DAILT CAPITAL JOURS AL, SALEM. OREGON, MONDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1012. Page Fh Have You Looked Yet at the New Fall Merchandise at Stockton's? If you haven't seen this most interesting and tempting display of 1912's best productions in fabric's and styles, you haven't a full appreciation of the beauty and attractiveness of this large aggregation of goods which have been brought together expressly for you-purchased from the leading manufacturers of Europe and America. YOU ARE COURTEOUSLY INVITED TO LOOK THROUGH THIS GREAT SHOWING. There is much here that will please you. ,1 Tailored Suits and Coats for Women Our ladies' shop has a splendid array of the newest and best creations in womens rtady-to-wear garments, Our suits are especially noted for their corect lines, ex cellence of materials and wear ing qualities, WE GUARANTEE A PERFECT FIT Prices moderate, You will be convinced after inspecting our suits and coats that THE BEST VALUES ARE HERE Shoes for Particular Women Shoes that will please the most exactng, or the one that is hardest to fit, Shoes for com fort, splendid appearance and durability, There are a few details which have been de sired by dame fashion for this fall's shoes, and you will find these fully represented here, ALSO THE BEST SHOE VAL-UES. : V1 Yfc-. arm-. -' t J f . : ii' rV .i - PH.. . j A FEW OF THE OCTOBER SPECIALS MANY OTHERS TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION IN THIS AD. 15c Outing Flannel . 12 l-2c 12 l-2c Outing Flannel . 10c 10c Outing Flannel . . 8c Fancy Trimming . . . Women's Black Sateen Petticoats .... 98c 25c Fleeced Vests ... 19c 20 per cent Less this Week Men's Clothing of Merit n- i . r .i i j. r l l iipnt rrom me nanus or expert icmur cumc uieae handsome garments. For style, tailoring, fit and - mm m j good service we have never tound the equal or the makes which we are showing. ALL WOOL FABRICS Used in th?ss suits, which are designed with the idea of giving distinctiveness and smartness and yet not ex travagantly priced, We have sucl confidence "in our clothing that we are convinced THE BEST SUIT VALUES ARE HERE THOMSON'S GLOVE-FITTING CORSETS IMPROVE THE FIGURE WITH OUT DISTORTING IT I IV TTTll It II r No matter how expert your dressmaker may be your dress will never set right if your cor set isn't made on correct lines, We've just received a large shipment of the correct models for the season in a full range of sizes, We have a model suitable for your figure in the size you wear, Come in arid .have a try-oi Suits $10 to $30 Ask to see our $15 special, Its great H. & W. SHEATHLYNE CORSET WAISTS Are popular with young ladies and older ladies who object to the stiffer boning of the regular corsets, THE "COLLEGE GIRL" SHEATHLYNE Allows a freedom of movement impossible with corsets, NEW WAISTING SILKS Just received, They're the fancy Pompadour Fig ured Silks, which are so much in demand just now, a New Suit Cases and Trunks t has been our proud boast that we could show the best $5 Cowhide Suit Case in the Salem market, Make us prove this, TRUNKS buil: and braced for hard knocks and bumps, finished inside and out to stand wear and tear, with few or many compart ments, as you may desire, YOU WILL BE PLEASED WITH THE QUALITY AND THE PRICE. 00 t AJrs'seds loaAis uuvs'e "Credit Stores" can't match our prices, WILLAMETTE DEFEATED BY U. OF 0, TEAM A good game of football was played In Eugene Saturday afternoon between the University of Oregon and the Wil lamette university teams that resulted in a score of 12 to 0 In favor of the U. of 0. While the score showed a deceive victory for Oregon, yet the score was not so bad as anticipated, as much talk had been going about of the wonderful prowess of the U. of 0. team. The team from Eugene out weighed the local boys an average of about 13 to 20 pounds and the coach for that team felt that It would be a walkover for his team. Considering the training of the Wlllamettes they did remarkably well In Saturday's game and physical director Dr. Sweet iand expressed himself as well pleased with the result It Is especially un fortunate that the local team had to go up against the strongest team In the valley for Its first game, but now that the game Is over with so favorable result for our boys, a good deal more confidence Is felt In the team. For the Willamette Francis and Mc Kea played fine ball, doing excellent work In holding the score down aa low as It was. A game will be played next Satur day on the local field between the Wll lamettes and the Chemawa team, which promises to be a hard fought battle. BUSINESS MEN WILL MEET AT HOTEL MARION Open Mating of the Year Will be Held Next Friday at 6:30 p. m. at the HoWI Murlon Dins Room. The Business Men's League Is plan ning to hold Its opening meeting for the year at the Hotel Marion next Friday at 6:30 p. m. Extensive prep arations are being made to have every member of the league present A ban quet will be served comn-enclng at 6:30, and after the banquet the regu lar business of the league will be transacted. President Page and Sec retary W. C. Winslow have been dele gated by the board of directors to look after the meeting and they are ap pointing numerous subcommittees to take care of the details. It Is planned to have a meeting something like that held by the Board of Trade last year, and besides the regular routine of business to be transacted by the league, which will include the annual election of officers. there will be a program on Important topics to local merchants rendered by several members of the league, aa well as some outside speakers. The pro gram committee has not yet definitely announced its arrangements, but a good short program is assured. The town will be divided Into sections and every member of the league will be seen and by this method those In charge expect to have a large attend ance. Manager Crowe, of the Hotel Marlon Is putting forth every effort posslb'e to insure to every member of the league as well as visitors who attend, a royal good time, and those familiar with Mr. Crowe's efforts all know what thlB means. Among the different subjects that will be discussed before the league at this time will be "Regular Monday .Noon Luncheon," "Railroad Rates," "Advertising," "Contributions" and many other important subjects. The committees will be announced later by those in charge. John Heath, Michigan Bar, Cal., writes: "I was afflicted with kidney and bladder trouble for nearly six years. Had a very baa spell some j time ago and was unable to turn with out help. I commenced using Foley Kidney Pills and can truly say I was relieved at once. I take pleasure In recommending Foley's Kidney Pills." Sold by Dr. Stone rug Company. A woman can't see the good of hav ing a secret if she can't tell It. WHAT THE STATE INSTITUTIONS ARE COSTING US Preparatory to launching a cam paign by which lie hopes to give the people an Idea why their taxes are high, Governor West today gave out an itemized statement showing the appropriations made by the last legis lature, and by tho people at the pre ceding election. In presenting the es timates of the superintendents for the various state institutions this week the governor will compare them will) the appropriations made by the last legislature, and give his views how tney may be reduced. Before the cam paign is at an end he Intends to glvo out explanations for all the appropria tions contained in the statement and offer suggestions whereby savings can be made. The statement Is as follows: State Institutions $ 1,924,500 Fducatlonal institutions ... 1,530,700 Supreme court and library 94,800 Circuit courts 178,220 Apprehension, prosecution and transportation of criminals 143,600 Boards and commissions . . . 432, ',00 State printing office 148,900 Other state officers (gover nor's secretary of statcs's state treasurer's, attor ney general's and super intendent of public in struction's) 123,000 Legislature ... 55,000 Capitol building expenses.. 60,980 O. N. G., naval militia and new armories 241,000 State and county fairs 68,200 Experiments stations and Institutes 49,000 Bountlos on wild animals. . 30,000 Additional land and build ings at Capitol 150,000 Acct canal and locks at Oregon City 100,000 In aid of charity 74,000 Special appropriations .... 100,000 Total $ 5,505,000 NEW 10KK WON GAME. (Continued from Page 1.) doubled tut right, scoring Murray. Herzog doubled to left, scoring Mer kle. Meyers singled to left, Herzog reaching third. Herzog scored on a double steal, Yerkes' throw to the plate being wide, Meyers taking third. Fletcher doubled safely, Meyers scor ing. Fletcher out, O'Brien to Stahl. Five runs. Second Inning. Buston Gardner reached first on Murquard's error. Stahl singled, Gardner taking second. Wagner fan ned. Cady fouled out to Meyers. En glo, baiting for O'lirlen, doubled, scor ing Gardner and Stahl. Hooper fouled out to Meyers. Two runs. New York Marqunrd filed to Stalil. Dovore fanned. Doyle filed tn Speak er. No runs. Collins now pitching1 for Boston. Third Inning. Boston Yerkes singled over second Speaker filed to Snodgrass. Lewis fouled to Dovore. Gardner filed to Murray. No runs. New York Snodgrass filed to Yerkes. Murray singled to right, and was out trying to stretch It, Hooper to Yerkes. Merklo beat out an Infield hit. Merklo out stealing, Cady to Wagner. No runs. Fourth Inning. Boston Stahl beat out an Infield single to Herzng. Wagner filed to Snodgrass. Cady singled to right, Stahl taking third. Collins lilt Into a (louhlo play, Fletcher to Doylo to Merkl. No runs. Now York Herzog filed to Speak er Meyers tripled to center. Fletcher filed to Speaker, Meyers being held at third. Marquard out, Yerkes to Stahl. No runs. Fifth Inning. Boston Hooper filed to Murray. Yerkes ditto. Speaker filed to Her zog. No runs. New York Devore singled to loft. Doylo popped to Wagner. Snodgrass filed to Hooper, and Dovore was doubled at first, Hooiper to Stahl. No runs. Sixth Inning. Boston Iiew Is fouled to Meyers. Gardner funned. Stahl fanned. No runs. New' York Murray filed to Hooper. Merkle popped to Stahl. Herzog filed to Yerkes. No runs. In the sixth Inning Cady was given an error for a muff of a foul from Her zog's bat. Seventh Inn In if. Boston Wagner out, Marquard to Morkie. Cady filed to Snodgrass, Col lins filed to Murray. No runs. Now York Meyers out, Collins to Stahl. Fletcher filed to Speaker. Marquard to Speaker. Nd runs. Eighth Inning. Boston Hooper filed to Snodgrass. Yerkes singled over second base. Speaker filed to Murray. No runs. New York Devore out, Collins to Stahl, Doylo fuuk'd to Cady. Snod gras beat out an Infield hit. Snod grass out stealing, Cady to Wagner. No runs. Ninth Innlnir. Hoston Gardner filed to Snodgrass Stahl filed to Murray. Wagner out, Herzog to Merkle. No runs. Final Score. R. II. K Bostcii 2 7 2 New York 5 11 1 Runs by Inning". Hoston 02000000 02 New York 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 '5 Kiimiiiiiry. Innlnns pitched: O'lirlen 1, Collins 8, Marquard 9. Hits off O'lirlen C, Collins 5, orf Marquard 7. Ttwo-lmso lilts, Merkle, Herzog, Kng'e. Three bnse lilts, Meyers. Double plays, Fletcher to Doyle to Merklo; Hooper to Stahl. Stolen bases, Speaker, Her zog, Meyers. Ix'st on bases, Boston 5, New York 3. Bases on balls, Mar quard 1. Struck out, by Marquard 3, by O'lirlen I, by Collins 1. XTmplres Klein behind bat; Evans on bases; O'lnighlln In left field: Rlgler In r'ght field. Installment Houses 600 buys a good lot and 2-rooni house, with good woodshed. Sidewalk to car lino, which is but three blocks away. Near school. $00 down, bal ance $10 por month. $850 will buy a splendid lot with n six-room house. $100 down, balance $15 per month. This houso can bo niado very comfortable with Just a lit tle work. $1350 will talte a good 6-rooni house, In excellent condition. Largo lot near car line, school and store. $100 down, balance $1;" per month. $1800 will tako a modern bungalow with all conveniences. $150 down, balance $15 per month. This lias bath, toilet, electric lights, etc. HECHTEL & IJYNON. 347 State St. Telephone 453