Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 25, 1912, Page Page Five, Image 5

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    .. . '
I rairc tite
en's Coats,
0ur Thanksgiving Sale is on with a Hurrah-
I" ?k 5oe flrpcc RnnHc 5111c. J wfi ... 1 Childn
Sale of
156 Women
Tells How
Has nn Frtdnivp,!
Scholarships! m Is
I There are Humorous students on the
,l"'T.i mils at Willamette university
'"'-I'M. KtrTSEl) TO
JIKt A(iE. AM) DKl.AVEl)
mm tgswmtm mm mumum? Q! 1 " '
Our ship has just come in loaded with
Beautiful Snowy White
i able Linens
perusal iy
J'S;5Si,Ii,s..sPen the patten
ldv nrattv.
Vau ,.,:ti c:..j i , . .
IUU ""i imu unen damask nU i,in
our counters. Owinpt to the lateness of the
: i "'V e,were late in advertisin
TV i Juu Wl11 Tll1cl 1 decdedy
while NOW to take advantage.
ris are
now on
r Ht ! c
worth your
O'.llg helped by t10 mUver-
:sl,y tlio several Ion,, f,,,u
(;iyj no ui.-r .i uiioi:. nigger ngutes aro coniainc! li di
111... I 'I'll.. . ,. Sllto,,, U'1-il..,. ..... J. .
"I ! "r.u hum n! in., unvorstv ' is U appear 111
10 Er ON' 11 donation years ngu from Mrs. J. i i ' ,,',i"ia report which Is to Rl, t
i I'iii ri.b. gives a hft .v.,.1, ...... ... ,lmt of tho office of iko .,., i ,h. '
t,wll ,u ..,-,,, .
. least lour students who have hgsi Ono i sl'mor 1,1 ,lni r''
n.... , . . ... i1"' llx'lr luir.Mita and who t I tlu' ""h'" 'KisUturo.
di "4r;,Tf i" !""Hl f l"" fund i 1
' W ZuZfi !Ul'hy nl""" 'f ' " ho -
age. When asked her ago she de- cv.
Xl"!!"! ?B 'ho ..,.. fun., Mane., hy Uo,,, A
ouiuiv, uji uiy law iv-
OlMliM )
2 fr ."ic.
r'lrriMj top
' '.m, l'..K.,l. a (,
$8,00 Napkins
Damask '
$6,00 Napkins
$5,00 Napkins
$4,00 Napkins
Table Sets Also at Greatly Reduced Prices
The Judge's
a Surprise
Salem, Mass., Nov. 25. Judge. Quinn
Instructed tho Ettor Jury today that a
first degree murder verdict could not
be returned In the case of the union
men on trial here.
Juiigo Qulnii's Instruction came aa a
Burirlso to both tho prosecution and
the defense. The court, however, di
rected the Jury that Caruso might bo
convicted nf either first or second de
gree murder.
Hundreds of Italians stood outside
the court house as Judge Quinn dellv
fied his charge An extra force of
deputies preserved order In the court
room. The report that dynamite stol
en at Haverhill yesterday was brought
here to destroy tho court house In case
of conviction Is not credited.
Asked if a general strike would be
called In Italy should the Jury return
anadvirse vordl t, Arturo Glo.flnnltt)t
one of the defendants, said:
"Well, that's tho custom usually."
To Parents of
School Children
There lias been considerable talk of
'ate, In reference to tho condition of
the eyes of the school children In our
Those who have had the lnvestlga
urn in charge claim that at least 70
iw cent of the pupils of our schools
ore In need 0f ginsses. We are not In
Position io verify this statement, and
'uruiernicri'. we know that there Is
harm done In putting glasses on the
glowing boy or girl who does not ab
solutely need them. On the other hand
it Is a serious mlsUiko for parents to
let this matter go unheeded when the
need of glasses Is actually Indicated.
Tho mission of proper glasses Is to
correct the errors of the eye, and the
time to do this, so as to affect perma
nent relief, Is whllo the child Is grow
ing. There can then be some hope of
later, discarding tliein. But when eye
strain is allowed to go on developing
without an attempt to check, It finally
resorted to as an absolute necessity
there Is not one chance In a hundred
that the wearer will ever te able to do
without them.
When the children are studying their
lessons tonight, watch them. If the
boy or girl Is trying to put the "gram-
r.ar" Into his head by putting his head
Into the grammar, he Is uoin his best
to make himself near-sighted for the
Our theatre has a seating capacity
of 550, and our performance will be
gin at 10 o'clock In the morning, and
will continue for two hours, with tho
doors open free to your school, and
we will appreciate a full attendance.
If, for any reason the time or date
is not convenient to you, kindly no
tify us. Otherwiso, we shall figure on
running the two performances on
that date. Very truly yours,
Hubbard building, corner State and
High streets.
Saskatoon, Sask, Nov. 25. Already
19,000,000 bushels of wheat of this
year s crop nave neen snipped out. oijMll(,B,0 jacu8i
Snskatchawan, and more than nnir
tho crop is yet to be disposed of. This
, quires that the ago he riven. The aw
.; qualification 9 one of llui ,1.'
jot identity used, and the law Is man
datory in tliis respect. When it be
camo known that tho woukl-bo voter
j wculd not give her age, she was naked
I to step nslile and make room for oib
;t'rs, n a large crowd had gathered
.while the controversy was in j.ro
( gross. The ladles como so fast la the
afternoon that no time am be lost in
parlylng with ladles over their age.
Those registering Saturday were ns
I fallows:
I First ward I.ucy A. Hintoii, Addle
; Hurra, Caroline A. Burton, L.
more, Faith Kennedy, May Tapscott,
Anna Hammond (lelser, Ornia Chat
tsrtort, Ruby Kennedy, Martha Draper
iBurghanlt, Iiuiso Selioff Khrnian.
Second ward Grace Lansing. Ilnr
oiiee L. Cnmilnghoni, U n, IVuison,
A. C. Iliaee, Mrs. I IJ. Lamport. Mrs.
K. A. Lcainis, Mabel Zch, Ruth Ural
son, Mrs. Frank Myers, Mrs. Christine
U't'iken, Nellie A. Graham, Stella M.
Graham, Ida S. Mulligan, Adah V.
Know land, l'.nima llornsi'liueli. Her
lninla K. Seeley, F.inily G. Horn
sehueli, Mabel P. Robert son.
Third ward Nellie Hopkins, Mrs.
J. F. Miller, Mary E. Reynolds, Ada
(Llili ldge, Mersa Lllyipilst, Grace j
Mlckelson, Agnes E. lxnvis, i'aiillne
; Skliuier, Agnes S. Brown, Olllo M.
Edwards, Nora Huyck.
Fourth ward Katie A. Vienert,
Battle P. Frost, Carrie Fisher, Essie
Allen Rorah Towery, Mrs. A. V. U,ng
bottom, Mabel Campbell, Sarah Ed
wards, Llbble Liskey, Mrs. John Bl
wer, Sarah E. Brown, Anne Llewellyn
Cans, Daisy Lally, Augusta All port,
Luella Baker, Echo lUiwen, Viola
Lias! Mary Lias, Olive Stege, Jennie
Relgleman, Stella Kritz, Mary A. Pu
mars, Ella Craig, Isabello Slilpmun,
Mary McSorley.
Fifth ward Effie M. Naflzgcr.
Rachel K. Fowler, Lulu F. llalversoti,
Cassa (1. Thrapp. Lulu Tracy, ,L A.
Marsh, Pearl Marsh, Pearl McFull,
Mary K. Tucker, Llllio IleBord, Flor
ence E. Cole, S. L. Armstrong, Jose
phine C, Lane, Mary B. Commons. Iva
Porter, Minnie E. Cooper, Ilattie
Clark, Myra Shank, Katie Smith, Katy
Tuffli, Gertrude Luthy, Lura A.
Luthv. Vlda Hunlap, Ethel Glaze,
to pay
-lit is iiu-tva-dns gradiutly.
fn Hi this fund Is loaned to the
I' ii,'!it ,1 and he Is opo. u-d
each 111- money after lie has gradu
ated from th i Institution.
In addition there Is a general
church fund which draws from J, '00
10 ' 1 a year. Money from this fund
also is loaned to the students who
in ed the assistanc e. They are reiiuir
ed to pay back the money after they
have been out of the university a cer
tain length of time, and after the day
of their graduation the l,mn draws
front the i.lmlrnts a low rate of Inter
est, interest Is not charged on the
loan prior to graduation.
Willamette university has no en
dowed scholarships as yet. 11 is stat
ed that such assi .tattoo will c.ueo at
a later date, but while working to Iti
ii'.aso the general eudov nu iit of (he
university, endowed s. holar-hios are
not being pushed.
The Salem space In the, report h.ia
beet, revised by Mavar u,i M.U.
man,!, u ni stiw . ,,ss,lt.SlM
valuation of Salem cuv properly has
Increased n tho last two eais ft,,,,,
$:i.rt0o.0t0 to Jl'-'.Oee ,',,. A'-ione oth
er changes for the lictteer are tho bet
ter train facilities. The report will
bIkw 10 electric trains ami si steam
trains running each way daily ,,Kaitisi
sU and foil,-, respectively t (.,,S
ago. Tho receipts al tin, postoft'ic-.
fiom the sale of postage stamps
Increased from $l-'.t',;o.:!l (,, t.: ,i,ei ,;i
One bank has been added to the cit
in i no two years, making a t- it I of
four, and hop growing is added to the
list of Industries thai are f,ill.nc,..l l.v
tliany of the citizens of the city.
IN AVAsiltNt; ro
ta prentlv In excess of last year's crop
rest of his life and is very likely to ' Br(j be,ng ,oa(U,(1 ag ral(lly ag
succeed. (ht,y can i, seCured, but there is a
I have set aside Saturday mornings ' irPH,)lo Rllortage.
for the examination of children's eyes ,
und shall be pleased to make an a'1- j SALEM DRUGGIST
polntnient with you in advance, at an
hoir in suit, vour convenience. I do
not under any consideration mlvlse the
use f (hisses unless positively nwl.
No extra charge for examination.
Doctor of Optics.
211 U. S. Bank Building.
-What! Going to
November 2
Superintendent Mute School, nip m, Mistress
V 1 V(j ill"
We wish to extend to the students j Mahl-Falth, an' 'twas n good
and faculty of your school a cordial C0(lk y0 advertised for.-Judge.
Invitation to attend two IHM'fm'iiiances 0r.gon can beat the
of the Globe theatre - a n ltg ,,,
Mary White, All ie
Guyer, Ella Tyler, Bessie loung, Sa
die Baker, Addle Illngo, Goldle Mc
Farland, Mary A. Worlck, I'iia A.
Peebles, Mrs. J. W. Young, Nellie
Knox, Ilattie P. Given, Blanche Clink,
Mvrtlo Buffo, C. L. John, Alice Bag-
gcrtt, Elsie (Vitterniaii, Luella L. Fish-1
er, Eva Fisher, Thllda Burrell, Ida
A. Morris, Linda A. C'ottennan.
Sixth ward Cora S. Hoitck, Edna
it ii 1 ,. i. 1 'i i
J. C. Perry, druggist, deserves praise jraiKlrli-n, .Minaiu n. " i
from Salem people for introducing : Terrell, Kste'.la l. w is. Mai J1"
hero the sinipio buckthorn and glyc- ardson, Ruth Kress. Harriett Park, i
erino mixture, known lis Adlr-l-kn. itrtha Zelt, Eliza J. P"t-rH. Elvis It.
This simple Gernian remeily first, he-; (;wdy, Sarah Rise. Helen lluihll,-
f.,.,,,.c l,e iMirlnir aniiendlcitis ' uloii. Minnie Wolleis
and it has now been discovered that A
SINGLE DOSE relieves sour stomach.
-.. .....1 ,,nut Ina I ion
gas on mo biuiih,,.,, ,
j INSTANTLY. It's quick iietlon Is a
' hid surprise to people.
If it tries.
K.uiiia Siiiniti'T
i;ila Diiiiililson,
Mrs. A. Lenll-
Curtis, Alice Pratt.
4 1 .... I.
Alice Hardy, Anna limiaroi. a -
in,.,. i-ii,a i II. Kirk, Florence
.11 1 I ('! . ' '
West, Lucy G
gel, Bhiii'he (
rison, Eliab"'
Seventh wind--A
Clara II. Elliott. " ': ''l
Lena Faist, B-nha Dornian
Hop), Mary Hcl.otig.
ville, Mary Fisher.
Kalhryon B- Mil1''1''
hard!., Mrs. L. (
Marion I'oiinty Penile) Show,
The hoard of directors of the Ma
lion County Poultry association met
in Salem Saturday ami completed ar
rangements for holding their next
show, which will he held In Salem
January II to IS, Inclusive. The ar-I
I mory lias lieen secured 111 w hich to
house the show, which, In Itself,
should be a big boost to the show.
E. A. Rholen, field manager for the
Pacific Homestead, was elected super
intendent of tho show to succeed Tom
Davidson, who has moved to Tilla
mook. Mr, Rholen Is widely known,
not only In Marlon county, but
throughout tho entire. Northwost,
where he is constantly coming In con
tact with the poultry farmers, and, us
a result, many of the older breeders
and exhibitors will be Influenced to
exhibit nt this show that did not, last
year, and Hint, do not exhibit at the
average county show, because of the
poor care often taken at. theso shows.
Nothing will lie left undone to pro
tect every exhibitor's hlnlj, anil war
rant their return In good condition.
Mrs. Ella Plank, of Woodbui n, sec
retary of the association, Is compiling
the premium list, which will be ready
for distribution about Dceeinher in.
Many special nnd club premiums will
he offered. A larger and better show
than evor before Is expect, -.1.
Every one raising thoroughbred
poultry, whether making n specialty,
a h-ibby or a side issue of It, should
take advantage of the educational
feature of the show to become better
posted regarding their special br I,
or breeds, and also boost the show
and poultry Industry by exhibiting at
least one bird. If you have never ex
hibited 111 tho show room, send jour
name and address to Mrs. Ella I'lunk.
of Woodliiiru, reipi, 'Sling a pieinlnin
list, and any oilier Information lh.il
you may wish and get. Into II""
iiial memberships of ?l can be
paid to Lunelle Preseoll. al I'.iMl'
barber shop, or to ''ml Willi:.i.e. (
the Northwest Poult iy Journal. b,,:b
of Salem, or to Mr KM" I'l
W'-aidl.ui'ii. If yei an' no' ' " '"' r
send In .'.our dollar an I I
W. O. Siience. who three months
ago shot the inanag..r of the Pan
lagcs theatre. In Portland, while la
boring under tho Insane delusion that
a certain chorus nitl with whom he
had become enamored, was to he tak
en to a road bouse, and who was sub
seiiuently admit!,', I l.i to the Orecou
state asvliini. pas been returned to
tho hospital for tho Insane at Stella
cootn, Wash.
Speuce apent only a few weeks In
the Washington Institution, when
r leased there uboul. a ear ago. lie
was not pronounced cured, but was
allowed to he taken out of the asjluin
by his parents on tho promise that
y would take him East. This Ihev
failed to do Thev were unable to
Anna Shaw
1 ' M1'M 1 ,," S UMS11I w o:,:
Philadelphia. Nov. Dr. Amu
Shaw this afternoon was ov,-i w helm
In, tly i" elected president of i ho N.i
tion.it Sufi'. aj'.e association. The In
surgent candidate, Ijiuru l 'ay. of
K 'li'u.i.y. pat only '.'0 votes
I'll earlier ballots Kalhetlue Mc
Cilllaugh received 1:1 votes and Jane
Addaum 11. hut their names did not
appear on the deciding ballot, (heir
vole reverting to Dr. Shaw.
Sophoulslui Breckcnrldge, second
vice president of the association, ,o
clln, d reelection, and Miss Whitney,
of California, an administration can
didaCv. was elected to succeed her. She
was opi-iscl hy Alice Slono Black
well, liisuuienl candidal,'.
I ,
Sh) on TuecK
(IM ! , 1 I'l,,' -S 1 ,:,st l Oil' )
Allr.ole.-.. C,,l , Nov SI ,ts.
tic illvoUillg III,. iiltity ol lee U'-ed
nl the nailomil soldi, r-, home at Saw
telle. and il l eo'-l, occupied the alien
tlo n today of tho senatorial committee
Inu'-.ili'.aliiu; c , .millions het, Itlch
n r, M Spring, r. a otorau, oe, ,i,, ,
the witness stand during Hie mornlin:
lie lentitled that the towel supply ut
the home la woefully shoit, titty ni.'ii
.oinpelhd to use tour towels,
arlng was coutlnuel this nfler-
keep li t n nt homo, and ho went to I . -i 1 1 . -
Portland, where be obtained employ I lie I,
nient nl. the Panlages theatre. noon.
When Spence became possessed of '
the delusion that the ballet girl was HI MMlHtS "AM IO
to be taken to one of I ho run,! houses, s,;l. '1" 1 1 K I1IG IHMilMI
that at that time were much In the
limelight. In an attempt to save her he l!e,iiesls for tickets to the death
attempted entrance to the slime from , cliuiuher on I'llilay, )eceml,er 1.1,
the rear of the building. Being rolled ( whoti Mlku Morgan, Jack Itoberis,
In this be shot the manager id tli.. Ne'DIn Faiilder, Frank Harrison ami
theatre. The wound was not fatal. John Taylor are to pay the penally
nnd the theatre man has recovered , for murder, are flooding tho office of
nfler a long hIokh lit the hospital. Hho Hecielarv of stale. As fast as the
Fpon examination Kponce was pro i'e,iicsls come In they ai,
liounccd Insane, und roniiuHI. d
the hospital hero. From Salem he goes
to his former home nl Tacoma. ami
from there will be taken to Slella-eooni.
LI KS1 MKMOItm, Sl ltMI I S.
The memorial services of Sab'in
fidge No. :::iil, ll. P. O. I', , next Sun
dnv. December 1, promises to be of
an Interesting character. Dr. Hen
jainiu Young, pnslor of the First
Methodist church, of Portland, will
deliver the memorial sermon. Judge
P. II. D'Arov will deliver th eulopv
Mrs. Coursen Be,, I. the 1,I -. eon
Iralto will sing, ns well as Miss Irene
I'lvnn, win, has a splendid reputation
as a soprano sliiper. The Llls' or
lu lh,
I'efi'l ,', tll
the officials al the prison. The death
, hail, her Iris a seating capacity of
about :iu. Secielarv of Slate Hleott
bellevcH Hun :'."U or Inn rupioHtu for
tickets will be received.
1 It'll 11 I N III III l
iittiun (Mi roi nsiiiN
tCNIirt, I'lIHMfl IKAHKtl Ullll I
Montreal, tjue , N'oi '.'"i - As Hie re
sult of a collision between two sub.
tuli 1 , 1 1 , trollov cars near her.- lodav,
elClllei'll pet noils life lllol e or b-i 'l ,.e
riouslv Inl'insl, none fatally i Ii
..aid II, o era:-h was due In a dof'slUo
, eiilrolb r
ehesl ra w III also pari I, j,,;
evereh.es T. III''. w
Grand opei a houi ' eomei
lock In th. i nfte, noon
Hon In extended In the
Here I
1 , 1 . -1 , 1 1 l a,
vs. fatten
:...,e. la
l,t i'
piniim fr llealli.
i al , Nov 2 . Sixty lnr
d f ,r Thai, I. n, no:. .1 - -
I nl, .lil Inia, Ii V.all',
,le llele, le.. . o, Old 'I.-
h- ..ii the ... I. a. I, III :i
ll, I.
'I I, ml
a liro
i'l I'i
ll I
Mi, 'I
nl. d
1 1. 1-
Newby, Caroline Mi
ll; r, Mary K. Gar-
, M,I,aiighliii.
246 Commercial Street
Wide Linen Torchon
Children's Shoes
2 to 6, pair, 50c.
58x76, $1.00 Pr.
The iiiembers if "i1
tla ir frhods are luvit
illustrated le, lure on
gjen,. to he giv"ll .'it I
, i'f on Moiida
1 ... . . o . .'..i, 1 Ml; S Mosller,
ii ai o' I...
, A;;, ,.W) 'he address, a.el the
1 ,, :,i ,,. eornet.lve and It.'ter-
a v. , 1 1
r Ung. Th" n.
, te,i to at! end.
A. It.
G. A. R and j
d to alteinl an t
a-alth and Hy- j
io po"t. hall '
evening. Nov.
of I'ort-
l.lbl llv all, I ITlllL'le Vol''
Mr St. Tling Mie, ,,f Liber'..',
hauling ha this w.-.-l
Ml-. We;-!elllol',.- las I, eell
;ipp... for Mr. Ilaleh who Is
them .-hipped
Mrs, Wlltey and daui'liter I'
w. re vr llors In Salem loiday
lloyt. f'upp w;.s a vi itor in
Mr 11 W' st, iihonse wns a vi
sab 'in Friday.
V;-s Fav I'ri'' was
,li.,r lu
itor here
Distinctive Pictures With
Pipe Organ---Tonight
4 Full Uvvn Every Performance
of S ib'tn lire all m
I'lio lelinisslon is fi'
I Laces, 5c. yard 2 to 6, pair, 50cji, " ; ,. -
1 BpqI- RictctQf noil Assortment in the City r ;;;;
DeSt, tSlggeSt UOH NovviSthe time to ,rs
BiS line of Sample Dolls, only one of a kind.
t maW RItf Dolls. Little Prices. N ,.,i . -,
-v- jf UUI SClCCllUlli
lUdren's Won OP.
Sweaters JuC.
Children's Rolled
Qrtlfl Rubbers. 38c.
Hum, ,r
n a i
here 1 hut Inn-mi
t Ii,. rnniul s i"1 1 1
( an
o ii Mump.
tl'M.O W!lil. 1
-Vague ruin'iis
.; 1,-tweetl A'ls'ria
an cans' d a h"a v y
,.t Th" origin ' I
!.. -n l iirt.' d
Mr. V.'-iIn ii e
,..,lea., Thai
Mr Ti"i'h i
Mr I'l I ' '
,!,, , iielcl. ." I''1''
Mr To.i.pkni
h a. Frid iy
p. a ir'p to 1 MH w'r-
An in1'
In. in i "
A .- I
I. - I ;o, I " i".' "" !
in: t i to si t:v i: i in I til" i'.,ti" -
,.i 'i i
MilMI .ll;l.'S lnl" -luMe. I'll"' ' '
.1 I.
i he s.ira l!riinn-sii,n'
A'-ll ai'." II leei'al ' ' ' s '
id by
,f. ai
! .-.nl,
and II '"
,.r.a ,.!.', guar
Is elalll.eil '
ir "-'''I'' i
A prof", s'"-P-d
a sure !''
.,. r.s j it "f,
to n3.
to liav.. di
,. of bahu'.i
'1 UH" !" '
, v ; .,. a i
;,f fl r 'i'-i 'A
'hall, coiner
i'l !" r
r,d It ever f.ffir
all of your n.lttak.s
el U.-'
Ill IIM , I; m.ioi N . IM'i r
i ,r
;t:l,M. 1,'iVI I I'l I'M '
1 1 j;.,,!,,
m:. ToKlClothScalara