Btismess ASSiqEP ADTERTISING, raoFESSIONAl. CARDS? REAL -12T2 iKTEdiMinic rutsimv, "7;,':, , . . ,.,m..i ,lc" Rrliui to (.del Results . . -rl for drat In-mrtlon. On' f"' , tVeid fr eni'li liin.Ttinn 0n-'"'f ceB,N,? , vcrtlHrmei.t take for U tbB ,int' Ho lUKEKIES. cro' BREAJJ " " "'" ' . . . -1 tUa .ui n nor uicuut ?!. higlu,. For sale at your rocer's. fnliftirnla Bakery, Thomas j irronli-y. Props. girsi'xKss Chances. SIIOW VOU bow to Increase I CAN lower ow your money it onriii"!; -Itli absoliit'i security. Send name ...I nillll'i'SH for iiarticuiara. loin uu . n....l. l.,.II.Unr l)()S I,, ), JJUllll. uuiu.i(i ll-25-lm l ltniMINO A'D PAINTS SuccoHsor to Walker; carrlat;o iul automobile trimming, rriag0 trlimnlng goods, now work ..,,1 repairing I am carrying a full ,, of Miisurey's house and buggy i .. ..Mr tTA tha viiV paints, nrmiH'", "" ",V4 ,v'' Lt varnishes. 304 8. Commercial. 12-1-tf PR. 0. L. SCOTT Graduate of Chir opractic's Kounlain Head, Daven port, Iowa. If you have tried every tiling and have got no relief, try Chiropractic spinal adjustments and jet Well. UI1ICO lUU-l-o u. o. ii a- innni riank Building. Pbone Main 6-8-tf 87. fl.KAMM) AND PKESS1NO. HAH10N PRESSING PARLORS Dry and steam cleaning nnd dye works. Ladles' silks, laces and gloves given special attention. Gents'sults cleaned and pressed. We are cleaners and repairers. Try us. Goods called for and delivered. Parlors, 245 North Liberty St. Phone Main 2044. 9-22-tf ELECT K1C FIXTURES. ILECTRIC FIXTURE & SUPPLY CO. -130 N. Liberty Btreet Electric contracting, Inside wiring supplies and fixtures, estimates given. Tele phone Main 263. 9-3-tf HOME BARGAINS. GET A HOME, MR. WORKMAN Pay 125.00 down, then $12.50 monthly for U months and get deed to home. No Interest. Let us show you. Ger man Investment Co., Steeves Bldg. 12-4-tf LUMMtY. CLOTHES LAST LONGER With our all hand work; established 20 years. 225 South Commercial St. Phone 1158. Hop Lee. 7-25-tf I.HirOK HOUSES. WILLIAM HI'TTE Fine wlnes.liquors and cigars. We handle the celebrated Kellogg and Castle whiskies. Cool and refreshing beer constantly on draught. South Commercial St. FAMILY LIQUOR STORE All stand ard brands of liquors kept In stock. Wines by (lie gallon, bottle or case Free delivery In the city limits. E. Eekerlen, 20G N. Commercial St, MONEY TO LOAN. Bale8- ('.UllllAGI MONEY TO LOAN on diamonds, watches, jewelry and all articles of value. We also buy and sell. Unredeemed pledges for sale. Wil liams typewriter for sale, $G. Sa lem Loan Office, 120 Liberty st. AM) SECOND-HAM) GOODS. E. L STIFF New and second-hand furniture, hardware and general supplies. Best cash prices paid for "econd-hand goods. Just received a large Bhlpmcnt of new linoleums, carpets and rugs. Corner Court and Liberty streets. Phone 941. 3-12-tf HIGHES T price paia ror second-band furniture, ranges, hardware, tents, ,etc. We carry the most complete gtock of above articles in town at the lowest price. O. L. McPeek, 170 South Commercial St., phone Main 1233. 8-25-tf PEETS-new and second-hand store can gave you money on new furnl 'ui'e, as well as second-hand goods. See me before selling your house hob! goods or buying your second hand goods. See me for bargains. J' Main 451 252 State SL 4-15-tf NATUKQi'THY. Naturopathy is the coming sci- enc, of assisting nature in remov ing ill.- ease and staying well. It com bines tho best In all other drugless "ysten.switha certainty of success, "ot to he compared with the one Meaisms of the past. There Is no sickness without a cause, which, If taken in time, may not be easily ad justed or removed, If the laws of nature are Intelligently applied as di rectd by this system. We have niany testimonials to nrove Its i.-auiuoniais io pruvn -, onderful results when all else had fallmt .. m T,r.v Ialll. ne plus ultra. Dr. J. T. Work, iCourt street. Joumal "Want Ads." bring results. upporcanities hR ft V IMai,:., . - KlrkBville. MU 1)r. A T ' President of th, chol and found- er of the science of Osteopathy,, general osteopathic nructiil.m..' practitioners, i Also hydrothcrnny and eleeti'ie light baths given without extra charge for rheumatism, kidney ami liver troubles. The success , these treatments Is equal to going to the hot lakes. Confinement cbbcs ana icmnlu tronbl(.8 laity. 529 Court street. a spoc- DRS. B. H. WHITE AND R. V. Walton, Osteopathic phyMclfln9 Und nerve BuecltUlsts. Graduates of , American School of Osteopathy, KirKsville, Mo. Post-graduate and specialized In nervous diseases at Los Angeles College. Treat acute and chronic diseases. Consultation free. Lady attendant. Office uO.V DOG U. S. National Hank building. Phone 859. Residence S4G N. Capi tol street. Phone 469. 1'OKTLAM) IIOTtLS. NEW MATTIUt:SjJN noTEL-Corner Front and Columbia, at Oregon Elec tric depot. Steam heat, hot and cold water In all rooms. Open day and night; rooms 50c, 75c nnd $1. Also Hotol Harrison, 401 to 407 Front St. John Matthlesen, proprietor, both bouses 10-5-tf I'Ll'MBEKS. THE0 M DARR-Plumblng, hot water and steam heating and tinning, 104 Commercial St., Phone Main 192. 9-1-lyr SAM) AM) GRAVEL. SALEM CONSTRUCTION company can supply you with sand and gravel. Office 4G4 Court street Phone Main 790. Gravel bed on Front street and North Mill Creek. 6-28-tf SCAVENGER. SALEM SCAVENGER Chas. Soos, proprietor. Garbage and refuse of all kinds removed on monthly con tracts at reasonable rates. Yards and cesspools cleaned. Office, tele phono Main 2247. Residence Main 2272. 6-11-tf TIIERESh'A HAT WORKS. HATS of all kinds renovnted and re cleaned. Prompt alterations; work guaranteed. Thereska Hat Works, 205 S. High street. Phone Main 251, Salem, Oregon. -2'-tf UNDERTAKERS. LEHMAN & CLOL'GH U. J. Lehman. A. M. Clottgh, morticians and funeral directors. Latest modern methods known to the profession employed. 445 Court St. 9-20-tf " UPHOLSTERING. RENOVATING, F. B. MERRY & CO. Vacuum carpet cleaning, on or off the floor; carpets altered aud laid; mattresses made and renovated; furniture re-covered; shades and awnings made aud al tered, 238 High street. Phone 568. 8-22-tf VETERINARIAN. DR. W. O. MOREHOL'aii 1",L1,L'" veterinarian. Successor to ur. j. j. Kenwell. Graduate Cornell Univer sity Offce Jack Darr's Ken stables, 541 Ferry street. Phones, office 2199; house 1510. Sa'em, 1 ' Oregon. - WOOD AND COAL. UTFM FUEL YARDS-I 'uci hi i Ida Wellington coal, t, " "i g Pnelfic coast. Also hard and sot wood cut to ...It well Masoned aujl In the drv. Satisfaction guaraii ced. Ky slock, 752 Trade st,,et, o, phone r.QQ Mark Sldtlall. WATER COMPANY. SALEM WATER COMFAST - OfHce corner comme"" - , j.. n) (i P For wate,' service '' '-,,,,.. Bills tiaviilite momo WATni'ttK11!' WATCHMARl'-- U, S. muu , i-r ,,,Ilce M 8 Over 20 H'-f,.' Ncl, nigh watcnmaKui a. .r Wnrit at enstcrn prices. iy - in-3-tf dick. IS. Court st LODGE IHKMT""' Tfxuni'". r0. A. F. & A. on first ,.nn M. Stated com"""; ..,() U...i.... in each ni'mth at , " i in., McCornacx too-, M.; John Bayue, In Masonic hall, D. W. Pug'1- u' secretary. - Oregon Cedar Carnr . fi.cIo,i every Thurs. lay eveul (.;.t ,, in Masonic hall, c. Liberty streets. Kk-wtor A. H. Bunu, Consul, F. A. Clerk. " CHADW.CK R. a Regular m . , Mr, third Tuesdays- '(la M. i!ab- - n.l,v W. Marten i, aorretary. cuv". orit CI1AP- TZaH ROYAL ARC" d .W"1.. t.isonic ct". itiW "'sl.t at 7:30 o'clock In pt.i,M Xr1;C:u'uad: bl''k' ! n..rt Cl C'; L "' FK'l''. i 1-UMI9 ! PACIFIC I.UUUK NO. K.I A 1? . m. Masonic, hull ti.i.'.i n.,.'. . ' i,.i ,,.,ii. .'.,.""" 'nuay iu u.inuii ui i : M P. Frank Fearce, nisiiosiil, V. m. Si'ctoiaiy. Lot AI.KM I I'M AXE S0C1WY-11 D I I tsiil. nt ; Mrs. tin.,,.. L7"!'-;. ,A" C!to8 ut cruelty o; ""sleet of dumb animals Bhmild ho reported to the Bueletv f,. i..., to the society for lnvestl- gution. 1'NITiCD ARTISANS- Capital Assent- bly No. 81, meets every Wednesday it 8 P- m., in Moose Hall, cienn C. wies, a. S. It. y an', Sferetarv. l."S South Cottage St. Phono 1214. LOYAL OIlDlilt OK .MOOSK-Cherry City Lodge Nc, 49s, meets every Tuesday evening at 7:110 In Maose Hall, corner Court and High streets. D. R. Yantis, Dictator; II. II. Turner Secretary, 135 South Commercial Street. REAL ESTATR. la At KLS ery good sol . one-half , "i"'"'ira 'a uiu eeeiet terror ot river bottom, J3 acres cleared, 5 the workingman. Health Is his capl acres iu 1-year-old peaches, chei- tal. Kidney diseases sap a man's rles and apples, 5-room new bunga- strength and vitality. Thev lessen bis low, nam; - tulles from center of Price $3700, on terms. Snuaro city. neai iteaity to., room 301. Phone 470, RESIDENCE OR LOT wanted between I nuin Twelfth and Oak street, tihe price nnd location. P. O. I!o 2S. Salem. 12-9-Ht FOR SALE lly owner, strictly mod ern 5-room house, also -room house,, near churdches school nnd carllne. A bargain worthy of investigation. Call 205 Lincoln street, Phono 1003. 12-13-2w FOR SALE OR RENT Modern live room bungalow. Ono block from carllne. Bargain for cash. Apply Tr. Win. Sadler, author of "The to Roy II. Mills, Spaulding Logging Cuug0 all,i Cnre (lf Collll;' Pllys tltiit Company's office. Phone Main 1S30. COIIlmon rol(g Bilnutl i,e taken se-12-5-tt riousiy, especially when they "hang FOR SALE, CHEAP-SI x aero tract, 3 miles from town. All In bearing orchard. 5-room house. 3 minutes walk to car lino at Claxtar station. Easy terms. J, W. Beecraft, Route 8. 1 1-25-1 m FOR SALE A good S-room now house N. C. Young, Pesgah, tin., says: "Fo good barn and chicken house, good ley's Honey and Tar Compound coin well, 3 blocks to where the new pletely rlenrid my Ihrii.t and cured union depot will be built, one-half my cold." Dr. Stniic Drug Co. block to paved street. Price $1300, all cash. See John Van Laanen, 275 State street. 12-13-3t A GENUINE BARGAIN In Forllnnd real estate. The first with $1000 gets a $2000 choice lot in good locality, or a $1250 lot in beautiful Bay Ocean at $750. A rare opportunity for small cash; balance payments or inin.-oved Salem property. Apply 11-15-tf - 5 495 Court street. FOft SALE Forty-foot counter cheap. Call at 371 State street Phono 10-8-tf Main FOI1 SALE A good ll"1'' Price $15. Sec John Van 275 State street. 1 horse ..alien .n-:;t' cow for sale. Giving re of Dr. G. T. Whit" Cash S'ore 12-12-51 GOO 11 milk, over family Inqti Barnes Phone viiiTilWChT NURSERY .. ia". ,niih I'lVHitv-fonrtli .Malll ill.'. 1 "' ' street. Large stock of .specially prune, apple trees. I rii I. iree-i, and peach 12-10-01 CLARA s'TKEO AUTO Pl'UINGt!-'" m.iniifiiclure trm k spring. l,iKli grade aim, e.e. also repair, set ut., ,,.! i-e-teinin r old spring Our lerg lisl of satisfied customers will rtc- oinmeiui our ability as leaders in our work. ' il,..r Auto Spring - l-.tP St- P'TUimu, ur 10.,-tf' 20 WANTED. general firm Cc-mer street. 12-11 -a WANTEI'-I'wii" band. Ca'l "t l'hone Mtlill 15- .11 IlS no i,y, ); y. ars old, :, farm to i. ake bl"'lf . , rained In till branches , Mr S, i wain! - J - 7-7. !2-l--'; , ...,.', room? ,!KNT' a" I n 'i new fu, lnthecitv.8llt "' rn nisitini's iv titer, le tbreuc!" ' water h.-it at: i eb-ctr.c i,th. Coi' and ' liphts. --" .. ,,.,. Rhone '.ts. aifr' them cv 1 lit: ci . 3!lCLemekeUstre.-t. Main IS-" 12-7-lm , i i'T '"or I i o . .., -'iloil "n . ;"1 , n.; ,, ...... rk. Call ,,. ;:e Pe;::.! of T'i"l" '''; ' " MH JiJElL! (Lay. We.lm i.i'...-, i.'t FOR I;i;N and Oak n:o:i'h. , . --,s Nor'h px :" I,.:i.. 22 4? '" '" ' t O. j. a. . l ... . aiem an ESTATP Aivn rrmpr, pop. rent (Contitu.ed.) Furnish, a s'.e, n. electric lights, j;.;,. ' '" No.-th l..Wrty lMJ-'.'f MOWS. Close bath ai.a l stre-t. ni:.vr-v, nir, ii;r- rvoi. car ! ' i:n:, 11!l;!; u-:i',-!f i lose to Ml'l'lt TOU KKNP o:i .K-i,l;s, ,,,,,,.. ty Cose in, i-.'::;i,Me for lauu.lry, fac tory sho;.. i-rolsan-l.ow Realty LO., oll-.llj Masonie lmlMin l'llt'I'.O l'.'-ll- Main SI.!. l.OHT. " LOST On South Coiunirrei;,l street, small viHYiM Initik. ini'iivriy f Wtide MeKeaiiej lleiiuu t.i .leur'al office. U-i;!-:!t MINI KI.I.AMMU S R. L HL'nsnin.U'li & SON nave op-1 ened a Placl,..niit!i shop at So:! North I Liberty street, where we will do al'. ! kinds of wm-k, wood or Iron, auto- j mobile springs a specialty. 1 m ! The Secret Terrur. Tll llnlinliluv fn.i.. ,,f ol,.L-., I l,M,,i.,a, ., i .... 8rning capacity. Foley Kidney pills brine back health nml utrcinrii, i,v healliiir the illsense They are the best medicine made for kidney and blad der troubles. They net quickly and thoroughly. You can buy nothing bel- ter. suvs .lolin McMasters, Streator, 111,, "I. feel better and a great deal stronger than I lmvn for many years and Foley Kidney Pills did It." No harmful drugs. Dr. Stone Drug. Co. Mrs. Fannie Sutherland, of Portland while demented, left her home Tues day and cannot be found. It Is feared she lias met with foul play or has fallen in the river. on. Foley's Honey nnd lar com pound Is a rellablo household medi cine for coughs and colds, equally ef fective for children and grown per sons. Tuko It when you feel a cold coming on. It will nvert danger of serious results and euro quickly. Mrs. Ever notice that all old-fashioned photographs of a bride and groom look like they were standing up to bo shot. Wo wish to call your attention tt the fact that most Infectious diseases such as whooping rough, diphtheria nnd scarlet fever it re contract. d when tho child lias a cold. Chamberlain's ColU!U '""'''y O'lbKly ''lire a cold and greatly lessen the dancer of contracting these diseases. This remedy is famous for Its cures of colds. It contains no opium or other narcotic and may be given to n child with implicit confidence. For sale by j all dealers. i It's easy to get ll man lo i,:rn-e w 1th you If you want to bnriv'W money. The How Vi' Buy. It Im-rIiis early, ctnls Ian-, and full nf work She ottcn nas hinio-j trouble without knowing it. H"i' ba aches, nml sh is tired an 1 worn out. , , ,,,, ,, !) s eons liooi'V, is " Her bla.bbr gives I.t 'io to',, that Mis mi ii, Filey Kidney Pills will en'. all ad make h'T strong and w Lena Beyer, 12 Freib riek St V V cr.vs- "TI I"'1'S , A' of Foley,'1 k-i.liiev Fills wetenll that wef" and tv.-ll." Th"v In make me strong are tin- 1" ney ami bi I),-. S"Uie st niedicm.' mane mi 1' adder dher.lers. Try llo-i lirug Co. CASTOR I A 1'or Infants and Childien. The Kind You Have Always Bought Hoar? Ike 64;!iio of .Co: s ',r Portland Mon- Junes ,. Friday at 0 a i . II I I.I) IN. M. 'PIIISIIESTEfiSPiLLS; 1 1 t i,;, .. ' "1 1 ;" - ' " R V-W I ,' 114 n-.tClWCtliC'l-O ao ft. lr" " ;a:id a. I i . KMATiorj V'l II I i, t'u u if t nxi' i l.ttir IV 1 I'l i till till lil ivon. i A'.'. I I- 1 K-tl;v :-w;i. 1 -IV:-.' L'n-!.:V ',1 i:. . ,. ;U .i.ia, '.'..'.''a ' :. i: .;..p-v,: . , . 7 . p a . tu. 'i a m. 1 0 : tj p ai. . !!::U a :n .1! : 10 a. hi . -I :D7 p m. . e.:'.s p.i... . 7 :::$ p m. .la. .'.it p ui. . SV'.P p m. , 12.;;., p in. ::',,t-.l . . (i Clii'.er . . I'll!'., r. . . 1'.,.. l':i iruK'.t. s. MltllllOllllil. 1.",- 1" 1 f 11- i;: l':l!ue: ai. -a d.;..a : A; IV-ss . . , I'.lvlellKer. . , Vm r.,vr . - l.lmil.-,l. . . rV.l cl ... KMM-ef n 1-1 ,iiu ! . .i '.' -Albany l'a-, i J".", Local we.i (i-1-- Sail l-'raiu )., iK tit . . , . t .irou,;! f'''",!'.l't 12:01 ion. S:i ' in (. ( r Hraiit li. I-"- 1'iiss, ni',.,'r arr. Salem.. 9.2,-, a.m. l;!t'l'as. tt.xil leaves Salem liVim a :n. 12'.' -1 '.u s. ui, an, Salem . . -l.on p in. Il'-ra-j'ligor b aves Salem f , 30 p.:u OREGON 1 LKCIKIC lllll.HAY in.: Niil'tliliniiiiil, I Leaves Salem. Arrives l'orlbu.d ! Train No. . . . 20 Owl. . . . . 0 . .. 8 Ltd.. ... 10 . .. 12 Ltd.. ... 11 ... It! ...IS Ltd.. ... 20 2:30 0:30 S:00 a in.. . 8:55 a.m.. . 10:00 a.iii... 11:20 a.iu... 2: OU p.m... 4:00 p.m... 4:13 p.m... 0:05 p.m... 9:u0 pin... : 1 5 it in S: 15 a iu j 9:45 am. I 11 :20 urn j 11:50 it. in. ! 1:4U pin 4:20 pin 5:50 p in 0:30 p.m 8:25 pin 11:15 pin . ... 21 .... Southbound. vjuu,,. r..4 "!?? ! We" X AJilS ".HI. " r - T .., ' . i m, I . i Loaves Portland Arrives Salem 0:10 a. in 1 S:3U it hi. 7:35 a. in 3 9:55 it in 8:20 ii.m 5 Ltd. ..10:10 n in. 10:40 7 1:00 pm. 1:55 pm 9 4:15 p m 4:05 pin U 0:20 p.m. 4:40 pm 13 Ltd.., 0:30 p m. C : 10 pm 17 Ltd... 8:00 pm. 0:25 pin 19 8:15 p.m. 9:10 pm 21 11:30 pin. 11:45 25 Owl... 2:00 tun. Northbound. Leaves Albany Arrives 8:00 a.m 10 8:5 Salem 5 a m. 5:00 p.m Leaves Kugeiii 7:30 11:00 a in 1 :30 pin 0:00 p.m 9:30 p.m. G:lii) pin Arrives Salem ... 12 Ltd ... 10 ... .. IS Ltd .. 21 ... . . 20 Owl 10:00 it. III. 2:00 pm. I iM) p a, 9:00 pm 1:50 a m SnllllllllMllIll Arrive ., 9 5 ... 21 12 Arrive . . 25 Owl. . . 7 Leave Salem 4:20 p.m.... ll:: pin... I.avo Salem. 2 00 a in . .. 8:3.'! a ui . . . 10:10 a.m.. . . 1 :'H) p in.. . . K no p.m.. . . Albany 2,0 p m 20 am. Eugene 7:13 a in i I 2n n in 12 10 pm I no pm 10:30 pm .. 1 ... .. 5 Ltd 17 S VI.I'M. F I 1 S riTT A WI'STI RN RUL1VAV (0-TIE TM1IE. West Salem. Leaves - No. 1 for Htflik Itoek 9:00itm. I No. 3 for Palls City I No 5 lor Falls City No. 123 for Independence. ;No. 125 for Illdepell'leliee . 1 :2o p m . 4:45 p in , 11:50 a m . IP 30 i in i I . 8: 15 a tn .12:.'" p m . ;i : -I" p iii , H on a in , . 4.45 p m ,ril UM l:,.rw !iH,-k ltk i r rom mn" ' From In. P , end. ncn l ioin Ind"p. tnb iiee nllilan Only. Lellt.'S No. II for lll.i. k Ito. k. No. 13 for I'.ho k Ito. k. . . . No. 15 tor I e,t las No 123 I'.r Indopotob n. n. No !..". tor Imb'p. ii'l. ni o Arrives - From Imllfis 1'ro in Pile k ito. k I'lo-ii libn K Hock . nut lie!' pell'b tn e From In h-pondem 9 Ha a m 1 :2U p it. ll p III 1 ". II 111 In p in ;M p iii. ni) ,i in 14 P in. I'olU II l e III i sbanie'iil p .; ;,;,. ,ov "Is i.fiisdo- io ' 'A' Life I ' 1 ' ' Mi'.r -''.ii. rint. ol e When lis':' ,s.i d's l,e Io I ,1,0 b g.-l.'iv i, li'.-l le o''. f .1 C I-. in, 3 It:, use Childrori Cry FOR FLETCHtR'i r a T O H ! A - SALEM FENG: WflUKS , :)." 'i I'lil I I IM MIIDO m la.i.N I" o j: , hup miiil MlV) II Mill "I IU M U.I MOID RUOt lMi '. t H. and I!MI)V IMtOUVJ All st tho lo-t pr'"- R. U. FLEMING PHI im ; t'oart fstrwi I'Luiie lii Jll Iii nilMl.lM M VKKMS. Urtilti, t'linir, Wed, ':,-. it:::.. :. V,'V i 1 1 -1' . 'li .. . N u !:e, l',.;l ti ll per barrel. i ,:n; ft. -.p. ir.'i: ho, ef ti n. I'-aii - r. .,t brew H';;, y., ; Hair, and ( niintlV l'reilili'i KutKT- Oregon ere 1:1: solid ' J ,1 .,'!, IV'. 'i Oiecoii :.u:,'i, I ,-I'hee.-.e I'llll t'r, am tnli;;-,, l'- ,, ''.; Young Aniei u a. 20 ' -. e. I'l'lll'l'l H lia, l:V: broilera. ' !' die l,s, j.iitiig, tl, I le; gee: I v; to die 12,i sed, :!,. I omnia. Veal Fancy, . i I le per lb. l'oi Fancy, ;i 'vc per 1!,. (iroetrli'S, Ilrltd l-'ruIN, Dried l'l nils - Apples, Me Etc, per lb.; n"'r:",!"' Uh"' l"'ii'ot: 12 f He i penclics. Sit 1 le: 1 1 Of, slher, ISe; prunes, Italian. Sit' figs, white and black fi'i di 7 Sic; ciineiils. !'o; mlidim I'-osn Miiiteatel ll :, 7 've; blenched Thompson, I I'm-, unbleached Sultan as, S 'nc; seeded, 7 '-4 it s S c. Coffee-UoiiHteil, In tlniiiiH. 2t'ul4ic per pound. Nuts Walnuts, 17 'sin ISe per lb. l' mils. 12'mo; lllbeils, 13c; al nioml.'i. lii ii he; pecans, 17c; cocoa i ni ls, 90c il f 1 per doen. j Sail liraliulateil. $1 1 per toll; half gioiiinl, li'Oe, $9 23 per toll; 50s, J10 per loll Means -Small while, $5 40; large while, l 3; Limn. $r,50; pink, 5c; red Mexicans, 5c; bayou, Jliil,. Sugar- I M y griinulali d, $3.73; fruit and berry, $..75; bivt, $5.53; F.xIm C $5 23; powdered, barrels. $ii 00; cubes, barrebi, $it 15. ltlee No. I Japan, 5 ui, He; cheap er grades, 4'ic; southern head, imi (c. lloitiiy -Choice, $3 75 nine; Hlralned, loe per Ib. Vegeliilile nml Fruits. Fresh Fiulls .-Apples, 30c Vi $1.50 per '. I'"v ; Peam, 75 u I 25 per box; grapoa $l.:'.;.'h 130 per box; crnnberrliiii, $1 1 30 ,.nf lln, (, o,(., proinptly. It per barrel; ea-bas, $2.50 par dneii, ' M, ,t h.-H nnd lieals Conlalns I pl- Tiopb il Frail.-: iiiaiices, Valen in, 1 M,,,M n , j : , , r, , , t ,i I n ; . l-'s.lnlle, WIm, ? l; liai.-ln. $2.V,i;i;.l; ( aliloi'liia , 1(H . y Wf,, ,.,1M,,.,W Cnlev'H npetriiii, $::! :t 5n; 1 ' m bin rrapi fruil ' ,m,.v ,) - ,, r i'i.iui ml the best $150; lellM'li:, fti pit I'l'V; p!llelliples j(.,u., ,., Mn, ll elves Ho, I ,..( te le, per lb; pom, eraniile-,, 2 p.r lix, :Hnlii " I'r Kin Drug Cu persniilhon I per bo, I Y.g. er 0 . ii ; I :-, " ,1,1,.., , an i, 12V; cabbage, le: lllllllott y. f-' r, -I'lr per 1 1 I l 2 p. r Cel. I , I, lie; CUCUl c pel do. ci'l'l'laiit, I $2 p. r , rat r poaiul, bead I ii.-. I" PI" ' I".: per p. n. I; i; ii. i,, ., u i , I. iii, at... 'i .' p. ,' Ib -in- p.-r do ell ; ,loi,l, x 1.2.1 p.r 1 j , M I : . I ' 1. 1 1 1 ' , I i; p. it'll.-, 3. o P"f He Saik Vigei.i ! ii ; I i... ... ' 'I hi ii'. I .'ale Pol 1)111 It., n: I. Wo III..'.- It'll I '.III ll . ill, I , ., 1 1 1 11, '"' I ' l' ' ll Id.'.. I t. . ., i I - . ,".:d lit . .;,itl, I I 'I I'L' pel' . ,ii,.. i; t M 1 1 a!f !l, d );P. 12 .,!'.. I '''nc diy bid' diy rl.o ; i' i " diy . I -a. 1 1 ' I. 2 . :d i.i I'li.iKl.iln. llane ! P. ; i Iry . 'oil.; ' i b. il . i I SfiH'k' .:.1 I.' fid., P . ," IM. M4 i,.;.". 1 . lol'g'I'S, I, at ' I ligll ll. I , k, I 1 1 - :l I I SI. , r ioi ii :' I. in tl U II , I I s 1 1 I 1 . K I i - t'2 I;. i I, r ni d 1. I'l.uilr;. Kr,,-i' ipri, I too,,', Lttctork. Sip. Sire It i Itlldnr Iflllll , 1 rftffi itit .).; ;,. 4 I 1 I .' i.. I , , . , I . . Ill : i t,i .r. , IVIi.. 'd Cuiiiu !' polls. . PetlH, i eh ea.-h '"a Hi rt.iri!, !mi, i'l I nr ieA-.t !H't e.ide.l ,::.. Me 1 , ;i, O il l,' u!v o i,, ill, ll fi ! llt-.ltioll ,i ". ,'a il i - n'i . h.m M ...,., ami ' nan h Cure ow k: nn ' nana Peln; lepniis h 1 1 1 1 ' i t',t ii ii'i, Aelln,; 'III, I lll'H'OHH there:, y tie. f the ill,, I'll ' 'n: e Is t ai,,'-: 1:1, ,l,ree:ly iu'. ii the blood si:fi , . i t, :-,. '" ; t1'" f,'a:i,' ,l',,,'i , east' an 1 sua (tie paMen! mrengtN bi bi;!!",n: u,, (be iviisitiitlon and no. sislM K It i'ih.' ia .leie,; lia iiv. 'n. ! pi"!': Wl.,1 s have so ivao-h fulili In H,i ' '""ll-'' I'' "CIS l':at , V . ff. (tin. , ll',,l", I V trt f,,.- :m e i--,,-, l!ia ( 'l 'I'' ! i-U' ii I for !' :l ,,f . i-'lnio- 1 1, .,bi-,..M r .1 I'! 'IN, Y ft I, T le.lo, Ohio. Sold by all ilnieel: !, 7.'h Take Hall's Family Tills for pa! ion 'llHll ir.t lie l'i ' r i 'iv 1 1 1 liliuaii. Socialist can I ilal.. I .liter of Lit llriunle, al llin i leeiioit there M.unl.iv s defeat. al en w III find Unit dnietllst:! every where e,i, ,,f t ' i unit,. t l ilu'n Clinch l!e .Iv. Tbev know from long " eriene,. In the u i!., of It that o ea'i, s of oiiiicIih and cobls ll can ill w in s be ib pen. led upon, an, I t tint II i.i pbaisalil and sal',' to take For naln by all .h aters hiliiiinis Nlitk'0 llciiullf , . look with honor mi Skin Ihnpllous, lll.itches, Soles or riuipb'H Thejf don't have Ihein. For nil such trim bbn use lluel.llii's Arnleii Salve. II ''"' ''"'' the faee Excellent for IX emu or Salt liheiiiii, It eiin'H Horn lli. chapped h.iiuls. ehllblaliis; Ileitis burns, nils ami Ionises. I'utiiii piiHseil for piles. 25 eenls of .1. ('. I'erry A mini think be would enjoy bel inr, hbi poor li'lalloiis If lie biiMi't any Crimp) ( iniu'lit and Vtbeeny CnliN The quickest Hlniplest way In rbl the children of damo'ioiis cioupy eoiicliH and wliei'.y Htuffv cobls Is to itlvo Ihein Fobi'H Honey uinl Tar ,. ,,,uu,, n. ,.veH limlmit A Pes Moiih h in.'ui lui'i nil iiniiiii ot iiiiiM.-ular i lieiiiiuiMiiiii In lih s'loiibler. A fii.-ii.l le Ims. . I blin lo go In Hot Sin Ii,, a 'I ti ll Inealil mi exi.' lei.i of fl'iiiiii or ii, oie lie s.nictil for :t qui, an. I cheaper v l- euie It and toiin-l ll In Cleiii'bei lulu's Mill ,,,,.1,1 ' ,i Inn aft. r Ui" fit si "P plli alioli of lliis 1 1 , I hi be wan Well l or sub, I'l,.. ,;l, .', ,. bv all .leal, 'is el ll ample In using ""n l'i, II I iiul.l Mi. ml I .r Jo). Id lo It'll! Ii toil f. ' 1" f .a . le , i-'l'lllg if I' ib 1 f.ll I !.' P oi li- won I f Idee- .. ,f I'. I'll I tiou'1.. and . o. f.i I I'l ef I of i I i I I b .'I t . ' II I I 'f I' I. , f I, It. Childrori Cry FOR FlFTCtlER'S rj A R T O R ' A Great Chinese Doctor L. M. Hum (il) ) M S I e , t - lit I be 1'iitll It I imiMM, i, Or, ..n ,.l ! ,i aillj I M.-.I. .,-r ..r IL ' n ) t on Hi.1 ,..i,r ),,.r' HI I . p. it. n U Ltl k. )