'ECU fro eatTi lOJ-li) J ctiV GAVfflMn Ki ALCOHOL 3 PEH in; AVcgcluWcProparailonror aiimiaiuigimiooaanilReijiiti UnglJicSioinaclisaiulDowclsol' Promotes DigpstionflwrlU ncssamlItost.ContalnsmiUitr Opium.Morpliine nor Mineral. Not Narcotic, JixMltSdtt-JtilartcixMrSiJg HmtSrrtt- CtartOrH SlJijar htdtxvtm floret. Anerfect Remedy forConsltoi I Ion, Sour Stomach, Dlarriwta Worms ,Convulsioiis,Fcvcrish ncssawlLossoFSmiP. Facsimile Signature oF NEW YORK. m mmmmm Tor Infanta nrid rKn.Vn The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of PAILT CAH1AL JOrnvir SAlEJI) mm wyl . I I " - I tfjiift Guaranteed undiTllicFooTM -t'l - rilii-rt i it Exact Copy of Wrapper. r ... i ... , i u.iin-n,,- ZAP fir Use For Over Thirty Years OIHTAUH COMPANY, NEW VORK CITY, Arranges Series of Lectures Sl'Orinirnd,.nt Alderman Ins , lw state, n connection win, the ' "c,nirflewllldlh;i8 h riitoil for this year The i ,,lUy lu Kocuring a sufficient ninubtM' or Beuue,8 10 fin ,he ;;;; A,M.l.catlo. from high .ohn,H 11:o still coming in to tho offloe precox, thfrspat. vm.mt.n Tho ii't-uirea tint. j Three New Victrolas VictrolaX$75 VictrolaXl$100 VictrolaXIV$150 These are the three now models for this season, and we will be glad to give you a demonstration. Itcmomber, these are in stock in Salem, and ready for delivery. Largo stock of records, Standard, Double Face and "Red Seal." CHAS. E. ANDERSON, Agent North Commercial Street. Salem, Oregon 217 Morris' Cash Feed and Grocery Store 3 I'kpa mince meat - 1'kgs new raisins j-, - cans good milk A'.t. - eatm large fat oyster.-- . " It's white henna "'o;K. f tbs pink beans '-f 3 cans salmon pkgs Krlnkle Corn Fi.ikw I'.e " cans table peaches 50c P cans table apricots 3 cans new tomatoes 2;n. 3 cans corn vl0 Hard wheat flour, sack . .$1.2(1 Perfection valley .'!.'oo Nice home cured hams . ...:oc Free tickets Wexford and Yo Liberty Picturo shows. Phone 1407. 6, 1913. r 1 Tart ranged for are as follows' Hood niver, December 7, "New 'ow of Rural Life," by Dr. Calvin S. white, of Portland; Sllverton, Decem ber 5, lecture by Earl Kirk -..,...,,, ... Salem; Yoncolla, January "4 Nvw View of Community Life," by' 0 P Coehow.of Hoseburg; Hood llivor' January 10, "NPW view of Education ' by President William T. Foster, of Portland: Uue-.ui Vista, December 7, an 0, A. C. representative will talk Island City, February 1, "New an,, 01(J Views of Hoy Life." by J. A. Churchill, Baker; The Dalles, December 1.1, "New View of Education,' bv A. F Flegler, Portland; Wllsonvllle," Decern her 6, "New View of Education," by W. II, Ilollls, of Forest Grove: rietliei December (!, "New View of Education," by Rev. C. C. Poling, of Portland, and h. nenson, of ,1110 governor gives the period for lortland, will speak on "The Value of which the secretary was elected 'is Child Life." If,,,,.. ..,.. These" are only some of tho dates! On account, of the InvmHritv most recently arranged. As m;inv im i caused ! ti,. n!.n,i.,i,. i... the election of Mr. Olcott, after the Olcott to Hold Place Four Years Is Stirring tip the Boys Ull'.i.uv. V. Kapllnger, th, local poiiUry ,r.:a agricultural enthusiast who show hI his interen lu the schwl Imlusirlal contests during (lie spring b" Ini'iaCng lh Kaplinger potato 'ace. win contribute to the next con tost hy offe-ng settings of I.lnht Itrab ma eggs to the youngsters who wish to compete In the ixMiltry lino. All children who wish to compete f r the Kaplinger prizes will Bubmlt their names to State Superintendent Alderman before February 1, At that dsM tho names will bo shuffled to gether by the silp.Tlntemlent and the first fLve drawn out will receive set tings of the eggs freo of charge. After1 the drawing has been settled children who still wish to have settings of the thoroughbred eggs niHy procure them for half-price from Mr. Kanllncer Half price will W 75 cents for a set-1 ting of 15 eggs. Another Inducement offered by Mr J Kaplinger will he a pen of l.lht ! Hruhmns, offered as a prl.e for the j best pen of any Asiatic breed of poiil : try shown by a competitor In tho con I test. 1 P1l ft iiT VfAtwsramc itttiicf Joining Handkerchiefs mi Ihe woman wKn ever A certificate of election yesterday '1'1"'' ' Issued to Secretary of State oicnit bv I mi l, ii hi: A HHi It M.l.Y 1(11)1 Y six lectures will he delivered In some of these places. :i of 27 of (;ovi:iioirs JIEASI liF.S Alii: PASSED lti'l'i'eo'iitaihes nf the Cbrlstiaii Kn dnmir from WihhIImiiii. Mbaii), l'al liis and Salem will cune.nr.ate in Sa h iu this alirrnnnn ami a gi'iirfal rally will be held. Special meetlue.s w III be death of Secretary Benson, a (pies-: '"'Id this afieruoun be.niiining at lion had arisen ns to whether he would o'clock ami at 7:"o o'clock In Ihe ev servo a two or four-year term, after i ''iilng. his recent election. It Is barely pes-! Among the speakers will be 11. II. slide that tho courts may decide that j Uottman. Held secretary for Oregon. MHIMMMMmM s A ure to please the lovers of a wholesome beverage, I ways an invigorating, pure and delightful drink, ends strength to the weak and wearied physique, ffects -a soothing cure for the nervous ills of life, 4akes life more pleasant and cheers the heavy heart, rings good fellowship to all who partake in moderation. ;ilivens the spirit of the down . cast and disheartened, ;ndows existence with hopes . and aspirations restores, man to fulness or strength and activity, the THi; Ms h my my i I Hi THIS HANDY ATLAS of the world is FREE In checking over the subjects dis cussed and recommendations made in his messngo to the last legislature, Governor West finds that out of 27 measures upon which he urged action, lu" were passed by the legislature. Five more were passed by Initiative In the recent general election, while one, the anti-capital punishment measure for the passage of which the governor fought long and hard, was lost. There ore five on which no action has been taken. As classified by tho governor measures are as follows: Passed by legislature More effec tive banking laws, flat salary for state printer, state purchasing board, Inde terminate sentence law, changing name of reform school, additional at capitol, more effective forestry laws, topographic and hydrographlc surveys, fish and game department, state game refuges, labeling prison mado goods, public service commission, commission to revise judicial system, state book let advertising resources white slav ery law, Income tax amendment Passed by Initiative Double liabil ity for bank stock holders, working prisoners on road, good roads meas ures, eight hour law state work, some tax measures. No Action Auditing state and coun ty books, uniform system of accounts, mountain water supply, purchase of certain lands by state at tax sales, transportation of convicts hy prison guards. Iyost Antl-capltal punishment bill. In addition there is a list of nine measures on which action can be taken without legislation and which are now under way. They are the following: Insurance commission to revise code, compensation commission, check ing state land titles, investigating school fund loans, hurrying approval of lieu selections, cutting off useless printing, establishing state forest, re organization of Carey Act projects, purchase of Oregon City locks. (.ovi.itYHi.vr won.i) JIEl.P 151 IM riOAIlS .Mr. Olcott is not entitled to a term of xmh jeiuo, u uepenumg upon the con struction placed upon the wording of the law. YVOI I.I) 111) MOKE IiniANE AMI "XOT COST Ml ( II" C. N. McArthur, of Portland, ex speaker of the Oregon house of repre sentatives, will introduce a bill In the legislature: providing that criminals convicted of murder In the first de gree shall be punished by death In tho electric, chair, instead of by hanging. Mr. McArthur has been collecting data on Ihe subject and declares that, tho chair can bo Installed at a small expense. One of his arguments In fa vor of the hill Is that It Is a much more humane way of putting crimin als to death than hanging. Everett I'.aloT. state president ami many other Interesting talkers. Mrs. Jclia lt.olf rinnell will sing and Miss Mary Shall, will render a violin solo. .uumnciuuns uoesnt exist, ihey are al ways welcome as Xmas presents, especially if they are as me and serviceable as the ones we are showing. Plain Cotton, Corner Embroidery on Cotton, Linen, Hand Embroid ered, Armenian Lace, Initialed Duchess and Princess ranging in price from 3c to $3.00 Ladies Handbags all at Reduced Prices Merchandise Orders for Sale Here Plain and Novelty Ribbons Dennisons Gift Dressings Raphael Tucks Xmas Cards Courteous Treatment Prompt Delivery QUALITY rOPULAU MERCHANDISE UMiirt jmtti ptrwu jr.ut c court PRICES 111 l it IT Tin: TOWN AM) KILLED 0E M A SALEM DRUGGISTS MAKES A STATEMENT Wa always advlso people who have stomach or bowel trouble to so a doctor. Hut to thoso who do not wish to do this we will say: Try the mix ture of simple buckthorn bark, gly cerine, etc., known as Adler-l-ka. This simple new remedy Is so xwerful that Jl'ST ONE DOSE usually relieves sour stomach, gas on the stomach and constipation QUICKLY. People who try Adlcr-l-ka are surprised at Its QUICK action. J. C. Perry. li'Nirnii nii:sn i.kakkd whir. Chieo, Cab, Dec. 5. Pusses are searching today for John St Claire, a niiica nana, wim ior two Hours ter rorized the town of Vina, 20 miles from hero, shot, and killed James Mil ler a rancher, and then lied to the hills. Walking npand down the si reels of the town. St, Claire nourished a re volver ami commanded everyone he met to throw up his bands. St. Claire Is believed to bo Insane, This Will Interest Mothers. Mntlur (iriiy'K Sweet I'lmd.-m fur Child Ton, n rcrtnln rolli'f fur fi'VfrlBliiiiH. tit-inl-siiip, lifld Htiimitt'h, tPHIilntf (llxiirili'ri, move nnd ri'ioilnte (tie hewrlH unit (lent rov worm. 'I'licy hrcnlc lip culili. In 1M leium 'Hiejr rr no pleiiHnlit to the ll clill'ln-n llki them. Over Ili.ooo tiKflmiinliila. IWil lv iiinthpr fur 2.1 yeni-K Thru nrrrr tall. K.ihl hv nil ilriiL-iilnlH, '.V. Hnniiilf innlh-d KI1KK. AdilreHH, Allen H. (minted l.r lliijr, N. Y. authority on this subject, being n member nf th, Hoard of I.oeliirCHhln of Clii-MInn Science Lecture. Francis J, Fluno, of Oakland, Cut., will speak on tho subject of Christian the Mother Church, tho First Church M'lonoo at the t.imul Opera Hoiiho of Christ, Scientist, In lloton, Mass. Thursday evening, December 5, at 8 ' The ledum Is free. The public U cor. o'clock p. in. Dr. Fluno speaks with 1 illally Invited. It-HO U POSITIVE 1-H00F. Should Convince Ihe (ireatest Skeptic In Salem. I'iojminuIs for Supplying the State In- slllntliins. Snall bids are Invited by the state purchasing board for supplies and stores for the Oregon state Institutions for the six mouths, ending Juno DUth, 1913. lllds will bo opened at 2 p. m., De cember ii. Lists, with Instructions to bidders, may be bad by calling on or addressing C. I). Frazer, sirrotary, j t Salem, Ore- n-2il-5tead, t State PurehaHliig Hoard gon. I Mules seldom kick bout, can: I The postofflce department 1ms notl fiod Governor Vest of the character was ' 'of the provisions of the last postal ap- sul.j. 1 pi-nprlatlon bill for the construction v: sp and Improvement of rural delivery came muds throitchont the Fnlfd States. 'were and the terms that must be complied 'win. In- each state to receive any of ifhe benefits of the appropriation. went The communication to the governor '-nvp th:,t the int'-Mbn of the depart ;,racticalde. alien to ev equal I. Cov a sult-lensMi. to any subscriber, new or old, who will come to this office aud pay one dollar or more on their subscription, daily or weekly. This atlas should be in every home. It is essential to tne grownups as well as school children. A LIMITED NUMBER REMAINS THE CAPITAL JOURNAL rneut is, .'s far ns nend the appropti amounts in t, sevr! s'ate crnor West is asked to select, ' 1. 1.. ,-n,i niiont ;,ii miles in over the mMre 1 nu'th h!''h i rural mail delivery, and arrant to have $:0.W'O r:iis"d by the flat", oi local sub-division of th state. In oordance with the reoulrom-'ils of the lew the government will tb-n set aside '$10 000 additional from the aoprom lion granted by contra, and will - 'pend the sun. of t'A -M thus prov.d-l. or as much of it as may for the improvement, and rnaim-na.Ke of the road sel-ctcl. linn Is srr.iril i i lie ajj'i ' . bv a Joint committee of the senate and the ho..s and the agricultural opar. !ment co-operate, with thei Recause It's the evidence of a Salem citizen. Testimony easily Investigated. The strongest endorsement of ineilt. The tiest proof. Read it: I. N. Uldgeway, lla S. Twenty-sec ond St., Salt-in, f)i "., says: for a -long time I kn' w that my kidneys were disordered as I suffered from ! pains In the small of my back, espe cially severe tthen 1 sti:i)-ed or lifted. ' I did not lest wed and liniso In th" 'merniiig so lane' and sore that I could MtrtU.v about. I ! tired firfily, fe't b'tiK'ild and sole and . wits often v-ry nervous. I wan also -t to ititeli e I'c-iiiachi-s itii'i ii.'. lis, dming which my sight le l,p,n , ,1. D-taii's Kidney I'i'l.t finally l.roi'cl.t to my att-niioi: and ib'dding to try Hiem, ptof ire I a box at 1-r Hf,f lris ""' '" to the sent or my ""'i- ;ind In a -1'0't time eii'irHy '' -,,.. in ait s Kidney 1'ilU lif.ve e, !o;senie!tt. 1 "' " y. iel, Ken;.) tl'lir I lire e lear. No tM-f Fee-. Mr. I:l,--,ld: "lli'r -' I ' f"' il!!g I loatl S l ".Ii'' - . ( iiitm-i lo i .i : .. .s ; 1 .d 'o '".i -:' t'.is ri-rii' ! " dealers. I'.'"-' " 1 leirn Co. i-iits for tl v;1 my i.iii'-- Ill-Iit e'i'-'i! (Ill All latent tiiHIetiien or iiieoi. ,U"t nfi ffrtlm'i In tlil .iip';r me for earn a DR. STONE'S Drug Store DOLL LAND Big display of dolls. Big dolls at little prices. Kid bodies, dressed and undressed. Make your selections now. Do not wait until they are picked over. Large sample line of big dolls. Best assortment in Ihe city. Dolls with real hair, those that close their eyes, and some that do not. Remember the little prices. Doll buggies, go-carts and toy fur niture. Toy tea sets at 1 5, 25, 50c, $1. Do your Holiday shopping early. Avoid the rush. Best selections now. ROSTEIN & GREIiNBAUM 2 10 2 t( ( oriiiiicn Slr' t I E. L. IRVIN Up-to-lhe-Minute Shoe Repairer , wo doots a i ol ,M,noni( Untitling wav - l.tat' ui r.'foti ti-'Ti I'illS ie 1V '' K' detail. I am 'd''-K'' kidti -y suffer-v: '. I-'tiT sal'' bv al' c.-nv. I"--'""'-New Y'.tk. '.' s St:i'"S l:eU,fr::h'T take n- i ot!).r. Stl.f.fl, Oltl.l.DN iilu Hi: s i (i i. ' I I) It. II I I I! ' .Mi' ;! i if-- -- Dour. ). d- ;.ii. I'.lii and -X - i"' v .. . i'l '. i. ' December 1, 2, 3, 4 'I ana t5 fir Some peo advertislr.g are tt' can g"t It lree- .,. v. ..., don't. I., ii'-ve la 1 1 ij! i, -j I :i hi, I :., to d' -itb if th' Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA ' (that :.: ."!.' !'! l;,ot M!.vi,'-i b; i huif.'o, Or.-g'.ji. S. lit b) ll-l l ') 'celp'Jf of the rt"t, Dr. at. i i'K. Dvf.oiit Mtnlv if Our Savings 0,1 fie Abm-e Ihitrs Ifruw Intvrent from the first I START THE ACCOUNT NOW 'deoartment In procuring "- .. ,. ; 000 for road building prlation of $35