to pass by. He saw the accident an ran toward the corner, to find that the victim was bis own son. The NnTjr Is Shy. ti-Nirra 1'I.ess l.F..vHm wtnn.l Washington Dec. 10 I'es'"'.. .,.,.)o showing an Increase in crl.ts the navy is still .bout M m Bhort .wording to anno..ncemPnt he today. The last few months enlist L.s have dropped off l an nnnrece- dented manner. fiot Life Sentence. fBNiTKD thsss WASfP wisr.l Kl-th Falhs Ore De, K- 'sentenced here today to Imprisonment thur Wallen, cone,...- . - for life. TTTlr . r -r- L . T I - M . : n..i : iU'linr I v ill 41 i fro I Body Back; tee of Commons Votes to Send the Body of Ambass ador Whilelaw ReidHome in Big British Warship. tK.siTFn 1' u-ASnn wiut: London, Dec. lO.-On a .,10i i. Premier Asquiqth the house of mm. mons decided today to offer a rtrltlsh warship to convey the body of the inm United States Ambassador Whltelaw Held to New York. Asnulth .mid eloquent tribute to the dead American, and the commons at once sanctioned Ills plan, Ogrten Held today is arranging the details of his father's funeral by wire less. It Is announced that the London services will bo held at Westminster, but no date for them has yet been set. Immediately upon being Informed of Ambassador field's death, King fleorge dispatched an equerrry to Dorchester House to express his condolence, and sent the following cablegram to Presi dent Tart: "It is with the deepest sorrow that I have to Inform you of the death of Mr. Whltelaw field. As your ambas sador to this country his loss will be sincerely deplored, while iersonallv I shall mourn for an old friend of many years standing, for whom I had the greatest respect, The queen mid I sympathize most deeply with Mrs. Reld In her heavy orrow." EXPLAINS 1V1IY HIS 1VKIT1XG IS SO GOOD "Why Is It that tho handwriting of nearly all telegraph operators Is so much alike?" Frank Holder, the vet eran operator at the Western t'tilon office was asked as his stout hand wobbled on a telegram and produced C : 30 p." and "paid" In characters graceful enough, but by no means models of chirographic execution when one tried to decipher them.. In fact, the characters were most fearfully and wonderfully made. Frank, who Is an observing chap, replied: There's a reason for it. In taking messages off the wires It has always been necessary for operators to write fast. Of course, the "mUl" (which In telegraph and newspaper parlance means typewriter) has eliminated much handwriting, but tho telegraph operator still has plenty of use for bis hands. Time and experience has shown that the speediest handwriting is attained by putting a sort, of drag motion Into the hand (and Frank gave a demonstration) which produces a half backhand effect Tho resem blance you mention Is a result of tjie drag and the back hand." "But the comment I was going to make was" began the Inquirer. Frank chopped him off. "Oh, I got you. Why Is the telegra pher's handwriting always easy to rend?" he anticipated, twirling bis silken mustjichlos. "That's another point. You see before the mills came Into use, we had to write all mes sages by hand. And when you take stuff off the wire by band you've got to make It legible." He emphasized the "got." "Of course the typewriters have I spoiled that to some extern mm most of the younger boys are pretty punk scribblers. We old-timers though are atlll proud of our ability to write fast and legibly." The Inquiring par-y smiled and look'-d far away. FOR itivrns. itnciiii: ml TIM jCX'ITl'li I'M Tuft. ("a!.. D"'' ( li;.si:i, ina 1 Ifl.-llepfeselliat of spot'tlmr cnlm-las's of Taf .... .... 111 i I vicinity r ,rt.s today iiuo ' ' Hiu as n pur-" for a I i ! raised j wight chani 'oration D'iv ions'iili hafle 'e I'e I betw.-en Willie 1!:'' -rd Joe Rivers. .Mni" -say, will be add.-d to th- fund Teiecram" have le-en nt til'' i;ii:y sf lb" Nobn and loe Lew. inan..' . j,-litvveigl.ts nflVrh.g the irateti an . . . i If the match '".ti . . jUnir for terms. 1 !. .eclal ar-ra wm ' Wted. Falling in "''urirg this at traction, the promoters w,,i o , between J,Mandot andAJHo. ii.-:. a SALEir, OUKfiOX, MONDiv. I n I nplure hipltol, W;i':r, ,,,,,,, , " Vm:: en w";ir':i- "-bit ribbons i,d ,. ryiiicr fmni .,m "v u. oni is commutes room to cor, ''" room gave, the n.rrldoi 'I'-' Capitol and the othYe 1. "' i" the senate and house v- he appearance of an eial ""ffrage convention. The w... men were members of the W. C. T. r. in session hew to urge "'usu.eracion of the K venyon Miepard bill. Evidence Is Surely A Cincher Irsiri'n imikss ur.s.a. wnsr..) Portland. Or., Dec. K;,-DechirinS negations that bo was trvlng to blackmail Ilr. Harry Start, first mem ber of the alleged Portland "vice ring" to' be placed on trial, drove him from the city and forced him to stay away until today. Leslie Anderson, a vouth oiari is accused or wrong ing, testilled In the physician's case today. Anderson left the city Just be. fore his turn to take the stand came, because, as he declared, Attorney Hume, representing Start, stopped him on the street, and asked him In a loud (one of voi.V why he was trying to blackmail bis client. The boy says the attitude of tho attorney was so threatening that he II. si to I.lunton, nearby, and would not return until as cured by friends that there was noth ing In the blackmail allegations. Anderson testified today that he had sought treatment from Dr. Start for a private ailment, and the assault took place upon Dr. Start announcing him cured. The bulk of the youth's testimony Is unprintable, and Is by far the strong st evidence yet given against Shirt. During today's session the members of the jury objected ninny times to ti'l.n,.. T" .. CI...... bickerings among the lawyers. (INK IlAll.lillAD (OMI'I.AIXS AUDIT AMITIIKI! The Southern Pacific Railroad com pany today filed n complaint In the of fice of the State aUllroad Commission against the Clackamas Southern Hall way company on account of a difficul ty that has arisen regarding a crossing of the latter over the tracks of the! plaintiff at Oregon City. A bearing to i i ho held nt Oregon City Is asked for. i The Clackamas Southern road Is building tracks along Flf nth street 111 Oregon City, crossing the Southern Pacific tracks at Center street. It Is alleged that the Clackamas Southern has not complied with Its agree tit with the plaintiff company. A Lightweight 1 1 (. -ora. I'lWKB ii:asi:i wiiik St Louis, Dec. 10.-W. K. Harnett, aged 22, weight 34 pounds, and height 39 Inches, Unlay lias a license to mar ry Miss Dorothy Warfield, 19 years old Miss Warfield weighs i:!'. Mrs. II. L. Morris, seven feet four Inches tall and weighing 12G pounds, will be matron of honor at the wedding. Hiinilcr Him Small. Oxiianl.('al.,Dee.lO-ltohhers rtyna .,,.,,,1 the safe of the Southern I'aeihY and Wells Fargo eoiiipim at. I'lril, near lure, early today and escaped with money or.brs totaling a small I sum. Two po: s. s are s -aremiig no the men. Nine Days to Christmas D t Jhe Children Are Countinf: the Days Are You Going lu Disappoint Them by Failing to Get Those Presents? Get Them NOW. 1 Ef K Tfff ii llffllintifir ! " " " " . ft H ? 1 rman Hunt i: s is tiided i: Hi.!- I l ill Death I JiMan Who Assaulted Girl in Santa Ana is Followed by Angry Posses-Wounds i but Is I I'M rni i ii.:s 1 1 .si . . m.;. Santa, Ana. I'al.. Hoc. Ii!.-. Unshed I'.v 2"0 deputy sheriffs and angei eraz.Nl citizens, th,. (bug who, assault ed H-year-old Myrtle Huff, -stimtly killed late to.lav. was In- The object of a hundred bullets, (be fellow dropped, riddled with shuts as the posse swooped down upon him. At bay In the bottom of a box-like canyon In the Santa Ana hills, the li.'lld lnvlle.1 death t.y leaping in!,, the I pen and defying the posse to take 1) 1 lit. At. the coiiin, and of Sheriff liuddoi k, the enraged ollleeis. ranchers and citi zens swooped down the shies of the iiinyon, tiring as they w.-iit. Ileteie their ipiarry could lire more than two or three shots be fell a writhing heap. None was Injured by his dual volley. The man was apparently an Ameri can. He was about years old. In the pockets of the ragged clothes he wore were hundreds of ll-eallbre earl ridges for the revolver that he had used. Ruddock and his posse started for Santa Ana ulYer ending their man hunt. The Slory of the Crime. Santa Ana, Cat. Doc. Id After as saulting Myrtle Muff, aged II y.vars, and escaping to the bills east or San ta Ana. where he was pursued by a party of deputies, an unldenlllled thug today shot and killed I'nder Sheriff Hubert Squires ami wounded Deputy, Sheriff Albert Hater and Harry Tubbs and William Culver, citizen deputies. Plater was shot through the head and bis wound may prove fatal. i Later today the mini was reported surrounded In a canyon. He Is heav ily armed. i Sheriff Itiul. I... k, at the head of hK ty deputies and citizens, drove the in, in to cover nf-er the lirst exchange of shots in which Squires and three of his companions fell. Itmldo. k at oik e ordered his lin n to deploy about, the I i 1 1 1 Ii of tlie canyon Into which the. fellow disappear. .1. A mss In an , automobile was ib'spaleheil to the op- i posi.e end of the gorge to cut. off es-1 cape in that direction. Along tlm top of each rlui, deputies urine.l with Win- . Chester were stationed at Intervals of ( 200 yards. Messages from the posse Into today asked that, more men he rushed to the scene. It al--o stated that the des perado Is known to I... heavily iimi"! and that without doubt there will I"' more shooting before h" Ih captured. The uamiilt on tlm Huff girl occur-' red bi'e last evening at the much of h. r brothT-lii law, William Cook, with whom she made ti'-r home. Hearing the family .logs barking rear the I arns. Jennh the , tig' e gil l I i .le with Iht shit'-r, d out to lnve il gate. At tho bam loTi'l, who cov , hand while In with th" other tie's, tin' Jennie to Ii p' ter around tie she w its selzisl by l!i red Icr iiiontli w ith id-- se,. - III., little h.H'er With bis foot on Mi r man He t. bound lit. ! ,i and dr.u-g'il h-r xl ... corner of the barn. After five i.ilniites had pas ' d Cook, wondering at !. ' LiDIr- n h ab .en, .-, iiarted for th" l-a'n II" v-.s n. h)' i! e terr;tie, y..i!i.g.-r ''l ho rl-l lb,,- a man bad . .. .gh b' r -i l.-r Wl.i-ii Cook ai'i" ..r-l on !'. - "le- t'. rullP.n lb"l ''""I- at I. ,l, -i-i-i- v Ana. i,t '1 II I ,,f a t.'.l.l Ci :i Ana nl " ; I." "' ' -tory i ee Lei ! b' "I J ' !, I t., . ,. A, I, ,. d,b a le-' . !o!d (Conllieied on j ! 1 e ls 1 ,,1,11,1, ; W.i-h , Dec. ii! .-The lr.lM.i..!! nine-.ei.. n-l.o ... I ... .... ..- j. I '" 11 '- ' eee. oi t M's- l!"her; I'llon. f T.u,, ., l:' 1 '''llil in t!,: cliy t, ,Ay 4 The luby ,.,,s ! ,,., ,.a ly MMi 4 .1. I "am. Is. .several month 4 Vrs. i'ii.Mi but her child In i 4 'I e f Mrs. Daniels, kn ;l:.t 4 motvli the latter moved and did Hot give T , !,.,,. (lf ad,!,-,,..:;. 4 Sirce tv.,n th.. wilier u,i ,..,. ducted a dally sear, !i. 4 Two More Aviators Are Killed 1 m 1, nu ss 11: .si n me 1 londoti, Deo. Id - license lluv mou- oplano In which they were making a night from tho llendoii aviation grounds to Oxford, turned over and tell 1 '..l feet, landing, on tint Wembley golf course, Lieutenant y. I'aiks, of the Hut al navy, urn I Mamoer Hani wick, of an aeroplane on. puny, are d.-ad here today. A ihop'iy wind was blowing when the lUhi began. Hundreds ,,f per. sons witnessed tlie accident ami helped extricate the bodies of iho vleiln.u f'.mi the wreckage. The Irrhl.iilil I use. I r si 1 1 11 . m. ,s 1 1. .si 1. mm ) Washington. D.v. It! - Aiiui uevs Woii.hlnglon and Simpson began here this afternoon their defense of .lodge It.ibert V. Archbal.l of the commere.. court under Impeachment, trial In the 1 lilted States senate. The entire the ory of tint defense Is to be basis! on Hie purity of the motive throughout ' l.UHllleSH negotiations between .lildge Archhald and the interests 111- v. lve.1 in litigation In Ills court. Are You Playing Santa Claus to a Man ? Itenietnber Ibn rooinlni Hn of of sliopplng here; oui host of our Ihliu-'s ii -ii Mini to wear. Some Suggestions for Tl'lVeling hll.'S, Kill! caseil, (illli'D, II nil. 1 1-1 1 .1M, tt.llilioln- 1 1 link . collar cam h, hat hot", I'd, diet, in Indian robe, gloHB. etC. For Sporting Friends Kvti- ill-is, H .f si, r ; ')' m. c hunlitig b,,.,t:i, 1 1 .Hi,; l-i; .. - For Stay - ( '. .H , f-. I" ,b!e I. ,;"- (Oi'N :i b Ull ll." .'I '' 1 t iiv bl ust.' '( ' "' Nti ' I' 1 1,.- t ,'if. ' I bs'lr.t:. Docs II; Live hr Olf? SALEM WOOLEN MILLS STOI LIU IIOWH I THE largest circulation in Salem and it is steadily increasing---The Capital Journal affords the very best medium for all advertisers. price two ce::ts He Thinks Helen Is Lovable That Is the Opinion of the Man Who Is to Marry Her -She Has $30,000,1)00 and He Is Eminently Correct St Louis. M,., D. c. hi Clad In it cuildy dressing pntti ull, pabt green sl'ppers, F ,1 Sliepiird. an otllelal of the Missouri IVHIc Iron Mountain railroad today talk.Hl of Miss Helen lioiihl and their appron. tilng Marriage. "Helen." Ii.. said, "Is the most lova ble woman ever met." Sh.n aid could not recall the exact day h.i, but said there was no do.iht. about the .piintlen being "popped." ' It happened." cunlln.iKl Shepard, h.utly utter we r.ot to know each other and bad baincl encb other's id' , .Is 'I In u our In ails told us we v. e. e de I lie it to each el lior. "I cannot even recall when I first met her or who lul ro.liice.1 mi. If I l,m w III,. Introducer, I lieter eoubl how enough gralll. 1. 1.-" Tlu n Shepard admitted that "for the life of ll.e, I never could see what .tils le.uld saw 111 n.e " lie hi, 1 , t be bad il photograph or Ml.i Could and that he had t'eceltisl sores of rollers! illa tive mcs-iigeti and tho Inter view by savllig he must hurry to the elllee. "If I don't get down ll.ei.t Bonn." In. lidded. "I will l.n my Job, and II wo, i, be unpleasant for an engaged man to get married without n Job." Answer to the telepimn,, .all for oodiow Ull sou "l.lae'H gusy." our tur; the real comfoit novelties wlih h men mini, Traveling Friends u. i.-.'is.rr ). i-uU., 11N. C in b ''' ' at - IIomes !l .' - i." I I'd b '..;,.. I ,' b ."Is 1, I, .III I'll ' I 11 II'' I-" ..HI H" ls