r.Fcr , PAI1T CAPITAL JOPByAI, 8A1EM, OREGOy, SATrRPAY, DECEMBER II, 1918. W V if I ...Globe Theatre... Program for Today Hifiir explosives rsED i r. s. army Showing every operation from planting of exploslvcg to electrical connection and final terrific upheaval of tons of earth and rock. An educational feature worth seeing SALLY AXYS STRATEGY A delightful comedy showing how Sally Ann and Silas sold their farm, and with the proceeds Silas was taken In tow hy a "bunco steeror" Sally Ann's strategy saves the situation. An excellent picture. SAINT AM) SIWASH A drama of the north woods. Another of those features which Is Intensely Interesting and beautiful In photography. THE SERVANT PROBLEM - With Florence Turner In the title role. This is the most delight ful of all Vltagniph comedies, and a work of art. You'll scream at this picture, and It carries a lasting Impression. Don't miss it. LOVE AM) STRATEGY A romantic drama depleting the life nnd love of a fisher maiden. Jealousy, hatred and love with grand photography make this pic ture of unusual merit. All next week "Hungarian Cymbal Soloist." Something absolute ly new In Salem; brought here at big expense. Ion't miss sit, ALWAYS THE PIPE ORGAN SPECIAL TODAY MR. RALPH RAYMOND, Tenor THIS IS ONE OF THE fiLOHE'S REST PROGRAMS. Salem Hardware Co. HE A IKJl'A HTEKS FOR I'MVERSAL PERCOLATORS CHAFING RISIIF.S CARVING SF.TS MtMCITIF. SETS CASSEROLES POChET KNIVES cinnn mty silver SALEM HARDWARE CO., Inc. Think Boy Gol Away With Gems POLICE THINK HIGH SCHOOL HOY IV A STIIE 1HRGLAR WHO Till US DAY NIGHT III RGLARIEI) THE WOODS HOME. DNIT1D MESS UilEO WIHI. san trancisco, Dec. 14. That a high school youth, deBerately In need of funds, robbed the home of S. N. Wood, a prominent clothing merchant here, Thursday night, when $.)000 in Jewels was stolen, Is the theory of the police are working on today. The theory Is given strong credence since tho receipt of a note by Wood offering to return the Jewels for $2000 cash. Handwriting expert Kytka, af ter an examination of tho uoto, ex pressed his belief that It was written by a youth. It Is penned on a sheet torn from a small note book, such as students iiae, and the orthography, spelling and punctuation bear out the school boy Idea. Tho note was brought to the Wood home by a small boy, who said a stranger had given him 10 cents to deliver It. A maid held the lad and summoned Wood. Tho latter Imme diately telephoned the police, who re sponded by sending a wagon load of policemen to tho house. Tho strang er could not bo located, and tho boy was sent home. I JO N'liilli Commercial Street. Side Walk Material Special Prices for the Next 10 Days Place your order NOW and let us send it out to you when ever you are ready for it FALLS CITY LUMBER CO. The Gutter Runs Full of Cream j With the "price of whipping cream ranging from L'.'c per pint and up ward, a strange sight was presented 'today, when a good-sized stream of this valuable product made its course down the gutter from the Townsend creamery to Jim Lawrence's store, where It disappeared In the sewer. A can of whipping cream became un niaiuigeablo when an employe of the creamery attempted to remove It in tho building, and, slipping out of his grasp, fell to the sidewalk, and the contents went Into the gutter before the heavy receptacle could bo up rlghted. Several canines took ad vantage of the "free lunch" by lap ping up what, they could, and, if the reporter In not mistaken, several con sumers wore a painful expression w hen they passed the erea mriiKul, evi dently remorseful over the waste. It's Best To Have ready to use at first sign of trouble the best corrective for any disorder of the organs of digestion. The earlier you seek iclief the easier it will be to get it and the more certain it will be that the trouble will not lead to something worse. It is universally admitted that BEEGIMI'S PILLS are the safest preventive as well as the most reliable corrective of stomach, bowel, or liver troubles. They bring about regular, natural, healthful action. All through the body in every organ, every nerve in actions, vigor and spirits you will feel the benefit of Bc.echam's Pills and quickly, too. You will save yourself suffering if you have this matchless aid to health Ready On Hand Sold OTarywbar In boM 10c. 25c A Movement to Purify the . American Slage UNITED PIIEKS l.RAHKD WIRE. Now York, Dec. 11 To make a clennjng up of the American stage a nation-wide crusade, members of the National Catholic Theatre movement are today scheduled to hold a meeting here at the residence of Cardinal Far ley, who will preside. The national Catholic Influence Is to bo concentrated first In New York, where plays censured by the move ment will not find Catholic audiences anywhere In the country. The plan Is approved by Cardinals Olbbons, of Haltimore, and O'Connell, of Iloston; Archbishop Riordnn, of San Francisco, and the bishops of New ark, Sioux City. Richmond nnd I!is- marck. Useful, Practical Gifts that bring pleasure and com fort at Christmas time c onnr i in, jigvKv-, wot TliinsJ)ouhtrthe home last tor years. 8) A Singer Veil Will Itemember All your life. David lllsphnm, bar itone. THUtSIMY, HIT. 111. Season tickets reserved Wednesday, Decem ber 18, 9 a. m. 1 Important Schedule Changes Sunday December 15th Oregon Electric Ry. FROM PORTLAND The Kindled heretofore leaving Cortland at ti:30 p. m. will leave at f:00 p. m., arrive Salem (1:30, Albany 7:110 and Kugene !i;00 p. m. Uinil train leaving rortland 4::':' p. m. will leave at 4:00 p. m., ar rive Salem (1:05 p. in., Instead of 6:20. Local train now leaving Portland :(,-, p. in. will leave at 6:20 p. m., arrive Salem at 8::'0 p. m., Instead of 8:4.1 and run to Albany at !::) p. m. New local train will leave 1'ortland 7:.1i p. in., arrive Salem !:,13 p. in TO rOIM'I.AMl. Kocal train will leave Salem at !i:50 p. in. Instead of (1:0,1 p. in. to w.nm vm i:i (.km: New train will leave Salem S:L'0 p. in., arrive Albany 9:20 p. m. lxie.il train will leave Salem at 1:110 p. m.. Instead of 1:11. and run to Kugene Instead of Albany, arriving Kugene 7::!0 p. m. President Is on His Way Home I I'M i i:n i iicsN u:.si:n wnii:. Hamilton, Itermnda, Dee. ll. l'n'S Idelil -elect Wilson and Ills party sailed for tho 1'nlted Slates on the liner i,,r. niiidian this morning. A hig crowd cheered Covernor Wilson on his de parture, lie said: " am feeling fine. I have bad a great vacation." Business Chances If you aro looking for a chance to get a good paying business It will pay you to Investigate the following: Small grocery and confectionery, good location; dally sales from $110 to $50; Invoice about $1,100; rent $0 month. See .Mr. Scott. General merchandise storo at depot on Oregon Klectrlc; Invoice about JII.IOO; good country trade. Owner wishes to retire. See Mr. Scott. A small store on railroad, including one acre and building. This Is a good proposition, and can be bought right, as owner wants to go Fast. Seo Mr. Scott. flood suburban grocery, doing good business; excellent location; can be bought right for quick sale. See Mr. Scott. with Bechtel & Bynon it 17 Slate Street. i isii in: pi kvi in i. ami i.ow i run i: . W, .fjL"''' ' '(- I I'M I I II VIIKSS I KASiai Willi:, Portland, Ore., lice. II. The bot tom Is expected to drop clear out of the local fish market for several days bete, following the granting ,;)f per mission by the county commissioners to the contractors on the old railroad bridge to blow up the remaining piers of the bridge In the Willamette river. The run of carp, salmon trout nnd other varieties is especially heavy nt this season of the year, and an awful slaughter of the fish is sure to result when the plei-B are shot skyward. In fact the exiec!ed fish mortality drew the attention of the state game warden to the blasting, ami he also granted permission. Thousands of Porltandei's are expected to "get In" on the big free catch. S Untie Tools, etc, VriceSy.SO Every tool guaranteed fvew.' illiniums Let your gifts this Christmas be useful, permanent things, that will add to the com fort and enjoyment of one's home life, This home furnishing store offers hundreds of helpful ideas and there are many opportunities offered for your Christmas Pur chases, Come, there's a pleasant welcome here for you always, Rugs are Ideal Christmas Gifts A Great Variety Here. Hartford, Shulleworth, and Karnak Wilton rugs are the highest expressions of quality in floor cov eringsthe products of the world's greatest carpet weavers. These high-grade carpets represent the finest floor coverings that modern machinery and skilled workmen can produce. The designs and colorings are replicas of antique Oriental rugs. There Is the widest possible range of selections, in color effects that will harmonize perfectly with any scheme of interior decoration. The housewife who receives one of thesj rugs as a gift will Indeed prize it highly. The varlotiB sizes are listed here, 27x54, 3G.xG3, Gxfl, 8.3x40.0 and 9x12. OPEN AN ACCOUNT Gift Articles laid aside for fu ture delivery EASY TERMS MADE j Impe rial Fiireitare Com' COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS panv 1 S OMIOII (hunk 4itwtt Kocal train leaving Salem 1 p. in. will run to Albany only, Instead of Kugene. New folders give details. C. K. AKH1N, (leneral Agent, Salem, Or. l'UOSFI I TIO HI S I S IV Alii 1IIIWI) CASK 1 1 Mi'vn rnKss i 1Sii nil' 1 Washington, IVc. It The prosecu tion completed Its evidence against Judge. Hubert W. Archbnld ef the com merce court charged with misconduct in utile at 4::i0 o'clock this afternoon. Tli house prosecutors will call no more witnesses until after the defense te-Mmony Is minpb-M. The defense will open onday. After tlm prosecution IV ted court adjourned until Monday. I 5 . . . r.f';fl.i The Finest Gifts for Man or Boy The best Chrlstmai gift for a man or a boy is a K?n Kuttor Tool Cabinet. No thing else could give luch real satisfaction. Kn Kuticr tooli for over 15 yi'.ns have been the highest siand.nd atiainnhlp. l' U-ry iiHd is s(vcitically gii.uanttva to be absolute lKTtecl, or money iroin your dealer. Taeli Keen Kuttor Cabinet conuitu the highest grade Keen Kutier tools, the prices v .living only with the numlM r ol '--ola and size of the Cibine. I'osslbly some dads will wait till the last day in the owning , luy 'em. so as to make the excuse that thev vert crowded out and could get nothing. ay L. Farmer Hardware Co. Commercial and Court Sts. i iw high-powerI rK fl dZfZn nnnra ill II I ll's ii M ati II II II fl H n II fl II I I H Hfl II If II M El II III si in ii u k j h ii i ii n ii II n ii ii n if n wiiiiii 11 iwt ir i i Ill W H U tZaL"" IViJH tllUlll7l II II I I M III i i iii viH u zj E.jniJ kj u i .:m in MM 4. l UTTTx III I II 1 I III nj x in vr f r rt in i III Y l III M T ,. Ml Greater Efficiency S U T 6 flraa Absolute Purity 1 m "4u't i-ye in engine 1 Saving in Cost f fy i Win 1 flMTfliQi piiio)r I yulLLL SV1U I Uii M lull ly 'in n iii back Ill Hwm-i. n ! i III I ll eiivenes by Wagon or in Packages ;f AMERICAN GASOUNE GOMPAHY lies! NortKprn RurI, D..!M- o ouuamg, Seattle vl manning & co 1 t V.