ML!--- -"toi i j-j For the Modern Baby Bunting Daddy doesn't go out to hunt for rabbit ikini jo keep the lby warm. He is less ror untie, but more practical. He buys a and all during the cold Fall and Winter months his house is kept warm and cozy for his wife and babies. A Perfection OA Heater ia almoit indispen. able when there are children in the home. Every home haa uses for it Ma J. with nfcA.I Irlmmlnt; pl'ln H-t r ,nam,l.4, furoqoi,.. o drum: Ornam.nlml. ln,p,n,w,. ., or Eauly movd ham room (o room. Al twymhm STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) 481 Murkot Stmt Su Frucluo nmunnKa, sale, oiuoo, wednesiut. Circus on the Stage at Grand DECEMBER It. 1012. AM) HE FOLLY, TUB OUACEFIT DASHING RIDER, win THEUE ONE OF THE STiMivr-rcT AND MOST REALISTIC OF 4 LI MODERN l'LAYS. Poor Old Sickles. I UNITED mis! LEASED VIM. Now York, Daa 10. Despite the fact that his wife satisfied a Judgment of $3500 against him only a few days ago, General Daniel Slckloa today fact eviction, from his elegant Fifth Avenue home unless a mortgage ol $118000 hold hy the Bowery Savings Dnnk Ib liquidated. There Is nothing better than mar ring for bringing out all the temper there Is In red hair. 11m1 Vicor.VictroUXIV,$lSO AUBOgUiyorOU The best gift of all There isn't a woman anywhere who wouldn't be more than delighted to receive a Victor Victrola on Christmas. This wonderful musi- !..i..,mnt !c tVir irlpnl - cai UbU Uiiicui Christmas gift and the wide range of prices :. ...uu:- mMt.u f a1145ie. ten. $40, $50. jjuis it Willi in itav-ii j i -"' y-i k ' $75. $ioo, $150, $200. Don't longer deny your family the pleasure derived from the Victor-Victrola. Stop in today and get a line on this ideal Christmas gilt. Terms to suit your convenience can be -Iff-. CHAS. E. ANDERSON, Agt. 247 N. Com. St. Salem, Ore ft Graduating frora tne clrc,.( () (hp Intimate stage" Is not so mine- Ions an It u'm.u ..... . ..,,, Dt.Bm l0 person8 ot uuiuamtftt with the historv of the fa mous St. Iou family. i(ia St. 1 now a recognised American star la being followed In the oath to f,' t, hsr little sister, Elsie St. Leon, and me indications are that the younger wi.i booh shine as brightly as her sis ter. Tt la n V,nr,l l..l.., , . ... muiiitj; wnicn circus peformers receive, but it Is a thor ough one. Most of the Impressions which tho entertainers seek to convey Is made by action and pantomime. The average circus performer has even a greater task In "putting u over" than does a player In a come dy or drama. The sympathy of the big crowd under the canvass must be won, as It Is necessary to get a the atre audience "with" the actor. The St. I.eona have been circus per- lormer8 for many generations. Elsie's grandfather was famous 40 years ngo as a daring bareback rider. Willi the present generation it has become a case of not loving the circus loss, bul the stage more. The St Leons were originally en gaged to furnish the realism for "Pol ly of the Circus." However, It was not long before the management learned that at least two of the girls, Ida and Elsie, wero possessed of genuine dramatic talent. Ida was first given a chance, and her triumph Is now a matter of his tory In the chronicles of the Ameri can stage. Little Elsie Is just winning her spurs, but the critics la every city where she has appeared sny she Is a coming star, and that some day her name will flash out from Droadway In electric lights. Frederick Thompson believes "Polly of the Circus'1 is another 'Way Down East," and that it Is easily good for 10 years more. So he has provided a splendid organization for lis produc tion this year, with massive scenery, nn array of circus performers la ad dition to the big cast of actors and four beautiful horses. One would think that a big saving would be gained by eliminating the horses. So It would, but Mr. Thomp son never does things by halves, and when he presents the circus scene he wants It to bo a genuine reproduction and not a painted replica. But the big feature of the drama Is the surTb acting of Elsie St. Leon In the rolj of "Polly." Don't fail to see It at tho Grand to night. Preparing to Issue the Bonds Recently Voted BREAKS A COLO, OPENS NOSTRILS 1'U'l.S COLD COuTUlM) t mis (01 IIS INI) GKltl'E l I ynv l!0l KS-NO Ql lMM:. The most severe col 1 win h-, broken and all grippe misery -.nded after tilt. ing a dose, ol Tape's Cold C..uiK,und every two hours until three cciL.eeu tive doaes ar taken. You will distinctly f.vl all tho dis agreeable symptoms leaving a.Vr the very first dose. The most miserable headache, dull. ness, head and nose stuffed ,,, f.Ver- ishness, sneezing, running of tlio nose. sore throat, mucous catarviial dls charge, soreness, stiffness, rheuma tism pains and other distress Minis.!.. Take this wonderful Compound as diiocted, with the know Mi; that there Is nothing else tn the world, which will cure your cold or end orippa misery as promptly and witli i'(it any other assistance or had after effect as a 25-eent paekago of Vane's Cold Compound, which any druggist can supply contains no quinine lo- loi'gs In every home accept no substi tute Tastes nice acts gently. Discuss ! Plans for j Open River Pire Tin OPENS WITH VI ST TALK. Farmers' Course at 0. A. Willi Fourteen I.ceturo on l'lant 1 lie. '. Kevin llrxt Oregon Agricultural College, Cor valllis, Ore, Dec. 10. The opening session of the Farmers' Week nt the Oregon Agricultural College yester day afternoon had 11 Important lec tures, beginning with Instruction oil plant lice and their control, and in cluding vegetable growing, slock breeding, landscape gardening, or chard Irrigation, vegetable diseases, poultry farming, water supply, logan berry culture and like topics. Plant lice known to be working on the orchard and bush fruits In Ore gon were discussed by Prof. H. F. Wil son In two lectures. Special atten tion was given the brown applo aphis, because no other species of aphis causes anything like the amount of damage in all sections of the state as does this one. "In some few sections the wooly aphis Is quite bad, but where thor ough spraying Is carried on for San Jose scale nml other Insects, this spe cies is of minor importance." said Prof. Wilson. "On young nursery stock the green apple aphis frequent ly becomes bad, and tho trees miiBt , ,-v,.r Major Mclndoe, tho government en gineer, who U InvesUgatlr?: tho pro posed deepening of tho channel of the Willamette river between Oregon City and Kugeuc- outlined his plans and re lwrtod his finding in an address t fore a gathering of Willamette valley representatives of commercial organ-i'-atlons at the Hoard of Trade rooms last night. The result of Major Mctndoo' talk was the appointment of a committer,' headed hy ,1. W. Morgan, of CorvalllsJ to Initiate a campaign t assist the! I gov eminent in the project. I Tho government engineer Insisted1 that the people of the valley can raise i as much money for the Improvement j of the river uk th.. government will 1 appropriate, and he declared himself In lavor of some Imlu.vment of this nature being olT-uiiI. As soon as a re-! ort. has Poen submlltul to llie gov ernment by Major Melmhv the money' that has been allo'ed for 'lie snre- of in- r(er win H. available. Ho de-' (hat his rejiort would be tin ' favorable unless the iieopl,. (1f t, Va. j ley collalKrale with tho government' in tho working out of the proposal j project. The improvement section of the riv- ir lies Oregon City and Eu gene, ami tho plans call for a c.lcmnel of a depth f six fot. Whs ami danm are t( be In piwurlng (lie required depth of water, llwauso of a grade of about I por cent, or ap proximately live, feet to tt lull,,, t. deepening of the river Mwivn Corval lis and Eugene will offer eoiimdcrahle dllllculty. Working under Mr. Morgan on tho committee chosen i Inaugural, 1 the co-operative work, member of the nov el nl commercial organl.alious ,,f the valley will he sel.vtod Mr. Morgan hopes to have the work well under way In three weeks' lime. Major Me-! Imloo roughly estlinat.Ml that the re quired dams ami locks will number 1 about ll'.l. bul he would quolo no dell-' idle ligiircs. 1 Those present at, tho morllng were1 .1- I., llanna pearl Alexander, .1. (. ' Mcintosh and !,. Damon. Independ ence; J. S Van Winkle. Albanv; A. II md W. (I M' I'herson, Port- Christmas Shopping is a Pleasure DON'T FORGET BABY A Wry large showing ,lf ,fll. W(l,lr ,, on , mother will bo glad to eiamlno. Dainty new s.uuc, lundeei, coats, sweat,-, and other apparel, without which no baby', (olt.t I. completa This Is called the silk honlery store because we carry auch good brands at the low.ut prices. UiucV. white and colon, at 97c to $i.M Where t Reduced Prices on Hand Bags Reduced Prices on Waists Dennison's Gift Dressings Women's Silk Dresses, $12.50 Merchandise Orders for Sale Here 9jALiTr I'OPULAil MJhiuImtiiiinunnuf MCRCHANDI3C UNun limn Krwiciisuit t cixwf PRIfIS be sprayed or they sometimes ili result. 'The egg Is the stage In which most of the plant Hep send the wlnler, nl tached lo twigs, under bud scab's, pieces of bark or on the open ktirfaen of the young shoots of such shrubs or trees as serve for the overwinter host plant. "The Btem-molher, so called because In tho spring she hatches from the egg, and Is the mother aphid of all the other generations produced through out tho nnrlnir. summer and fall, I a ;ii(f.I; W. A Cusick and D. A. While, .'alone, M. .1 Duryei. and A. C DKon. Eugene; ,. W. .Morgan, Conallls; W. (!. Pnrrol. X'-nberg. lilt. U l. U l III T IUIM h IS VISITIMJ THIS Sl ( HON Dr. Wallace lliillerlck. of the Hock-! ("feller Eouiulallon, of New York, ar- j rived In Salem yesterday, and with ; Stale Superintendent Alderman In the aflernoon l.xik a tour through Polk county. The object of Mr llutterlck's visit Is to study thi! home credll plan. tvot fertilized and produces her young which Is advocated hy Superintendent! nilvn Al of he maiiT suc( ( i (i in (. generations produced the like through summer are vlvl-parous females the Btem-molher." Prof. spring and fall migrants, the males, and their life history, and of methods of control. Dr. Miilterbk read the pamphlet written by Mr. Alderman on Hi" sub ject anil which was scattered hr.uiil- Wllson then spoke of the cast iiirougiioui m i n ni.-.o-n .., .slucalors and (slucjillonal puliliea tlons. Tho rending of this immphb-t led to .Mr. lluttei b k's visit west. NEW WIDE EMBROIDERIES 42-inch flouncing, nice goods only ?--507V!a!!! Embroidery flouncing, beautiful pattern, only ..wya 17- inch embroideries, all new, only -c j 18- inch embroideries at , y . Wide linen Torchon laces at Blankets Blankets, 55x72 Blankets 58x76 Woolen blankets. SDecial at Blankets from 40c a pair up to $5,00 a pair ..75c pair ' "..$1,00 pair ..$2,75 pair The levy of a sufficient tax upon all nronerty In the city to meet the first Installment of principal and interest of tho 1310,00m bond issue voted In the -....( m,v lnction was embodied In a resolution preparatory to the Issue vhlch was passed at the session of the city council Monday night by unanimous vole. The resolution was prepared by City Aitornnv It- K. Pe'': and rot.-n.Hlii.un III o. Whit,- II direct- the ciiy aitor l,.y to prepare the form of the bonds L,",lred to be Issued for tho payment lot on, .landing liabilities Incurred In j I .. . . ..-.,-u The I l the crtistriiciion 01 . I bonds are to be i-ay.ll at uie Uency of the of Oregon In .New York City or at bo ofn of the .-Hy 'treasurer of a.l-m. at "l'll," ,,f !1S owners of the ITovlslon I- n,,U that the a.iaeiuts: .f th bonds .shall be left to H.e option of tho pi.r .;.,ia.r,-f e,..',ject to the ll-nlla- (1(;ns f the Sab'",: ciiy charter. ! ThiHv..lH..n"-.b-da..-d January 1 A,id. fr.m !" "- f"r "" "a'";-n: J ll.-TlT Or pi MO .'"' ...,n I." ii. ad- thai li.r,. f,,r a b-'.y of a and pa.v !"' ;, I,, -oils . ,. I ml iv-'i" !,.,- r of 1 le nd pnvl- Did You Spend AH Day Monday Over a Wash Tub? (Mm day each week the family wash dotuiind the linn, of III, i housekeeper. Tluil Is If she (dill cling lo the old way. Hill If she I j.l.rivoHl of I he times and sen. Is tho wash to uh, wiikIi day seems the siinio as any oilier. Delicate nml fumy pieces will be relumed In as good nul lum as when received, for lln-y aio handled by hiiiul, Just a carefully as when .lone at hnine, ninl oil need hae no fear of any article being damaged while In our care. Make no tub-take --send your (IHOD chillies lo thin ;OD laundry. SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY 136-1GG S. Liberty Phone 25 wants irnnv S0l.l AM) JIONF.Y SKT TO IMS Asking that his body bo Bold to the Willamette medical college for $100 and tlm money be given to his moth er, If. K. ( hick) Itolierts, who Is to be banged at ihe penitentiary on Friday, has written to Prison Superintendent Lawson. ., . ,.;nei,lnt with the Idler JVIUIOSl ' "" from th p!i.m'i cones one to th" snperhitemlent from Huberts', usking that a lib lure of b-r son In clll.eii'j ''''''" 'i ll" ; put (o .b ath. Mr. Koberts l-lls the udent .b,t she has no photo- , .rr..i, of 1-er :.-. Shelivsat Mulll-, no, a Dutx-rlJ of Portland. ( Ineoi'iMiraliiin. Th Yamhll Kleclrlc. Co., of Ncb"ig. today filed papers with the secrelary of stale, showing that it has Incrcnsed Its capitalization from r. 'H to !'.- Olio. Other papers filed bv (KjH.ri"i"H today w.-re llie fnMowIng Stoddard Dnyloii A-i' Co . nop--!-mentary: H- l :!.!' i! 1 " . ' lail. $ : I"' " ''' "" ' ''"" As ioi-i.i'1 .ii. I I i.ill.l . Se HI r-l I'i.e -i Mm.-, n. II 'ho'i. I',"0'im. rViiil Wood Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S OAST O R ' A 50 ladies' coats at rvmi't All this season's goods, new style coats, to Uo.e the line at $5,00 each, ROSTEIN & GREENBAUM 240-246 Commercial Street (if ci" li; ' ,! ,,ml Intcf-t 11 ,l,e c i I nlllii i'-Ilt '' ; Miy lmi'''i''al I ( n-e ineid ut, ;,t the l-"el b i, is is lo ha Pen of f'inil nml doing t;'" i,n bond subject oly t I,, n'l as pi ;.ro'-e or mi .,, ,1,.. -.ale The : :"'!- l-ie II! 1 1 1 ' I- ,!, blank betel running aid prin'm" the form of I'loni'-y- p,l by the . iiy 'Ions. They I'amoui SUM llcaiino ,00k with horror on Skin Km naor Salt Kheum. ,B chapped hands, chilblains; heal Zl ci'. and bruise. for pile.. Ia cents of J. Morris, Cash Feed and Grocery Store Iff :)., i SPA'JLDING LOGGING COMPANY SITCIAL I'ltlCL rOlt TEN DAYS 1 G ill. wood, 5 Itvr'is ul $1.75 loads i $2.00 n 1 -I !ec n-s ; cm s l.".c . I.'.c " I" ia. -mi . d in.ik ... (-'' ''' '' - ,re Ii.-IIIIH . . o'.r K b'-ans -"' '! lini'-a " . ... r-nkle Corn i laKe i-" ,M. ta l l"'a. '- . ens lahie aiirlcots . r-.-il. n-' nlO'-S (!(" Mil ' .. .,1 Hard I-"'". " p,.,fe,'!ori vull-y :ii-A tK,nis cnied barns Free takers,-rt.y . .Vic Vlr . '-' , 1.10 (I.IMI . .HOC Weiford and Y picture kIiows I lin(ii) H'J. Ai .,,,1,-nl n.wlVln.nnr n,.-H':lu. fc-ti,e-l In this p.'1-er r tor i-a. DR. STONE'S Drug Store Hti.m. t)HH.os iiie Irr. .it"Hi(' jii.avi: Kltn.H nf ei,(d) uliil'MliK J ,il,l lll'-ll llie. l,p I, lie- mot fin'l'll"'-' lo eiii.. r - ! Automobile Motor Cycle and 'Accessory Dealers or Salem For ' dors" A I Urn f'-'l v...r ::i (: i fill ... i,,,,n.. rlvm 'it , ll . Ill 1. . 1 . - - ' Will 'M'e "' Pro- I! "" I ties for I 00. LOZlEi Tndjan Studebahcn 'Hi; 1 -1 i, n n l I.rii(c '"' 1 , ! . II. W I'll' -I'l' . i. (. II. mi J I il , ,'.i,l r . IH tli"t. MOTOR CYCUX Auiii n 1 1 r lill'l' ',ii,-.nlili,.i, H.hin riikl' N iria i iini,i-fi il """"t en-. I tti.lir IM ,( ! lllllHil ft CI" !,K bolllti or ' bo lo S, HUH Mil :' AM '"l i,,,:J Km, Sal' Mmiiu'T. or. 'lei'' It""'" "Va 1' Read The Journal For News