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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1912)
PflW ElKt DA11T CAPITAL JOCmt, BALM. OMQOJ. SATURDAY, yOYEMBEB 80, , i imNll.iHi mi jrwnTffW WP -i,i.p., " , , . ,.v i.K.i.i...iJtt. i..iiii Mli.iKi n mil iiiii wmiiiiii l i iiiiiimm Mumm Mg .kiYA mmwm V OFTEN MAKES A QUICK NEED FOR TOE CUKE X? I MA i 'b bUKt EL KING'S riEW DISCOVERY FOR COUGHS AMD COLDS WHOOPING COUGH AND ALL TROUBLES OF THROAT AND LUNGS PROMPT USE WILL OFTEN PREVENT PNEUMONIA AND CONSUMPTION PRICE 50c and $1.00 SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY J. C. I'EItltf. Colonel Hofer Moralizes Down by the Sounding Sea Acilc llciirli Or., Nov. I liavi' hi'i'ii Hn iii!iiii: u week ill tin: Kiiiml "lil l'mllle mill li 1 1 1 w my Salem rrli'iiilH an1 iinliliii; wlial. In llic C'iiIiiiii'I doing over there nil hy IiIm Iiikkiii. Will, I'm- mil' IIiIiik 1 iiiii In lovo wll!i liy lii'iiili tioini M.-iiliinnc. It hIIii cm tin) I ti c 1 1 J nut w hcii! the rciinl tiirmi up from Urn lieneh at Cmm' Kmilwonlli cr Hr.liilioiiHi', wIiuhii ;;o,niiu ca n 1 1 j iwi'r Unlit IIiimIh k mil In llm pimttiiiK hI.Iih ul this Hi'a;.(Hl nl' tin' year about 1 I lininn mil ul the Tlmne IiiiIIiiIIii, Win) lielil Ihese lailil:! "I'loin lime lin iiii'iiuirlal, when Hie inenmry (if man runnilli mil Id llic emilraiy," as I. mil I Iiii KhIuiiii Iiiim It In In:; emuinc nlnrlea, were wl:ie nlil gaznlnioii In llielr days In their ileviilhiii In llil.'i ;.iul. Tlie mail i iil IhrmirJi Hie lu ai h hllla up In my 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ;. 1 1 1 1 w hhnwH rmnalliH nl' ahell-j lieibi, where In their ilay lliininaiiiln ofi lu.rled In a lieuilnek 1 1 1 1 1 1 Hci lie could e.i to hll a-rrniklntr. I am reinlntl eil of all thlH liy KetilliK " lii'Nilnek liackliiK in in)' llreplaeu iieeaHliinally mnl tin, Kiiaiplni; el' eraeliei'H at a (Milniwi New Vear'H eeleliratlim Ih not a. clreuuiHlnliee. Tim Hirueit anil liellllock HeelilH In luivn eavltles tilled with pllrh anil an tlie heat entern Hut heart of tho Ion the.;e pilch ImlihleH explodu llku I'llli niiii eraikeiM ami lliu rattle of thin inimkeiry often iliownu tliu roar of Hie mean. There Ih a wonderful charm to fill mimic In tin; roar of the mii'f. It Hpeaks of i li 11 li 1 1 ct liower of tlio ele ment, ami Hie voice of the ocean la ilellant of the puny effort of man whose dominion Ktopa with lliu Hhore. Hern In one element untamed, uiiliar iieMied and uncontrolled. Newport hurt heeii aaddeiied liy two laiul.d wailonln had their feanl.s of wrecks of nannllno HcliiKineiH rlfilit In i-ea 1 1 l very much an the Irleiida of Alliany eollene lind one Hie other day In ImuKt. Hie I'lesliylerlan Hehool ill eral placis hIicIicih iik I'iiiiii tlio rude niliH u mile weal nut inln llm urcaii Hie uioiilh of tho harhor allemled with hi;H of lite, llolli wcro duo, It Ih Bald hero Id unskilled HeanieiiKhlp, '1'hei'e wcro del'eclH In tlio count ruct ion of tho vchhcIh. At. Hid crlllcal inonient mid In live hundred feet. hi;h at hcv- I'l'1'!"'!!''!'- Tlio other lout eral iilaces, shcller un from the rude 11,1 rudder. It la n fact that llila iart nortliweHt HlorniH. Here Ih flshliiK off "r lh" ''"nat l HerloiiHly lacking III the rocU Hie year aiuuiid, and for 1 rnlifl aeaaieii. Thero aro a hundred IIiohc who Htiidy Ihe Illicit, cnnllniiouH 011 111,1 Atlantic coast whero there Htnre id claim, cIiiuih and rock o.vhIci'h. Ih wll() ' liamlle a vohhcI. And enillesM h 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 of fuel wood Iti "Hoi-h are as hcanie us nuvlKalors. Ihluttii oil Hie heacli. My llreplace will never want fur liackluna and I take my pick nl' all llic prnduclH uf Hie I'nresl, liicludlni; Ihe Hot sum of vvreckn. My llii'idaie n live feel across mid would cusl u Cortland man two dnl Iiii'h tn luirii It an eveiilni'. and I pre : limn a l'liicai;o or New York mail would pay ( . li dollars I'nr so royal a I'Olllire Iniliiiii'i. Here Is costs notlilli); hut the lalinr nl' hackhiK It iii the trail I'rmn Hie Isacli, elc.lily feel helovv. 'Ihei'e Is ail old yarn aliou a feroclnim New Kncland ali'liisf who would not incept the belief of a merciful Cod, a heaven for the future of llinse who Ucep liis law s. 1ml who Insisted on re fuslni; divine nrace or hospitality In liny form. I le said lie vv allied to be me In the lolitmle id' the seashore In winter There is a vvelnl and uinurn- 'I'lio Allantie coast Ih supplied by a million liumlr.niiils a year, a. law purl from the Heacnast iiipulalloll ol norlliern uiid Hoiilhern Kurope. With the opeiilni; of Hie Canauiii canal the I'aclllc coast will K''t inoro of llic hcii I'iiiIiik poiulallnii. Then lliero will be fewer wrecltH. Hy action of tlio Agate Heacli I,and Co. Ihe Sim hcI'oh owned by It and the llghlliouHc rcHcrvatlon have been made a game reserve. All tills properly, In cluding about H vo mlleH of slioro line and a mile Inland Ih cloaed to hunters all tlio year around, lloro latum place whero thu crack of llio rlllu Ih not In ai d and tho shores aro no longer strewn iib they once Wcro with the ib ad and wounded Bcnblrds, killed In iiucro cruel wantonness by alleged Hpoiis. A deputy gamo warden pa- PIE 1 ;'i i 'ri to XI K . I 'm n . i v dffi Breakfast li; In a Good. Warm Room Perfection A "warm" breakfast the kind that sends you out ready braced for a yixxl day's work should bo eaten in a wann room. Vim lose half tho Rood of tho moul if you aro shiv t'rini; in discomfort while you wit it. A Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater makes breakfast u cosy meal for the whole family. No simile or tutifll with Perfection. Easily cleaned. Itly moved fi em room to room. An ornament anywhere; a luiuiy la lh lr Jiouni ; a nevCMiiy In Ihe tewing-room or the balhroum. &iUr avtrywfltrt i ft writ for dtKriptivm ci'rcar. STANDARD OIL COMPANY lCUutnia) I Ma.hrt Str..t 5,, Krpclr trols the beaches and hunters are not even allowed to shoot blrdH flying over the llghthouHo cape In their lmnHngo north and south. Great credit Is dun to Governor Went for establishing the hiimano syHtem of gaino reserves that aro now Heatlercd nil over the state. Similar action should be taken to make rosori llko tho Yahats, Seal Uocks and Glter Itock Banio reserves before all the bird llfo has become extinct. Theso place are the nntiiriil recrea tion grounds -tho play grounds estab lished for humanity to enjoy, where healthier children will grow Into su perior generations of citizens, and they were selected for these same pur piscH by llm Indians. Tho Indian was wiser than his pale-faced succes sor for lie remained a child at heart and loved his games and sports even In old age. lie did not age s( flint be cause he eairicd the vivacity of youth with lilm until bis senses failed and the darkness of death closed down about him. I know of no greater pleasure than to shake the cares of business and tho demands of soeloly for a week and rusticate by the seaside. Wear rough clothes, take a plunge In Hie surf be fore breakfast, eat plain food, listen to music of the winds In the troctopB sit. by a roaring lire, smoke a cobplpo and let the world go hang. In Ihe words of the poet Wadsworth, 'tho world Is too much with us." That Is the arti ficial world of rivalry, competition struggle and strife. The greater wor'd of iill-out-dnorH Is cooling, soothing, satisfying and consoling If we will but iccept her ministrations. She lays her caressing hand on the fevered, tlio sobbing temples of our strenuous life i ml we look Into the cool depth of her filbil with wisdom and realize the folly of Ihe mad struggle for wealth. Here for a few hundred dollars any man or woman can build u homo at the ocean and enjoy naliiro In her rainiest moods. Tim winter storms, the pui'it air, the mountain water, the abundance of vegetable anil sea food, the fr loin from tormenting cares thrust upon us at every turn by mod el n cily life, do more to to restore the body and Ihe mind to normal condi tions than all doctoring and dieting. We come nearer the religion of God by hearing less of tlio religion of man. We learn more about real government by getting far away from the shams of rapidly multiplying paternalism. learn lo solve the problems of the high cent of living by discovering on how little a person can really llvo and llvo well, lint my fountain pen Is giving nut and I have only enough Ink to sign my name at the end of this paragraph. I learned today that an effort will be made to entertain a year's end party from Cortland and Salem at the Agate lleaeli Inn. If the plan Is carried out they will have a delightful time. Mrs. llarkelroad and her daughters have given the place a name and reputation and they will prove royal entertainers over the holiday time for those so for tunate as to spend the week-end at Cape Koul weal her. 10. IlOKlOlt. SURELY SETTLES UPSET STOMACHS 'TAPE'S DIAPKPSIN" !MS ''' (iKSTIOV, OAS SOL'KXKSS AXI HKARTIll'KX IX FIVE MIXLTES. "Iloally does" put bad stomachs In order "Really does" overcome Indi gestion, dyspepsia, gas, heartburn and sourness In fivo minutes that Just that makes Capo's Dlapepsln the largest selling stomach regulator In the world. If what you eat ferments Into stubborn lumps, you belch gas and eructate sour, undigested food and ncld; head Is dizzy and aches; breath foul; tonguo coated; your Insldes fill ed with Bile and Indigestible waste, remember tho moment Dlapepsln comes In contact with the stomach all such distress vanishes. It's truly as tonishing almost marvelous, and the joy Is Its harnilessness. A large fifty-cent case of Capo's Dla pepsln will glvo you a hundred dollars worth of satisfaction or your druggist hands you your money back. It's worth Its weight In gold to men and women who can't get their stoin ucbs degulatcd. It belongs In your home should always bo kept handy In case of a Blck, sour, upset stomach (hiring tho day or at night. It's the (iiilckest, surest and most harmless stomach doctor In the world. Iturlnl Tomorrow. U.NITKK l'llKHS I.KAHCll WUIH. Washington, Nov. !!!. Tho funeral of the Into Daniel M. Hansdell, for years sergeant-at-arnis for the United States arms, will bo held from tho Hansdell homo hero Saturday after noon. The body will be taken to Indl anopolls, whero It will be hurled Monday. Portland Boy Killed by Falling UNITKD MIESH I.EASKD WHIR Cortland, Nov. 2!). Robert Short, aged four years, Is dead here today as the result of a fall from a turnstile near his home In the suburbs, The bey's skull was fractured. Ho was playing on the turnstile with a small girl companion, when the girl suddenly Jumped off, precipitating the boy to the ground. Ho rolled down an onibankmeiit wllh the heavy turn stile on top of him, and when picked up was barely alive. He expired In a few moments. He Wants to Work at Taft's Job riopdMils fur Supplying tho Stale In- stltulliiiis. SiMiled bids are Invited by the state purchasing hoard for supplies and stores for the Oregon slate Institutions for the six months, ending Juno 30th, IMS. lllds will be opened at 2 p. m., De cember Huh. UHt.s, wllh Instructions lo bidders, may be had by calling on or addressing ( IV Frazcr, secretary, Stale Ciircbaslng Hoard, Salem, Ore gon. ll-2G-.ritead SOME FACTS AUDIT THE " SHOW ME" ELECTION A friend who pays attention to Mis souri politics nska us k mention for the benefit of the ex-MlBsimrlans who may not see a paper from their former homo, a few Missouri facts. There were 15 of tho 10 congressmen elected by the Democrats this year, and each of tho I I had a majority over tho com bined vote of tho Republicans and Crogresslves opponent. Major, the Democratic candidate for governor, has ii plurality of 119.202, and a majority of lO.Ofiti over the combined Progres sive and Republican nominees for the same office. Tho Democratic vote was 111,217 votes less than that of four years ago. Tho returns from the en tire statu show that out of every three votes polled four years ago by tho Republicans one voted the Cro sressive ticket this year. The Repub lican nominee for governor polled 130.000 less votes than lladley re ceived four years ago. The lVmocrat Ic nominee for governor ran ahead of the Democratic nominee for president, while the Progressive nominee for president run ahead of the Progres sive nominee for governor by IS. 000 votes, and the Republican nominee f.r governor ran ahead of the Republican nominee for president. The oldest voter reeordiM was Samuel Stewart, aped !7 years, of Dover, Worth coun ty, who has relatives living on Howell Prulrlf. Ills first vote was for William Henry Harrison and his last for Wood row Wilson and tho straight Demo cratic ticket. UNITKP l'HUSS I.BASKD WIIIK. Washington, Nov. 21). Oscar Geiger, who gave his home as Oakland, Cal. and who came here recently, declaring himself tho oroglnal bull moose" who bad come to take President Taft's Job," was today adjudged Insane. Geiger wrote threatening letters to a physician. At tho time of his arrest his pockets were found stuffed with circulars describing his "platform" In With porhnps one or two exceptions, which hoi advocated purchasing a col- no American cx-president over needed ony In Africa and sending all the ne a pension. 'gioes there to llvo. DoYou Feel This Way? a FOR WOMEN ONLY Eackacte or Headache Dragging Down Sensation Nervous Drains- Tenderness Low Down. It is because of some derangement or disease distinctly feminine. Write Dr. R. V. Pierce's Faculty at Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N.Y. Consultation is free and advice is strictly in confidence. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription restores the health and spirits and removes those painful symptoms mentioned above. It has been Bold by druggists for over 40 years, in fluid form. nt $1.00 per pottle, giving general satisfaction. It can now be had in tablet form, us modified by R.V. Pierce, M.D. Sold by Metliclno Dealers or Mai box . by mall on receipt ot 50o In stamps J Automobile Motor Cycle and Accessory Dealers of Salem LOZIER I Ami A AT MOTOR JitXIiliY CYCLES 1,01 Kit AtiKXCY, K. ll. Whiteside, M Also Agent for U. C. If. and Loilei Oarage Jio. 5C0 Ferrj Street. WATT SHII'P Amwnnltlon, Fishing Tackle, Ete. North Cowinerclul Street I'hone II r. Ill Allto STl'DKBAKEH 20 AM) 30 - JtJUIVvJ VU Salem, Or. Show Room High and Fern GLOBE Autographic$Registers and Supplies B0 RMilSTF.ItS 7..'.0 TO 130.00 -a law r r Hr. '4 j Labor-saving systems for writing forms Triplicate, or Quadruplicate. For: Retail Sales, Cash and Charge; Billing Delivery Tickets; Factory Orders Shop Orders: Ing Orders; Express Forms; Uniform Rills of Lading, Forms In rolls for all makes tit Registers and all Roll-Paper Devices JOS. T. CAREW t'O. Pistrlct Agents, Pacific Northwest S7-S9 Front St., Portland Ore of nil kinds in Duplicate, and Charging; City Requisitions rurchas- Wm. U Cook, who was postmaster at N'olhart, Montana. wrltvs: "I rec ommend Foley's Honey & Tar Com pound to all my people, and they are never disappointed with It Foley's Honey & Tar Compound for coughs and colds gives the best possible re sults." Dr. Stone Drug Store. Through Tickets and Baggage OREGON ELECTRIC RAILWAY To Seattle, Tacoma, Spokane, St. Paul, Chicago, St. Louis, Omaha, Kansas City Denver and East Via Portland THE NORTH BANK ROAD NORTHERN PACIFIC and GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAYS V COM YEMENI S( 11EPH.ES , '7 Mave on the 8 a. m. limits arnvo battle 4:13 or 4:43 p. m Spokane 9:43 p in., or leave Salon, on 4:00 p. ,. mUedi arr Spotaine 6:63 a.m.. Heth trains connect wh , n J! train, to St Paul, Chicago and other eastern anJ ,,wp,nf caracco' TTns amn8eJ 'o W. K. COM AX, ' ALB1N' GenoraI Agent fieneral FrolKh, and Tagger Agnt, Portland, Oregon. r' 'MLl fl! do; u Mel !: WIT) m fee 1! ALCOHOL 3 PEK CENI. AVcdc(ab!ePrcnarallonroris similalliiOiWoodMtlRcriiila ling (lie Stomachs aiuLDtmclsof Promotes Didpslionflief rful ncss and Rcst.Contolns nciltifr 0 piiim .Morphine norMtacraLj NOT NARCOTIC, StdptotOUikM'EUWMR Rmiiin Srid" Jlx.Stma iltl'artotwlruda h'amSffti' CtpnOKt Suqir huitnycrai tlam. Anprfrrt Remedv for Ccmsflpi Hon, Sour Stoniach.Dlarrlwca Worms .Convulsions .rcveri&n ncss and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW Y0BK. For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of m ibj AW IK In Use For Over Thirty Years ie r 1 1 - i it i m i :klia.c ii a m w -m mim m a - r n ri u . i ' " i ii mm w h n n I" v u rv mm s unun Guaranteed underTHeFboJnj Exact Copy of Wrapper. SOUTH SALEM MARKET PLACE POISAL & SHAW General Grocery Store We also carry a full line of cigara, tobacco, candy, palnU, drugu and itampg. Phone 761 Pianos and Organs j; Edison, Victor and Columbia Talking Machines . A full stock of Records. GEO. C. WILL from the cheapest to the best sold on installments and rented. GEO. C. WILL Sewing Machines i- Latest Sheet Music I Genuine needles, oil and lew parts for all sewing machines. Sewing ma chines rented. GEO. c. WILL Piano and Organ Studies. Violins, Guitars, Mandolins and Banjos. GEO. C. WILL s A' L ure to please the lovers of a wholesome beverage, 'ways an invigorating, pure and delightful drink, ends strength to the weak and wearied physique, f'ects a soothing cure for the nervous ills of life, akes life more pleasant and cheers the heavy heart, B E R ri'igs good fellowship to all who partake in moderation. vens the spirit of the down cast and disheartened, niows existence with hopes and aspirations stores man to fulness of- strength and activity. mmmm f