Edftoffbl Page of The Salem Capital Journal SATURDAY Nov. 16, 1912 The Capital Journal Published by The Barnes -Taber Company GRAHAM P. TAHKR, Editor and Manager An Independent Newspaper Devoted to American Prli.clpl.-s end the Particular anu ah urmui. " and Development of Saletn In I'roisress i.i-r.-.l 1'iih.Hhwl Kmf KthiIbk Kic,t Kumlar. H"'""- ""-K-'U SUBSCRIPTION RATES: (InTarlnl.ly Id AdTnnce) r..n. .. r.rrl.r nor Tear ...5 2'i I'er month .. 4,r,e Pally, by Wall, p year .. Wwkly. by Mall, per year . on 1.1.0 Per month. ..'I."c Kli mnntba .5'c Frt.I. I.EAHKI) WlilK TM.KWIAI'II HKI'OItT Cjii.'?..'.iiiVw?k Will Call Special n session Blood Humors CnniMK.nl- e;iu;'( pln-I'l' ( z-:i n or Halt rl.. 1 f i! ;:: ''f : '. I'l Ion ; but .-' .."- I'. t!t ' xl'-ni, I: !'. Ji of v. -:ikii. m, hm i . Hi' f.' i ' ...I .! ' ...(! iii.y Irnklli8 '- ! 'I'h- v :iio c-x pi-ll-U t. 'ii l renoviitc-d, Mi .. I t ... .-! ! ,,!!, hv ..:.:e oih..r th.-' 1 l,- f--l-,.. of ap- wiihuiit -.vIim!.- 'ltIIIKT.KI.MT HM.SOV SAVS Mil l. ( ILL NPLTIIL SKSSIO.N , iv ui:ii:k to stiiLK tikiff, .MI 4 SI .it I , AT OXCK. I Hood's Sarsaparilla r;,.t II todav In ufird iw"M f ',rm .or .liccolaa-d t .bk-ts i,.;.- J SursataBS. A Society Organizer in Trouble Two M,e II, TIIK JOHIN W. ST A MIS PAT. SOME ou, evidently a at rant-"-r In Salem, wantH the to d- rl.le as to tliw mirclm" of the watei workH. All the i...l" who have been In Halern for two years know that tho peoplo did decide this matter, months and m:.ntl.B tiuo. They ! elded to buy the waterworks, and they put tie. authority, by a majority vote, Into the charter. Thlntra liave chanKwl, however. The city has grown. Many costly Improvements and extensions have been made,. It would he all right to put the matter up to the peoplo analn, with the price, and let them decide. The Statesman known how they will decide, ir they think the price Is rlfiht. They will de cide to buy, and by a much lnrner majority than before. Morning Stat.-H- KKST TKKAT.UKVr I "It ALL (OMI'I KXIOV ILLS Now York, Nov. V). Governor Wil son announced last nlnht that Imme diately after his inauguration as pres-j Ident of tho I'nlted States he would call an extroardinary session of am-1 gresg to convene not later than April j j,(-x ion troubles. If tin 13, for tho purpose of revising the-!,.,, Kaiow muddy, ov tariff. The president-elect will sail for Bermuda ut 2 o'clock tomorrow af ternoon for a vacation uli.Uwl" re turn December Hi. To set at rest speculation as to what he would do with regard to tariff revision, he is sued the following statement: "I shall call congress together in extraordinary session not later than April 13. I shall do this not only be- "( LEAMMi IT" Tilt Tilth'. THE 'Tnspcakabl Turk" Is begin ning to realize that tho late (i-n. Sherman gave the correct defin ition of war and, tin; Balkan allks aro giving the Turk good measure. When tyranny grows about bo old and wrinkled fate strikes the bell, the game Is over. Tho bell has rung for the I'nspeakablo Turk. For five hundred years the Otto man Turks have camped In Europe on the ruins of Greece, and the throno of the old Ilyzantlno empire, which fought back tho onswceplng hordes of ; cause I think that ti:e pledges of tho Moslem barbarism' for centuries, an nartv ought to be redeemed as prompt- iBland of civilization In a s-a of Asia- j y ns possible, but bIko because I know tic conquest. Now Olo Turks feel tho it to be In tho Interest of business ' stroke of Kismet. The armies of his. that all uncertainty as to what tho' former provinces are thundering nt particular Items of tariff revision aro ) (From Woman's Trllim..-.! I'll tell vou niv t.an.'i.-.-a f..r all com-; i ilsslom-r -Kin be . olor-r-nd. if It be causes of complaint against E. Wlrth, an organizer of se cret soc ieties and an Insurance agent, have been registered with State In surance Commission. : Ferguson. The latest comes from Newbridge, Oregon, where Wlrth. with another agent, was oiganlzer for the Independent Order of Puritans, an organization whose li cense has been revoked by the com- because the company smacked of graft in not complying with th state laws for fraternal or- hls gates. The tldo of Islamic Inva sion, turned back by Sir Charles Mar at Tours and by John Sobelskl at in:. ll. Tho nlinvn unusual editorial out-i,('' burst on tho part of tho Klal.-sman Vienna has cbl.cl to the very walls ,. t,n ,.,-,. of nenulno surprise f Constantinople. The red war the tr ho should be removed ns soon as possible." Beyond this brief announcement the governor Bald ho had nothing further to say. nn.l delight t. tho ini'iiy who have beielofon. been thoughtless and un kind enough to think fur a moment that the morning t-h-.-t had ii.-lth.-r editorial ability nor newspaper biick hoitu enough to come back. None art. moro pleased than Tho Capital Jour mil to s.-e tho Statesman at last Jus tified and triumphant over Its critics. Kill as to being a "si ranger," we would Hiiy in a spirit of the utmost, kindness 1luit The Capital Joiirniil has been for years, and Is today, Icsb of a 'strang er' In Salem homes than the States man. If Hi" Statesman refers to the 1. w owners of The Capital Journal as b.'inn "si rangers"-perhaps wn are- Turk has so ofl.-n Invoked now flames along bis hitherto invlolato Kiosks and Minarets. It Is the Napoleonic assault over again And who are these new heroes who have struck and struck, and struck, until (In i Iron janizaries are reeling to the ropes? They are tint '.choco late soldiers'" belittled In musical comedy -t lie soldiers of Bulgaria, Servln, .Montenegro and f! recce. It. Is these heiv.es who are represented as carrying chocolates In their cart ridge belts Instead of amiuunll Ion. How little wo know men until liny aro tested. They are chocolate H..1- WAMS lit hMMY WIIKTlll lt TOWN IS MKT (lit IIIIY rtugli blotchy, or pimply, there's nothing that will so surely overcome tho condition as ordinary ncreollzd wax. The wax literally lakes off a had complexion absorl. th" dead and near-dead particles of surface skin, so gently, gradually, you experience no Inconvenience at all. A n. ,v complex ion. Is then In evld.-i.ci-, one so clear, spotless, delicately soft and beautiful, you look many years younger. One ounce of this wax, procurable at any ding store, will r. J'. n..'- even the worst complexion. It is smeared on llko cold cream before r - Ting and re moved mornings witii warm water. '1'lie 'jnercollzed wax habit is a health ier and more economical on than the . .,,-iii. tlc habit. If the skin be wrinkled or flabby, bailie it dally in a -'..bnion made by dissolving an ounce ..i' ov.il.-red saxo !lle in a half pint wi'.li hazel. This ads Immediately, ml ;ing even the deepest wrinkles. KM.- Hesmond. ganlzatlons. At Newbridge 2S people had been enlisted In the order and In the nelgh bf ring town of Richland about 70 per- Ucns. Several hundred dollars were jpald Into the company. One susplcl- ous person commiinicateu wiui lu...- missloner Ferguson, learned that the Hi ense of the order had been revoked In Oregon, and when he read the letter In the presence of the agents and of members of the order the former promised to pay back tho money. The first offense committed by Wirth was at I'ralrlo City where, as agent for the occidental Lite insur ance Co., he illegally obtained J,'. from the lS-vear-old son of Albert Owen for whom he had written a policy In the company. Commissioner Fergu son took from Wirth his license to r. present, this company. Mayor J. W. Walker of Waldport Is liiuertain whether he Is living In a dry or wet town, and has written the ollice of the attorney general for en lightenment. Four years ago, tho mayor's letter slate.-!, the t.iwu of Waldport was not in. orpor.ilcd, and the precinct In which it Is located voted dry. In the spring of l'.ll the town was Inc.r p. .rale. I but no action was taken on Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S O A B T O o I a Rev. C. II. Wallace and wife of Cot tago Grove Monday celebrated t he 'loth anniversary of their wedding. They were married In Missouri in 1S32 and crossed tho plains by the ox-team route In ISC 1. He is and Mrs. Wallace 78. but we liavo come hero to live we ami iron, rierre ixm, in. ins .Manama bine Invested our money In Sal. -m - we , Chi ysanlhenie," slighted Hie Japn pay taxes here perhaps almost as tu-se. They were pay soldiers, he said, i, Mich as does Hie Slat. -small --and If! only fit for funclloiiH ami fans. This the morning paper thinks we are go-.was Just before their war with China. take an ac- Hie Balkans are victorious. I heir Cll COIIC' the li.pior iuestioii. In the recent dlers no more they mo men of blood g. ii. ral elecli.ui the precinct In which the town is lug to sll Idly by and n..l five part 111 iinylhlng which concerns Hie welfare of Hie people of tills (v.m- n Itythe morning paper has an other think coining - ev.-n if It must; resort to having some one else do lis , thinking for It. , (If course, If Hie Statesman means . that the new niiiiiugement of The Cap ital Journal Is a "stranger" to a wishy-washy newspaper :llcy, and to any Individual cli.iie or corpora tion who ever tiles to tell The Capi tal Journal where to head-In, the SI. il. small is absolutely correct we are "strangers" to these, and always will remain so. The Capital Journal Is uwuro of the fact l hat tlie water iiuestlou has been lip befaro and Tho Capital Journal did not Hciure Us Information from (he Statesman, either - because we end. -aver, as much as possible, to se cure our Info final loll from a reliable nource. However, as the Stalesinan iilte correctly and tersely puis It, "things have changed," and It because "Ihln.'S have changed" that Tile Capi tal Journal would suggest caulkui. a thorough Investigation of the matter. M d Ibeii careful deliberation, rather than any hasty decision. Lot the pco- Mclory seems lo count from the splen did .lush and spirit ivilli which they faced Hie Inv. -ler.it. i foes and oppres sois, the Turks. It reminds one of Timrod s il.l lines, written In 1 si; 1 : (V.iue with thy weiipons at your call, Willi musket, pike or knife He wields the deadliest hlu.lo of nil Who lightest holds his life. The hand that deals Its iinbouglit blows With all u patriot's scorn Might brain a tyrant with a roso Or slab hlin with a thorn! In Hie crises of human life and history, the subllmest and most use ful dement In human naluro Is often carelessness of life and tho things of life. located voted wet. is the city now wel or dry; the mayor asks. The letter says that, the city Is ev enly divided on tin- .iiestlon and that the illy council has ordered tho meas ure lo he phi. -.-il on the bai'. t :u Ce cily eleclion ll I leeellil'el". The reply of Ihe all. nil' y genera s ollice will he that Hie council has no right lo order the .plesli.lll put mi ihe ballot for tlio ( liy election. That matter Is up to the . . uniy court. Tin- .pn-stlon could have t.i lie on Ihe ballot In the general elec lion on November a. Ladd & Bush, Bankers Established 1868 Capital $500,000.00 Transact a General Banking Business, We issue travelers' checks and lotto, s of credit avail able in all parts of the vvorU MIHT IT HIST TIIK (A Mil HUTS TO ItlX Expense accounts of candidates and i lllcers tiled with the county clerk up to yesterday aro as follows; W. H. Donning, candidal." mi the Democratic ticket for representative, $7S.T." ; 13. II. llerrhk, candidate for county survey or on the Republican ticket. $2,'.; W. 11. Iialryniple, candidate for represen tative on lb,' Democratic ticket, $ IS. SO; The Stale Yule. Complete official returns, -hii F. T. II. 'pleselllathe .t. .; on the Demo cb rk. c,; date for u.-se tu kct. fllTV' as made by Ihe county clerks, from all conn ties hut Multnomah, and complete iiu ofliial returns fr.iiii that, give Wilson H plurality of !M 1", and Lane for sena tor a lead over Selling of l'.!M. The vote Is as follows: For president Tafl., :il,S:l; Wll- taxpa.ieiV l.-agn llr.-nlano, candldale. for on the 1 leiiiocralie tick It. Coleman, candldale railc ti. k.-t lor county William Staiger, candl- E. L. IRVIN Up -to -the -Minute Shoe Repairer Two doors west of Masonic Building Singer Sewing Machines Parts, Oils, Needles, Etc. t The only genuine "Singer" and the only agency in Salem Hie mil lor I lelliocl'.lt lc .e m repivsontatiu on the independent .1. Fry, chairman of ounty .eniral com I. .loiies, candidate on the Inilependellt 1": J A. Hughes, I t t 217 CHAS. E. ANDERSON, Agent North Commercial Street. Salem, Oregon pie have all Ihe fads and then lei the son. lib!'.;:.: Koosevell, i'u.SL'l; Chafin, peoplo decide. ' .".ii.".i; ; Debs 1 1. ST.b Far I'nlted States The Capital .lournal stands pat on senator Hoiiinc. L',l'7;!; Clark. 11. Ils suggesibui that the waler nit tin-1 101; l.ane, ..,.'M; Selling Ibs.M'O. Cmii-, t Ii ill be thoioiii'.blv g mo into a'aln - , grcssuian, fust district Campbell, from start lo linish .ml then let tho 1 m',7:i ; llawlev "O.VMi; Smith, 1"'. II". lI'.ori.E ile, i'!" what He- PI :i ifl 1-1 Second district - 1 1 rahaiu, M'.JJ; Sin want in Ut, 10. OS.".. candidate for repn--;.-ritii i o on the lo publican thkot. f ;.',, Oliver Jury, . ami dat" for , . aslable of the Salem ilisirii-l nil ihe Prohibition ticket, $1 ; .!, ' "1 W ,lo!. candidate for reprcseii tai l e on Ihe SocialiM I ieket . 111. ' Now liu.k.i liert' kidilics, lis my turn to talk 'KuUmnl p. ogle jir uiim- , lc mi ilallv o,-i llu Col, ten Koil Oil. II... ti. 4.1. 1.i w In, I.- I I Olllfl 1. 1, Men Ko.l huiII .u. Ii ,l. III' ai Sin., O.il I like. Vim ikf I 1i,iii an J In-it I l.tk,-. " "When I In. I In Jul el llim t,nl,U-it K.,,1 Imi.iiii-... I llliiu,:lil II H .1. unto 111011- ol I It t- u.uil k iii.l el I't i-jk (.1.1 1,., l.. Imii l,-li,.. f in,, kl.l.. mi II li.,-r wjitl jit. Hlef.' Icon n,r. i-.:. in .i,.mi' .,r jnv o.Ik-i kitt.lol IUt( fllf l-.lk(4.l 4ll,'r , III. . Olll V lu.1,,1 111." "A.k ),i.r iii.iiIu-i u. Ul you tu4l it to the uiiK.-iy m(ii-i i 4kAL nil ol "cm ..-Il il " "Tuke IVi h itli you." U tunui ul i hililirn). "(".inif tin you." Meek .link-ill..- Iluildillg. For Orei;oit urii uliural Collet;,., Cor allK Drci;on Notice In Coiitruc lors. i-eab d proposal for fiirni dilllg labor and materials tciprrcil (or the full ci -miifoii. in iecepi c.meiole founda tion walM of a frame st.u k Judging lulhl'Iig lo bo erected for the Oregon Agrlcultnial College at Conallls, Oru g. n. will be opened by tho board of I i.blic building commissioners at 2 o'clock p. 111, Thursday, November 21 '.'2. at ihe Ho-, crtior's ollice State Hon.-..', Salem. Oregon. Plans, specifications, notice and pro losal form may be obtained at th of- ' of W. C. Knigb.toii. architect, Cap itol building, Salem, Oregon. Tin- r ght Is r. s, rv. d lo accept or reject any or all bids, or to waUe any Infm inalties In bids. It A. WVTSON. Co rk of Hoard of Public Pulld n.,' Coi:inn--.iotiers, Salem, Oregon. u-t;i-7: Wei I.. Cook, who ;n pi'stmastor at N' ihart. Molilalia, writes: "I rt'o-nt-uien.l Foley's Honey i Tar Com 1 1 mid to all my p. ople. and they aro r.cver dl-api-olnte.l with It. Foley's Honey Ji Tar Compound for coughs and colds give the bout possible re mits." Hr. Stone Drug Sloro. $2.00 ROUND TRIP TO Portland FOR Pacific Northwest Land Products Show Pacific International Dairy Show November 18-23, 1912 S (KUDU IX. i uutw i y Tickets sold November 18-21 llU'lllsiv o Good letuni'i to No.om!-or 23 Inclusive Nov, 2 1st will be Oregon Home hdustiies Day at the Manufacturers1 State Convention, Limited trains leae at 8,00 a, m,, 10,00 n, r. 4 r, pi, Ar ie Portland 9,30 a, in,, 11,33 a, in,, 5,30 r, n Local trains leave at 6,30 a, m,, 8.33 a, n, 1 1 ,20 ;;, m,, 2,00 p, m,, 4,15 p, m., 6,05 t m 9,00 :, m, Details will bo furnished o:i request W. K. COMAN. G. K. & P. A. C. E. AI.1-1V .-., . .... - - --if---. Salem. Oregon Portland, Oregon Leading Suit 0m mMm and WmB Wtf Cloak Store ff mm mm nwi m lit m 4 ' i 1 m iif "ii .l'i hud SlSK 1 All Salem in givm? the greatest values and bargains in Ladies' Suits and Coats, Our supremacy over all our competes is clearly shown in the values we are giving and our low prices, Our buying facilities are as nearly perfect as can be, and when any lady in Salem or else where can beat our prices on new stylish wearing ap parel, you will have to set up early and keep traveling, Kec'P an eye on our advertised prices, It will pay you well, '..spies' Suits $4.50, $8.50, $9.80, $12.50 Ladies' Coats .$3.90, $5.90, $8.50, $10.50 Ladies' One-piece Wool Dresses $4.50, $5.90, $7.90 Ladies' Silk Dresres $4.50 and $7.50 Children's Coats ....$1.49, $1.98, $2.50 and up minery Bargains The best we ever offered TRIMMED HATS HATS I Worth up to i?M $5,00, $6,00 I" and 87.50. fjM now only Xsffii S2-50 imMh- WINTER SPECIALS Remarkable Values Blankets, pair 48c, 75c, 98c up Comforts, each 65c, 75c, 98c up Men's $15 Suits ..$8.50 Boys' Suits ...$1.98 up Girls' 45c Union Suits 25c 9c Linen-finished Per cales. now yard ...5c .-n;nnnriiim i m .fMnilni Chicago Salem. Oregon. Come here for the best values in Men's and Women's HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR Prices cut down We show the greatest line of SLIKS AND DRESS GOODS in Salem TORE , The Store That Saves You Money