Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 18, 1912, Page Page Two, Image 2

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The Capital Journal
riibllfllioJ by
The Barnes -Taber Company
GUAM AM r. TAVIKH. Killtor tmd MantiKcr
A lmttK-mlint NowipniuT PovottM to American Principle anil the ProKresa
mill DovHopniont of Sulom In rnrtlculnr niul All Orison in flonoral
1'iihl IhIhhI Kwtf ICv-nIng Unr-'i'l Humlny, Hnl-in. Orm""
(Inrnrlnliljr In Ailvnnco)
Dnll.v, tr rnrrli-r. r J,'"" ,..1.120 Por month.. 4!tf
lnlly. ly Mall, per jr-nr 4.01) IVr month.
Wiwkljr, hy Mull, por yi-nr .... 1.00 Hl montln ,ic
Till- EAtil.E AMI THE HEN.
It. him been HiiKKoatetl time and
imnln tlwil our forefather In picking
nut the ('lent Anierlciin eagle na the
nnlileiii of our country and Liberty
l.u.do a mistake-. The contention waa
Unit the ureal American ben wna the
no plua ultra and "Kiln Co llnigh"
of the bird family. Thla. of courae,
depends on tho viewpoint. To the aol
iller tho oaglo soenia the proper bird,
j.nd our forefather, who did the se
lecting of the tuitlonal emblem, were
mire aonio soldiers.
It Is only In more recent and util
itarian year that the hen baa come to
the front with her phasing lay which
HiiKKCKti to the ear tuned to financial
iiiiiale, her fltnesa ns a representative,
ci a ureal people, The eagle Is the
King of blrda and bla wife la a auf
t'n.gotle. In tho etiglo way. but outside
in' holng able to lick all the other
feathered creation, and look good on
the reverse aide of the American coin,
(lie enisle la a much over-rated bird,
especially when seen through the pn
tiotlc Kinase of n Morgan or any of
the oilier real genuine truat-buster.
The ben, sometimes, la a great pro
ducer, her worst fault being that she
mIvii.v Inslata on producing most
when the market for her products Is
glutted, and o,tga are clump. If she i
could be trained to get busy when the
fall crop of ben fruit la nlmost a fail
ure, she would be a world-beater as a I
As It I she doesn't do so badly.
M..V... O.....U.K. It, ft... l'tilt.! fflf.w1
llineii n'miuu-i, m ....... j
she lay wiiw eggs, and produces some
r venue. Uist year, for Instance ber',
rgga nnd young chickens were worth. 1
and actually font tor more man n.
OOO.iW.OcO, enough to pay for a couple
of Panamn canal, or In other words, I
the American hen In si x month steady
w ork last spring built, or at lonst jmld
tor constructing the Panama canal,
When she gets down to her work,
she pays every year money enough to
her ow nor to pay all the running ex
vnsc of the government, army, navy,
poMoffloe, congress everything. She
laid JS.iVO.iVO n day every working
l.iv In the y,.ir and some Sund.it, and
she d'.d It cheerfully and with a song cars there Monday,
on her bill, as It were. I
This, mind von. was done bv the old! C".v V. M. C. A. will lay the
stvle. non-intonsKled ben. that ta.vod ,rl'r ,n" ,f lu'' 'lM1"
from SN to liV cg.:s a vear. Of lato:'1" 1,K"al Mastuilc lodge official-
:.rs. though the hen. like other farm 4n
accessories. Is being liv.proved. Herj
ancestral linage has been gone Into.! It. Democratic candl-
.-.i v f.,,iw i rit ! P. 8. senator and Col. C. E. S
tho selection !tnd survival of the fittest :
lias done or Is doing, the tvst. Tho i v
ben that wl'.l give up le to egg
wherv 100 or less Is the average. Is
NP.ig produced.
Cno morxt egg a year from eeryj
hen in the Veiled Slates, oxpressl in
money t.il'.ie. ar.vuv.W to $tiV0.0vc.
IVc.M-.ng the pr.v'u.t of the Individual
hen. gctiuvg IcO egs when she vow
ptvs'.u.-es KO, and this is being a.wui
'. l V.-.it. wev.'..! lv.o.v.i. ad.liv.g S'.'.'.eiV.
iVv .. the natjou i'.nw.-.o yearly, an.!
th-.s ;r. egg vs'.-.-.es. With the assistance
c: nv..',ior. nv.,1 wiih a Y-'.V.c c.-ii
t". s. ca Ve sg;-,-n d.v,iMel In a!;:e.
a v, s.-,iT of fact the hen i.tr. fv.r-v.-fi:
a f;,4.!y jo'.t for a v.vather.vsv.oian
l is e -,r V.ctc i:i Orx'gon. Superuv
ter.icv.t A'..ierv .t'.i. wh,. cusv.a'.'.y r,.-ti.-.ivg
s.-'.-..e sch.vl chi'.-'.rx-n buy.r.g
v; crv r..l net i.n.'.ersi.tn.lirg why
oe..ri-v s.-h.vl vhi'.dren shov.'.d pv.r
i" that o.v.vr.'..t-. S-gar. an inves
tigat c;i h-.ch ho hiwii.o sia:e wide
in -,:s w.:'.:s, and ir.c'.iv'.cs in its rava
if . the Or-tYOJi hoa. That pop
v-Ti case started the s.h.wl chtidrva'
r-d..r:al r.-.oer,r.t In h'.ch fthtVO
,h-'..!-, a th.s ear t.vk Mr. Al-
'.i r. a-i aiv.ci g Xher th ng. with cn'.v
lead ;vn,il and a hi: of ,n'-i'r to
vorV ilh. de'.v.onsiraiiV. that ij otvry
h.vl Chi'..! v. th sia:e ito.'.'.d f-
!?,'. Vv;v he-, s, -.he returns weuhl
1 xt the r.-.r.r. rig fv,vr. of a'.l the
fh.v. i: the s:a: In fact, !f
.'.! taVo j.v.r pr,.-il ar.d f g-.'.re a few
r.nv.ier,; yo.i v.rp-,.sed to
le;,7n what the hen. nh a rcas.-v.shy
or-,v:tir.-.:-.T can acNv.v.v'.is..
Uewcr, tho h.'.i is t.v a sub
ject t.t N V.syve cf in one s-.s;'
ttliw.! of tho Capital Journal, ar.,1
-o sf.".! ;wls of her y.v.rv in detail
Utor l-v.t in yss-.r.g t.i.'.g-e.l by nod
r b.iNiv.ix-s ar.,1 f raiv.al siar.ar.'.s
IN AvK-i.ian vv",o :ar..? in N;:t the
xvla'.ion to the hen that a ;vg
t.-p d.v h threshu s -.r.ach.r.o. or
o ag.n to an .'.:o".oVi
i rvnTHVsumc imnov
With the o'.iV.ion
or a
.0 r.VTY
than tw wet-Vs a,v, (he tisu.al bi.'.o
ar.d fcuMie of pre' dent:! oa.".' ; gn
t -v.i'.vg Oa wvuld naturally v-
jHvt, under the rnv-liar oosd iK-'n.
Hint It would lio otio of tlio most hotly
I'onti'NltMl the country lum oxporlonroil
In years. Why tlila n bo, no oiu kihmmr
to know, or lit lonst, thoso who uiuler
tiiko to explain It differ widely ns to
Its cause. In It possible, tho American
citizen tins arrived nt tlio conclusion
tlio country will w IkhIo iiIoiir nil rlfiht
wl.atovor happens, without nny one
iiii.n'H Ideas lieltij; carried out. It looks
Hint wii.v, and It also iippcnrs that the
iivorace citizen la pursuing the oven
tenor of his way, chasing the elusive
dollar, nttondliiR to hla own hu.slnoss
niul not worrying nliout results.
HIDE. The pnaslng of the baseball season
and tho dawning of football, la accom
plished. The horsehlde-eovorod solid
sphere has given way to the pigskin
oval stuffed with air. The willow bat
la superseded by tho human leg na a
motive power, but tho ublnultoii Am
erican cooler la there with the same
weapons, hla mouth, his nrma niul hla
inthuslaam. It seems that thla class,
and t la a big one, baa to have excite
ment, something to work off the sur
plua energy and enthusiasm, nnd the
two kinds of ball nt least here In Am
erica are about the only public sports
that permit this to the fullest extent.
Aeywny, (lie "kickers" for this sport
i nly are now the popular folks, nnd
the reotera inlk punts and goal In
st, ad of strikes and home runs and are
Just ns happy and enthusiastlcs with
"the other dear charmer away."
That big Mast la to bff touched off
nt Monroe Saturday,
Pendleton Bull Mooters had a
blow-out Saturday evening.
Senator Chamberlain spoke nt Al
bany yesterday. Politics, of course.
.lame lVwned. a stranger In l'ak-
er City, w.i struck and killed, by the
Wood r
campaigning In Intern
The old Virtue mine at F-aker City,
one cf Oregon's greatest producer,
w 111 l-ogin otH'tations again Novem
ber 1.
WoHlbrn. at a mass mooting hold
Wednesday night, nominate,! a full
city ticket. It is in opposition to tho
present officials.
J. A. Loun.lag'.n, S." year old. and
tho father of twit children, is a
frvshie at tho V. of 0." and the boys
have Nvn doing things with him.
"The world do move," Prairie City.
Orant county, up in the cattle and
mining oouiury, is to vote on the wot
or dry proposition.
Dr. ,loeph Schafer, of the Vniverst
ty cf Oregvii, thinks arithmetic should
ho given less attention in the sch.vls
and roadi-.g more. A spelling Is ho-1
eeiv.tr.g lost art, mathematics might
a wc'.l go the same road.
The body cf Mrs. Mary WocV.vfc,
ho died this week In Portland, was
huriod yesterday. It was wrapped tn
the Tag presented to her hy President
Re ood(4 Tc-.
San Frauosco. iVt. IS want to
huy a p'r of ,an!s. s 1 can call on
n-y girl," vnxirnvd William Ha-ol-
ten, who e-i!oro.l a clothing store here
stark naVoV Tho clerk g-ave or.e g-.vnl
Uvk at the rude fern- of the r. a and
,h,vn lf;'-M tV;v
Carl C, Kratjocstotn. , Mgr. J. 0-
Tar.r.er Drug StorA SAtita Crui. Cal l
ri!: "Wo have so'.d W!cy A (Vra-'!
,.-r." r.-.o.V.c'rc fcr the vast 1 year
arJ havTO yet ro har our f.rst eon i
plair.t, or of a dissatisfied custcTcer,
Their re-.v.f'.iics ro pur, cads a
-vprtew.ej, and vvtitaia d SrJurSoa
'uhtstanoos, On the contrary, oar t
.frifsoe sJ.ow us that tiie compAtiyN
aira has always heo-n to r.-.ak health;
riving ard health r.'-a ttaici-ig wxe-
die. 14 ty Tr. -.mi Drue Cora-!
Game With
Development on thla, the ovo of the
annual Wlllanietto-Chenipwa football
game, havo resulted In n wavo of ex
citement, nnd, Incidentally, running
throughout tho 'varsity student body.
Fullback MacRen, tho one. essential
part of Toacli Sweetland' llneamanh
lug machine, nnd star end, HiUllngor,
whose terrific defensive work I In
need of no advertising, will both be
mlaslng from the lineup, whllo the
work of Thomas' will be materially In
terfered with by two Bpralned fingers,
received In the Oregon game.
Mac Iiao Is pretty much under the
weather, and w ill be off the emuad for
some. Ills place nt fullback will be
taken by Krnnols, while Steam will
hold down tho job at half temporarily
vacated by Francis. Juat w hy Helllng-
er will not be In the game Is un
known. Ills plnco will bo taken by
Young nnd llepp.
On the other hand Oheinnwa be
lieve that this will bo their tltno to
win. They will have practically the
same line-up that held Wlllnmetto to
a 0-0 score the first half of the game
last year, nnd, In addition to this, will
have the famous Rube Saunders,
whose line plunge are well remem
bered by those who saw tho 'vnrslty
nlumul game.
The Oheiiuiwa supporters have char
tered a special train, reaervod n sec
tion In the grand stand, nnd will be
im hand In full force to nld In the se
curing Willamette's scalp.
Nor will the 'varsity second-high
school game bo a tame nffalr. The
high school Is always out In full force
to support their tennis so that the
grand stand will be overcrowded, nnd
the Wlllametet students nre making
other arrangements for their own ac
commodation, a couple of bleachers
being added to the present seating ca
pacity. This will bo Salem's first In
tercollegiate football game this sea
son, and every football fan should be
on hand.
A New Political Platform.
Junction City. Ore.. Oct. IS. For
growing a sunflower U feet high
within the city limits and a pumpkin
big enough to give practically every
family In the town a piece of pumpkin
pie, .lohn Bair.ford may be elected ' declares her faction will start a news
mayor here. The "punkin" weigh MS paper, to be known as "The Suffra
ponnds. ' jgette," of w hich Miss Christobel Pank
J. W. Copeland, of Dayton. Ohio,
purchased a bottle of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy for his boy who had a
cold, and before the bottle wa all
used the boy's cold wa gone. I that
;not better than to pay a five dollar
doctor's bill! Forsale by all dealers.
If people are determined to f:Rh a
small excuse will serve.
With our assurance that w are
able and willing to take car of
it, we solicit your Hanking Put
ness. Open an account with u,
and w -rill extend you every
faTor consistent with good hani
tns principle.
rrer Stat a4 Liberty Su-oet
J. L. Abler. Pre!denL
W. O. East. Cashier,
a. S. Eat, Vice Prosidotit
Pr U IV Steere. L, H. Robsrts,
j j j
j j jj
, j1 .
j ij
: e--- - --.
M -d! or ttJ!c.tne.
j TrUed tn thl paper ars for al at
Drus: Store
.V large s-pply of TSl'SSiS. which
he iv.a-Xi'-s a siwiilyr of P.i'.'.rj: tit all
f l;
s 11 i
lr-s.6s frer. the v-ount h jo cnt thero.
ihooLiost r.-.anor -waa uocviing such 1 The -$$ Offer" rervves every oh
a;v'' noe ttao'.e tit the i-ame5;t -vts-wssica cf
The vHONi:-T JOHN" i hi fa-vr- t-igh-class, -.aiv'.rd ty;-wrirer.
ite irus. Kliev rg It the et. r.v: lt -N iU Apr-M.
-srac-scry. and Ustit Jorxer U.aa1T1- xt-'-a 1"' l- S- E-i5
itaiy oil er iruaa.
Sonie Reasons
Why You Should
Buy at Your Home
I liny nt Home
llecnuae my Interests are here.
necanao tho community that is good
enough for me to live In, la good
enough for me to buy In.
Uocnuse I believe In transacting
business with my friends.
Reonuae I want to seo tho goods I
nm buying.
Uocnuse I wnnt to get what I buy
when I pny for It.
Ilecauao my homo dealer "carries"
me w hen I run short on ensh.
Hocnuao some part of every dollar 1
spend at homo slays nt homo nnd
helps more for the welfare of the city
nnd county.
Because the home man I buy from
stands back of. the goods, thus always
giving vnlue received.
Ilecauao I sell what I produce to my
home people, be It labor or goods.
Because the man I buy from pays
hla share of 4he county and city taxes.
Because tho man I buy from helps
support our poor and needy, our
schools, our churches, our lodges and
our homes.
Because If 111 luck, mlsfortuune or
bereavement comes, the man I buy
from Is here with hla kindly expres
sions of greeting, his words of cheer,
Mid If needb be,( his pocketbook.
"Mere I live nnd here I buy.
Ar.d here they'll plant me when I die."
Let us make our home town a good
place In which to work nnd live. It's
es'sy nnd certain. If every one will
contribute his share.
The English
Have Bad Split
fjondon, Oct. IS. Chaos exist In
the rank of the militant suffragettes
here today, following a split over the
leadership of the Women's Social and
Political I'nlon A serious disagree
ment over the policy of the union be
tween Mr. Pankhurst nnd Pethrlck
Lawrence and his wife Is responsible
for the trouble.
The control of the newspaper
'Votes for Women." Is still held by
the iAwrences. but Mrs. Pankhurst
hurst Is to be editor. This, they say.
will be the official organ of the union.
Children Cry
TheOLlVER Typewriter
The Oliver
to You for
Balance Payable
Same as Rent
j Kent the Oliver Typewriter at the
rate cf f! per P'onta or 1 cents
' a ay.
Whoa you have mad the f.nal pay
mer.t you own the machine!
Tou bjy the lypofriter at the rffu
lar price, on a rental has: that's the
way the p!aa work out
This propositjon applies to the new
est r.-.odel the fareons No, 5 with tit
etra charge for "Pr.ntype."
There are thxsyir. Js whs r.zi It ln-co-Ter,ier.
to pay the larr.p surj r.f
H f.-ir The O'.iver Typewr.tor.
Yeurg r.-.on and young werr.oa iiis.
startir.g out in life
Pritfcssw.r.l people who consider
the typewriter in the V.gh.t cf aa cf
f.ce luxury
Fiisire people who cevd all the
"woriir.g capital" they oa co-r.-r.ard
to nee the rmtUmneats of eTparsiiin
C.sh worrfri. school teachers an -5
pu7i'.s who arrrwiate the osvor'oroe
cj typewrite hnt cxa ft alicg wi;h-
Sal's Orefoia.
! Ik A
(raid Advertisement.)
For Marshal.
The undersigned hereby announces
bla candidacy for city marshal end
chlof of police, subject to tho city pri
maries. D. W. GIBSON.
For (Hy Recorder.
. I hereby announce my candidacy for
city recorder at the primaries Novem
ber 4th. Plntform Courtesy, correct
records of proceedings, law and evi
dence. EARL RACE.
Charles F. Elgin,
Candidate for Nomination
Office of
To the people of Salem: I desire
to serve a second term, and submit my
official record as my recommendation.
Samuel 0. Rnrkhnrt.
Candidate for nomination for office
of City Marshal.
R, A. Crossnn.
Candidate for re-election to the of
fice of City Treasurer' at the primar
ies to be held In the city of Salem, Or.,
November 4, 1912.
Chns. V. Prank
Cnndldate for City Marshal. My
promise: "I will protect you under
the laws and cinch you if you break
For City Marshal.
Frank H. Shedeck, candidate for city
marshal of Salem, Oregon. Primaries
November 4, 1912.
For County Recorder.
H. L. Clark, Independent Democrat- j
Ic candidate for the office of county I
recorder, the candidate endorsed j
unanimously by the Marlon County i
Democratic committee and the Inde- i
pendent Taxpayers League. Platform: j
Courtesy, strict economy and reduc- j
Hon of taxes. 9-23-tf
Republican Direct Primary Nominee
for Congress, has received the com
mendation of President Taft and
Roosevelt and of the people of Ore
gon generally for his support of pro
gressive legislation. Mr. Hawley Is
a native born Oregon, and Is familiar
with the affairs of Oregon, and will
continue to serve the best Interests of
her people.
Tho Eugene Guard has the follow
ing relative to Mr. Hawley:
It Is but simple justice to a hard
working, sincere man to say that Con
gressman Hawley possesses those
qualifications for the office he holds.
There are many smoother politicians
on duty at the national capital, many
more brilliant orators, but probably
no member who Is really trying hard
er to serve his constituents in a ma
terial way. More than this, Mr. Haw
ley is a plain forceful speaker, with
ample ability to express himself In
public, voicing the wisbes cf the peo
ple he represents.
A Le-? on the Tnrk.
of the fast eirress Eeans serious
trouble ahead if not removed, so does
jloss of appetite. It means lack of vi
tality, loss of strength and nerve
; w eaknes. If appetite falls, tabs Elec-:
trie Bitters quickly to overcome the
.cause by toning cp the stomach and
curing tie indigestion. Michael Hess-l.ei-.ufr,
cf Lincoln, Neb., had Ifen
sick over three years, hut six bottles
t-f Electric Pitters put hira right on
;h:s feet ag.iin. They have helped tiou
; sAcds, Thfy give pure Mood, strong
j corves, good digestion. Only 50 cents
&t J. C. Terry's.
Don't worry.
..ived asin.
the country v.-iil I
How Beautifully
We Launder
We hac Special Soap and
Methods that gKc them that
soft, fluffy feeling they had
nhcn new. Send us some
in this week's package.
Salem Laundry Co.
Oldest Largest Best
In the Coat and Suit
from our New York buyer: are
Johnny Coats and fancy Scotch
Tweed heavy,' wide weal di
agonas; Suits are mid-weight
blue Serges and Tweeds; Nor
folk and Plain-Tailored Gar
ments are the rage,
Prices: $4.75, $7.50, $10.50, $12.50
The Chicago Store
Come here and see the wonderful Bargains we are
Price, yard 25c, 35c, 49c, 69c and up
r - - - -cm
The Chicago Store
Come here and see the beautiful new silks we are
showing at small prices,
k d
Hosiery Specials
If ycj ur.t Bargains in
Hosiery ard Underwear. c
!-?re. Ladies' winter vests, ,
coc, osc ana up. Uh.ldre.i s
winter un den; ear 15c and 25c.
7 New Shoes
y At New Prices
V For Salem. We carry'' the
(V Robert Johnson Rand shoes-ir
I best in America for women, a.:
f children.
The Big Chicago Store
Offers wor.ierfsi! Bargains in the fo'ici-g:
Blankets, Comforts, Men's and Boys'
Clothing and Underwear
Chicago Store
New Fall
Now on Sale at
temDting low prices,
Trimmed Hats
$1.50, $1.95, $2.50
and up
$3,00 Velvet
Shapes $1.49
Beaver Shapes
$2.50, $3.50 and up
25c, 35c, 49c, 75c and up
Now on Sale at tempting low
prices, Come here and get
our prices on these beautiful
garments, Values up to $18
and S25, now
$8.50, $10.50 and $12.50
rr.ee per pa:r "
$1.49. $1.S5. S2.50