' Jl ' Miwiinimm 1 I Hulm Md Clothe You Want ALL WOOL CLOTHING Clothing, that will retain its splendid appearance after it has been thoroughly put to the test of WEAR Suits and Overcoats that have all of the little details so care fully finished that they will hold their shapeliness, Our suits and overcoats are all this and more, They have a distinctiveness of style that is demanded by smart dressers and are made of handsome fabrics, Suits and overcoats specially priced this week, See Our Great Special $12.50 All-Wool Suits. Men's Specials 75c Golf and Nefilic 59c inns $1,50 !s Wool Undorwear $1.29 Blue Flannel Ovcrshirts $3,00 values ...$2.70 $2,50 values $2.25 $2,00 values ..$1.80 61,50 values n $1.25 values $1,00 values .. uifllleniTA i "O- of Lipton : Accepted, "BSMMBsseaaBaeaaii a"l!HA VIA U This Home.Maa'e CousHlUS 1ICIU ID you in I'MTM 1MIKS8 IX, SHI. Mi;r San Francisco, Nov. :ll.-s;r Tliotnu Upton's clnillenue to Hi.' unrl,! ;, i.ice m a -ll-inetei Francisco iioy In lilt." ucceit.i here today Miner, prcshh-nt of '-i'' insurance compiiiH, Ml,,,. "'"I "l a syndicate of 2 cikciiiis, will spoiul $ tlicir acceptance kuo.1 Syrup Wilt Surprise Youl Couth H UuK-kly. a VmuMy Supply 3 ( Small ( u.(. j Tier,. U ,1 1, , . v . ilj , , . -hi r"IIC,IV Illllt lUkcl holil of .1 Colli' 1 liul nnlv .....I ...ill 11.Ti.illv ....... .1 1 """ "'.' '''liter lu S,m - , I ' i'.s pi'i'mpily by Tliouins M. the Wcs at tl'i 4 hours, J'Iik rei'ii.- iii.iL,.. ,. i, noiiRii t,.r a whole family. u couldn't I'uv .-, much or Kvod rcudy-mado M'A one pun. of erauul.ite.1 supir wi'li : pint el warm valor, ami st ir J Mi'.ut.s. 1 ut. Hi. j o'liuva of I'iuer nifty CllN W orm I in x t i ill Ki.il.. ....1 nil :"" I'l.-nsuu, iii-.i,-,;ni,ii,. li'S(i it. I'ia.i'9 un ilu litiin.iii.i i,.i i.ii..i..i n Finn- Uxatuv. which helps Mid a .u,.!1 """ l make! A',u ri'i't'i'.l'ly knew the m,, Heal vuluo .of pine in treating asthma, tu,.iuiiU ,U1 ,, . . '" '., l MUIMI U1H I! e., KOIC 1I1U". Millers acceptance of Sir Theinas' , etc There i, thi,. hotter. l'l " i n wan handed to the Ul.iubt todnv : 1 'j0'1.""" valuable concent rut.-,! ceiiiv.iunl '. I'iniv Willi 'im I riincis-co maiucl an,' nil ad: Bank With Wooden Gun Tacoma, Nov. '.'I. Tom O'Malley. a T.ic.in.i youth, is io.l.i Imiiii.', for i!,e st.itoref,.rnui..iry at Monroe, for h n Inc. atlenipteil to "hold up'' the Na tional Hank of t'oiiinictve wiih ., wood en coin. linli.o I'lilt'on! p,is,a' sentence no on him 'his i.. .-niu,-. rcuuindini: hliu to the lnstit;r'.on for an In.lefluiie term. ...$1.12 ... .90 New Sweaters for Men and Women Boys and Girls All the popular styles in all the wanted colors just what you have been looking for most reasonable prices, Children's and Women's Suits and Coats, at greatly reduced prices kniKht in a luncheon of th Commercial chili. It "Hon. Thomas .1. l,lpi,,u. ;i,i sh : On behalf of n syinlicai,. yei ., v funned, permit mo to accept ,.,,. chiill,.nK, for a race In the .,,,,. clnss, to he sailed here during i;r,-, We will meet you with a beat designed under the universal rule, ai:d huiit :md sailed by San Fninciscaa;;. and t;uiy the best boat w in." Miller's backliiK In tin sport ven- , ture will come, at least in pan, from Mrs. Henry ,T. Crocker. Wh.u Mrs. Crocker heard of Sir I'liomas' dial.. leiiKe was Issued by Sir Thomas Up ton some San Franciscan did urn In stantly accept It, Count nw in in as , one of the syndicate." PUli' extract, nil m nal ur.il l.eali...' oin.i element., Other pniura-. ions ui'.l icfc weii; in this formiili. The prompt r.-Milu f i-. ,, t'., i,..vn. sive remedv Jiave ma,'e t , ;. i. ; , j lii.'i.-aihl. ,.f home, in li. ,. . I.'. .; v. iVMallcy cut. ptv.a ,'hi !i the from his pock, no his h oids. is o en.ikeu. i' lvlnc. a;' i nipt hl'V, red the haul e.lshiei- pull,. 1. Tm i ish iml O Mallei lad l.iier co 'd to 1 old up and a a. si', r t'iri ..... . , - , ."in i annua, vim, n ep!i:n. uliv t.al plan lia. h.nai imilaied otl.n, bm never -suivosf,Hv. A iruaraiilvof nhaolido b it NTiot ion. or nionev proniptlv refunded. L" e. with tliU I r.vi. "lour dru..'.'it has l'me, or Mill it. f.,r von. If not, semi to Tho 1 uiev Co., 1' t. Wavue, iud, ' tow 11 : lom:er !.', II is anmu ai Older ih.. neccsary iiihalmauis when tliej have U. tit. IhioiuUi a poslolliec to Vote on the Measures in Multnomah Co. business. Pile th lord po-dolllr. s any rural delheiy r. cji for tin li'lsilleS Msii a neiuhhorini; town. The lo ai esi to Sah in ,,! anv of thes,. buns that are in this peculiar pre dicament is r.uiieiille in Marion nullity. Aurora does the postolliee bl Silless for Hullelille county Mur-htiold do. Would Raise Half a Million for the Fair:: i n r;.l:s l ( . business lor 1 nn.uk county p. slollice irad .slinliily diffei Sailors Have Battle for. Their Lives I'NITED TIlESS LBABED WIRE. Victoria, li. C Nov. 21. Eight sail ors nro recovering here today from the effects of a 10-dayB fight for life on a derelict In the "Roaring Forties,'1 after surviving two 90-mlle an hour gales, a mass of splintered wood that was once the trim schooner B, V, Wood, lines the shore of Cape Cook, Tho Wood sailed from Port Town send for Han Francisco on November 6 during a heavy storm, which grew steadily worse. When four days out she began to make water, and the pumps were kept going from that time until t he vesBel was abandoned. A gallant effort was made-to work the vessel back to port, but Sunday the second 00-mile gale hit her, stripping her clean and breaking her back. Fear ing she would capsize, the -deckload was cut away, and with It went the main and mizzen masts. Drifting straight onto the rocks off Cape Cook, the men gavo up all hope, but at the last minutes tho . Canadian fishery cruiser William Joliffo hove In sight and put a line aboard and took oft the men. A third storm came up before she could reach port Wednesday, tho lino carried away, and the Wood broke up on the west barrier reef. COLONEL L HYSON TO TAKK CHANGE DEC. 1 Portland Scandal Growing Lieutenant-Colonel Berton K. Law sen, who has been appointed by Gov ernor West to supersede Frank II. Curtis as superintendent of the Ore gen state penitentiary, has arrived in the city and was In conference with Mr. Curtis this morning, The formal commission making Colonel Lawson the actual head of the institution will not be issued until December 1, when he will assume control. Asked for a statement this morning Mr. Lawson said that since he had not yet taken over the stiperintenden cy he had no statem-jnt to make other than that he will be ready to take charge at tho proper time. Secretary of State Olcnli last night received the official certilication of the Multnomah county vote on the va rious Initiative and vefereiidiiii measures. ! The figures were turned over to Frank Lovell to be checked over with the adding machine, and a number of minor errors were delected in the dif ferent precinct totals. This will neces sitate, their bolng returned for correc- tion, as the majority of l lie oilier enmi ty retuniB have been. These errors might be either due to clerical oversights In the enmity clerk's office or to the faulty returns from the various tireelncis, but none of them are of sufficient magnitude j .to affect any change In results. j I The woman suffrage vote leads nil j 1 1n Multnomah colmfy with a high In-1 till of over' l..i1iio, due, doubtless, tot .lis leading position on the liall.it, and! I to the wide interest developed In the 'iiuostloii. i The slate banking net leads all nth- at New Astoria in Clal..o, county. The town was incorporate! as New A (. ! I ia. but to Hie poslolliec depai liiiclit II is liiiuwn as Hammond. i, w lur 1 Tacoina. Wash . Nov, :' 'i'w,, him died and sl clli'eiis of the slate, in eluding the im ci nor, e i ;.. c, imi Mead, four tvpivseiiiai i five sen ators, one congressman oleel and del egates rcnvsonliug I'll difleivnl c, :n inercial organizations, nicotine hi re liown in c,i,,s lasl night, went on record for a Wash I In. postoilice ii.gton appropriation of iii.mm for (lie I'anama-racilic cvposnion. I. K. Chllbcrg. of Seal lie, was on dorse, I as Washington exposition coin mission, and head of a special per niaiienl e .sit ion and booster coin uiiltee of the state, which is Hireling today to lake slops tor was and means of making Washunion's part lu i lie ox.poi.il ion big ai .a lull, and in Tilla Scad, I. enjoys a good from West Seaside. A in loiidition prevails FREE ADVICE TO aCKWOUEN Thousands 1 lave Been I lelpetl By Common Sense Suggestions. Women JUtTermg from any form of fe male ills are invited to coiiuiuinicat.i promptly w it Hi ho woman 'spiv, uto corre spondence department of (lie i ydiii K. l'uwiuiii Medicine l'o., I.yiu Mas. Your iett.r will be open,. ', read and iiuswer.il by a woman and held in strict con lid. nee. A woman can freely talk of her private illness to a woman; thus hnn been established a contideiit oil corre spindcnce which h as extended over many jours and which Inn never been broken. Never Inn , they iiblisli.il n testimonial or used n letter without tho written consent of the wnier, and never has the I .. in puny allow cd these cei'tiden tail I. rers to got out of their possession, i.s tic. hup. Ire Is of Uioosand't of tin in in their 1:1..- w ill ait.t. hit of the as volume of cxpencnci Which tli' N h e, .' to, haw from, i! p. tnon than pes,,', i . ilut they ., . very knowledoe ii, clod in your ci..... Noth ing is aAo! m retina, o,vpt ,ni. gio, will, and iheir ndvr c bat helped then- sail, is. Surely any woman, ru li , r p.,. -, hoiii, I bo I'lad to , t l .K ,,,.,.,,, ,.f .. '" ' ' j this peoeloll.. o'l'el , of fi-.:,t,,mv, .VI- .Ircwl yiha 1'. I'm!,. r. , ham Medicine l'o., , (coiUiilential) 1, ynn, (o ! Mass. V livery woninii ought to limit 1 y.lin I'. I'iiiUliiiiu's NO-pugo ; Text Itnol, . It is not a linnli lor policial distill, nil. in, us If Is (.,, i'piMislv It Is free, aii.l only ol.tiiiniil.lo liy linill. A rito lor , it today. U. IOII II MltH WOW to sm: ic v i i.ico v i l'uti: Federation of Labor Has Hot Session Steamer Is by the Storms Alli.it Te.hr, o , , I'i'iil loll. I . ollh ,,a leg Ihc , ul, lie th j triiiiitliii. ,1, , I. ii cs jllu.se who ll.ucl ml Sah in, ,,r v I, o er winning nieasiires, with a majoritvj DNITKB MIKSS I.K.ISKII WIIIB.1 rortlaiul, Ore., Nov. 21. Mayor A. G. Rushlight, in a proclamation today, turned tlie police aepaunieni or. inei()f o-o,,,, t Imii j-rf t each of the cuvicl I city over to Judge Catena, presiding iils I.P(,,,V(M, 0VI,r j rl im Tl(, chis' i'i I officer of the juvenile court, on "'-Vo((, waa tl,0 i:,nie tax hill, which j count of the fact that the present vice i n )(, (,01ly W18 od by a hare scandal has gotten beyond the power nliljm.jly of 71 vuU,g. Capital punish of the juvenile officers to control. ; nl,n w,lg r,-t iilntl by 51W. Chief of Police Slover is now report- j .,, . )lV lni.1Bn,g g as f.dh.ws: Icsnia. 1'iirss ir.Hia. wiim l Koclicsi, r, N. Y Nov. Jl.-- The com-1 iidtlee on report of the American .'mI- . ration of Labor in ooiiv. niioii lo re , ilisideicl loday Hie annual repori of 1'rcsiih'lil llomp.'l's on Ihc lloor of llle CI OIX ,111 1. ,11. lull I ,ollllc':, ; ugg. liiii, that the Icih ralioii icflaiu Ironi ' pari ii ipalion In any polil I. al parly was read. May llayc-i, Socialist, i.r rlev. laud denounced ii. Hayes charg. d thai the federation' , , on i 1 1 1 1 lining II..' lad I the -lalo labor e, who believes 111 e bc 111 of 111-1 III lor the liell.'lil of helivooll I'olllall.l versa, that 11 hi a execlll i ampaigli. printed the plat i. n un. of Hi liemoi rats. Ilepiil.llcans and Prug.ro rivos. hut ignored the Sociallsls. Yos anil 11)2 Instant Relict from Eczema Yen can stop that awful Itch from eczema and other skin troubles In two Seconds. Seems too good to bo true but It is Tiie. and w vouch for it. Just a few drops of the simple, cool lnir wash, the D.D.D. Prescription for fczciuii, and the Itch stops instantly. We Kivo you a trial bottle enoogh to provb it for 25 cents. ing to Judge Gatens, Instead of the mayor, In regard to the vice condi tion. . . . n....l.l.,.l., I In. Ills proclamation mioiu.fi.. i clared that the juvenile court has Its j bauds full with this scandal alone, and 3ns lias little or no tlma to attend to al-(;10 moBt as pressing matters. He ordered j 31L, Chief Slover to report direct to Judge j Gatens, the latter announcing that he ; will take personal cbafge of the vice investigation. Gatens Is this after noon, with tho help of a quartet of de tectives and a police automobile pa trol, ivmndlng up more suspects. in the erand jury hearing all .SKI ,'iui- o 17,7111 u;s,i .t- i m.l Kim :m.v ::u7- ii;.!.:.'!i ii;,77.". of Now If you have tried a (treat many .... t,.-,,na. urn! liave been disaw- polnted, do not make the mistake of re- confessing waived examination, Z most of them stating they did not do-scrlption-go to them If yo e" cu";? .,. .... a(ljp(1 niililicity. No attorneys iu u mmi. . ,- - ,,,. fciu nn in.; him. """" "'";',' .'ISO OOf JUS 3:: i our posltiv; i W Kuurantee, that D.O.U will slop the itch at once. J. C. Perry, Druggist. 1 in behalf of the confessed esilinnliiy ioi me !.,..,- - pl'( Huie Wing Sang Co. Big Stock of Goods We have made 'up all kinds of wrappers, kimonos, waists, white underwear, house dresses and all kinds of dress goods, silks, men's and children's suits, pants and overalls, all kinds underwear, overshirts, all col ors of sweaters, sfioes, ladies' and girls' dresses, coats, fancy neckwear,' ladies' and gents' hose, em broidery lace, silk scarfs, chinaware, blankets, com forts, etc, Matting wholesale and retail, AH goods on sale at greatly reduced prices, this is the store that Saves You Money. Remember 325 N. Com'l St. Salem, Oregon hppt ai" Lemons, M, although it is stated that the law yers of the ciy have no desire to be come affiliated with cases at any cost. No further arrests were recorded to day although Judge Gatens has sever al under surveillance. Uesult In Kiinias. UNITED NIEHS LEA8BD II1E-1 Topeka. Kan., Nov. 21,-Tbe official complete T-turns hero today show that Voodrow Wilson plurality for 1'resident in Kansas is li 447. Taft failed to carry a slngbjcminty. She is indeed a clever woman if she is too clever to .mow it- Every "thankful heart keeps holiday all the year. 3IJ-311-311-318-.'i.'.u- SfiO- ?,BS- Shctectlfcuttdf! Get the Original and Genuine HO RUG SI'S MALTED MILK TheFood-drlnkforlllAgw .enursinizmotherandth' I S.rjT.'i .Till l.'.T'.H .i; 311 -hi" 2n,3!i7 313 4,1 IX 2t,W. Sir. 1 1 .! 1 T in.TTIi 31!l- -"."It''. li;,'j,;:, 331- 111,315 10 Mi I 333 21.S3K 17.M1 H'"" !i,(i7H 337 23,301 l.ViM 3211 l!l.fi.".2 r,4. 331 2S,.",H; r;V. ".. 333- li,u;s lS,3.v3 335- 15,203 337 11.1011' 2P5::i :- '''' 12.157 -1 - 20.171 '-! ,,;.k:'2 I5- M.'''""! 1II.M3 347-- 1l,37!l li,i4 1 n;.3M .f'-l-- w: 21,45!l I3.25S II '."!! -55 21.20 i2!i.;5 vr,- i.K7: 10,170 35!i- 15,521 I n, i;l:. 3;i 18.H19 jjV.1 31)3 2'l,5Kfi lsllW 35- 32,2'H n 3J5 3C7- 18.414 fi"(Hfi 3M- ".fi"4! -"I- 1S.25S' 373- 19.MI! 10,817 375- 21,113: M Sl AI. rHIK-lilM 1 1 ST. JOSKI'll'S II VI I. A line musical pro:i atii 111 he ren dered ill St. Joseph's hall on Cheiiiek . la street this eveiilnK. which is lo he loll., wed by ilaliclni;. Tho priic.i'aiu, which begins at S o'clock, Is as fol lows: 1. Selection, Orchestra. 2. lteadlni!, "Our Klan," Harry Lynch. 3. Vocal duet, selected, Mrs. X. Alhrlch (i. K. T'erwilllner. 1. t'hirinel sf.lo, II flat. "Scenes Thai Are llriKhlest," I'Taviiis Meier. 5, Coinet solo, B.'lecled, ti.-rtm.it Meirinn. II llac iiiiiichini;, I.. H. Ki' ! 7 Vocal solo. "lto:e of M Miss I'hnina Tllosser S. Ilulie solo, wi" '"'!. H I Welch. li'Nirii. rn.,,-.s ir.s Y ilo.ham.i. Nov. :'l lieiel s. as fi.uii (he llu sliulls on ihe ii r 1 1 . 1 1 1 i.i.le si. 'inner ln , I i 'ur.i.ii. I mmii S I'll' lll'i. Ill ll ."1 's. , lis Ui ,., no,, pel I lai,, -s!tTil;ty m n l,:i,il. tl;iui,ir,.',l , .. ii, l,. on hi the Hrlil.. h ; I ;! i ' i Iran I -1 it Miinili.iii', I h cr I" ilaj s out Ih,. I 'in .hi was Kicjlli il ..If I he I li ul Japan In Ihe l iiiahni r, llvinc, .lis ii'-t.s si;:iiuhi. and Cail:iiu II.ihIi icsnii j a: I.e. 'i,r as.-islalice, . hich . as Im uieilii.iely I'iv.-n , 1 Tl lulilinii nf ihe . ii i n Is not I known. . iv nn Ml,, -a jilea i li ii r ihe i 1 1 ii it trip I. lie ( '.' ,,, oil Ihe Ol'.'l'.i.tl IJe.-lfli' e ihe low,. .1. or Ihal the $1 5n ,,iih w ay is the low c t. ' I'he 1 1 ! p i ill I.,, maile lo anv pal I ., I Ihe , Uy of I'm Man. I for Ihe ..Iraii'.lit lin e ol I .'.. or J.! i.n for ihe r ul li p," :,M Mr T'o.'ler, "ainl that ii.lnd " I ,,. I: '. I ,ul I'oll. 1 ' 1 " , . .. . "'"''"''I by j .,ni s, ,-,.,. ,.. lare Hon Is II .lol.e? !,,lr I'''1 'he ; p.,,,,,-,1 ,ar , Salem, p. In llu. fair i -1 1 1 1 1 1 -. p,n f 1 I,. Our, m Cilv ami II'. le Like the 111, I I ,11' to I 'o ll 1 ,1 1 1 ll , pa , '.lie. 211 , i ins to all. pa. I ol I'm I I I II Ii. Ju.l t"U del from the .ir, , I ear In Hie S I' depot at 1 1 in I'lnr Hi,, me -, ..ml oiilv I '., leei limn Ihe S I' ,h pot lu I ii .'.'.nil I ' I ' v In Me i I re, t , .,r 'I'he South.., n I'aci I'.c , I 1,1 I;. :, J I i, , 1 1 on, l'al III to I'ol Man, I, I ul ll, in Is only I n:. ll Ihe full' II in!-, lo lllel'ell I 'll i . lirl'i.illv a I'oiiliiinl s nh ml," i;v i itMi im tit in sis 1511 1 1 hi: not I II us I I Ni l I I, I'lll'SS I I' .HI I, I. III. Washington, Nov. 21. As a result of the coven, nieiit H coin, 1 1 v w hie plolie Into Ihe Iii.'Mio.Ih , ,f illl. I'.'il .piack doctors ami man iifacl urei ,. of patent, niedleiiies ih I riim iilal to He' pllllllc liellll ll, IllCOlllplel.. e,l IS I ' eiv.il here to.lac s'u'lv ll I ,' I" I SOIIM illlp!icillei , e M , 'IlilleS al l ,".l ('III' f I'll-'"'' los SI,. ii ,e i.,,,,1 ; c. perl'-.l lo I: i '. e all Me " I ' l" I' ! c r-l. lo.li le. ;-'.., .'. l'o, II, I , Oe I' C-li' I J I I'- !' " I hlS eql.-,ll,. , ally tl lal ', of Ih,. ,1 . . I IIOM'II U, 4SSIH I I ll III MI'I III I II s iii in: Saiiiiicl I'aiill.liei', pi, ".hi, nl and (r. ll Mill II HI ll!l' T III till' IspHlahle H.iHpl- lal ic s. lull, in, of I'oi'llainl, waa In II,. ,lv M ,i, lay Inahllie pi epll Illl loll III opi II Up ollii e,l III Sal'-in Mr I r.nilkne,' ill k ll,ls ,llv IhhiI I iiai t. i a (.,r ii i e a i , I a r i,K"U, v of Ih'. j oil, , sill' lll.il w III III-I'll) "lelall ', ' ,. nil Is, ii! 0,1 lo . -'. , ,pl i, Ian . iiii, I hm I ' , .. I .. I lie I'" a I ,.ll I oils lif ! !!,, , s pa, i. 'I he n.n I ''' .Hon lor .' ,-.,h I . I,. ,,,l,.,l le: hi IS ! In ' 11 ll," ! ,. i ,1 - w l I ; Ml I 'ailll.il' i , hut ' .. i, mi, i , ,-, I Ml , p. w. I, Jo U'.li. .'i Mean Occasi'ilOilly one man may another by prnsliu; his . nemi' Incorporated Towns Have No Posloffices ., ui lh..rt. ar.) at least four towns In th- i-.gh iri'-'irporii!."!, n.i. Such a discovery h;. .- Albert T').l' r nt th ...mmissiont-r's odi.e in ,,'isiicn of i.M"-; and ,'ory to Ho- hieniih.l r- 1 state turn . no .'.sto:'h '. j 1,, en mad'- . ! state labor to ' t I"..'t. i i RVl, milk. nwM T,-A !nch prepare in minute, j .,-,. r..4J,n -ha I rakenBiuDst'c-"-i---.,i .',, tlivery l.h'" iat men' u.'- r- - town.") is that the rural is han put Uic-m out ol EFFICIENCY From liM".tli;:iMol. i tt a; Ii.. ,' sue "'-'b 'I 'I' lo"1'' Hid? fi)Mir.'n in iMKikk-nl.it; .lepartiiiciit.s, .uliertliilm? !e l.artn.eni.:;. cost ili-piirt ru-iiiH pay-rolis, etc, lie r.-aslni: th'1 ouiput, .le. I'-a 'iii)- Hi'- "ul of ,i,k1u' '. and K-ttlm: '' t.hooMit. mil "f ''.'- wikers which iii'-aiiH "I' lii'pr'"" ineiit of 'piali'y all aioio' l-'o line. Wh '.vouhl hk. o, you alio ut i' It costs vo l i.oMiii.i'. hi uiioi i;ns .wmum; t imnk ( X. li. (;r-f'K, Sid' i" M '' .-rcial Cl.h ll iiel.ii,: to (,'ofiim I'orMuiul Ur'-M.!i 1 GLOBE THEATRE PROGRAM FOR TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY Jim's Vindication si. I. in A Suffragette in Spile of I litr.aclf i IMsilV I .Ml I in The Family Next Door II 1 1 1 N The Moving Finder h-i I'ltm i MRS. VIOLA VFRCLER HOFMAN The Popular Violinist, all Thin VVVek HEAR THE GREAT PIPE ORGAN j Coming: uMilU '-f tlio Gotls" I Jiree Keeis Novt.-mlx r li()-27-LIH j GLOBE THEATRE, HUBBARD BUILDING j