ALL the news that's fit to print honest ed itorials, influenced by neither clique nor corpora Hon -The Capital Journal stands for the people. 36TH YEAR. Banquet Was Well Attended Mayor Outlined His Policy and Bynon Told HisIt Was First Step in the Great GctTogether Movement "Am mayor-elect of the city of Salem I shall cuter upoa the duties of Hint allien absolutely untranuneled by pledges to anyone. My only pledge is tlmt I will extend a fair dual to all. I will .see that the laws are enforced ithout. f'ar or favor. My policy will Ve. as near as I can shape It, to Inter pret the wishes of the people." In thene words Dr. B. L. Steeveg out liiicil lit the meeting of the Sanm Hnini'ss. Men's League at the Marlon Hotel last nlBht, th lines on whlcii he v 1 1 i run his office while mayor ot the city. Just before adjournmont the icaniie pledged Itself by a rising votu tu co-operato with the administration, linps 't'wtiiii('r Mini. "I suppose," said the doctor, "that In i: iipcarlng- before, ai'ch an asseiuuly a this 1 am experiencing some of the phio-nres of public (jfllco. I have ai rway lasted some of Its penalties as you who have read certain arcden ?pi( ariug In the 0;-cK;inian may have Kiiessi'd. Hereafter when a reporter uliiiiu I do not know approaches nip, am Koing to look for the cloven hoof. Dr. Sleeves' remarks were mado be fore one of the most r.pirltcd meetings oi Snli'iii business men that has ever tuseniblod since the business interaam id Salem have been organized. The Ittinpiet which beaj at 7 o'clock was marked with a hilr.iltj that was un Ummled, and In which. Judge Peter Prcy and others Alt the prick of many a pointed Joke. Following tlte ii'uuuct a regulur piogram car ried out and a number of Interesting laika were listened to. (it'iicrnl Observations. n.ntinulng hla address Da Steeves sr. id : ' I have not 3tiule'ently gone into the questions that aie likely to route ni miller my aduun.'itratlou to defi nitely say what I an going to do ifboiit all of them. I wish, however to make a few general obiiovatlons. "Situated on a navigable river with Iter several railway lines rad'ating In v:ry direction, the location of Salem is enviable. Salam Is a beautiful city. It lias broad stive's and a broad T'a.a It is laid o:t on browl lln?s city Is the seat of a renowned university, it Is the capital city of the s.tate and it has the state instl'utit its. It It; like a city built on a hill. The )'' of all the stair are upon Salem. II las all the advantages noeeitry to It a model cltv. ItcsiimiHlhi'Kies Come. "With nil of these opportunities come responsibilities. It is up to Sa Inn In make good, to be as near as 1'osKibiio a model city. A model city would he a city that takes the best "ire cf Its citizens physically, Intel- ! 1 . SALEM, OltL'GON. sin m,,. 'I'liey Cheered. Sen In. Itorlln, Nov. lii.-Whilo a rogl. mentor soldiers entrain,.,! f, the Servian fruntlor.Czechs and Slavs In I'raKiie, Itoli.Miilii. todnv par- tldpnteil In a .lcnionstrctln,, nKallwt Austria. As the (1ers l'"ard(.,tie cars tM c.z(,ls nnJ Slavs shouted; 'Shame: y are going to light our brothers'" 4. 'l'l,.... ..i . . eucereii servhi and lie- t noiuiced the tie teriiian police, 'dually and morally. This observa tion opens ,,p ,,n(U,.ss llvnm,s (i, "peculation which I haven't time to follow now. "I'nder the bead of the physical wt need pure air, pure food nnJ im.e water. This opens up the question of sanitation, and the much mooted que s tion of tho water supply, t know something of what is required along these lilies, and to make Salem a clean city in tills regard will he my policy. "With regard to water I have always felt that any city should own It cwn water plant This does not say that I am in favor of buying the plant In Sa lem. The wherewith must be consid ered, and that Is a matter that must he turned over to the people. , Low (ins Announced. Dr. Steeves' address was followed by a talk from Fred llild, general manager of the Portland Railway, Light & Power Co., visiting In the city 1'iom Portland, who announced for Salem a lower gas rate after January 1. Tho new rates which will prevail after that (late will he as follows: One dollar and sixty cents per thou sand cubic feet where less than 311,000 cubic feet a month are used per cus tomer; $1.50 per thousand cubic feet where over 30,000 cubic feet a month is used with a cash discount of 10 ccnis per thousand for prompt pay ment, making the terms respectively 21 HO anil $1 10 Mr 1111,1 i.vninlnn.i , t v that the quality of Salem gas is better than that of most places, which, when considered makes the rate here cheap- er than In most places. VWI (Ilia 1. 11 WUU CA 111 CDOCU TTCIVJ tXO If 1 Professor Wadsworth, superintend-; nothing to the flood of good things 1Jaclier ent of the Indian training school at wished them by those not there. Willamette Center, lllackwell, Chemawa was unable to be present to ' In T1,e Capital Journal, where the , (capt.) ; guards, Day, Drake Lliul; the disappointment of the league fJ,? Watson; ends. Francis. which is making an effort to interest men of Influence outside the cltv. ClL'artdles Hit Hard optnuiiUK uu lu euucuuuimi ihili.- tion of the city P. J. Kuntz, city su- talnly has one of the very best boys perlntondent of schools, gave a talk of for a husband that any girl ever be some length In which he solicited the n married life with. The horse 6 , , , editor wishes he could be around co-operation of the business men. In when tney celebrate their diamond the course of his address Mr. Kuntz wedding, just to say I told you so, but, condemned the cigarette habit among as he can't, he hopes they will live to , ,,.. i,i ,.,, t i, celebrate that event. aiUUUl UUB, CA 1111111115 MIUl lU U Vlll"-l way lie is trying to persuade the boys to leave off the habit. Mr. Kuntz's remarks on the tobacco w, g. Llenkaemper, pastor. Sunday question were seconded by Dr. Tamie- school at 10 a. m. Morning worship In sle of the state Insane hospital who German at 11 o'clock; subject "Tho said that tobacco Is one of the most Law of the Survival of the Fittest Su detrlnicntal habits to the brain tissues, perseded by Christ's Law." Evening He said that too frequently the habit ' service in English at 7:30 Subject, "A leads to the use of alcoholic liquors Definition of Character." Catechetical and other vices. Twenty-five per cent iiiptritction and German school every of the insane, he said, are In their Saturday morning at 9 o'clock, deplorable mental condition because of j ' the use of tobacco and alcohol, while S. A. in the insane and penal Institutions,! The Salem class of the International combined, CO per cent of the Inmates Dihle Students' Association, Hrooklyn. are there because of Indulgence in x. Y., will hold their regular weekly these drugs with a third vice that Is rtudy at No. MO Court street, upstairs, contracted frequently through their Sunday at 11 n. in. l'ndenotulnallonal. use. (Contiiued on Pane t.) lrv i Big Crowd j of Eugene I Boys Come j Five Big Coaches Jammed to the Doors With Foot Ball Fans, Came in This Morning-Band w ith Them A special excursion over the Oregon I'.lectne railroad was run l'mm Ku. Bene this morning with about 350 to W football enthusiasts aboard. The iMigenn high s,.i,00 i,liml of ton accompanied the excursionists and af ter arriving in the city discoursed some choice music on the streets. Just betore the game commenced the hand and the Eugene rooters to the number of several hundred formed at the n0. tel Marlon, from which place thev marched In serpentlnn fashlt.n through uiiMiiohH streets and up stale , street in Willi,, i, I - .."niiruu llt'lU. White mid purple, the school colors were everywhere In evidence-, the caps of the two colors giving the crowd on the st reels a holiday air. tacli team is confident of winninir tllu minm .,,1.... .... 1....1. . . ? .... ,. iia utnu are in good one instant, but continued to flKht iof wii,:f!ii: aa hMd r r m nw The game today Is the most important 1 ' ,n"lusl,lsm wlu'" score was 5n to game of the year so far and lilils fnlr,0 118 ""'' lliul before any points lind , to he a decisive one In the Interschol- astic series of games to be played this season. MA Kit I EI). ELLIOTT ADilOTT At the resi- deuce of the groom 1211 Highland u.cuur, titia i-iij, i nursiiay, .no- vember H, 11112, Miss With Mav Abbott to Mark E. Klllott, both of this city, Rev. Mrs. Illanche Ford Plckerlng performing the ceremony. ' i ia roomB were noauiltully decor til m Ik f, WWU " 1111 H I . IMin ami u'hlra ft,.-ai. ..n.l about 30 of the relatives aud friends of the young couple were present, Tnwre were mftll'r heautifiil presents, "nf? VJll .wi8hMibllt ,n the hearty wish that all tb cood thin."6 loung' Ouaneri.acKs, i.ouian '. of life will oome to "Mark" mid all of 1 1'8' an(1 wnlle extending congratula - 'tions to linn, tliey want sincerely to conerat,,,,.,, thB hr,lfi. fnr ,, Reformed Church. Corner Capitol and Marion streets. lA'l Hlhh: students welcome. No col I lections. MRS. P. E. FULLERTON Suits, Cloaks and Millinery We are now showing a complete line of Ivy Corsets The fit, shape, workmanship and novelty d-y. of the features which make the ivy Corsets f.M "Ivy Corsets" are made for every of rials appropriate for all occasions, Tn-v a guaranteed to eie entire satisfaction, of 'Ivv Corsets'' extena., , IIC pi ivv i ' i,-- - ' c fifteen dollars, SEE WINDOW DISPLAY MRS. P. E. FULLERTON 270 North Commercial Street SUITS, COATS AND MILLINERY SELLING NOW AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES ' "'iMIIirll Hi, l:ii. Wilson Mart-. i"i Cuba. New York. Nov. elect Wilson, arm1 i'a:nily. sailed i, i'r, siil. 'iii '' ',1 by his .V Voi'K I'";- l' i-1 . . i . i . iirs alteration where the new ,-hi, t ,.N,.,..u.kl. siontl a In i.--- niuion. .Many spet'tato. ,..,, as I he ship .ft f;- : .,.,,1 hi cuerously chtH'l-f1 .!,, the vessel was oat o1 mi; i. inn WILLAMETTE Hi l l A ITU Will n0( i n ,;; T( Another team Is on the down and out list as a result of the walkover occuriug yesterday irieinoon when the 'varsity footh,,!; i,.am dciVmcd Whltmore college by tiT to 0 on the local field. Whltwortu was heralded as being mi extra strong aggregation, and many came to the game expecting to witness a close, hard scrap, but were, for the most part, disappointed. The field, notwithstanding lis ex cellent drainage system, was 'very slow aud sloppy. Tho hard work on It In the late rains having cut it up un til It was Impossible for It to dry out in the brief time the sun allotted it yesterday. Although the W'hilmore boys were outwelghted and outplayed from the "'"t whistle, they did not relax for ' been registered against t lit1 ill Unhid- son. end, and Williams, tackle ,i captain, were the hardest fighters, nnd put. up a great defensive game. For Willamette Francis was the easy favorite, with Ki-skiue a close sec n,i Timo and again did the big end tear through the whole Whit more team and place the pigskin. The lineup; Whltworth Center, Gliormley; g,m'',ls Millings, Parker; tackles, j Williams, Uohlnson, ''alflacks, icapt.) McArthur; ends, Talbot; quarter, Watklns; Pike, Thompson; fullbnck, Rooth; halfbacks, Ersklne, Stearns, ' Small, Voder; fullback, Rowland j Referee, nishop; umpire, Smith; I head linesman, McKae. ters, 15 minutes. Time of quar- Wesley Ferguson and Percy Morgan, two of the live boys who escaped re cently from the stale training school were captured last evening by Ollicer Jack Whltlalch. A diligent, search Is being made for the remaining throe, but so far they have not been appre hended. Christian Science. First Church of Christ, Scientist, 440 Chemekela street. Services Sunday at 11 a. in. Subject of lesson sermon "Mortals and Immortals." Sunday school al 10 a. in. Wednesday evening testimonial meeting nt 7::S0 o'clock. Heading room In the church open each afternoon except Sunday. All are cor dially invited, I'erry Frederick Srlirnck. Minister of the First, Congregational church. Topic of sermon tomorrow evening: "The Church and the Amuse Hunt Problem." The next Sunday ev ening: "The Church and the Divorce Problem." 7 ::'.', p. m. is the hour. : oni I. utcly do!!: til t if f fi m m u vii! 4 I u i n u u u u A Marital Tangle in SanBieco? First Husband Reported Killed Wife Marries Again -Is Found After Nine Years Search and Tangle Ensues USIIKU I'KKSS IKAKKII IVllllt. San lMemi. ful., .s,,v. lij.After a starch of nino years for the bride who had given liim up (, ,,,ad, Charles V bellman, late of Salt Lake fllv. met today his long lost wile here, onlv to ii-.iiu una tor llie oust seien nir uli.. bus il. wir.. f ....,,:.... .,. 11 iiuiM in i . i tie second husband Is Karl Osteron, a manufacturer formerly of bs Angeles, who did inn know iiiull todav thai his wife had br.-n married betore. As a result of die tun xpectcd ns.t.. ing all the principals in the ea.-e were today at the police station trying to tmtl the way out of Hi,, tangle' Itoili men wanted the woman and each urg ed her to have u. man-lag,, to the (Ihor annulled. In the end Mis. Sell inan or OMcnm conl'eHsed that she lovetl her tirst hiisliaud the best but when they left t.lie station to get th advice of a lawyer, she was walklne neiwiH'ii iiotn husband bis arm ariiund her. Woinaii When Sellman in Nil! Lake City i,. u years ago. she was only a girl, Their honevn n "as nanny over when Selliiian. who had gone some distance away to vvoik was reported to have been killed in an accident. ,. was not killed, Inn a blow on the head caused him to his memory for two years ami he did not return to his wife. Later she met wniviiiu iii hi Aiigeies ami lliev wer married. Wlien Selliiinn retiiiiicil hU health he begun a search for his bride Tho Oregolilan restaurant nerves chicken dinner Sunday. Manns llros, proprietors. Dining room. t t Dear Friend,' t You are cordially in : vitcd to a reception t-jven I by the directors and offi- $ t cots of the Younc; Men's t Christian Associaton to the people of Salem in the Association Biiildinn; on Wednesday evening, No vember 20, 8 to 10:30, a specai program ias been prepared, I i"ht i" freshments will bo servei Do not disappoint, us We Vf W i I m. Union T We make men's clothes exclusively We carry the largest stock of ex clusive imported men's woolens, in the city, and we make every garment in our own shop L. R. M. PIERCE--TAIL0R "THE QUALITY SHOP" 474 Court Street Look out for the UNION CARD t (;,, ' 1 1.1 1' e-.t,v.' .1 . .i ., T f Manial 1,,h ... '''I m tlw K, : : ' ! and Ml,- I j! iM THE MM MJSIEI.'S W ILL I I T '1 11 I l it UI'II 1 1 vi n e n:r sh 1 1. tM ii i jo' Tat oina, Wash., Nov. 1,1- Commis sioner ...f Safety Mills cnuleniplateB putting Into use the Uis Angeles plan of canning all lights In the dt t flicker for a moment, Instead of ring ing the curfew bells at S o'clock, as a notice to all the boys and tills iioit .,. "'i'"ej must go lioni, A vigor ins cam paign for eiifoiveineni of the new cm -few ordinance, which applies to all under IS jears. Is now being under taken. MOOI.IJ AM' Is 110 As 1 1 j to hEU' nn itw;i: V (rMi'iai nil hh irtsni woo: ) Sun Francisco, Nov. It!. - heclaiallon that he would dispose of Willie Ititchle by a knock.iut Tliaiiltsglving Hay was made here today h Ad. Wol and each ha,l,K;lsl. lightweight cliaiiiiiiu of llie world, when h,. ai rived w lih bis H'e from .,, Ant,..!. i.',,...,,i r.. n.,i., I iliseoloied eve and a swollen li.ind. Ad appeared fit to defend his title Sldklim lias lliir l ire. I i ni i i:o rnfNs i r isi o w no: 1 Stockton. Cul , Nov in The four story building occupied l,v llie Uuhl (loodell J lardw are enmpanv, on Weli- er avenue was totally ileslrnyed by fire early today, .nlallliig mi esllniat ed loss of (lUii.lHnl. 'n. I,,. Is sup posed to have, started In the liasiuneiit but the exact cause has Hot lieen do ternilneil. A larite ,iianlilv ot b iliday had Just been received e, I, nls They l lcancil lllin. IlINITKII CIIKNK I.KAH l:ll WIHK San Cranclsco. Nov M Kriuili Lu ciis Iiiih met the meanest foolpinlH on cm III lie was held up ami lobbed rll his money. y.'M, but the two I Me illi'iallslled, took Ills hat. shoes l-anis. I.iicii.h -iil home via the luo k alley. Mrs. V.. T Haines, who was operuied on at one of the Salem hoHpltubi about ten ihivM ii;,i. ban iki far ncoveiiil that she was removed lo her home yes terday Mrn Haines Is ivroveriiic; rapidly but Is not sullb lent ly i.trunc to receive her friends Kvcrolt Wallier, llie S v.-ar K'tl of Charles Walker, ot Norlli T'.veniv- lolll'lll Sll t, Willie play Mil! Willi Millie bovs of the llel;bbol l.niid l-'i nlav. :.u- laim d a Heriou 1 1 a. ire i.l i e n;hi l.l'lli lit the elbow Joint. I r !. .1. Swcelb'iml, ,lr, ,,.a,b uf the Wlllaiielte foiitbnll team, met. with a painful io'cMeii, e-,te,iliiy. when In- slipped and fell .b,wn a sl nr way at the iiiiiasiuiu. siualniiii! his ankle. I boui:li not in i .1 tmm Emp fi i rtMtr-veK vv-ix THE largest circulation in Salem and it is steadily increasing The Capital Journal affords the very best medium for all advertisers. PRICE TWO CENTS iiHiHidreds of Moose Ml Fiily Came from Eugene This Morning and Delegations fron All Paris of State Will Attend the House warming Hundreds of M,,se will make their way to Salem today to n.sMls m the biiise-w, inning, which Is to take plac al the Hew Mouse lodge rooms in the I 'i i by -l.atky building al the coi ner of I'oui't and High -.liven (hi seienlng About lift v members of the lodge at Kugeiie anii. s ov,-r ih, uregoii Kiev trie thi lorennoii Laler In the after iiin'ii delegations will arrive from Al bum, liosi-bing mid 1'orthoiil, uuill I here will be in the nelr.hboi hmKl of '.en members h,.r (,, prtlclpatii In I he exercises I his ei enlng. At I o'clock today the members of the lodge and those already her, I. iilheieil at llie lodge rooms, where aiitoinoblleM were provided for the eu l i lalninont of llie gu,.st-i Tle v were ililv.-ii about Hie ill x and io the slain II. slilutlons and laler alien, led the lootb.ill game al llie uuueislii caiu pu.s Al llie loilr.e I I1 i labels of llie In s evening III. I I'r abroad w ill be leiiib ieil all Informal lei vpli u bv Hie lis III 1 1 1 e 1 , 1 1 e I' -I (Hid t Is expect ,ii Hint an 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 li cioviil will be pi eselll I.KM ItOI S IMNCH Fllt mniK run oi.ii ri iii'i.K inrii riis.iib'Nii, nil s I k i sen vvoik Cal . Nov III - William A Mcilppn liua ,1, nulled to the ICmein eiicv l,eiii:ue here uu id;lit acre tract iv lib a bmse, In the ccnlnil poiiloli of tho plclui'inipiii Alladenn diHlrlcl. for a home fur ;meil ;nu will ber.m at ollco bulbil, ik nil addlllou In the pun , f" j 1 1 IlllKC bouse oil the property, iii vvell as a sepiirai building lo be con , Heeled Willi it by a coveied pastiiii;!', The only proviso Is Hint an oi'Kiliil .a t ii ill be Im in pel :,i eil to Insure Hut permanency ,1 Hie Insl II ill lull. I bu properly Is la nn i , luslve l ,n 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 Hectloli. and of urenl value The presi'iil i(iiarleiH of Hie home of the need Is I hi hiiiiiII, and II was up on learning of this I lull Mr. Help, 1 II l ;i 1 1 i I tie I'lfl I I lr, iii.iii'i I in k. J i miii. i-i.i: 1 1 i 'v IKK J I'm li Old. Hi.' . Nov Pi I', li. 'ed 1 1 r w ,i,!e, i,, be a fin-mail 1 e w as lire, l. d to pick "in ii nice lnnh pon li lo Cilllili an lesson No 1 lie I'ellll IH'd later w II Ii a V i.Ii'i in d , I Ion cul mil - ' Ms il)( H li'-ie a llllll'.llll mlffl 1,'l'l'e. Illlo U III, he I III llli a blol ll .t ; mm 11 ,tr- rry OFS Visitors 1U V 0 TJ 1 IT CLINGS