Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 11, 1912, Page Page Six, Image 6

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    rag? Six
Pastor RusselFs Sermon
i i
ing Events,
Churches of AH Donomlnationi and the
Civil Powtr of Earth Are About to
Unite In Common Cauee Powerful
Influence Preparing For the Battle
of Armageddon A Reign of Anarchy
Will Be the Result of the Warfare
Until The Meeaiah Takea Control.
Itrooklyn. N. Y.,
Nov. 1). -The
Itrooklyn Arndotny
of M II H I c w n
crowded to Hie lim
it today to lifiii
Pastor KiiMwiH'i
(llfnine on the
"Puttie of Arma
geddon." Ills text
was: "Mo gathered
them together unto
ii place railed In
tlm Hebrew tongue
A r in n k t' il il o n."
(Devolution jvl, 111.) The hjich Iter mm 1 1 :
Armageddon In Ilic Hebrew Klgnlllos
III." "Hill of Mogldtlo," or .Mount of Ho
Klrui'lloii It was famous iih a battle
field In old Testament times.
Till' I. old llllH SOI'll III lo associate the
liamo Armageddon, wllh the great run-
Iroversy liciu i Ttulli ii i x 1 Krror,
ri.'lil .mil wrung, (In,) ii ml Maninmn,
Willi which this lire Will close, K-rb-h,
nnil Ilic Now Ago of Messiah's glory
In- i n ! I In. lie has purposely used
lilghly symbolical figures of i-p h In
tln Inst ,( of Ilic Hlhlo, evidently
villi M view lo hiding -1 1 1 1 1 1 1 hnpor
lanl f ruths iiiiIII Hie iluc time furtlielr
rovoalinoiit. Hut even In I In' line lime,
I lie I'.llili' assures lis, "Nunc of the
V, li ked nIiiiII iiiiiIi'I'sImihI" fl'milel ll,
II. IDi --limit who lire mil of heart liar
in. my Willi (Inil Imt .inly the wise of
Ills itt . It - the "wise v I IK ill" class of
tile Miisler'H parable.
I Imve long avoided presenlnllnn of
my tiiiiliTHtiiiiilliik' of out' loxt nnil lis
roiitoxl. 1 tiil(i It up now liy rotpiest
nnil because I believe It Is duo 1 1 mo lo
lio miileiHl I. I (IIhcImIiii nny Hpeolnl
Inspiration. In sumo particulars my
views agree with IIioho of oilier Hlhlo
Undents, mid In other respects thoy
disagree. Kach hearer must Use IiIh
ow n Judgment, do his own Hlhlo study,
nml reach his own coiicIiihIoiih.
Kindly reiiicinlicr that I inn not re
Aiwmslblo for tlio llguresof speech used
ty tin) Lord. My Interpretations do In
deed constitute ii terrllilo arraignment
of Inslltiilliiiis which wo have all rover
crneed ntnl which embrace good people,
of good words and good works, (iod'a
unlntly pcoplo In these various Instill)
tloim, being eoinpnnitlvely few, iiro
Ignored when systems iih h whole nro
dealt w ith In prophecy.
Tin? Dragon, Dealt, Faleo Prophet.
Our context tells iih that throw Im
inro spirits (teachings! will go fort li
from the mouths of the prison, tho
lleiiHt mill the I'nlso I'rophot, and those
three will he In accord, and h.yiiiIhiIIimi
ly I In doctrines aio represented by
"frogs." Those threo tloclrlheH are to
haven mighty lullucnco throughout tho
t'lvlll.eil onrth. Thoy are to galhor
the Mugs ami their nnnles to (ho grout
llnttlo of Ariniiyetltlnn.
'I'he oci'lenlnstlciil ltni;n nml prlnct'H.
nnd their i-ellnut'H of clergy and faith
fill ililherentt, w ill ho Kiilhoivd In hiiIIiI
iluilanx - Ppolosinnl ami Calliellc. 'I'lio
Klii's and cnplalliH of IndiiNtry, and iih
many lis ran he liillneiictsl hy tlieiu,
will he pithoied lt the same side. Tho
political kliici and prliicen, with all
Ihelr licncliineu ami ri'tiiliiefH, w III ful
low In line on the sumo hI.1i. The
IIiiiiiicImI khojH ami inei-chniit princes,
mid all whom they ran Inllneiico hy the
most L'lminllc power ever yet nereis
'i lo the wni-lil, will Join llm hiiiiio
wide, iic.-ui-illni' to this prophecy.
These "tlnct i lin-s of tlemoiis," ropro
Hciited hy the "f rocs." will lend many
nnhlo peonle In this treat nriny to as
snme no iitlltnde tpilto contrary to
their .i .-r.-i i.ikm. l'or a time the
wli.-eN t.f Phcity nnd prouress w ill ls
turned backward and ineillcval re
Hlralnls will Pe rtnislilcreil iiiH'essii-y
for self i.icm'I v iitlnn for t lit- iiialiite
ii im-e of the present order of thliu;s.
hi u'vliiK this liiterpi.'tatloii. It Is
i s-niv for us to luill.-ale what Is
niln,,,-, In- the In-amm. the Iteie-t,
.an. I the I'nKe I'rophot. Illhle slmlciits
if ee ir'y all denoinln-it Inns au'ice with
ll-, lil t llh
irat:"H" of llevt-'atlmi
-in fly I'UII I'owcr.
rpiotorn critorsill)' iikioo
' I l.e a loop lid" lltcve
V'-l ' HI
I'r ., nil Il
,i I
ic 'Tr
xili. .'
i ' "-'"! s I lie I'npacy
. wo li ir. v .11 I'c reads I
lew lluil l'r..tesiiiitsui
i I tho I'.c ist" i li" elation j
r i-"iili-t clveii anotlici
Hill few or s
lo siii-isu t i,
l i he ' I niai.
ii I n In
Ii. tine. "ll,o I al-.c I'l.iphet." We luce !
no one to accept nnr Interpretation.!
nor shall w e think hard of niiy w ho
n-ius,. it o win tn-iiiier slaiiilor nor
tiltierwl-.o 1 it I i it- thoin cow. tier throat
I'll lliein with e'enial tori nro. They
time Hie same rlejit to Ihelr vIowh that
I have, and tho same rlM to make
(In-lit known to othcis Ami 1. for
tote, will Is' very triad to ronslder nny
Ihlat! Hliloh opp'iiontit may net forth
iih their Intorprotalloli! of our text.
"Unclean Spirits Like Froge."
Tho aymhollHiiu of -rlpture, rlitht
It nntlorttoo(l. urv always forroful.
Whfti the Holy Spirit uswl "frxig"
to aymUillcolly roprtstout rvrtaln
t S i
1 ii
(plQOpsi ilj
Joctrltim or tonerilhpt). we mny be
auro tho true appllrntlon will lit well.
A frot; hnn n hhk look, a wIhb fwk.
It hwoI.'h itHolf up In nn apparent en
deavor to line's tho lioholdor. Ita
(jrent mouth well rcpienonta Ita chief
power, used to rroak.
Applying thcHo hviiiIkiIh, wo lonrn
that an evil spirit, liilliietire, teiiehlni?,
will come from I he I'rolcHtnnt ohtirchcH
lederiited. from the Cliureh of Home,
and from the Civil aiilliorltlea, nil 111
full ii(,'rceuiont. The Hplrlt of nil will
bo boiiiilful; an nlr of wiperlor wisdom
mid ktiowledKo will bo proudly nsmnii
ed -nil will croak In harmony. All w ill
loll of dire results that would follow,
Involving the IntorestH of both the
present and tho future llfo, If their
counsel bo not. followed. However eon
lllcllliK the creedH, tho dlfTereneos will
he iKtioreil In the noneral iropOHltlon
Hint nothing ancient must lie disturb
ed, or looked Into, or repudiated.
Tho lvlne authority of the Churrli,
nnd tho Idvlne rlnht of kind's, nshle
from the Church, will not In) allowed
(o maillot. Any persons or tenrhlnKH
In oonlllet Willi these boastful nnd nil
H'Tlpturnl rlulniM will bo hrnndoil na
evorythlnt? vlh; at tho moutlm of thcHo
"frotrs" Npeaklni; from pulplla nnd
plntforniH nnd throuh tho rollKloiiH
ami aeeiilnr presn. Tho nobler Hontl
inentHof Homo will he HlratiKh'd tiy the
phlloHophy of tho hiiiiio evil Hplrlt
Hhleh ap'iko IhroiiKh Calnphim, the
lilKh priest, roHpet-llnif Josiih. Ah (,'aln
plias derlnred It oxpedlelit to commit
a crime In violation of Justice, human
and lllvlne, to be rid of .lesim and IIIh
tonrhlnCH, ho thin "frot,''' spirit will lip-
prove of every violation of principle.
ncooNmiry to their self protection.
The erniiklnc of those "froK" splrlln or
iloctrlnt'H will anther Ihe klnr.s ri rid
pll ll'-es, 11 II II II -1 il I . pnlltlcal, I'ellulollH
and Industrial Into one rroat. army.
The spirit of fear, Inspired by Ihe
t-roiikines of Ihe.-.e "froifs," will Hi'ourj.'o
the pas-Ions nf otherwise piotl ami
reasonable men lo fury, ilosperathin.
In Ihelr blind following "t those evil
splrllH, evil iloi-lrlni's, they will bo
ready to sinrllice tiff and overylhln
mi the it 1 1 ii r of what they inislakeiily
suppose Is lustico, truth nnd rli'lileoiis.
ooss, imdor a 1 ilvlne arranceiiieiit.
l'or a brief lime, as we iiiulerMland
the Scriptures, tliese coinhlnetl forces
of ArniiiKi'dili'ti will 1 tl il li 1 1 ill. l''reo
s cb, free liinlls. nnd other llherlleH
w Iih h have come to be the very breath
of the musses In our day, will be ruth
lessly shut off under Ihe plea of neces
sity, the t-dory of (tod, I In' commands
of the Church, etc. All will seem to be
serene, until Ihe Ki'cnt social explosion
In our context described as the "ureal
ICarthipiako." An "oartlupiake," In
Hj'inhollc lani;mii:e, hIhiiIIIoh Hoelal
revolution, nnd Iho tleclarallon of the
context la that none like unto It over
before occurred. (I(cvoliith)ii xvi, IS,
111.) Ji'hiih (losei'lhcil It iih a t lino of
tronblo mich na never wiih hIiico there
(viih n nntlon.-Matthow xxlv, 21.
The Lord Will Gather Them.
Tin) fnlse, fmn lllio teachings will
Kiither together Into one host the grout,
the rich, the wise, Iho learned and the
kliiKH of the enrth, to bnttlo. At this
Juncture lllvlne Power will atop for
ward, and our text tells im Hint HE
shall KHlhrr the innrshiil(d ImstH to
Arinauodilon-to the Motliitnlii of le
strucllon. The very thliiK xvhlrh thoy
stiUKlit to avert by their union, fodern
lion, etc., will bo tho very thliiR thoy
will hnstrn. Other Kcrlplurt'H toll us
that (iod will be roprt'sonteil by the
t i it 'ti t McNslah, nnd that lie will ho on
the Mile of Ihe masses. Thus wo rend
In Haiilci til, 1: "At that time shall
Mlchncl tho (iotlllko One-Messiah I
Hiatal uii"-asumo nutliorlty. Ho will
take posBCMslnii of Ills Kingdom In a
inannor little looked for by iiuiny of
IIioho who erroneously have boon
rliilinliiK that thoy wore Ills Kingdom,
and authorized by lllni to roli;n In Ills
name nnd In Ills stead.
.Ii'hiis declared, "Ills servants ye are
unto whom ye render service." Some
limy bo rendering service to Satan ami
to error, who clnlui to bo reiulerliu;
service to (iod and to righteousness;
and Home of Hicho may be serving Ic
uoraiitly. as did Saul of Tarsus, who
"verily thuiiKhl that lu did (Iod it serv-
lee" In perseciillni; the Church. The
saino principle holds true reversely.
As an earthly kln does not hold him
self responsible for the moral character
of each aohllor who HkIiIs In his bat
ties, ho the Lord tloes not vouch for the
moral character of all who will enlist
and llitht on Ills side of any question.
"His Hcrvnnts they aro to whom they
render service," whatever tho motive
or object promptluc them.
The same principles w ill apply In the
romlitK ll.ittlo of Armnnoddon. (iotl's
sldtt of Hint battle will be the people's
side, and the very nondescript host,
the people, will bo pitted at the bepln
nliii; of the battle Anarchists, Social
ists, and hot headed radicals of eery
school of reason nml unreason, will bo
lu Ihe forefront of that battle. The
majority of the poor 11 m.I the middle
class prefer peace at almost any price
A oompnralli oly small number, (lod's
eonsecratctl people, will at heart be
lonc.liis' for Messiah's Kingdom. Those
ill lit.lt tin' I "id's (lino ami wait pa
tlonCy for It, thoy will lie of piod
C"iirai:e knowlm: the iiaMonr outlined
In the "more sure word of prophecy."
to which they have done well to take
heed, "as auto a light shining In a
dark place until tho Pay dawn. "-II
fetor I, fl
Tho masses will bo restless of their
rest i alms, lull will ls conscious of
their own weakness as compared to the
kli gs nml princes, tlnaiirlal, religious
and political, which will thou hold
wny. Hordes, the musses hnve no
lympttthy with miiirvhy. They tvnllre
truly that thu worst form of iiOTtjrrt
iiient Is Uttor than none. The mnases
will sm'k relief through tin bnllot and
peaceful ivatljiisttiieut of earth's af
fulrs for tbs llmluatkia of svll, for
the plncW-fTjonoir)IIe8 and ntrrrtie
and the Buppllotof nature In tho hands
of tho pcoplo fir the public tfood. The
crlslH will bo reached when the hither
to upholders of Inw shall become vlo
In torn of tho law nml realaters of the
will of tho mnjorlty ua expreHsed by
tho bnllot. Kenr for the future will
lend the woll-moiinliiK mnssoH to (k'Hper
ntlon; nnd nniirehy will result when
Soclullsin falls.
The Cloud's Silver Lining.
Horrible would be this oullnok for
tho future did we not hnvo the Infalli
ble Word of (Jod nssurlng us of a
(,'lorloiiH outcome! I ilvlne Wisdom haa
wit lilicltl until our day the great knowl
edge and skill which Is at the same
tlmo breeding millionaires and discon
tents. Had tJod lifted Iho veil a thou
sand years sooner, tho world would
have lined up for It h Armageddon n
thousand years sooner. Hut that
would have boon too Boon for the Di
vine purpose, because Messiah's King
dom Is to bo tho great Thousand
Yea r Sabbath of tho world's history.
Coil In kindness veiled our eyes until
tho time when the gathorlni to Ar
iimgeddon would Immediately precede
Messiah's taking to Himself Ills great
power, nnd beginning His reign. Iteve
latloti xl, 17, IS.
"Send Them Strong Delusions."
St. I'mil wrote prophetically of our
time, that It would bo one of serious
trial nnd testing to many professing to
bo Christ la ns. The reason for this he
HlnleH-tliey received not tho Truth In
tho lovo of It. (II Thessnloiilans II, Id,
11.) 'I'hey preferred Ihelr own errone
ous theories, the Apostle explains, nml
therefore Cod will glvo them over to a
'(Strong delusion," nnd lei thein believe
the lie which thoy preferred, ami let
Ihem Hitffer for missing the Truth
which they did not love. Thus they
will bo In Ihe coiideinned host, "light
ing iignlnst I mhI," because of their lack
of love fur Iho Truth.
It Is sad lo say that, we nil as Chris
tians have been laboring under a. thor
ough delusion respecting Cod's flan.
W'o have claimed that Christ set up
Ills Church In Kingdom power, and
that, the Church has been reigning on
the earth ns His reprosonlalivo. On
the strength of this delusion, .lows ami
hert'lh-H have been perseciiled to ileal Ii
as opponents to Christ's Kingdom. All
the while wo thoughtlessly repeated
Iho Lord's prayer: "Thy Kingdom
come; Thy will be done on earth, as In
Heaven." We knew that the Itetleemer
said Ihat lie would collie again to
make us Ills llrldo nnd Jolut-belrs: but
we Ignored the Scriptures. Wo were
drunk, ns Hie Scriptures symbolically
say, "all nallons were drunk" with the
false doctrine. It Is this false doctrine
that will cotiKlltute the "frog" Hplrlt
which Hoon will begin to croak and to
prepare for Ariiingeddon.
The Illblo presentation is that the
world Is n section of the mil verso In
rebellion ngnlnst I ilvlne authority, un
der the captaincy of Sntnn nud his ns-
aoclatod fallen angola. Hy Divine grace
Josiih has already "tasted death for
every man," nnd tho merit of that nnr
rlllce must, eventually, grant Adam and
his posterity a full, fair opportunity
for the attainment of everlasting life.
All xvho thus seek tho Divine program
nml nro walking In tho light may know
Homothlni at lenst respecting the "times
nnd seasons." These brethren "are
not In darkness, that that day (and
that battle of Ariiingeddon) ahould
overtake" them "ns a thief" un
awares. Armageddon Not Yet but Soon.
For forty years tho Armageddon
forces have boon mustering for both
shies of the contllct, Strikes, lockouts
mitl riots, great nnd Htnall, have been
merely Incidental Hklrmlshes ns the
belligerent parties crossed each other's
paths. Court and Army Hcandals In
Kurope, Insurance, Trust ami Court
scanilals In Ainerlcn, have Hhaketi pub
lic ronlhletico. Dynamite plots, charg
ed by turns on employees and on em
ployers, have further shaken conll
donee and tended to make each ills
trustful of the other. Hitter ami angry
toolings on bnth shies are more ami
more manifest. The lines of battle are
dally I tuning more distinctly marked.
Nt'M'ithelcss Armageddon cannot ycl
tie fought. Other matters Intervene,
according to prophecy.
Centlle times nave still two years to
run. 'I'he "Image of the Heast" of our
context must yet receive ir -power
The Imago must bo transformed rrom
it mere mechanism to a living inrce
frotestaiit l'Ydf radon realizes that Its
organlntlon will still be fijile unless
It receive vltallatlon -unless Its clergy
directly or Indirectly shall bo r ig
nl zed ns possessed of apostolic ordina
tion nml nutliorlty to teach. This the
prophecy Indicates will come from the
two homed beast, which, we helleo,
symbolically represents the Church of
Kiighuitl. High handed activities of
I' rotestaiitlsi i ami Catholicism, operat
ing lu conjunction for the suppression
of human liberties, await this vivlt'i tug
of the Imago. This may ctniie soon, I
hut Armageddon cannot precede It. but
must tollow -perhaps a year alter tt. I
aeeoiiiing ii- mow or tlio riopti.vy. :ln few if any votes.
Still another thing Intervenes : Al j . m ,'
though Ihe .lews are gradually Mowing 1 Turin lilco's ew Wonder,
into rule-it i;u. gradually obtaining con j l-'i-,.iu far away Porto Rico come re
trol of the land of Canaan, and al !,.r, f .. ,,',!...i ,ii ...,
though roix.rts say that already nine
teen millionaires are there, nevortho
less iirooliocv rooiilres 11 11 ovidetitlv
larger nuniU'r of wealthy Hebrews to !
bo there U-fore tho Armageddon crisis
Ih reached. Indeed we understand
that "Jacob's ttvuhle" In the Holy
land will come at the very close of
Armageddon. Then Messiah's King
dom will Ivgln to K tnnnlfested
Thenceforth Israel In the laud of prom
Iso will gradually rise from ti, nshoit
of tho past to the grandeur of proph
ecy. Through Its Divinely appointed
princes Messiah' Kingdom, all power
ful but Invisible, will begin to roll
way th cume and to lift up mankind.
i ; i
II. F. Wesl. Asessiii'.i'lerl.
WILL HAVE A lil l'l 'l V
) i;u:i(Y l'ltKdNCT
A resident deputy In each assess
ment district In i l.e county will be the
policy Inaugurated by II. V. West,
elected assessor of Marion county. Mr.
West believes this will result In a
more nearly equal valuation on prop
erty throughout the county.
The now asses, or is -12 years old. Ho
13 a native of Iowa, hut left that state
In lS'lO, and has been a resident of
Salem for 22 yours. Hy trade lie Is a
printer, und II enrs of that time ho
spent In the state printing olllce, while
the last eight yea-s of his residence In
Salem lie has -n connected with the
.Statesman I'ubli.--liing Co.
Though the a'-ssnrshlp is tho first
political offlco to which Mr. West has
ever aspired, he has been a staunch
Republican over : hiee be became of
voting age. He is thoroughly acquaint
ed In till parts of .Marion county, and
has n largo acquaintance throughout
the slate.
Salem Has to Hint In the Inci liable
Scores of i:iiili'i'cuionts I'rote It.
Alter reading i.:e public statement
i f this follow-suiferer given below,
I you must eojno to this conclusion: A
remedy which cm oil years ago, which
has kept the kidneys in good health
since, can bo relied upon to perform
Iho same work In other cases. Jtcad
K. I. Head, I'lrst anil Geary Streets,
Woodard's addition, Albany, Oregon,
rays: "I hail backache and kidney
complaint nnd at times became so lame
find sore that I could not stoop. Tho
I'oixirts I heard about Dunn's Kidney
fills wore so favorable that I pro
cured this remedy ami began Its use.
riompt ami thorough relief followed
and my back anil kidneys were great
ly strengthened. I am In a position to
recommend I loan's Kidney Pills to any
ono nfllictisl as I was." (Statement
given February 6. 1900.)
A Secoud Sliitemetit.
On November 15,' 1909, Mr. Reed
aaid: "I can confirm all I have ever
said about 1 (nan's Kidney Tills. This
remedy did mo a world of good and I
conalder It an excellent one for kid
ney disorders."
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Koster-Milburn Co., Huffnlo
Now York, sole agents for the United
Heiuemher the name Doan's and
take no other.
lu the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Marlon County.
In the Matter of tho Estate of Minerva
Ann Dhv, Deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that hy virtue
of tho authority Invested In us by the
last will and testament of Minerva
nn Uice. deceased, duly probated In
the county court for Marion county,
Oregon. Orlciia K. Stelger and Honja-
mln C. Dice, duly nuallfled nnd acting
xecutrix and executor of the nbovo
tiititltsl estate, from and after the
"i th day of November, 1912, at the of
fice of John D. Tumor, In Salem, Ore
gon, will proceed to sell at private
r-alo the following 'described premises,
lots right (S) and nlno (0) In block
eight (S), Capital Park addition to the
city of Salom, Oregon.
Tortus of sale cash in hand.
Dated at Salem, Oregon, this the
2Mb day of October, 1912.
Executors of above named Estate.
,l"lin D. Turner, Attorney for Ex-
ri mors. MMon
. . .
Making ridiculous campaign claims
I that is believed will vastly benefit the
ll'tople. Ramon T. Mnrclinn, of Harce-
1,'",,,l w rites "Dr. King's Now Discov
ery is doing splendid work here. It
Hired me about five times of terrible
coughs nnd colds, also my brother of a
severe cold In his chest and more than
0 others, who used It on my advice.
We hope this groat medicine will yet
be sold In every drug store In Porto
Rica." For throat and lung troubles
there Is nothing better. A trial will
eonvlnc you of Its merit 50c and $1
Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by J. C.
Xotlce lo the Voters of the City of
Salem, Oregon.
Pursuant to the provisions of Sec
tion 10 of Ordinance No. 818, and Sec
tion 1 of Ordinance No. 685, I, Chas.
F. Elgin, the recorder of the City of
Salem, Oregon, nereny putmsn w m.
text and ballot title and numbers of,
, 11-1. i.U- ..11
an ordinance numbered 11.6-A, the, enforcoment
same being an ordinance approprlat-1 or r
Ing money for the support and ."-fj; whether directly or by
tenance of a Salem band, submitted J A &
to the voters by the common coun i ( of a .
to be voted upon at the regular j he vil,ity of any such assess
electlon to be held In said city on the;"S to i 1U, .,,,,, ,.,
2d day of December, 1912.
City Recorder.
Appropriating money for the sup
port and maintenance of a Salem band
and to provide band music for tho
general public In the city of Salem,
Oregon, and providing the manner of
expending the same.
Ho It ordained by tho common coun
cil of the City of Salem, Oregon:
Section I. That tho sum of $1500.00
or so much thereof ns may be neces
sary, bo and the same is hereby ap
propriated out of the money In the
general fund In the city treasury of
the City of Salem, Oregon, not other
wise appropriated, for the support and
maintenance of a Salem hand, and to
furnish band music to the general
public of the City of Salem, Oregon.
Section 2. That tho expenditure of
the money hereby appropriated be and
the same hereby Is entrusted In the
hands of a special committee to be
appointed by the common council for
such purpose and the said committee
shall have the power and It shall be
their duly to enter Into a contract
with some sultablo person or persons but the council may adopt, In its dis
to maintain a band and to furnish j cretiun, a different plan of apportion
lmnd music at suitable places nnd oc-jment of the special and peculiar ben
cnslons for the general public of the cflls when in lis Judgment It may be
City of Salem, Oregon. That said ' necessary to secure an equitable as
oommittee shall have power to pro- sessment. The proceedings required
vide in said contract for a number hy this charter to he had prior to the
of public concerts to be given by said ' making of the original assessment
band, nnd to make all other provis-; shall not be required to be taken or
Ions nnd arrangements necessary to : had in making a new or re-assess-bo
made for the support and main-, ment under tills section. Such now
tenance of a public band. j or re-assessment shall bo made and
Passed hy the common council on shall become a lien nnd charge upon
tho 21st day of October, 1IM2. tlm properly upon which the same Is
Attest: C1IAS. V. ELGIN, t D-viod. notwithstanding the omission.
City Recorder, i failure or neglect of any officer, bodv
Approved by the mayor on the 25th; or person to comply with the pro
day of October, 1912. j visions of this charter connected with
LOUIS LACHMIWn, or relating to such improvement and
Mayor. original assessment, and notwith
The title of the foregoing bill on Standing that the proceedings of the
the official ballot together with the j common council or nny of the officers
number Is as follows:
A Measure- Submitted to the Voters by
the Common Council Number
Shall a Selem band be supported
nd maintained by the city of Salem
by an annual appropriation?
Vote for one only: Yes or No.
104. Yes.
105. No.
Notice to tlio Votors of the City of
Salem, Oregon.
Pursuant to the provisions of sec
tion 10 or ordinance No. 818, I,
Chas. F. Elgin, the recorder of the
city of Salom, Oregon, hereby publish
the full text and ballot title and num
bers of an ordinance numbered 1157,
the same being a charter amendment
submitted to the voters by the oom
mon council to be voted upon at the
regular city election to be hold In
Bald city on the 2d day of December,
1912. CHAS. F. ELGIN,
City Recorder.
Ordinance 'o. 1157.
Charter Amendment Submitted to the
Voters by the Common Council. A
Hill Numbered 1222.
For an ordinance providing for the
amendment of section 6 of the char
ter of the city of Salem, Oregon, as
adopted by a vote of tho people under
the constitutional powers of the ref
erendiim on December 6, 1909, by the
addition of two new sub-divisions i l'art 'rom the council meeting until
thereto to be numbered, respectively, j ,"cl1 re-assessment has been com-forty-three
till, nnd forty-four (44) 1'h'tod. The city recorder, upon the
' RrantinK 11,1,1 conferring power and;ri,Bt Publication of said notice, shall
authority upon the common council
of tho city of Salem, Oregon, to make,
levy and Impose new assessments or
re-assessments upon lots, blocks or
parts thereof or parcels of land which
iua nave noon specially and peculiar-
ly benefitted by public Improvements
11. me cmcui 01 uieir respective and
iironortiiinate .1,, f , ..,...
1, ...... ... . ,mu"
01 sucn improvements where th
original assesments therefor may have
ecu set as e. annulled. doCared or
rendered void or the enforcement of
which has been refuse.) lo-
of roninetem im-i.,1 1., .. ,.
".- 'i" I"-
1 j-.. - ' " 11, mi, ounce in-
r,H',1' or Indirectly, or when the com
;tuim council may deem anv assess.
'ments r proc. alius ,,r mi-i, ,1
11 iitl.it u 1. i . .1. 1. :
. v iih 11 Mil 11 nn row::viM
cue neon mail", to bo irregular
' or in
He It Ordained hy the r,itnmnn
Council of the City f Salem. Ore.
l Onlained hy . ,, Vo.r
l-o City of Sale,,,. Oregon.
S-ctlon 1. That section (1 of ,1, ,
''-or of the city of 0,
as amended by a vote 0f the n.,.,
undor the constitutional , f ,), ,
f,.f...,.i . ... . ' -
...... ,00,11, on I'ecemiier k. io.vi
and the sain ; i,.,...k . . .
the addition of two new subdivision, shall' 1, ' ,,' , 8l,Ch 'n
thereto t0 be number,,. lwXy,.Htrm 0t th
forty-Owe ( am, fortv.(0r H) jt, .""' anJ correctness of
which .,,11 read In word.'and ficu' l ' - Prided
...ice, u uen, e,i i-,,-
at follows, towft: I
" "DeDem - - . -
ment for the opening, altering, grad
ing, paving or Improving of any
street, or construction, reconstruc
tion or repair of any sewer or for any
local Improvement which has been
already made or which may hereafter
be made hy the city of Salem, wnicn
wb,ch may here.
has a i .a y
ment. or any pan met cut, j
have already been made or may uei le
afier be. made, the council may, by
ordinance, make a new assessment or
re-assessment upon the lots, blocks
or parts thereof or parcels of land
which have been benefitted by nny
such Improvements to the extent of
their respective and proportionate
shares of the full value nnd cost
Such re-assesment shall be based
upon the special and peculiar benefit
of any Bitch improvement to the re
spective lots, blocks or parts thereof
or parcels of land assessed at the
time of making the original assess
ment, but shall nof exceed the amount
of such original assessment, together
with any deficits forming a part of
said original assessment, but inter
est thereon from the dato of delin
quency of the original and deficit as
nesKinent may be added at the discre
tion of the common council. Such
new assessment or re-assessment
shall be made in an equitable man
ner, as nearly as may bo In accord
ance with the law In force at the time
of making the original assessments,
of the city of Sulem, Oregon, may
have been irregular or defective,
whether such irregularity be jurisdic
tional or otherwise. Such re-assessment
shall not be made In tho case of
a street Improvement wherein a re
monstrance sufficient In law to de
feat the same shall have been filed.
The common shall, by resolution,
declare the district that will be spe
cially and peculiarly benefitted by the
Improvement for which the new as
sessment or re-assessment is made
and shall direct tho city engineer to
prepare a preliminary assessment up
on the property included therein
within a time to be fixed hy said reso
lution. Upon tha passage of such
resolution the city engineer shall, as
soon thereafter as such new assess
ment or re-assessment Is prepared, file
the sanio with any mapB or plats which
gether with any maps or plats whlcfr
may he prepared as a part of such
re-assessment, who shall forthwith
give notice for ten (10) successive
publications of a newspaper published
in tha city of Salem, Oregon, that
such re-assessment Is on tile in his of
fice, giving the date or the passage of
the resolution, directing the making
of the same, and the time at which
the council will hear and consider ob
jections to said assessment by parties
deeming themselves aggrieved or dis
proportionately assessed thereby and
i warning all Biich persons not to de-
' forthwith mail to the owner of each
Jlot 01" block or part thereof or tract
: of lalu' affected by such assessment,
"r ,0 llis Wit. if the postofliee address
ot pl,,lr'r be known to him, a notice of
Mlnl assessment, and if such postof-
fk'e "ddr. I unknown then such
miu ne directed to the nmnr !
ent own,.,. V. ap'Mr" 1
. '..fee., at SMiiem, Ore-i
The o:,er or owners of anv such
pr, ny whi,-,, isl re-assesse," -
preliiniiui v re-iss..
..... ' ' '" iln-v l""1'
--' o llo.l '
,liv int.it..-,.. .1
. ' uierein may
"cum u j nut . .....
nun tlio last
"" auou Heroin w-oVi,l..,i f, .-n .
H I'll II,.. .,
" " -'t. ...tor then- objections
" to siu U re-assi-s
At the
tice the
tl'poir.ieil in sci,
:!:ni" council shall Ivar
, , fi'J-cttons which
. ' 1 i.t .I-.,;.. . 1
ni'M bv any party im,M-est.
1U' l'on nK, '-.ncil shar. have
, 'In6 from
i:l ;t, 04 ; ''O'
o- ',. '.' , , 10"' Ul rw'e and correct
'TT "
s!,a, . ....... Moment and
-i-,,..,'- . , ,,a8 aa ordinance
' ' " no.
confir..,;,. .
it,,.-, 0 ucn nre-
"ou.ii v le-assesm...,.
"i " corrected
an, v..,.i. .
... ' "on 44 of this s
"'n said re-aa .
PeW and eunfl E
nance above provided for It hall b9
entered In the docket of city Hong and
shall be enforced ana collected In the
same manner that other assess,
mentfl for local Improvements are en.
forced and collected under this char
ter and the laws of the city of Snlem,
All sums paid upon the original u
sessment shall be credited to the
property on account of which the
same were paid as of the dato of such
payment. And all applications to pay
said assessments In Installments and
authorize the Issuance of bonds un.
der tho Bancroft act shall be deemed
to apply to such. re-assessments as of
the date of the filing of any such ap.
Whenever an attempt haa been
made to sell property under "any U3.
sessment and such sale Is found or
declared to bo void, upon the making
of tho re-assessment the property shall
bo resold und tho proceeds of such
sale shall be paid to the purchaser at
the former void sale or his assigns.
No proceedings -shall be Instituted
for mnklng a re-assesment under tlio
provisions of this subdivision unless
the resolution directing the same shall
ho passed within ten (10) years of the
passage of the resolution or ordnance
declaring tho notice of intention for
the mnklng of the original work, Itn
provement or repair.
Section 41. Any person who haa
filed objection to such new assess
ment or re-assessment, and who may
not have been satisfied by the amend
ments made by the common council
or by the hearing granted such per
son, may appeal to the circuit court
of the state of Oregon, for the county
of Marlon, from the re-assessment
ngainst any property owned by him
or In which ho has an Interest.
An appeal may be taken by serving
notice of appeal within twenty (20)
days from the passage of tho ordi
nance adopting tho re-assessment as
1 n ended and modified hy tho common
council upon the mayor, city recorder
or city attorney nnd filing tho same
wilh proof of service together with
an undertaking with ono mr more
sureties who shall have the qunlillca
tions of sureties on appeal from the
circuit court to the supremo court. If
such sureties nro excepted to by the
clly thoy shall justify as sureties on
t.rdertat kings of appeal from the cir
cuit court to tho supreme court. Said
undertaking shall be conditioned that
the appellant shall pay all costs and
disbursements that may be awarded
against him on appeal, not exceeding
five hundred ($500) dollars. Said
bond and notice of appeal shall be
filed within twenty (20) days from the
service of such notice In the office of
the clerk of said circuit court togeth
er with a copy of the re-assessment
ordinance So far as the same affects
the property of the appellant Any
number of persons affected may Join
In such appeal and tho only question
to be determined therein shall be the
amount of special and peculiar bene
fits equitably to be assessed against
the property of each person joining In
said appeal. The Jury shall view the
property re-assessed and Its verdict
shall be a final aad conclusive deter
mination of the question. On such ap
Ieal the fact that one called as a juror
may be a taxpayer of the city of Sa
lem, Oregon, shall not disqualify him
from acting as juror. The city shall
be considered the plaintiff and such
apjieal shall be conducted, hoard and
determined as far as practicable, In
the same manner as an action at law.
If the amount assessed by the Jury
against any appellant be not loss than
that fixed in the assessment appealed
from, the Judgment In addition to de
claring the assessment found shall be
entered against such appellant anl
his sureties for his proportion of the
costs of such appeal. The same feti
and costs shall be taxed and paid upon
such aiqieal as aro allowed in other
Passed by the common council this
2Sth day of October, 1912.
Attest: CHAS. F. ELGIN.
City Recorder.
Approved by the mayor this 28th
day of October, 1912.
Acting Mayor.
The title of the foregoing bill on the
offlcinl ballot together with the nuin-
ber Is as follows:
i . .
( ,,i,rlor Amendment Submitted to the
Voters hv c r..n
-4 "v . i ui.ru vvuuv
A umber Four.
Shall Section 6 of the charter of the
city of Salem, Oregon, be amended by
adding two subdivisions thereto num
bered forty-three (43) and forty-four
U-D granting and conferring power
and authority upon the common coun
cil to make, levy and Impose new as
sessments or ro-assessments upon
lots, blocks or parts thereof or parcels
of land which may have been specially
and peculiarly benefited by public im
provements to the extent of their re
spective and proportionate shares of
the full value of such Improvements
where the original assessments there
for may have been set aside, annulled,
declared or rendered void or the en
forcement of which has been refused
by any court of competent jurisdiction
either directly or Indirectly or when
the common council may deem any as
sessment or proceedings or parts
thereof under which such Improve
ments may have been made, to be Ir
regular or Invalid.
Vote for one only: YES or NO.
106. Tea.
107. NO. ll-7-6td