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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1912)
,.,. six DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. MEMS, SATL'BDAY, M, mi . OTwpr,nnraRHnHnsEQ023aassaas3annca asnnsznaas:::; ncaaaacaEiziaKaaaaEEC 99 IT .w3 ... ill..... ,..l,.n,l In flilu nnnitlimUV! ilt Ti . Tho more Mndo-ln- Tho Keystone of Oregon Prosperity! It Is good business and good citizenship to give preference t- all articles wmni mo nr.irnn' Oregon" productions are so'S, the richer the state becomes, and the more money Oregon people tav to spend with Oregonluns. Keep Oregon Mon W1APE ..,"jOREBnM M JMADE IN OREGON. M U ti li II ri n w ti ti u 11 ti n U FI U u tl tl ti n n ti if -i u I 13 1.1 ti n EK1 li u n n ti a u ti ti u u ri ti u u ti I Oregonfife has Its entire operating plunt lu Oregon, makes all of Its investments In Oregon Bocurltles only, has an unmatched record of bucccss, Is growing greater day by day, and roculyes preforenco from all dlBcrlmlualtng lovers of llfo Insurauco In Orceon. Best for Oregonians A. L. MILLS L, SAMUEL CLARENCE S. SAMUEL President Qenonil Manngor Assistant Manager A. 'M-AM i" r v ! u. I MP- HI AFAMHYI'AVOHUl' ' , 13 1 AijiMJim'ijMnuNi 'i MnUN''''!!' four LEAF It EI) CLOVE It 11 1! AM Traili! .Murk yMnili' In Oil! NnrMiwcMt fur Nurlliwinl. ri.iiHiMiiriM, Ahi yi'iir iihmi Imiil I'm1 our nKIII'K AM) IIIMiKK TWIN !!. Kvi'iy inilrlt ri'iu'i'Hi'iiiH lii euro pel' i-i'iii lii J Till HT ri'itl tn lillinr rllllilnyril. Hiippurl. MIIim iiiiiiiiit'iti'l un-r ulni kIv'ih ciiiil'iyini'iii liilnir ulili-li, In lurii iiNiiiiK'N yiHir M I'l'iiilni'lH ; lllxu Kri'lm ymir MKUlr.v Ml holm' PORTLAND CORDAGE CO. ti toi i. H : 1'iirlliinil. Or. ; HhiIIIo, Wnsli. I III eiiiSSffimJHrti j B Western Clay Co. Portland, Oregon Manufacturers VITRIFIED SEWER PIPE Portland Furniture Mfg. Co. 12l!l-r,i) Miicndam Road, Portland QUALITY" on H SLOGAN iiS (f.TUl Pi "Oregon Made" MERCHANDISE BOXES FRUIT BOXES TIN TOP BASKETS LUMBER, ETC. ti Multnomah Lumber & Box Co. PORTLAND, ORKGON MllY DKINK HATEK WHEN - K A A hf- . i .. t V you can err su m hi:i:ri li "FRY'S SQUIRREL POISON Price "J., t eoH The kind that lulls; It it h lu't'ii successfully lined for Ihlrly years. Small ti the for rats and mice, 10c each. SI DANIEL J. FRY tl Manufacturing Pharmacist Salem, Oregon v U Fry's Hendiirhe Tablets will cure; p price 25c, by mall free of charge, M IX you cannot get from your dealer. Is the Only Life Insurance Company Exclusively Oregon Home Office, forhett lldlng, Portluud THE lrwin-Hodson Co. Printers Lithographers Blank Book Makers Rubber Stamps and Seals Celluloid Buttons PORTLAND, OREGON "MT. HOOD" SHIRTS and OVERALLS Sole Jobbers of the Thos. Kay Woolen Mills FLEISCHMER, MAYER & CO. PORTLAND, ORKGON ASIC FOR Albany Chairs and Rockers SKVKNTY 11KSIGN3 "MAPH IN ORKGON" R. Veal & Son ALBANY, ORKGON WEINHARD'S Columbia The Beer Without a Peer The choicest Iiojib nnd tho finest hurley malt, brewod scientifically In Jimt tho right way, are roBpon Blblo for Its nliHolnto purity nnd excellence. Mall ub your orders. Henry Wcinhard Brewery PORTLAND, OREGON "TEA GARDEN" SYRUP RIC1II0ST IN SUGAR FINKST IN FLAVOR "GOLDEN BRAND" A Corn Syrup Manufactured by tho PACIFIC COAST SYRUP CO. PORTLAND, ORKGON MULTNOMAH MOHAIR MILLS PORTLAND, ORKGON Manufacturers of lligh-Grado Mohair Linings Alpacas Dress Goods Ask Your Tailor and Dry Goods .Mcnlttiiil fur Our Product! "MADK IN ORKGON" Pacific Face Brick Company 401-2 COMMKKC1 AL t'H 11 ULDG. PORTLAND Hollow Clay Building Blocks Face Brick Fire Place Brick a Specialty Clay Partition Tile Fire Brick Fire Clay J. N. MATSCHEK CANDY CO. ASK FOR MATSCHEK CONFECTIONERY Made in Oregon at Portland, 270 First Street COSTS YOU NOTHINSTOTRY mm m0M OUR GUARANTEE W pmmlm tl fmr lb brand of "ftirnrtmf" to bm Mriaiartory Mi trrrj rp" I. you klbiw to b iW ,uitf. NHMMiM'tWitfMrxn. bU ol II. i4 II ro-u WJdwJ iriib li. iiu ih pwht id r" timm, W t DWIGHT EDWARDS COMPANY PORTLAMO OREGON BFDDINO caj MANUFACTCRERS OP mOU-CHADE MATTRESSES PILLOWS COMFORTERS Woven Wire Springs Wo mnnufnrhire all merchandise we ofiT fur milo Pcttit Feather & Bedding Co. I'OKTI.ANI), OUIOIiON the celfhrated iierg.wanx 8II0E, made In Portland, Orison (121 Tliurniaii Street MADK IN ORKGON CROWN FLOUR Latest Best CROWN MILLS Portland, Oregon Wo design and mako the celebrated AI,SO PIPE ORGANS At our Portland Factory, 15th and ltith and Pettygrove streets America's Largest Mnslc House a EILERS MUSIC HOUSE Oenerul Offlcen : Ellern nulldliiR Alder Htrcet nt Seventh. I'ortlaud, Ore. 1'OHTV BTUllliS PORTLAND MANUFACTURING COMPANY Manufacturers of VENEERED FIR PANELS Excelsior, Coffee Drums, Furnlturo Mock, Eiru' Cases, 'I'lntop Fruit llaskcls, Rarrel Stork and Rotary Cut Veneers P. Aiitzen, President nnd Treasurer ST. JOHNS, ORKGON Portland Wood Pipe Co. Wood Stave Pipe MADK IN OKKGON OK ORKGON l'l K 1!Y AN ORKGON COMPANY Twenty-fourth and York Streets Portland, Oregon P. 0. Mux 71. Portland Elevator Company Manufacturers of Passenger and Freight ELEVATORS Dumb Waiters, Etc. Electric and Hydraulic Factory Fast Ninth and Mill Streets 4 PORTLAND, ORKGON 09 IJAHSAS PERFECTION -SAUiM.tWISliW. IT'.. I, KIN l b, 'ill..,l. I ,.llMll...lll 'AW Sii PORTLAND, OREGON I Jj' 7 I sszsaannssaaaaaaa tzz"?-- ox Jaui 3.2S3i:iin aassanaaEsr"?"? m I OREGON CITY WOOLEN MILLS Oregon City, Oregon Our new fabrics, designed exclu sively for women's and men's tail oring, are made of the lest grades of wool and warranted fast colors. I0CR TAILOR CAN PIHCIIASK DIRECT FBOJI THE MILL "Swastika" Brand Macaroni, Noodles and all Alimentary Pastes Undo la Oregon PACIFIC COAST UISCriT CO. Portland, Oroirou look: FOR THIS LABEL OREGON CHAIR CO. Line guaranteed by Manufacturer Ask Dealers fur This Line CHAIRS All Oalt tipd in fCitioih&ft line grows in Northern IdDAn I where winters are cold. tuliich is necessary to highest cIass OaA. Kinn (r.ff is branded into the wood of this line and isa guarantee of the OaA, SuperioritVof Qual: in, Workmanship and absolute Satisfaction. from rh thaoi a Oregon f hair Co 0 WILLAMETTE TENTS AWNINGS, COVERS, ETC. Rose City Aquiipclta "Waterproof Appell South African Wuter Bugs Flags of all hinds Window Shades, Etc. Watch for our label "If It's made of canvas we mako It" Willamette Tent & Awning Co. Mfgs. and Jobbers Portland THE "ECONOMY" LEATHER TIRE COVER Made from the best cromo-tanned leather, with oil - tempered studs Absolute ruticture proof. Insures safety over mountain roads. The Economy Leather Tire Cover Co. t 500 Williams Avenue, Portland, Or. "Made in Oregon" 'Li ILANH Dill I FU s lIIHIMIl . .11. I.U ftcSHS (uiwniuiiiiwiiiniiiAnwKiiA Y J All Oalt upd QUALITY BEST PRICE EQUAL. GALL CURE Horse Collars Why not demand them from your dealer? W.H.McMonies&Co. PORTLAND, OREGON Schiller Cigar I- . PORTLAND rCLctory oregon Call for La Gran Marca The E. Schiller Schiller s Union 5 "MADE IN OREGON" THE BEST Produced here or anywhere BRAND. Hams Bacon Lard UNION MEAT CO. PIONEER PACKERS of fio PACITIC Oregon's ONLY Home Made BELTING "We make the Belt to fIT THE PLACE and NOT make the PLACE fIT THE BELT" Davis - Scott Belting Fnetory Olflee 2I0-2CO f n Portland, - Ore. liuwthorne Ave. VU. phono Last 1)8 ORWOOD Shingle Stains Lice Killer, Sheep aud Cattle Dip Wood PreserTiiUve Rust Resisting, Dump Proof Concrete Paint Barn and Root Paint, House Pulnt Floor Paint, Varnishes Paints, Oils, Etc Oregon Wood Distilling Co. Portland, Or. Works at Llnnton PACIFIC LUMBER & MFG. CO. MANUFACTURERS Hardwood Lumber Flooring Portland Oregon AMERICAN IrMRflT IRfUi CORRUGATED CULVERTS ----- a IIIVSIH 2 MMtiuf.-iettired bv Coast culvert and Flume Co. " " ' i ., I n : III f 1... t i uiiuerwritcrs i METAL WINDOWS nnrl Fien n I I "ii i n t LUUI S i "'cet Metal Work I Hill luHlfilllJ Portland Sheet Metal Works I-:. Madlsou St. Portland. Oregon The Lutke Manufacturing Company Manufacturers of SHOW CASES BANK AND STORE FIXTURES Crn" ,SiX.,h and Streets Bill PACIFIC FIRE INSURANCE CC Home Office: Portland, Oregon Theflnly Oregon Fire Insurance Company CLOTHING made om OREGON WOOL Kci yenr wc mnniifneturo nnd (ell nwirly ten t lioiiHitud Men's nnd Hoys' Suits from Oreguii cloth, nwule by tho three bin woolen mills In llrownsvllle, Snlein nnd Eii(;ene. You run liny these Suits nt very rt'iisonithle priees or Bend for samples to either of our stores. Brownsville Woolen Mill Store Portlani Eugene Miirshflold Call For LIBERTY SODAS "Made in Oregon" By the INDEPENDENT CRACKER CO. ' i'S Carman Manufacturing Company ManiifactiircrH of all kinds of FURNITURE Eighteenth and Upshur Streets PORTLAND, OREGON Willamette Roll News IS MADE AT .. Oregon City, Oregon "MADE IN OREGON" Well Drilling Machines Steam or Gasoline Manila and IVIre Cables, Pipe and fusing, Drilling and Fishing Tools The Star Drilling Machine Co. Works 1,1th nnd Clinton, Portland . t i7 '"' t t. I IVitrMIunmp s tK, r CASInn.iM,ot Vf, r CAST THE BEST LINOTYPE STEREOTYPE SOLDER AND BABBITT METALS ARE MADE BY The Pacific Metal Works . PORTLAND, OREGON J ARJ CHURNS rBEAN POTSr FLOWER POTS .CHICKEN FOUNTAINS O I ILK PAN vJUGS STATES (mix upon CONTAINS J LYE, ROSIN,, OR AMMO A Concent; Camphors Produc ; Heali the K Will Not Iniin. Finest Fab: ASK YOUR CI MINUTE WASMG COMPOUND Mail this to us and Set free inn United States Cashier Compaq PORTLAND, OREGON ' Office: 708 Lewis Ilulldlng Factory : Kenton Manufacturers of Automatic Computing Change-Making Record!: and Adding Coin-Paying Machines DRINK TRUE FRUIT FLAVOR See that Trade Mark Is on BoF A Pure, Delicious, Soft PrloV A Sure Thirst Quell Made in Om- PURITAN MFG. CO. 881-883 East Tine Street, rortk v, "LIGNITE STUMPING AND ROCK POWDEI MADE Df OREGON BY American Safety Powder Co. 725 Teon Bunding-, Portland, Or , ANDERSON c STEEL FURNACE CO. Warm Air Furnaces Wood or Coal MANUFACTURED for the PACiriO COAST TRADE AT Salem, Oregon EPPLEVC PERFECTION BAKING POWDEI MADE OF PURE-CUE of taiita: PACKED H GLASS J A 1 CM.EpplJy Snlcm, On : c ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FCr HOUSEHOLD REMEDIES AND TOILET ARTICLES 100 QUALITY 100 I IN J bREG0N Dl r Blumauer - Frank Drug c distributors Blumauer - Frank Drug C.