II "TNT The Whole Country IIWMUILVU nnoio toumry. Boll,l, Carolina ana Massachusetts, flosiou , , i i .. nmi I I III 1 L'DLUlli run on 1 1 1 1 hi- gild KiiiH-u 1 1 l Kin, mo i-uruuu ana me Hug,n.,l and CavBllor, blue blood anl w(1 lib -It Is all the same; the country l reiumou, uguui, ior ma third or fourth time since the Wash ington Unlit Infantry paraded at Dunk olllll ii ml tlio Boston Tigers fratcr niw,,l hi (no llattery. State lines havo i,o,i obliterated. Maine salutes New j i I....1 I, ii . ... . i i ... i iii'J"1'' rornia bhukcs nnnun win Ixnisl:i.i. nnd the words and music of , iiniu the Oreeon" and "Wnv'n..,. ., " . " "h(m "'J'1, - - " - , ..,.. I'nnn the Swanee RIber" i i"""' ... . . - - - ,.n annua nf thft nlnln nannln -. IhA HI! II '.111 SUF Vfc V"W U.MIU IUWI1U l,,v - . .. .. . . : . , rt0 have, come to tnoir own at lost. .....nilarflll nf nil that hna hnn. ... i .ut 7 ' . ened In the political life of this coun try In more than half a century, the triumphant host ls led by a South ern man, a Virginian by birth, a Car clliinlan by residence and education, a cIlln'Mi of the world and the gover nor of a Northern state. For the first tlmo slufo Abrahnm Lincoln, a mnn of Southern birth will be the chief niafr lstrato of the United States by the choice r all their people. The S:mth, however, was not neces sary to Hi" cloctlon of Wood row Wil son. II'1 could spare every electoral vote In the South without Impairing l,l9 tiilc in the office of president, and it in In this non-sectional aspect that lilg triumph Is the greatest ever won liv ,a public mnn In our history. Even bettor Mian this, If II, bo possible to conceive of anything better, Is the non partisan character of his .victory. Tens of thousands of voters In all parts of the country broke away from old par ty osso, 'billons and cast their ballots for lil in. The election was so nearly unani mous (hat. Mr. Wilson Is not bound to any particular state or section, or par ty for his election. Ho will be all the better abUt to administer the govern ment In the Interest of the whole peo ple and with an eye single to the growth and prosperity of the United States. It was a Virginian who achieved the Independence of the col onies; It was a Kentucklan who "'saved the Union;" It is a Virginian to vhom has been reserved the honor and duly of building upon the old foundations a new and larger Ameri can Commonwealth. nWM MM 1 All winter long on the Zero days and the windy, blustering days the Perfection Smoke less Oil Heater gives them real solid comfort. It saves them many a cold and sickness for it easily warms the rooms not reached by the ordinary heat. The Perfection Heater is made with nickel trim mings (plain steel or enameled turquoise-blue drums). Ornamental. Inexpensive. Lasts for years. Easily moved from place to place. At Dtalmrt Evryahtn STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) 461 Mark.t Stmt Sn FrmncUco PKEE An Atlas of the World will be given FREE to any subscriber, new or old, who comes to this office and pays one dollar or more on their paper. This Atlas is good and handy and in book form and should be in every home. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL MA tStw t AttKUW LU 1 Aw CLUETT PEABOpy fi-rnronv uv 11 i . mis ()N ( A((( "l."'s,A,t "v ovi-it teddy UNIT TO) l'llliSH !.K.li-n . P-Uand, or., Nov. llWConndlauou 01 the complete, unc.llli-lal vm f "lute todlly Bhowg tlmt mMn i IIUONOVIO, it, .1. - .. r . , ---I f.ari v l vci ...i ... .. "u was i;j,ijs4 in advance of Tift The final lU'in-nu ,,. ii.,, . . . 'wimcvon, 6i,i2H, and h,..j n. . Tuft 3.1,013. Tor .I'liiu - u ouuos senator Harry Lane, IQhlUIK,.t I ... . ' " i,D4 over iii-n tn iiui iir mm tnin,... 0nd n m oycp t. Vnlo ... in . . nK s ftll,a(1 f Bourn-s TllA IO,. I.. .... , lur lne 8tnlt; envo Lnne 0,177; Soiling, 38,413; liournc 2" -9. A. E. Clark, on the Progressive ticket delved 11,071 votes for srn. ator. ONE CASE AGAINST JOHNSON' DISMISSED UNITED rill-.SS LEASED W11IE 1 CliiciiRo, Nov. IDLack of prose cution In the wise against Jack John son, negro pugilist, charged with tlio abduction of Lucille Cameron, a 10-ycnr-old white girl, of Minneapolis, resulted In tho charge being dismissed by Judge Hopkins In the municipal court. Johnson was in court accompanied by a bodyguard of four husky negroes. Iiiiclllo Cameron ib still confined In Jail at Rockford. Johnson Is at liberty on sun nnn bonds on a charge of violating tho Mann white slavery act. For Foolliiil dune. UNITED MESS LEASED H'lUE. Portland, Ore., Nov. 19. Tho threo principal oiricers for the football games between Oregon University and Oregon Agricultural College Saturday at Albany were selected today. George Vernell, of Spokane, was named as referee; Victor Place, .of Seattle, umpire, and Carl Smith, of Portland, head linesman. It was announced that Governor West and his staff will be present, and President Campbell, of the Universi ty of Oregon, and President Kerr, of tlie Agricultural College, would also be present, 'I -Oil WWBmWLItg tftKM www Brings Comfort to Old People THE igRFECTIO; Smokeless to Select the Sites CNnr.u n:i han I'raia-i I IVVS1.D win "cu, Aov. ' nu.a-Paciil -The p;..,. exposition dir., .... ini' '"'"ied todav tho. . ' "-'onto s,',m ; ; H,a' exhibit v.il' ,,v , K tomorrow for San i-'i n, . ' "'4'"" ,,,rivi , i-lanugo, and -;n r. e h,r s,;,llt;lI1,x,usl, , ork s,lU" wnimiMiou, i....,,,,, hy N0nilil" -M. New York !n 'M'P.opilatcd rMmtw ,n ; He an-, ciovoruo,. classco,k - lent Moor, his r,firi.t nt b, ,naljl cci..niiany the West V,r f,"!"1 n. which consl,w nf t"'l F. II. ..irosseup, J. K. .McGra" and G. O. Nagle. THE RniIlin-iiP ,, Tho Presbyterians of Hums, liar Jcy county, have raise,! the funds for building a church to cost $10,rmi). The Hurney County Nws claims there is nu organized band of horse thieves operating i Southeastern Oregon. Governor Wwl wag i.rr-venieil do "veriug an address at Albany last ''"'' I')' a delayed train. Fitieon I'umlred had gathered to 1,,,,,- him, Tho Knterprlso says there nro nino applicants for the Oregon city pust uiastershlp. t Two men .have been arrested in linker county, charged with stealing IS head of cattle. Mrs. Jane Casteel died at Lakevlew last week. She was SO years old and came to Oregon In ISO I. The Multnomah county returns show that George M. Davis Is elected judge of the Circuit Court, depart ment 4, by 128 plurality. Judge Tazewell, his nearest competitor, five being in the race, may contest. Albany reports several fights Sun day as a result of blind pigs one of them qulto a serious mlx-up. Albany has organized a law enforce ment league nnd will put an eud to the blind pig industry. Albany held Its third annual chrys anthemum show Tuesday night It was a beauty and the attendance was large. It was not a happy home coming for a young Albany man Saturday, for when he reached that haven tf rest, he found his wife had sold all the furniture and had skipped for parts unknown. A burglar alarm In an Albany bank has a habit of going off occasionally, apparently just to keep In practice. HAMS UNCLE SAM TO FIX THE HAK President Kady, of the Waldport Commercial club, who was recently elected a member of the port commis sion at that place, claims that the wreck of the steamer Condor on the bar in Yatpiina bay Sunday was the result of lack of Improvement In Al sea bay. Mr. Kady states his opinion In a letter to State Printer Duuiway. Reciting tho circumstances of the wreck, Mr. Kady says that upon reach ing Alsea bay aft'T leaving Newport the storm was so high that passage could not. be taken over Alsea bar, that the ship was conin'lled to turn back to Yatiuina bay with the dire result that fol'owed. The proper Improvement of Alsea bay and Its bar would have sav ed tho shl), be claims. President Kady asks the state printer to appeal l0 Congressman Iiawley to seek as sistance from the government In Im proving the harbor. FI1IK ESCAPES IN PEACE (Wilis' IMUtMITOItY The fire escape which has been un-1 der construction at the east side of, the girls' dormitory of the Willamette j Cniverslty Is completed. It is at- j tached to the windows that open Into j tue halls, so nun , " ii'cm any worn In the building by way of the fire escape. ; These fire esca; s are creeled un-. der the re,ini'vnieiii3 of a recently en-, : acted rltv ordinance, and. with the ex- 'cep.lon of one -r tV,. a" bull'""' over two stories it ""' i provided wilh the apparatus. j , , I A C.reat HuMdln? Iwh-n iU foundation Is ui'd.Tmmed !r:;,l if the foundation of h.'alti-gi i,l"retion-is attach,,!, quick coila;,-.' f follow-'. On the fust signs of Indig. -itk.n, Dr. Kings New Life HIU ;he taken to tone (he stou... n and ,,,ate liver, kidneys and wweis Ih asant, ny, saie, aim uv - - at J. C. rorrj's. jAiiT cafiul jornxAi.. sup The Moose Pay Honor to Women :i"iY CITY 1.1.1,,,,; ftp T Olf'KK (;ENK1!01 v 0K1 !;s IS -H.VOMKU'Am II VI I. K( ,t FIKST MEETING OK 1 ,, U ' I'UUiE CLUB. ' U Salem, Or. Mrs. Olive S. Hnrlgln tal City Equal SulTr Nov. ; , 1:111 lVshlii.t Capi. :e Club, Giib iiv, Oregon. i-vr.r Madam: Tbf members of tho house 'o of Cherry City Lod60 No. 4;K :Mt- I.,. " 01 -""ose, -s:re to ovt-.-ti-l to U'f Capital City Equal Suffra,;, Clnh the use of the Mw-o :.;i., ,.,,, iiuiMmy aiiernoou, Novcmhor 1912, for the purpose of hohlii:; -I the urst public meeting of said lui.'.a- lour respecttully, H. II. TfllXLln. Secretary of House Coni'iiiit?e. Salem, Or., Nov. l, uuj, Mr. H. H. Turner, Secretary of the House Committee cf the t'!,0rry city 1-odgo of the Loyal Order of Moos,. Dear Sir: The members of Capbal Titv Kqual OiitY vino, accept wiili ).! i'iie uie courtesy oxteinie.l and friends by the in its l.K'llllH'i s f Hi" elegant Mi ose i,oilge room lor I'lnirsd.iy all r- i .mm, .oveiiiiier L'l, :n J tor tl,. our-Po--e of holding a penile receicmn. The Loyal Order of j,!Sl, Ujn ,. on record as tlio first or;:ai.iAiii,m of i.e n in not only the Ca;ii;al l i:y. out in the slate or Oregon, I ., tins honor the women of our stale, in In-half of the Suffrage club and of a;l the suf fragists of Salem, 1 thank you. Ke spectrally yours. OLIVK S. KNKliniT. College Boys Put on an Old Play University of Oregon, Nov. 17. That joltes, when old enough, grow fresl. again was demonstrated by tho tinlver. slly Dramatic club when it repro duce before a delighted audience, "The Clouds," h comedy which once brought forth merry chuckles from the hereon of ancient Greece, The rejuvenated humor of Arlstophenes lacked nothing of mirth producing power though It has lain dormant In dusty libraries for over two thousand years. Tho comedy proved such a success that it Is pro posed to offer It to the Portland the- alre-golng folk during the Thanks,,!- Ing vacation. "The Clouds" is a consummation of Greek wit in which the Attic master of humor, Arlstophenes, sallrlz.-d and ridiculed the "think shop" of the old philosopher, Socrates. Realistic scen ery, of simple Ionic pillars, together with picturesque Greek costumes, car ried the audience back to tho atmos phere of ancient Athens. Tin- scenery was painted In tho most part by in land Finch, '13. In t li us producing one of th' classic ill patent medicines or medlclnei ad Tertlsed 111 this paper are for sale i DR. STONE'S Drug Store S.ULM, OiiEf-ON also nn. 1 0 ' e's ( I) It. 11 r 1 11 1 N nee " N" '"'V I'l'.'----.' ,ve;ik ft' "li. Ibb; way of treat i',H (lllri and COLDS II. li . ; i' ,., t, iking of siiknii,g, ii,, ;te s into an a!r' ely Simply a inedii.ited 'vfib !, air Is diav. u In'., I I .turs It's a pb av.i.'e It!.-, ti.p.a tor , l.'jdr' a iI t orci! Trn:' adults to D.e tlo-y feel and know ! air hits tl.o K' .1 ' )' Dr. S. Stoti.' a.lv-11.. O Sent by !: ., ipu of tho ;r.ie, tiny addr ;oc. ;','..,vl.:i..,,ij! This Space Reserved for the MORRIS Cash Feed AND Grocery Store Ph.ii'e your w;nts to Prompt Delivery fair Gioiiiids Road I'iiiys of tho ancients the milvorslty indents have entered field t,llt f..w r.uxlern sehwls hav ventunxl t a!, I'rwch. Tlio number of such perfotni ances in recent years t-ould well nigh to counted on the ting, rs of on hand. The only ono on the IVliU: coast was the rendering of a K,naii plav hv the I'lliveislty of California several iears ago. The staging f "The Clomi'" w.,s aid"d materially l.y the work of six of the Cliiersiiy faculty, rol'. A. y. IVddio. of . ,le.at'iineiit of ,mh!l,. 'canini;.. tram, ,1 the ea.-.t and l ,... i as. 'inn, ii one oi i in- roles on :,,', unt "I' Prof. the illness ot on,. f the men Miami reused and improv,,! irniislatioii of t i,o play from llv liie a jglnal (Ireeli. Prof. Dunn lu-.-i-ai' -hort liuiodiu -lory i.i on li'-. suletit. tal Ml, Hi as and dire, t, d I a realistic rite by ' n ,.( " in I lace of the w hi, h the llr priestly invocation vita e.'k Introduced their dr mas. Music for the chorus was coaipix,., by David Campbell, while the Cumin,, of the chorus was in the hand-, of Miss Kve Stlu.soii. Doth Mr. Campbell and Miss Stiuson are Instructors In tno college of music. Tho evidllti un ot the chorus of maidens who repiesent- eil clouds was directed bv Dr. Meith.i Stuart. HOWARD Zl.M.MKIiMW !I ii.tin; iti:i: AT S A I.EM iihi;his Tho UidicB Aid of Salem Heiahls met In the hall Kiblay ami held Quilting lleo, a fn0 dinner, and a nice soi'lai time. Hut they did not succied In finishing quilting dm pret ty bed-quilt they are working on; therefore, a special meet lug Is to be held next Friday afternoon, Nov. In the Hall. All the meniherB are earnestly requested to attend, from one o'clock to four. V wIhIi to com plete this work far the sale to be held when wo have our Annual Chicken Pie Supper. C. ('. Pascoc, Secy. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A COST KEEPING Cost keepers are lon.'ilant ly being criticized becmiee tho cost department co-its loo much. They w ant tho Inf" r niallun, but. Ii en .M to I oieii to get It. Nov. tlie Spl't. i Normal lliirrourhs is one of the machines that l-i us.d in a gnat many n.-t 1 j . i f " ' - ItM'lltS fof 111" I'ca.-oll It doe-ab-eil Ihfee times tie IHli oalit of work the or, I a n lidding ma, bine can do !' Ill' liltlce, It will MlVe V'.'l - pay die, Ks, wo, l(n , ii -. n i o Iht and an.oun' it, one r- litem how you I., n cd aiieeint -iiiii' vn:r lain r and tiaieilal -- or, wotl liiuMicr b'liii.. U'li'k' d llll.oa'il - ,.-, J"l! ll'l.'l.l.' r l,..r ilnl inati i 'al i,r. nun b. r oi -:.- ' atel al.. I WW lb o;,. rail.-1, will add " Hi t! ' coin II. II. 1 I , , Id. d. I'l'ONl'.h -;biy a II: , I.. , I, ell I !i,rr','h.'. ,r. b.l. -t ..ii g :n ''''.' i licicblle-e III IIIIOI (.'IIS aihux; M U HIU I ib N I' die;-,', H. I. in M.'il. .,:" Con, me"'!',! C! ,1, !! ,i:'lli.i' porMa'cl 'i.pi;i LINENS for 1...1 ..... ieasi are me lend dignity to Next to the imnss on tno tame seem twice as appeti joyahle, The wise housewife knows that at this store aie ieliah!o and satisfaetniv. napkins, inncii cloths, doilies, towels, elc, ENTIRE LINE AT REDUCED PRICES. Onc-piccc Dresses, special . $12.50 Suits, special, $7.50, $ 1 5, $ 1 7.50, $24.50 Silk Waists, special $3.29 All Waists at reduced prices doilies otALny MERCHANDISE ui'i.-Ti MLir YOUR GRAY HAIRS QUICKLY VANISH l llarnilcss lleiuclj, Minlc I n, in liar, den Mige, , uteres ( ,,,,r 0 (iraj Hair. A feeling llf Hadlle-.S the discovery of the tlr- acolllpanles ! "" v r 'be tlrst gray balls a1:"1'1''1' unfortuimlely aro l,K,Ved upon as licriiKla of advancing age. Gray hulr however IiuiuI k.iiio It may be. makes a person look old. We all know the ml , vantages of being young. Aslib.fr ( tlie good Impi esslon a youthful up-j peanmcii mak.-.s oti others, simply knowing that jou aro "looking lit" gives ono coiirag,. lo undertake audi accoinpllsh things. So why suffer the w T- - ft l haiidlcup of iM,klng old on account of j made nt any time within tea (10) iiiy gtay hairs, w hen a simple reimily i from the final publication of this no will glvn your lmlr youthful color and I'lcii, In tint manner provided by tln Scanty In a few days' time? Most iH'opb, know Ibat common gar den sage acta us a color restorer ami ta alp tonic as well. Our grand til ers iihcI a "sago tea'' for keepln their hair dark, soft mid luxuriant. In Wy elb's Sage and Sulphur I lair Remedy wo have an ,,-ul pi epai ntinii of sage, combined with sulphur and oiher val- uablo remedies fur dandruff, Itching icalp and lulu, weak pair bi,l Is Hpllt al tlm eiebt or i oii.l,wn ly ,, lining out. A lew apillc;,tl.,n.i of tin , valuabl,. tonicity will bring ha. k lie. color, and ill a 'dioit Mini, it will reion e i-iciy tiaeo of ilaiiiliwfl' and gii-allv luipriivi' t lie c .row 1 1, o ml appeat .on , of ,ln. balr Get a lll'ty f -.-ii I l-olll,, limn ,i,i. ''nic.gi .t today a ml imii. . I i!il!. i -. ii' , In jour pair al ., , , , i ,' lle.'lllllelll All ,1, Ul','1 I l ,i II p, in .., I ,:iiarauii... thai it,.. inoie'V v. ill I,., tc- I ."lid'-d If Mm I. "i.. d I . i tlv a., I I pi e I .'lleil. f lit, .1 I ', loiiinal "V'.ani V! bum I .- lllltM FOSTER a,v at for iiil."c i 1 s Is b' of o'li- l,.,:c 1.1!:.' " ii," it mince mi:at New l is New Cilron New aislns New Dntcs i'urc linrltwlu-at I'Umr I M" a final :..: ' !.!, r r ! A'i Automobile Motor Cycle and Accessory Dealers of Salem FORD I AT n I A AT MOTOR CYCLLS Studebaher Add) .SdlfiTo Tir Three Thanksgiving Splendid, choice nnd attractive values, ail grades from I he ost expensive risht up It) IhtMny i),-st Richardson's famous Linens y in impp.t.iinv at tho Thanks 0V 1110' I'is, ci bp, spotless x Iv.vitiful, lie fesliesot'iie and in,iL, th ' they flood and en ens hoti.'jit -ible cloths, ; POPULAR 1 rrtvi: !n sour llce ( ImpiiDi a, f i r street. N'otlc, Is hereby given that tho common council of tho city of Salem, Oregon, deeuiH It expedient ami pro pis, .s to Improve. Kir street from th, south Hue of Lincoln direct to tho north Hue of SiiMiior street with gravel concrete ,avemnit nt the ct peiiHO of tho adjacent and iiliiittltiK propei tv within mild llmlm, In iiccord aiicd with the pluns) speclflcatlonii and eKtlinateH for the Iniiuov nf of . said Kir street from tlio oiilh II, m of Lincoln stteet. to tho north line of Superior street lis liereoforo adopted by tho common council and on fllo In dm offlco of tho city recorder, which aro hereby referred to for a inoro particular ami detailed description of said liuproveinent, and urn hereby nitubt part of this hollrn. Written tenioiiMt nuicn agiilnst tho Improve nt pi nixm,.,! Iierulu iniiv be city charter. This not Ice In publisbeal for ten (10) days pursuant to a rmtoliillon of tb.i romtuon council, and tlio data of tint first publication thereof la thn VM day of November, 111 1 2, nnd th. ditto uf the final publlcatloti will bit tha 23,1 day of November, I'.Hi. CIIAS. K. LIUN, City Ilecotdiir. II-12-llt I all fur I llv nf Sale in, Oregon pHM,. Mini lliilllll. I til- ci. la h'-n-liy v 1 v ' n that tlnin I oil h ill I and , i , -1 1 1 ' - a I , I . lo Mel i.i ,-r Mo- following niiielicicl ,'1 1 1 bole! I of I N . sin "Ii" ib.l- ,! l.-i . il l., i !, I . loth Inclusive. I! ,.,. of Mm I i . i 1 .. i i lor p. I J.'.i ' Id, a i lin. . I " , ,, b. I I. I ii.' II II !.: ' H '..'oil, I !, .....i, til I will Hy I 'i)l; , v 'I n & BAKER If i" i :.t r ,'.,! i-b New Currants 'o7i" Cider L- i nidi vi.i 1 1 ii'.i vi-iii dr I'. II. H lilt. . ble, Mir li. I'. I!, mi I I un r .',,.'1 tell) Me, I. n i r i shut Himiiiillb.n, HOiliu trlr, t '.r. i,rlll t .imiiKlcliil .l,i-cl I'hen. v I i nt II It I li '.'tl t Ml W ,, id..i M.iM.u-cr. i,,:i i: S.ilcm, Mr. Sl, I! on II '.-li a lol I n t J I e, .1 PRlCtl