" V i i ! ; ' ' ' .' PAILT CAHTAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1013. , ' ' ' , ' ' i . . .. . iMMiMiaimfMitwwMMBBBBMWBBWWMBBMMMHWI " Big Department Store i HE HOME OF i .WVl WluU A IlLlv W Hli uwii G OOD ?VOT HEJS Wherever well dressed men gather together, in sports, social affairs or in business, you'll find these clothes from HART SCHAFFNER & MARX make an impression of distinction and el egance for the wearer that can't he secured in any other way. You won't find better dressed, better fitted, better tailored men, anywhere in the world. Our clothes are right; , all-wool fabrics, perfectly made up. Let us look after your clothing and furnishing wants. We'll do it satisfactorily. Make your purchases at Meyers. You may get the Buick Touring Car W.V 11 1 If I CITY NEWS. l Special mooting of Pacific Lodge No. 60, A. F. & A.j M, this evening. Work In I the K. A. degree. Visiting brethren welcome. I llolh In tlio lVn Wlllnrd Tanner, cqnvlcted of man slaughter for the killing of Ray Wal lace, hus been rocelved at the peni tentiary to uervo an Indeterminate sentence of from one to 15 years. lie vas also sentenced to piy a fine of $2i)00. Hnzol Krwln wis i;lven the game Bentonco, with the exception of the fine, Rotlt are now In ;ho penitentiary. Dr. M. P. Mendelsohn Dr. of Optics Wishes to announce that his prac tice Is bound to grow. First Ilecause of his long experience, 'q mil f lent Ion and recognized standlnk. Second Because lie never advises the nso of glasses unleHS they are absolutely needed. Third Ueeause he charges only for glasses nt uniformly moderate prlcve. Fourth Recaiiae bis service stands for Bklll, thoroughness and dependalilllty. In all cases of eye trouble the eye should be thoroughly and sclentlf'eal ly examined and tested to decide If your case Is one which calls for the use of glasses or not. I fit any eye that res poll (Is to light. Dr. Mendelsohn does nothing else, IiIb business Is not n mixture. You are guaranteed sails, faction at an honest cost. This gunr antee Is backed by over thirty year if experience and over eighteen hun dred satisfied people alncs locating in Salem. Offices 10-211 U. S. National )'ank Pudding. l or a Month's Html O. S. Welch and E. W. James left Salem today for the headwaters of the North Hnntlam river, where they will hunt nnd fish for a month. Moved to Lebanon T. A. Dohle and sons, V,'. !:. nnd K. F., have moved from .3aloni to Leba non, nnd will establisli a creamery and Ice plant there. The creamery will have a capacity of 000 pounds of butter dally, and the Ice plant will turn out six tons, If required. License. Issued Saturday Saturday Clay Isltnm, aged 30, ol Salem, was granted a license to wed Iva Worthing, aged 17, also of Salem The written consent of the young lady's parents was given to the mar riage. . Hlir Spud- J. Haumgartnor, who resides near Wheatland, brought a potato t0 the .U'urnnl office Saturday that Is of the octopus variety. It Is ono monster po tato, with half a dozen big potatoes grown fast lo It, and will weigh the horse editor has a high regard for his reputation for truth, and hence refus es to state. Ilrldges Completed The bridge over North, Mill creek, on Summer street, has been complet ed. TIiIb bridge hue been badly need cd for fcoiiio time, ns the district north has been building up rapid!)- of late, There etlll retrains some of the street to be improud, as the loose dirt will make it Impassible as soon ns the heavy rains come. 1'rofessor Cooley Arrives Dr. II. C. Cooley, wife and two chll ,dren arrived In Salem Snturday. The professor will take the chair of phi losophy at the Willamette University I having come here from Detroit, Mich I iKn, where lit was nn Instructor In the state normal school. Dr. Cooley received the degree of A. II. from Al licn college and Poston university, ni.il later toon n post-graduate ciurse at Harvard, where be svnred a rr.ns tor's degree. I'e then ontered O'.mk university nt W-ir-wsier, I.tss , vheie, t;m coitiplet'iw tho course, be se cured the degree of doctor of philoso phy, lie com-u highly reoonimeiideri from the heads of the different Insti tutions. Insane Start for Homes Tho special car containing the 11 unfortunates from the state Insane asylum and tubercular Institute, who have recently been ordered deported, left Salem at 1 :3Ti p. m. today In charge of the guards, on Its way to the Atlantic const. Ray P, Honhain, Immigration officer, who will have charge of the car on the trip, will Join the company at Portland. Those from this city who will accompany the pa tients are S. O. Ilurkhart. Clros. r. Elgin, A. Cameron and W. J. Irwin, the latter two of whom are from the asylum force. 1 Good Templars Meet The Good Templars will meet at their ha, 267 South Church street, tomorrow evening at 7:30 o'clock. The Capital Meat Market Is the handy shop. Step In and get your meats while you are waiting for your car. 121 South Connnerclnl street. Phone Main 247. The Sunset Grocery Can furnish you with apples for the least money, and bread that Is bread. Phone Main 131. 121 South Commer cial street, the handy corner. F. K. Sharer Tho saddle and harness man, 187 South Commercial street, will make your harness to order, nnd from the best leathers on the market, the cheapest In the end. Sperling's, nt 811 North Commercial street, can save you money on fruit jars. The Schram and the Wide Mouth Mason. Call In or phone Main 66. Cooler Weather J. M. Lawrence has Just what you want for your morning hot cakes The genuine Ohio maple syrup. There Is nothing better. Phone Main 311. Swedish Ladles' Aid Socle'y Meets The Ladles' Aid Society of t:ie Swedish church will mt t at the home of M. Stenstroms, 201)5 Trad a street tomorrow at 2 o'clock p. m. All wel come. To Tote nn Local Option The precinct of South Sllverton has filed a potltlon for a local option elec tion In that precinct. It Is likely that the proposition will be voted on at the regular election In November. Wanted In California W. E. Kramer, a member of the de tective force of Sacramento, Califor nia, Is In tho clt todny to obtain extra dition papers for Josephine Wngner, nllas Ruth Campbell, who Is wanted by tho officers of our sister state for grand larceny. The requisition was honored by the governor. Itnck From Pendleton State Treasurer Kay nnd Secretary of State Olcott, nre back from Pen dleton where they Inspected the new asylum with the view of making up a budget for It, Incidentally during their stay In the city they took in tho Round-up and expressed themselves as Immensely pleased with It. Finished Paring Alley August Kehrberger, the contractor, has finished the concrete pavement of tho alley between the armory and the Hotel Marlon, having Just finished It before the heavy shower this fore noon. This Is an old contract, paving having been suspended on account of tho building of the armory and other Improvements going on there. PLEADED GUILTY TO CONSPIRACY STANDARD NCREASEO ITS STOCK UNITED rnitSS LEANED WIHS.J Chicago, Sept. 30. That the direc tors of the oil trust had determined to pay the $29,000,000 fine Imposed by Judge K. M. Lnndls, without further legal battle, when It was reversed by the United States court of appeals, was Intimated here today by C. W, Stabl, secretary of the Standard Oil Company of Indiana. This was devel open while Stnhl was testifying at the hearing of charges by the Waters Pierce Oil company that the Standard Oil company has disregarded the (lis solution of the 1'nlted Stales supreme court. At the very first meeting after the United States court of appeals had re versed Judge Landls' order, said Stahl, the directors Increased the cap ital stock from $100,000,000 to $129, 000,000. The stocholdors considered, Stahl said, that the reversal had In creased the company's assets Just $29,000,000. SOMEBODY LYING OR MISTAKEN Chicago, Sept. 30. sarcastic refer ence to the New York Herald's poll, which predicted the election of Gover nor Woodrow Wilson, the Democratic candidate for president, was made here today by Senator Dixon, of Mon tana, managei1 of Theodore Roosevelt'B pre-conventlon campaign. "Any figures that the Herald pro duces must be looked upon with sus picion. It is hostile to the new party, and It is safe to bet that Colonel Roosevelt was not favored or given the benefit of uny doubts. 'Roosevelt and Johnson are certain of election. President Taft has no show, except in Utah and Vermont." PARTY HAS ONLY ITS SHELL LEFT (ONITIO FI1ESS IJtAStD WIRB.l Los Angeles, Cal., Sept. 30 Waiv ing their rights of time to plead and trial, seven men pleaded guilty to con spiring to violate a Joint resolution by congress prohibiting the shipping of arms Into a country in a state of rev olution, In the federal court this af ternoon. The men who will be sen tenced tomorrow are Sum Rosenberg, 11. Gorely, A. K. Johnson, Peter Shea, Robert Rny, Leonard Vann, and Ed ward Rooney. They were arrested at El Cajon a month ago while traveling toward the seat of the Mexican revolution, car rying rifles, ammunition and dyna mite bombs. The federal grand Jury returned Indictments against them a week ago. STATISTICAL DIE I). VINTON. At a local hospital, Satur day, September 28, 1912, at 7 o'clock p. in., George L. Vinton, aged 89 ,year, Mr. Vinton has resided at North Howell Prairie for a long time, at which place ho has considerable prop erty. He leaves a family. The fune'--nl was hold from the residence at 1 o'clock today and burial was at Pio neer cemetery east of Brooks. MARRIED. 1S11.VM WORTHING. In Salem, Sat urday, September 28, 1912, Iva Worthing to Clay Isham, both of this county. (illmore Is Mud. Los Angeles, Cal., Sept. 30. After running down nnd slightly Injuring wo pedestrians, .a polite automoblllst courteously handed them a business card giving the name of C. D. G 11- more. Gllmore Is looking for the maniac. Chattanooga, Tenn., Sept. 30. Col onel Roosevelt said In part In his speech here today: "I see by the papers that Wilson wants Tammany to put a good man up for the New York governorship. Why didn't he interfere regarding the vlce presldency. His colleague on the ticket Is one of Taggart's men, and the Indiana machine Is hot one whit bet ter than the Tammany innchlne." Five thousand persons who heard Roosevelt's speech applauded him heartily. A party of college students yelled. One of the excerpts from the pro gressive candidate's speech was: "Only the Republican party shell remains. It contains the nmchlne, the bosses and the special Interests, everything but the people. Penrose, Names and others regard the Injection of the people's rule into the pnrty as unauthorized and unwarranted Impertinence." the gpn Made 11 jqpp. . ill alGI psja Oregon ii pi mmmw ,,y.,.wwwr Eros. V" Range jCW A good high-class range in every respect, Made in Oregon especially for us, and we stand back of this range with our personal guarantee, Do not compare this with a factory guarantee, This range is made for us; sold only by us, Any defect in material or workmanship will be made good right here in our Salem store, and al once, Think what that means to you, You don't have to put your range out .of use while a defective part is being shipped back to the factory to be replaced. Come in and let us tell you about this great range, A small payment down, and a little each week or month will secure one f Mi HOME W. COURT MKHsrs. NEW TODAY. WANTED By two young men, board and lodging In respectable place where there are other young people. "C. E. S" general delivery, Salem, Oregon. 9-28-21' $1350 buys a neat house ten blocks from State and Commercial streets, bath, toilet, electric lights, sewer paid; $100 down and $15 per month. See E. F. Bltidle, 275 State street. 9-30-21 ROOMS AND HOARD For about four students. Phone 20IIJ. Inquire nt lol'G Chemeketn street, corner 17th. 9-30-3t SIX AND ONE-HALF ACRES Best view tract near Salem. Can see city, river and both mountain rang es. Just outside city limits. See E. F. Biddle, 275 State street. 9-30-2t FOR RENT Six-room modern house, $12.50 per month. Cull at 160 Owen street, South Salem after p. ni. 9-30-3t AS'SWEIt IT HONESTLY. Are the Statements of Salem Citizens Not More Reliable Than Those of I'tter Strangers. This Is a vital question. It Is fraught with Interest to Salem. It penults of only one answer. It cannot be evaded or Ignored. A Salem citizen speaks here, Speaks for the welfare of Salem. A citizen's statement Is reliable. An utter stranger's doubtful, Home proof is the best proof. A. W. Lobacb, R. F. D. No. 1, Salem. Oiegon, says: "I was laid up for two weeks by disordered kidneys, caused. I believe, by a strain. I tried several remedies but obtained no relief, and when a neighbor advised me to take Dean's Kidney Pills, I did so. The contents of one box made me so well that 1 resumed work. Dean's Kidney Pills helped me greatly and I am P'eased to recommend them." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster - Mllburn Co.. Buffalo, New York, solo agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. LOST OR STOLEN Pocketbook con taining two $5 gold pieces, some silver, etc., between the Spa and Patton's hook store, Sunday evening. Reward. W. L. Fuller, 251 State. Phone Main 2179. 9-30-3t WANTED One pair of brood mares, weight from 2400 to 3200 pounds, wanted for farm purposes. Phone Main 1722. Joseph Barber, Salem. 9-30-3t PRUNES The oldest handlers and shippers of Or egon prune In the northwest. The con cern which ha done more to advertise and make a market for Oregon prunes than all other agencies combined sollclu the opportunity to bur your 1913 crop of dried fruit. See us be fore you sell. i WILLAMETTE TALLEY PRUNE ASSOCIATION THE NEW LIFE Treatment for rheu niatlsm and nervous troubles and other diseases. Phone Main 2195, or call at 597 North Liberty street. 9-30-6t FOR RENT Well furnished rooms with bath, electric lights, telephone, close In, 475 North Commercial. 9-30-3t PUDLIC SALE Of personal proper ty, stock and farm Implements, on Thursday, October 3d, at the Hub bard farm, four tulles east of Sa lem, at 10 a. m. D. F. Jerman. 9-30-31 A great prima donna's Idea of an ex pensive hat may bo one that she can buy for a song. WOOD AND COAL In any quantity. Prompt delivery our specialty. Falls City Lumber Company. 279 North - Commercial street Phone Main 813 NORWICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY Bl'RGHARDT A MEREDITH Resident Agents SN State Street A Runaway filrl. Redding, Cal., Sept. 28. Harriet Fink, a runaway girl, Is today on her way to her home In Klamath Falls, Or., In custody of an officer and ac companied by her mother, following her arrest at Corning. ' Frank Fraser, a carpenter aged 61 years, Is held in Jail nt Klf math Falls : charged with having assisted the girl j in her flight. The girl is believed to be the victim ' of a white slave nlot. I Electric Wiring Call GEORGE PETTINGELL. Phonel Main 187, 135 North Liberty streetJ Estimates furnished. Will Not Intervene. Omaha, Neb., Sept. 28. .Major Oen eiul Leonard Wood, chief of staff, U. S. A, Is here today on a trip of In spection of western army ponts. In nn address at the Commercial club, General Wood declared there wnuld bo no intervention by the United States In Mexico. "The United States," Bald GonerAl Wood, "Is too busy patrolling her own coast to undertake such a step." AUCTIONEER Henry E. Voorhols, Michigan auc tioneer. Satisfaction guaranteed or no pay. Terms reasonable. R. F. D. No. 7, Salem, Oregon. Office Phone Main 18S Rlgdon Residence Main 111. RIGDON-RICHARDSOIC CO. Funeral Directors and Undertakers 262 N. High Street MONEY TO LOAN On good Real Estate security. BECHTEL A BYNON 117 State Street JAPANESE LAUKDRY AND DRY CLEANING WORKS No machinery to tear and wear out delicate fabrics. Work called for and delivered promptly. 436 Ferry St Phone Main 2252 if EYE HELPS Your eyes need help to do the work you require of them. Properly fitted glasses will give you both comfort and pleasure. Our methods of eye examination are strictly modern, scientific and accurate. A. XcCULLOCH Optometrist 291 North Commercial Street (Ground floor) Phone 925 Office hours 9 to 5 MONEY TOTOAIS On farm and city property. Job ) Scott over Chicago Store, Salem, o egon. Phone 1552. MONEY TO LOAIN TUOS. K. FORD Over Ladd and Bush Bank. Salem. Oi SALEM VOCAL STUDIO 610 State Street Opposite Postofflce. Careful attention given to be beginners and thorough Instruc tion accorded advanced pupiu In the art ot singing. Mr. and Mrs. Morrison Reld WE WILL MAIL YOU $1.00 tor each set ot old False Teeth sent us. Highest prices paid for old gold, sil ver, old watches, broken jewelry and precious stones. Money sent by return mall, rhlla. Smelting & Refining Co., established 20 years, 863 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. To Dentists! We will buy your gold filings, gold scrap, and platinum. Highest prices paid. TYPEWRITERS AU Hakes BOUGHT SOLD RENTED REPAIRED RIBBONS ROLLERS SUPPLIES Bee me before you do anything. C. M. LOCKWOOD Phone Mala 118 Ill-Ill N. CemnercUi, SjUcb. Or