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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1912)
r-I acc.. . Capital Journal "Want Ads" Brlnq Quick Results BAKERIES. BUTTERNUT BREAD It Is worth more than any other bread, yet the price Is no higher. For sale at your grocer's. California Bakery, Thomas uwiey, Props. BUSINESS CHAtiCES. I CAN SHOW YOU how to Increase the earning power ow your money with absolute security. Send name and address for particulars. Tom Bates, 208 TJ. S. Bank building. c ll-25-lm C A It HI AGE TIU M mTnGAH bp 7v INTS w- BLISS Successor to Walker; carriage and automobile trimming, carriage trimming goods, new work and repairing. I am carrying a full line of Masurey's house and buggy paints, brushes, oils and the very best varnlshos. 304 S. Commercial. 12-1-tf r CII1ROPB : ACTir.SPISOLOGlST'. DR. 0. L. SCOTT-Oraduate of Chir opractic's Fountain Head, Daven port, Iowa. If you have trlod every , thing and have got no relief, try Chiropractic spinal adjustments and got woll. Office 406-7-8 U. S. Na tional Bank Building. Phone Main 8T- 6-8-tf CLEANING AM) PRESSING. MARION PRESSING PARLORS Dry and steam cleaning and dye works. Ladies' silks, laces and gloves given special attention. Gents'sults cleaned and pressed. We are cleaners and repairers. Try us. Coods called for and dolivered. Tarlors, 245 North Liberty St Phone Main 2044. 9-22-tf ELECTRIC FIXTURES. ILECTRIC FIXTURE & SUPPLY CO. 130 N. Liberty street Electric contracting, Inside wiring supplies and fixtures, estimates given. Tele phone Main 263. 9-3-tf LAUNDRY CLOTHES LAST LONGER With our all hand work; established 20 years. 225 South Commercial St. Phone 1158. Hop Lee. 7-25-tt LIQUOR HOUSES. WILLIAM BUTTE Fine wlnes.liquors and cigars. We handle the celebrated Kellogg and Castle whiskies. Cool and refreshing beer constantly on draught South Commercial St FAMILY LIQUOR STORE All stand ard brands of liquors kept In stock. Wines by the gallon, bottle or case. Free delivery In the city limits. E. Eckerlen, 206 N. Commercial St. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN on diamonds, watches, Jewelry and all articles of value. We also buy and sell. Unredeemed pledges for salo. Wil liams typewriter for sale, $6. Sa lem Loan Office, 120 Liberty st NEW AND SECOND-nANP COODS.. B. L. STIFF New and second-hand furniture, hardware and general supplies. Best cash prices paid for second-hand goods. Just received a large shipment of new linoleums, carpets and rugs. Corner Court and Liberty streets. Phone 941. 3-12-tf HIGHEST pries pa'1 ror second-hand furniture, ranges, hardware, tents, etc. We carry the most complete stock of above articles In town at the lowest price. O. L. McPeek, 170 South Commercial St, phone Main 1233. 8-25"tf PEETS new and second-hand store can save you money on new furni ture, as well as second-hand goods. See me before selling your house hold goods or buying your second hand goods. See me for bargains. Phone Main 451, 252 State St 4-15-tf OSTEOPATHIC PnYSICIANS DR. O. F. HEISLEY and Dr. S. Etta Heisley (graduates of A. S. O., KIrksville, Mo., Dr. A. T. Still president of the school and found er of the science of Osteopathy), general osteopathic practitioners. Also hydrotherapy and electric light baths given without extra charge for rheumatism, kidney and liver troubles. The success in these treatments is equal to going to th hot lakes. Confinement cases and female troubles a spec ialty. 265 and 206 U. S. Bank DRS. B. H. WHITE AND R W. Wnitnn. Osteopathic physicians and nerve specialists. Graduates of American School of Osteopathy, K-irkavllle. Mo. Post-graduate and in tipi-vnm diseases at PWIBUACU ... "- Los Angeles College. Treat acute rhrnnlc diseases. Consultation free. Lady attendant Office 505 C06 U. S. National Bank building. Phone 859. Residence 346 N. Capi tol street Phone 469. JCir v aVPAJLJl Lir,. 111 .k' . . i wu, FKOFESSIONAL Padh. . . NATUROPATH is not a one Idea sys tem bllt the best from many others with so many more chances of ef- """S a cure. Mechanotherapy Chiropractic, electric and me.ll ted baths with dietetics neither starving nor stuffing, but correctly balanced .rations or ordinary food " -g asaurw health and with "t which there is no dependence to ""B or Doing normal. Dr J T Work, office 495 Court street PORTLAND HOTELS. NEW MATTHIESEN HOTEL-Corner Front and Columbia, at Oregon Elec trie depot Steam heat, hot and cold water In all rooms. Open day and "b"w, rooms buc, 75c and $1. Also now Harrison, 401 to 407 Front St Jehu Matthlesen, proprietor, both """"" 10-6-tf PLUXBEKS. THEO. M. BARRPiumblng(hotwater u Dlettiu neaung and tinning, 164 Commercial St., Phone Main 192. 9-1 -lyr SAND AND GRATEL. Q AT IT imn . vuuijiaur can supply you with sand and gravel. Office 464 Court street Phone Main 790. Gravel bed on Front street and North Mill Creek. 6-28-tf SCAYENGER. SALEM SCAVENGER Phno a proprietor. Garbage and refuse of all kinds removed on monthly con tracts at reasonable rates. Yards and cesspools cleaned. Office, tele phone Main 2247. Residence Main . .,v.u. kIWD "u. 6-11-tf SC0p-HAND CLOTHING." BARGAINS If you are looking for Dargains, come to the new and sec ond hand clothing store, 342 North Commercial street We also buy second-hand clothing and pay the highest cash price. B. Gollob, pro prletor. Shoemaker wanted. Phone Main 1931. 9-12-tf THKBESKA HAT WORKS. HATS of all kinds ronovated and re- cieaned. Prompt alterations; work guaranteed. Thereska Hat Works, 205 S. High street Phone Main 251, Salem, Oregon, 6-25-tf UNDERTAKERS. LEHMAN & CLOUGH U. J. Lehman A. M. Clough, morticians and funeral directors. Latest modern methods known to the profession employed. 445 Court St. 9-20-tf UPHOLSTERIXG, KENoyATIXO. F. B. MERRY & CO. Vacuum carpet cleaning, on or off the floor; carpets altered and laid; mattresses made and renovated; furniture re-covered; shades and awnings made and al tered, 23S High street Phone 668. 8-22-tf YETERINAlilAN. DR. W. G. MOREIIOUSB-Practicnl veterinarian.' Successor to Dr. J. J. Kenwell. Graduate Cornell Univer sity. Oft'ica Jack Darr's fted stables, 544 Ferry street. Phonos, office 2199; house 1510. Salcin. Oregon. It 7- WOOD AND COAL. SALHM FUEL YARDS Fuel kept under shelter. I handle Koplah coal, and Imported British Colum bia Wellington coal, the best on the Pacific coast. Also hard and soft wood, cut to suit, well seasoned and In the dry. Satisfaction guaranteed. See my stock, 752 Trade street, or phone 529. Mark Slddall. WATER COMPANY. SALEM WATER COMPANY Office corner Commercial and Trade sts. For water service apply at office. Bills payable monthly in advance. WATCHMAKER. U. S. MILLER, the WATCHMAKER Over 20 years experience as a watchmaker at Beatrice, Neb. High grade work at eastern prices. Opera House block, 484 Court st. 10-5-tf LODGE DIRECTORY. SALEM LODGE NO. 4, A. F. & A. M. Stated communication on first Friday in each month at 7:30 p. m., in Masonic hall, McCornacIt block. D. W. Pugh, W. M.j John Bayne, secretary. UNITED ARTISANS Capital Assem bly No. 84, meets every Wednesday at 8 p. m., in Moose Hall. Glenn C Niles, M. A. S. R. Vale, Secretary, 158 South Cottage St. Phone 1214 LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE Cherry City Lodge No- me,t' every Tuesday evening at 7:30 in Moose Hall, corner Court and High streets. D. R. Yantls, Dictator; H. H. Turner Secretary, 135 South Commercial Street .mrxtenv WOODMEN OF AMERICA, Oregon Cedar Camp No. 6246. Meets, every Thursday evening at 8 0 ciock to Masonic hall, corner Court and. Liberty streets. Elevator service. A. H. Bunn, Consul; F. A. Turner. I Clerk. I iJ!!2iii?KTOUY-.rontlnocd. SA HUMANE SOC1KTY D n M:isnn I, nii , ..,, .Hiarn:u-k hlnck. E, UUUillUSMU, C. C Clerk, U II. Fletcher, 1-10-U'J C EADsVIC,!C CHAPTeITno. third" Th"" ;,ectlas tir8t m i Tu8(la8- Masonic hall. Mrs ' -icmrj, PAPT17T1 T rr . F. & A. masonic nan, third Frldnv in muma at 7:30 P. m, Frank I- rearce, JasK06Kl, w. M.j secretary. Lot M?i;TW??YALARciiciiAT:i kiiwuuic HUM. gopoii s... , Frldav of .,ua l'80C at 8 n. i, i.a. u:Sn it est: REAL ESTATE. 15 ACUKS- -Very good soil. nne.l,.,u , i ciearnl, si 1U i-jear-om peaches, cher - ries and apples, 5-rooni now biinga- low, barn: 2 lnllpn fr,t .... 4 ... " vvilll-l 01 city. Price $:1700, on terms. Siiuare Deal Realty Co., room 301. l'lume 470. FOR SALE, niKAI'-SIx aero trat, 3 nillcH from town. All In bearing orchard, a-rooiu house. 3 minutes walk to car line at ciaxUir stallon. Kasy terms. J. V. I),,,crart, Route s. n-2.-,-lm A GKNUINR RARGAIN In rorthmd real estate. The first with $1000 gels a $2000 choice lot In good locality, or a $1250 lot In beautiful nay Ocean at $750. A rare opportunity for small cash; balance payments or Improved Salem property. Apply 405 Court street. 11-15-1 FOR SALE. COLT FOR BALE-6-months-old trot- ter, $25. Star Bottling works. 11-pO-tf FOR SALE Two fresh .lersev nwa 1108 Leslie street, Yew Tark. 11-29-31 FOR SALE Forty-foot countor cheap. Call at 371 State street Phono Main 2232. io-8-tf COCKERELS FOR SALE Thorough bred Buff Orpington, Rhode Island Bed and Anconag, 390 S. I9tli street. ll-28-.1t FOR SALE, OR TRADE A two-pas senger auto, first-class order, will trade for lot or anything. See me at 430 Court street. Tre Oregon Junk Shop. . 11-2-lm GUARANTEED ACTO SPRINGS-We manufacture high grade auto and truck springs, also repair, set up, and re-temper old springs. Our lorg list of satisfied customers will rec ommend our ability as leaders In our work. Iaher Auto Spring Co. 2G North 15th St., Portland, Or. io-3-tr FOR RENT. FOR RENT One-room and Oak; stovo and month. cottage, 12th water. $3 per 11-20-tf FOR RENT Two furnished sleeping rooms, with bath, 390 19th street south. 11-29-fit FOR REN Two woll furnished rooms for housekeeping. Inquire at 332 North Church street 11-29-31 FOR RENT Furnished sleeping rooms. Close In, elect rlc lights, gas, bath and heat. 535 North Liberty street. -12-tf FOR RKNT A business building at the corner of Ferry and Liberty streets. Enquire of K. Eckerlen. 11-29-3t FOR RKNT Two or three nicely fur nished rooms for housekeeping, close to car line. 1373 South High street. c! WANTED. WANTHH Hoy to do porter work at Model Shaving Parlors, at once. ll-:3-3t 'ANTKH-A loan of flSn from pri vate party on ton acres, buildings all niftier n Improvements. Cioso in Address "l.nn," Journal. ll-SVOt OKU MAN. newcomer, speaking Kng- lish, cxperlenci 1 In farm work ami willing o do any kind of woik. w.-itiM position ' i can feel at home. 1 farm, wlo re lie Apply to Hoard of Trade olfii: or phone 303. l'.'i-lf hum). POUND Man's bicycle, call at A-y-lum Avenue and 24th street, or phone Main 2034, prove property ami pay lor thin adv. 11-21' Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A UIM- Misri:i.i,ANKors in.,.l i I I., .1 wo op ; N in-: Ii i.lli,rty htr t, wluro w. win a,, ,.n kin.lH of work iii(ilii!. sit!ih;s wood or ,vn, .,. V KlHVlaiiy. U-lS-lv.i How's ThUt W off. r Ono Ilumlrnl any oaso of I'aUiiTli ciunot bo cured liv "ill's Catarrh Cure. K J. C'HKNKY & CO., Ti! !,. o, tlw uiulorait;n.Hl, ,,,,,, p Ownoy for the l,;t j;, v ' , Ih'IIivo him ,Hrfoi-t!y Inn ,-a'.; -im iransiii'tiotia riul t! alu'i.illv aiiiu to carry out am- ,,M 11:3 N'ATIOS'AI, HAMC O Tolo.lo. 0. itarrh Curo la iaK inir. 'Wily, uotllif; dlroctly u;,o,i t!i l,l.,.i mucous surfaces of tl .vftvm, Cl lit;. tiiiuinials sent free. 'r- F'T not no. Sold bv all I'Klht.t. Take Hall's family pa lion. I'ills for cmistl. '""n a man iicgius to al use Ms 1 "l,ni" It's time for out' liltu lii nunc l'orlo Rico's n Wonder. From far away l'orto Rico come re runs of a wonderful new discovery that Is believed will vastly benefit lm. 1'fople. Ramon T. Marclum, of Itaree leneta, writes "Hr. Kind's Now Discov ery ;s doing splendid work here. It ii red mo about live tunes of terrible eiiughs and colds, also my broth, r of a severu cold In his chest ami more tli:m others, who used It n my advice. Wo liopo this great liie.lieln,. will jet to sold In every drug store in l,rlo Rica." For throat and lung troubles Is nothing better. A trial will convince you of Its merit, fine and $1 Trial butllo free. Guaranteed by ,1. V. Perry. Wilson and Roosevelt each having carried California half a da.en times, let both, or neither, have It; It won't make any difference. "It Is a pleasure to toll you that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is t bl uest cough nieipclno 1 have ever used," writes Mrs. Hugh Campbell of Camilla, Oa. "1 have used It with all my children and the results have been highly satisfactory." Cor Rale by all dealers. Tho hoy's appetite Is ortcn tin source of amazement. If you would have such 1111 appetite talio Chamber lain's Tablets. They not only create n healthy appetite, but strengthen the stomach and enable It to do Its work naturally. For sale by all dealers. Hope Is a pneumatic tiro that s fre iiiently punctured. Don't waste your money buylni' strengthening plasters. Chamberlain'" Liniment Is cheaper and bolter. Damp en a piece of flannel with It and hind It over tho affected pnrls and It will relievo tho pain and soreness. For sale by all dealers. Toets are horn likewise also those who only think they arc pm ts. A Section of Italy. Iis Angeles, Cal., Nov. L'V (Toiid loss skies helped perfect Thanksgiving weather In Coh Angeles today. The same comlllhns prevailed throughout the fount y and eastward to the Arizo na border. Th" temperature at 10 o'clock was A (.rent Itiilliling Culls. when Its foundation Is undermined, and If the foundation of health good digestion Is attacked, quick collapse follows. On the first slrns of Indiges tion, Dr. King's New Life Pills should he taken to tone the .stomach and rcg iilatv liver, kidneys and bowels. I b asanl, i-a;-y, safe, and only 2' cents at J. C. Perry's ASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought L'urs tho Signature of O. C.T. Co.'s Steu.eer l.-ivec for I'e iland Mon day, W.-l:..--l.'. ''"'I FrMi-y t '' ' M. I'. IMIUWI. AifL CliiCiiESTER S PILL3 U ' Mil IIM"'-I lllllN.l. A ( p 1 ......."'' iif.-iA fesi.-v 1 "" ' ""' ' 1 " y ti r V 1 I ,.i.l ...'l..r '' M " n - J 1. in. 111 . n n M I'll I I . a.-. (;lDp.rDML!,IMSM.kAHIef ; W( D it L CO . f I T4 f V 71 4 d . V ICSTlfT V RAL. INFORMATION ', " nAILHOADS. n 1IIKI!' I'VCll IC COMPANY Time Table Train No, l'ortlaiiil DblsltMi. 1" -Albany Passover 1 1 I'm! land i:proM ' l'' -Hr. enn i:pross -'v--Willamette Limited ... '--Shasta l.liulicl I Portland Pae-ngur. .. - 1'o-tl nut Pa sseug. r. . . 1 .v.u way freight. .. lVril.,t:d through fr't Southbound, I - tl!'..-ti..i Kxpr.s.1 , , , A. Island Passnnger. . . 1 " - Kos, bui-jr Passenger. . - Willamette 1 liniie.1. . . 2 : in. 5:00 a in 5:31 a. ic, . '.l llOa.ui. I3;:,"i p. in. 2:00 p.m. 7:3$ p. m P'::l0a 111. 10:30 p in. 3:31 a.m 11:10.1.111 4:3; p m. 5 :3S p.m. 7:3$ p m. 11- Shasta Limited 7 I" San Primdseo 11 Mhany Passeng,r $ l'i ll wey freight 1; 0 p. 111. 0 p 111. 5 p ill. - Mia 1-raiklseo through iivigtu 12:01 p.m. Salciu.tJccr lliiuuli. 1-" I a. sen(;er arr. Salem. . 9:25 ii.m. 13" -Pass. md leaves Salem 10:00 a.m. I-"-' Pass. niNdarr. Salem .. 4:00pm v-s I''llSer leaves Salem 5:30 p.m. OKl-'GON VIKniilC RAILWAY CO. Nordiliuutul. Leaves Salem. Arrives Portland Train No. a. 111 Owl. 6:30 am t! .... S:00 n m S Ltd. S:5"i a. in 10 10:00 a m : ,d. 11:10 a. 111 II .... -:00 pin rt .... . C : 4 r. am . S:4,r am . It: 4.1 am .11:20 am .11: r.O am, . 1:10 pm. . 4:20 p in . r : r.O p in. . 15:30 pm . S::M p m .11.1,1 pin. 1 : 00 4: la (5:03 II : 00 P 111., p.m., p m. p m.. IS 20 Ltd. .... 21 .... Southbound. Leave Portland (5:10 a.m. 7:3") 11111 S:30 a.m 10:10 urn i.-r.r. p.m 4:01 p.m I 10 pm (5:10 pm (5:3.1 pin !: 10 pm 11:4,1 pin Arrives Salem S.I10 a i . ... !:r,r n in I ..10:10 11 111. 1:00 pm . . . . 4 1,1 p 111 . ... (5:30 pm. I.I ... 7 .... ... It ... II .... ... 13 Ltd. ... 17 Ltd. . ... 19 .... , ... 31 .... ... 2,1 Owl. . (5:30 iui . S:00 pm . K;I1 pill .11:30 pm .2:00 am Northbound. lyavcs Albany S:(l0 11,111 pm Arrives Salem 10 K;r..1 11 111 22 ;IH1 11 in Leaves Kugeiio 7:20 a 111 Ill Arrives Salem Ltd. .10 00 am . 2:00 pm . 4:00 pm fi.OO pm . 1:30 a m 11:00 am. 1:30 p.m.. (5:00 p.m.. 9:30 p ill . . .. 1(5 , .. IS Lid . . 21 .... . . 215 Owl . .Southbound Arrive Albany .. 9 r.:20 p.m .. 21 12:20 a.m. Arrive Kugeue Leave Salem 4:20 pin.... 11:2,1 pm ... U'iiv Salem. 2:00 11.111 P.1 Owl. 8:33 a ill 1 .... 10:10 gin 5 Lid. 1:00 pm 7 .... S:0D pm 17 7:11 .11:30 1111 .12:40 p.m . 4:00 pm .10:110 pm SAI.K.n, KAU.S flTT A WCHTCKM lt.tII.WAY CO-TIME TAIII.H, West Salem. Leaves No. 1 for lllack Itock 9:00am No. 3 for Fulls City 1 20 p in No. f for Calls City 4:4.1 p.m No. 123 for Independence... 91,0 a in No. 12,1 for Independence. . .6:30 p in Arrives From Dallas R: If, a 111 From lllack Hoi k 12:110 p 111 From Falls City 3 4'i p ir, From Independence. 'J W ,1 n. From lndepend'nco 4 4.1 p m HundiijH Only. Leaves No. 11 for lllai k lioi k !l 0(1 h 111 No. 13 for liliick Itock 1.2m p m No. in for imllioi f do i' m No 133 for Independence... 9.10 11 m No. llifi for Independence. . ,r, lio p in Arrives From Dallas Ham From lllack Ibo k I 10 p From lllack Itock 6:.W t "' From Iiidepenilnii e " m From Independent b.i4 p m Only 11 1 ire 111 10. but the crowd cheered, a ', v. Hi burn ed baicli, I." held up a ..i.iall roi.ini h,X ' Cello.. ' In; I. "Hi.. I.uikbnii Ain'ca ,'l.ilve I bold, ha ei rytliliig le a' for !.-ir " H'nlil" f.,r bolls, ul iu-", or H, pill. pie" . ,7.c:i,a, 11,! 1, k; brriv-s Sure-it pile cure. It subdues Inflammation i Ills caiii. only 21 cents at J J. (' f'er- r, 's. Ohiiaren Cry FOR FL ETCHER'S CASTQR1A SALEM FENCE WOPKS J,-. b; :i .:'-; Tor wn:ii I'diiriLT kiiix; IKil' WdVUV "IPC lOCIVU Mini villi' n:i: noons MUIII"M HOOI'IVfl I', i II. uu4 III U)V KOOUXi AH at fix 1 't prloM R. B. f LtMING ; Court HUfl I'hoDo 121 111 Iff 11 I YX5U T -ViVV. I'Oini.AM) H1!KK1'H. wln. Flour, lVcd. YW Wheat -Track Prices - ,, .. ror,,o,,7s;:,;.i l.:i".; valby, ;;ic. hort.s, J1; ml,!,!:!,,,.;,. ,:,i. ,,-,i' l"'lts.vieli ..... J,'; Flour-l-atcius, J,,W per barrel;! "r l..o'...d ,T,',','r'rl()l mo; evports, ,.,.0l,lfJ.;0: We, ,a,U ,, ,,; , , ,"'" "'"'. HM: whole lteat. ft nv l'"U . f ;: ,r:.L...I er- .. .. ,., "' ' " I" ' lla.v - Tl:i:,..'.y, !l!f.llfi j,,. ''-ver. ,,-;i.. an,, 'my, ft" i 1 1 0..ts ., wi, vt ":,r'" F.vd. (..,. p.,- ,. p,,,. ":' '.' ; rolled. ; ,, js. Italry hiiiI riiiiiirri Produce, liiitter - Oregon croameiT. ,.':,( I rack, ;;.,c p(T u : prims, bv its ,1, '.. ,,. !.'.':' Oregon l-.iiu h, ,i ,, ( Chees,. Cull l're:,m t.vil,,,. !),. ... lb 1 I Vounr ineiica, 20',je Poultry - He,,., 1.!'.; broilers 1 ' 1 -1 I ducks, youth.;, 10 , 1 l2'.-e; turkeys, live, ISe; dressed, 2l!c Veal Fancy, s5 to 125 pounds. 1 2 j2 per lb. Polk 1'iiiicy. I(i,i lo'.jc per tti. Crorerlin, rtrhd Fruits. Ulc. Dibsl Fruits. -Apples, Kl0 per lb.; currants, lv; apricots. 1'j if u-; poaches, Sjflle; prunes, luillun, a (f I0e, silver, ISc; figs, whitn and black (i,4i7,i!c; currents, HSo; raisins h-oso Mma alel i iC ' v i : bleached rbompsim, II 'ic, iinblencbcd SuKaii us, 8'ijc; needed, 7H(iS'ic. Coffee ltoaHted, In drums. 21'uMOc per pound. Nuts Walnuts. 17 'u Sc per lb; Pra.ll nuts, 12 'Si-; lUherta. lie; al monds. i;. Sc; pecans, Kc; cocoa "els. 90c ij f I per doon. Salt (iraiiulalcd, $15 per ton: half- Kround, 100s, $7.50 per ton; f,Us, $s per ton. lleans - Small white, $,1 40; large white, l o ,,, l, in, a $i r,o; pMk, 5c; r 'd Mexicans, ,1c; bayou, J 1 1;,1. Sugar- Dry granulated, ,..7,1; fruit ,,ud berry, 7.1; beel, $,',.5.1; F.vlra (' Jl 21' pon dered, bill I els,, I 00; cubes, barrels, Jl! 1.1. lilee No. I Japan, .1 o I, '.-,; cheap. cr grades, 4 'ac; soiitliern head, !, u to. Money Choice, $3 75 ruse; strained 10c per pound. Yeifeliililoi nml Criilli. Fl esh . mils Appb s. i,,,c , I $1 10 pel liov; p, sum, 71, i, t 21 per box, grape., I o, in per box; cranberries $11. nr per barrel; casbas, :,o per doeii. Mulls Oiangeii, Valencia, $1; navels, $2.Ki-u3 M'i I'alllornla siapefruli, $4, .1; Florida grapefruit, $1.10; lelnoll;,, $ per box; pineapples 'ie per lb; pomegranates, $2 per box; I -i i i ii ii ii in :i, $171 per box. Vegelallb", lleaiel, LY; i lbb;l;e, Ic ,-cr lb; caullllower, .uc.i$i:'1 p.r dozen; celery, $.150 per dale; ciieiini l rs, r.o -i i tine p.-r doen; eggplant, I ni ne r pound; bead lettuce, $2 per crate; I" ppcrn, ll i se per lb ; radishes, 11, , 2"c per iloeii; iiiroiiis, .,; toniaiocs, $121 per box; garlic, il'uOe, per lb; piim pi, ins, I'ic per lb. Sack Vegetables Turnips, $1 on per inn I. ; bo.-ts, $ 10; rulabiigui, $1 il I 10; carrots, $1.2.1. Pvv eel. polaloea 1 ! 2e per lb Potatoes liuibanlu i,o,i;i,c p, i CIl, (inions Oregon. $1 ' f-r mm k. llnps, rinol, lll'lcs, Clc. Hop;, - !:,.' wop, l',.!ple, u.eold ing I" oa Illy. Wool lliiHlein Oiegon. I lit I '.'c per pound; Valley, Z n 23e. Molifili Choi, e Kr lild.M Sailed, ll'i per lb ; (,.,!t,.. enlf. III.-; i.aileu ,.l;,. IJ,-; ,,,,11,-d ;,!;,, i-i. K ( ; rieeil llldes, II l!lV I, Id-' ISc; dry enlf. No. I, 21, c; il.y i.i.ic, I2',j lll'.ic ITiiiTkIoik. I ll.iti.H AH Mm l-'iti-; .b i o Ci,, I . ! ; i ii n " . P. 'i ,r, '. : i, :-, U( ,.),), , ..H,;I, k I,, ;H'e ,'''il!T'lt";yti"';': Creal Chinese Doctor ii:e, ,., .5 ! L M. Hum Foicl'.i 1 Mell'l I'. f I .,,! .'' . ll l-d be, f B, IS, ..Jl . Olll-H, Vi . Hi !ll I . ,1 'l!', C': side,., I'll'-, kii.o hi'-. .1 !! h '':ri. . I ." i - h i.,.m Hlly I'll i., loeet-l I. .ill.lll, I'M fi'l '.f III 'I i i "'.- 1 '" 1 i" i.i'irh. M. $14, recibir 1 1 1 1 .o ti'i, l.'.i" " ' . in I' j ' li 'nil . I it- f !. .ii. iti.-"i.v tin. ileMI Hip.. J I ; ; l.ll.i li 1,.,'iC I' I...M'1!., '"i,' " '. I v l k .'m r 'n.u'dei, ll,ii;. , J !) ' ll.ui h . 1 ' ' 'dlll "'I'.e I ,., .; . , : I i , n .' I :. - : ' i s. ..I;. .1 - ' l-n'''; I ! . II'.' . I ' M '. ;. , u, J li, i, in U VH.iil I .III ' I III. I I. i.l, ; r lii. I io ,1 l,:i. I -it II ' t : l V. I . .1 , I ' I . ' I IM' i .w . ' . i'h "iiu I ;,'l'.. i r .0 I I Main. C, r I ', ' I ' If ny. tln.oM.y . I '" 1-e,,',) ii o , j: iai and ', ' 1 Ucer l..y i ! i,!. h i. Ilu tir mill lif. r.l.'l.'l . ,' " ' , I i-.-a;,,M . let'- '. I- r lb "i;lir : .Country Lu'tef. p- rib 3': ; l.l'C. IK'r '! " ( r.,,.ti.. , . ',io, 1 ryer . ' llo 10c 6c ll, n .,.p p, !i'Mr.i. p.-r li. I lle.lei k. i'UVV (111 111 .., ,,. . I'".""' per bund, ,;, weight-Vw. 'H'h. at. per ,m,,,l ' V" i S.T' V'r .i,0";ul '. ... . sj I V.lli . '.1 ...M ,,k ,zrty Dry, pr ,..., M a iP.,.,-,!,.,-,..', .,.,..,. mill, ,,,, ,, l" 'roe, ie. !,,,... I . . i . ' ' ' ;'i many hav """ "-v -'-I of sieniach u ' n.i...r:in' lab I''"r ' ' hy all ,;,,,!, rl, I ; Is a we I; :,cn vesldonis II ,s ,v,-v" :i''ei,,l;:-); tl.e s,.v ,.;, feol pi-eu.l of their and section of the en;.:.-.. 1 1 - ' ! I'r.ilu Itilh Shirt. '1V:i! ,;- hin -.'nit ,:;;, hs back 1111 0!'!" " I'-'C-'-d a Urn ,;, saved ( "v"' re, I., but II T. Msion. ia. '''h- N P. "lice i ieii-m ., a wreck hllniMc l;i,,, ,, -t NV,,, ,,,,, he I be,;;i to u;.e "'' he rll-S. Mv sticiiacb. lM,i, 1 ack and Ki.ln, .s ,.,,. ,111 toiiy lf. r. cI.mI an I in v liver w is in b:ul ci.ndi lieu, but r.oir bcttle Flecti-lc Hitters n ude lue fc l 1;M. ,1 ,.,v man," A trial will coinlnce von of (heir matchlcs merit for any .-.toinacli, liver or kidney trouble. ' ice ..lie ;lt .1 V. Perry 'fl. If You Send All Flatwork To I he Salem Ciuindry yen leu sen wa-.hday atiil lioiilugdiiy work inoio than half. Tho linen will bo whiter, clean er and handled with less wear than It would recel?o In your own hands. Wo do no rubbing on vv .isbhea, ds Cure Knap mid an llblllldiince of pure water llo tho w in k for us Our prices mo very reasonable, and Include the vmnhlng and lioiiing of all tho sheets, table cloths, pillowcases, tovvelH, napkins, etc Wouldn't you llko to have us send a wagon for ll pael,!ige? Phono us. Salem Laundry Co. lilt', Mil', South ,ll,ty Street, Telephone Maine 21. Special Land Bargains By R. II. Rutherford & Co. Bush lireynmnJiUg. ,' Rooms 21 and 22 !2 in l i s v el y fl,,.- laud elosn to town, worth .12,1 per un. at a mtcrl fieo for a few ,,,.s at J,',', Will tako i-'aleii, properly to luenly five hiill- I . i, ...l ,ii i i , .. , ,, ,,,,, , ,,. .,, ,,, ,,., , ,,,. , , f , .,., , , t,.-k .ni ni,, I ,.n, i t! .in,'-., vvlili i.uuiiial l,i;,r, . 1 . .- , ; I ell , Id lltll. k i uf - ", ;i. ; . .'. !, ..I, v ,"l mis lift i ;i.d,;i I . i .i i" It U a ('iiiii 'I 1 ill I if I , in res to ; , ..p.-i f v , I i.y I A Mo- , i L !,. n, .. f A I" .,, i. . I e i i I , . , I,,, I , to Hell on in; I e. 'i ..! ! ; I, . A li ; I ' i i , ll. ,1, in.:.., I. ! fo ,. to Mel! I "II ' I , , . I ' , V f I I, I I 1 I ii 'V e lm- I .III I ... ... .. i. ,. li a ;'!( , I I' ' "ii II. i 1 " 'l,'"l- ii.i I. .cl -1 : -"I to b.-at. I I .11 k '' . " ' ' , nk I Ir I 1 . -I '.'I ,ll ' . ' . - ' .ii.. "f VI' t ;,. i ...... , , i . I i,:..t lierbi i" . ' ' . I. '.' in an"! ill,,',,; ' ;.. '; H . ,, il r ; ; v l ,.' . ' ; "i 1 n ;- t : m . ' on iHtMltltMMlttMltttH : liOI.1) 1)1 ST I LOIR : l,.ll- Uf thr J . SlliSlV I'll" HI ( (iHI'HY. t , Sl.llll f. !rctf"ll M nli b.r Kimll; I , i i.,ir .'r.c.r im ,l ni" i a ii H M "I".'." '"i '" i..,ir .' .r IL nrn t J p. it. n vi hi K, Unit tttn,