ALE. v SATI RDAY. DECEMBER U, IMS. DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8 Fii ice Twche. to all articles which are produced In this commonwealth. The more "Made-ln- rosperlty! It is good business and good citizenship to give preference productions are sold, the richer the state becomes, and the more money Oregon p eople have to spend with Oregonians. tveep ullBUu iuw 18 "MAD i JMADE IN OREGON Z3b V 4- L ilOli OREGON 1 JSfeW The Keystone of Oregon P 3 J 1 n ri h M u n M ri ci. n u M M U n U II EI n n n u. n ri n ti n ri n ti n m n i1, n CI ti n n n u u n it u n n n u n w n ri u ei u M n u n n n it ri u m iflivwniilifi U has Its ontlro oporatlng plant la Oregon, makes all of Us Investments In 1 Oregon securities only, has an unmntchod record of success, is growing 3 greator day by day, and rewires preference from all dlBcrlmlnaltng 1 bwors of lifo Insurance In Oreeon. I Best for Oregonians 1 A. Ij. MILLS L. SAMUEL CLARENCE S. SAMUEL President Gonoral Manager AFAMICrFAVoJuP i'' ill Ml' .it v. P Rope H and Font leaf ri:i Binder Twinn BRAND 'J'rmlii Mink lliuli' In til" Nnrlliwi'M fur Nurlliwwtl JJ Iliil'IO AM) 1 1 I.N 1 1 Kit 'I'WINi:. Kvory Ml pit ri'iii In Inlinr I'liipliivi'il. HiiiMii i llll' Illlllllll'lU'llll'rr Wll'l tflVi'H I'lllplnyilli'lll In liilinr T 1 1 4 ' 1 1 . Iii lin n, c'iiiihiiiiimm ynnr lriiliM iH ; uhm Iutjim your nmiiry tit liuim. PORTLAND CORDAGE CO. I "n ct ul'H : I'lirtlimil, Or. j Hi iilllo, Wnnli. Western Clay Co. Portland, Oregon Manufacturers VITRIFIED SEWER PIPE Liia'l toSi 1 1 L9.'iw'ih'owmJ II II M Portland Furniture Mfg. Co. 12I9-D9 Macadam Road, Portland "QUALITY" OUR SLOGAN ti "Oregon Made,, MERCHANDISE BOXES FRUIT BOXES TIN TOP BASKETS LUMBER, ETC. Multnomah LumbcrA Box Co. jjj PORTLAND, OREGON 11 tl WHY DRINK HATE It H ll E.N Ttt you c.v ;i:t su.em beeki J FRY'S SQUIRREL POISON I'4 The kind that kills; has been BticccBsf ally tiaeil for thirty veaiH. Small 12 : r3 blze for rats and mice, 10c each. t1 PANIFL J. FRY iJl ManufaelurlnB l'harmaclst Salem, OreRou , t-S Frj's Headacho Tahletn will cure; J price 26c, by mall free of chArge, 53 it you cannot get from your dealer. Is the Only Life Insurance Company Exclusively Oregon ABiiatant, Manager THE lrwin-Hodson Co. Printers Lithographers Blank Book Makers Rubber Stamps and Seals Celluloid Buttons PORTLAND, OREGON "MT. HO.OD" SHIRTS and OVERALLS Sole Jobbers of the Thos. Kay Woolen Mills FLEISCHNER, MAYER & CO. PORTLAND, ORKGON ASK FOR Albany Chairs and Rockers SEVENTY DKSIGNS "MADE IN ORKGON" R. Veal & Son ALDAN Y, OREGON WEINHARD'S Columbia The Beer Without a Peer Tlio choicest hops and the finest barley malt, brewed scientifically In Just tho rlt!bt way, are respon sible fur Its nliHoluto purity and excellence. Mall us your orders. Henry Wcinhard Brewery PORTLAND, OREUON "TEA GARDEN" SYRUP RICITKST IN SUOAU FINKST IN FLAVOR "GOLDEN BRAND" A Corn Syrup Manufactured by tho PACIFIC COAST SYRUP CO. PORTLAND, OREGON MULTNOMAH MOHAIR MILLS rORTIANlt, OIUOGON Manufacturers of Hlgh-Grado Mohair Linings Alpacas Dress Goods Ask Your Tailor and Dry Goods .Merchant for Our Products "MA OK IN OliKGON" Pacific Face Brick Company 401-2 COM.MKIU'I.VL CIA U 11LIX5. POUT1.ANU Hollow Clay Building Blocks Face Brick Fire Place Brick a Specialty Clay Partition Tile Fire Brick Fire Clay J.N.MATSCHEK CANDY CO. ASK FOR MATSCHEK CONFECTIONERY Made in Oregon at Portland, 270 First Street COSISYOUNOTrllNGTOTRY OUR GUARANTEE W. I Mrta4 IM bmt 1 "fcmilKI DWIGHT EDWARDS COMPANY PORTLAND OREGON MANDrACTDItErtS OP niOn-GRADE MATTRESSES PILLOWS COMFORTERS Woven Wire Springs Wo mnntifAftnre nil morchiindlso we uffer fur vulu Pettit Feather & Bedding Co. l'OUTI.ANI), OIIKIION TIIH CELEBRATED UEItGMAXX MIDI', nuide In rorlland, Driven C21 Tliiiriiinu Street MADE IN OREGON CROWN FLOUR Latest Best CROWN MILLS Portland, Oregon We design and make the celebrated ALSO PIPE ORGANS At our Portland Factory, 15th and Kith and Pettygrovo streets America's Largest Music House EILERS MUSIC HOUSE fliMii'rnl Offld'H : Ellcra ItullilliiB AlihT Siri'ol ni Ki'vi'iitli, 1'iirtliiuil, Ore. I'Ult'l'V HTOltKS PORTLAND MANUFACTURING COMPANY Manufacturers of VENEERED FIR PANELS Excelsior, Toffee Drums, Furniture Stock, F.Kir Cases, Tlnton Fruit llaskets, llurrel Slin k und Rutarj' Cut Veneers; P. Aut.en, PrcBldent and Treasurer ST. JOHNS, ORKGON Portland Wood Pipe Co. Wood Stave Pipe MAO10 IN ORKGON OF UltKCON I'lR It Y AN ORKGON COMPANY Twenty -fourth ami York Streets Portland, Oregon P. O. Ilox 71. Portland Elevator Company Manufacturers of Passenger and Freight ELEVATORS Dumb Waiters, Etc. Electric and Hydraulic Factory Fast Ninth and Mill Streets 0 PORTLAND, ORKGON 3t V1L.Iq KAUSAS; PERFECW Breeder Hahuwh'" J X ; . r ' L i-'-"""nnrtin'- aoV OREGON CITY WOOLEN MILLS Oregon City, Oregon Our new fabrics, designed exclu sively for women's and men's tail oring, are nindo of tho best grades of wool and warranted fast colors. TOUR TAILOI' CAN PURCHASE DIRECT FR0.U THE MILL "Swastika" Brand Macaroni, Noodles and all Alimentary Pastes 1 CUT? Made la 1 nj Oregon ,1iwii1 PACIFIC COAST RISCUIT CO. Portland, Ori'irou LOOK FOR THIS LABEL OREGON CHAIR CO. Line (itaivnteed by Muit it factum1 Ask Dealers for This Line CHAIRS AU Oak used in ICina(h&ft line grouis in Northern JapAn where winters are coll which is necessary to highest class OtJk. King guff is branded into the wood of this line ftndisaquar&ntee of the 0a', Superiorifof Qu&J: ify, Workmanship and absolute Satisfaction. ORCOONlfHAIR CO. a WILLAMETTE TENTS AWNINGS, COVERS, ETC. Rose City Aquanello Waterproof Appell South African Water Rags Flues of all kinds Window Shades, Etc. Watch for our labol "If It's made of canvas we make It" Willamette Tent & Awning Co. Mfgs. nnd Jobbers Portland THE "ECONOMY" LEATHER TIRE COVER Made from tho best crome-tanned leather, with oil - tempered studs. Absolute puncture proof. Insures safety over mountain roads. The Economy Leather Tire Cover Co. BOD Williams Avenue, Portland, Or. "Made in Oregon" PORTLAND PULLEY CO. PORTLAND, OREGON t oi'AwmiDHi:"nriw;!Di Illll O All Oak used O QUALITY BEST PRICE EQUAL. Sn GALL CURE Horse Collars "Why not demand them from your dealcrl W.H.McMonies&Co. PORTLAND, OREGON Schiller Cigar I-t . PORTLAND Factory oregon Call for La Gran Marca The E. Schiller Schiller 's Union 5 "MADE IN OREGON" & THE BEST Produced here or anywhere Kjf, BRAND Hams Bacon Lard UNION MEAT CO. riOXEIJtt TACKKItS of ihc PACIFIC Orecron's ONLY Home Made BELTING "We make the Belt to FIT THE PLACE and NOT make the PLACE HT Ti!E BELT" Davis - Scott Belting Furtnry Ollk'e 2 10-2G0 f, n Portlnn J, - Ore, liuwlhurnu Avo. 1'huno l.astJUij ORWOOD Shingle Stains Lice Killer, Sheep and Cattle Dip Hood Preservative Rust II i'sls tlnir. Damp Proof Concrete Paint Barn and Roof Paint, House Paint Floor Paint, Varnishes Paints, Oils, Etc Oregon Wood Distilling Co. Portland, Or. Works at Llnnton PACIFIC LUMBER & MFG. CO. MANUFACTURERS Hardwood Lumber Flooring Portland Oregon AMERICAN INGOT IRON CORRUGATED CULVERTS "T:inilf'inr iim,I 1... Coast Culvert and Flume Co. "''earn .st.. Portland. Ore. Underwriters METAL WINDOWS and Fire Doors Shoot Mot al Work and Roofing Portland Sheet Metal Works 1-9 K. Madison ?t. Portland, Orecou The Lutke Manufacturing Company Mantifucturers of SHOW CASES BANK AND STORE FIXTURES Corner Sixth and Hovt Streets PORTLAND, OREGON .ty,WII; i, :' A ' this i I 1 : ' ' PACIFIC FIRE INSURANCE CO. ! Home Office: Portland, Oregon Theflnly Oregon Fire Insurance Company CLOTHING Z made m OREGON WOOL Each year we manufacture and sell iiVarly tea thousand Men's and Boys Bults from Oregon cloth, maJe by the three big woolen mills In Brownsville, Rnlem and KuRene. You enn buy theaa Hulls at very reasonable prleos or send for samples to cither of our storcB. Brownsville Woolen Mill Store Portlund Eugene Marshflcld Call For LIBERTY SODAS "Made in Oregon" By the INDEPENDENT CRACKER CO. Portland Oregon Carman Manufacturing Company Manufacturers of all kinds of FURNITURE Eighteenth and Upshur Streets PORTLAND, OREGON Willamette Roll News IS MADE AT . Oregon City, Oregon "MADE IN OREGON" Well Drilling Machines Steam or Gasoline Manila and W ire Cables, pipe nnd Cnsliiff, Drilling and Fishing Tools The Star Drilling Machine Co. W'orks llJth and Clinton, Portland fV iffnM-rniiNnr.t rouNorns BtniNt-Murt Machinery M Xsiwtinc PuntTS-smoarrs A THE BEST LINOTYPE STEREOTYPE SOLDER AND BABBITT METALS AUG MADE BY The Pacific Metal Works PORTLAND, OREGON CHURNSVA ITS BEAN POTSXA FLOWER ROTS o chicken fountains Oi MILK PANS 1 STATES (iuIm npoa CONTAINS NO 1 1 LYE, ROSIN, ACID Q OR AMMONIA I : A Concentrated I Camphorated I Product B I Ileali the Hindi Will Not Injure the M Finest Fubrio ask your cnocnt 5 MINUTE WASHING COMPOUND Uowunuumuaia Mail this to us and get freo 'amplt R Cashier Company PORTLAND, OREGON Office: 708 Lewis Uulldlng Factory : Kenton Slanufacturers of Automatic Computing Change-Making Recording and Adding Coin-Paying Machines TItl'T! Pni'IT PLAY0R See thnt Trade Murk la on Ilotlle A Pure, Delicious, Soft Prink 5 A Sure Thirst Quell Made In Gregwi g PURITAN MFG. CO. 881-383 East Pine Street, Portland 1 "LIONITE" 8 STUMPING AND ROCK POWDER f MADE IS OREGON BY ft American Safety Powder Co. H 725 Icon Building, Tortlund, Ore. ANDERSON 0 g STEEL FURNACE CO. g Warm Air Furnaces S Wood or Coal MANUFACTURED for the PACIFIC p DRINK J Ll '"iIiiu'Ti'i i '"nVi' 1 rJ S COAST TRADE AT Q Salem, Oregon B p n? o a l Mmtr 5 EPPLEY'S B PERFECTION fl BAKING POWDER g ri'RE CREAM W OF TARTAR PACKED IX f GLASS JARS C.M.Eppley g Salem, Oregon H EGON ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR g HOUSEHOLD REMEDIES AND TOILET ARTICLES 100 QUALITY 100 Blumauer - Frank Drug Co. tJ P 0 H a n n 0 n n W it ml DISTRIBUTORS U a2B21S2airnE-- 1 I m mm mm iim m n ii m n . im