DAILT CAPI TAL JOntXAL, 8ALE5T, OREGOX, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBEB 80, 1912. rage Six AVIATION EXPERIMENTS. " "Warship" Set Afira by Bombs Dropped From Aeroplane Flying at Night. Somo reiiiarkablo aviation experi ments were made recently In the Lon don .aerodrome An aeroplnno carrying powerful electric searchlights and fly ing In the nighttime fired bombs on ACME OF STYLE. Contrast In Skirt and Coat . Nov.lty. . . ' 1 H WHAT? THE HERE S O ' " U " ill BHOAPOLOTH HKI11T AND CHECKED COAT. Kxtreniely smart nmi good looking Is this uuliiiiiii suit developed 111 contrast In materials. The nkiit l.s of black hroaihloth iiml (he cunt of black and while velveteen. Tliu coat Is semi belted and 1i:im tliu new cutaway front. A feature of this emit Is tliu double Itohesplen-e collar that overlain the vest, which Is of white broadcloth. Rocsption Dress For Fall Brida. Hrocailcd materials have Invaded the dross world this Ncason, and the Illus tration displays an exquisite reception dress for the fall bihte. It Is of pale blno sails brocaded with silver llowers, and ttie style of the .-- (IK m.PR IIIIOCAIIl'D SATIN. froi'k Is ailiiiti'd from tin eighteenth century costume. Sleeves funned of bordered white Hiln d 'esprit milling match the bodice limpings. A Moil Woman. Mrs. Samuel Walters of l"hirln, Pa., for more than forty years has boon carrying the malls between the post nlllro and railway Htatloii and has nev er tnlssod a train or a mail. She has had but one vacation In the forty years, when she took a two day leave of absence. A hatpin occasionally Borvcs a use ful extraneous purpose, ns one did In the hands of a co-ed In pajamas who chased a burglar and made him holler. Senator Chamberlain Is delivering political speeches In Eastern Oregon. "!, .: --. .lip' t rrei "?T vj ' " ' ' . ; Photo by American Press Association. WA11SRII- BET AFIBR DT BOUDS. dummy warship and sot lier afire. The bombs were fired from a sort of pistol and burst into flames in the air. The dummy warship was a huge painted wood and canvas structure representing II. M. S. Tlmbuctoo. The aeroplane was piloted by Louis Noel and carried Captain C. Austin Tyror, who dropped the bombs. Aviation experts on the contlpent Join with the British, ordnance oflleers - ""' . '' , 'tins; 4'' it - . .' A r' . - -' . .'-'' ' -1 ! ' V X - - f i ; ; i 1 Photo by American Press Association. Al HOl'l.ANINa IN MdllTTIME. In the declaration that If the new de vices can be perfected to a practical degree present day methods of war fare will be revolutionized, as no land or sea force would bo safe from the deadly bombs. Captain Noel says that night flying Is no more dangerous than daylight aviation. MISS ELSIE F. CALDER. She Has Been Selected to Christen the Eattleship New York. Miss Klsle l Cnlder, daughter of Kepreseiitatlve William M. ('aider of New York, has been chosen to christen the battleship Now York. The desig nation was made by Governor John A. IHx. Miss ("alder is eighteen years old and made her debut last winter. Congressman ('aider was Instrumeii tal In having the New York built in the government yard In New York, and the selection of his daughter to act as sponsor for the battleship Is taken as recognition from otliclal source of his efforts In that direction. , The launching will take place on Oct. SO. It Is expected that President Taft, V CtVvr 4 IN t':- "I lllss ELRIS P. CAT.DKa Governor Ilx and many persons of prominence In otliclal and diplomatic circles in Washington will attend. Miss Cnlder was graduated in June from Packer Institute, llrooklyn, and this fall became a student at the Misses Kly school, nt Greenwich, Conn., to put the lliibhlng touches on her education.. J. V. Copelond, of Dayton, Ohio. purchased a bottlo of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for his boy who had a cold, and before, the bottlo was all used the boy's cold was gone. Is that not better than to pay a five dollar doctor's bill? Forsale by all dealers. MISS MARY BOLAND, NOW LEADING WITH JOHN DREW. C1IAIU.KS FliOIIM AN always picks out a pretty and accomplished actress for leading woman tb bis bright particular male star, John Drew. For several seasons It was Miss Ulllle Hurke. Four years ago, when Miss IturUe graduated Into a star In her own right, Mary Holand became Mr. Drew's leading woman, and Bhe was Klnce continued In that capacity. Miss Roland Is a Detroit girl and has been on the stage for about ten years. Bhe was Dorothy Nelson in Robert Kdeson's famous production of "Strongheart," and she has played the principal feminine roles with Dustlu I'arnum In "The Ranger" and Francis Wilson in "When Knights Were Hold." Her Hist appearance with Mr. Drew was In "Jack Straw" in 1008. This year's play, in which Mr. Drew and Miss Roland are seen, Is "The Perplexed Husband." . FIRST APPLICATION DARKENS THE HAIR Simple Remedy filves Color, Strength mid llcntity to (he Rair. You don't have to have gray hair or faded hair If you don't want to. Why look old or unattractive? If your hair Is gray or faded, you can change It easily, quickly and effectively by us ing Wyetlt's Sage and Sulphur Hair licmcdy. Apply a little tonight, and In the morning you will be agreeably sur prised tit the results from a single ap plication. The gray hairs will bo less conspicuous, and after a few more ap plications will be restored to natural color. Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur also euickly removes dandruff, leaves the scalp clean and healthy, and promotes the growth of the hair. It Is a clean v.holcspnio dressing which may be used at any time with perfect safety Get a fifty-cent bottle from your druggist today and see how quickly It will restore the youthful color and beauty of your hair and forever end the nasty dandruff, hot, Itchy scalp iMid falling hair. All druggists sell It ui'der guaranteo that the money will he refunded if you are not satlslled after fair trial. Agent, J. C. Perry. IIH'OltTAXCE OF HEALTHY KIDNEYS Salem Renders Should Learn to Keep the Kidneys Well. The kidneys have a big work to do. All the blood In the body is coursing through the kidneys constantly to be freed of poisonous matter. It Is a heavy enough task when the kidneys are well, but a cold, chill, fever or some thoughtless exposuro Is likely to Irrltnte, Inflame and congest the kidneys and Interrupt the purifying work. Then the aching begins, and Is us ually accompanied by some Irregular ity of the urine too frequent pas sages, sediment or retention. . Thou sands testify -to the wonderful merit of Doan's Kidney Pills, a remedv for the kidneys only, that has been used In kidney troubles 75 years. You will make no mistake. In following this Salem citizen's advice. John Conger. St3 X.- Seventeenth St., Salem, Oregon, 'says: "Doan's Kidney Pills have been used In mv family with great benefit. I also know of other people who tave taken this remedy for kidney trouble with the best possible results." For sale by n'l dealers. Trice 50 cent. Foster-Mllburn Co., Ruffalo, New Y'ork, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. If You Send All Flatwork To the Salem Laundry you les sen washday and lronlngday work more than half. The linen will be whiter, clean er and handled with less wear than it would receive in your own hands. We do no rubbing on washboards. Pure soap and an nbtmilnneo of pure water do the work for us. Our prices are very reasonable, and include the washing and ironing of all the sheets, table cloths, pillowcases, towels, napkins, etc. Wouldn't you like to have us send a wagon for a package? rhone us. Salem Laundry Co. 13G-10G South Liberty Street. Telephone Maine 25. Caoital Journal's' ANNUAL Bargain Day $T)00 THE DAILY $H)00 is CAPITAL JOURNAL ONE YEAR from Nov. 1, 1912, to Nov. 1, 1913; or if you arc paid in advance, then one year in advance from the date on which your subscription expires. This rate applies only to papers sent through the U. S. mail, and not to papers delivered in the city of Salem by carrier or at stores. NOTE: This rate is positively withdrawn Nov. 3, 1912. All money or checks mailed Nov. 2 will be credited upon arrival. Do not ask for this rate after the above date. Send money or checks to the CAPITAL JOURNAL, Safem, Oregon It is surmised that among first vot-jat any national election since "before ers there will he more Democrats than ! the war." Anyway, a first-class baker Isn.. common loafer. v. . i , ' i ! I jV : ,:;,' kl patent medicines or medicines ad rertlsed In this paper are for sale t DR. STONE'S Drug Store Salem, fTregon. A1.SO A largo supply of TRUSSES, which he makes a specialty of fitting to all persons from the youngest babe Ap the oldest man or woman needing such arpllances. The "HONEST JOHN" la his favor ite truss, believing It the best, most satisfactory, and lasting longer than any other truss. I 1 -i-JJ" - ----.. -'- ' m4S -,..-.. ' -.V I S. V; "?:,' -vi'-iv -. i - : . - ..c -J ..... . . , .- .. Where ocean, mountain and forest combine to give you an ideal vacation; where the beautiful Cape, improved with boulevards, drives, walks, streets, sidewalks, postoffice (with daily mail), water system, electric lights, and tele phone, etc, projects a mile or more into the Pacific Ocean, and affords a view unsurpassed Agate .Beach has also a 42-room hotel, with hot and cold water, electric lights and telephones, patronized this season to its full capacity, Theie are stores and boarding houses, auto service to and from Newport (nine round trips daily), and busses making regular trips' to surrounding points of interest. Forty new cottages have been erected the past three or four months and lots (50x1 00 'and over) are in demand at prevailing very reasonable prices, Agate Beach Land Co. 213 Board of Trade Building, Portland, Oregon, or Agate Beach, Oregon ACUTE BEACH L.N. Mi r