y. DAILY CAFITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREflOX, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2(1, 1912. Pago Seren Business Opportunities in Salem and Vicinity CLASSIFIED ADTERTIS1NG, PROFESSIONAL CARDS, REAL ESTATE AND GENERAL INFORMATION Capital Journal ''Want Ads" Brlira Quick Results On ctnt word far first Insertion. One bilf cect a weird for ncb huertiou thsrasfter. No silvsrUstimsnt takcu for loss tbtn 25c L'suut ill words to tbt Una. AUCTIONEERS. . - ii uiili i -inn Hn I AM PREPARED to conduct your sales In any pnrt of the country or city.' Satisfaction guaranteed or no pay. Terms reasonable. C. W. Yannke, C9 State street, Pbone Main 1109. 8-17-tf BAKERIES. BUTTERNUT DREAD It Is worth more than any other bread, yet the price Is no higher. For sale at your grocer's. California Bakery, Thomas ft Cooley, Props. CARRIAGE TRIMMING AND PAINTS F. W. BLISS Successor to Walker; , carriage and automobile trimming, carriage trimming goods, new work and repairing. I am carrying a full . lino of Masurey's house and buggy paints, brushes, oils and the very best varnishes. 304 S. Commercial, 12-1-tf CEMENT WORK, EXCAVATING. TANDRUP ft ANDERSON, contractors for all kinds of cement work and excavating of all kinds. All work done at moderate prices and satis faction guaranteed. Estimates fur nished. References given. 209 Trade street Phone Main 982. 4-29-tf CIHROFRACTICSPIJJOLOGIST. DR. 0. L. SCOTT-Graduate of Chir opractic's Fountain Head, Daven port, Iowa, If you have trted every thing and have got no relief, try ' Chiropractic spinal adjustments and get well. Office 406-7-8 U. S. Na- tlonal Bank Building. Phone Main 87. 6-8-tf CHIROPRACTIC NATUROPATH. JiR, J. T. WORK Specialist for nerv ous and chronic diseases, "Innate Nature Is the greatest healer," and that which assists It most is the foremost therapeutic Bclence. Natur opathy combines the best in all oth er drugless systems and assures permanent health through perfect circulation and the famous Tllden dietetics. Nature will never do for us what we ought to Intelligently do for ourselves; that Is why so many - live below par and die early. Skill ful manipulations quickly relieve pressure and Irritation of nerves; then our hygiene with the right com binations of food completes the cure and gives a new lease of life, with 50 per cent better efficiency. Elec tricity with light .and medicated baths when required without extra charge. Examination free. Lady Attendant Office 529 Court fitreet. CLEANING AND PRESSING. KEEP ON SMILING By getting your feather, furs, gloves, shoes, hats and silks cleaned at the Modern Cleaning Co. Ladles' tailoring our specialty. 444 Court street. Thone 360. MARION PRESSING PARLORS Dry and steam cleaning and dye works. Ladies' silks, laces and gloves given special attention. Gents'sults cleaned and pressed. We are cleaners and repairers. Try us. Goods called for and delivered. Parlors, 245 North Liberty St Phone Main 2044. 9-22-tf ELECTRIC FIXTURES. ELECTRIC FIXTURE ft SUPPLY CO. 130 N. Liberty street Electric contracting, Inside wiring supplies and fixtures, estimates given. Tele phone Main 263. 9-3-tf HAIR DRESSING. SCALP AND SKIN SPECIALIST Hair dressing, manicuring, chirop ody and electrolysis, Combings bought and made up. We made a specialty of hair dyeing. Miss Ora .Poage, rooms 318-319 U. S. Bank Bldg. 3-7-lm LAUNDRY. CLOTHES LAST LONGER With our all hand work; established 20 years. : 225 South Commercial St. Phone 1158. Hop Lee. 7-25-tf LIQUOR HOUSES. , WILLIAM BUTTE Fine wlnes.liquors ' and cigars. We handle the celebrated Kellogg and Castle whiskies. Cool I and refreshing beer constantly on draught South Commercial St FAMILY LIQUOR STORE All stand r ard brands of liquors kept In stock. " Wines by the gallon, bottle or case. : Free delivery In the city limits. E. Eckerlen, 206 N. Commercial St. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY LOANED on anything of value. We also buy and sell. Un redeemed Edison phonograph, 65 records and cabinet for sale cheap. Salem Loan Office, 123 N. Liberty. NEW AND SECOND-HAND GOODS. E. L. STIFF Now and socond-hand fumlturo, hardware and general! Bupplles. Best cash prices paid for second-hand goods. Just received a large shipment of new linoleums carpets and rugs. Cornor Court and Liberty streets. Phone 941. 3-12-tf 1IGHEST price paid for second-hand furuHuro, ranges, hnrdwaro, tents, etc. Wo carry the most complotc stock of abovo articles In town at the lowest price. O. L. McPeek, 170 South Commercial St., phone Main 1233. 8-25-tf PEETS new and second-hand store can save you money on new furnl ture, as well as second-hand goods. See me before selling your house hold goods or buying your second band goods. See me for bargains Phone Main 451, 326 North Commer cial street 4-15-tf OSTEOPATHIC TUYSICIANS DR. O. F. HEISLEY and Dr. S. Etta Heisley (graduates of A 8. O., Kirksvllle, Mo., Dr. A. T. Still president of the school and found. er of the science of Osteopathy), general osteoDftthlc Draetlt Also hydrotherapy and electric ugiu Dams given without extra charge for rheumatism, kidney and liver troubles. The success In these treatments Is equal to going to the hot lakes. Confinement cases and female troubles a spec laity. 205 and 20G U. S. Bank uua. 13. II. WHITE AND R. W. Walton, Osteopathic physicians and nerve specialists. Graduates of Americas School of Osteopathy, Klrksvllle, Mo. Post-graduate and specialized In nervous diseases at Los Angeles College. Treat acute and chronic diseases. Consultation free. Lady attendant Office BOG BOO U. S. National Bank building Phone 8G9. Residence 346 N. Capi tol street. Phone 469. PLUMBERS. TDEO. M. BARR Plumbing, hot water and steam heating and tinning, 1G4 Commercial St., Phone Main 192. 9-1-lyr PORTLAND HOTELS. NEW MATTHIESEN HOTEL Corner Front and Columbia, at Oregon Elec trie depot Steam heat, hot and cold water In all rooms. Open day and night; rooms GOc, 7Gc and $1. Also Hotel Harrison, 401 to 407 Front St. John Mutthlesen, propristor, both houses. 10-6-tf SAND AND GRAVEL. SALEM CONSTRUCTION company can supply you with sand and gravel, Offlce 454 Court street Phone Main 790. Gravel bed on Front street and North Mill Creek. 6-28-tf SCAVENGER. SALEM SCAVENGER Chas. Soos, proprietor. Garbage and refuse of ail kinds removed on monthly con tracts at reasonable rates. Yards and cesspools cleaned. Office, tele phone Main 2247. Residence Main 2272. 6-11-tf SECOND-HAND CLOTHING. BARGAINS If you are looking for bargains, come to the new and sec ond hand clothing store, 342 North Commercial street We also buy socond-hand clothing and pay the highest cash price. B. Gollob, pro prietor. Shoemakor wanted. Phone Main 1931. 9-12-tf TIIERESKA HAT WORKS. HATS of all kinds renovated and re- cleaned. Prompt alterations; work guaranteed. ' Thereska Hat Works, 205 S. High street Phone Main 251, Salem, Oregon. 6-25-tf UNDERTAKERS. LEHMAN & CLOUGH U. J. Lehman, A. M. Clotigh, morticians and funeral directors. Latest modern methods known to the profession employed. 445 Court St. 9-20-tf UPHOLSTERING, RENOVATING. SALEM 8TEAM and Vacuum Carpet Cleaning Works. Carpet cleaning; feather renovating; mattresses steamed and re-made. All work guaranteed. Work called for and delivered. Phone Main 1154. Works located on 14th and Wilbur. Successors to Reed and Zwicker. F. B. MERRY ft CO. Vacuum carpet cleaning, on or off the floor; carpets altered and laid; mattresses made and renovated; furniture re-covered; Blades and awnings made and al tered, 238 High street Phone G6S. 8-22-tf WOOD AND COAL. SALEM FUEL YARDS Fuel kept under shelter. I handle Koplah coal, and imported British Colum bia Wellington coal, the best on the Pacific coast Also hard and soft wood, cut to suit, well seasoned and In the dry. Satisfaction guaranteed. Spa mv stork. 7F2 Trad sti-ppf n. phone -529. Mark Slddall. j WATER COMPANY. SALEM WATER COMPANY Office corner Commercial and Trade sts. For water service apply at office. Bills payable monthly In advance. WATCHMAKER. U. S. MILLER, the WATCHMAKER Over 20 years' experience as a watchmaker at lteutrice, Neb. High grado work at eastern prices, Opera House block, 481 Court st. 10-6-tf LODGE PI RECTORY. l,OYAL ORDER OF MOOSE Cherry City Ixdge No. 498, meets every Thursday evening at 7:30 In I. O. 0. F. Templo, corner Court and High Sts. D. R. Yantls, Dictator; H. H. Turner, Secretary, 135 South Com mercial Streot SALEM LODGE NO. 4, A. F. ft A. M. Stated communication on first Friday In each month at 7:30 p. m in Masonic hall, McCornnck block. D. W. Pugh, W. M.; John Bayne, secretary. CHADWICK CHAPTER NO. 37, O. r. s. Keguiar moetlngs first and third Tuesdays. Musonlc hall. Mrs. Marion Derby, W. M.; Ida M. Bnb cock, secretary. WOODMEN OF WOULD-Meet every Saturday night at 7:30 o'clock In Hurst Hall. E. P. Donaldson, C. C; L. H. Fletcher Clerk. 1-10-09 UNITED ARTISANS Capital Assem bly No. 81, moots every Friday at 8 p. m in I. O. O. F. temple. Glenn C. NUes, M. A.; 8. a Vail, Bee, 158 8. Cottage st Phone 1214. PACIFIC LODGE NO. GO, A. F. & A. M. Masonic hall, third Friday In each month at 7:30 p. m. Frank Jaskoskl, W. M.; Lot L. Pearce, secretary. MULTNOMAH ROYAL ARCH CIIAP ter No. 1. Masonic hall, second Friday of each month, at 8 p. m. L. S. Rowland, Ex. High Priest; Lot L. Pearce, secretary. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA, Oregon Cedar Camp No. 5246. Meets every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock In Masonic hall, corner Court and Liberty streets. Elevator Bervlce. A. H. Bunn, Consul; F. A. Turner, Clerk. SALEM HUMANE SOCIETY D. D. Koeler, president; Mrs. Lou Tillson, secretary. All cases of cruelty -or neglect of dumb animals should be reported to the society for investi gation. REAL ESTATE. $600 buys three and one-third acros of good land S miles from Salem, half cash, balance at 6 per cent; also 5 acres now the city limits for ISOO on reasy trrms. S;.hie Deal Realty Company, U. S. National Bank il.dg Room 304. Phona 70. $150 Two-room house, good corner lot G0xl25 feet, for only $150; $50 down, balance $10 per month. Close to school and carline. Bochtcl & Bynon, 347 State street 10-24-31 FOR SALE 3.15 acres JuHt outside the city, good soil, fine building site price, $950; $95 cash, balance $10 Icr month. Oregon Realty Co., 275 State street. 10-24-3t DUNGALOW BARGAIN $1250 will take a neat 5-room cottago on a good lot. This Is a snap and must be sold soon, If sold at this price. Bcch tol ft Bynon, 317 State street. Tel. Main 452. x0-24-3t FOR SALE Ten acres of first class land, 5 acres In 5-year-old prune trees In first class shape, balance all under cultivation, fine building site, Just three miles south on the Jefferson road; price $3200. Oregon Realty Co., 275 State street. 10-24-3t CLACKAMAS COUNTY REAL Es tate For sale 185 acres of heavy timber at $40 per acre. 140-acre farm, all in good running order, $80 per acre. Stock ranch, 480 acres, all good land under fence, plenty of good running water, 12 miles smith east of Oregon City. Address F. Mayfiold, Sprlngwater, Oregon, R. F. D. 1. 10-25-Ot FOR SALE 20 acres of first class land, ten acres under cultivation, 10 acres good second growth timber, house and barn, well, some berries set out, located 4 to miles south of Salem; price, $3500; $1500vash, bal ance 3 years, 6 per cent Interest. Oregon Realty Co., 275 State street. 10-24-3t, FARM FOR SALE A bargain, 175 .acres of fine farming land (the east half of my farm near Rlckreall) all level, mostly clear, but without Im provements; one-half mile from Derry station on Southern Pacific (now being electrified); 60 miles from Portland; 9 miles from Salem; Ideal for hops, grain or dairying. Terms, $75 per acre, with $5000 cash. ' No agents or commissions ( and no trades. Do not bother me unless you can meet terms and mean business. C. N. McArthur, Yeon building, Parolnnd, Ore. 10 21-10t FOR SALE. FOR SALE CHEAP Dining table and six chairs. 4C1 N. High St. 10-24-3t FOR SALE (Continued). FOR SALE Good gas range. Phono 1399. 10-2.".-3t FOR SALE Forty-foot counter cheap. Call at 371 State street. rhone Main 2232. 10-8-tf FOR SALIC A few Slnglo Combed Rhode iBland Red cockerels full bred nnd prize winners. W. 10. Park, 376 South 21th street. 10-22-fit FOR SALE OH TRA 1)1'" Fore-door Chalmers auto, as good an now. This is a bargain. Call at Capital garage or phono 783. 10-24-31 FOR SALE Electric motors from. one to twenty horso power, good as now. Bolting, machine oil, etc., as good as new. Inquire at the Oregon Junk Shop, 430 Court street. 10-2-1 mo GUARANTEED AUTO SPRINGS We t manufacture high grado nuto and truck springs, also repair, set up, and re-temper old springs. Our long ' list of satisfied customers will rec ommend our ability as leaders In our work. LaherA'uto Spring Co. 26 North 15th St, Portland, Or. 10-3-tf FOR KENT. FOR RENT House on South Cottage street. Phone Main 827 evenings. 10-lG-ft FOR RENT Furnished house keep ing rooms. 758 N Commercial St. 10-25-31 FOR RENT Three rooms furnished for housekeeping; no children. 961 Mill street. 10-25-3t WANTED. GOOD FAMILY COW wanted. Phone Farmers 753. 10-25-3t WANTED Position as domestic by competent young lady. Miss Amst, route 6, box 13, Sulom, Ore. 10-21-31 WANTED Student nurses to enter Wllllamotet Sanatorium Training School. Apply to Miss Steelo nt Sanatorium, 10-4-tf LOS. LOST lady's suit, light gray and brown mixture and white shirt 'waist Leave at 1100 SUito street. Reward. 10-22-6t . MISCELLANEOUS MENTAL SCIENCE Prof. E. Con stantino Smith and wife havo Just arrived and opened healing parlors at 343, North Liberty street, where they treat successfully all diseases the humnn body Is subject to by suggestive therapeutics and magnet ism scientifically applied, with 25 years of actual practice. Special of fer for two weeks only. Investiga tion free. 10-22-lm Carl C. Kratzcnsteln, Mgr. J. G Tanner Drug Store, Santa Cruz, Cat., writes: "Wo have sold Foley & Com pany's medicines for the past 2 years and have yet to hear our first com plaint, or of a dissatisfied customer. Their remedies are puro, made as represented, and contain no Injurious substances. On tho contrary, our ex perience shows us that the company's aim has always been to make health giving and health maintaining reme dies." Sold by Dr. Stone Drug Com pany. Bob Morgan wept remorsefully when captured; he wishes now ho had never neon a revolver. A. S. Jones, proprietor Lee Pharma cy, Chico, Cal., says: "I- have been selling Foley & Company's medicines for years. Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, I consider, has no equal and Is tho one cough medicine I can recommend to my friends as contain ing no narcotics or other harmful properties." Sold by Dr. Stone Drug Store. About 1000 feet of the big railroad tunnel near Vale Is completed. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A O. C.T.Co.'s Steamer loaves for Portland Mon day, Wednesday and Friday at 6 a. m. JI. P. BALDWIN, Agt CHICHESTER S PILLS i in: limioMi mi AM,. lliAllilM IH1AN:, CII.I.H, It t. -.,, kiH,.n a' l:,s,.Snif.l. Alw.v'. krll.it.lt SOlDBVDP'JuGiSlSlVMftliiSf m FRENCH FEMALE I PILLS. rVU (NflWN TO FAIL Hof't H'trt 8iMr1 KniU- f tfi 4,U!rai.tn'I 'ir ilurirv ICWumiH. H-ai (ircpcH tut 1.ijO r.rr u,i. Will trnl Unfm ort i rtl . Uf I il f.(r bat Um: swi jm urier i turn u1TCOMC0tCtCO.,OT4, UNCftavr, Ph. I Sold Ja SALEM fry 5. C. STQHZ CJJCjJA I'lll.in Uri tIJ n.-MlliAV T-v TV -J l". '-'"' '! I'i'.o kiW.m. Y fcA Sp TbI." Miliar Buy f yr,r V I Af llrurrl-t. t ' T II I I 'II s-TI'H H RAILROADS. SOCTUEBN PACIFIC COMPANY. Time Table Portland Division, Train No. 14 Portland Express 4:40 a.m. 16 Oregon Expres .... 2S Willamette Limited 12 Shasta Limited .... 18 Portland Passenger 20 Portland Passenger Southbound. Train No. IB California Express . 19 Ashland Passenger 17 Roseburg Passenger tf Willamette Limited .5:31 any. 9:16 a.m. 12:35 p.m. 1:35 p.m. 7:03 p.m. .. 3:31a.m. ..10:59 a.m. .. 6:26 p.m. .. 7:03p.m. 11 Shasta Limited 7:38p.m. 13 San Francisco Express.l0:36 p.m. 226 Local Way Freight... 10:15 a.m. 222 Portland Through Frt.l0:36 p.m. 225 Local Way Freight. . .12:35 p.m. 221 San Fran. Thr. Frt. . .12:01 p.m. OREGON ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO. . Northbound. Leaves Salem. Arrives Portland Train No. 2:30 a.m 26 Owl. 6:30 am 6 .... 8:00 a.m 8 Ltd. 8:55 a.m 10 .... 10:00 a.m 12 Ltd. 11:20 a.m 14 .... . 5:45 a.m. . 8:45 a.m. . 9:45 a.m. .11:20 a.m. .11:50 a.m. .1:40 p.m. 2:00 p.m 10 4:20 p.m. 4:00 p.m 18 Ltd. .. 5:50 p.m. 4:15 p.m 20 6:30 p.m. 6:05 p.m 22 8:25 p.m. 9:00 p.m 24 11:15 p.m. Southbound. Leaves Portland Arrives Salem 6:10 a.m '1 8:30 a.m. 7:35 a.m 3 9:55 o,m. 8:20 a.m G Ltd... 10:10 a.m. 10:40 a.m 7 , 1:00 p.m. 1:55 p.m 9 4:15 p.m. 4:05 p.m 11 6:20 p.m. 4:40 p.m 13 Ltd... 6:30 p.m. 6:10 p.m 17 Ltd... 8:00 p.m. 0:25 p.m 19 8:45 p.m. 9:10 p.m 21 11:30 p.m. 11:45 p.m 25 Owl... 2:00 a.m. Northbound. Lenvos Albany Arrives Salem 8:00 a.m 10 8:55 a.m. G:00 p.m 22 6:00 p.m. Leaves Eugeno Arrives Salem 7:30 a.m 12 Ltd...10:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m 16 2:00 p.m. 1:30 p.m 18 Ltd... 4:00 p.m C-.OO p.m 24 9:00 p.m 9:30 p.m 26 Owl ... 1:30 a.m. Southbound Leave Salem Arrive Albany 4:20 p.m 9 5:20 p.m 11:C5 p.m 21 12:30 a.m. Leavo Salem. Arrlvo Eugene 2:00 a.m 25 Owl... 7:15 a.m. 8:33 a.m 1 11:30 a.m. 10:10 n.m 5 Ltd... 12:40 p.m. 1:00 p.m 7 4:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m 17 10:30 p.m. SAI.E.tf, FALLS CITY & WESTERN RAILWAY CO-TIME TABLE. West Salem. Leaves No. 1 for Black Rock 9:00 a.m. No. 3 for Falls City 1:20 p.m. No. 5 for Falls City 4:45 p.m. No. 123 for Independence... 9:50 a.m. No. 125 for Independence. . .6:30 p.m. Arrives From Dallas 8:15 a.m. From Black Rock 12:30 p.m. From Falls City 8:40 n.m. From Independence 9:00 a.m. From Independence 4:45 p.m. Sundays Only. Leaves- No. 11 for Black Rock 9:00 a.m. No. 13 for Black Rock 1:20 p.m. No. 15 for Dallas 5:50 p.m. No. 123 for Independence... 9:50a.m. No. 125 for Independence. . .6:30 p.m. Arrives From Dallas 8:15 a.m. From Black Rock 1:10 p.m. From Black Rock 5:30 p.m. From Independence 9:00 a.m. From Independence 5:14 p.m. Saves Leg of Hoy. "It seemed that my 14-yoar-old boy would havo to lose his leg, on account of an ugly ulcer, caused by a bad bruise," wroto D. F. Howard, Aquono, N. C. "All remedies and doctors' treatment failed till wo tried Duck lcn'sArnlca Salvo, and cured him with one box."' Cures burns, bolls, skin eruptions, piles. 25c at J. C. Perry's. Sick headache Is caused by a disor dered stomach. Take Chamberlain's Tablets and correct that and tho head aches will disappear. For salo by all dealers. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the STy Slftf'-- Signature of LC5f72 SALEM FENCE WORKS Headquarters for HOP WIRE POULTRY JVETTIXG WOYEX WIRE FEXCIG BARB WIRE SCREEN DOORS MALTIIOID ROOFINGI P. k B. and READY ROOFING All at the lowest prices R. B. FLEMING Successor to Chas. D. 3Iull!i.'an 250 Court Street Phono 121 MARKETS. PORTLAND MARKETS. Grain, Flour. Feed, Etc Wheat Trnck prices: Club, 77c; blimstem, 80(ff81o; fortyfold, 78c; red Russian, 70c; valley, 78c. Mlllstuffs Bran $21 per ton; Bhorts $23; middlings, $29. Flour Patents, $4.30 per bnrrol; straights, $3.90; exports, $3.60ffl3.70; Valley, $4.30; graham, $4.20; whole wheat, $4.40. Corn Whole, $38; cracked, $39.50 per ton. Hay Timothy, $17; alfalfa, $12.50 13; clover, $910; oats and vetch, $12; grain hay, mn. Oats No, 1 white, $24.5025 per ton. Barley Feed, $24.50 per ton; brew ing, $280,30-per ton; rolled, $20.50 27.50. Dairy and ConnTrj Produce. Butter Oregon creamery, solid pack, 35c per lb.; prints, box lots, 30 Vj c. Eggs Oregon ranch 40c. Clieeso Full Cream twins, 18c per lb.; Young America, 19 '4c. Poultry Hens, llVic; broilers, 14 'ic; ducks, young, 105j)14c; geese, 10llc; turkeys, live, 20c; dressed, 25c. Vonl Fancy, 85 to 125 pounds, i:!ffl3V4o per lb. Pork Fancy, UJjillVic per lb. Groceries, Dried Fruits, Etc Dried Fruits Apples, 10c por lb.; currants, 10c; apricots, 12 14c; peaches, 8(3ltc; prunes, Italian, 8 10c, sllvor, 18c; figs, white and black, 67Msc; currents, O'tc; raisins, lcoso Muscatel 6l4714c; bloachod Thompson, 11 '4 c, unbleached Sultan as, 8 He; seeded, 7 to 8 Ho. Coffee Roasted, In drums, 20(3)400 per pound. Nuts Walnuts, 1616Hc; per pound; Brazil nuts, 12Mic; filberts, 15c; almonds, 18019c; pecans, 18c; coconnuts, 90c$l per dozen. Salt Granulated, $16 per ton; hnlf- grouud, 100s, $7.50 por ton; 60s, $8 per ton. Deans Small white, $5.25; largo whlto, $5.10; Lima, $0.00; pink, 5c; led Mexicans, 4c; bayou, $4.65. Sugar Dry granulated, $5.75; fruit and berry, $5.75; beet, $5.55; Kxtra C $3 25; powdered, barrols,$0.00; cubes, barrels, $C15. Rice No. 1 Japan, 6c; cheaper grades, 55c; southed head, 6V4 7c. Honey Choice", $3.75 case; strained 10c per pound. Vegetables and Fruits. Fresh Fruits Apples, 60c$1.50 per box; peaches, 2505 per box; plums, l(ftlc per lb.; pears, $1,25 $1.50 per box; grapes, 7590c per box. Tropical Fruits Oranges, Valencia. $!(4.50; California grapefruit, $5fcG; lemons, $G.505j7 per box; pineapples, Ge per lb. Vegetables Artichokes, 6575c por dozen; aspnragus, $11.15 per dozen; beans, 5c; cabbago, 1 T4' I Vi c per lb.; cauliflower, 40c per dozen; celery, $56 per crate; cucuinbora, 50c ncr box;, eggplant, 5Cc per pound; head lettuce, $1.75- per crato; hot house lettuce, 76c$l per box; peas, 89c por pound; peppers, 810c por pound; radishes, 1520o por dozen; rhubarb, 2Mi(83c per pound; spinach, 4&5c per lb.; tomatoes, 4075c per box; garlic 5(f) Uo per lb. Sack Vegetables Turnips, $1.00 per suck; beets, $110; rutabagas, $1. M.10; carrots, $1.25. SwiM't potatoes 1)4 2c per lb. Potatoes llurbanks, 75c per hun dred. Onions Oregon, $l.l0(fj 1.25 per sack. Hons, Wool, Hides. Etc Hops 1912 crop, lHtfjOMiC, accord ing to quality. Wool Eastern Oregon, 11l!lc per pound; Valley, 212,'lc. Mohair Choice 32c. Hides Suited, 11 c por lb.; salted culf, 19c; salted kip, 12c; salted stags, G Mi c ; green hides, llVso dry bides 18c; dry calf, No. 1, 25c; dry stags, 121314c. Provisions. Hams All sizes, 1819c; pic nics, UVio; skinned, 18'A19c; boil ed, 27c liacon Fancy, 2728c; standard, 18c; choice, 21c; Kngllsh, 15Vii16e. Dry Salt Meats Harks, dry salt, 13 14c; biickH, smoked, 14 Vi (?f 15 toe; billies, dry suit, 14Mic; smoked, 16c. Smoked Meats Ilcef tongues, 25c; dried beef sets, 22c; outsliles, 20c; In sldes, 23c; knuckles, 21c. Pickled (ioods Barrels, pigs feet, $14; regular tripe, $10; honey comli tripe, $12; lunch tongues, $22; lambs' tongues, $10. Lard Kettle rendered, tierces, 13c; tubs, 11 c; standard, tierces, lltoc; tubs, Q. LOCAL WHOLESALE MARKET. I'-ran, per ton $24. 50 Flour, hard wheat $4.00 .Shorts, per ton .. ..$27.50 Wheat, per bu 70fff 80c OutH, per bushel 3234c Chlttim bark, per lb 4to(fr5c Pctatoes, per bushel 80c Hay, timothy $12.0014.00 Oat und vetch $91') Clovor hay $8 ft 9 Cheat hay $9.00 Duller and Eggs. 1'iilterfut, per lb 35 toe Creamery butter, per lb 30c Country butter, per lb 30c FtJgs, per dozen 38c Poultry. Fryers, per lb ll12o Hens, per lb ja Roosters, per lb 70 Livestock, Steert (under 1000 lb.) $5.50l Stoorg (1000 to 1200 lb.) $4.50! Cows, por hundred weight .$3.504 6 Hogs, fut, per pound 77to Stock hogs, per pound 6to7 Fwes, per pound 8e Spring lambs, per pound 9 Veal, according to quality lie Pulls. Dry, por pound fe Salted country polts, each CEritfJl Lamb polts. each 25 Beware of Ointments for falnrrh Tlmt Contain Jlorcnry. ns morcury will surely destroy the r.enso of smell nnd completely dorunge tho whole system when entering It through tho mucous surfaces. Such nrtlcles should nover bo used except on prescriptions from reputable phy sicians, aB the diimngo they will do Is tenfold to tho good you can possibly derlvo from them. Hall's Catarrh Curo, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & & Co., Toledo, 0., contains no morcury nnd Is taken Internally, acting direct ly upon tho blood nnd mucous sur faces of tho system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Curo bo suro you get tho gen ulna It Is taken Internally and mnde In Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney St. Co. Testimonials freo. Sold by DrugglBts. Price 75c per bottlo. Tnko Hull's Family Pills for consti pation. John Heath, Michigan Bar, Cal., wrlteH: "I was nffllcted with kldnoy and bladder troublo for nearly six years. Had a very bad spell some time ago and was unable to turn with out help. I commenced using Foley Kidney Pills and can truly say I was relieved at onco. I lake plousuro In recommending Foley's Kidney Pills." Sold by Dr. Htono Drug Store. Journal "Want Ads." bring results. Hero Is a woman who speaks from personal knowledgo and long expert onco, viz., Mrs. 1. II. Ilrognn, of Wil son, Pa., who says, "I know from ex perience that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is far superior t0 any other. For croup there Is nothing thnt ex cels It." For Rale by all dealers. Special Land Bargains By R. H. Rutherford & Co. Bush Breywan Bldg., Rooms 21 and 22 93 acres very flno land closo to town, worth $125 per acre, nt a sacri fice for a few days at $05. Will take Soli'iu property to tweuly-flvo hun dred dollars, iu exchange. 44 acres near Salem, with tenm crop, eight head of cattle, tools, chlck eiiB and other things, with unusual tonus; prleo $6000. A splendid stock furm of 2'JII acres, with any terms do itiied; price $75 per acre, It Is a grout buy. A flno prune orchard of 15 acres to exchangu fur city property. A 10-acre prune orchard to sell on unusual terms. A Bnap. 42 acres near Independence to sell on your own terms. This Is well Im proved nnd good land. 10 acres near tho city, a. perfect bonuly, to sell for only three thou sand. It Is Indeed hard to bent. Terms. MY WORK Speaks for Itself Thousands of Hiillslled cus tomers are my best adver tisement. Tinning, Sheet Metal Work, Lighting Plants and Fur nace, My motto "If my work Is not right, I will make It right." A. L. FRASER l'houe HIS. 8 State 8t Great Chinese Doctor L. M. Hum Has medicine which will cure any known disease. Ho make a ru.,.ii, of and guarantees to cure cats-rh an. inina, lung, m rout, rhouniatls: 1, J, mi Ity, stomach, liver, kill nnv I rnnl,?Mtf also any blackened or swollen nr.' bhbs, broken limbs, smallpox epidemic; an minis or nous, lost manhood, feinal weaknuss, hernia troubles and paral ysis. Consultation free. Care of Ylck no long i;o., ctilneso drugs ami herbs Office hours from 10 to 12 a.m. and I to 7 p.m. Office open Sundays 153 High strwt, upstairs. Salem. Ore. GOID DUST FLOUR I SYDNEY I'OUKR COMPANY, N)iney, Oregon Made for Family I'se Ask your grocer for IU Drss nnd Sliurls iiIhsjs on bus. P. II. WALLACE, Went 4-4 f4