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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1912)
Tage Ten MEYEkS- Holiday Store This great store invites the attention of every shopper. Inspect each department and enjoy looking over the many beautiful displays which have been collected for your benefit. Every effort taken to make shop ping here a pleasure and delight, and re memberwhen you purchase at MEYERS you are assured of lasting satisfaction. SALEM'S TOYLAND CITY NEWS. Jewels, watches, umbrellas, etc., VuHU'TOf. U'i u shnvo on city election, (let nhavisl at lnvln' burlier shop. Htubhs, u tailor? You botolin. Ma mnlc building, second Moor, room 6. liny Hub it new pair of boots for Christina. Mine are guaranteed and prleea right. Jacob Vogt. Ilolieinlan Dancing Club open to the public tonight at D'Arcy hall. Abso lutely five. Attorney Carey F. Martin, has moved his law offices to roouiB 412-413-415 Masonlo temple. 11-29-tf Mrs. U (1. Curtis can supply your wants In the millinery line, as her as-1 ortmont Is most complete and reason-1 able In price. The new Masonic Tern- j pie, North High street. I W. O. W. The Initiative and roferen- j dum of the general referendum com mittee of San Francisco cam) s will lie a special head of business al camp November SO, I'.H'-. ll-2!)-2t .MECHANH O.TIIr lUI'U Tl( S, TIIK ltlll (il.ESS METHOD, IS (ilYEN SU.EH ONLY HT DR. S. Z. BARTLEY BOOMS .;, ITS TAlltS, HT MOUTH COMMERCIAL HOl'HS: 9-12, 1-5 Fur your Chrlstmsa Photos call at BARNETTS ART SHOP New methods, new styles, everything strictly up to date not move w bile Harnett makes .,s picture. Only ground f in Sulem. Nct to Ye l iberty Theatre y Sid 3. IT i. S We have a bigger and more beautiful line of Christ mas presents this year than ever before. Parisan Sil ver, Parisian Ivory in all the useful articles made. Ladies and Gents Watches. Rings and Pins of all descriptions. Clocks, Cut Glass and Silverware, use ful and ornamental. Early shoppers will save money and get choice of big stock. CHAS. H. HINGES Jeweler and Optician 123 N. Com 7 Street Next to U. 5. Bank Bldg. Salem's m M, L'TIIOOOULOOODS iilii'iuluii Hiincing Club invites the I uhlic o a flic dance tonight at D'Ar cy hull. Absolutely free. Open bouse. liciil No. II. . I,, of A. will give a social dance al Moose hall Monday night, December 2. Everybody wel come. Have those slips, sheets, towels, etc.. laundered at the Salem steam laundry. Only twelve to forty-live cents per dozen. K. I.. Hose auto sales company, has appointed A. Whitney, of Independ ence, as their "Overland" iigent for that vicinity. Axmlnstcr and Wilton rugs on sale new at Bpeclal discount. They are sure beauties and chenp. Imperial Furniture Co. A nice chicken dinner now would be Just the thing. S-e some of my nice birds. Walker Fltts, 4S1 Court. Our order phono 211. Bazaar by ladles of the I'nltarlan church, l'lllow cases, towels, aprons and cooked fmx's for sale, at Huron & Hamilton's Saturday, December 7, at 10 n. m. IN I'aby cm ior studio l:)l . I Iberl; Street. Ch tl ugges DAILY tiSar SECOND FLOOR CX Sunday Matinee NEW SHOW BLIGH THEATRE "WHERE EVERHOOY (JOES Mrs. (leo. II. Kllwood will sing at the Clobe next week, beginning De cember 2, Mrs. El I wood has supplied at the Globe before, Among the recent auto purchases Is that of W. U. Lattin, of Salem, lought of the Reese & Moll Auto Sales Co., a Studebaker "2u" touring car. I will sell at public auction on Mon day, Pecetnber J, 1 l . eight miles northwest of Salem, near Spring val ley school house. In Folk county, a lot of horse, cattle, hogs and farm tools, also s.une oats and hay. Come and get some bargains. Sale commences at U o'clock, sharp. See large bills Free lunch at noon. O. V. Uiflar. proprietor; A. J. Ualdwin, auctioneer. Central f uigregatlonal church. Fer ry and South Nineteenth streets. Ulble school at H" n. ni. Public worship nt 11 a. m. Christian Hndcavor at 6:30 p. in., meeting on missionary work. Kvvning worship at T:;'U p. m. Rev. t'.eo K Paddock, p. P., superintendent vf Congregational home missionary wi'ik for Oregon, is to be with (be church ail ,lay. Thos. .1. Woodcock, pastor. 1. s of tilings come to the man who until he doesn't want them. rOD 8 i Ml H ristmas ons SHEW. OUEfiOJf, CAPITAL JOPRXAl, Every New Improvement In eyeglasses or spectacles Is shown ut (his establishment. Kyo examination liy a registered op tometrist. Invisible llifocle, Torlc Mid Plat Surface Lenses and Perfect Kit ting glasses are features here. Let me prepare your glasses. a. Mcculloch Optometrist 291 North Commercial Street (Ground Floor) Phone 9-3 Office hours 9 to 5 Stand lamps of the latest patterns and designs now In. Call and Inspect jthem before they're all gone. Geo. Iittlnglll, lll'i North Liberty street. Artisans, attention! Those wishing to :in the excursion party going to Portland on Thursday, December 12, call up one of the following com mittee: J. T. I'enn. Main 219; Mrs. James K, Godfrey, Main .'.NO; Ivan G. Martin, Masonic Temple, Main 419. Over 100 have signed for the trip. Hound trip $1.50. The ladies of the Catholic church will hold a bazaar ut St. Joseph's hall on December 4 and .". On December 3 they will serve a chicken supper, on December 4 a Dutch supper and mu sic will be furnished by the German society, and on I .-c imbcr a New England supper will In- served. In ad- jdltion to this there will he special fea tures, such us a fancy work booth, apron bouth, conked fend booth, re freshment booth and a fish pond. First Church of Christ SCIENTIST of Salem, announces a free lecture on Christian Science by FRANCIS J. FLUNO, M.D.C.S D Of Oakland Cal., at the Grand Opera House Thursday evening, December 5, at 8 o'clock p, m, The public is cordially invited to be pres ent, Dr, Fluno is a member of the Board of Lecturship of the Mother Church, the First Church of Christ, in Boston, Massachusetts, Oilices Coing Fust That the new Hubbard building 1? pioviiig very popular to the doctors, dentists and lawyers of the city Is proven by the fact that Just a few choice ollices remain. In every city the size of Salem, and in fact in cities much smaller than Salem, the doctors, dintists and lawyers like to have their cilices In one building and they are certainly taking advantage of the mod el n construction and Ideal location of the new Hubbard building. iEF.tnors DISEASES 'AMOMi THE INDIANS rxiTrn muss ixaskd wire.1 I Washington. Nov. 30. When con gress reassembles one of the reports ni be submitted is that of a commit tee appointed to Investigate Infectious Famous Howell Prairie FARMS -e acres under cultivation, well fenced, on road, close to school on Central Howell prairie. $ 1 2;, per acre; terms. 111! Acres. The best buy on Howell Prairie Is a 1H acre. i:!0 acres under cultivation. Id acres timber and pasture, good buildings, main traveled road, land rich, level, well drained, a deep black i ,o uii).ii; graini view of, uo-caiie.i mountains. Price fn1,.- . 1 "if i mi oe ari ang This is a fine farm. .,o I....- i . ' ! Acres. !'." acres on famous Howell Prairie. all tinder cultivation, well fenced, no I'liildmis. fine deep, rich black loam soil, level, we'll drained, on main county road, close to school. Price ?l'.'e per acre: terms Acres. TS acres of fine prairie land, well niiMooo anil won located, for only $!0.r0V Terms can be arranged. l.'i acres, well Improved. $;!t;.".o. acres, all elear.M, $Si;r,. 4i r.civs, all cleared, $:.tfoo. !). ncr.s. all cleared, JU.ST,' 0 acres fine land. l.'iTeO. All thae places are on the famous Howell Prairie, the best part of the great Willamette vallev. HEOHTEL A HYNON. 347 State Strevt. Tel Main 452 SATI-KPAT. NOVEMBER 80, 1012. Bathtub Trust Next on the List united mess 'leased wme.I Chicago, Nov. 30. Suit similar to that brought against the' "bathtub trust" Is soon to be tried against the "moving picture trust," in Philadel phia. Joseph R. Darling, special ngent of the department of Justice and Ed win P. Grosvenor, assistant attorney general, have been In Chicago, Inter viewing Independent picture theatre owners for the last week, Darling said today that this newest business combination hns grown to mammoth proportions, and that It rep resents an Investment of between $100,000,000 and $120,000,000. Darling said : "It maintains control of the mov ing picture business through a pool of Its patents on machines and film pro cesses. We believe we will be able to force a refund of $10,000,000 to picture house owners, which, we contend, has been Illegally collected In license fees" STILL HOLD JONAS ON SCSI'H IOX OF (.SITED I'llESS LEASED WIIIE.) San Francisco, Nov. 30. Unless an I'ttempt Is made by habeas corpus pro ceedings to bring about the release of Joseph Jonas, suspected of the mur der of hla aged mother, and who js held by the police, no charge of mur der will be placed against him until alter the coroner's Inquest, declare the police today. The date of the Inquest Is not yet fixed. Jonas attended the funeral of his rot her In custody of detectives, and sat through the ceremony with dry eyes, but showing great emotion. Ho still stoutly maintains his Innocence. diseases among the Indians on all the reservations in the country, it was learned today. As American Indians are more af flicted with infectious diseases than any other race on earth, a movement to ascertain the cause and establish some means of checking the spread of these maladies has been under way for years. Two of the most common diseases among the Indians are tuberculosis and trachoma, a dread eye malady, both of which are breaking down the health of the 300.000 Indians living in tne l ntted States. The rising generation should get up when the alarm clock gets busv. NEW TODAY. I $ WANTKD-Chlckens. turkevs. duel, veal, pork. etc. Phone 810. Thielsn i Cash Grocery, 141-101 North High1 street. n-20-tf- I LOST OK STOI.KN-Fox terrier, white wit') black ears, spot on 1, ft side, j long tail, answers to name of Fritz. j i.ifera! reward for Kront street. return. ; LOST White and brindle m: dog. al-ovit year old. Phone C.mltnl Journal or Main luM, or ral tM,it Oent.-r ii--.,!-;,.t roin - TOR Rl-NT-Kight-room house lately furnished. Innuire W. Johnson 11- yon u i:nt-Mode, ni e-room :ii,:i-i menthouse in fine location K".-,,,.;,-, of "''!. Slate street. U-3rt- ! WHO HAS An automobile to trade on a t,od house and lot" n. ,,,., erty. close In. ... A. H ." Journal. U-:tn-if. FOR KKN'T Three partly furnished iiouM-Keeping rooms. Phone Sii6. U-r.iV:',, 7 SALK-N houXloT feet; chicken house WxSo ftHn. r young fruit trees. 1709 Ferrv sireet'1 See this at or-ce. R. Wo,lery. ll-"0-6t Grand Jury Indicted Six More UNITED I'llESS LEASED WIEi.1 Portland, Or., Nov. 30. Before Its adjournment today the November ccunty grand Jury returned six addi tional Indictments for depraved prac tices In the city. Four new anen were Indicted, but their names were with held, and the two additional counts Mere against N. B. Heuly, florist, and Dr. Harry Start, respectively. In referring to the vice scandal the grand Jury In Its report said; "We find, after an exhaustive inves tigation Into the alleged Y. M. C. A. scrmial. complete vindication of the officers and management of the insti tution and no reason for a shadow of suspicion to be cast upon its mem bers." Chief Probation Officer White In formed the United Press today that another very prominent Portlunder hud been Indicted, but are going to withhold his name for the time being. "We believe we will soon have sev eral parties who were Indicted nnd who have fled the city, under arrest," White declared. "We must withhold definite information, however, until tlnse arrests are made. "We are firmly convinced that our Investigations In the vice system will reveal the fact that the practices at the basis of the Indictments Is well organized in San Francisco, Tacoma. Seattle and many other towns along the coast, and Is thoroughly system allied and connected all over the coun try." Y. M. ('. A. otic Open meeting nt the Young Men's Christian Association, Sunday, De cember 1, 3 p. m. Song service, led by Mr. Morrison Reid. Piano solo, Miss Gertrude Eakin. I Haritone solo, Rev. II. T. llabcock. Vlolincello solo, W. F. Ketchum. ! Cornet solo, Pickering Chalcraft. Soprano solo, Mrs. Morrison Reld. Illustrated lecture, Mr. Marshall N. Dana, of Portland. Subject: "What About the Immigrant?'' A few announcements; Every i Tuesday afternoon, Mrs, Parks' Bible j class; every Tuesday, 8 p. m., ladies' ; swimming class; every Tuesday, 8 p. m., Y. M. C. A. glee club; every Friday, 7:15 p. m practical talks; every Sun day, excepting first Sunday of each 'month, will be devoted to a men's Bible class, Rev. Davis Errltt, leader. Every first Sunday an open meeting. KEEPS CONFESSING TO MORE MURDERS UNITED FRISS LEASED WIRE. Lowell, Mass., Nov. 30. Investiga tion of police records here today par tially corroborated the confession of J. Frank Hlckey, murderer of Joseph Josephus, of Buffalo, regarding the murder he alleged he committed in Lowell in 1883. Hlckey alleged he poisoned his employer, Edward Morey, a druggist here, by administering laud anum. The police here never Buspected Morey was murdered, the records showing he died of "apoplexy." "I have got an awful load off my mind boys," said Hlckey. "I have suf fered something terrible. This mad ob session took hold of me, nnd I took to DR. YUEN Successor to Pr. Kum i it rillNESE EXl'EHT HEKIl.U.IST To Whom It May Concern: j Had suffered with chronic constl- ; pation and stomach trni,i ,fe years: was so weak at times i! !C,,ulJ, har'- alk; had lost thlrtv I IH'unds in weieht. j s,H,nt hllnJrei- I if t,olla fr medicine and tried' j 'lor fter doctor, and they all ut-1 j , 1 10 Iuni) me- I was Just j;1"0"' reacl-v Rive up hopes when I -;'u o nr. luen's Chinese herbs. A.ter taking five weeks' treatment I "" eu ana had gained pounds In flesh. eighteen "'i"g tins testimonv will be read and be the means of helping some one else, I am, resneetfnlh- MRS. L W.'baCON. Corner Grand Ave. and Morrison ot, L. Portland, Oregon BOW WO HERB CO. 167 High Street Salem. Oregon. Office upstairs, side entrance. ' Is i 1 V A A K0TRE DAME LADY'S APPEAL To nil knmvlui? luBercrs of rheumati. whether immnulur or of the John, .u lumluiKiis, bnckuobe, puint iu tliu kidiicv 1 neuralKin palm, to wrilo to her j, ,, or trout nietit which li.u repuitiMlly cin-,,,1 ,n thvsi) tor.nreii. Bho fee . U h r dmv i,11 01 It to nil BHlierers FKIOH. y" , c , ii I "0I"I nt Heine i ll.nusau.U will testify -mK' (if clmmlo DuiiiK nrcFNKury. Tliin f9 disoovury lanllie uric) aciil from i, loo tho atlnVned JolntH, nuritliiH Hit- hi I nnd urlKhteni the eym, Riving elusiiuUy'" Umu to the whole yBtom. lr tho nhl, InteronU you, or proor addreai Mr u buiuiuuM, llox it, Notro Dauie, luo. drink to drive It away. That Incident In the drug store In Lowell, when I was 17, was the beginning, and I could not shake away the eyes of that dead man, as they looked at me and Beemed. to say, 'you killed me.' " Navy Heats the Army. UNITED F1IESS LEASED WIIIB. Philadelphia, Nov. 30. In a hard fought struggle on Franklin field here this afternoon the Naval Academy football team dofeated the West Point Military Academy eleven by a score of 6 to 0. The navy scored tw0 field goals In tho last period. Sunday Matinee NEW SHOW BLIGH THEATRE "WHERE EVERIIODY GOES- GUARANTEED Those good chicken tahiales, whole sale and retail. Special for parties. Any kind, ony size, any style. Fred makes the kind you want. Phone Main 2018. Order early. Delivery to any part of city. Shipped to wiy town In Oregon. tf General Insurance MONEY TO LOAN'. Itollngcr & Lnflar. Bush-Breyman Bldg. Room 1 MONEY TO LOAN On farm and city property. Johi H Scott, over Chicago Store, Salem, Or egon. Phone 1652. WOOD AND COAL In any quantity. Prompt delrrerj our specialty. Falls City Lumber Company. 279 North CommercUl street Phone Main 813 Office Phone Mala 183 Rlgdon Residence Main 111. BIGDOJMUCIIABDSON CO. Funeral Directors and Undertakers 252 N. High Street NORWICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY Bl'ROHAKPT .HFUEDITH BwiJe-t AgeuU IS State Street JAPANESE LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANING WORKS No machinery to tear and wear out delicate fabrics. Work called for and delivered promptly. 436 Ferry St Phone Main 2252 MONEY TO LOAN On Good Renltfstote Security. THOS. K. FORD Over Ladd & Bush Bank. Salem, Or MONEY TO LOAN Ou good ltenl Estate eefirlty. BECIITEL BYKOJ I7 Stat Street W. J. PATTERSON, M. D. V. Veterinarian. 3 r a d u ate Mc Kiillp College, Chicago, 111., which enjoy b largest practice in the world. Lameness, dentistry and diseases of the loot a specialty. Phones: Resi dence, lliol; utfice. 27S. O.'Iice uui feed barn. 420 S. Commercial street. TYPEWRITERS All Makes Bought, Sold, Rented and Repaired! TMbbntn. J!n'ier, Supplied VL J , ,',) f. i See me betore you uo auytuiug C JL LOCKWOOD 214-216 North Commercial Main 96 m JBEEEBE . i J