Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 25, 1912, Page Page Four, Image 4

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    Tnite Four
Strategy, Superior to Tactics,
Is Chief Factor In
.............. o
TIIEItE U uo territory In the
world more cupuble thun tliu
ItnlkiuiH of HliiHtratliiB tin- mi
perlurlty of trntr(,'y over tnc-tles-of
wur In theory over war In
practice--of tlio Koltll.T unit over tho
unit of company or rcitlnicnt.
Tho territory In qucmion extimdH
from tho Adriatic to t lio Muck kcii.
from MoiitiMii'Kro, Novlpnziir. Hervla
ami Houiniinlii to Greece nnil the wn
tcrn of tlio At'Ki'ini nnd tho Mniinoiii.
Hh political (IIvIhIoiim from west to
enKt, mo Alluinlii, InrluilliiK tliu villi
yi tHof Scutari, Jiinuin unci part of Men
astir; Macedonia, ooinprlsliitf tlio re
DinliiliiK pint of Monnxtlr, nnd the
vllnyctN of Kohkovo (old Servliu nnd
Salonlkl, nnil eastern Turkey, miido up
if .
1 i '
l'liiito liy AniiTiciin I'r.'HH A hhikIii I lui.
DIM.OAIIIAN i H 1 1 1.I.f It Y.
of tlio vllnyi'lH of CoiiHliintliiopli) mid
Ailrlanoplit, In nil alioiit C.'J.ihK) mpiiire
Tliu plan of canipnlKii an tweed
upon liy Hid lliilliiiu leat-'iii' l ipiltt oh
Vloim ho far. In the west the objec
tive point of the Montenegrin nruiy.
re enforced hy n Servian nnny from
neroHM Novlpiiznr. In Scutari. Farther
oiiNt the oli.leellvit point of iinoihi'i' Ser
vian lirniy Is I'nUuIi. In Ihe east Adii
niioplo Is lieliu; inenai'ed liy two or
more l!iil:arlan columns. In the south
a (irccU nnny N nuinciivcrliiK to en In
possession of the railway to I'Bkuli
and Adrlanople.
Adrlanople Is Ihe must Important of
the three oli.lccllvo points. It Ik Hit
Mated where the continence of the
Tunja nnd tho Arda luake the Marlta
liavlcahle, at the Junction of short
trunk roads from the valleys of Imlh
these trlluiturlcM nnd of a miiiilier of
branch roads with the meat Kastern
or Orient railway to Constantinople,
l'roin twenty the to thirty worl.H are
grouped around the town proper. Some
half dozen more have heen erected
alonK the rlpht hunk of the MiirltH.
cluhl or nine hetween the left ImiiU of
the Marltza and the rlcht hank of the
Tnnla and a dozen to the east nnd
On the southeast the town Is poorly
forlh.ed. and to nuiKe an Investment
llylni! columns of Unitarians will
doiihlless soon he heard of opcrntlim
Konlh of the rurtllli'atlolis In the nclch
I.hiIi.mmI of I .u If Hurras and liluiotl
ha. where the road to Salonlkl Joins
that of the orient.
SmIohII.I Is iMol.iihly the olijcctlve
polul of the Crcil; coluiniis opcratlm:
easlwaid nloin; Ho- milf of Salonlkl,
for -.lionld the Turks nioMU.o In thin
to e;iln Ihe uiicl!on at l.ule Huru-as
In force all ineelinu' of Creeks with
r.iilyarlans soiilli of Adrlanople would
have to U- Iveli up.
'Ihe Ktrnliitlc position of Salonlkl.
even without ooverlnu fori lllcat Ions. Is
1 1 1 1 -: i -u 1 .-1 til s i rn.:l Ih ikmI lv the iii'luh
liorlni! lakes 1 ti natural depression
iH'tw ei'ii the Chalchll. e heights and th
Itechlk dai;h. Ihronuh lit. li the tow n
lulcht I pproached. Is occupied for
Koine thirty miles Py lakes of llcchlk
and l.aiiua.a, and. althoui.'h there Is
one trunk line direct from Seres to
Salonlkl, lake Takhyno (twenty miles
Ioiil; and the wide) completely Mocks
trallle eas and west evcept on the
coastal strip of laud hetween (Hphaul
and liendlna
As a successful Investment of Salon
Ikl would necessarily employ the Use
f the (J reek navy, the naval aspect of
he war calls for lulef mention. Itul
.:! i.i. In spile of the fact that hoth
Varna anil llurcns haie I n shelled
hy Turkish tunlioats. K In no danger
of an Invasion from th,. Illack sea, as
It w ould take enuinceis mouths to place
the shallow approaches In snllahle con
illtlon for the I.Miilin- of am cotishl
(mlile nuinlicr of troops The same
natural obstruction also el. lain on the
Tilikish coast and to nearly the Name
derive on the Albanian When- h,ir
hors are available on the bitter the
means of trallle Into the Interior are
poor and the possible ohlivtlvo points
distant. Ilemv unless the Turkish
Kvery mother dreams that her son
.tuiy ho president some day, but she
would he awfully surprised if her
lire. mi i.mie true.
J. ,1. Hill has used another cxprcs
lve phrase "wasted men,"
Turns on Number and Variety
of Mountains, Rivers
and Lakes.
ships should venture to leave the pro
tection of the LnirdanelUu and dispute
the control of the Aenean with tho
(.reek navy the latter In pretty likely
to have thliiKs ltn own way.
The most complete phyHleal barrier
to communication east and weat Is the
Ithodopo raiitie, hut tho most Intricate
Is In Albania, which ruiiH In threo par
allel systems, penetrated Kcnerally only
by tho rouKhest trucks and quite un
united for uny military operations oth
er than those of on essentially guer
rilla character.
I'mler Biich condition of surface re
lief tho relation of the river valleys to I
tho mountain barriers becomes exceed
ingly Important, especially in the case
of tho Marltza and the Vardnr. That
of tho Marltza Is tho only route for an
nnny between the Thriico-Macedonlau
highlands and tho Istranja dii(.'h. The
former system Is practically uncrossa
hie, there not beliiK a continuous track
even up tho Arda valley, and tho rec-'
taiiKUlar area between Adrlanople and
(lie lllaelt sea, tho Krxene valley and
the frontier east of tho Tunja, Is so
dllllcult that thero Is not a single trunk
road through It In any direction, ill
tlioiiKh at least half n dozen brunch
lines meet at tho Important town of
Kirk Klllsu (the town of forty church
es), recently taken by Itulniirliiiis.
Tho Vardar plays n similar part be
tween the Thrnco Macedonian bli,'h
lands and the Albanian systems, ill
tlioiiKh It has not a monopoly of the
Tim parallel Struma valley works
around tho obslacle through it pass
near .lama, which Is not more time
l.oiio feel above the sea, and a trunk
line runs nloin,' the eastern bank of
the river for some distance south of
tho frontier, lending on north of It,
also by trunk line, to Imbidkn, hut the
torrential (diameter of tho river Is so
marked, In spile of Us length of --"i
miles, that throughout part of Its cen
tral course then; is not even a contin
uous track.
Tho strategic Imporlnuco of tho Var
dar valley In, therefore, very Krent,
particularly as I'skuh Is situated there.
I'skub commands the Kachnlk pass be
tween the Shar iIiikIi nnd tho Kara
diiK'h Into Kossovo, but It also controls
tho old Koiiinn military road around
tho north ends of the Ostrovn, l'resbn
and Okhrldn lakes to iHtrazzo by Kb
basan and the Shkiimbl valley. This
route and the Prln valley are tho keys
to northern Albania. Just as tho Vlosa
valley and the Metsovo pass tiro to
southern Albania.
.1 it ii 1 1 in , In the evtreme south of Al
bania, cominanils thu west of tho Mot
Hero pass, from thu trunk line from
Arta via Kallvla to tlio port of Santl
I'uaranla and to tho lakes via Ostn
tillso and Korltsa. Tho latter road
Joins, at the head of Lake 1'rcsha, tho
trunk lino between Monastlr and
Okhrida, ami this makes tho little vil
lage of Kaslnk tho real key to tho lake
About twenty tlve tulles to the west
of Constantinople are tho famous lines,
extending across the peninsula from
I'lmlo ly AiiHMttan
MosiKSKuniN Kir.i.n oi n.
the sea of Marmora to the lilack sea
Intended as the Hist Hue of defense for
the protection of Ihe capital from at
tack by land These are known as the
Hues of Chalal.ia and were Pectin tn
IN77, when the Itusshin army was ad
viiucIiik on the city. The hisI(Ioii Is
one of great natural strength, consist
lip; of a ridge some ,"(KI feet high,
tla liked by broad lakes, with numerous
(uirshes iiial Mwauips In front.
Along a front of about llfteen miles
there have been creeled some thirty
redoubts ami several earthen batteries.
In two or three lines, adapted to tlie
ground. The thinks cannot ho turned,
and the sslton, If properly defended
lit would roipilre To.Ooo mcin, would
Is' linprcgt'itl'lo.
Westward along the Aegean iioasl
there Is a singular hick of good liar
hois. Throughout the whole length ot
II there are few points at which an In
lading for.e could still 1,-ss- would
eudeaior to land, part!) on account ot
the sea approa. It and partly because
I lie access Inland Is allt est evervwhen
No, Cordelia, your husband's brain
fag Is probably not due to thinking of
oii while y.iu were away during the
Thn Smiths were also at tho fnuit
In the Ijind Product show.
, ft .v;i'i ' f.-'.; -'Tv
i - - i
MO UN I. NO, ,
Turn tho rascals out the headache,
tho blllousnoss, the Indigestion, the
sick, sour stomach and foul gases
turn thorn out tonight and keep them
out with Cascarets.
Millions of men and women take a
Cascarct now and then and never
know the misery caused by a lazy liv
er, clogged bowolB or an upset stom
al h.
Don't put In another day of distress.
Let Cascarets cleanse and regulate
your stomach; remove the Bour; undi
gested and fermenting food and that
misery-making gas; take the excess
hllo from your liver and carry out of
tho system all the constipated waste
matter and poison In tho Intestines
and bowels. Then you will feel great.
A Cascarct tonight . will Biirely
straighten you out by morning. They
work while you sleep. A 10-cent box
from any drug store means a clear
head, sweet stomach and clean,
healthy liver and bowel action for
months. Children love to tako Cas
(arets because thoy taste good never
gripe or sicken.
Killed 24
in Illinois
W'atikegan, 111., Nov. 12.". More than
2n persons are believed to have met
death this afternoon In an explosion
which wrecked the dry starch plant of
the Corn I'roductB ltetlnlng company.
One body burned was taken from the
ruins shortly before 'i o'clock. About
persons, all seriously Injured, were
taken to a hospital.
The starch building was about 2)0
feet from thn main building, a panic
ensiling among tho employes In the
main structure.
The estimate of the dead was deter
mined hy tho number of employes In
the dry starch department unaccount
ed for. Tho survivors ure certain that
at least 24 perished. A lire followed
the explosion and this hampered the
search for tho bodies.
I'p to a late hour this afternoon
fourteen bodies had been recovered
from thn ruins, but It Is Impossible to
reach an accurale estimate of the total
number of deaths.
Tho plum Is located at the extreme
southern limit of W'nukogan.
CONM.ICT IN ll llOl'E.
(Continued from page one.)
southern extremity of the Tchalja
foils was received here today.
The Austrian battleships anchored
In the Mosphorus have sailed for the
Adrallc sea, where they will be needed
In the event, of a clash between Aus
tria mid Servia.
4 iTimi il.v (iellluif Heail).
Herlln. Nov. I'.V-lt is reported here
today that (lerinaiiy Is niohill.lng two
army corps mi the Kuslati frontier.
Depositors fearing hostilities ai'.
drawing money from the banks.
Will Talk later.
I'.clgraile, Nov. King I'eter pre
sided over ti cabinet council here to
day, after which the gmernmeiit. notl-
l.cd Austria that Sei'ila cannot dell-
nilcly outline her attitude until the
tend of tne Balkan war.
Orders (hit Itcscncs.
llctieia. Switzerland, Nov. 2a.
rwrs (oi.i) (tnu'oi NO (vkks
(01 OS N1 (iKU'l'K IN A t'Y.W
The most severe cold will be broken
and all grippe misery ended after tak
ing a doso of Tape's Cold ComHiund
every two hours until threo consevu-
tue doses are taken.
You will distinctly feel all tho ills
tfgi'ivuhlrt symptoms leaving after the
very first dose.
The most miserable headileho, dull
ness, bead and nose stufbsl up. fever
Ishness, sneezing, running of the nose,
.sore throat, mucous catarrhal dis
charges, soreness, stiffness, rheuma
tism pains and other distress vanishes.
Take tills wonderful Compound as
diiectcd, with the knowledge that
there Is nothing else In the world,
which win euro your cold or end
Crlppo misery as promptly and wlth-
i ut any other assistance or bad after
meets as a 2r.-c.Mit package of Tape's
Cold Compound, which any druggist
can supply contains no quinine be-
lot'gs In every homo accept no substi
tute. Tastes nice acts gently.
T1TTT nuvan. 'WftVPAT. XOTEMBER 25, 1912
New Iron Duke,
And Scene
ft . ' ''I ', y
'' A p.. 1
Photos by American Press Association.
A N Interesting feature about the new English battleship Iron Puke: which
was recently launched at Portsmouth, England, Is the fact that the
JTTI upper deck of the bl sea tighter Is protected with armor against air
ship attack A bomb dropped from an aeroplane upon the Iron Duke
would not eiiuse any great damage, so the English naval authorities figure
out The Iron Duke Is hero seen on the wnys. On the launching platform
as the battleship left the slips will be seen the Duchess of Wellington, spousor
for the ship; Admiral Sir Iledwurtu Meux and the Duke of Wellington)
France today ordered her reservists to
bo In readiness to Join the colors on
short notice. All the railroads of
France have been directed to assemble
cars at strategic point s.
Hanks Say Ita Is War,
Iunion, Nov. 2f. Lloyds today Is
quoting shipments to and from Tur
key at low rates, In some cases as
low aa one per eer.t. The rate on
shipments to and front ('.recce Is
three-quarters of ono per cent, and
for tho rest of the world one-eighth of
one por cent.
This is taken here as Indicating
that there is a si rung possibility of a
clash In the Adriatic.
Brave Bulgarian
And Turks
1 .'."'.. ' r -
, U
, Mir s h-. :
- t it .y
t U : 1f4 tin
I M , - 3UVW V VIM-,
1 I. -;u.:
Photot by American Prs Aioctatlen.
Bn.nARIAN army nurnes ar brsve, turAr wiei wh n
nwirly overwhelmed with dntle, slnc. thi l'aiUn' wlr r",? f D
Port, from th. front Indicate thonr.j. 1,7 Jl
the., norw . group or whom Is ,how ,Z "Z , 1
rnl heroine, of tb. conflict Th. lower nlctur. .how. rZl ? t " ,he
. f tr-ln. Th. r.hic... L Zt Z, ZS
Airship Proof.
at Her Launching
Both tho Vienna and Berlin bourses
are seriously depressed but the mar
ket here is unaffected. All business
Is demoralized In Vienna.
Hunts ti Divorce.
Lena Nelson this morning filed a di
vorce suit against Oscar L. Nelson, to
whom she was married In Fergus
Falls, Minn., April 23, 1004. She nl-
1 leges desertion beginning April 2.1,
lli'b!) and which has continued ever
since, as the grounds for a legal sep
aration. Dorrls, aged seven years, and
, Emma, aged live years are the only
children born to the union. The plain
tiff asks for the custody of both chil
dren. Army Nurses,
Going to the Front
-i. A
. i
. ,y. ? ' '
, :
-' 9 i Sf '
4 f j
.1.15 "5
1 '
The largest and best selected stock ot Poultry Supplies of all
kinds In tho Willamette valley.
Including Incubators, Brooders, Heaters, Fountains, Self Feeders,
Nest Eggs, Lice Killers, etc.
It pays to feed some of our different prepared foods such sa
'Scratch Food, Laying Food, Beef Scraps, Ground Bone, Crushed shells
Grit, etc.
Also a complete stock of different feeds Including meat, corn,
cracked corn, rolled barley, rolled oats, etc.
Now 1b the time to use a good tonic as eggs are high and tho hens
. boa,, thom In condition.
need a gooo iuimu i.
-U O""1
Follow up a good course In feeding and you will see that it pays
The Poultry Supply IIoiuic.
255-2(i5 Slate Street Mune Main 100.
Salem, Oregon.
Big Goose
Is Ended
Sacramento, Cal Nov. 20 Sports
men from all parts of the United
States nro returning to their homes
today, nftcr attending the big goose
stew held hero yesterday. There were
oOOO In attendance, making It. the big
gest "stag" party ever held In this
Twice was tho spacious hull, sealing
IIIIIHII IIBHIIil li'lllllll III II H I'll HUB Jin
Thanksgiving Suggestions
Fine celery 10c bunch, 3 for 25c
Best cranberries 15c quart, 2 for 2nc
White Venlel grapes, per basket ...50c
Fine bananas, per dozen 2ac
New walnuts, almonds, raisins, figs, dates, currants, etc.
Phone your orders early and get first choice of everything,
itcst Hulk Coffee, per pound, ll.'o
Phono 259,
Prompt Auto
Try this test in a
Aluminum Utensil
' L.W. .
r ' r-11.' " " 1 j . in i iiimMm
i v .: . :. "
Place a cake of chocolate in a "Wtar-Evtr"
taucepan without grating. Without adding
uater melt ovtr a lou fire, without ttirring.
t'Aoroote will not burn.
BECAUSB aluminum heats quicker
ond retain, hest luntfer tlinn oincr
material, of which cookind utensil,
are made, you can save at least fiv.
minute, in cooking each meal.
90 hour, off your year', fuel bill.
" WEAR-EVER" Aluminum Cookin
Utensil, .ave food too, and expense for
repLcinl utensil, worn out or burnt out.
IAy art practically indtttnctihlt.
"WEAR-EVER" ware cannot rust, i.
unaBeoted by burnin)!, i. .trond, light to
handle .nd most durable. With aluminum
there is no danger of poi.onou. compound,
lorming with acid fruits or foods.
Replace utensils that fwar oof
with utensils that "Wtar-Evtr."
Let n. supply you with
the one-quart sauce
Pn .dr.rtised in the
women'. niihl.i;.
nd show yon other
uen.,i. beann, th.
nw'Lt- trade.
Dark, h
we htive with us this week an ex
I'trt who will take pleasure In show
ii'K you Wear-Ever utensils In actual
1 to see our Special $1.25 set ot
2000 persons, filled and emptied, and
then there remained 1000 persons to
be fed. There were 1500 geese and
100 turkeys slaughtered for the big
banquet A delegation of 300 from
San Francisco, and crowds from every
other city and town In California were
present. Congressman I'mphrey, of
Washington, was a guest.
A cat may look at a king, but a
man with hay fever would sneeze at
The Irish Detective.
Thrilling and Spectacular
Bllgh Theatre"
"Where Everybody Goes."
Phone 259