DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8ALE5T, OBEQON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1012. Tug Eight Salem's Big Department Store Men's Underwear Specially Priced at Meyers Study this over a fine quality, Jersey ribbed un derwear for men made from fine Australian wool, natural color, An ex-, tra good garment, selling just now at $1.85 per suit See Win low Display Men's Section, Special Sale of Suitings and Coatings in Our Dress Goods Section Salem's Dress Goods House offers for this week's sell ing high grade Coverts, Boucles, French Flannels, Chin chillas and fancy Suitings and Coatings, An excellent assortment, good weights, plain and mixed colorings and wide widths. These are popular fabrics for this season, We have three offerings as follows: $2,50-$2,75 qualities, a yard $1.89 $2,00 $2,25 qualities, a yard 1.69 $1,25 qualities, a yard 59 Are you trying for the free Buick? Every dollar purchase entitles you to a guess, and youVe ony about two weeks left better hurry, ZZ2 He CITY NEWS. sit (Mil KiMiltvt'iir Mailt Ni'W by Irvine. 47!! Statu Htl'i'i't. Down With tin Trusts Hut let Slublm, tho tailor, help you. Looks Like Snow Hotter l,t lrvhio fix thoso shoes. 473 Klat.0 street. ' No dirt, No Knot From ono of the Imperial company's heating stoves. See 'em. A Niilistiinlliil Argument Is iniulo liy Rolnliurt on f.hoea. 414 Slate Btnet. winter Wo An Selling lllg and Hinall fir wood nt Bummer prices. Henry Wolfe. Phone Main 6!4. 10-23-at And Oohllus skate nt Hallowe'en N'l.siiueradi) at Me.U'od's Skating Rink, Oct. 2!l. from 7:30 to 11:00 p. m., South Coniniorcial street. Admission 10c. Skating, 2f,o. 10-23-6t The Aid Society Of the Presbyterian church will iriet at tho home of Mrs. L. K. l'ngo, 4!2 North Cottage street at 2:30 Fri day afternoon. Friends and strangers are Invited. Murrhigi Licenses Marriage licenses were issuel yes terday afternoon as follows: Albert W. Lltulrll, aged 27, and Marie Van Laniien, aged 23 years, both of Salem. Kiioh licit Nevltt, aged 2!) years, of I'ortlanii, and Ollle (toi'dmi, aged IS years, of Salem. Drs. Helsloy JIcIsIct His. O. K. S. Kit a llelsley are graduates of tho Am. School of Osto opathy nt KlrkBVlllo, Mo., tho largest tf e'gbt Osti-opnthlf! colleger In tills country. Acute and chronic caBes treat od. Office second floor U. S. IIuiiIk llklg rhones 61S; rosldenco 218t. 10-8-13t EXPRESS SHIPMENT OF THE FAMOUS J. & K. Shoes for Ladies The shoe that fits the arch Made in tan, gunmetal and patents Made on their new nobble last; a short vamp, broad toe last All sizes "REINH ART'S" 444 STATE STREET THE HOME OF HANAN SHOES gini;inroifATrn Employs Expert Mil The limbers at Davis' aro 'nifty.' Mew's that KetllHL' C. T. l'liineroy will assure Its safety. Ilo! Pop I want a pair of Rolnliurt's winter Shoos. ,V Few It ii uk j To close out at I Buren & Hamilton. very low prices. Overrun and Weak Shoes can be inado strong and sight ly by Irvine, the repairer. 473 State street. In Keeping with Autumn "The Glint of the Woods," Is the lat est creation In men's nnd women's suits. Celebrate the most beautiful season of the year by visiting Mosher, ttie tailor. 4 SB Court street. A Chimney Fire The fire department was called last night about 0 o'clock to tho corner of Liberty nnd Union streets where it vas found a chimney fire had caused some one to turn In an alarm. The department was not needed, but re mained until tho fire had done the work of cleaning out tho chimney. (.everiuir Loses Ills Hog Governor West Is loser of a thor oughbred Alrdnle pup which Is be lieved to have been stolen last night from the state tuberculosis sanitarium where It was under the training of the engineer at that. Institution. The pup Is four and a half months old anil valued very highly by the governor. The dog was seen at midnight. Only tf'-M.;- Kor the round trip from Salem to Harrlsburg and return via Oregon Kleetrlo Hy., account Potato Show. Tickets on sale Oct. 23, 24 and 25 with return limit Oct. 2lith. Trains lenve Salem 2 o'clock a. in.. 8:33 n. m., 10:10 a in., 1:00 p. m., and 8:00 p. m. For further Information call Main 727 or at residence phono Main 11)02. C, K. A'bln, General Agent. 10-23-2t (Jets Hard Jolt But not at Pomeroy'g. Keep Warm In a clasBy suit niado by Stubhs, the tailor. Crescent Rugs Special prices foir a few days. Buren & Hamilton. What Is More Cheerful Than a nice, warm heater. See those at the Imperial Furniture com pany. As I'siial, the (Jnnmont Weekly Shown every Thursday, Friday and Saturday, at the Bllgh, where every body goes. Victor Gas Heating Stoves are different from all oth ers. They are built on a different plan and are far superior to all others. Buren & Hamilton. To Meet Friday Woman's Home Industries League will meet Friday afternoon at 3:30 at Board of Trade rooms. All members and those wishing to Join, are wel come. Ills Father 111 Ed Pugh, a former Salem resident, lint of late of Portland, Is In the city attending his father, D. H. Pugh, who is seriously 111 at his home here. The elder Mr. Pugh is 79 years old and for the past few weeks has been In a very poor state of health. Iliislness Increasing From the fact that the Imperial.. Furniture company has Just received a carload or roll-top desks, It is evi dent that a large Increase In the num ber of business firms In the city Is ex pected. This firm believes there will be a great demand for the office fur I'lslilng before long and In order to bo fully prepared, ordered a full carload from the east. Seme Dig Halibut Some of the largest halibut ever shipped to this city are now on display at. Fltts' flsli market on Court street. These big fish arrived this morning ajul are attracting no small amount of attention. The shipment consists of nine fish and not one weighs less than !00 pounds, while some weigh as much as 130. Mr. Fltts reports that the sal mon catch nt present at Yaquina Is unusually large and of a splendid va riety. Kent to Asylum Joseph 12. Groshong, a farmer 45 years of age, of Scotts Mills, was com mitted to the state Insane asylum yes terday afternoon by Probate Judge IHiBhey. The unfortunate man Imag ines that his wife would be better off without him and has been going away from homo and exposing himself so that he might get sick and die in or der that his wife, so he says, might get the insurance money on his life. Thore are no children. Groshong is a native Oregonlan. Buck From Switzerland Mr. nnd Mrs. August Aufrance re turned this morning from Orvln, Switzerland, where they went last May on a visit. Alfred Aufrance, a broth er, returned with them, as did Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Aufrance, who while nway were married In their native land. On their return they stopped to visit relatives at San Marcos, Texas; nnd Chlco, Cal. Mr. and Mrs. Au france are parentB of A. Eugene Au france, county recorder.. Don't Need Snow Thanks to the progresslvoness of the residents along Lincoln street which leads up the Reservoir hill, youngsters residing In that vicinity are having the time of their lives now unstlng down tho long stretch of pavement recently laid. Tho street Is about flvo blocks long and the lncllno Is such that the wagon coasters buzz over the hard surface with great speed. A dozen or more vehicles of like nature were sevn sailing down the big hill last Sunday and the antics of the klda in their attempts to hold fust to their wngons, nffordod much amusement, for the many visitors who v it Messed tho sport. Keep Your Face Smooth Sanitary inassnges. Davis' barber shop. , New Program at the Bllgh Featuring Lucille, a big three-reel production, Big Bargains In rugs for a few days only. & Hamilton. Buren The Most Delicate Fabric made Is safe with the Salem Steam Laundry. Weather's Getting Cold Warm your house with one of the Imperial Furniture company's Al heaters. Victor Gas Heaters Use less gas and make more heat. Jurthe heater for your bath room bed rocm or office, lluren & Hamil ton. Old Friend Visits Him Mr. Edwin Diaper, of Utltca, N. Y., representative of tho Jell-o Manufac turing Company, Is In the city and Is tho guest of J. M. Iawrence, the two being old time friends back In Utlca. See the Wheals Go Hound In Lockwood's window, 216 North Commercial. The electric exhibit well worth seeing. Shows how much you can save on your electric light bill by using the latest Shelby Mazda globes. Suit to Asylum Lewis Halm aged 49, the erstwhile preacher, has been recommitted to the insane asylum, the commitment hav ing been made this forenoon. Why Spend 20c per Pound For pork chops, when I sell luscious fresh salmon and halibut nt 10c? Fish builds up the brain and stomach; meat only satisfies a temporary appe tite. Salem Fish & Poultry Market. Fhone 2125. ltndy Arrives The body of I. X. Maxwell, who died in San Diego. California, October 19 1912, arrived this afternoon on the Shasta Limited anil was taken to the uidertaklng parlors of Lehman & Clough. Arrangement for the funeral hpve not yet been made. Sheldon Talked to Them Rev. Chas. M. Sheldon, of Topeka, Kansas, famous as the author of "In His Stops," and other books, addressed the students of the university at the chapel hour this morning. Governor Offers Reward Incident to his campaign aga'nst vice, Governor West today Issued a public proclamation offering a reward of $100 for Information leading to the arrest and resulting the conviction of any person violating the law of the state against the maintenance of vice apartments. Rev, Sheldon Here Rev. Charles Sheldon, author of "In His Steps," Is here and kept pretty busy. He spoke at the University and also In the high school thU morning, and this afternoon at 3 o'clock deliv ered an address In the First Con gregational church, where he will speak again tonight at 8 o clock, at which time, and In connection with his address, Miss Helen Mack will sing. No charges are being made for admission, and everybody is Invited. In Jack Johnson Class A hair-pulling match occurred at the corner of High and Court streets late last night In which two girls, that hnd had some difficulty at a dance a few nights before proceeded to settle the dispute much the same way as though they were men. The smaller of the two succeeded In getting her antagonist down, and then she broke her umbrella over her prostrate form me altercation attracted quite a crowd but before. tho officers arrived the ono underneath had about all she wanted and seemed satisfied to let the ivntter drop, It Is reported that some teeth were knocked out but this could not be verified. No arrests were made. Illlgh Is Mini of the Hour" Thalia, the muse of comedy, nnd Momus, the god of laughter, have nothing on T. G. Mlgh, the theatrical man of Salem. Not content with pre senting to the amusement lovers of this city a program far superior to that ever undertaken before the erec tion of his play hciiae, he has Just en joyed the most successful week by en gaging Trevitt's military dogs, a band of animal actors trained to perform feats equal to those oa humnn being. In conjunction, Mr. Bllgh competes with Momus, In that he has secured nne, If not the most, laughable nnd In teresting motion picture comedy ever presented in Salem. It Is entitled "The Pleasure of Cnmplng.'' Inter mingled will be the Crnwfords In trav esty work, a 101 Bison picture entitled "The Penalty;" "The Mall Clerk's Temptation" nnd "For the Ixve of Her." In nil Mr. Bllgh presents nn ex trnordlnnry program this week, nnd his enthusiasm In the Interest of Salem theatre-goers Is commendable . The colonel will have to be hurt a good del worse before he will cease I to crave at least three big meals a day. The New Steamer (iraliaiiiona to be Put on Route The Oregon City Transportation Company's steamer Grahamona will i each Salem tonight, her first trip to Salem, she having been completed about a month ago. She will com mence her regular run betwoon here and Portland tomorrow morning, leav ing her dock at the foot of Trade street at 6 o'clock. Sunday morning tho company will send tho handsome new steamer oft an excursion down the rlvor, leaving here at 9 o'clock, re turning at noon. This Is for business men and their families only. The Grahamona Is one of the hand somest ever plying the Willamette. Her cabins are roomy, clean, beauti fully furnished and well lighted, and while Bhe will carry a big cargo of freight, she Is also built for speed. The river trip to Portland Is a delight ful one, and every Saleiulte, should take It at least once. GOVERNOR MARSHALL IM SALEM. (Continued tram page 1.) danger of a one-man government. - I regret, with the rest of you, the at tempt that was made upon the life of Mr. Roosevelt, but a bullet cannot make a bad Issue good, or a good is sue bad, A government of the people is the only democratic government, and I appeal to the people of Oregon to return to that kind of govern ment. Must Fleet Congressmen. 'With nil my power I want to urge the election of Dr. Harry Lane to the United States senate, nnd also the elec tion of the Democratic candidates for congress. Wilson will bo powerless without their help, to bring about the reforms cnlled ftvr in the Democratic platform. I would rather see Wood row Wilson defeated thnn to see him become tho chief executive of this na tion, but bound hand nnd frot hy a Re publican senate nnd a Republican house of representatives." Governor Marshall emphasized labor conditions as he observes thenf In the United States, declaring that he wants, and the Democratic pnrty will bring about, legislation that is beneficial for the native worklngman, but that he Is against measures that merely protect foreign laborers, who Bend their mon ey out of the country. At the conclusion of his address the governor and party took the first train to Portland, where Marshall speaks to night. Vaudeville. On Friday and Saturday, October 25 and 26, the people of Salem will have nn opportunity of witnessing a very unique vaudeville performance, con Elstlng of eght acts of vaudeville num bers, Including the great Skates Ray, who has just completed tho Orpheum time. It is not necessary to go Into particulars on this, as everybody ac quainted with vaudeville will appre c'ate seeing this great act. The re maining acts are all good and In all the performance will be the best ever put on for the popular price of 15 and 25c. The troupe is controlled by th Com edy Bells - Company, of Ijou Angeles, California, so don't judge this by oth er cheap vaudeville, as you will cer tainly receive' your money's worth. In addition to the eight acts, you will witness two of the very best moving pictures. This will be a continuous performance, starting at 7:30 sharp. Tickets sold up to 10 p. in., making two and 0ne-half shows. Special mat inee Saturday beginning at 2:15. Ad mission 15c all over the house. Bring the children. This is a refined bIiow, secured here as a fill In, as they aro Looked Bolld from Eugene south. Inspected Corps Cynthia S. Dunlnp department se nior vice-president, Oregon Woman's Relief Corps, has returned from Port land, where with the department pres ident, Jennie C. Pritchard, they in spected the corps of Portland. Journal "Want Ads." bring results. NEW Continuing balance of week ?ir ?ef!!iedA 2 Lucille Vaudeville Acts . . , m three reels this is a 4 NeW Pictures 4 magnificent production BLIGH THEATRE u xri i i Bzimw9wnm TTiicic cvcryuuuy goes i - Ladd & Bush, Bankers Established 1868 Transact a General Banking Business, We issue travelers' checks and letters of credit avail able in all parts of the world. STATISTICAL. MA II lilt I). WILSON LANSING At the home of the hrldo's parents, on the Garden Itoad, Wednesday evening, October 23, 1912, Miss Ethel Annie Lansing to Clarence Ambroso Wilson, Hev. L, C. Zimmerman officiating. The newly-weds will make their home In Salem. STARR ANDRRSON At the resi dence of the brldo's parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. E, II. Anderson, on Cheniekota street, Wednesday evening, October 23, 1912, Miss Ora VornnI Anderson to Carroll C. Starr, Rev, S. A. Starr officiating, STARK SCH OTTII OEFER. At the Catholic rectory, Thursday morning, October 24 1912, Rev. Father Moore officiating, Katherlno Schotthoefer to Walter Stark. The young couple will make their home five miles south of Salem. DIED. WALKER. At her home four miles east of Salonv, Wednesday, October 23.1912. Christina Walkor, aged 82 years. The body Is at the undertaking par lors of Rlgdon-Rlchardson, from which place the funeral will be hold Friday morning at 10 o'clock. Inter ment will be at the Marlon cemetery. MPWTnnAY PEOPLE Have now realized that It Ib hotter to pay rent on their own homes., to deposit a monthly pay ment towards securing them a pleas ant abode. If you are looking for something In this lino, call on Chnpln-Herlow Mortgnge & Trust Cot, 419 U. S. bank building, or phone Main 17. 10-24-tf FCIl RENT Modern bungalow, Ship ping nnd Liberty, one block from cnrllne, $13.00 per month. Phone 819, or call at Sulem Bont Fnctory. 10-22-tf SURE The healthiest thing on earth Is a chicken tamalo, made by Fred for your wife. 10-22-4t WANT13D Position as domestic by competent young lady. MIbs Arnst route 6, box 13, Salem, Ore. 10-24-3t FOR SALE 20 acres of first class land, ton acres under cultivation, 10 acres good Bocond growth timber, house and barn, well, some berries set out, located 4 Va miles south of Salem; price, $3500; $1500 cash, bal ance 3 years, 6 per oent Interest. Oregon Realty Co., 275 State street. 10-24-3t FOR SALE 3.15 acres qjust outside the city, good soil, fine building site price, $950; $95 cash, balance $10 per month. Oregon Realty Co., 275 State street ' 10-24-3t FOR SALE 3.15 acres Just outside land, 5 acres In 5-year-old prune trees In first class .shape, balance all under cultivation, fine building Bite, just three miles south on the Jefferson road ; price $3200. Oregon Realty Co., 275 State street. 10-24-3t BARGAIN If taken at once, 5-room modern house, lot 50x100 on State street, rents $15 per month; $1400. Terms. Square Deal Realty Co., Room 304, U. S. Bank Bldg., Salem Oregon. 10-24-3U- FOR SALE CHEAP Dining table and Blx chairs. 461 N. High St. 10-24-3t FOR SALE OR TRADE Fore-door Chalmers auto, as good as new. This la a bargain. Call at Capital garage or phono 783. 10-24-31 $450 Two-room house, good corner lot 50x125 feet, for only $450; $50 down, balance $10 per month. Close to school and carllno. Bechtel & Bynon, 347 State street. 10-24-3t BUNGALOW BARGAIN $1250 will take a neat 5-room cottage on a good lot. This is a snap and must be sold Boon, if sold at this price. Bech tel & Bynon, 347 State Btreet. Tel. Main 452. 10-24-3t SHOW Capital $500,000.00 An Invitation WB INVITE) CASH BUYKHS to take advantage of our determin ation to still further increase our Salom business. When you pay cash you're entitled to ths savlngB in cash, and get them here, too. Any Item here or any Item In our NEW store will TROVE our PRICES LOWEST. 17 lbs sugar for $,oo Celery Medium, a bunch ,.5c Large 2 fr 13C Sweet potatoes, 11 lbs ,,..25c SPECIAL. Pcnberrr Toffee, ...25c the lb SPECIAL. Suldcr'g Catsup 20c the bottle Perfection Flour (made In Sa lem) the sack $1.03 Eggs, the dozen 83c Butter, 2 lbs for 75c Our new store Is located at 855 North Commrclal street, on the corner of D street. XO It EXT' LOW PRICES PHONE 68. THE (IT PKICE GROCERS Damon & Son A critic by any other name would be a knocker just the same. IV A It It EX T. RICHES. Independent candidate for assessor, Turner, Oregon. "For a business ad ministration of the office. Fair treat ment to all; special favors to none." "CHIIL" Wholesale and retail, 65c per gallon. Lunch put up to order. Sandwiches any style. The llusy Bee, 329, State street Phone 717. J. W. Evans, prop. MOIHEY TO LOAN TnOS. K. FORD Over Ladd and Bush Bank, Salem, Or NORWICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY BURGHARDT MEREDITH Resident Agents I8& State 8trwl MONEY TO LOAN On farm 'and city property. Join H Scott, over Chicago Store, Salem, Or egon. Phone 1552. MONEY TO LOAN On good Real Estate lecirlrj. BECHTEL BOOK 147 State Street WOOD AND COAL In any quantity. Prompt dellrerj our specialty. Falls City Lumber Company. 279 North Commerclil street Phone Main 813 Office Phone Main 183 Rlgdon Residence Main 111. RIGDOJf-RICUARDSON CO. Funeral Directors and Undertaken 252 N. High Street JAPANESE LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANING WORKS No machinery to tear and wear out delicate fabrics. Work called for and delivered promptly. 436 Ferry St Phone Main 2258 WE WILL MAIL YOU $1-00 for each set of old False Teeth sentua. Highest prices paid for old gold, sli ver, old watches, broken Jewelry and precious stonee. Money sent by return mall. Phlla. Smelting Refining Co, established 20 yearsJ63 Chestnut St, Philadelphia, Pa. To Dentists: We will buy your gold filings, gold scrap, and platinum. Highest prices paid. TYPEWRITERS AU Makes BOUGHT SOLD t RENTED ! REPAIRED i RIBBONS J ROLLERS SUPPLIES Bee me before yon do anything. C M. LOCKWOOD Phone Main l8 114-iU ft. Commercial, Salem. Oiffi