PAILT CAPITA!, J0CR5AL, 8ALEB, 0MflO!t. r FHIDAY, '0YEMBEtt , 1914. Business Opportunities rLASSlF'EP ADTERTISING, PROFESSIONAL CARDS rDltjt Journal "Want Ads rlnj W Quick Results word tor flrat Inwrtlon. 5'clr.l Tt word for ch Insertion "-b.'f ,r No .dTertliement taken for it lit NATUROl'THT. NATUROPATH Is not a , L"E DIUKCTOKY-i one Idea rm. situ-., ....7. ' tern but the best from many others! fah S. SOCIETT-n. BAKERIES. SttEBNUT BREAD -u 18 worm more than other bread' yet the rlce la no higher. For Bale at your Leer's. California Bakery, Thomas ' t rWey, Props- . . - . S1JI'S1SKSS CHANCES. jgiioW YOU how, to Increase tlie' earning power ow your money wtlh absolute security. Send name &ml address for parUculars. Tom nates, 208 U. S. Bank building. m ll-25-lm SbWAOK TRIMMING ABD PAIHTS ITw uUSS Successor to Walker; carriage and automobile trimming, carriage trimming goods, nw work .nrt repair! 1 am carrylnr a full una of Mnaurey'B house amd buggy .otnts. brushes, oils and the very Lt varnishes. 304 S. Commercial. 12-1-tf PR 0. L. SCOTT Graduate of Chir opractic's Fountain Head, Daren nnrt. Iowa. If you hare tried every thing n"d hare got no relief, try Chiropractic spinal adjustments and ret well. Office 406-7-8 U. H. Na tional nnnk Building. Phone Main 6-8-tf Oli with bo many more chances of ef- iocung a cur... Mechano-Therapy Chiropractic, electric and merti cated baths with dietetics neither starving nor stuffing, but correctly balanced rations of ordinary food, producing assured health and with.' out which there Is no dependence to living or bolng normal. Dr. J. t Work, office 495 Court street -uuruay night at 7:30 o'clock In Masonic hall, MeCarnack block. E P. Donaldson, C. C; U II. Fletcher! L 1-10-09 I'ORTLAJiD HOTELS. NEW MATTHIESBN HOTEL-Corner """i v-oiuraDia, at Oregon Elec tric depot Steam heat, hot and cold water In all rooms. Open day and nignt; rooms 50c, 75c and $1. Also Hotel Harrison, 401 to 407 Front St John Matthlesen, proprietor, both houses riUMIlERS. THEO. M. BARR Plumbing, hot water and Bteara heating and tinning, 164 Commercial St., Phone Main 192. 9-1 -lyr SAUD AND GRAVEL. fV can supply you with sand and gravel. OfHce 464 Court street Phone Main 790. Gravel bed on Front street and North Mill Creek. 6-28-tf njKtNI AND l'RESSIlfft. MARION PRESSING PARLORS Dry and steam cleaning and dye works. Ladies' silks, laces and gloves given special attention. Gcnts'BulU cleaned and prttwsd. We are cleaners and repairers. Try us. Goods called for and delivered. Parlors, 245 North Llhertv St. Phone Main 2044. 9-22-tf ELECTRIC FIXTURES. ELECTRIC FIXTURE ft SUPPLY CO. -130 N. Liberty street Electric contracting, inside wiring supplies and fixtures, estimates given. Tele phone Main 263. 9-3-tf SCAVENGER. salkm SCAVENGER Chas. Soos, proprietor. Garbage and refuse of all kinds removed on monthly con tracts at reasonable rates. Yards and cesspools cleaned. 3!flce, tele phone Main 2247. Residence Main 2272. 6-11-tf SECOND-HAND CLOTHING. BARGAINS If you are locking for bargains, come to the new and sec ond hand clothing store, 342 North Commercial street. We also buy second-hand clothing and pay the highest cash price. B. Gollob, pro prietor. Shoemaker wanted. Phone Main 1931. 9-12-tf ?Kd L S?,b an!maU ,honia be gallon " C'y for lnTestl- MISCELLANEOl'S R. J. HERSCHUACH & SOX have op. enej a blacksmith shop at MX! North Liberty street, where we will do all or worn, wood or Iron, auto- I RAILROADS. SOUTHERN rU'lFIU -COMPANY PORTLAND HI RHUS. P(t 8lf rooltrr. Iryflrs, per lb llfl lions, per lt "10o KoostiM :! moiiiie springs a specialty, ll-is-im. Tl'all No. In Albany Time Table-Portland Dhlslon. 7Se; red Reeular fliancn Derby, w. cock, secretary, M.; Ida M. Bab- xt LODGE NO. 60. A. F. & A. '!!. third Friday In each month at 7:30 p. m. Frank TncVM nr . v "' 'inns m.; LOt L. secretary. Pearce, MULTNOMAH ROYAL ARCH CHAP- "i no. i. Mason n hi l . Ron's This! W'a offer One Hundred Hollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO, Toledo. O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 13 yt,irs, and I..., I .... "ci.iMti nun perrectiy honorable lu all 1 assetiser. . 14 Portland Expross , , U' Oregon Express . , . , "t Willamette. Limited , i'J Shiwia Limited Uv Portland Passongor. 20 Portland Pastiengor. 2L'C- Local way frelnht. 222 Porthuid tlirough fr't. .10:6 p.m. Soulhliouud. 7:24 a.m. 5 : 00 a.m. 5:31 lun. . 9:30a.m. , . 2:00 p.m. .. 7:3SpMi . .10:30ii.m, per J 4 20; whole i-raekisl, $.17 per business transactions and financially California Express, nble to carry out any obligations made i Asllland Passenger. by his firm. 17 KosoburK Pasoiigor. . . NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE, Toledo, 0. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Inter nally, acting directly upon the lil.m.i ; ystem. VrMn V rvf 1. ., ' ....... jj vi;u mnnn at u ... . L. S. Rowland, Ex. High Priest; Lot -r...!..! ?",9 f the ij. scarce. seertBrv 1 """iiaia seni iree. i rlco 7;i rents rr per bottle, KKAL ESTATE. Sold by all druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for coustl-patlon. 13 ACRES Very good soil, one-half river bottom, 13 acres cleared, 5 "uou a man begins to abuse his acres in 1-year-old peaches, cher-llome t0WI1 ll'8 tlllle for him to move rles and apples, 5-room new bunga- .'t iuw, warn; i miles from center of city. Price $3700, on terms. Square Deal Realty Co., room 304. Phone 470. Porto Rico's New Wonder. From far away Porto Rico come re ports of a wonderrul new discovery that la believed will vastly benefit the FOR SALE Five-room People. Ramon T. Marehan. of Itaree- barn and three lots in orchard for 1l,u,ta, writes "Dr. King's New Dlscov sale cheap, or will trade' for 5 or!ery ' dolnS splendid work here. It 10 acres near city limits. 1595 Sag- t llrd ma about five times of terrlbl inaw and Lincoln streets. ll-23-0t ,coughs and colds, also my brother of a . SMre cold In his chest and nmrp ilian FOR SALE New house, lot 60x161 20 others, who used It on mv advico. feet; chicken house 10x60 feet; 13 W, hope this great medicine will yet young fruit trees. 1709 Ferry street 'be sold lu every drug store In Porto See this at once. R. Woolery. iRIea." For throat and lung troubles 11-23-61 thore Is nothing better. A trial will convince you of its merit. 50c and $1 Guaranteed by J. C. . 3:31 a.m. .11:10 am. . 4:27 p.m. . 5:38 p.m. 7:3S p.m. nlfuUu, etch. $12: grain $26 Mr ton. Willamette Limited U Shasta Limited 13 San Francisco Exuress. 10:36 11 111 9 Albany Passenger 8:30 p.m. 25 lxK'al woy freight 12:35 pm. 221 San Francisco through freight 12:01pm. SnU'iii-Gfcr llruuch. 127 Passenger arr. Salem.. 9:25 A.m. 130 Pass, mxd loures Sulum 10:00 am. 129 Pass, mxd arr. Salem . . 4 : 00 n.111. 12S PasH'nger leaves Salem 5:30 p.m. OREGON ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO. Northbound. Leaves Salem. Arrives Portland Train No. 2:30 a.m 26 Owl. 6:30 am 6 .... 8:00' a m 8 Ltd. 8:55 am 10 10:00 a m 12 Ltd. 11:20 am 14 1:40 2:00 p.m 16 4:20 Grain, Flour, Void. Etc Wheat Track piices: club, bluesteni, Siys2c; foityfo'ul, 78 Russian, 70c; valley, 70c. MllIstiifNHran, $22 50 shorts. $::.".; inlddlllius. .M Flour-Patents. $1..'!0 per barrel Straights, $3.90: cxnorts. t.t f.o.iJ :n p.m. I Valley, $4.30: trahnm. wheat, $4.40. Corn -Wliole, f'X; ton. Hay Timothy. 1 clover. $10; oats n.'-l hT, $lw4ni. OiUs-N'o. 1, white ton. Hariey-lMMHl. $24 p.-r ton; brew. li'K. $27i.i2S; rolhsl, $2; ,i 2S. Uslr; auj Cosurrr l'rodure. Butter tlreon creamery, aolld pack, 35c per llv; prims, box lots, 36 '4 c. Eggs--Oregon ranch. 4o (; 43c Clieose - Full Cream twins, pie lb.; Youug America, 20 Sic. Poultry Hens, 13 'vc; broilers ducks, young. 10Jjl4c: cvse 12'ic; turkeys, live, ISc; drensed, 23c Veal-Fancy, 85 to 125 pounds. 12124c per lb. Pork-Fancy, lOgiO'uc per lb. trutirU, rtrles FrulU. Elc. Drlttd Fruits Applivi, 10c per lb ; curmsls, 10c; apricots. 12 14c; pesckM, Sijllc; piuiii'S, Italian, 8 it 10c, slher, 18c; flu, white and black, tmw7Mic; currents, M,c; ralHlin, i Muaralel 6Vw7''.'c; bleached Thompson, llMic. unbleached Siillau- per rt I.WtMocl. fl'X'rt (under tOiifl i.) Sleorn C.0O0 to 1JO0 lb 1 l ow, hundred weight nogs, rut, per pound stock hogs, per pound Ewes, ter pound Sprlnn lambs, pr pouml , Veal, according to quality Pelts. Dry. per round t. ton- fa"! country pelts, each 65ctfl ' Ijiaih imits, each $4 60fl .$3 ..0 if 4 f.t 77 Sif7 8e e 1U Is your husband cross' An Irrita ble, fault tln.t'.ng d!v.itlon U ofti-n due to a dlsnrdensl stoinacli, A man with givd diction Is nearly nlwna Rood natiired. fieat many har been ivru.anenl'.y cured of stomach t rouble by taking Chamberlain s tab lets For sale by all dealers. 11:1s Is a week when all residents of thin rer.lon attending the show can fil proud of their state and section of i'-e country. Ulaitited Tr.ilu With Shirt. per 5:45 am. 8:45 am. 9:45 a.m. 11:20 am. 11:50 a ui. THEUESKA HAT 1V0RUS. LAlTTf PRY. CLOTHES LAST LONGER With our all hand work; eetabllBhed 20 years. 225 South Commercial St Phone 1158, Hop Lee. 7-25-tt EATS of all kinds renovated and re cleaned. Prompt alterations; work guaranteed. Thereska Hat Works, 205 S. High street Thone Main 251, Salem, Oregon. 6-25-tf UNDERTAKERS. WILLIAM BUTTE Fine wlnes.liquors and cigars. We handle the celebrated Kellogg and Castle whiskies. Cool and refreshing beer constantly on draught. South Commercial St FAMILY LIQUOR STORE All stand ard brands of liquors kept In stock. Wines by the gallon, bottle or case. Free delivery In the city limits. E. Eckerlen, 206 N. Commercial St. LEHMAN & CLOUGH U. J. Lehman, A. M. Clough, morticians and funeral directors. Latest modern methods known to the profession employed. 445 Court St. 9-20-tf MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN on diamonds, watches, jewelry and all articles of value. We also buy and sell. Unredeemed pledges for sale. Wil liams typewriter for sale, $6. Sa lem Loan Office, 120 Liberty st. UPHOLSTERING, RENOVATING. F. B. MERRY & CO. Vacuum carpet cleaning, on or off the floor; carpets altered and laid: m&ttresBes made and renovated; furniture re-covered; shades and awnlngB made and al tered, 238 High street. Phone 568. 8-22-tf FOR SALE. CHEAP SI nern trnet 3 miles from town. All In Wrlm. Trlul botUo free" orchard. 5-room house. 3 minutes ry' walk to car line at Claxtar station, j Wilson and Roosevelt each having Easy terms. J. W. Boecraft, Route 8. carried California half a dozen times, 11-25-lm let both, or neither, have It; It won't A GENUINE BARGAIN In Portland .make a"y m real estate. The first with $1000 gsts "It Is a pleasure to tell you that a $2000 choice lot In good locality, Chamberlain's Cough Remedy la tho or a $1250 lot In beautiful Bay best cough medicine I have ever Ocean at $750. A rare opportunity ' used," writes Mrs. Hugh Campbell of for small cash; balance payments Ijwonla, C,a. "I have used it with all or Improved Salem property. Apply my children and the results have been 495 Court street. 11-15-tf ' highly satisfactory." For sale by nil I ,loulra FOR SALE OR RENT Modern five-1 ' room bungalow. One block from cnrllne. Bargain for cash. Apply 4:00 p.m IS Ltd 4:15 p.m 20 ... 6:05 p.m 22 ... 9:00 p.m 21 ... Southbound Leaves Portland 6:10 a.m 7:35 a.m 8:20 am 10:40 a.m 1:55 p in 4:05 p.m . 6:50 . 6:30 . 8:25 .11:15 learlnn his shirt from his back an Ohio man tl.mced a train and saved It from a wreck, but II T. Alston, Hal 'Hh, N. (' . once prevented a wreck with Eh trie Hitlers "1 was In a ter rdilrt plight when 1 besait to use them." lis writes. ' My stomach, head, tack ami kldueys eie all badly af fected and my liver was In had condi tion, but four botlWi of Electric Hitters iradu iiik (ivl Ilk.) a new iimu." A trial will convince you of (heir matchless merit for any stomach, liver or kidney trouble. Price 5ue at J. ('. I'erry'l. Tho boy's appetlto is often tho source of amazement. If you would to Roy H. Mills, Spaulding Logging 1 bave bucIi an appetite take Cbaniber Company's office. Phone Main 1830. ( aln's Tablets. They not only create a ll-27-3t healthy appetite, hut strengthen tho stomach and enablo It to do Its work Arrives Salem 1 8:30 in. 3 9:55 a.m. 5 Ltd. ..10:10 am. 7 1:00 p.m. 9 4:15 pm. U 6:20 p m. . 6:30 pm. .8:00 p.m. . 8:45 pm. .11:30 p.m. .2:00 a.m. per It.; 15c; al ; cocoa 4:40 pin 13 Ltd. 6:10 p.m 17 Ltd. 6:25 p.m 19 .... 9:10 pm 21 .... 11:45 p.m 25 Owl. Northbound. Iyoaves Albany Arrives Salem 8:00 a.m 10 8:65 am. 5:00 p.m 22 6 :(W p.m. Leaves Eugene Arrlvog Salem naturally. For sale by all dealers. Hope Is a pneumatic tire that s fre quently punctured. FOR SALE. COLT FOR SALE 6-months-old trot ter, $25. Star Bottling works. 11-pO-tf .. Don't waste your money buying FOR SALE Forty-foot counter cheap, strengthening plasters. .Chamberlain's Call at 371 State street. Phone ijnm,.nt Is cheaper and better. Damp. Main 2232. 7:30 am 12 Ltd., 11:00 a. m 16 1:30 p.m IS Ltd., 6:00 p.m 21 9:30 p.m.... .10:00 am. , 2:00 pm , 4:00 p in 9:00 pin. .1:30 a.m. U AM) SECOND-nAND COOPS;. E. L. STIFF New and second-hand furniture, hardware and general supplies. Best caBh prices paid for VETERINARIAN. DR. W. G. MOREHOUSE Fractlcal veterinarian. Successor w Dr. J. J. Kenwell. Graduate Cornell Univer sity. Office Jack Darr's ftcd stables, 544 Ferry street. Phones, office 2199; house 1510. Salem, Oregon. 11 7 10-8-tf en a piece of flannel with It and hind COCKERELS FOR SALE-Thorough-over the affected parts and It will bred Buff Orpington, Rhode Island anJ I"" r., , . o a 10th etroft .sals by all dealers. ll-28-3t WOOD AND COAL. second-hand goods. Just received a ! gALEM FUEL YARDS Fuel kept large shipment of new linoleums, carpets and rugs. Corner Court and Liberty streets. Phone 941. 3-12-tf nnHor shelter. I handle Kopian coal, and Imported British Colum bia Wellington coal, the nest on u Pacific coast. Also hard and soft wood, cut to suit, well seasoned and In the dry. Satisfaction guaranteed. See mv stock, 752 Trade street, or phone 529. Mark Slddall. Leavo Salem 4:20 p.m.... 11:35 p.m.... U'av Salem. 2:00 a.m.. .. 8:33 a.m.... 10:10 a.m.... 1:00 p.m.... 8:00 p.m.... ..26 Owl Southbound Arrive Albany . .. 9 6:20 p.m. ...21 12:30 a.m. Arrive Eugene ... 25 Owl... 7:15 a.m. . ,. l 11:30 a in. ... 5 Ltd. ..12:40 p in. , . . 7 4:00 p in. ... 17 10:30 pin. FOR SALE, OR TRADE A two-pas senger auto, first-class oruer, win trade for lot or anything. See me nr 430 Court street. Tro Oregon Junk Shop. A Section nf Italy. Los Angeles, Cal., Nov. 2S Cloud- 11-2-lm ess skies helped p-rfect Thanksgiving 'v-P.'ither In IyOS Angeles today. The GUARANTEED AUTO SPRINGS-V.'e roll,iit.:, prevailed throughout manufacture high grade auto find tho COUIl1y ,! eastward to the Arlzo truik springs, also repair, set mi, 1)0r,i,.'r. The temperature, at in o'clock was 66. roots are born likewise also those 'jjlj; FALLS CITY A WESTERN who only think they are poets. RAILWAY CO-TWK TAIII.K. West Riilem. Leaves No. 1 for Black Hock 9:00am No. 3 for Falls Clly 120 p.m. HIGHEST price paid for second-hand furniture, ranges, hardware, tents, etc. We carry the most complete stock of above articles In town at tho lowest price. O. L. McPeek, 170 , South Commercial St.. ohono Main 12::3. 8-25-tf SALEM WATER COMPANY Office corner Commercial ana -For water service apply at office. Kills imvable monthly In advance. WATER COMPANY. PEETS new and second-hand store can save you money on new furnl ttn ", ns well as second-hand goods. See me before selling your house hold goods or buying your second hand goods. "See me for bargains. Phono Main 451, 252 State St. 4-15-tf OSTEQFATlilC PHYSICIANS DR. 0. F. HEISLEY and Dr. S. Etta Helbley (graduates of A. S. O., Klrksvllle, Mo Dr. A. T. Still president of the school and found- er of tb science of Oirteopathy), general osteopathic practitioners. Also hydrotherapy and electric "ht baths given without extra cnrge for rheumatism, kidney and "vef troubles. The success In these treatments Is equal to going to the hot lakes. Confinement cases and temale troubles a spec alty. 205 and 206 U. S. Bank WATCHMAKER. U. S. MILLER, the WATCHMAKER- watchmaker at Beatrice, Neb, -We find and re-temper old springs. Our long list of satisfied customers will rcc-, emmeml our ability ns leaders in t oil- work. Labor Auto Spring Co.. w111 9,; North 15th St., Portland, Or. FOR KENT. A Great Ilulldlmr Falls. Itn foundation Is undermined, r.nd If the foundation of health good 10-Vtf ,iK(.stion-is attacked, quick collapse On the first signs of indigos- liould 4:4 5 p in 9:50 a ui .6:30 p in 8-15 ft in. 12:30 p in 3-40 p m , iron a ui . 4:45 p.m follow II. n Tlr Kind's N'-w Life I'ilU s ' ,.i, i.. o.l,.,, lo lone the stomach and r -g FOR RENT uno-room cmu.-, - - -- n,i water, si tier u ain 'm-i, 11-20-tf I leasam. easy, i,t J. C. Perry s and Oak; Btovo month. -ale i u tt bowls. mil only 25 cent., FOR RENT Furnished sleeping rooms. Close In, electric lights, gas. ,..i, n,i heat. 435 North Liberty OU i, street. 11-12-tf High grade work at eastern prices. Opera fr' hwv 484 Court Rt. 10-Wf DRs- B. II. WHITE AND R. W. Walton, Osteopathic physicians and nerve sneclatlsts. Graduates of American School of Osteopathy, Klrksvllle, Mo. Post-graduate and peclallzed In nervous diseases at koo Angeles College. Treat acute nd chronic diseases. Consultation free, Lady attendant Office 605 606 U. S. National Bank building. Phone 859. Residence 346 N. Capi tol street Phone 469. LODGED! RECTORY. SALEM LODGE NO. 4, A. F. a M. Stated communication on Friday in each month at 7:30 m.. frlSsonlc hall. McCornjck Hock. D. W. Pugh, W. M.; John Bayne, secretary. FUR RENT-Two or three nicely fur nished rooms for housekeeping, ,.1,, t ear line. 1373 South High Street. U-26-tf CASTOR I A For Infauti and Children. ! The Kind You Have Always Bought No. 6 for Falls Clly No. 123 for Independence. . No. 126 fur Independence, j Arrives jFrom IiallaH I From lllack Rock ! from Fulls City From Indepeiiiletic e. From liidepen.lenee I Siiiitlii) i Only. I Leavi'S No. 11 for lllack lt'i k . . . . No. 13 for Mlarlt Ho. k.... No. 15 for i i I la t No. 12:! for Imlcpfti b -m n. . No. 1 J5 tor linlep.-iKleiire. ! Arrhcs Froio liallas From Mill, k I'oi k I From I, lack Hoek !,..!opru 1 I. r. .id liMle.a,. 'J 00 a 111 -ft llldepM;'etei 9.00 a m 1 :m p in 6:50 p ui !l.5o a m .6 30 p I" , 8 15 a in 1 Hi p m 14 ;i to. IB. 8V; seeded, 7 S( 8 'i e. Coffee Roasted, in drums. 2lrij40r per pound. Nuls - . Walnuts, 17 ' ii 18 Bu.ll mils, 12'vc; lllberlH, inombi. !('. (i he; pecans, 17i nuts, '.me n $1 per dozen. Salt tliauiilaled. $15 per ton; half ground, 100s, $7.60 per ton; 60s, $H per tsa. j Means--Small white. $5 40; large; while. $1.(5; Lima. $6 50; pink, 5c; red Mexicans, 6c; bavoii. $165. ! Sugar-Dry granulated, $5.75; fruit ! aud berry, $5 75; beet, $5.65; Extra (' $."25; powdered, barrels, $0 00; cubes, barrels, $li.l5. Woe No. 1 Japan, 5 n 5 'fee; cheap er grades, 4'iic; southern head, 6 'if t'c. Honey Choice, $3 76 case; strained 10c per pound. VtKrUkli't aud Fruits. Fresh Fruits--Apples, 5Uc'n$1.50 per box; i'Uis, 751'llJI 25 per Pox; grapes SI 10'ii 1.40 per box; cranberries $11 50 per barrel; cat.has, J2 50 per doen. Tropical Fruits - Oranges, Valuiir'n, $4; Uavela, $2 503 511; Calllornla grapefrull, $lu5; Florida grapelrull, $4 50; lemons, $6 p r box; pineapples, 6c per IP; piiineiunates, $2 pi-r box, j) persliiiinonii, $1.75 per box. r Vegetables - 11,-aiis, le; ciibbnge, 1c per lb; caulillower, -IUi-'ii $1 .25 per; dozen; celery, $3 50 per i rate; i-iieuiu-li, is. 5u .I tl'ic tier dozen: eggplant. I "c per poiinil; In id lettuce, $2 per crale; ,epM-is, iI'j hc per lb; I ailli'beii, 15 i 2nc per; spioiils, So; tomatoes, $1.25 per box; garlic, 5:1 6c per lb; pumpkins, 1 1 i i' per lb. Suck Vegetables Turnips, $1 nil per sack, buds. $1 lu; rutabagas, $1 ', I. Id; i u riot m, $1 25. Sw ot potatoes I H 2c per lb. I'ollltoe-I ClII'liUlll.H on il ' : pel I'll' In,,, !) i lip eon, !l "-I m i- m k. Hop,, Wool, II I tl I Ii. .,. , l;il2 i i"l', !' -' I .o o'il lug to ipiaiiiy. Wool i:,i. ,-rii lii'-coii. 1 1 ii I '.' per pouiiil , Valley, 1I n I'::, Mohnli - Miol' o 32c, 1 ' id . miIi.-i, i::'.- i alf. 1'ic; , ailed hip. P.: If You Send All Flatwork To the Salem Ijiundry you les sen washday and Irolilngduy work more. Hum half. Tho linen will bo whiter, clean er and handled with less wear than It would rei-tlTit lu your own hands. Wo do mi riibnlug on wushhouids 1'u ro soap ami an nhuiiilsnco of pura water do the win k for us Our prices are very reasonable, and Include tho waahlng ami Ironing of nil thtt iheets, table cloths, plllowcusea, towels, napkins, etc. Wouldn't yu like to havo us send a wagon for a package'.' Plume, us Salem Laundry Co. 136 166 Hoiilh I.llurly Htnict. Telephone Mallin 25. Special Land Bargains Uy R. II. Rutherford & Co. Bush BreymanIiUg.,Roomt 21 and 22 !'3 acres very flnn land eloso to town, worth $125 por acre, at a sacri fice for a few dayi at $65. Will take 'Salem propeily to Iwenly-fUe hun dred dollars, In cm lialige II acres lo ur Sal'-iu, with am MP. e'l'lil ll'-.-l'l of i Mill", t""K lb ll ' i. and el 1,1 n, ,, pi ; 'aim uf si i d ; pi 0 I ii y A foe pi iMiic-i, with mi i mil . i A upli nd: I -.lo'-k a, re ,, w t r 1 1 any t.-i ins de f , ,i p. i a, I e 11, In a gi ' ill lie on I, a' d of I ., a, fit I" d 6 'ui-; I M ; II i: in, s, i d, 27 1 l'o 1 ,1 , I gle. I ' ;'.-,e. II hides, i If. No II 1 ill, lac ,1 1 y 1,1'! ill y ui., Mil' I ,lld I' ll l II. , I I 11 1- I'roi l-liui'". il d, I V. II I'l..' I I I '-'I ,r l! bu rn I- I id le il hard t, .-Ii oil el feet thine Pent. Bears the 8 nature of WANTED. Ilul) a I In ll' i". but the erov.-l !:' n , , hands, be h'-l l i ,,x. 'I'Mlow:'" I r,'ii ',:leir.i Anil' i !-' (wryt'iing beat for J WANTED A lonn of $1 fnim prj- n p T fjQ 'g vnte party on i"n ' - ilU modern Improv -nts. ( . , "!,..," journal. 11-25-6L' AUUl ' IJyJt I.'cio for boils, ul UNITED ARTISANS-Capltul Assnn 111,1 . n',inoodn7 bly No. 84, meets eve.y at 8 p. m, in Moose Hall. Glenn C. Nlles, M. A. S. R. Vale. Secretary. 158 South Cottage St. Thone U4 E5Si55W MOOSE -Chew City Lodgo No. 49S, meets every Sesdevenlng at 7:30 in Moo.e Hall, corner Court and streets. DR Yantls, Dictator; H. Turner Soutli 'w'"" ! ii a, cuts, sprains, pile euro. It subdu Steamer leaves for Portland Mon-, kills pam. v. and Friday at 6 a. m. j " I, a-', w'lh bum , a noall r'"it"l BllOHt'd "'It1., !m. 1 hold, hii' burin. " R.gbt! . hop-H, ,l'l , '' -' Prul.-'S Huron et Inllaiiin.a'i'Mi. nts at J. C. Per il s, 21' S..H Me, liil ks, iliy ). a 1 I.Uti . l: ii , k , 14 !. -li, 15' ka. dl) 14. icy 'Lille, lo Hi, i Smoked M'-i.t'i H'-'-f l"i'g". dtP'll I'eef HelH, 2'.'c. O'l'solen. '..UI nl"S, Mi:, Kii'l'KI'-a, . pii Kl'-d lioo'ls ' 4.1 . $',(, r- mil-fr 1 1 lp". : iri,4., tl : ; I ii loin: i i i ,:t, I Great Chinese Doctor L. M. Hum l h b'l l!ae ii. .mi!i kaoAa 'Pi' of "Jl t" iL-u.i I'll ' ll I U 1J .4 aLw au" 1 ii,., wll cuie any I',- in.ik.-H h i. -4 1" I' y i , 1 u. m lo 'i i a ' iiUo h, a- il i,,t, 1 1 umilaiii, ild. II- l, lf.,r, i dio-f ''o'lldef, ,,o no d "I "'! I"" l-.ld i: ! I , ll'll 4l -Miola J. Ii HERMAN, newcomer, sp'-aung "h ' m..i, ,.v,.Hencfd In farm wo-k mul , willing to do any kind wants position on a farm, ,.nn fd at. home. Apply 'day, Wi'dneii'lay tf. P. BALDWIN. AgU of win r to of Trad Jo office, or phone ll-26-6t' Secretary, Street 135 nrocrnn Cedar Camp "1' ... ,. snlr every Thursday evening a 3 -a"n3 UUll.v In Masonic ball, tdbertr streets A. H. Bunn, Clerfc ' Elevator service. Consul; F. A. iurue.. who was postmaster writ. s: "I rec- Honey k T-ir ti.ey tire Wm. L. Coot. at Veihart. Montana, ,n,m,.ml Foley's i ... nil n,V IICO il". '"' ' l-ppilwiUi, Honey & Tar . . - and colds g!v-s the!"-' I"c-i'l-sl!3." Dr. S-one Drug Store. OMldrenry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA -IPHIGHESTERS.PILLS Iloai 1 I VT.tK I..-"-' -1 f.1" ' , ... i . ih i : V W lIIixi'Nn i i in - .' L . . rr m i r t lllMUIn-flFHtlll-HttiiiaLM EffiPi pills. f ,. 1 , 4. .3' .'' I'M 4 4 -. ' ' , u ,. tt( 11 IT 9 ,V,'.t ' '. :-i ff-' ' ' J' 1 'VZ -i4.l -4- n.'iVrV-t"'"'- (Jhiiaren Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA SALEM FENCE WORKS l Ilieid'i'i' rfvs for HOP WIIIK IMIIT.IItr Nl II I Mi WdVFN WIHK I KM'I N'i fiAiui wiiti: sntn.N noons MtuinHH iioonxi , '. A It. ami Kf.U ItOlllTMi All at the lowmt prlc i tt. B. TLLMING I nrefmir lo (U. I). Mulllt'iin 25D Court Htrvi (K 11. VtlinilMtil- HtliHI. ltuk- a ll'i ' i"i' ,,;l k.ndi of I I". I"l 4-.H-. h"H..4 ,,, r r.,,-B,il' k'Ii i, li,f i-i,.: C. i ii'.i.-.-, I (To " hoi.i it f I i 7 pm :il.ol ! ililu,, d. taiaillt idea iol ; ( r of VI' I M 'II, (It. 4I I ,,,1, lu in 1 2 a m '" liff:.,i iipi-n Mo. del i'g'i h'ii-4 t, 'i, a hul i 0 : i Dl'ST IIOI'R : I. ite, May, i!n. !nd.- t,f lb' .iM en I 11 i V , 4 .1 n , . IT' '."'! M,i,!, for 1 iinlli lln ti r ami lK' t-k iid ,,,i:r tzrioi-i '"' It. 4,11 llr.s ha4. Ph ne l-'l ( n ,6 I -i g '', Ii ;t"-r, i er do- u , r P' n tl I ll K, 4.Kin itttf. I