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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1912)
PAILT CAPITAL JOfim... S ,...r, , Artisans to Visit Portland ATI UDY. MITKMIIEK SO, 1912. fca. - Against substitutes - Imitations : " i ' U ' ' .?; V.', .i 1 ' ' U v '"'-. V ' eUFtf ASSEMBLY WINS COXTKST t) THE LOSEKS 1 TOIITLAM), s i'AYix, mm: artisans (,i:m:iially to visit them. ((iplUil Assembly No. 84, United Artisans, bus chartered a special train to l'ortlitnd nnd return on Thursday, ppcciiibcr 12th. The round trip faro 0( $1.50 for all tralim going down during the whole day hns been se cured, on the Oregon Electric, nnd judging by the enthusiasm of the members of the local lodge, nnd T. J. 'etui, Mrs. James Godfrey, nnd Ivan G, Miirtln, the committee In charge of the excursion, several conches will be required to accommodate those who take, tho trip. Several months ago one of the big nsaenibllcs of Portland challenged the Salem lodge In a membership contest, the losers to provide entertainment and transportation to the officers, the degree team, exemplifies, and orches tra of the winning assembly. Salem won, as Salem organizations have oft tinies dona before, and It is for the purpose of accepting the hospitality of Its friendly rival (Fram Asseni lilyi that the local lodge will mnke the pilgrimage to Portland on Decem ber Oh, Tho Oredr of United Artisans was MALTED mUi Vs Wife, ' ; ; Hgr? - ;l . , . '. i,:J",7J I'aet Master Artisan Master Artisan ... Superintendent Inspector Secretary Treasurer Master Ceremonies . Jiinlor Conductor ,. fculor Conductor . . Instructor Ida (lo.'.i'iev vilciin l' VI. n . ... M. Man Mis. Alio ll.andou ... Samuel l' Vail . . . Adol li (lie u i . Mrs. Maiv Mrs. W. r. .1 i. Kiu.m William y.oM Warder Mrs. J, A. lleriumll Mrs. Mary Hewley Mada In tho hrccst. he equipped and sanitary Malted Mt!k plant In the world Wc do notiiiake";;7A7?j-)( Milk, ConJcnscd Milk, etc. nt ti,o Original-Gaiuinc HORLICK'S MALTED MILK Mdo from pure, fiillrc.m milk und IhccMnu t of Nflcct mulu-d, rctliu'cj to pWllor form, soluble in water, licst foodslriuk for ull ocs. tASK FOR HORUCK'S Used all over the Globe rome tSodaJtiunfain Salem's well-known musicians. Also a male quartet. Moth the orchestra and quartet will furnish music at the closed meeting la Portland on De cember the 12th. blred the big Chrlsumson hall near named Smith, a stranger to the Klrl Tenth and Morrison, or somewhere I produced, l.lzzlo and Smith nro flat In that vicinity, and so has room both hunting today. in neart. and in hall fur all members of the order who will ntt ('Jul ninl iw. The occasion, as has been intimated cept their hospitality. '7 A Vi'- Vi.VJk- I laid MeU; It's led is assessed for the same ilMint! t but tlu'iv is a small house nil ll ' d I- ,isM nr fcltimi ni.lkltl,; It's 1 " i!S('ssinent lur taxalliili purposes 2.- It's easier for a girl to knit her .em. The total assess,. I value of taa hrows than to darn socks, h, nronertv la the eliv Is about twelve iidllioii ibillat's. and f.u the llrst pay i:a Id cd' $ I .into principal and $1!) iMUl 1'i.tire-t on the f :,vo.iim) sewi-r hoiuls ! proposed to be i-. .ued, or a total 11 1 - l ll a;, 1 1 Ml of I.Sviiimi, II w 111 take a ta b i.v of Hut and one ivtli nulls; A A itli Irs . h aul bd ill ieiv Just otie- h i;s II. with bis Utile '.erne. A pa iiij.; f I Mi (be llrst year : nil 11 payinu "". and the s,iim. pio ' I .1 1 ion " ill eonl inue I'l-p ulai'ly fur l he I It will luie paid ell all nr'iviuil co t of Ins seer assess III so far as ll mav have been valu- I "''. : rv: 1 ;wy .11 in. i: i I list VI.MiT tillsan ii M'llllllv. . MOOIM , llpillll ". Here In our ( li.iucc. im lie l iu ss iishi a w on Sun franclseo, Nov '.'' Tun Monde line i v oil Ti'Mim widows want him to llilll ill uliollt seven i v i ars tllie i in 1 I hue l -i lit; lauit rolled by 1 In- varying ino rest (duui;es i i eas A w ill, li v n ason ol Ills va i out land, not pay Ids oil for twenty live vcars or so. ll seems to me that Ih" luole ! bands, and so they have wilt to and i iclie dto h. .-vlicnie Is unjust and unfair, mid that i Mayor Itulph. Thev've t:oi a little : died mi the vv ay. the growth of the t.t v is bound to be ' money, , m, and veiiu fur loving, do mlier workmen had naiio n larded serlmisly j liusllcaled hubbies, bnl "no biiuihs, J from ib alh 1 nolle., in reaililii1 the iitoeosed 111 ""ai h in ci i iipi.'H nee, i appn Is vv ei ,, Ian ie n e I. ..lav w lu ll a illicit I. .u, I, ai Mie cllv I ill i al ion plant caved III on I In' vv 01 K 1 1 1 , . 1 1 . The entomb, .1 men were dm; out, phalli, hut all three IMCIIpell OliCHKSTIt.l OF (AI'ITAI; ASSK.MHLY. Left to right, Charles Kurth, director; Frank Krickey, Thomas Curtis, l)e Ixis Fritz. Uert Stiff, Ivan G. Martin, George Keck; Murtha Swart .Freeda Hoover; absent, I'hllip Keizer. organized in Oregon about twenty years ago, and now claims to be the wealthiest fraternal order per capi ta of any order with headquarters in the United States. The Salem Assem bly of Artisans, which now numbers about COO members, was organized In 1SH7, and met in a hall near the Ross Moores printing rooms. Among the charter members, numbering 57, were Judge Moore of the Supreme Rench, who was the first Master Artisan, II. S. nolle, Warder, Rev. G. W. Gran nis, Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Moores, Mr. and Mrs. William Mestacott, Frank Wrightman, and Dr. Cartwrlght. The lodge met In the Murphy Block, after leaving Its quarters at the cor ner of Ferry and Commercial streets, then a lease was taken on the hall commonly known as the Labor Union Hall on State street. After meeting here for a year or so, the lodge moved to the Odd Fellows Hall, where the Order met and prospered fur several years. The Salem Artisans w.on first fra ternal prize for the most beautiful and artistic float In the parade dur ing the Cherry Fair of this year. The float was a miniature of the State Capitol Building, the dome and roof f which was completely covered by pounds of Oregon's choicest Cher yl's. Over the dome of the Capitol ws a flower-covered arch bearing the Inscription, "Capitol Assembly." The Artisans are now meeting in the elegantly furnished Moose Hall, and have a membership of about 600. Besides a well-drilled degree team, captained by Mrs. J. A- Bernard!, and n efficient corps of Exemplifies, led by h. S. Belle, the lodge boasts of a tenplece orchestra under the leadership of Charles Kurth, one of is tho outcome of a friendly member ship contest, In which Fram lost, and Remember going down on any train ('uriiii' the dav on the Klcctrlc, but is now paying its penalty by having a! tickets good returning on the special thoroimhlv cood time itself and pro- only. vidlng a delightful evening for its euests and victors. Nor does the i am. lulls. Ill thill 1:1c i lly i n 11 1 ii II ill to submit the 1 1 1 1 . ' s I lull of construction of sewers In n vote nf the pie every llnie any sew ers are In be built nnd paid for by taxation (see sec tions 11 and (', of the iiineiuluient I, and it Ibis measure is adopted lliosn who have burdened iheinso'ves with heavy .lax burdens in nddillon In what we I already have will not be likely to fur Not nil kickers are to be condemned tin t' burden thcmselv.-s for the bciicllt .,, I.,u nf f,,tl,i,ll le.n.iu ni'.i ,.v. of 11 few lieolile Will) 1 1 lit V live 111 I III llirce Hut led llve. I'ltlKburi?. Nov, ;;n Tin. I'l a food (..oil. ail jsiine call j be pluvial In dry weather, lull It iieeics nen Kennedy, Herbert I ceplions. Fram stop at simply settling its little for a person vilely slandered. If you can't do as well as you like, Thprn Is nn adeotiate recompense i young man, tlien do jusi in very oesi nav you can. suburbs ami who are In need of newer connections. They wi'1 force these people to do Just as nearly all of u done already, pay for their newer j connect ii, a bleral mid trunk, by re- ; . Li-'' ' r. ' ; ' '-"V ' , '"a, ' '. . ' . .' I.J v,. ' i-vtV '! r . A .... C: v i ; : i j !' ; ; ' ' . ""V ' L if..' IT" 4- i Jn t i 3 Ml Left to right, W. W. HXKMI'MFIFIIS AMI 1AKV CADKIS. Hill. ,las. R Godfrey. Mrs. Nora Kris-I. Mrs. J. T. i'-'nn, Krlsel. . K. Ilelb', Mrs. Iiaisy '1 uck.'i, ..... i.nt. ri-urler. J. T. Penn, It. C. Krlsel. ..-, i, u, I, .in. Mrs lie Us lii. jcim.. . ,, . ... ,,,,,.,.. n u ,v iikit, .v .. .... ,, in.lrpsen. Kosii la IIHCII, Cadets-Dora Annresen, - MrH. ward uuran m".'. Adolpli Gu'-ffroy, lluby Wood- . ...i.u it,r. Clalem loss In the contest, w.u. Assembly, but opens iu big coll-o-..... ioi Invites all the Artisans VIVO 1J' from anywhere to visit them .... o,nt their own little l.lllg ne. home" was Suiiih it Her, CSITKU flirSH IXAtlKD l 1 Portland, Ore and rtval- Lwlbetler ran away nrivntp because her pare e ...... la lejvia was . .. .....f a mini na m-ii iam. not large enough w ' '". ,.. ,.. and a hid NOV. II". 1.IZZU' fram her liouie nts wanted her to guests, went out nnd "ditched" fir"-- "" t THE OPEN FORUM : fin Itli-' to V. la !l I'M lor a tie V.' ' y lie, re bolidl :; r o n v ' ' i h TA.VI'A'i I It TheCap'tai .lournal Invites pun- t He illscussioii In this department I.-t both bides of all matters be fully biosic'it out It IB riot the purpose of this newspaper to An the thinking for Its readers. 4 4 '11,, yoiu.g rjii,aii who kilb-d a man !,, Co I .111, has was !10'lllM."l . ,f ' ' 01 1 1 h a WitHte of llli.e, e to try a pf'ty yo mi: iU-r. rr-M ' i n.otie. ti'ii .'iii for in 1 1 - I wi t. inwint; s in com. al.o'it '! TIkihc Sewer IIUlil. (1,id p.lbllsll the fob has oci urr.-d to u.' Hh the dlM'i,. -ion :;. of S'iitig Ik-'I'! either la'eiai , or It's Good Ifastetter's Stomach Bitters THE SEALY TUFTLESS The Most Hygienic, Luxurious and Economical Mattress on the Market if you've had difficulty in finding just the right mattress, try the Scaly for a couple of weeks. If it doesn't make good we'll come and get it with no expense to you. We have not taken one back yet because we haven't been asked to. and we've been selling them for years. The Sealy is made on the right principle with no tufts to make an uneven surface and cause uneasy slumber. It is made of pure best grade long fibre cotton which is the secret of it's giving better and longer service than any other mattress. If you are told that any other mattress is "as good as" the Sealy, ask to see the in side and then judge for yourself. Every Sealy is guaranteed in writing to give at least 20 years of satisfactory service. It will not become uneven or lumpy. 0 v ... ., .. ,;: ii.;.' and II a'" lo-s's ' . ,, I , , i ':.l;ae"iit to -. ' '. t . , .,. ... .. ., r, i.-ii t nn t, d a ..'t , j .. s'. stem or any ' , ( ,. :h ! ' "' ! ' s , ,,; ;i i w-wr Ui ''' h "I H e ,, o v: -I by A and li ' ' " - lot is vaai.t ami Is ai-.l for QJttvVV U I. IHM Ui.MS . ii i m iii i ini"imrfliH ALL OX BOARD FOB P0KTLAN1'- 5 - ......... TITTT