DAILY CAHTAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREG07, WEDNESDAY, OCTOnEIt 23, 1818. fnge Six : ii The Penitentiary for Johnson Is Aim of Officers UNITED I'llKHH IJ'ASKD WIIIK. Chicago, 0(!t. 23. Strong Indication that the United States government I'lana to havo Jack Johnson, tins negro prlzo-flghter, behind tlio bars as a re sult of Ills alleged abduction of Lu cille Cameron, the 19-year-old Minne apolis girl arrested wltli him hero came yesterday when Federal Judge Carpenter refused to allow Johnson to testify before the grand Jury which Is Investigating his case. The decision not to allow Johnson nny chance to gain Immunity by testl fylng was reached this afternoon after the girl had told her story In part While telling of her relations with Johnson tlio young white girl swooned urnl was carried from the court room unconscious, It is reported that be fore fainting she became hysterical and told facts which caused Judge CurenUr Immediately to withdraw the subpoena previously Issued for Johnson to appear and tell his own Htory, After being revived the girl scream ed and then fainted several times lucre. She became no hysterical that a surgeon from tho nrmy henihiuarters in the federal building was summoned to iiilel. her. It was understood that (i if the girl regains control of herself she will lie returned to the coiiilroom to con (I ii no her story of how she came under the fatal influence of tlio big binck fighter. Reports are current that .Johnson has bad relations with a score of otli , cr while women hero and In other cities throughout the country, and, while no official will bo uolcl, It Is generally understood that a strong e,f fort will ho made to send Johnson to jail for a good long term and to drive him forever from public life. X Better than the Best WITHOUT our knowledge, the Columbus Labo ratories of Chicago tested Fisher's Blend Flour for a Dakota Wheat Grower, The an alysis ranked Fisher's I'.i.enh Flour higher in Gen eral Average, Gluten Quality, Water Absorption and Loaf Value than the best Dakota all-Hard Wheat Pat ent Flour, which is the recognized standard for bread stuff efficiency. Fisher's Hlknd Flour is a scientific combination of Eastern Hard Wheat and Western Soft Wheat, preserving the best qualities of each. It costs you from 20 to 2.V less than a straight Eastern Hard Wheat Flour dues Fisher's Blend Flour For Stile by All Dealers FISHER'S II I. EM). MiiimfnoOired by Hip l'lsln-r Flouring .Mills Coiiipanj', Seattle, U. S. A. HAVE CHEEK WATER FOR ORAM'S PASS SAYS ROOSEVELT WILL SWEEP CALIFORNIA IJNITKII I'llKHH l.KASKI) Willi!. San Francisco, Oct. 23. That Col onel Roosevelt will score a landslide In California similar to that of 1!)04, when ho had a majority of 115,000, Is the belief of former Governor Pardee, who is here after a campaigning tour cf Humboldt county. "The redwood region is more than safe," he said. ' The men of tlio lumber camps look to Iioosovelt as tlio father of the cause of the toller. I venturo the opinion that the Progressive ticket will run 3 to 1 over Wilson and Marshall In that region." Grants Pass, Oct. 23. That the fiiavo Creek water proposition is n feasible one, is the report made by Knglncers Ilobson and Hall, who re cently made Investigation of the sources of the water supply, "cl (lie engineering features Involved In bringing It to (irants Pass. Tho engineers decided that a point on Grave (ireek In section C of town ship 34, in Jackson county, offered tho most available site for damming the creek, and that the drainage area lies within that portion of the Rogue mountains along tho divide between that stream and tho headwaters of tributaries if the South I'mpqua. The elevation of the water shed is from man Ashley. Klght years ago his wife left him. Four years later ho met her on the street and she promised to re turn. He waited four years more. Now he's convinced she is not coming, so he wants a divorce. Railroad Has Rule That Should be Abolished Alex, Ilernsleln, of the law firm of Cohen & Dernslelii, of Portland, lias written the office of the State Hall road Commission complaining nt a cer tain nrevalllnir arrangement of tho railroads doing business In tho North west In sol ng round trip tickets. The chief complaint registered by Mr, Pernsteln Is that In selling the tickets the companies require tho holders of the tlckef to havo It validated nt the point to which the ticket Is bought and at a cost of F0 cents for validation, "It Is entirely for the benefit of the railroad companies," says tho writer, "and I do not believe It should bo tol erated by the public. ' As an example the .writer states that If a ticket Is purchased from Portland to Chicago It Is required that, before he Is able to return homo on the tick et, the holder must hunt up the rail road office In Chicago, and go to the trouble of signing certain slips and forms,. and, In addition, pay a sum of 50 cents, before he Is nblo to take ad vantage of his ticket. The railroad commissioners state that the mntter Is out of the jurisdic tion of their office, since It Is an Inter state question, but that the office will take It up with the Interstate Com merce Commissi)!!. I A Steeplejack's Stunt. rsiTKii muss ii:.si:i wiiii:. Los Angeles, Oil., Oct. 22. Climbing the flagpole of the Hull of Uncords, 312 feet above the ground, "Steeple- Jack" C. Mol'l'ett entertained a gaping crowd with a few gymnastic stunts. Sitting on the top, Moffott unconcern edly threw bis coat and hat to tho street. Saved by Ills Wire. She's a wise woman who knows Just what to do when her husband's llfo Is In danger, but Mrs. R. J. Flint, Draln- 2,.r.OO to 5,000 feet above the sea level, 1 trc" vt- ls tllftt klnl. "She Insisted where the precipitation is the maxl-: on nW usln6 Dr- King's New Discov- mum for the coast district Tho plan advanced Includes the con- ery," writes Mr. F. "for a dreadful cough, when I was s0 weak my Istructlon of the dam, the building of .Mends all thought I had only a short ditch nnd pipe lines, or Irrigation canals, ond subsequently cf the devel opment of electricity for light and power. Husband Loses Confidence. cNiri:i 1MIKNS I.KASKII WHIR. San Francisco, Oct. 22. The pa- Journal "Want Ads." bring results. Itlence of Job was exemplified In Sher- tlmo to live, and It completely cured me." A quick cure for coughs and colds, It ls the most safe and reliable medicine for many throat and lung troubles grip, bronchitis, croup, whooping cough, quinsy, tonsllltls, hemorrhages. A trial will convince you. CO cents and $1. Guaranteed by J. C. Perry. " b I ', ,. ii hi M ' WASHINGTON IMV1IISH Y HAS iim: how OX HAND frxiTKi) pijkk n:.si:n winn.l Seattle, Wash., Oct. 22. A row threatening to split wide open stu dents, faculty, regents and alumnae of the University of Washington, has re sulted from the protest of lending stu dents ngnlnst the neeeplanco of the $12,000 chimes presented by Ahlen J. Plethen publisher of the Seattle Times which they term "tainted gift." An "open letter," referring to Tileth- en In scathing terms had been on the press of the student publication, the "University Dully," yesterday nfter noon, when President Kane, of the uni versity ordered the whole Issue sup pressed. This aroused the students, and the open letter was printed In cir cular form and spread last night and this morning over the campus. Andrew Rldred, editor of the paHr, declared that there will lie no more Issues of the paper until the ''open letter" Is permitted to be run. The student board of control meets this afternoon to take up the question of having the paper printed down town Instead of by the University press. President Jerry Rlordnn, of the student body, has flatly refused to participate In tho formal ceremonies tonight, when the chimes are to be accepted. i 4.) -t in i u-tr j i m n m . ' . " V.Q I sill CFrench WQL Potato TMD YOU ever eat French Fried Potatoes with Cottolene? If not, you've never eaten r$$ French Fried Potatoes at their best xMl sunuH,nt man.to uicni iitu tum tnsp ana sppetiz ' ing, but never greasy. If you have been frying and shortening your food with butter, try It ia every bit as good, at less than one-third the price. If you are using lard for shortening and frying, we would imiiyiy buccal uiui KMimicm 13 recognized and recom mended by leading physicians, domestic science author ities, and culinary experts generally, as beinff mom wholesome, digestible and producing better food wiwiene is a vegetaDie product pure in source and makincanrliahoiini a to be better and safer than lard. r Try this Recipe i Pare the potatoes, shave in very thin slices, or cut in straws, '2 in. strips, dice or crescents. Soak in cold water, drain dry on a nap kin, and cook few at a time in basket in deep hot Cot tolene. Drain and season with salt Made only by TIIE N. K. FAIKBANK COMPANY M 1 mm "Ntji ,.:.i;' Interested In securing the adoption of this amendment and should endeavor to ImprosH every voter with Its Impor tance. If every bank In this state will give publicity to this measure, I be lieve Its pasBugo will be assured. "The anii'iidinent appears on the of ficial ballot as No. 312." WOULD APPLY LAW TO THE STATE BANKS REPORT SAYS THE MAXACIER IS FIRED St. Louis, Oct. 22. It wus reported here today that Mrs. llritton, owner of the St. Louis National League base ball club has discharged Walter nresh naluin, manager of the team, but the story could not be confirmed. Dreshnahan's contract as nmnnger cf the Cardinals litis still three yenrs to rim. He refuses to resign. Fortunes In Fiiccg. There's often much truth In the saying "her face Is her fortune," but Its never said where pimples, skin eruptions, blotches or other blomlshes disfigure it. Impure blood is back of them all, and shows tho need, of Dr. Klug's New Life Pills. They promote health and beautly. Try them. 25c at J. C. Perry's. TO COXIJl'ER REBELS IX STATE OF SOXORA CITY TREASURER'S NOTICE. Popular Subscription lo Clly Honds, Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned will receive sealed bills for twenty thousand ($20,000) dollars of City of Salem twenty-year refunding dred ($500) dollars each, hearing In lands in denominations of five hun- ll'NlTKI) I'llBSH I.KAHKI) WIIIK.j Nogales, Ariz., Oct. 22. Two thou sand Mausers and a large shipment of ammunition nrrlved nt Nogales, Mex ico today from Mexico City. The mu nitions are for the purpose of equiping tired dollars ($.r)00) each, bearing In Colonel Kostorlitsky's newly organlz- teicst at tho rate of 5 per cent per td corps of rurales. annum payable semi-annually May 1, The Mndero government hopes with nnd November 1, of each year, on the the aid of this new force to maintain popular subscription plan until five peace In the state of Sonora and drive (5) o clock p. m., October 25, 1912 the remaining scattered bands of reb els from the state. A. S. Jones, proprietor Lee Pharma cy, Chlco, Cal., says: "I have been selling Foley & Company's medicines for years. Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, I consider, has no equal and Is the one cough medicine I can recommend to my friends as contain lng no narcotics or other harmful properties." Sold by Dr. Stone Drug Store. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A No bid for less than par value and accrued Interest from November 1st, 5 1H12, will be considered, and bids for the smallest denomination will be con sidered and awarded first In the order of their filing and then the next higher In amount successively In the same manner, until the whole issue Is sold. Among equal bidders preference will be given to residents of the city of Snlom. The right to reject any and all bids ls hereby resorved by the common council of the city of Salem, as well as the privilege of waiving defects In any bids. R. A. CR0SSAN, 10-18-5t City Treasurer. Whore ocean, mountain and forest combine to give you an ideal vacation; where the beautiful Cape, improved with boulevards, drives, walks, streets, sidewalks, postoffice (with daily mail), water system, electric lights, and tele phone, etc, projects a mile or more into the Pacific Ocean, and affords a view unsui passed Agate Beach has also a 42-room hotel, with hot and cold water, electric lights and telephones, patronized this season to its full capacity, Theie are stores and boarding houses, auto service to and from Newport (nine round trips daily), and busses making regular trips to surrounding points o'f interest, Forty new cottages have been erected the past three or four months and lots (50x1 00 and over) are in demand at prevailing very reasonable prices. Agate Beach Land Co. 213 Board of Trade Building, Portland, Oregon, or Agate Beach, Oregon t T...I, 1 A HATE REACH 1.. in Enumerating the benefits that will accrue to depositors nnd stockholders in banks as a result of the passage at the November election of the amend ment proposed to Article XI of the fitnto constitution, which reads: "The stockholders of all corporations and joint stock companies shnll be liable for the Indebtedness of such corpora tiens to the amount of their stock sub scribed and unpaid and no more," Su perintendent of Banks Will Wright has forwarded a letter to the banks of the state. Mr. Wright makes the following comment regarding the amendment: Tho amendment projiosed adds to the above tho following: "Excepting that the stockholders of corporations and Joint stock companies conducting the business of banking shall be Individually liable, equally and ratably, and not one for tho other, for the benefit of said bank, to the amount, of their stock, at the par value thereof, In addition to the par value of such shares. '"The adoption of the proposed em endment will double the liability of stockholders In state banks. National bank stockholders are under such lia bility; and the laws of almost every other state have similar provisions. "The benefits secured to both de positors and stockholders, through the I adoption of this amendment, are obvi (.i's. Our banking Institutions' will be I strengthened and conservative banking ! encouraged. "Every bank officer, director nnd stockholder In this state should feel lUlTUnilT OPIATES milium NARCOTICS FOLEY'S HONEY andTAR COMPOUND STOPS COUGHS - CURES COLDS For CROUP, BRONCHITIS, WHOOP INQ COUGH, LA GRIPPE COUGHS, HOARSENESS and ALL COUGHS and COLDS. It is BEST and SAFEST (or CHILURENandforGROWN PERSONS. The Genuine ! in Yellow Package DR. STOJIE'S DRUG STORE. J LJ o WHAT? THE Capital Journal's 3 00 ANNUAL Bargain Day $ H) 00 THE DAILY $ 1 CAPITAL JOURNAL ONE YEAR from Nov. 1, 1912, to Nov. 1, 1913; or if you arc paid in advance, then one year in advance from the date on which your subscription expires. This rate applies only to papers sent through the U. S. mail, and not to papers delivered in the city of Salem by carrier or at stores. NOTEfiJhis rate is positively withdrawn Nov. 3, 1912. All money or checks mailed Nov. 2 will be credited upon arrival. Do not ask for this rate after the above date. Send money or checks to the CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon