D111T CAPITAL JOUMAL, SALEM, OfiXGOff. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1012. Tag Flw mm BOOSTER SALE PRICES ON OUTING FLANNEL NIGHT GOWNS FOR WOMEN $1. 75 values $ 1 .49 $1.25 values $ 1 .09 $1.00 values 89c Booster Sale Special on Cotton Blankets $2.00 Cotton Blankets $L79 $1.75 Cotton Blankets $1.58 $1.65 Cotton Blankets 91.48 $1.50 Cotton Blanket $U4 $1.35 Cotton Blankets $1.21 $1.00 Cotton Blankets .89 .85 Cotton Blankets "8 vnn ii r i it ii n iiininrnrinii SlUf tlAVIMi hJUIUmiUN AND ENJOY WHAT YOU EAT To enjoy food and at the same time derive proper benefit therefrom, your stomach must be In a healthy condition. If your stomach Is upset and out of order half of the time, choice foods will fail to tempt you. A bad, out-of-order stomach Is a forerunner of many serious diseases. When you feel run-down and half sick, have bad taste In the mouth, coated tongue; when you are droopy, nervouB, feel bloated after eating, and your food lies like a heavy lump In your Ptomach, you can make up your The Coos county fair, held at Myrtle ' Point, closed Monday night with a grand ball. It is estimated that 000 attended during the four days. The 22d annual Second Eastern Ore- - vw minmwrrmnna' . , 11 - .; .- -i - ' ... .-- ' ' v- R y . , r - ""-" " . j Where ocean, mountain and forest combine to give you an ideal vacation; where the beautiful Cape, improved with boulevards, drives, walks, streets, sidewalks, postoffice (with daily mail), water system, electric lights, and tele phone, etc, projects a mile or more int6 the Pacific ,0cean, and affords a view unsurpassed Agate Beach has also a 42-room hotel, with hot and cold water, electric lights and telephones, patronized this season to its full capacity, There are stores and boarding houses, auto service to and from Newport (nine round trips daily), and busses making regular trips to surrounding points of interest, Forty new cottages have been erected the past three or four months and lots (50x1 00 and over) are in demand at prevailing very reasonable prices, Agate Beach Land Co. 213 Board of Trade Building, Portland, Oregon, or Agate Beach, Oregon fiJBO! BLESSED Men's Specials Men's Golf and Negligee Shirts $1 values ....70c Men's Jersey Ribbed Under wear, 60o values ;.4!lc Boys' Straight Knee T-ousers values to $1.50 50c Men'B Outing Flannel Night Gowns, extra long, $1.25 values, now ..08c $1.00 values 70c mind that at tho bottom of all this there Is one cause fermentation of undigested food. Prove to yourself after taking a lit tle Cooper's New Discovery, that your stomach Is as good as any and that there Is nothing wrong with It. Stop this fermentation of food and begin eating what you want without fear of Indigestion! Cooper's New Discov ery tones up the system, puts the di gestive organs in a healthy condition, helps the liver and kidneys and makes life worth living. You can get a bottle today at J. C. Perry's store. gon District Agricultural fair opened at The Dalles Tuesday, and will end 11,-.Friday night. It Is an unusually good jne, even for that always splendid fair. AG Alt lit At 11 l.VV Mi , . ' , Hi 1 ft - .. J A DENVER CONTRACT SETTLING OF ESTATE DISCLOSES MAX AND WOMAN LIVED TO GETHER IN COLORADO TWELVE TEARS AS MAN AND WIFE, CSITUD MEM MBA RID WIXI. Denver, Colo., Oct. 2. Claims filed here today against the estate of Aretns Agnew, president of the Columbian Optical company, which has a branch In Portland, Ore., revealed a contract with Miss Ora Dramhlll, which whom Agnew lived 12 years as man and wife, which fully rivals as a human document the marringe contract by which Mrs. Heullz Washhurne Chand ler recently attained fame In Pasade na., Cal. Agnow, It was made known, when the claims agnlnst his estnte were en tered, was killed lit an automobile ac cident Inst August. After he had lived for years with the Bramhlll woman he fell In love, in 1910, with a Mrs. Ber tha Buchanan, of Snlt Lake, and, ns he had never wedded MIbb Bnunhtll, he married her last November. Before Agnew's second alliance was concluded , ho and Miss Bramhall sinned a contract stating that they had lived together 12 years, but that they had not married, and did not Intend to wed. The contract provided that Agnew Bhould pay the woman $('000 nnd that neither "should molest, Inter fere with or annoy the other." Tho contract added: "The parties declare that they are not now, nnd never have been ninn and wife, and neither shall hereafter claim to bo huBliand or wife to the other." By her bargain MIbb Bramhall agreed to make no claim upon Ag new's estate, except for the stipulated $0000. This money was not paid at the time of Agnew's death, and Miss Bramhall, pursuant to her covenant, now clnims that amount. Mules t'npturcd tho Town. (hnitid pmtsft i.aNKD wmi.1 San Francisco, Oct. 2. A plague of Missouri mules haa struck this city. Frantic telephone calls apprised ar my officials that 138 husky nalmals escaped from the Presidio, were ram paging"1 through town wrecking gar dens and making sleep Impossible. 9' v i y 7 n i PORTLAND AS SHOWN 111 EUROPE Portland, Or., Oct. 2. Passenger agents of northwestern railroad today Instituted a campaign here to check the manufacture and exhibition In Hurope of moving pictures which they declare misrepresent conditions in this section of 'the United States. Some of these pictures, the ruilrloud men say, show wild Indians galloping through Portland's streets, scalping a white person now and then, by way of diversion, Others show drunken cow boys Bhootlng up Portlnnd, Seattle and other northwestern cities. The passenger agents assert the exhibition of these pictures prevents desirable European emigrants from coming to Portland and the northwest, OFFICERS ARRESTED If! ARIZONA Douglas, Ariz., Oct. 2. Lieutenants John Howard nnd Kdvvnrd Holderness, Ninth I'nited States cavalry together with Mexican Consul Cuestii and Pow ell Roberts, bead of the Mexican se cret service, entered pleiis of not guil ty when arraigned before Justice of tho Peace Benjamin Rico today on charges of assault with a deadly wea pon and fcrctblo entry, preferred by. I). J. Genardlnl, n hotel proprietor. Cuettta and Roberts were, given their liberty on $noo cash bnll. The army ctflcers were allowed to go on their own recognizances. No time was set for further heurlng. , Sheriff Wheeler, who made the ar rests, Is very bitter Over what he con siders the absorption of his power by the Mexican secret service men, who do not hesitate to represent them sclve as United States officers when occasion demands, Cuesta has made several raids on his own account and was warned by Sher iff Wheeler that the next offense would be followed by arrest. Public indignation over what Is considered the unwarranted action of the Mexi cans Is running high and retaliation Is promised. ' MINERS AT ELY GO OUT ON STRIKE ON1T1D 1M1EHS I.BAHBD WHIR. Ely, Nev., Oct. 2. All mines are closed here today and 1500 miners are out on strike. The 1400-foot shaft of the Nevada Consolidated Is In posses sion of soveral hundred foreigners. The strike will undoubtedly close the Steptoe Valley smelter at McGIll on account of luck of labor, Fifteen hundred men are employed there. Charles II. Moyer staets he Is will ing to meet the mine n Imagers and arrange a working agreement. Moyer claimed that If such an agreement Is reached, the strike will be settled within an hour afterwards. Tho labor leader declares he is pre pared to cull a strike at the Ray and Santa Rita mines uiiIcbb the Ely and Bingham situations are settled. He added, however, that he hoped such a move would not prove necessary. ROOSEVELT ARRIVES III WASHINGTON Washington, Oct. 2. Theodore Roosevelt, Progressive candidate for president, arrived here at 10 o'clock this morning, making a very brief stop. The colonel declared he felt "great." Roosevelt reaches New York at 3 o'clock this afternoon. He will re turn here tomorrow night as he Is to appear before the senate campaign contributions Investigations commit tee Friday to give his testimony. ST.! MIA Kl) ( OM KIHL'TEII 10O,(HI0. (Continued from Page 1.) delphla," gave f 18,000 to Governor Wilson's pie-convention fight. Wil liam McAdoo, vice-chairman of the Democratic national committee, he said, also collected many thousands of dollars for Wilson, "When I got desperately hard up," said Dixon, "I went to Perkins. AU the- reBt of the plutocrats were sup porting Taft." ' THE JURY IS NEARLY COMPLETED tDKITID rilll L1A8KD WIHS.l Indianapolis, Ind., Oct. 2. The ac ceptance of a Jur,y to try the 48 mem bers of the International Association of Brldgo and Structural Ironworkers, on trial here for Illegally transport ing dynamite, Is expected to come some time today. When court recon vened this morning 12 men were In the Jury box who had been tentatively passed by the defense. When the day's work closed at 5 o'clock yester day, the government had examined five of these, and Its attorneys expect ed to conclude Its examination of the remaining seven before noon today. Now, that a Jury is almost In sight, both the prosecution and defense started notifying witnesses to come to Indianapolis. Among the witnesses who were ordered to report here at once were Snmuol Gompors, president of the American Federation of Labor, and Detective William J. Burns, who directed the Investigation which led to the return of the Indictment against the union men. DISAGREE ADOUT THE TOWIJSITE County court for the October term began work this morning at the court house. The first business to occupy the attention of the court was tho townslto proposition of tho town of Armstrong. It Is proposed by the Armstrong Townslto Co. to lay out a town at a point one mile south of the present site of Donald. About 200 acres are included In the proposed site, at which place the company pro poses to erect a large manufacturing establishment for the manufacture of sawmill machinery. The land former ly belonged to Francis Feller, and was sold with the agreement tht the fac tory should be begun within 90 days from date of sale. Ninety days have elapsed, but no factory has been es tablisned, so it Is claimed by the orig inal owner, and the contention brought by him before the court was to eith er have the deed, which is In escrow, declared forfeited, or for the court to compel the townslte company to fulfill Its agreement. The plat of the town site was ordered not filed until satis factory proof of the erection of the factory was made to the court. The mntter was continued. BOURNE IS URGED TO MAKE RAGE A petition signed by 15,000 voters, all the s'iatures obtained In five days, was filed here today with Sec retary of State Olcott, urging United States Senntor Jonathan Bourne, Jr., to run for re-election on an Independ ent ticket. SnrcN Leg ef Hoy. "It seemed that my 14-year-old boy would have to lose his leg, on account of on ugly ulcer, caused by a bad bruise," wrote D. F. Howard, Aquone, N. C. "All remedies and doctors' treatment failed till wo tried Buck len'sArnlca Balve, and cured him with one box." Cures burns, bolls, skin eruptions, piles. 25c at J. C. Perry's. Is the school In the reader's neigh borhood satisfactory? And what might be done to make It better? The co-operative spirit is not en gendered by getting together to "get sfniHre" with one's neighbor. Instead of Liquid Antiseptics or Peroxide many peoplo are now using Paxtine Toilet Antiseptic The new toilet germicide powder to be dissolved in water as needed. For all toilet and hygienic uses It le better and more economical. To cleanse and whiten the gTy prevent decay. To disinfect the mouth, de stroy disease germs, and purify the breath. TV. i .tn..i..l 4..njl. 6 brldiowork clean, odorless ' To remove nicotine from the teeth and purify the breath after smoking. To eradicate perspiration and body odors by xponge bathing. The best antiseptic wash known. Kclieve and strengthens tired, Weak, inflamedcyes. Heals sorethroat, wounds and cuts. 25 and 50 cts. a box, druggists ir by mall postpaid. Sample Free, me PAXTON TOILET CO..BoTO,NUi Makes HomeBakina EasyanaPrqJitable ii Adds If ealthfbl HiBonlyBakingPowderniaie jromiwaiurape Cream Unto i THE ETTOR TRIAL IS POSTPONED UNANIMITY OF MEN EXAMINED FOB 1HB JUKI IX EXl'KESSIMJ BELIEF IX DEFEXDAX'rS INNO CENCE DELAYS TItlAL, tCNITID FR1GH8 LBARBD WtlM. Salem MaBS., Oct. 2. Because of the refusal of scores of talesmen to serve no the Jury the trials of Joseph Ettor, Artruo Giovannlttl and Antonio Ca ruBo, for the alleged murder of Anna Loplzzo, was postponed this after noon until October 14, when a new panel will be summoned. Only three Jurors had been obtained until the time of the postponement, many of those examined declaring they had no doubt of the Innocence of the accused men, who were lenders In the Lawrence strike, when the I.opaz zo woman was killed. An effort will Immediately be made to Becure ball for the trio accused as, there Is a strong probability, accord ing to William Haywood and other la bor leaders, that he case ngalnst them will collapse and will nover be brought to trial, Itnther Indefinite. Everett, Wash., Oct. 2. nocause the complaint ngalnst him alleged that he robbed a passenger "somewhere be tween Sealtlo and Blnlno,' Blchard Brown, a Great Northern portor, Is to day a free man. Tho coirrt held that tho place of crime must be Btated specifically, for the trial must be In that county. Sick headache Is caused by a disor dered stomach. Take Chamberlain's Tablets and correct that and tho head aches will disappear. For sale by all dealers. IniirnB' "Want Ads" Hrlnr Results For Women Who Care Of course you use an antiseptic in your family and in the care of your own per son, and you want tho best. Instead of what you have been using such as liquid or tablet antiseptics or peroxide, won't you please try I'axtine, a concentrated antiseptic powder to be dissolved In water us needed. Paxtino is more economical, more cleansing, more germicidal and more healing than anything you ever used. ANTISEPTIC In the toilet to cleanse and whiten the teeth, remove tartar and prevent decay. To disinfect the mouth, destroy disease germs, and purify the breath. To keep artificial teeth nnd bridjjework clean and odorless. To remove nicotine from the teeth and purify the breath after smoklnf?. To eradicate perspira tion odors by sponge buthing. As a nMMllclqnl agent for local treatment of feminine ills where pelvic catarrh, inflammation and ulceration exist, nothing eqnaln hot douches of Paxtine. For ten years the Lydia & Plnkhana Med. Co. has been regularly advising thcirpaticutHtouHo it because of its extraordinary cleansing, healing and germicidal power. For this pur poHO alone I'axtine Ib worth Its weight In gold. Also for nasal catarrh, wire throat, Inflamed eyes, cuts and wounds. All druggists, 25 and fit) cents a box. Trial bo and testimony of Hi women free on request. THE PAXTON TOILET CO., Boiton. Mam ft OuaTrilgsfaiheTttoil ojlartar. So Chose (hi LeNscr Evil. CN1THD riiKas lioaheii wins San Francisco, Oct. 2. "Go and see a Judge about divorce or I'll cut your throat!" ., ir! T,lan here to day declared '( i con veyed hllll th .. I' . ' '"' ' ' above his 1 i. . a --mi Im bn hand. Helm ' u . n nh I Says V)t t f'cru. I Berlin, Oct. 2. Foreign u -"eiy Von Kldolln-Waochter Is quoted txu.n today as Baying that he hourly expects 'war to break out In the Balkans, but believes that the powers will be able to keep out of the conflict. ' Bulgaria Ib trying to place a war loan here. Corliett Will Live. Philadelphia, Oct. 2. James J. Cor bett, who was operated on recently for peritonitis, and who was yesterday re ported as dying, It Is said today, has a fair chance to recover, as his condi tion Is much Improved. John Heath, Michigan Bar, Cal., writes: "I was afflicted with kidney and bladder trouble for nearly six years. Had a very bad spell some time ago and was unable to turn with out help. I commenced using Foley Kidney PlllB and can truly say I was relieved at once. I take pleasure in recommending Foley's Kidney Pills." Sold by Dr. Stone rug Company. TniT'l for Pleasure. Seattle, Wash,, Oct, 2. Merely trav eling for ploaBure, Wilbur Glenn Voll va, head of the Christian Catholic church, nt Zlon City, 111., will arrive In Seattle Monday nftornoon In a spe cial car, attached to a Canadian Pa slflc train. Ho will leave Tuesday noon for Portland. o r d 2010 e rs Quick, courteous service day or night. Stand Hotel Marlon Salem Taxicab & Transfer Co. J. D. UNDERWOOD Manager. ATTENTION LAWYERS We publish legal notices as required by law, fur nishing affidavit and proof of publlcatalon. FINE Brief Work Is our specialty. Lot us figure with you on your next case. CAPITAL JOURNAL SALE.M, OREGON.