DULY CAPITAL JOCMAL, SALEJf, OKEflOy. MOXPAY, OCTOBER 14, 101S. Page Six Pastor Russell's Sermon PASTOR RUSSELL AT ILLINOIS FAIR Honor to the Son Means Honor to the Fattier Also. THE NEW DAY ALREADY DAWNING Pastor Rutiell it the lllinoii 8tat Fair 8aid That tht Work of Calvary la Programing, but Far From Finished Tha Selection of tht Eltct Church ia tht Beginning, Not tht Completion, of the Olvint Purpoae Meiaiah'a King dom Will Accomplish Hit Triumph Over Sin and Death by the Deliver ance of Humanity, 7H-,v.-(r--; v tiaaetewJk fliLtw G'Asjoiijeiissrlg Springfield, 111., Oct 0.-P aitor It u sse 1 1 arrived yesterday, tho guest of tho State Ilourd. Ilia ad dress this afler noon at tho fair grounds auditori um drew nn 1 1 ti ll i on ho audience. Ills topic was "ItEYOND THE GHAVK." We re port Ills evening address from tho text, "At tlio nnme of Jesus every kneo shall bow and every tongue confess to tho glory of God."-I,hlllipluns II, 10, 11. Tho speaker referred to tho Six Great Days of a thousand years each, during which the world Is experiencing a reign of sin and death, sighing and cry ing. Physicians physical and moral liave been unable to effect a euro. God Himself nlono Is able to roll away tho curso which Ho imposed and to give mankind Instead Ills blessing. In the past wo have been so Intent on following our own sectarian schemes and theories that wo have neglected the proper study of tho lllblo. Indeed not until our day has such a study been possible for tho masses. Only now do they have the Word of God In their possession In convenient form In every family, and only now Is education so general ns to penult all to read, all to study, all to know tho good things of tlie Divine promises. The creeds of the "llarli Ages" did Indeed din Into our ears the messago of the curse. Yea, they distorted It and made It a message of eternal torture, whereas the Scriptures declare that "the wages of sin Is ilenlh"-f eter mil torment. In our darkness we nils translated and misinterpreted God's Word to our own confusion, swallow ing also some Interpolations without proper nerullny. No wonder wo were nauseated by those creeds! No won der the Intelligent portion of Immunity were in danger of all being driven Into Intldellty away from God and from Ills Book, which wu misunderstood and misrepresented! A New Day It Dawning. Itlble Students are H rousing from their sleep and llmllug that they have long Buttered filial nocturnal hallucinations. The tine message of God's Word Is uprendlng, and with it goes Increnso of faith, together with Joy, peace and god lluess. We have all noted the fact that ours Is the most wonderful day of earth's his lory. At this great Stale Knlr our eyes open widely as wo note the contrast bo twoeu the blessings which surround us and those enjoyed by our fathers. Although we are viewing hero the ex hibits of but one Slate out of many, we are surely all amazed nt what wo see of progress, Invention and labor Having machinery, of educational ar- Ningcuicuts, of Improvement In tho breeding of cattle, sheep, swine, horses poultry, etc. We are eipially astonished nt tho progress made In tho culture of fruit and vegetables. We say to ourselves, Surely the fruits nnd flowers and ani mal life of Paradise could not havo very greatly surpassed the prize-win-tiers of (his exhibition! Wo cogltato further that with the progress of In vention, tho necesslly of arduous labor and sweat of face for the dally bread will soon be at an end and tho neces sary leisure and conveniences and comforts w hich will permit every man to be a nobleman will soon bo availa ble to all. What do these things menu? Why have they come suddenly upon ns In one generatlon?-yea, and give no Indication of slacking, but rnther of progressing to still greater wonders! What Is the explanation of this? The lllblo it lone gives tho reply to this (piory. It explains to ns the meaning of the reign of sin and death which we and our forefathers have shared it tells ns that our sorrows, aclies and pains, weaknesses mental, moral and physical, are all the results of slu-the sin of Pat her Adam entail ed upon us by the laws of heredity for the Six Great Pays of a thousand years each, already past. Then to our astonishment tho lllblo opens the door of the future nnd bids us look abroad nnd see the better lny which God promises. It explains thnt lie lias been giving us lessons respect ing the exceeding sinfulness of sin, but that all the while He hns sympathized with nnd loved Ills creatures. It tells tis that as s beginning of the Divine Intention to roll nwny the curse and to plve Instead Divine blessings, Jesus come Into the world snd died for Adam nnd Ills race, "the Just for the unjust," ' to cancel their Judlclul obligations the death penalty upon them nnd thus to give them nn opportunity In God's duo time to return to their for' mer estate, nil that Adam lost to tbo perfection which was his when he was In tho Imago of God, to all that was bis In his glorious cstnto Paradise. When Will tho Curie Roll Awayf Chronologically wo ore alrcndy In the Great Seventh Day or Thousand-Year Sabbath wo nro already tlilrty-olght years Into tbo grunt Seventh Day, This explains the blessings which are ours and which are coming to us Increasing ly. This progress will contluuo throughout tbo great Thousand-Year Sabbath of Messiah's Kingdom. Tho lllblo promises that It shull bring bless ings to every creature not only the living, but tho dead, "for all that are In their graves must bear tho voice of tho Son of God, and conio forth." (John v, 28, 2!).) All must bo given a full opportunity to come Into harmony with the Creator nnd to conio to perfection nnd everlasting life. Only by personal, wilful, Intelligent sin can anyone's blessings bo turned Into tho second curso of God, the Second Death, from which thero will bo no redemption. Incidentally let us note that tho com ing of those blessings Is, In one sense, premature, In that tliey have conio to us before the establishment of tho Mes- simile Kingdom. Consequently, In stead of tho world's being happier be- causo of theso favors, It Is more unhap py, moro discontented than ever. Tho Scriptures show thnt tho discontent I will culmlnnte In a short, sharp period of terrible anarchy, from which tbo world will bo rescued by tho establish ment of Messiah's Kingdom. The permission of the light nnd bless ings of our day, lu advance of Mes siah's Rule, the Creator Intends shall teach humanity a great lesson respect ing their own fallen condition nnd re specting their need of tho very help which God Is providing lu Christ Nono Bhall have tho opportunity of errone ously supposing thnt God's blessings, coming to the unregenerato hearts, will uinko them thankful nnd bnppy. Tho new henrt Is necessary to real happi ness. Wo also Incidentally seo thnt If God had sent or permitted tho light of our day with Its blessings n thousand years sooner, then tho discontent of Immunity would hnvo culminated In anarchy a thousand yours sooner and beore the time Divinely arranged for tbo establishment of Messiah and Ills Bride, tho Church, In henvculy glory for tho ruling, blessing nnd uplifting of humanity. Truth Diacernad Aids Faith. As we gradually come to renllze that wo aro living In the dawning of the tlmo for tbo long-protulsod blessing, this Bahbnth Day of enrth, when tho Curso shall roll away, 'it gives us a fresh Interest In nil tho affairs of the present life, as well ns In those fea tures of tho Dlvlno Plan which nro yet future! The knowledge ninkes llfo worth living. Millions of people live a treadmill existence, unworthy of themselves nnd Joyless, becnuso they hnvo not come Into the family of God nnd not been taught to understand the deep things of Ills gracious purposes. Tho first step Is an acknowledgment of tho Creator nnd a consecration of life to 1 1 1 ni, and then nn application of our hearts to know Ills will, that we may do It One day of such living Is worth more than n year of tho aimless, meandering common to the masses. All who have entered Into this blessing should rejoice therein. All who have not, should seek the Door, Christ, and bo glad to walk tho narrow way, fol lowing Ills footsteps Into grace and peace Dlvlno. Stiff-necked and Stiff-kneed. Wo may, Indeed, rejoice In the lessen ing of the sweat of face coming to mankind -In tho dawning of this New Day. We mny. Indeed, rejoleo in tho greater spread of knowledge to every class. We may. Indeed, rejoice In tho more comfortable bousing, feeding nnd clothing of our race. We may, Indeed, praise the day which Is ushering In theso blessings and which, through Irrl. gallon canals and artesian wells, scien tific study and teachers, books and newspapers, Is making tho wilderness to blossom ns the rose and many blades of grass to grow where one nlono grew previously, bringing lnercnsed fruit fulness. Hut still much Is to bo desired much that wo cannot accomplish for ourselves. We need an outside Influ ence, an outsldo power tho very ono which God's Word declares Is nbout to take control Messiah's Kingdom. Our blessings thus far nre not draw ing the musses nearer to God not mak ing them moro thankful, more holy, more reverential, more loving. On the contrary, we nre becoming more strife- ful, moro self willed, than nny previous generation less Inclined ns a world than ever before to worship nnd rev erence the God of All Grace less lu lled to believe that there Is such a Itelng nt all. At the present rato of growth of Irreverence It would seem as though the time might soon come when no knee would bow and no tongue con fes to God's glory. "Ai I Live, Saith the Lord." Hut here we look to God to see what provision Ho bus made for present conditions. And ns we look, our hearts nro cheered. Wo hnvo the Divinely solemn declaration that the full end of the reign of sin nud death Is to come And we have outlined In God's Word proofs thnt wo nre now living lu the time when that now reign of right eousness shall bo Inaugurated. We have prayed for It with more or less of faith all our lives: "Thy Kingdom come; Thy will bo done on earth, even ns It Is done In heaven." rcrmlt not faith to let go her hold: tne v ora of God cannot fall. As He lngs promised In Ills Word and appro priate to this time the New DlspeO' Batlon let us trust lllm for every other feature of Ills promised bless lug. tlo who has begun the good work Is nblo to complete It If Ho has prom lsed, and tworn to this promise, that all tho families of the earth shall be blessed In Abraham's Socd, surely we may rely upon It If we see at present only tho Spiritual Seed of Abraham In full harmony with God through Christ, and they not glorified, let us wait pa tlently for the Lord, knowing that lie will fulfil Ills promises in duo time. The Church, tho Eloct, are Indeed tho Spiritual Seed of Abraham. This class, as tho Ilrldo of Christ, must be completed nnd must be united to their Itcdecnier by the First Resurrection change beforo they will be qualified to share with lllm tho great work of blessing Abraham's Natural Seed. Ga lutlans 111, 20. Tbo completion and glorification of the Church will mark tho tlmo for the establishment of tho Kingdom. Then will begin tho pouring out of the Dl vino blessing and the removal of the Curso. Satan will be bound for a thousand years. Tho knowledge of God will gradually fill tho wholo earth. Tho Natural Seed of Abraham will be tho first to receive tho Restitution blessings to return to the likeness of God In tbo flesh and to have returned to them Paradise conditions and Dl vino favor. The nnclci)t saintly ones of tho Jewish race, wo nre assured, shall be made princes In all tho earth for tho correction of their brethren, Natural Israel, and for the Instruction and nsslstanco, also, of the people of every nation, kindred and tongue tho living and the dend. Paradiae Reitored. Rnpldly tho knowledge, of the glory of God will fill tho wholo earth. Cor rections In righteousness will be meted out to all not doing their very best to conio Into harmony with the Divine Lnw. Blessed rewurds of increasing perfection of mind and body will gradually come to the willing and obedient In that day. The wilful evil doers shall bo cut off In the Second Death. Then as a result, before the thousand years of Messiah's Kingdom shall expire, every knee will bow to the glory of God. Meantime also the blessings of Para dlso will bo coming to the earth as a whole. "God will mnke the place of Ills feet glorious." (Isnlnh x, 13; lxvl, I. ) Jesus will see of tho travail of Ills soul nnd be satisfied. (Isnlnh 1111, 10, II. ) All those who have suffered for righteousness' sake during the present time of tbo rclgu of sin and death will be more than compensated therefor In tho blessings nnd Joys of the New Dispensation. Tbo kuowledgo of tho glory of God shall till the whole earth. Tho glorious Dlvlno character will be mndo manifest, not only to angels, but to men. Tbo Infinitude of God's Love, Justice, Wisdom nnd Power may then bo seen by all; whereas today under the reign of sin and death, with minds beclouded by tbo error instilled by the rrliico of Darkness, the opposite con dlllon darkness covers the earth and gross darkness the heathen. What a glorious consummation is beforo us! What lengths and breadths of human possibility In perfection we see with tho cyo of faith! Man was mndo In tbo Imago of his Creator, and the earth was provided to be his ever lasting home. The Curso that has rest ed upon tho earth and Its king has brought both to angels and to men val uable lessons, which perhaps could not havo been learned under any other process of Instruction. The result will be glorious, as de scribed by the Master Himself. Thero Bhnll bo no moro sighing, no more Curso thero, nor sorrow, nor pain, nor any more dying; for nil tho things of sin and death will have passed nway. Ho who sits upon the Throne "will make nil things now." (Revelation xxl. 4, n.) Tho Prophet Isnlnh declares that Je hovah will do these things and thnt every knee shall bow "to lllm and every tongue confess. (Isnlnh xlv, 23.) St. Paul applies this Scripture add de clares that It will be fulfilled through Jesus, and Incidentally It will bo ful filled by the Church through Jesus, All things nro of the Father and by the Son. The thought, then, Is thnt the world in acknowledging Christ nnd tho Church, and bowing to them, will be bowing to Jehovah, for tho Logos, Jesus, tho Redeemer, forever will be the Representative of tbo Fa ther nnd Ills Power; hence all men should honor the Son even ns they honor the Father nlso not honor lllm as the Father, but ns the Son, tho Fa ther's direct Representative Heir of all thlngs.-John v, 23; Hebrews I, 2. The Elect Church Already Bows the Knee. The Kleet Church of the present time already bows to Jesus ns the Repre sentative of the Heavenly Father, nnd already enjoys n great blessing through this special relationship into which she has entered nnd which Is to be com pleted in her resurrection change. Je sus, ns the great King of Glory, and Ills Pride class ns the grout Queen of Glory will be distinctly separate from the world-sharers of an altogether dif ferent salvation. These, begotten of the Holy Spirit, nre promised n partici pation in tho Divine nature, which Is fnr above thnt of angels, tho Apostle assures us. For tbo same reason that the Heav enly Father Is Invisible to men Christ nnd the Church will be invisible, though n!l iowerful. The blessings of auninn Restitution that they will bring mankind will be conveyed through earthly channels, of whom Abraham, Isaac nnd Jncob nnd all the prophets and faithful ones of the past will be the leaders, or Princes, ns God hia de TO SALEM and wondorful have been their result thnt In many cases It is hard indeed to find the dividing line botweon skill and miracle. Diseases of the stomach, intestines liver, blood, skin, nerves, heart, spl en kldnoys, or bladder, rheumatism, sci atica, dlabotes, bed-wetting, leg ul cers, weak lungs, nnd those afflicted with long-standing, deep-seated chron lo diseases, that have baffled the skill ASSOCIATED SPECIALISTS WILL of the family physician, should not BE AT THE MARION HOTEL OX THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17TH ASD WILL REMAIN ONE DAY ONLY. Remarkable Success of Theso Talent ed Physicians lu the Treatment of Chronic Diseases, OFFER THEIR SERVICES FREE OF (HAliCE. The Associated Specialists, licensed by the state of Oregon for the treat ment of deformities nnd all nervous and chronic diseases of men, women and children, offer to nil who cnll on this trip, consultation, examination, advice free, making no chnrge what ever, except tho actual coat of medi cine. All that Is asked In return for theBe valuable services Is that every person treated will state tho result obtained to their friends and thus prove to the sick and afflicted In every city and locality, that at last treatments have been discovered that are reasonably suro and certain In their effect. Those doctors aro considered by many former patients among Amer ica's leading stomach and nerve spe cialists and oio experts In the treat ment of chronic diseases aud so great fall to call. According to their system no more operations for appendicitis, gall stones, tumors, goitre or certain forms of cancer. They were among the first n America to earn the name of the "Bloodless Surgeons" by doing away with knife, with blood and with all pain In the successful treatment of these dangerous diseases. If you have kidney or bladder trou blos bring a two-ounce bottle of your urine for chemical analysis and mi croscopic examination. Deafness often has been cured In sixty days. No matter what your ailment may bo, no matter what others may have told you, no matter what experience you may have had with other physi cians, It will be to your advantage to see them at once. Have It forever settled In your mind. If your case Is Incurable they will give you such ad vice as may relieve and stay the dis ease. Do not put off this duty you owe yoursolf or friends or relatives who are suffering because of your sickness, as a visit this time may help ''Oil. Remember, this free offer Is for one day only. Married ladles must come with their husbands and minors with their par ents. Office at the Mnrlon Hotel. Hours 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. GRAND JURY COMPLETES ITS LABORS Saved by Ills Wife. Friday night nt G o'clock tho grand Jury turned In Its report, which in cludes eight indictments. There are other Indictments which have not yet been made public ns the defendants have not yet been arrested. Among lose indicted nre two women and there were two not true bills returned. Two days were spent In making a thorough Investigation of the condition of state and county Institutions In eht vicinity of Salem, all of them standing the scrutny of the examining Jury very well. Some few changes are recom mended In the Interest of sanitation, but in all other respects tho conditions were apparently satisfactory. The following Is a list of toe true bills reported and given out for publi cation: Stato against Phillip Webber, larceny from a dwelling house; State against Hen Gentry, Ed. Mason and Everett Ilamlln, enticing a woman to practice prostitution; State against J. W, Campbell, obtaining money under false pretenses; State against Paul Rhodes, unlawfully and purposely pointing a gun; State against Frank Wells, larceny from a store; stato agalnstEd. Mason and Grace Gentry, larceny from the person; state against William Grabach, larceny; State against Ed. Mason and Grace Gentry, larceny from the person. Not true bills were returned In the cases of State against Frank KIrsch and State against Clifford Shelton, ac cused of rape. The report concerning the condi tions of the Institutions shows that all are in satisfactory condition and prop erly mnnaged. Tho report concluding "We found no grounds to criticize the management of any of the public In stitutions." She's a wise woman who knows Just what to do when her husband's" life Is In danger, but Mrs. R. J. Flint, Brain tree, Vt, Is that kind. "She insisted on my using Dr. King's New Discov ery," writes Mr. F. "for a dreadful cough, when I was so weak my friends all thought I had only a short time to live, and It completely cured nte." A quick cure for coughs and colds, It is the most safe and reliable medicine for ninny throat and lung troubles grip, bronchitis, croup, whooping cough, quinsy, tonsllltls, hemorrhages. A trial will convince you. EO cents and $1. Guaranteed by J. C Perry, Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A The Flexible Keyboard The Burroughs Visible adding machine is equipped with either the flexible key. board of the safest and most up-to-date design, or the fa. mous Burroughs locking key. board at no extra charge to you. Like all Burroughs pro. ducts the Burroughs visible model carries the Burroughs guarantee of mechanical per. fection and continuous ser vice. Free demonstration, any time, anywhere at our ex pense. BURROUGHS ADDING MACHINE CO, N. B. Gregg, Sales Manager Commercial Club Building Portland, Oregon You'll never got to the front by fol lowing the crowd. He Is a brave man who has never been at war with his wife. tt I la bringing to ua the temporal bleu- dared. realm xlv, 10. Jiotlco (o Contractors. Sealed proposals for the erection of a girls' dormitory at Monmouth, Ore- gon, will be opened by the board of regents at the Governor's office, Sa lem, Oregon, at 2 p. m. Tuesday, Octo ber 22, 1912. Flans nnd specifications may be ob tained from Doyle, Patterson & Beach, architect Portland, Oregon. Con tractors will bo required to deposit twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for each set of plans ns a guarantee that the plans will be returned to the office In good condition on or before tho date set. A certified check for five thousand dollars ($5000) must accompany each proposal, drawn to the order of the secretary of the board of regents of normal Bchools, to guarantee that the bidder will enter Into a contract and execute the required bond within ten days from award of contract Said five thousand dollars ($3000) to be forfeited to the normal school fund should the bidder not enter Into a contract and execute the required bond within ten days of award of contract Proposals shall be made only on the form furnished by the architects. The right Is reserved to accept or reject any or all bids, or to waive any Informalities In bids. Proposals to be directed to Governor Oswald West. Salem, Oregon. (Signed) J. H. ACKERMAN, Secretary Board of Regents, Oregon State Normal School 10-3-7-11 , II u II H I! II It ti El CI II 11 P n El El N El 11 n n El El E1 tt II 11 11 El El ri u El El El 83 El El El El El E1 11 II 11 II El El El E1 El n ti u El 11 II 11 El 11 Kl El El El El P Eugene Celebration OF OPENING THE Oregon Electric Railway TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15th ROUND TRIP TO EUGENE Good only both directions on SPECIAL TRAIN Leaving Salem 8:30 a. m. Arriving Eugene 1 1 :45 a. m. Returning Leave Eugene 7:00 p. m. Tuesday, October 15th $2.10 I OREGON V T ELECTRIC Eugene has prepared a splendid program of entertainment, and extends an invi tation to Salem citizens to join in celebrating the completion of the Oregon Electric railway through the Willamette Valley to Eugene, REGULAR DAILY TRAINS On and after Thursday, October 17, Leave Salem for Albany and Eugene, local :35 a. m,; limited, 10:10 a, m,; local, 1 p, m,; limited, 8:05 p, m.; local, 2 a, m, Limited trains carry observation, parlor cars and coaches, W. E. C0MAN, C. E. ALBUM, General Freight and Passenger Agent. General Agent, Portland, Oregon. SaerT1 0regon, . 11 II Et El II El II y ZZ1 11 II II II H II H II II 11 II ti II II n El ii ti ii H ii ii ii El II II II 11 11 11 11 II II II II 11 II 11 M a ii n El n El II 11 11 II E1 II 11 El 11 11 11 11 El 11 El - imiiinn,,,! ei