Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 28, 1912, Image 1

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    Patronize Salem
Duy from home mer
chants. You can do no
better elsewhere, and
besides you are assist
ing In building up 8a
lom, and that Is a duty
"you owe to yourself
and to Salem.
"Td "5r a jvfA, Gft B0OST Y0UR
VOL. XXII " " 1 . i. i - -
New Boat I: Jfs 110 to I? iFiVhtinp Sherman's
New Boat
Is Surely
a Beauty
Nearly 200 Salemites Enjoyed
a Trip on the Grahamona
the Finest Equipped Boat
Ever on the River
The 0. C. T, Company's new boat,
tho Grahamona, Is a beauty, as the
nearly 200 excursionists who yester
day accepted the company's Invitation
to take a ride down the river on her
Sunday, will one and all testify. It
was a rather dreary morning, heavy
fog and rather cold, and besides, Sa
lem folks have a habit of not getting
outside of their breakfasts Sunday
morning early enough to get anywhere
bofore 9 o'clock, but In spite of this
combination, nearly 200 took the trip
down as far as Lincoln, which was
i cached at 9:fi0, Soon after starting
back tho fog lilted, and the return trip
was delightful, tho Btaunch little
steamer going past the city on her re
turn, and a couple of miles up tho
The Grahamona Is the finest of the
company's boats, Is thoroughly equip
ped, splendidly furnished and his plen
ty of power to negotiate any rapid or
current of the Willamette.
She is 150 feet over all, SO feet beam
and 18-inch draft, light. She is per
mitted to carry 308 passengers, and on
excursions 412, and her big cabins can
accommodate them, too.
All who enjoyed the company's hos
pitality yesterday will long remember
the trip, as one of tho delightful little
unexpected things that brighten life
And warm us up toward our neighbors
and townsmen.
There are hundreds of Salemltes
who have never taken the trip by boat
to Portland, but It is safe to say that
some on the excursion yesterday made
up their minds to do so, and among
them was the writer. Every Salemlte
should know something of the. river,
Its possibilities and the country tribu
tary to it, and the only way to get this
knowledge Is to make a few trips over
It and thus see and realize the Impor
tance of the river to Salem's trade.
Willamette university football team
went to Forest Grove Saturday, where
they defeated the Pacific university by
a score of 40 to 0. The score about
represents the relative strength of the
two teams, although Willamette was
not at its best by a good deal. Shaver,
for the Pacifies, was good at punting,
but the whole game was monotonous
and uninteresting. Shaver made sev
eral substantial gains for his team.
The center of .Pacific's team was
strong, but the ends were weak, and
It was here the 'varsity made their at
Willamette's second team played a
game with the Independence high
school team at that phce Saturday
which proved to bo very close, The
score was 7 to 0 In favor of Willam
ette, and It was rare good luck that
tue 'varsity scored a victory, as the
Independence boys were in the tfame
all the time. Tin Wil!amettc3 made
their only touchdown In tho fi.'st half
of the game, and In the i-econd half
the locals came bncn with sucli force
that it looked as if they would score.
On the whole It wail a thoroughly good
Curry county is the only county in
the state that has not yet reported its
registration to the office of Secretary
f fitnto fllentf The fieures for the
several counties reported are as fol
lows: mas, 7169; Clatsop, 3189; Columbia.
2219; Coos, 4110; Crook, 2953; Curry,
not reported; Douglas 5397; Gilliam
749; Grant, 1514; Harney, 1118; Hood
River, 1715; Jackson, 648G; Josephine,
2181; Klamath 2641; Lake, 1237; Lane,
8244; Lincoln, 1328; Linn, 5714; Mal
lieur, 2174; Marlon, 9290; Morrow, 982;
Multnomah, 52,204; Polk, 3397; Sher
man, 788; Tillamook, 1528; Umatilla,
4623; Union, 3550; Wallowa, 1953;
Wasco, 3181; Washington, 5194;
Wheeler, 660; Yamhill, 4198.
Portland, Or., Oct. 28. A ten
per cent Increase in the market
ing of turkeys throughout the
northwest and a resultant de
crease In the price per pound of
the toothsome meat are predicted
for the Thanksgiving trade by
Ilyman H. Cohen, commercial
editor of the Journal. Cohen
states that the tightness of tho
money market Is going to de
creaso tho demand for turkeys,
and this coupled with the In
creased supply is to bring prices
tumbling down all over the Pa
Iflc coast.
His Parole Is
Revoked and He
Must Do Time
Roy Bohim, who was convicted and
sentenced to an Indeterminate period
of from one to five years in the peni
tentiary lust April, and paroled by
Judge Kelly, Is In trouble again, lie
was arrested a few days ago In Wasc0
county and locked up In the county
jnll and the court here notified of his
incarceration, which resulted In his
parole being revoked, which was done
October 22. The sheriff here was no
tified of the fact that young liolam
was being held there and advised to go
and fetch him back to the penitentiary.
October 27 he broke jail and made his
The offense for which he was sen-
tinced was the larceny of an Elgin
watch from Fred Fllns, valued at $10.
Nearly 2500 Register.
At noon today the registration at the
city hall for city primaries and city
election reached the high water mark,
there boln 2440 names attached to the
roll. By wards the registration Is as
Ward No. 1 253
Ward No. 2 419
Ward No. 3 .. 224
Ward No. 4 491
Ward No. 5 f......... 395
Ward No. 6 372
Ward No. 7 286
Total 8140
Those dnBlrlng to register will have
an opportunity to do so during the
regular office hours, as well as at noo'l
and In the evening from 7 to 8:30
o'clock until the evening of October
31, when the registration will close
until rfter the primaries.
The registration of 2500, as predict
f'iy this p:iptr ai t h-s beawig now
soowi'j assured, as three more days af
ter today are allowed In which to at
tend to it.
Will Send
a Cruiser
to Turkey
Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 28. Hurried
preparations are being made at the
League Island navy yard today for the
immediate sailing of the cruiser Bnltl
mrre. Sealed orders from Washing
ton direct the vessel to thke a full sup
ply of coal, ammunition and provis
ions. H Is understood the Baltimore
will sail for Turkish waters tomorrow
to protect American Interests. This
report as yet Is unconfirmed.
Medford, Or., Oct 28. Frank Sey
mour, alias Parker, who came here
about a year ago from Portland, con
fessed Sunday night to the sheriff of
this county that ho and Mike Spanos,
a iiieeK, Killed ueorgo ucaassKaioug
a Greek, In this city September 22.
Seymour states that they killed De-
cas'nalous expecting to get $700 f'oir
his n oney belt He now states that
the belt was empty and they got only
$5 In silver.
Removed Land Officer.
Washington, Oct. 28. President Taft
has removed Edward L. Barnes, reg
ister of the land office at Great Falls,
Mont, and accepted the resignation of
Receiver Wilson, of the same office.
The action follows an investigation.
Successors will be named in a few
JJ I furlnted because IiIh wife's imr- k H k t
II I lit- RJlTfJrC: ents gave their daughter refuge All li(tiff Colonel Theodore Roosevelt's I it fttTt ft
I L 1 1 U I 1 F L tj I Ht the ,ttnu h0UM ,1,ar lu'1'l?' A1" sillily I B'",'t'11 ,lt M"'" 1,011 Scmi.ro Gar-
I f vln Rochor, aged 23, It wast a mmm iv
learned today, shot and killed
W IT T( r J Philip Ott, aged 45 years, tho hit- J 1 I though tho former president is t J t f
l lC I TT ter's wife, and Fred llaut, aged T II A I 1 II DC pldly recovering of the et'feets CI lITlr,rll
vJCi y O I CI 1 1 83 y,lr8, Ml'8' 0U'8 fatill'r' laMt Lllw LilllWkJ of J()lin Si'liriink'8 b,,lli!t- n 1 Ljl 1 1 ILjfJ I
T m II ir ,t T im Hoelier u.iiit lnl. ' J,
Taft Says Wilson's Elec
tion would Be a Calamity
Voters to Choose Between
the Actual and Assured
Washington, Oct. 28. Red hot de
nunciation of Governor Woodrow Wil
son and the Democratic party marked
the return to tho executive offices here
todny of President Taft. The attack,
which was In the form of a campaign
statement, asserted that Wilson's elec
tion would bo as great a menace to the
prosperity of tho country as that
which followed Grovcr Cleveland's
election In 1892.
'The Democrats," the statement
said, "profess to discover cause for
amusement In the alleged Republican
claims of credit for this year's abun
dant crops. Tho only credit the Re
publicans claim Is the Republican policy-protection
for American Indus
try which maintains the best market
In the world, a homo market for fann
ers to sell In, while foreign markets
have been invaded by both the farmer
and manufacturer.
"The voter's choice Is not obscure.
It Is between actual and assured pros
perity, active Industry, good wages
and a flourishing home market on the
one hand, and a depression of busi
ness, paralysis of Industry, loss of em
ployment and general demoralization
of trade, both at home and abroad, on
the other.
'The American people have more
tlian once surprised those who think
that the people are being successfully
tooled. I believe a similar surprise
awaits my opponent In the coming
election on November 5."
President Taft was greeted by
scores of friends on his arrival here.
Tomorrow he will go to New York City
to launch the battleship New York.
The trial of L. Elbert Warford, on
an indictment from the grand jury for
forgery of the name of Miss Elizabeth
Lord to a premium warrant of the
state fair of 1911, was concluded In
circuit court Saturday, and within ten
minutes after the Jury retired for de
liberation, a verdict of not guilty was
The defense was ably represented by
Walter E. Keys, and Walter Wlnslow
conducted the state's part of the case
with vigor and tact
Shouldering a brand new ax and a
cross-cut saw, Tommy Caufleld. cf
this city, marched out over the Polk
county hills yesterday afternoon to his
ranch, where he wbl spend a few
neeks lambasting the gallant fir and
oaks dotting his spacious acres. Tom
my will endeavor to lay vslde a suffi
cient supply of wood to last Mm. all
winter, but tho ope.a.'ion will nrobablv
cc.st him m-u.y blisters and n reduc
"la.i In w;lgl t befo'o he returns with
his timber.
A General
War Seems
(rxiTi:i) I'iikhh n:.Hi:r vviuk. J
London, Oct. 28. The great Euro
pean war which has been feared ever
since thd Balkan allies attacked the
Tuik, today Is believed here to be an
imminent danger.
Austria this evening threatens to
Invade Novlpazar and Russia's heavy
concentration of troops on her south
ern frontier Is believed to Indicate
that the czar plans-to grab Uoumaiiia.
It Is rumored that the British war
and navy deMitments are preparing to
The European markets are very uneasy.
Sheboygan, Wis., Oct. 28. In
furiated because his wife's pur-
ents gave their daughter refuge
at the farm house near here, Al-
vln Rocher, aged 2:?, It was
learned today, shot and killed
Philip Ott, aged 45 years, tho hit
ter's wife, and Fred limit, aged
83 years, Mrs. Ott's father, last
night. Then Rocher went Into
tho woods and hanged himself,
Ills body was found today,
Roehor and his wife separated
Deny Liquor
Men Issued
The following self-explanatory let
ter of denial has been received by The
Capital Journal, accompanied by a
request for publication, from tho Ore
gon State Asosclatlon opposed to tho
Extension of Suffrage to Women:
'The Oregon State Association Op
posed to the Extension of Suffrage to
Women wishes to deny stateniients
made last Monday at tho W. C, T. U.
convention, when, according to press
reports, It tVas announced from the
platform that the liquor Interests were
circulating thousands of oples of a
pamphlet of which Rev. Clarence True
Wilson Is the author. That pamphlet
Is Issued by and bear the name of the
Oregon State Association Opposed to
the Extension of the Suffrage to Wro
men, bo that the statement that It was
Issued by any other person or organ
ization was a gratuitous fabrication,
and known to be such by all personB
making It
'It has become the fashion for suf -
frnglsts to attribute all their dofeats
to tho 'liquor men.' This has been the
cry In Ohio, and, after the successive
majorltles rolled up against them, hi
Oregon. As a matetr of fact, not one
of the six suffrage states has prohibi
tion, nnd In a recent map published by
Sheboygan, Wis.. Oct. 28.-In- C7 CJ Oyster Hay, N. Y., Oct 28.
. tha woods arid hanged himself. .
tho national W. C. T. U., Oregon stands 08 llfil'8 from 1118 Servian front de
out conspicuously dry among the sur-,0'"1'6 tllnt t,le alllo(1 f)rc,,a ''"vo enp
roundlng wet and suffrage stales. t,lrctl Prlstinn, Uskuh and Istlb, nnd
"Dr. Wilson's pamphlet is a valued ",im fl" n,,,l"k wlU,l a f,!W l,m"'8
part of tho orgnnlzed protest agnliiBt J "l'" Salonika, which they are rapidly
tho Imposition of woman suffrage up
on the women of Oregon, a protest
which Is signed nnd sent out by thc
following women of the association:
"Mrs. J. F. Bailey, president; Miss
Falling, first vice-president; Mrs. R.
W. Wilbur, second vice-president; Mrs.
Wallace Me.Camant, treasurer; MIbs
.Eleanor Glle, secretary; Mrs. H. V.
Corbett, Mrs. A. K. Rockey, Mrs. C. II.
Lewis, Mrs. David luring, Mrs. J. B.
Montgomery, Mrs. W. C. Alvord, Mrs.
Gordon Voorhlrs, Mrs. R. W. Lewis,
Mrs. James N. Davis, Mrs. Alma D.
Katz, Mrs. S. T. Hamilton, Mrs. Her
bert Holman, Mrs. C. A. Johns, Baker;
Mrs. J. H. Templeton, Prlnevllle; Miss
nnoli Rnlnni' Miu W I Vnivlor Moil.!
ford; Mrs. Elizabeth Yockey, Ashland,
executive committee; Mrs. E. II. Shop
ard, Hood River; Mrs. A. J. Richard
son, Joseph; Mrs. J. M. Connell, HIUs
boro; Miss Rita Alderman, Falls City;
Mrs. M. K. MeFarhind, Alrlle; Mrs. F.
B. Hurlow, Troutdale; Mrs. George T.
Flavel, Astoria; Mrs. W. 8. McFndden,
Corvallls; Mrs. Dun O'Xell, Oregon
. ., ,
Miss Emily Ixiverldge; super n-!
1 i
tendent Good Samaritan hospital, Port
Tin: 'i.ur. and uoxev
Loral sportsmen received a lesson in
foot racing Sunday at the alale fair
K-omuls that pmvl expensive to a
number of men, e,eel,i!:y to a number
rj' university sl'iilents who bached
I'arley Blnckweli Ibe fivorire of tint
institution In foot rac'iiix ngiins' a
r.t i anger giving th-; mime of Wilnm.
The race wns brought about over
nn argument over "tlire," and resulted
Id about $1."0 ch;ii:-,li' hands, Hint Is
going to Wilson wh' backed hiinrelf.
o other money iielm; laced i n bin.
Ho simply "chewed L;um" while i di
ning away from lllnckwcll, and Is no
doubt a profession-!). ') ho I oyi h"!
some fun over his -vh1 ilterg. of wire'ii
he had a good Tep but the did not
Interfere with hla luunbu. Some claim
't was a cold-blood 5 1 'frame up.''
Turks and Bulgarians Fight
ing in Whole Territory
from Adrianople to Black
SeaThat City Is Doomed
Sofia, Bulgaria, Oct. 2S. Official
dispatches from tho Bulgarian battlo
lino nt Adrianople and news dispatch
es reaching here today from Constan
tinople both declare that a desperate
battle between Turks and Burgiirlnns
Is raging over the wholo territory be
tween Adrhinoplo nnd tho Black sea, a
fighting line of nenrly 100 miles. The
struggle, dispatches agree, has been
In progress since Wednesday.
Latest accounts from Adrianople
here are that the city still holds out,
rain having greatly hampered tho op
erations of the besieging Bulgarian
Turkish dispatches today deny thnt
tho allies have criptured EsUllmba, on
tho line of communication between
Adrianople nnd Constantinople. If
tho reports here Uiat Esklbaba has
fallen prove true, they will Indicate
that the main turning movement of
the Bulgarians has been successful, r
and thnt Adrlnnople Is isolated, and
almost Buro to fall.
Capture Important Point.
Sofia, Oct. 28. Offlclul confirma
tion of the report thnt Bulgarian
troops havo captured EBklbaha, 60
mih(Tsotitheast of Adrianople, was re
ceived here today. Esklbaba Is but
100 miles distant from Constantinople.
The capture of Esklbaba means that
Adrianople Is cut off from all com
munication with Constantinople, the
1 Bulgarians having complete control of
tll(J Oriental railroad. Tho Turkish
troops, which comprised tho garrison
a' Esklbaba, are retreating In the dl-
recll" or Constantinople.
Allies Win Everywhere,
Belgrade, Servla, Oct. 28. Dispatch.
With a Greek army moving on Sa
lonika from tho southwest, and tho
combined Servian unci Bulgarian force
approaching from the north, the sec
ond lylkin of the allies' plan seems
near lis climax. The capture of Sa
lonika will mean that nil of the west
ern part of Turkey-ln-Eiiropo will be
cut off from Constantinople, and Its
reduction will bo merely a matter of
guerilla fighting.
Turks Kill Each Oilier.
Constantinople, Oct. 28. Admission
(hat one-tenth of one entire Turkish
army corps was killed nt Kirk Klllsseli
through the clash between two Turk
ish detachments as tho result of a mis
take, was made hero by Turkish offi
cials this afternoon.
Tho same officials, however Insisted
that, tho Turks had captured Kirk
Turkey Ready (o Fluhl.
Bundapcst, Hungary, Oct. 2S. That
Toflrt..!. 1 ft..l.
,iiininu jifitxn IIUV'7 I u Hill t-u in
..... ,
K enell fi'rmi lin Tin I'lli' mm In in.
Iterated In dispatches, received here,
which are Bald to ba vouched for by
the Turkish war ministry .
Turkish attaches here sny the Mos
lem army Is now fully mobilized, and
that Turkish victories may he expect
ed. .it iit:i: ;ai.i.ovvav
NOES TO .11,11 IN V
A short, session of department No. 2
of the circuit court was held this
morning by Judge Galloway, but Hie
Judge received a telephone message
from Judge Kelly, from Albany, slat
ing thnt be was 111 nnd unable lo hold
court. Judt-'n Galloway went lo Albany
and will take the place of Judge Kel
ly for a few days, or until (lie lalter re
covers. Department No. 2 will convene one
week from today, Miss Mabel Wolborn,
deputy circuit court clerk, being busy
this morning making up the docket for
that session, The docket will be out
I by the last of the week.
By orders from his physicians,
Colonel Theodore Roosevelt's
speech at Madison Squnro Gar
den next Wednesday evening w
bo limited to 30 minutes. Al
though tho former president Is
rapidly recovering of the effects
John Srhrnnk's bullet, tho
doctors fear tho tax on his
strength should ho speak longer.
Colonel Roosevelt enjoyed nn
other walk outdoors today. It
was announced that ho still suf
fers occasional pains from tho
Governor Will
Take a Hand in
Enforcing Law
"If I find that tho laws are not be
ing enforced nt Klamath Falls and I
havo every reason to believe that they
nro not being enforced, as It nppenrs
the sheriff and (ho city officials arc
allowing houses of prostitution to go
rnniolested I shall take a hand In en
forcing the laws there." So stated
Ccvernor West t,dny after receiving a
reply from Mayor Nichols, of Kliunath
Falls to the governor's telegram of
Friday In which the executive de
manded to know what steps tho mayor
proposed to (alio toward enforcement
of the law.
In his reply Mayor Nicholas charges
that tho Klamath Falls Northwestern
has published numerous fako Btorles
about the lack of law enforcement in
that city with a view to causing tho
resignation of both tho mayor and of
the police force. Tho mayor claims
that the lawless conditions of which
the Northwestern has made publica
tion do not exist and nevor have ex
isted. Tho difficulty between tho
Klamath Falls newspaper and the city
officials, and In which Governor West
has been asked to take a hand, arose
over tho alleged assault iiHn R. Vance
Hutchlns, a reporter on tho staff ct
the Northwestern, by Policeman Hull
whllo tho mayor, the chief of police
and other officials looked on without
offering to Interfere
Governor West stated further when
Interviewed todny:
"I will seo that, tho matter Is thor
oughly Investigated. I cannot under
stand why the mayor and the chief of
pollco should stand by and see a peace
ol fleer UHHUilt a citizen of tho town,
and claim that the laws aro being en
forced, when ns It now appears, tho
policeman has pleaded guilty."
It takes a clever man (o sell out ad
vantageously when ho Is pretty near
all in.
For Fall and Winter
r i'-l'
. i .
V '"A M
- i
Copyright, iqll A B. Kmikbam C.
Salem Woolen Mills Store
Vice President Suffers a
Relapse and His Condition
Is AIarming"He Has Been
Sick for Six Months
Utlen, N, Y., Oct. 28. James Sher
man, vice-president of tho United
Slates, Is in a critical condition, and
tho oulconio of IiIb case ennnot bo
forecasted at Jlils time, according to
ndmlRslonB mado here this afternoon
by his physician, Dr. F. II. Peck.
Although tho physician denied that
ho considered Sherman's enso hope
less, ho nindo no attempt to mlnlmlzo
tho seriousness of tho vlco-presldmit's
Illness. Sherman la suffering from a
complication of nllinenls which havo
caused heart weakness and difficulty
lu breathing.
Vice-President Sherman has been 111
( since last spring. It was thought,
however, mil II recently, that ho was
Sherman suffered a relapse n week
ago, when he went to tho polls and
registered. Ho seined much better
Sunday, and was nblo to walk nbout
tho hoiiBe. Ho suffered a bad night
Inst night, but showed some Improve
ment this morning. Dr. Perk an
nounced this afternoon thnt tha vice
president Is resting comfortably, anil
that ho hoped for further Improve
The time for filing complaints as 'l
assessments before the county board of
equalization expired Saturday. County
Cierk Allen says thero aro a less num
ber than havo over been filed before
during his Incumbency In office. About
twenty-flvo formal complaints havo
been made, tho only one having any
In porlaneo being tho one mado by tho
Oiegon & California Land Co. In thhl
Instance It was found that a few Inac
curacies had crept Into tho assess
ment, which tho board ordered elim
inated so thnt with tho change ordered
by the board this assessment will bo
reduced several thousand dollars. The
assessment of this company should bo
fifty cents a thousand on slumpage on
the cruise made in ll)"K and In addi
tion of $2. .10 on acre for the land.
There are three important
things you will thnik of in
buying your fall suit or
1, Pure Wool materials in
the newest designs,
2, Correct style and cut of
each garment, '
3, Tailoring that will retain
ils shape until the suit
or overcoat is discarded
These three points we want
to demonstrate to you at our
store, See our windows, or
better come in and see the
Priced from $15.00
to $30.00