DAILY CArHAI. JOIRVAL hup. 1 S'EM, OREGON'. Mnvn.v - AW -v It's at once the prettiest shape, the ;V V a urt7to Un,bW,,Ml Wh,ch Interesting Little Things While we seldom call your aUentlou to our Notion Department there Is always something pretty and attractive to be tl 71' Iu fact this department Is one of the most interesting cor. 2 I , Z store. The many little thInKs-mere trifles, seemingly-!? .! sury, make ua wonder where they all come from For sever m i to come thousands of new things will make their anneamnr. i ' He on the lookout for them. It will pay you. appemn hcr- LADIES' KECKWEAR We have a new lot of the popular "Robespierre" Collars, lace and button trimmed, In a Kood . variety of colors, priced at 25c, 8c 60c and 75c each. Some of these are put up In fancy holly boxes. New Ornamental Velvet and Silk Dows, 25c, 50c and 75c each A large lot of plain and fancy Dress Goods, all shades, 36 inches wide, suitable for children's dresses, 50c values now 25c yard. A lot of Lining Taffetta, 19 inches wide, all colors, 50c values now 25c a yard. Put new shoes on the youngster. Look at them in a week. They're usually battered, scraped, almost shapeless. Get a pair of Buster Brown Shoes. Scuffing, scraping, kicking doesn't mar them tney thrive on knocks. I hey wear. BUSTER BROWN Blue Ribbon SHOES For youngsters, $1.50 to $250 In iust a few more days we will have our entire line of holiday merchandise on display wait for it. You make the same savings on these as you do on other goods purchased here, RESTORE GRAY HAIR TO NATURAL COLOR By ('(i.nmon Garden Sage, a Simple Kemrdy for Dandruff, Fall ing, Faded, Gray Hair. The old Idea of using Sage for dark ening the balr is again coming Into vogue. Our grandmothers had dark, glossy hair at seventy-five, while our mothers are gray before they are: fif ty. Our grandmothers kept their hair soft and glossy with a "Sage Tea," which restored the natural color. One objection to using scch a prep aration was the trouble of making It. This objection has been overcome by the Wyeth Chemical Company of New York, who have placed on the market a superior preparation of Sage, com Wned with Sulphur and other valu able remedies for dandruff, itching scalp and thin, weak, falling hair. The beauty of the hair depends more on Its rich, even shading than any thing else. Don't have dry, harsh faded hair, when a simple, harmless remwly will bring back the color In a few days; and don't be tormented with dandruff, itching slalp and loose, falling hairs. Wyeth's Sage and Sul phur Hair Remedy will quickly cor iW .''! i JJ'. . $ I'l..'... ... . . . w more on their subscription, uany ; -atlas should be in every home. It is essential to me grownups as well as school children. A LIMITED NUMBER REMAINS THE CAPITAL JOURNAL The New India Umbrella iriCAl runmTn.. 'KLnu unnio WAS R PT strongest and ,,, ,, IUBI10NS You will need lots of ribbon. Make your soloctlou now. You will find Holly and beautiful Floral Patterns galore; all for holiday purposes, SEEDLEWORKERS Hols Foundation Washable Letters for embroidery work i-i inch to 5 Inches In size. rect these troubles, and give color, strength and beauty to your hair. Get a fifty cent bottle from your druggist today, and prove this to your own satisfaction. All druggists sell It, onder guarantee that the money will be refounded If the remedy Is not exactly as represented. , Agent J. C. Perry. We wish to call your attention to the fact that most Infectious diseases such as whooping oough, diphtheria and scarlet fever are contracted when the child has a cold. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will quickly cure a cold and greatly lessen the danger of contracting these diseases. This remody Is famous for Its cures of colds. It contains no opium or other narcotic and may be given to a child with Implicit confidence. For sale by all dealers. Christian Science Lecture. Francis J. Fluno, of Oakland, Cal will speak on the subject of Christian Science at the Grand Opera House Thursday evening, December 5, at 8 o'clock p. m. Dr. Fluno speaks with authority on this subject, being a member of tho Board of Lectureship of the Mother Church, the First Church of Christ, Scientist, In Boston, Mass. The lecture is free. The public Is cor- AnUv Invited. 11-30-lt Hllll11Wirl"mrlCTWIl''"''!'1'eg THIS HANDY ATLAS of the world is FREE to any subscriber, new or old, who will come to this tr.ro Miii nav one dollar unit. " r . j:i. n wopHv. This (toadis uM 104 Deaths Caused by Accident! SIXTEEN Monti. SKl-TI'MUKH SO. Tin. Is v i' i. .'. r. r. I.A1KMI r MWK.-1. v , U" T0 tit mni'KH:i!, nil fa. Th n,u. ....... T. vVi'r to September S n ,i ! V9U' "ties compiled m , iiV Irru. . Utar Oominlssb.ner u ii f'179. and of ihl n ... 1"9, nml of this nn,i. i.m ftitnl. The tare. 7 . , comn.lMlonor-.nf .;. -uor From all Dlnces three men are emnlr. el ZT -nl, that .I 1 I r.,d0; US lost or . 1iv.i..i i. .. . . . .t I U ! reported to the law ,1 " Commissioner Huff complains tlmt In a nuniDer of smaller concerns, where only a f.-w men aro employed, the law is not followod In the reports be. Ins submitted to him as ciosely Bs he deslros to have It followed. All the In r-nrn. aiI..1.1 (.. cornea roenWmt tw , ZZ. 1 1 , r 19 ,,0t areflTh TT'T "" do Clares that ho will enforce It to tho , ... .... vUi0 Ua owm ua no ut lottor Particular caro has been taken In compiling the report to Hat the In juries according to tho classes of workmen. In Borne cases this Is said to be a bard matter, because nn Injury to a carpenter, for example, may be listed under Injuries In construction work. In the number of accidents reported. die largest number C43, took place In saw and planlrg mills. Of this num ber 10 proved fatal. Willi 541 acci dents machine Bhops and foundries are second on tho list. The largest num ber of fatalities occurred In the log ging Industry, a total of 41 men out of 4G1 Injured having lost their lives whllo logging. In the following list of accidents, as classified under the dlfforent crafts those reporting less than 20 are un der the head of "miscellaneous." niacksmlthlng, 60; bridge construc tion, 27; can manufacturing, 40; car penters, CO; concrete, cement and pav Ing, 28; construction, 398; electrical work, 186; furniture, etc, 27; logging, 401; machine shops, foundries, etc., 544; meat concerns, 66; mining, 22; paper mills, 445; power plants and construction work, 35; quarry work. 20; railroad construction, 309; rail road section, 204; train, 407; railroad yard, 390; sawmills, planing mills, etc., 645; sawmill and planing mill yards, 285; teaming, 52; warehouse and dock work, 98; woolen mills, 38; miscellaneous, 201; total, 5179. Tho fatalities reported are: Brick yard, 1; bridge construction, 1; car penter, 2; concrete, cement and pav- Ing, 2; construction, 12; electrical, 5; elevator operator, 1; fish cannery, 1; harvesting, 1; logging, 44; machine shops, etc., 2; mining, 2; paper mill. 1; quarry, 10; railroad construction, 18: railroad section, 6; railroad train 14; railroad yard, etc., 9; sawmills, etc.. 10: sawmills, etc., yard, 5; sheet metaal works, 1; steamboat, 5; store, 1; warehouse and dock, 2; wood dis tlllcry, 1; woodsaw, 1; total, 104. 1IIU0X COUNTY ItEKCSEI) TO IIKI.r IilIM KO.VD Marion county bus lost many thou sands of dollars of slate and federal aid, and the state has consequently lost a considerable amount of federal nid because of the fact that. thi Ma rion county court lias failed to re spond to a request by the government for a ODntiibutlon for the building of a wagon road between Niagara and Detroit. So It is stated by Governor West. People living on what is now no more than a trail between Niagara and Detroit raised a sum of $I.Vt for a road, Governor West promising tin in frnm ilin Government- It was said itw f.'-,nii would be available for the I fend immediately, and a greater I amount later. Had the road bee,, pro vided for It would be of great value to lth,i county, becauFfl the highway i would lead directly Into the new state i forest reserve. j The matter was al put up to the 'iJnn county court and to the state ' i,anl of tor-W ,!""' 'u''""d i contribute, while the Marion county j court could not s-.-c Us way clear to ! oVj so The money must now be us 1 ifor some other purpose. Governor West states that he had planned to i establish a convict camp on u,r and to hurry the worn to .,"- ,.., that, for every dol.ar tin - - , . ,. .... spent by the county on the road th re would he returns unu U you'are troubled with' chronic constipation, the mild and gentle ef Ted of Chamberlain's Tablets makes hem especially suited to your case ror gale by all dealers. journal-Want Ads." bring results breaks a cold1 NEEDS NO HELp:nmiuII(U I'u-K's cold nmi'.UM) , , HOflW-TASTKS ltL. ' j It Is a positive f,wt that a dose of una compound, t.ik.n Ittrt llAlirj every I consecutive ' V , UU11' W1U ,ml ho Grippe M up tiu, 6,eriJ i'"wr In the head, chest, back, Mom adi, limbs or any pilu of the body. Promptly relieves the mb,,, ,uvu,acho' du,, "0M 8t"fW '"'"Hshn, ra,. BOP0 th1' " of , niwe, r. M r ""u "''"c twines. Ulta womlrf"l Compound as ...ere M nmng eU la ,0 Wl)rU, ' 1 n"Wry 118 ,,r,m,,l,y J IU- .--. or W aftw. f hitq no a ';r. .... .1... ... - . " .-".. iwKiis r rape-i Lo,a Co,"- an, (l,RKut can supply-accopt no mihsiltn oitiitalna no aulnlna it... t . , . .x-.tn M1 tifr nonifl. Tastiw nloo nnia " " b-in ij . THEY V0KK FOR M0XEY HIT STAY IX SCHOOL tt u '" CPru"" commercial M,ttb"""nti and attend school the lm,Mce f the Hanunond I a manufacturing community where the wni-lr kl . .1.... l , , temptation to bova nml vUU l t to leave school and enm a living, s.ipt. McDanlol'g plan makes It. possll.lo for boys and girls to earn monev. remain In school, and nlso make themselves moro efficient Industrially. i an man nt lumtmm.i u i... u...i . - .o if.ifi. ii til. it ril 11 realization of mnil,.m d.w.ii ,.,i inuusinai conditions. Supt. McDanlel t'""-"8 on mo inenry mat, while mere aro certain general principles .!.... nl1 ... .. .. umiri i my nn euucauon, eacn com munity has Its own special problems that aro too often disregarded In the making of tho schools. Resides the co-operative school and shop arrange ment, Hammond maintains a night school with an attendance of 700, where boys and girls may not only make up elementary deficiencies, but also rocelve practical training In spe cific phases of connnerco and Indus try. Vocational guidance forniB another feature of tho Hammond plan. The schools furnish Information about tho various Industries In the community, the salaries paid In dlfforent lines of work, the opportunities for advance ment, hours of labor, permanency of mployment, and all the details that are of value In determining a choice of employment. As early as the sixth grado the teacher tests the child's In terest and ability In various forms of elementary Industrial work, so that he may come to have some Idea of a fu ture vocation. The Bchool authorities also maintain an employment bureau, where present and former pupils are registered and their qualifications carefully Investigated. WAS WITH MARSHALL WHEN HE DISCOVERED fiOLD Reno, Nev., Dec. 2. .Tames riiirko, nnrtunr nf .Innien Marsluill. who first discovered goin in lainoruia., aim mm to be tho last of the party that was with Marshall, died Saturday at his homo near Reno. Ho was 82 years old. Could Shout For Joy. "I want to thank you from the bot tom of my heart," wrote C. II. Kader, of Lewlshurg, W. Va "for the won derful double benefit I got from Elec tric Hitters, In curing mo of both a severe case of stomach troublo and of rheumatism, from which I had been almost helpless sufferer for ten ars. It. suited my case as tnoiigri ado Just for me." Kor dyspepsia. idlgestion, jaunilic-, and to lid the stem (if kidney polsuis that cause heuniatlsin, Klectrit: Hitlers have, no superior. Try them. Kvery bottle Is guaranteed to satisfy. Only M) cents of J. C. I'erry. Morri5, Cash Feed and Grocery Store 3 pkgs ii'in'-e meat - f 2 pkgs ne raisins 2 cans good tni!k I ''-' 2 fkiis large fat oysters 5 PjS white beans - 5 ms pink 'f Z cans salmon '"'c 2 pkgs Krinkle Corn Hakes I'.c 5 cans table peaches We K wins table aprlcoU Wc 3 cans new tomatoes -r 3 cans corn -"c Hard wheat flour, sack perfection valley $1.00 Jflce b-Mie cured hams ....20c Free tickets Wexford and Ye Liberty Picture shows. I'hone 1457. IwT Koads to Come Next Representative Warhurton, 0f the at.it.i ..t -.. .... " l" "asir.ngion, annmiiuvs that ho Intends to Intro.luee a bill ;l cni Kress at the short wsslott w hieh con venes the first Monday of n-t month, providing for tlw construe Hon of trunk lines of paved ivn.iw.n,. connect ing the capitals of every stale' .ui tne .Mvllonal capital. U will take five yea.s. Mr. War hurton estimates to construct the proposed National highway along n.lll. ti.. . uu us exiens.ong or other branch lines. Through the medium of minor routes, It is promised to make the Principal National parks a part of th, mam system. The proposed roadways nre. to bo mads of some bard material, prob ably brick. To raise the funds for the 15,000 miles of roadways pro vided f.ir bis promised bill, Hep- resentatlve Warhurton will ask for! a restoration of the Internal rm-enue tax on tobacco, which was taken off thirty-three years ago. The proposed system of hlghwas, Mr. Warhurton has estimated, should cost not more than $5,000 per mile According to his figures, $S0.0ft0,.l00 annually for five years will lt re quired to pay tho cost of tho trunk lines and their branches. This vast sum, ho believe, can ho raised with out hardship to any one through the tobacco tax feature of his bill, lie says: "This bill will provide for a Id- root roadway with heavy concrete base hard surface, such as asphalt or vitrified brick, In order to make , n,i r.t iiiu na r.-.i., r... !.... n n.. .... .... ... Mioit . i no mil wi I) iv i o ror in- mediate conslrucllon of nn Atlantic an,! r-.nlf linn f,m Aim,u, m , to Baton Rouge, Ixmlslann, and Tal- lahassee, Florida, and a Pacific roast llim from Olympla, AVnuhlngtou, to I.os Ai.Kcles. California. Our present tax on tobacco Is very low. Mr. Warburton declares, lie believes, therefore, that It, should not he difficult to re-enact the law of 1ST9, Inronwatlnir a clause sottlnx asldo tho additional revenue from this source as a National road fund, Calculating thn effect of tho law, be said : Whllo the proposed Increased tax on tobacco might seem heavy, yet, ns a matter of fact, It will not even bo noticed by the consumer. For In stance, It would ralso tho tax on a ten-cent cigar three-tenlhs of a cent. The manufacturer of n ten-cent cigar would decrease tho weight of Ihe to hacoj ono-thlrtleth, and tho consumer could not tell the difference In size. The manufacturer of smoking to bacco would likewise reduce thn size of tho paekago about a twelfth, and the consumer would not know the difference In tho size of his package." Tho neonle will endorso the Idea of building good roads, but It may be that they will object to raising money In tho mnnnur proposed by Mr. Wnr Inirtou. Ily raising tho money for eood Mads by a tax on tobacco, It would make tho noor men of the country pav the largo hulk or tlm cost of constructing tho roads. Would It not bo better to devise some way to ralso tho money that Is necessary by taxing something that Is more gener ally used by the wealthy men of tho country? Kiigenn Guard. All patent inedlclu-or melleln. 'A itrtlsed In this paper are for mik it DR. STONE'S Drug Store H.H.KM, OI!l(; 11 1 Ml I) It. S I II I. ( III t. II I I III s 'I ,e lie',V rlOpie, M il ibie ' ',:''- ing and curing COCflll.S and "'l.l:: o sjhh.II; no lakil.K of H. k-li.lif . Pioiwiitilig nedi'lte- Into an a,:-a'lv 'weak sioin.vti. Hiii. ply u.eu.. at-l ',h through !.!-!. lr 1" drar. Ino, (be throat and PiiD'a pleaire d,r children and ad.,1'..- COl'fJII TI'llK.-i as tle-y fe'd anil kno that tl. inwl.iatcd mr hits tb't spot. ManufaKurwI by lr. 8 C HUm 1 sal'm, Oregon. j ft.r,i by nJiil tj any aldr on re oHpU it Ui pfl'L rtr- A s ;' , . 'i ll-;-; :: J: I A. ' '"I Courteous Treatment O n. ' II . i.'. 4l i nj m i , , ueue ana au the tine leathers are to be found in these bags. Black, Tan, Lrey, Creen, Navy, Red and Drown. Priced from $1.00 tn $19 Zn A!at Reduced Prices Little Parisian Satin Purses for the Children. Col ored Miniatures on Each One Regular 50c Special 39c. Regular 25c.-Special 19c. Don't Put off Your Shopping until the Last Moment but shop early while the stocks are complete and get your choice DEMISON'S GIFT DRESSINGS RAPHAEL TUCKS, XMAS CARDS, ARTGOODS AND EMBROIDERY SILKS Our Big Coat, Suit and Dress Sale Stdl Continues. All at Great ly Reduced Prices OtIAUTY HERCMANDISt iiBtprr smu Mliiulpntfninpnnu Automobile Motor Cycle and Accessory Dealers of Salem LOZIER ritmri nr Mnmft M ll I If XI 111 liliyiilil LYLLLS f. 11 I Anto SsriiriPhnbpr.cZ"r Sdlt'S Co mm W I. Week-End Round TripS 1 via Oregon Electric ly. TICKETS ON SALE CVtRY SATURDAY AND SUNDAY GOOD.RtTUItNING TO AND I INCLUDING MONDAY Poilland JJiHI llillsboio $!.-"' I'ojesf. (IkiVO WcMi'llenil Albany 'I'ualal.n Tbi'iM f.ins f , i m h , mid nr- lbMiii.:h I,. , on , . i : 1 1 i . .-1 . no p in. 'I y I uito I i',i f IuiiimI i.m cm ,,, S .' ,. III. . ! f-.!'el for HI ll-,l.M Of O'llM- ll,,iMI w. i: c'iman. '' i;,,,c,-al I'll and I'.i,'. A,,' . I'i.ind, dr. A.;t, J'-ib-i i. or W Wood! SPECIAL PRICE FOR TEN DAYS 16in.wootl, 5loailsat $1.75 Single loads at $2.00 SPAULDING LOGGING COMPANY Thrr HAND BAGS Every woman appre ciates a nice hami bag - y risfrna. Ml the latest styles and shapes to be had in our leather goo is de partment. Goat Seal Real Seal. IHWr... POPULAR Ktwr.cn jttt cciwot PR. CIS I.O.IKIt A.;em V, E. ll. M hltesldc, M(( A 10 Agent for It, C. II. and Ixuler o. M0 Frrrf NtreL WATT HIIII'P . .,.... North Commercial Hlrwt Phone 1(1 STI DEIIAKEH SO AM) It) "'"M . ' Salem, Or. Show Hixiin High and Eerrj J .V.'i 1 1 e", .$1 l'i Kurene $'.! IT. ll.irrlsbiUk' .. . J'-'l Jilliellun Clly ...t'I'l affoid v. h ri t trips a' r-'l 'n. l It, if'... ft . i' y Silt,iiay and Sun- Km e.ir. M.iny tbT polhis iiri pn "i I lo.ial f.i.H. Miiili.d tialns In . . - it il.'in s "ii , to in, a. I,,, mid ., V hi" mi, I K if iie 1,1 pi M a in.