Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 05, 1912, Image 1

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    ALL the news that's fit
to print honest ed
itorials, influenced by
neither clique nor corpora-tion---The
Capital Journal
stands for the people.
Jays that the Progressives
of Both Parties Will Get
together and Conservatives
Will Unite Against Them
Washington, Dec. 5. That the old
stnndpat wing of the Republican par
ty would merge with the conservative
clement In the Democratic party, this
force to battle with the allied Pro
gressives of both old parties for con
trol of the presidential election in
191(1, whs the prediction here today
of Congressman A. W. LRfferty (Re
publican), Oregon.
"I expect Fresldont-elect will prove
another Tnft or Cleveland, and that
lie will be too conservative, " said
Lafferty. "This will result In the
amalgamation of the progressive ele
ments of the Republican and Demo
cratic parties before the next general
"In my opinion, the Progressive Re
publicans In congresss will remain
'regular for a time, hoping that the
progressive element within the party
will control nominations and Bhape
platform declarations from now on.
There Is no denying the fact that the
Independent progressive movement
this year wns composed almost exclu
sively of Republicans."
Lafferty declared that at least half!agalnst the crop thoJf ,08e money at
wmt&mmmm' cw
-v-v J(?
THE largest circulation irt
Salem and it is
steadily increasing
The Capital Journal affords
the very best medium for
all advertisers.
Fierce Forest Fli
Santa Barbara, Cal, Dec. .
Forest fires are furiously sw ,
Ing the foothills about Sat'- .
Barbara today, and grave feair.
are felt for the safety uf tbe
fashionable suburb of Montoclto.
Tho home of V. j, Taple, near
Montoclto was destroyed today,
Taple and bis family being com-
polled to flee for their lives.
Colonel Slosson, supervisor of
tho reserve, at. the bead of a com-
pany of 20 exhausted tire-fighters
is being driven slowly toward
the ocean. 4,
SALEM. OREfift. Tin i),..,
. , ...,.,,, uU tMm.lt .
14. . .i " -
Will Dump
Onions in
the River
Stockton, Cal., Dec. 5 Probably
50 000 sacks of onions grown In San
Joaquin county will be thrown Into the
river this year, largely account of
the present low prices. Local grow
ers and commission men defend this
action by declaring that the yield has
been exceptionally heavy, and that
there Is 'an unusual amount of culls.
Growers are offered from 30 to GO
cents per sack, according to quality.
They state that It costs them 10 cents
a sack to dig them and that when
rent and cost of production is charged
of the Republican congressmen Just
elected were progressives, but he did
not expect them to support Represen
tative Mann, of Illinois for minority
leader next session. He predicted they
wild vote for some recognized Pro
gressive Republican leader.
"I look for the elimination of the
standpnt wing of the Republican par
ty," he added, "and a division of the
country between the Progressive ele
ment of both parties on one side and
the conservative factions on the other.
This condition Is certain to come be
fore the 1916 election."
After climbing from the basement of
the insane asylum to the top story
through the linen chute, Ah Fook, a
Chinese Inmate, last night committed
suicide by attaching one end of a
bedspread to an automatic sprinkler
tube, tying the other end about his
SO cents. Only the culls or unmarket
able portion, they declare, Is being
thrown overboard.
Between 30 and 50 carloads of po
tatoes per day are being dug in the
Island district. Tubers are quoted at
from 40 to 80 cents per sack, accord
ing to quality. Growers declare that
thousands of acres of spuds would not
be dug.
Washington Is
Discussing the
Road Problem
mm m Mmimmm..,, ;
Crtr In Nxv York Pratt.
I ' It l'lil,u(lil,IHid.
New York, lhv. ,Y- l"dw a-d It.
Ilai rlman. r.-iiro i.I inagmiii', left
an estate valued m pUMv nmn
otm.iHHi. much f,i,;ii,.r than
was at llr-.i exjsvte,' : .-,-i.f.t mi;;
to nl ouVi-il ,if llio m.i.o ,,,u.
irouor a olllce here t.
Sim e 1 Uirrlir. .m'rt u
the e-U.ile has been
pr.iisil. vv huh u now
Tin1 Vii I . i n:it vv l.'.iul
.tl In r.ie'.i
under up.
!elt 1,1 en
tile fortune In liih widow.
Is Cause
of Worrj
San Francisco, Dec. 0. Southern
Pacific railroad interests likely to be
affected by tho supremo court's mer
ger decision Is the subject of dally
conferences hero today between Wil
liam Sproulo, the company's president,
and Vice-President E. K. Calvin and
Vice-President William F. Ilerrln.
The most important matter under
consideration is tho question of
whether there is any way of the South
ern Pacific still retaining its distribut
ing system if the Union Pacific ac
quires the Central Pacflc from Ogden
to Sacramento and the old Central
California from Sacramento to Oak
land. The officials, It Is said are try
ing to devise some means whereby the
Union Pacific would be enabled to ac
quire merely the Ogden-Oakland main
line, leaving tho other branches for
distribution purposes.
Siiroule, Calvin and Herrin will
leave early next week to attend the
conference of Harrlman . officials at
Salt Lake.
Deputy Sheriff William Ksch left
this morning for Portland, where he
will take charge of S. A. Wesicott, who
stands charged in the justice of the
peace court here with the crime of lar
ceny by bailee.
According to tho complaint now on
file with Justice Webster, Westcott Is
charged with collecting and convert
ing to his own use $ir,0 which Is al
leged to belong to the Loyal Order of
Acting upon notice sent by the
sheriff's office, the Portland authori
ties arrested Westcott, and he is now
being held In the metropolis, pending
the arrival of Deputy Eseh, who is to
take him In charge.
Washington. Dec. 5. When the
trial In the senate of Judge Robert W,
Tacoma, Wash., Dec. 5. With John
P. Hartman, of Seattle, practically
slated for election as president of the
Good Roads association, and1 North
neck and leaping from the top of the .yakmia or Spokane as the place for ' Archbal d, of the commerce court,
h'"e. , meeting next year, the state good charged with misconduct In office,
Ah Pook'was 49 years old. He was roa(s 03nventioiL got down to business wn8 reBunied today, Edward W. Wll
commltted to the asylum from Multno- toiayt an(j igan wrestling with the am9 0f Dunmore, Pa., continued his
inah county March 14, 1911, his com- problem anQ- how and where to con- j testimony of Archbald's alleged part
Tiilttnent being his second In the Ore- gtruct the good roada wanted. nershlp with htm In the pucrhase of a
gon asylum. The coroner has lnvestl- Very vgoroll8 opposition developed ! cum pne near Scranton. The witness
gated the case, and pronounced tho rlght ftt the gtart agalnst a big blan-L n8 cros-examined by Congressman
death of Ah Fook as self-inflicted. . . bon( ,sglle to creale a fund of mil- Webb, of North Carolina.
lions. While some ravoreu a e Williams reiuuiuuuj uw
scheme of road building with a big Archbald drew up an agreement for
fund, It is going to have a hard fight an option on the Katydid culm bank,
In the sale oi wmni, u '"ft'".
hnnsting hdil a half interest. Areh-
seauie aim iinvv" .- - , , .
fnr th east and west highway UM watched Williams closely through
through Snoqualmle pass, but opposed out i,B testimony
to this scheme Is a big element i.om
inland empire cities, wno
Dave Had a System.
Portland, Ore., Dec. 1 Cluuda Vitus
and L. L. Adosx "fran'ied up" a poker
game on Dave Iludshaw, a simple look
ing Canadian. Dave had a system of
his own, with the result that the oth
ers "squealed" to the police. All were
He Indorses
the Journal's
the Crime
Redding. Cal., Dec. .I. The fate of
William K. Clements, on trial hcii' for
the allegi-d murder of William C. I.au
dls, prolmlily will be in the hands of
the jury Hatun.ay. The stale rested
Its case at the morning session today,
and the defense begun presnitatlun of
evidence without delay.
Clement's confession was admitted
as evidence lain yesterday, and read to
tho Jury.
"I did tho Job," It said, "and I don't
feel ashamed, either. Of course, I nm
sorry, hut I can't help that. I know
my mother was murdered, and that
Uuidls did It. That's why 1 killed
him. I am guilty rnd hiii willing to
acknowledge It. I don't want to see
any Innocent man punished for what 1
Clement's confession exonerates Dun
A. Thompson and Marcus A. (Iilffltb,
alleged accomplices, who also are
held awaiting trial fur the murder of
(IM.Y PW'I'lt IN THE sun:. SO
F A II AS KNOWN. I'll I'lil VI Til
tiik riii siii:vrs ni.sswa: i
The .loimiul takes a Just pi id In
having primed the president's mcHhiige
in full, yesterday, It being the only
paper Is Hie state so far as It Minns,
that ihd so. Itealllug the vast liu
porlanee of this mcsNiige, the Journal
oiiie time ago made ui'iangenieutH for
i-.ettiiig the full Nn'ssage, and printed
t III full It Is mm able document and
well worthy of piiiiB.il mid study, fur
It Is educational In a wav. giving a
l"'P insight Into tin' country's II-
llull and Heeds.
While many uiifnrtiinalely lake little
Interest In this class of rinding, the
Capital Journal Is highly gratlllisl by
the numerous warm coiiiinendailoin It
has received for Its enterprising spirit.
It Is the aim of the now ovv tiers of the
.'ournal to malic It as gixsl n paper. a
i lie of Its sl.e i nn he mad", ami moth
er money nor effort will lx Hps nil In
leaking It the wry best newspaper
p sslhle. To this end "news" Is print
ed uncilorl, and ihls wlu iher t Is of
the pcdlllcal kind of olherwl:s. Try
the Journal for a month and you will
not again be without It, for you can
rely on Its news being correct, every
Aim v woman ins
SI, KIT l.'ll IIOI Its
Washington, Dec. 5. Infereutlally
scoring the promiscuous granting of 'j,n.
valuable water rights to private Inter
ests and Insisting that the taxpayers
should get the IxMieflt of them, Sec
retary of War Henry L. Stlmson ad
dressed the National Rivers and Har
bors congress hero today.
Senator Miles Polndexter, of Wash
ington, Is scheduled to deliver an ad
dress before the congress tills afternoon.
Amity, Or., Dec
whose liolno
5.- Mrs. J It. Mar
ls at Corvallls, Is
The Robbing of
Not Profitable
In Which the Paper Exchanges for endorsement.
Confidences With the People.
Hy J.-1V. M'lXTUKFF,
Circulation Malinger.
A simple little story, but one which (J r0(l()8 C0Mtructed first from the
well illustrates the way in which The tra(e centerB 0t Into the snrround-
Capltal Journal subscription list is country.
growing by leaps and bounds, was Th(j pacf0 highway scheme, from
told to the circulation "manager this njaIne t0 Vancouver, seems to be gn-
morning by Mrs. C. E. Whitney, who eraly favored, especially by Wes'ern
lives at 2379 Elm street. ' Washington delegates.
Mrs. Whitney stated that for years
Mill asleep, after having been In that
condition for more than inn hours
,chi was stricken last Friday mid
vhlle talking with members of the,
femlly In whose homo she wan visiting I
hern, seemed to go fast aHleop in vvlial
v,as suppos.d to Ix- natural slumber, j
When at bedtime she had not. aroused (
anil efforts to awaken h'T iirnvul fu-;
... a-.- ... ..II If. I
I Ince "ooui f I- , in an. in- ii-ii no,:-i
Icsiri.i, niiLHs i.r.sn won
I'aHiiilenii, Cal., Dec fi Itolihllig
inllllonalre's liinno i an be . perilled
rattier as a sport than a ralnfiil tall
big, If the oxpeilencn of a I'Uiglar
wl ul'i'd John II Miller's home
here early today Is a fair sample. Tim
burglar found f I lu one panto inn!
).! ,17 In anollier, and .iilier loot, con
sisted of half a do,:eii slick pins wonli
Is tin mi.
I A I -i-i -
she had been taking other papers, but (JHF.EC E FK.'IiTINC .
heeame dissatisfied, and determined Tl'HKEY SINUl.r. IIA-M
'o try The Capital Journal, sending;
in her subscription the first of the 1 bmitud im.kss i.kas.'. vvn..
'eek. She was so pleased with the j Constantinople. Dec a i .
l.''P'-r in general, and the way it was dally announc-d j're ..' ' 1)((W(.(,
delivered In particular, that she in- state of war still pPCt(,!
dmed her nelirhliors. Mrs. Sadie Smith Greece and Turkej.
ami Mrs. W. J. HaKedorn, to also sub- that Greece wll ca'' '""j ,
rlbe. Now all three are more than ress of Janina and tne s . f , a,,,,.' .
fcsed with the newsy columns and within a few days and th - J d -1,
attractive advRrtb,en,Pnts of the pa- George will be w.lling to sua ' von.an.
Por. and are confident that all their tilities and sign a SP."jl' , ,.,,
'rlends and neighbors will soon be , after which Gr,,cee nPgotlatioi:s to
lasinc Tho Can tal Journal, onivm . in arc i"
Peoples best paper. be held In London. iroum, , .,,,!
-il.e. Johnny
M'oniail Suicide Ideiilifled.
Cleveland. O.. Dec. r,.-Practically
certain Identification of the dead wo
man wlio commitled suicide In Wade
park here yesterday by taking pol-.on
was "iade today. It Is believed she
vas Mrs- O. N. KlepP"!. of Watertown,
vhn former;' llveu m i-o .
il S.m Francisco and returned
i .1 A
,.,-, ,ui. r the death or tier du.iimi.u.
' v;r',. !.'"!' Ilaekus. of Watertown.
III iirriv !,cre uu.s unci i. ..
! ),.,,. ; i.p ntliioatlim I'ton.
,:lai:,ie advices describing 1h"
i. - O L-.ir.. 1 i -
i;aciui im
-, d IcM'-r receipt from r'an
,,, o .!., r 1'!. Ifl-. i'1'1"
jd"ntl!'":itlon of the
il is win: foiii.oi
iX. v
Contnrv to the ec-neral policy
the local police force I which is to g"t,ouie will In
their man. and cinch him, If posslblel
tills paper has been authorized to stale
that imhfls the person who stole a U
C(1" from the, porch of the resi
dence of W. C. Maxwell, ,,n Soul li
Commercial mre.-t, returns the same!
within a v tv .;iiort Mine, trouble will '
res. ;!l of tii" nio.it embarrassing natuie f
to .lie paitlei; dlP-i tly Interested. Ia.
flflic r I'.iukhard' declared this morn- j
, C.. scent bicycle had been
, Poiioned'' from the itbox
I ,i,i. f, and that In 'be vet:
,;i or s- ins desired to savi
he e-pTIS" of pioseciltll'g
:.. f ihM b returned at It.'
tile, a physician was summon
that time every known treatment, lias
I n tried wHIiou' .my effwt lllllevel
Attending pliyslei.ui.-. are at a loss lo
I know wbai the real cause of the all
! pa nt. Is and i annot say wjuil tin
t int i mm im i:
punts on a lull tor, and Hu so an. lie
line pliologinplied.
'I lie Intruder a dlscoveled blfol'
lip had finisli.-d Ills lunula, bill is
:i a-d
Miller IS pi l-li' of III" ; ,M'loT:l
('alifniiila Kill' on ini, .inv and n
l I II' H t'li'ii pi;.'. ' I
Love that
Ended in
a Murder
Woman in the Case Said It
Was a Case of Suicide but
the Man Who Is lljing
Says She Shot llim
San Francisco, lice. .1 While Inti
mating that Hubert J Wldney, it U
Angeles real estule broker, lio was
but In the abdomen here hist night In
the npiirlincnls of Vivian Vale, cbo-
rur girl, formerly the wife of William
C Lyons, of IVnver. was iiccldenliillv
snot, the wonuiu tislay suppllitl reiutm
of leiteis and telegrams from Wldney
which Indicate that the broker may
I ave tl'lisl suicide.
Wldney, who Is sllll at. the point of
dialh lu a hx-al lii'spltnl, refusm to
discuss whiil bappciieil bi-fom the pis
tol craekcil. The I.). 'lis woman main
tains her Innocence and divhircs Wld
ney eMUieralisI her before be was tak-
II to Ilia hospllal. llctvvcril the two
the pollen are pu.led. They lire bdd-
lui: Hie woinan hut so far no cliargn
lias been placed agalnM her.
Wldney was vlsiliil today by his
v lie and mother who came from los
ngces when they hivird he was shot.
I bey remained only a few moiueiitt
end then went to the hull f Mrs. in
to C. Jeslcn II sister of Wlillloy'll wife.
'She shot me. The first thing I
I new the pistol was against me."
This. Mrs Wldney says, her hit
blind told her today as lie lay lialf
ili llrlous on bis hospllal cot. The wlfn
declares Hr .loslen was Informed tiy
Wldney thai Mrs. Lyons, lifter tbs first
bulli-t went borne, aileinplisl to fire s
second shot, hut that be had wrested
the vv ci poll from her before, slm ciiuld
do HO.
Never lu all the lilnlory of langliil
riimaiice which have been bared to
the world in San Francisco has tln-rn
been it nwii where more fervor wait
packed Into letters and teli-giiinm
than Wlitucy crowded lnt his. Sonni
of the biters are ton fainlllar In Isnr
piiblli alliill. but. even the lelegnuns,
I leading, begging, Imploring f"f 'bit
love of the Woman who want. si to
bleak away are so strenuous that the
wires unlet have wanned when they
1 uasci! over
lleaittlfiil and petite, I be Lyons wir
ii. nil was appar'Uilly tho enter of
.Wldiiey's life, and lie was willing and
I noxious l lose all for her. Most of
1,1 I loll, ', vvete idctled "V. I A. II"
' Which Hie gill savs Indicate "Violet
! II il i , I e ,oU Hob "
j And the gil l, Il ongli guarded by Hie
' i. In e, I 1 ploml of II' I' . ..ll'pieit. Sim
j i' ad" no olijo. In.n In Wldney'H letler-i
1 1 1 ing l.ik. n bv the pf ' tmlay and
j I hoi ! flllly olli 'll red III II S' lei Hull of
I hi go pholm In w lib h her r,m n.s r.
i'! oil In Ing t.ili' ii for I' l'iedne.
1.1,11 . ;,,.. i, III'' I' x 1, 11,1' i, found will II
1 1,, r i Ill Hie lioli I S,.l r. nlo, w In i
, i , ii',i'iii; ie , on '!, '! si' lo d
,ii" ,0 0 ,i i ,,f b, r n ,1 n. 1 1 -
I'-Mini fin ss infin, woe I
Taeoii a, Wash . I h e T, - Ii-'. '-H" -I
and others puzzled ami i,' H' I" d ys-tei-.lny
for W. A. Uld'bHk. who, ,!;
Wife lflirl:,K 'b 'I'-I'MI I 'liolll ll I t 'I'
parti il f-., ii W iillu W'li ll,i three we. bs
I ,
1 1 lag I" Mafke
Sllll, I I'l 1 ii
Hail- I '"
,en hlold, "f A '
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i. isr I
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i.I urtl He
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,1 I f'.UII'l
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,1. 'I
ing- that
stolen "o
the per.-'
!he city
tho 'a ;
'lli.-O a lib
heat d "!
!jr"'i.'ht In
a r.datlv.
Moil!, c IV,
bv a p
Irol not
-lot lll'IS l'H"l
ci iiii.iiii' i., ;.
, !., '".ie V. hit
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, And ;
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, . i . .,..! .,!., .. I I '. .I'll'.''
A Featherweight Flt'lit.
sen w air I
best paper.
This comlltlon mentioned In one
locality Is actually taking place in
many parts of the city dally. The peo
ple of the suburbs are sending In pe
t'tlons to have the paper delivered by
carriers, and arrangements are being
made to accommodate them. One
'arge route was established In Sil
Vfrton a couple of weeks ago, and is
Kfowing steadily. Others are to follow.
Clevela: d. O., I)'"'.
Kill tni"
Mr. H.
known nop
i-or a -"-Johnny
fe, thewelgl t
today an
T,.. ..I
II. ('ilbcrwn .-a- r,,,Hv,d
r.ilbertson. one or .ne . ,.r0I1,0ter T.
Vnrt IW-SI oftcr Ol
,n l" .a-.rv x,,.rar, V. Of I'S AnU-s. ine.
uhose home was In Aurora, ,9 t0 1 either WaKhmg-
suddenly yesterday . "frolll ,,n, hirt,,ay or March 17. H .. ex-
Belvedere hole, .i ;" , rctl that KIlbi.no wn i"
h.n,nrrhane of the lung-- lb- came i u,i,rstood. will a
Aurora. " 'stay on the Pacific coast,
leaves an estate valued at i
that si
left 1,1
for wli-',.-'
Sing Sint'
Votk, w is
A'tn:i ill' I':. i
Hire was !" r
HT a '1'iar el
that she !.;"!
-at loll
( Iniiii lli'c Mllll'.
j , - u isiai w no 1
c ,V !"' 'a
, iallli '.be !,!'!".
Mh IHf,e of Tv
iiiuri.'r A;!"-.'
. Hi pardoned f' '
v.-fior I'ix, '. N
he-e todav bv M
X She i;-,re;te. tle'l' jK
,',, ,-. (!;-,' he left : j '
i 1 r fa'b'-r. and
r In ii "I of him at'aiti i '
ll'h liS I'1
p ,, (...nil I I -Mil.
i h'
,t h' 'l'
,'., IS
Poi'.a-al. "'
Marr.ifl wai.t'")
iv i.udly. 1 1 h'.
ch'-'-king a'
mpts don't
t ll.nl heck Stilt.
ns iASr.i. wtsr I
... i c, y
8.it "f (dothes nn-t-
di.-w out Jl ' "i
nt of 'J cen'l '( hecK
come you," the Judge
'P I-I."'-
1 Ie
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-.1 I
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