Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 04, 1912, Page Page Five, Image 5

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    ywaw n
Of course you want fashionable
LI.-.. l . -f T 1 1 I
test. No .hoe to more stylish or more up-to-aatS a, 1 X "
You also want the best of wearing qua ities and tl- ,L . :
your foot comfortably. Barry ShoeVrneot thM to ,oo fi"
They are con.clenllmi.ljr and be.utifully nude by .biiij ', . , . ,
material, that .re aa worthy and mtriioi Wu ,' . L.fl " . ,l nmn l,bor. l
the market, Thouaaitda of our beat dre..ed mm 'n M. a '""
Urry Shoei. Come In and buy a pair u4 your feet iVhT i ',' c""""y WMr
and ecouomicaUy thod. Jourieet wul br tyluhly, tomiurubly,
Women's and
Coats and Suits
Why Drudgery In
Your Household Work?
The family wash Is responsible for
most of the hard work with which
housekeeping abounds.
Without It the. duties of the house
wife are comparatively light.
Mondays, conservative housekeepers
are sending the family ftirush to us
not just because they can afford It
for the most economical have found .
It genuine economy.
Also this does away with real drudg
erygiving you more time to yourself.
Why not follow In the footsteps of
your neighbors?
They find! it pays to let us do the
136-166 S. Liberty Phone 25
New York, Dec. 4. Once more has
the wife of General Daniel Slckels,
civil war veteran, come to his rescue
and the Bale of the aged hero of Get
tysburg's pictures and art treasures to
satisfy a judgment of $5000 will not
iv ,.i.. .--x
rune, awuiuiug w miiiuuucciiicui,
today. General Slckels and his wife
are reconciled, It Is said, after years
of estrangement .
To satisfy the claim of the Bank of
-.a-d & E
"The Lost Inheritance" Social Athletic club
"The Professor and the Lady"
"From the Submerged," a
"Davs of '49." mlnlne story,
Return Engagement, will Sing Tonight
Hubbard Building
'"'J?" cam
shops p,r cv . ..
the Metropolis, Mrs. Slckels drew from
the bank her entire balance of $3,1500,
I paid It over to the general's creditors
and then cabled to Spain for more
Itovnl Arcanum Ofllcer Dead.
lAWflnld. N. Y.. Dec. 4. Dispatches
..i,. w tmlnv from St. Peters-
burg, Florida, tell of the death there
of Edward A. Skinner, of Westdcld,
for the last 30 years supreme treas-
urer of the Royal Arcanum.
sons g;,tl,
Vita ii',:
great dramatic sludy. .Essan.iy
defending the camp.
Kalera g
up to $17,50 in valurs
$1,00 value
DERWEAR Si, 50 value
A shipment of
for women just re
ceived, Extra nice,
A Few Applications of a Simple Item,
cdy Hill lirltiK Hack the Nat.
lira I Color.
"Pull out one grny hair and a dozen
will tako Its place." Is an old saying,
which Is, to a great extent, true, If no
Bit ps are taken to stop the cause.
When gray hairs appear it Is a sign
that Nature needs assistance. It Ib
I Nature's call for help. Gray hair, dull
lifeless hair, or hair that is fulling out,
J is not necessarily a sign of advancing
,nge, for there are thousands of elderly
: people with perfect heads of hair with
out a single streak of gray.
When gray hairs come, or when the
hair seeniB to be lifeless or dead, some
good, reliable hair-restoring treatment
should be resorted to at once. Special
ists say that one of the best prepara
tions to use Is the old-fashioned "sage
tea" which our grandparents used. The
best preparation of this kind Is Wy
eth's Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy,
a preparation of domestic sago and
sulphur, scientifically compounded
with later discovered hair tonics and
stimulants, the whole mixture being
carefully balanced and tested by ex
perts. Wycth's Sage and Sulphur is clean
and wholesome and perfectly harm
less. It refreshes dry, parched hair,
removes diindrun anu grauuaiiy
si ores faded or gray hair to Its nattt-
ral color.
Don't delay another minute Star
'once and see what a difference a few
treatment will make in your
This preparation Is ouorcsl to mo.
public a; fifty ""n ,"',,J"- nml is
n commended and ''''! ' 'lU (lr"K
glst. Agent, .1. f- Perry.
(Continued from page 1.)
1 iimbcr
from other
soi res than Sa-
Mr Hammond, und-r whoso nam"
the Hammond Lumber comp.my was
conducted, Is about the largest lumber
dealer In the Mat-, according to offl-
rials of the Spauldliig company
his timber holdings In Oregon are
enormous. This would indicate that
the new firm is Intending to op. rate
upon enly the new inwrporators capi -
1 .ml... 1 i
Uil and i'o attempt """,a ' '
,rocr the lumber trade or consolidate
c,.cl,lln.r Lot-King company !"
Capital Lumber lompany.
Orhi". (Iff Terror.
pjtfon;r of d"ath
1 1IC I'"'
!the winter and spring months Is pneu-
Its ad'-at'ce agents are coe.
In any attacK u
,,., maladies no tlmo ehol tie ev
in taking the
best nienicitiu
!able o drive it off.
Countless t'ltJ'M-
!ands lave found this
to be Dr. Klrujs
... . ...i.nn,l l..llvefl
'ew Discovery.
My lOisLiai... -
i. i,,. Went b'tn from
having pneu-
n,o;,is three or four t. -
Mrs. Oeorge W. Place, n..
Q monia
H 1 and grip.
Vt "and lor coughs, coius ami
wflhave nev-r found Its c-aual." Cusr
'In,! I for all bm.eh!l aff-"""
, 50 ct,. and 11.00. Trial tolUe
'free of J. C. Porry.
Cured by
I'Nimi 1'hi:hs llamm, wiu-..
Colorado Springs. Co'.i., Ike. ..
Fu.ther testimony that the reported
Frl-dninn cure for tuberculosis g real.
h a euro was given Iuto today by
IT. A. C. 11. Friedman, who return, d
yesterday from Herlln. where ho visii
''1 his brother, Ilr. Frederick Fratu
1'Yiedlnail, the, dlsCOVCler.
Discussing the effects of (I;,. !,; ,
serum, which Is said to be ih,.
medical discovery for ages, nr. Fried-
man said:
"Several hundred patients my liro,h-
"I' treated are recovering, thus proy-
'"B lh foffiflfticy of Mi" cur. Tli,
matter (,f Immunizing -.low ;.,,iu cl il
'it'"U against disease in still nnloiinito, i
TI't exatt effect of the pi.ti-cMou ,,f the
serum on babes will not be a.'Vcnain
a'do for several yen's.
Three Years
Is Not Half
Enough for II
t I'SITKn l'UESS Itl.VSKI) Willi!.
I San Kranclsco, IVc. t Charles V.
Illlckey, notorious as the operator of
fraudulent, women suit clubs In Pa
cific const cities, In connection with
which he Is now facing a number of
criminal charges, was denteinTd to
servo three years In San (Juentln here
today by Superior Judge Frank Punne.
In lore whom Hlckev was convicted hv
a jury of obtaining money under false
pretens.i from Tony Haptos. Arthur
Meadows, jointly charged with Hlckev,
received a similar sentence. A Slav
of ten days was granted, and notice of
appeal filed.
Mickey and Meadows, according to
the information nguinst them, accepted
JliO front Itaptos, with which to secure
for him a license to act as their labor
agent, they having represented to
Itaptos, it Is alleged, that they could
t. lid positions for several laborers
lip-slate. A great number of work
men were sent from town In uncst. of
positions, which proved not to exist,
whereon they complained to the au
thorities, and the arrest of lllckey and
Meadows followed.
What lias become of all the wild
ducks that formerly frequented this
vicinity In a serious question now with
the hunters of the Capital City. Three
years ago the Willamette river and the
many sloughs south of the city were
the ducks' paradise and nlmrods en
joyed 8Ktrt galore, but this season, ac
cording to several prominent hunters,
It is an almost lniosHiblIlty to scare
up even a "mud hen." It is believed
by many that tbo feeding grounds In
Multnomah county are responsible for
the sborUigo In this territory and
there are rumors afloat that a feeding
ground may be established In .Marlon
county before long.
H. H. Worids, the popular proprietor
of the Wonder handy Kitchen, nan
.'old his interest in the neat little store
n( 37
1 North Commercial street, to
Klees ft .bines, Mr. Klees being from
l orlland Mr .loin, of Oak Grove. Mr.
Woods lias built up a nice business at
his former place In th' past, year, and
the new owners will no doubt, bo ac
corded the same patronage enjoyed by
Mr. Woods. Messrs. Kbt-s J'-ifs
i.re experienced candy milkers and
thoroughly understand every plia.se of
.... ir, i,
the I'l.lil'f
has not d
take up a
in .Siiii tn.
tioriery inmiiess. .m . "
., ;,,.,1 wh it bll.ill,' '-s be will
i i, i, but intends to remain
.,.! -i : tlt'i" at least.
i((K 1 U.I. OCT
Arnold .''nn'!, a Inrm-r residing live
miles south ol Salem, had a narrow es
cpe. from se;!..iis injury or death last
nich! win n ahorse lie was riding slip-
,,) U.l'l f-il 01. tie Pl- eUlfllt 01) the
SouUi Sal' ", lull r- ''"rry rid
ing ab.ng at an cat-V anl'-r wl.-n his
. i,i..ie :,,.-( his footing and
I'.OI f' niee.- ..v
fell headlong to the hard surface pa ve-
meiit. A:'ir
both tnati
with the - 'ft
'hough t ." '
i ven Sim" h
. oiling about ten n-ei.
'c: v got up ni)lnjiinl
of a hard jolt. Al
r ... ;,.'l hard, tie iei
,1 nn-i Mr. Curry, afft
iiakiiig c!.t'"f'il "
a:f loiintl tl.ii' !'
in, nation oi n.-io-(.
u I y damag" iioiie
was a rent m his trou.-
r knee.
poll Mlisissll'PI
Ii viti!, 1'1.1-tl urastu
W IKf 1
Wasbitig' tn. -- 4 -Addresslng the
,. Clonal
rlvrs M.d liarnors nmre
mended an aid roi.rlatio.i of half a bll
1 . - .. o... 1 1 1-
dollar" to b'lit'i i""''
M'ssinsilild riv-r.
' Tpi. presitl.iu crlilcised congr-sh
mildly f:tr Ps afltude toward the
waterways of the country.
10 nun: ors
M'Hl. l lM i; . ,Us..
lou,.n mum is i.im- i.kmik
sua r or i u.v
lock back a: your childhood day ;
''"'"'mhc. Phytic t'Mt mother in
'l on-,astor oil, cabo-icl. catl.ai
U"w !'iil,'d tVui, how you
height ai'.-iln-.t taking the;n.
With ear children u s ili'Termi The
''ay of h.trsli physic Is over We ,h,n';
f' ivo the liver and :lo f(V( of bowels
in w; wo coax tbcin. W e i:tc no
di.ade.1 alter citeciM. Mothers ,.,.
I1''" ""' 1,1,1
fcrr.i of physle sini, ly
ion i
i!i en'
il 111!
fiM.ll.-.c hal tin
do. The chll-
revolt ta well founded.
"''; 'in and tender how.
Is are
d b,' tlleoi.
I' 'i r child Is fietiol, p, vish. halt
tel.. stomach sour. I.e. at h toerish
and its lillle .m:., iu f .ill of cold: has
'I arrboea. sore throat -'lon.a, h-,u-lie;
di. 'U't cat or ic-l v.vll remember -look
at the tongue if .vut.d, give a
tcaspooiiful of Sni, of Kit i ,.
don't worry, he, unse yon suc h will
have a well, Mulling , h,, in i, few
Syrup of Kins being composed en
tirely of luscious tigs, senna and aro
mattes -ilmply cannot lie harmful.
sweetens the stomach, makes ihe liver
active and thoroughly cleanses the lit
tie one's vvaste-cloiiKcd bowels. In a
few hours all sour bile, undigested
feiuiciiting food and constipated waste
ii'iilter gently moves on and out of the
system wit limit griping or nausea.
Directions for children of all ages,
also for grown ups, plainly primed on
the package.
Ily all means get the genuine. Ask
our druggist for the roll mime. "Syr
up of Figs and Klixlr of S in," pre
pared by the California Fig Syrup Co.
Accept nothing else.
(iriinil Jury Probes II.
Uis Angeles, Cal , Dec. 4. The 1,8
Angeles counly grand Jury resumed
today Its probe of the arrest of former
Special Officer F. W. I.lovd, a witness
In the case of farmer City Prosecutor
(iuy Ktldle, who Is cl urged with hav
ing contributed to the delinquency of
a minor. Paul Powel, whose almi'iiee
from los Angeles, caused a delay In
the Inviwtlgatlon, was expected to be
called as a witness. The probe, It Is
understood, will bo conducted with
lViwel's testimony.
Bechtel & Bynon's
Forty acres red idiot land, IS In cul
tivation, balance timber from 12UU to
14U0 cords of wood, one mile to Ore
gon Klectrlc station, f miles to Salem,
for a short, time at HH per acre. Six'
Mr. Scott with Itefhtel K llynon.
We have a number of house that
can be sold on the Installment plan
the plan that ninken It cany for a man
to own his own home. There Is no
rtason why a man should kiep on
pitying rent, all bis life when we can
fix him up and help him get started
light. Just a small payment down
and then a monthly payment of no
mortt than rent will do tbo work. Here
are a few of our Instalment bouses:
fimitj will tune a modern u-room
j bungalow wmi an conveniences; 10
i(nted on Commercial street, g'xxl
neighborhood; fl'tu down, tailaneo Jla
1 in Hi f It.
fn.'u will bay a good fi-rooni liouse
cn Market i.triit, near sehool, store
and ear line; tl'.o down, balance fla
fSUO will set me a m-at llltl". .'-room
house Jii't off Capitol street, near
si h.sd and ar line; fi t" down, bal
ance J12 pi'l' ll.olllh.
jL'I'i'l taker, a gtxal i. io' on South
High street ; Jl'"i '!o n, '...!' $:!
i r nioiith.
W have I'St.'.bllhhi d nn exchang" tb
pi.rtmeiit and ni" preparel to ,,ITei ex
ehnnt'tf ,,f nil klmlt mid den r, pilous
We have city pn-pi rt for c untry an l
jioimtry for e'ty; Or-goii laiul for land
I In other Mad ; Pi 'aft, t an lifg'.
tint" tnolos anyv.her".
Here :(" a f' ' i;ol oio-s'
1H''j aiT' a of tbu b'Ml alein I mu le
nil. ,hrt-e miles out, ( I'-e to g'cd
hi hoe: for alfm reridciices. .-'. M-
T'-n ncieii In ai',
great gra.'t and fruit.
g,dd D r'Kitn hou.it . i
di-'rht, with
we.!, w'lrl.iilli
Ilaiit. 7 a. i-..
W III e, l.ni.K'
Mr Seolt
rj, . 'on n tin
io '-h. "i'i at r"'
ii. I, rn Ii"' '
fiom Jl-'.'t'J '''
In :: i !-t M '
i ... ;.!a e
IVa'ie 1"!'-"
, ,o r.e. In ' ill
r.-t, Iti yeai
! f.l'y l'"''
,;, or will lak.
for till-- pl":e.
S-horseiire.'.i r ,n:i.,-iii'
111 alfalfa. P I" ?' ""
tor city property K.
One of tiif be ' I t'll"
Wlllan.'te valley; 7'.
In fail It tiring, dry r,
; nd tarn N'-ts owe"!
jicuO p-r y-tir. Cou.f
S ott ! II you 11 "rH
51'."' will t.'.k't a
lan' h in Po'J t!,,,e; 1
biaritij; pniti'-f. 'i"" a'
.,, r s. Will take
:() In S,,!'-!.. or Port!;
well s-f t.r.d n orgac"
v Write Iiitir.iiiif.
Ill I II II I. k 111 NOV
Si; suite
Street. Pi. lain
VJry -A V?c
t a once the pretties, shape,
J ""packed our holiday
" ' " " ."", mi nssoi uncni
W. J.-l.l.,,,, ., ,11
While w
Idoiu call your
there Is alwavs something prettv
In fact tl.is department is one or
store. The nun; 1 i i ; t- iluaivi nn
t'.try. make us wou.ter w 1 ,. tb,.
'o come thousands of new things
Po on the lookout for them, it w
We lime a now lot of ihe
M,,ill' ir "Kobespi, ! re" Ciill.us.
lace and biil'ou iioniucl, in a
good v ii , , of colors, pi iced
at '.'."if, .'l.'ic, .'itlf mid ;,.( each.
Some of these aie j u up In
fancy holly boxes.
New Ornamental Velvet and
Silk Hows, i,",c, ;,t and ?.'c each
A luc lot of plain anil fancy hess Goods, all shados,
3o molios witlo, suilablo tor childicii's drosses, JiOc
values now 25c yard.
A lot of Limn;', Tattctta, 19 indies wide, all colors, 50c
allies now 25c a yard.
Put new hoei on the youngster.
Look at them in a week.
T1....I II.. i. I
incyrc uaunuy uniierrti, acrapcu, Almost ,,v A
ahapeles. Get a pair of liustcr Brown vC'
ocutling, icrapuiK, Kicking doesnt mar
thent they thrive on knocks. They
For youngttert, $1.50 to
In just a few moie days we will have our enliio line of
holiday merchandise on display-wait lor it, Yon make
the same savings on these as yon do on other roods
purchased here,
ACCl'sr.H OF HOIlltlMl
ICNirtce 1'ittn'i u-jski, nine
San Francisco, Dec. L Wallace I.
Poland, former cashier of the Inter
national Harvester (' iinpany of Amer
ica, who Is under Indictment on two
counts of forgery ami ciiihe.zlcmmt,
in connection with shortages found In
bis accounts, appeared before Superior
Judge Dunne today, mid pleaded not
The case was then o Mil In ileal until
December II, to he set for trial.
Poland Is being held at the county
Jail In default of $111,0011 ball.
Lives of great men limy remind lis
that It Is HoiiiftlnioH heller to remain
hurl Seiiiri Imiicr 7s Vt' 'i
Jeweler. OiX3P"!r1j
.Miitiinlc ii aiple
A Mighty
Good Food
We ,, e laiilH h.ec a Kip-- "av ' 1 aui"".'a " " " I'"""'
S'O I. I, It 'in Will i. .-I I'o "Tlllee. If. of till , i.,'1, S I'"-...''
With I. fl Iioais !'l tlU'l re.!, i b'.l i."l t :"'' '.
,; n't' tosh . . I ...I. I Ilf-e ' r ' wit it.ltel P'l'" Oit-es
I',,,., bl, ',lv lo-l' -I-.-H as a b,e! oei riHMlM ' '' l'""" 1
,. ll-h. I'lt C ' 'I I'.l't"'" 1
Specials for this Week
MahOpok Hip Oltvcs
1 :; -:,,,e, I'. oi.tenv Juts. ! iftf '
ir,.et,,.r l t. .'
, g-iibin I' e,...,y jars, f.ttiev.
7, v.tli.f. 1' "'"
1 it g iib.ii i . i -tit ! ' . ' '"'
1 .. , ' o.l. -S
lM lU , : - " "
Stu. Jnrd Ripe Olive
",.;. P .. lei If. P..." '"'
MitaM ' . " li!' ' ""'
, i i :n' 'i'-' ' r'; '
unimo uir I
the stro,,,.., ;u, m,1B( ,1u,.;iMa w
ship,,,, ,,, of theso umbvelh.s, whl,,,
ui select from.
Little Things
..... . . ...
attention to our Notion Department.
and a'tr.ictivt. to be found here
the most interesting cornels' In (ho
re li ilb s, sccmingly-v, ( so neees
v all con e from. For several davs
will make their a;'p, ar.iuce heic.
Ill pay von.
Ill Itltoss
Vou wul n lots of ribbon.
Make oiir selection now. Yo'.i
will find Holly ii, beautiful
Floial Patterns galoie; n p,,
liol'.lav piirp..se;i,
m i iMHtM!kn:s
Pels i'o'iml.uioii Wash ildo
Letter for embroider) woik -
3 I Inch to Inches In cUc,
. P-
1 1 . V '
Christian Helcnre Iavture.
Francis J. Fliino, of Oakland, Oil.,
will speak on the subject of Christian
Science at thn tltiind Opera llotii
TliuiHilay evening. December S, at 8
o'clock p. in. Dr. Fliino npeuki with
authority on this subject, being n
member of Hut Hoard of Lectureship (it
tbu Mother Church, tlm First Church
of Christ, Scientist, in Huston, Mass.
The lucturo la free., The ptildlo l cor
dially Invited. 1L.10H
Cnulil Slitiut Per Joy.
"I want to thank you from the bot
tom of my heart," wrote ('. H. Ilader,
of LewlsbuiK. W. Va, "for tbo won
derful double benefit I got from Kler
trln Hitlers, In curing inn of both a
severe case of stomach Iroiihln nml
of it n :;i ' In n , , fioiii which I biul been
an almost helpleas sufferer for ten
years. II nulled my cihii as though
ma, It. Just for me." l or d v spepttla,
liidigt'iillou. Jauinllc.., to. I to rid the
in o.i of lllitliei peliiiliN lhal cause
il iii.iUsi,', Lb-eliin Hlili'ia luive no
Hiiperlnr. Trv them l.'veiy bottle In
gnu -anil e, to h.i di fv inily .'at cents
of .1 C P. n v
Fhnumi ?) Olives
' e , , e ' 1," ''U',,'e w' cl.ISrt.-d
, l.ll 111 I .!.'! ..-!
Llittoiii a I 1 " y i t.v 4. !t
; l liO'.',.t X X ' t oi' v.
J,. . .. . v"'
, . ' 'o j ,.. i n ,, in ,1 "i 1 a
Bohrtnian Club
Ripe Olivet
III in.i. y la-. ! 'i.' " "''"'
:! ,. i ;. ; ''
t...,K ,-, i 1 1. -t
Grrri: mil Staffed Olivet
. - '." I Kg "i" "
r i. in ''
I . . " 'I ' ';t"il
. ,: .. it..
I' ("I"'
s .it ;- . I'"
r fl
Vi'jf l
tfir y