Handsome Strictly Tailored Suits 35.00 Values for Only $25.95 if you ry a tallor c0'00' you'n k n Hiilt superior In any Ot pUTO'""" ------ way to tl'e- AH our suits and coats are now being iwiu ai GItEATIA' REDUCED PKICES 150.00 values frio.w 140.00 values $28.75 125,00 values $18.19 $17.50 values .$12.05 15.00 values $11.21 The Best Shoe Values are Here Children's RAIN COATS Extra Special $2.75 All Sizes Dress Goods at Extremely Low Prices $3"5 J'1, now.,,, I2.B0 yd,, now..., $2.00 yd,, now,,,. $1.75 'd now,,., "O yd., now..,, $1.2.r, yd., now,,.. $l-0 yd., now.,., ffo Jd now,.,, cr,o yd., now.,,, co yd., now,,,, ..:(.! ..2.21 ,.l.7! .$I.S .1.0!) . . SSo . . 711c .. Sic ..41c Cotton Blankets Nice, bis, warm, cozy, cotton blankets or blan kets with wool nap, You need to ico them to up. predate thorn and then you will realize they are splendid, $3.00 values $1.75 values $i;;,s $1.05 values $l.s $1.G0 values $In $1.35 values $.2 $1.00 values silc S5o values ;c jAILTariTIL wcMi,. ..... RoyalWorcesterand Graham at Bon Ion Corsets L z mm m 1'urtlnilar women . the world over recognize llm 'genuine llu,ri,s uf th1 0 VAL WOUCKSTEK and HON TO (ONSETS. Stylo and staple wearing dualities am combined. In these, corsets. Their lines nro absolutely correet, and ns there nro many different models, your particular demands can he met here. WEDNESDAY, XOYKM11RH io. 1912. the Top as a Violinist D An nni no wmm ohu bULU,' TUUK I HEAD STUFFED Wmu. ... Mn- fcvh . rir. Fh. Hhiiiim mm:. llitlM X) on- i You will dis li.uilv to. 1 your ,.,,1,1 '"""'P ml all ih,. Cripp, - (he very first IIOSC. ; William Wallace Oral,:,,,,, Or,,.,,,,' Krcat violinist, deigned MlMy sized audience at the ili.iu.i 1 -is, i..i,', I with his marvelous pk,l. Ho also , " s 11 )H'si,iv' fact that Pape's Cold ;lut a task up to The Journal's rep-1 l'"ll'H"""1 every two hours, un jeturial foree that none of them or1''' U,1''v 11 lw'l'mh e doses arc tal.cn, .for that matter, all of them combined . 0,1,1 i:'''-,l"' I1U'1 1' f.;iU up the can perform-that Is to give ;i ,,u,,,r ! !""st p,nV1'" ''old, oh her In the head, description of his playing To do this, ' ' l':u'k' s!0,1'''l or limbs, ami do It well, would require a vast! '"''"'''"'V relieves tl,,, most mis fund of musical knowledge, and the cn:Mo ,u'l,';'elu dullness, head and bo8 on The Journal froiy routes ""M sluflVl1 !'. feverlslmess, sneez- that they are neither iimr.;.i shin's "'K' Sli!' ,llr,mt' running of Hie n ! nor flats. jmnemm catarrhal discharges. i However, even to tee iavnian hU: ' Mmn,,,! ''' rhoumatl. music Is a revelation. He has a dell- l"M n -'"'','m raokag,. of 'Tain's jcney of touch, a mastery of teue thai ; (,"1,! r"i"iound" from ;.enr drui-lst inahes his violin 8oomim:iv a tleim of ,;ili0 il wi,h ""' knowlcino. that It ur - . ... '. '- " ' . u ill .., rcsponsiYO 10 Ills lnlnd as well ns: e.,.,,,, ami tn-omi:i our, ! finders. ,('"ul '"id and all the grippe Mihs waters lias a nianiifleeiit voice, and all were dcliuhied wiih her niimhers, which Were too few. Hi " :"'(''l" 'omelhliiK else said to was her first visit to. Salem, hut It h,)1"' im ws Tastes nice-acts sincerely hoped It will not he her last. ''"" Those who attended went home last ti'Riit prouder than over of Salem's splendid lniiBlelan, and doiiuMed wltlp the musical treat he-had given them lose, inre- twines. your misery ; (Without any assistance (r had aftct- ts and that it contains no i,iilnli,e THINK THEY 11 AYE THE SALOON HOI.D-l 1' MEN UNITED rilKSS IlASCll WlllK.l Medford, Or., Nov. 2ti, "lioldle Her Reading Was a Treat to AH Progressives Made Great Run in Pierce County UNITKD I'RESS LBA81ID WMB. Taroma, Wash., Nov. 20. Official count of Pierce county for president gives the Progressives 13,074; Denio rriils. (i Saj: Remibllcjins. G.502: So- dallsis, 4,075; Prohibitionists., 9B4; Scclalist-Ubor, 166. The Socialists douhlcd their vote and the Prohibi tionists Increased theirs 300 per cent, (ittbejnatorial vote: Lister, Democrat, 10,724; Hodge, Progressive, 9,514; Hay, Republican, 6,972; Maley, Social ist, 3.5116; Stevors, Prohibitionist,. 711; Breardlffs, Socialist-Labor, 118. The Stclalists carried a dozen precincts and ran second In a scorn Relchpost Ai Baying that Austria and Scrvia ar on the verge of war. The Tageblatt'g htory of the report ed ultimatum to Scrvia Is not clear as to precisely what sltiiatlun called it forth. It It wns a demand for lnfor niation concerning the Tate of Consul Pnochaska at Prlsrend, the matter is not alarming, Scrvia having already furnished the Austrian government of ficers to go to Prlsrend and investi gate. Jf, however, the ultimatum re lates to the conflicting Austrian mid Servian claims to the Adriatic mili tary men hellwe that war is immi nent., Great Importance here is attached to the meeting of Kaiser Wllhelin and Archduke Franz Ferdlnnnd, heir to (ho Austrian throne, tomorrow. On tins meeting may depend peace or war for Europe. GERMANY ISSUES ULTLMATUM TO AUSTBIA r,si'ra rni:ssi ujased wiiib. Berlin, Nov.. 20. The Austrian gov ernnient sent an ultimatum to Servlajlng salesman, regarding the dispute over Alban ian ports, according to announcement made in the Tageblatt. A message from Vienna quotes the Accidentally Kills Ills IVIfe. l.'XITKI) I'llKKH LEASED WISE. Lewlston, Idaho, . Nov. 20. While loading his 44-calibre revolver in the presence of his wife yesterday, In pre paring to leave the city on an rarly morning train, H. C. Paine, a travel- accidentally shot and killed his wife on Norman Hill. It has been the custom of Mr. Paine to carry a revolver. This morning, while both were in GRAND OPERA HOUSE Saturday, November 23 The Paul Armstrong Company presents the distinguished star, HOLbrtUUK bliinn ; Supported by a company of fifty in A Romance of the Underworld lly 1'aul ArniKlrons, Author of "The Heir to the Hoorah," "Saloniy Jane," "The Deep Pur Pie," "Alius Jimmy Valentlna,"" and "The Greyhound." Guaranteed to be the original cast and production as seen in Chicago for 20 weeks last season, The dra matic sensation of the season- $1 ,50, $1 ,00 and 50cts, the lialhitwm, where Mr. Palno was arranging hln personal effects, and was loading his gun, it refused to Biiap in place and at the Bocond attempt to bring the barrel In place It wns dis charged, the mi 1 1 tit entering tlio spinal column of the wife, who suffered al most Instantaneous death, A Hi, lie,, ,.f II, ,11., ! Clown, alias S. C. Smith, is lodged In i,, ,, , , , ,. ' mm in I f 11 IMadaiue Labadte Monday even ng was .the cl y Jail here today awalllu, ,he Im(lv(.rMlv ,., , .,- Jim,.n;l, in rlval of 1 1). Warren, of 1 lilt, Tal., I ,.,. i,,- ti , ' "' , , , I estcida . Hie linuse that greeted I who Is expected to identify him as the i n. .,. , .,, ,., ,,. , , , I l"" '"'' b'dy was not so lare as iiitiin who held up Warmi's saloon at n u, if,, .. , , , ,', It should have been, and not nearly so j .111 Saturday night, and escaped wlhj,1(w, M ,ltf , $J.,no Iirown tallies with the deserl,,. fMV,. ,, Ral(,m .Hon of the hand.t. The police also ,, ,,,,, ,..,,,,,,, ,, f (.y l.iivn In fMiflrwlv. W V U'llo I,.. I.. ' """ " AlacKayes most recent pluvs. Thelailv said to be Brown's accomplice. lllls . ,.,,.ifiee,.t v,,t,,, ',1 , a llrown arrived In Medford Monday ; 3 a hell, a clear a.ul distinct enunela nlRht from the south, ills lavish ex-!,, ,, ,t ,,,.,. nf (,M,,ssl(, penuuure or money in local saloons , delicacy of touch In ,.,i,asl-i. I v i A J I- ' 'l' f '---v J;-v ai:n; i;v, ;f wCKiLii ( 6.' We have a Model of Thompson's Glove-Fitting Corsets T'r fit c:v; m,iK0 il the p;V!-o:',t :itVI0 aiL'ai A siiipMioiit of tltis popuLir aiul all slock. S'.TS ,110 I000!tl now i;i . W. Corset Waists follow corset iines ory and allow o, boater freed., ordmaiy corsets, m e hu! a e me ie. flexible i ieeemeiit tl'.a ii'.e CIRCUS CIRCUS CIRCUS CIRCUS CIRCUS At the Grand BIG ONE RING CIRCUS INCLUDING CIRCUS o DC O V) 5 O oc o CO O OC King Pharaoh, Educated Horse Prof. Fred Casey, Marvel of the Athletic Un verse Dan Hart, Oldest Clown in America. Dogs, Ponies Goats 9 Great Acts in All 9 Etc., Etc., Etc., Wednesday and Thursday November 20-21 Popular Prices, 25, 35, 50c Bring tne unuaren CIRCUS CIRCUS CIRCUS CIRCUS CIRCUS o 5o o c CO o 55 o c () o O C CO CO o cc o X-RAYS AND SMILES. j(C )js 5c jt )j( 5)c 3 5( j jjt C jfC )c The red light district In Portlwid seems, In the light of recent events to be the most moral district That bauipiet given by the suffrag ettes in Portland last night showed that the women are qualified to run any old Job the men have heretofore arrogated to themselves. The whole state could not be at Portland Tuesday night to attend that big suffrage banquet, but there was a unanimous sentiment in all parts of It that the venerable woman In whose honor It was given, deserved all the kind things that might could or would 1 said about, her even at a buiquet. Albany has dropped everything else !n order to prepare for the big football raine between the C. of 0. and O. A. C. kfcrkers who will meet there Saturday A case of pleasure before business. The Turks have had an eight-hour armistice, and they probably vere pleased enough with It, to want to adopt the eight-hour system. The great "unwashed" carried the cruntry and the bath tub trust was broken a few days later. This is "a happy coincidence." They call It the Portland land show because there Is no land shown and the exhibits came from other parts of the state; but then "what's In a name?" It is great, under any title. Statements of Expenses Still Come In Statements of expenses continue to t.i.i -. come In at the county ciei One of the most novel yet to he re ceived come from II. R. Ryan, who as the Socialist candidate for jus tice of the peace. Mr. Ryan wrote it . , 1 I uln.oH 11, fit. file on a postal caru uuu -- cost of the card and tne one-ceu. stamp thereon was the only expense incurred In the campaign. The card was mailed at Springfield. Ohio. Others to file statements since noon m,erday are as MIowb: Max Gehl bar. Republican candidate for county clerk JlTO.tO; J. T. Beckwlth, R--pub-Uean candidate for county cwim.Is ,;on(.r, $13; J. Ii- Hoss. Socialist can ddate for county surveyor, nothing; A. M. Cloush, Republican candidate fr coroner, $10. The county central committee of the K, publican party expend M.-Oo while the Bame commit. of the Pro hibition party spent M0' attracted the attention of Hie local police. He was placed under arrest. At the hotel lie had registered S. C. Smith Monday, nnd on Tuesday had signed ns O. T. Smith. In his suitcase was found a revolver, bottle of chloro-1 equal it form and a search light. He refused to make a statement. thai Is t liil very perfection of art. As she leads .:ino can almost. sek. dm chiiriie ters so vividly dues she portray them. It will he long before Salem has any thing else of this character that will CIRCUS journal "Want Ada." bring reaulU. I'ltiaiMlN.UtY TO THE nit; EXPOSITION 1 i-ni ri:n I'Iiksh rr.Asni wiiui l Taroma, Wash., Nov. 2(1. H. V. Dodge, of San Francisco, is here and M. A. Zan and A. II. C. Kalkhorst are on the way to appear before the state assembly hero tonight, when Wash ington's leading business men nnd boosters will take steps looking to ward adequate representation for this state at the Pannmn-Psclflc exposi tion. J. 11 'Chllberg, of this state, has al ready gone on record for a $e(ai,a0fi appropriation by the legislature for the purpose of erecting a building for Washington, Governor Hay and legislative leaders will lio here to he Impressed by the exixwitloii boosters. i h:ists Will, stv SCHHAXK IS ( ln.Y ThcH.&W.Sheatlilync College Girl Waist is especially popular with youne, ladies, Another Large Shipment of North Star Hosiery just reeived, Our sales of this lino have become enor mous because only the best selected yarns are used which insures peiloot service liom every pair, Wo carry an immense variety of hose in heavy or livjit weights ami tine or coarse e.uae.e, suitable for every of wear, 77 "CRLDIT STORES" CAN'T MATCH OUK PRICES Our store closes at 5:30 every evening except Siilurday csiti'h muss i.msn, wuir t Milwaukee, Nov. 211.- That John Schrnnk who sliot Colonel Hjiosevi'll I on the night of October 11 last, is ln-1 sane, will l,e the snbstniice of an unanimous report, of the live alienists appointed by Judge Itarkus to examine Into the prisoner's mental condition, was the statement of a court ofllclal yu'tcrday afternoon. Judge Hackus said lale today that the report probably would not be pre sented to the court until Thursday and that lie bad no idea what the findings would he. Presuming Hint Schrnnk will he Arthur of Maltiimoah is also In the race, and II In reported thai Allen li ton of 1 .11 lit- will make another try for the presiding chair. Mr. Honchpik" Is mo loin, ri'iiri'Hen Ullve of (he ministerial calling In the hosue, and Is now serving his third consecutive term. He stales Ibal w lille it Is too early lo make any definite pii'dlctions, he lias received assurances of support from many. While in the contest to win, lie slates Hint, whichever way the elei IIK'KEY IMIK TII) FOR III ItDEIt OF JOSErilS (rsm:i i'in:ss ir.Asrn wnu:.l BnlTalo, X. Y., Nov. 20. An indict ment charging J. Frank lllckey, a chemist, with the murder of 7-year-old Joseph Josephs, wnH returned by the giand jury here today. lllckey Is held at Tom River, X. J.. having been arrested yesterday at Whltinr X. .1. Young Josephs body was found in a vault at Lackawanna, a suburb of Buffalo. He was choked to death. "CASCARETS" BEST FOR THE BOWELS THE MILM0S OF ( ASCUtET I S EYEK HAVE HEADACHE, 0STIPATI0, IIII.IOrSNESS OK SICK STOMACH. It is more necessary that you keep vour bowels, liver and stomach clean, pure and fresh than it Is to keep the sewers ami drainage of a large city free from obstruction. Are you keeping clean Inside with f.llS,.aret9-or merely forcing a pas v.,g,.Wav every few days with wilts, cathartic plll'i or castor oil? Thin U Important. Casrarets Immediately cleanse and reflate the stomach, remove the sour, undigested and rermenui.g -1 foul gases; take the excess bile from i ,he her and curry out of the system the constipated waste matter and poi son In the internes and bowels. U ,ow badly ami upsei u found Insane, it will be Impossible to: Hon goes, it bus been decided by lilm try hint on Hie charge of attempting 'and Representative. McAi thur Hint to kill olonel Roosevelt. The only al-1 lernatlve Is confinement In the hospi tal for the Insane at. Oshkosh. there will hn lio hard feellngH mid factionalism, as at the laHt biiilslallvu session. lilclns limy be a curse, Iml l.liey ani more amusing Ibiui the blessing of poverty. One example of futility Ih Irving tn Hell a buhl bended man a bottle of hair dye. A woman is a ciirlniis denture, es pecially when her husband Is detained down town until two o'clock lu lie, morning. A lllriluliiy Iteiiiiliin. A family reunion nnd birthday parly occurred Sunday at the home of (". 1 Starr, 104.) Marlon street, when the various members of the Starr family gathered to honor the seventieth birth day of Mrs. J. P. StJirr, an Oregon pio neer of 'VS. Those present at the dinner were Mrs. J. P. Starr, ('. I.. Kt.'irr, secretary of the state tax commission, and wife; A- P, Starr and wife and son Frank of Portland; If. K. Starr and wile, nnd j Kigene and Paul Starr, of Falls Cliy; and Mr. and Mrs. (b- ige HI, limomi i and son Charley, of Dallas. j Mrs. J. P. Starr, who now iiiak'.-J her j homo In Salem, Is vigorous and wlj pieserved and ib-splto the trials ofj pioneering, evpertii to celebrate maiiyj more birthdays. With lo r husband j she came to Oregon from California, j first settling In Yamhill county, and! then In Polk county, where the family resldul for many years. THURSDAY SPECIALS Columbia Oat Flakes, !! sl.e. Our price. Hue pkg Solder's Catsup, 2.',c size. Our pile, '.'lie, Ixillle Smoked Salmon. Our price K,e Hie pound Sweet Potatoes. Our price II lbs for 2 Peifecllon Clour, per sack $1.0.",; fmir sacks fur l Oil liny where you get the most and bent for your money, Damon & Son THE ( I T I'lIK K (IKM'l.ltS v N. Comii lul. I'bux, tit Ml HKM' I It IE DEI.IYI.KY LOW I'lIK IS Itlll.HOAD ME.VS SCRAP AT HIMIMMtO CNiTi n rmisii ixasco wmr ) lluntlnglon, Or.. Nov, 20. The. au thorities todnv are Investigating a vil lous atta, k made on C O. Wells i.nd J. F. Kdison, railroad unplovea, sup-poM-dly by wverai of their fellow workmen, who dwlriil to have tle'in Join a union cidison was badly le.it , n up by Aiisiin I'tley, a railroad workman, who ph rub d guilty to par Hclpa'lng In the attack and was fined !), while several others are uielei surveillance. It Is claimed that the ( kii.: Ir- 'lv shouted "wah,' al 'AelM aiel r.'l.- M-n. and a bbidy fighi en llbe auHiorltleti arrival I in GLOBE THEATRE PROGRAM FOR TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY Jim'tf Vindication SKI. HI ... ' A Suffragette in Spite of Himself i . i r -. n o til in The Family Nt xt Door i : in n 'I he Moving Fing.jr f.SSJ IIP t II t MRS. VIOLA VLRCLEK HOLMAN The Popular Violinist, all This Week HEAR THE GREAT PD'K ORGAN rt All ' ,,,.1 a C'avaret tonight will etiaigio- jK-(ESI-: I U H r ,n '-on ou by morning. They work, 4HMt 'J'HK SI'EA hi HMH I' wbde you rl-c-l.. A l'J-cent box frou) j , conr druggist will keep your bai SfaM Itep.e. i.'ame p. 0. Ix-o-, Corning: uMil! November 2G-27- ,.f the Coda" Three Reels ar, stomac regular lor months. Don't their little in. j. r, d bowels rr,ei. the children. Mm need a good, gentle cl-anilng too. dae and Incidentally in hx-kl'.g t.ta isiidiildcv for the n-iilo'iHhlp of the wiling legislature. Represenutlvo C. X. ("I'ttt' CIORF. THEATRE. HUBBARD BUILDING