Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 14, 1912, Page Page Eight, Image 8

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rage Eight
Drucker Trunks, Lilly Suit Cases and Bags The Best of Traveling Goods - Pin
gree Shoes for Women - Nettleton Shoes for Men Pla-mate Shoes for Children.
MEYERS Salem's Large Department Store MEYERS
Mail Orders
Given Special
Goods Return
able if not
Try for
Free Auto
Agents for Hemingway's Spool Silk and Embroidery Silk. See our complete showing of Art Needle Work.
Special Prices this Week on Ladies' Merode Underwear A High Quality, Hand Finished Garment
sum u tm i m "
The Meyers Store is Showing the
Correct Style Expres
sions for the New
Particularly In our LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR
SECTION are we better than every before prepared
to supply the wants or the more fastidious dressers,
those who demand styles different from the ordi
nary kind.
The woman of taste, the woman who practices
economy, and the woman who appreciates correct
styles and Is versed on latest fashions, readily rec
ognize In the large and soloct assortment of fash
ionable apparel that we show, opportunities to buy
that are most pleasing from every point of view.
Tho stock Is Just now at Its best, and the varied
tastes are readily satisfied.
A Beautiful Showing of
$10 to $85 per Set
We bollevo that our collection 0t FURS this Beason offers as good a
selection as can be obtained In the large cities. "
Our buyer has taken extraordinary care In selecting only first
class qualities and has chosen from the hundreds of samples the lines
that will accord In every way Willi our slogan "Good Goods."
Among the finest are Hudson Sen I, Genuine ( nrncul, Japanese
Mink, ( line Murk Fox, I'olnK'd Fox, and tho more moderately
priced Russian Ulnk, Corny, OpposNiim, Isabel Fox, Iceland Lynx and
Ireland Fox. Shown In nil tho latest styles black, brown, grey and
white. Sets priced from
$10.00 to $85.00
A thorough, complete and very interest
ing collection of all The newest merchan
dise at prices that teach a valuable les
son in economy, and clearly illustrates
the uselessness of paying higher prices at
other stores for goods of the same or
poorer quality,
"Good Goods" sold at lowest possible
prices,- You can safely make this your
buying home, We cordially invite you
to come and inspect these new assort
ments, Our 608th Wednesday Surprise
Rubberized Raincoats
Extra special
$1.98 each
Impossible, you say, but nevertheless
true, By making a quantity purchase of
(these rain coats we obtained a very low
price, 'and we give our customers the ben
efit, The coats are shades of tan, Sizes,
misses' 14 up to ladies' 44, Usually
sold up to $3,50, Has stitched seams,
military collar, large, roomy pockets, Spe
cial sale Wednesday $1.98 each, None
sold before 8:30, See window display,
Hart Schaf f ner &
and Ederheim
erstein Clothes
to otter you such clothes as these;
we know how good they are; we know
that you aro certain t0 find them sat
iHfylng. All-wool Is a vory Important
consideration; you'll find a lot of
clothes being offered that aro part
cotton; you're sure to be disappointed
In such goods. You'll find It pays to
bo sure of the quality. Trading at
Meyers' Is a sure way to be sure. Cor
rect stylo Is Important; good tailoring
Is Important; right fit Is necessary.
Get all of these things here. Let us
show you those new clothes, and all
tho other togs.
I M v
Copyright lltrt 6chffDr f Mui
are really tho highest standard In foot
wear. They're good through and
through they're scientifically made
from start to finish by experienced
men and with the help of the latest
Improved machinery. The leathers
used are Inspected over and over, In
suring perfect quality; and as to styles
they're always distinctive and
dressy looking. You'll not go wrong
In buying a pair of those At Meyers.
""'""wra riNihie Writ.
This Is the tynnwHi- l,m'
efficiency has made It th. T,
the greatest firms and
writers, yet the swiftest and J'T
most vcrsattln ti, . "WUl
work freely .
work, making the machine , 2
that the hardest usage ha, S
upon It m
So extra charge for "Prlntjpe
Most people prefer to have a'
chlno enuloned tn
This beautiful type Is obtalnaS
On Tho lllvnr TV,.,,...-,.... " 0D''
.. , w, j i n,er,
It is the greatest atvu
over evolved for type writers-
v.., 1(..uu lvpe m M,ste
the type which conforms to that In
universal uoe on the world's nrinu..
presses! '
IL A. LUCAS, Local Agent, 1
Tel. Main 633. 204 U. s. Dank Bldg.
Salom Oregon.
(t ( jfc jfc jft ifc )ft J jft ifc
Albany Will Send 1000
Albany i)romlses to send 1000 of her
citizens to Eugene tomorrow and Sa
lem should at least double this. It Is
a great day for our neighbor, almost
as groat a day for us, and wo should
' ;-.m I j
Dr. M. P. Mendelsohn
Hindquarters fur (icmilnc kriptok
and Torle Lenses.
In one's profession science Is con
Hcleuco applied; It Is hfibesty VC'
racily and fidelity.
MeehnnVnl equipment Is n matter
of purchase. Professional equip
ment Ih the result of STUDY, ac
quaintance with conditions, appre
ciation of what you need when you
need It.
Wo nave Urn professional equip
ment, ns well as the science.
Skill, Reputation and
A man s heart must be In his skill
ami a man's soul Is In his craft a
iinuudilp. Our heart and soul are
in cur work.
Ceiixull Dr. Mendelsohn, He Inm
the experience and knowledge 'f
erj nene In the eye.
Dr. Mendelsohn
the ;,t':v:lco of OPTICS, and cun to
fer yoi, to over nineteen hundred
mit.'sllcd people. For more than Su
yjars he has been a SPECIALIST In
Ills line, and has betn In touch with
ml the advancements of science
II,. flit Ire rroblem Lies In These
"Rightly Fitted Lenses"
lour Cuff Will Not 1'uwle Dr. Men.
Office hours, 9 to 12, 1 to 6. Hy
special apiHlntments In the evotiltig.
lUmins yiO-2U, U. a National Dank
celebrate It with the enthusiasm which
Its tremendous Importance demands.
Cold Wave
Meet it with one of our ''Opal" heat
ers, liuren f-. Hamilton.
Observed MInsIoii Sunday
Tho German Lutheran church on
State street, of which Rev. P. A.
Schmidt Is pastor, observed Mission
Sunday yesterday, and raised $92.27
for missionary work. Prof. Meyer, of
the German Lutheran University at
Olympla spoke morning and evening
to largo audiences.
Visitors from Idaho
Krncst Smith, wife and three daugh
ters, of Grangevlllo, Idaho, and Mrs.
Prances Smith, mother of Mr. Smith,
who have been visiting at tho home of
Mr. and Mrs. Carey F. Martin for the
past week, left for Monroe, llcnton
county, today, where they will spend
a few days visiting before their return
llClllilltf StfllPN
At lowest prices. Seo our "Opal"
heater. Duron & Hamilton.
hilled Six Deer
George W. Johnson, Jr., and Dr. J.
0. Griffith, of Salem, and Otto E.
KraiiHo, of Portland, have returned
from a hunting expedition of one week
In tho mountains near West Fork,
Douglas county. They report excel
lent weather and tho rapture (if six
fine dew. It Is needless to say that
they had a splendid time.
An ntor Degenerate
lvnn Wuotllln, alias Frank Wells,
who was Indicted nt tho recent grand
Jury for larceny from a store, Is an
escaped inmate of the Preston School
of Industry, of Waterman, California,
having effected an escape from lint
Institution May 24th last. He Is
years of nge and Is a degenerate of the
worst type. It Is likely ho will bo
returned to California to serve out tho
remainder of his term in the reform
school t f that state.
Jleatliig Stoves
Special air-tight 90c each.
k Hamilton.
Stoes Moves
Air-tight, lS-lnch, 90c.
Huron &
Off for K. I'. tirimd Lodge
H. II. Turner, as representative of
Cintral Uidgo No. IS, K. of P., of Sa
lem, left on tho 3:40 limited for Port
land to attend the grand lodge conven
tion of tho Knights of Pythias of the
grand IXnnnln of Oregon. Mr. Turner
hopes that the next grand lodge ses
sion will be held in Salem nnd will
wield bis Influence towards having the
next Bcoulon held In the Cherry City
of the World.
Do Net Drug the Kidneys
When the kidneys are overworked,
try electric light baths, this will open
up the pores, let out the poisons and
give the kidneys. Baths at 205-206 U,
S. Lank Dldg.
Meats Choice Meats
Can be had at the Capital Meat
Market by calllnfg In while waiting st
the corner for the car or phone Main
We Are Supplying
Everybody with orchard fruits by
the bushel, full weight and at less
than you could pick them for. Phone
Main 131. The Sunset Grocery.
Oil Your Harness
Now, before wet weather sets In
You can get the proper oil at F. E.
Sharer's, the saddle and harness man,
1ST South Commercial street,
Ho Nil. Recover
John Watson, ths painter who was
Injured cm Commercial street Satur
day by tho collapse of a scaffold on
which he'was working Is rapidly Im
proving. There were no bones broken
ai d he was not as seriously Injured
as nt first reported. Jle Is at the Wil
lamette sanatorium.
Drs. Hclsley & Hclsley
Drs. 0. F. & S. Etta Helsley are
graduates of the Am. School of Oste
opathy at Klrksvlllo, Mo., the larges
of eight Osteopathic colleges In this
country. Acute and chronic cases treat
ed. Office second floor U. S. Bank
Dldg. Phoues 618; residence 2181.
It' enters from Typhoid
Miss Blanche Clearwater, an oper
ator of the Pacific Telephone and Tel
egraph Co., who has been seriously 111
for the past month with typhoid fever,
was aide to be on the streets for a
short time yesterday for the first time.
She Is now gaining strength rapldlv
nd within a week or two will be nblo
to resume her jiositlon at the tele
lihono offlco.
Si'iiator Honrne Coming
A letter from Portland received here
Sunday says arrangements are about
completed to have Senator Bourne
speak here this week. As at present
planned ho will be here Wednesday
nnd speak at 3 p. in. Announcement
will be made tomorrow, but nt pres
ent It seems quite certain the senator
will be bore and speak nt the time
The oldest handlers and shippers ct Or
egon prunes In the northwest. The con
cern which baa done more to advertta
and make a market for Oregon prunes than all other axenclea cnmhimut
solicits the opportunity to buy your 1912 crop of dried fruit See us be
See "SperllngV
311 North Commercial street, before
buying your Jolly glasses or fruit Jars.
Special prices. Phone Main GO, your
next grocery order.
J. M. Lawrence
The grocer. 197 South Commercial
street, can supply your wants with
anything In the grocery line. Just
phone Main 311. Quick delivery.
Goes to California
Mr. W. H. Morris, local agent for the
Salem, Falls City & Western ever
Bince the opening of the depot In
West Salem, leaves next week for San
Diego, Cnl., with his wife, where they
will ike a Blx-months' visit. Mr.
Norrls exects, to return to Salom at
the end of that time. lie has rented
his cottage at the corner of Court and
Front streeU to Mr. Russell Smith, of
this city, who was recently married.
Ilroke UN Wrist
While cranking his automobile at
the Club stables garage this forenoon.
J. G. Aren, who resides at 1211 South
I iberty street, sustained a badly brok
en wrist- The wrist was not only
broken but the wrist Joint was dislo
cated. He was token to the offices of
Drs. Morse and Robertson, where tho
fracture was reduced. He was then
taken t0 his home, where he is resting
na easily as could be exi)ected.
Tho tilery Tickets- j
Marriage licenses were Issued .it the
county clerk's office this morning as
follows: Bart Alpln, aged 29 years,
of St Louis, Oregon, wns glvjn a
glory paper to wed Josle DuPoIb. nged
23 years, also of St. Louis. The wed
ding ig to take flace October loth.
Douglas J. Savage, aged 37 years, of
Salem, was granted the necessary per
mit to wed Mrs. Lucy Horlne, aged 27
ycats, also of this city. The weddlnj
Is to tnko place at the bride-to-be's
residence- In Englewood at 6 o'clock
this evening.
Every Good Wife
Should urge her husband to
wear Kryptok Blfocle Glasses If
he needs glasses to aid him
when reading.
They enable one to see both
far and near they save having
two pair of glasses and are
decidedly more youthful look
ing. Let me demonstrate their all
around usefulness today.
291 North Commercial Street
(Oround floor)
Phone 925 Office hours to S
E. P. McCornack has returned from
several weeks spent in Washington
and Idaho cities.
Col. and Mrs. E. Hofer attended the
launching of the new ship Multnomah
at St. Helens Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Barnes are leav
ing for a threo weeks trip to Califor
Mrs. Paul Shroat, of Portland, is a
week guest of Mrs. W. A. Cuitck.
Paul Hofer spent Saturday and Sun
day with the home folks, havlne re
turned to Corvallis last evening, whore
ho Is attending school.
U A Geler went to Portland this
morning on business.
Ixwis Pickard, dyer at the woolen
mills, spent Saturday and Sunday In
Mrs. J. R, Venson and her daughter.
Mrs. Louis Roberts, of Myrtle Point,
Oregon, are visiting at the home of
G. W. Laflar, on South Liberty street.
H orn here they will go to Portland to
rttend the grand lodge of Pythian Sis
ters as delegates.
A. E. Laflar left Salem last evening
for Eugene, where he will fill a three
weeks engagement as musician In one
of the theatres. Upon his return he
will be engaged in the new theatre in
the Hubbard building now under con
struction at State and high streets.
G. W. Uflnr, the real estate man,
has been busy for the jiast week or so
gathering the prunes and apples from
his large orchards nYar Turner. The
crop Is one of the finest in tho valley
End within a few days the whole of It
will have been harvested.
Mrs. J.'H. Cradlebaugh is spending
a few days visiting in the metropolis.
Superintendent Wadsworth, of the
Chemawa Indian training school, has
returned from Seattle, where he was
looking after some business connected
with the school.
A. E. Flnley, wh0 was formerly in
tho plumbing business hero, was visit
ing Salem friends for a few hours
yesterday, having mado the trip from
Corvallis, his present home, by motor
cycle. He left for home In tho even
ing. Rev. Father Moore, of the Catholic
church, sMMit Sunday In Oregon City.
B. Gates Cochran Is down from
Hoover for a few days' visit with old
time friends. Mr. Cochran was rnl9l
In Salem and spent his boyhood days
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Burkhardt, of
North Winter street, left Sunday for
Southern California, where they will
a,iend the next eight months taurine
that state.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Haberlv. nf Port
land, are spending a few days visiting
relatives In this city. Mrs. Haberly
was formerly Miss Nina Damon nf
this city.
A. 0. Steolhammer, of Sllverton .
a business visitor In the Cherry City.
mr. ana Mrs. Glenn Merrill, who
have resided In Salem for th .
year or more, have moved to San
Diego, California, whore thoy will
make their homo.
W. II. Hobson, of Stayton, Is In tho
Mr. and Mrs. John II. Lewis went to
Portland Saturday on a visit. Mr.
Lewis returned today, but Mrs. Lewis
will spend a week there visiting.
MEJIT, LUNCH, clean and up-tti,
ojjBcmiiy enm, wholesale or retail
Come in and give Mis a trial. Phon,
Main 717. The Busy Dee, 329 State
street. J. W. Evans, proprietor.
Resident Agents 186 State Strwt
On farm and city property, joti H
Scott, over Chicago Store, 8Im, Or
egon. Phone 1552.
Over Ladd and Bush Bank. Salem, Or
On good Real Estate seciritj,
47 State Street
A SNAP Five acres or mile from
car, good house and barn, 2 acres In
strawberries; price $2200, on good
terms. Parker & Wareham, with E.
Hofer & Sons, 213 S. Commercial.
REMEMBER Fred ctcks all day hot
chicken tamales for your wife, cor
mr Commercial and fctate streets
FOR SALKMatched team, weight
3000, 7 years old; also wagon and
harness. Inquire at 1646 Mission St
FOR RENT -Nine acrt chicken ranch,
level, running water, shade, tlve
room house, good born, near town.
Box 113 Turnei-, .Oregon. 19-12-2t.
In any quantity. Prompt dollvmr
our specialty. Falls City Lumbwl
Company, 279 North Commercial 1
street. Phone Main 81)
Henry E. Voorheis, Michigan auc
tioneer. Satisfaction guaranteed
or no pay. Terms reasonable. R.
F. D. No. 7, Salem, Oregon.
Office Phone Main 183
Rlgdon Residence Main 111.
Funeral Directors and Undertaken
262 N. High Street
FOR SALE At a sacrifice, horse,
weight 1130 lbs,, harness and IV.
inch new wagon, with springs, all
for $115. Must sell soon, going
away. 675 S. Winter St. 10-14-3t
NIGHT SCHOOL Now in session at
Capital Normal. Hours from 7 to 9
p. m. Terms reasonable. 10-14-6t
WANTED A young girl or middle-
aged woman for general house work
at once. Phone Dr. S. Z. Bartley, or
call at 1340 Fir street, South Salem.
WANTED Good, bright boy who
wants to work and learn something.
A good chance for a good boy. Ap
ply Capital Journal. 10-14-3t
FOR RENT Six-room flat upstairs,
all new, modorn, close to high
school. Call 660 N. High.- Phone
1696, or Farmers 567. 10-14-31
WANTED Roasting chlckeus, broil
ers, hns, ducks, geese, turkeys,
highest price paid. Marlon Hotel.
WANTED A good Jersey cow In ex
change for brick work of any kind.
Will furnish all material. Phone
Main 2024. 10-14-3t
Meet Me at the
Big Benefit
No machinery to tear and iear
out delicate fabrics. Work called
for and delivered promptly.
436 Ferry St Phone Main 2251
for each set of old False Teeth sentw
Hfo-hoat nrtoBB nftld for Old gold, ill-
ver, old watches, broken Jewelry vA
precious stones. Money sent by rem
mnti Phlla. Bmeltlnir A Refining
established 20 years, 863 Chestnut St,
Philadelphia, Pa. To Dentists! we,"
buy your gold filings, gold scrap,
and' platinum. Highest prices
610 State Street
. Opposite Postoffice.
Careful attention given to t
beginners and, thorough instruc
tion accorded advanced puplH
In theart of singing.
Mr. and Mrs. Morrison Rcld
AU Makes J
Bm m. befor you nrtW"
- , -