Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 30, 1912, Page Page Five, Image 5

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re FIt
Your new hat is here
Its appearance is .splendid and
we are sure you agree
with us that
there are none better
and few as good
"BnW fJy gloves
Likta If until you have lookea over
Hand" if ff our complete line. VVc carry
in stock at
famous from coast
perfect -fitting, wear
Hansen's Gloves are
leather bv skilled union labor. They are rein
forced at every point of
ine. binding seams in
thev are the strongest,
. . .
made, thev remain soit
continued exposure to heat,
Wi handla full line of Hansen's
Mittens in all styles and leathers, lined and unlined,
which includes special styles lor Linemen,
Drivers, Farmers, Woodmen
in all branches of railroad service.
Splendid qualities in all classes of clothing
for the laborer, all moderately priced,
The Men Who Succeed
as heads of large enterprises are men
tf great energy. Success.today, de
mands health. To ail is to fall. It's
utter folly for a man to endure a
weak, run-down, half alive condition
when Electric Bitters will put him
right on his feet In short order. Four
tottles did me more real good than
nny other medicine I ever took,"
writes Chas. B. Allen, Sylvania, Ga.
"After years of suffering with rheu
matism, liver trouble, stomach disor
ders and deranged kidneys, I am again,
thanks to Electric Bitters, sound and
well." Try them. Only 50 cents at J
C. Perry's.
Men, Women and
If you demand a stylish shoe
come here and let us fit you
out with the season's latest,
Our shoes are above all others
in appearance, in comfort. In
quality, but not in price, A
proud boast, this! Let us
prove it to you
Jaunty and durable
These suits will please the boys,
for they are dashing little suits
made of the latest fabrics. They
will please parents, because they
are made for wear and are very
modestly priced
$2.50 to $12.00
Boys' extra trousers, all wool or
corduroy, each 50c
invest a cent in
t ,
lor rauroau worn
all tunes
to coast for their
- resisting qualities.
made from good honest
strain, out have no pincn-
palm or grip. And while
most serviceaDie giuvea
t. v i i
ana pnaoie in spite oi
steam and moisture.
Gloves, Gauntlets and
ana worse
An article that nas real merit should
in time become popular. That.such Is
the case with Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy has been attested by many
dealers. Here Is one of them. H. W.
Hendrlckson, Ohio Falls, Ind writes,
"Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the
best for coughs, colds and croup, and
Is my best seller." For sale by all
The bigger a city becomes the big
ger things It has t0 do, same as a man.
Vnw will Jfm Smith, of New Jersey,
a stnndpatu r for high protection and , rheumatic pains, you would never wish
unjust privilege, go back and sit down I to be without it. For sale by all deal
and keep quiet! ers-
At Booster Sale
Snowy white damask, im
ported from Ireland, Scot
land and Germany, The pat
terns are decidedly beauti
ful and the quality is A 1
This shipment also includes
a shipment of mercerized
$2,25 Damask $1.87
2,00 Damask 1.67
1..65 Damask 1.29
1,50 Damask 1.19
1,25 Damask 98
1 .00 Damask 89
.60 Damask 49
Napkins to match, also spe
cially priced, These prices
are meant to attract, We
expect them to do so
Booster Sale
' Prices on
Outing Flannel
For Women
$1,75 values $1.49
1,25 values 1.09
1,00 values 89
Beautiful, lustrous new silks
and soft, rich - looking vel-'
vets are now on display,
During this sale
60c Silks 45c
85c Silks 69c
All Velvets . 10 per cent less
Booster Sale
Special on
$2,00 cotton
1,75 cotton
1,65 cotton
1,50 cotton
1,35 cotton
1,00 cotton
,85 cotton
blankets $1.79
blankets 1.58
Men's golf and negligee
shirts, $1,00 values ..79c
Men's Jersey ribbed under-:
wear, 50c values 43c
Boys' straight knee trousers
values to $1,50 50c
Men's outing flannel .night
gowns, extra long, $1,25
values, now 98c
$1,00 values .79c
A Fool Cowboy.
tmiTiD rrtus uaied wim.l
Hollywood, Cal., Sept 30. At
tempting to emulate the late lamented
Jesse James, Martin F. Nichols, a va
quero, rode his horse at full speed on
to a railroad bridge. Cowboy and
horse fell 40 feet. Neither was badly
If you knew or the real value of
Chamberlain's Liniment for lame back,
soreness of the muscles, sprains and
Seattle, Wash., Sept. 30. James
Cook, who has been living at the Ho
tel Waldron, is today waiting to be
takon to the Insane asylum at Stella
coo m, having been declared mentally
Incompetent by a lunacy commission
The unfortunate man's condition Is
the result of nlno months in a Mexi
can prison. Two years ago he was a
conductor en the Mexican Central
rallroud, A charge of grand larceny
was brought against him, and he was
kopt In confinement nlno months. In
the same jail were ninny political
prisoners, and each day one would be
taken oulBlde and shot.
Cook suddenly became demented 10
days ago, and since thnt time has
raved about the Mexican war and his
Ilfo In prison.
Washington, Sept. 30. William Llb
ly followed BIIbs on the stand this
morning. He testified thnt he was
employed by the Standard Oil com
pany In an advisory capacity. He un
derstood, he said, that the Standard
Oil company contributed heavily to
the 1904 campaign adding:
"H. H. Rogers Btated to mo thnt the
contribution wr.s large, but did not
state the amount."
Llbby declared that Rogers, John D.
Archbold, THford Barstow and Wil
liam Rockefeller and several others
knew of the Standard Oil gifts. He
testified that he was active In Wash
ington when the Payne bill was up for
consideration In 1909. He said that
he saw President Tnft and many sen
ators, congressmen and state depart
ment officials regarding the oil tariff.
At this stage In Libby's testimony the
committee ordered the recess.
Ormsby McIIarg, who argued the
Roosevelt contest cases before the Re
publican national committee at Chlca
oo, asked the committee to allow
him to testify Immediately. The com
mittee denied his request, setting Oc
tober 8 as the date for him to appear.
This means that McHarg will testify
after Colonel Roosevelt and J. Pler
pont Morgan finish their testimony.
Asked If there was any reason why
McHarg's testimony was postponed,
Chairman Clapp said:
"Of course there wns, but I am not
going to tell about It."
UNiim miens msim wins.
London, Sept. 30. British land
owners showed nnxlety today at the
news that Chancellor of the Exchequ
er Lloyd (ieorgo will be ready either
October 7, when parliament recon
venes, or very soon afterwards, defi
nitely to announce details of his pro
gram 'for freeing the land for the
benefit of the people."
VLloyd George Is at heart a single
taxes," said one of his closest friends
and advisers an AmeVlcan. todny.
"As a practical statesmii," he contin
ued, "George appreciates that It would
not do to attempt to put England on a
single tax basis all at once, but thnt
toward this end Tie Is working. He
proposes, by ever-Increasing taxation
of land values, ultimately to break up
the land monopoly."
In this connection, with the confer
ence of land tax reformers to be held
In London early In October, Joseph
Fels, the American millionaire, will
propose a resolution affirming the
"deep conviction of the conference
that the existing deplorable condition
of the people Is directly traceable to
the withholding pt Hinds from Its
best economic use."
Uncle Ezra Snji
"It don't take more'n a gill uv effort
to git folks into a peck of trouble,"
and a little neglect of constipation,
biliousness, Indigestion or otber liver
derangement, will do the same. If
ailing take Dr. King's New Life Pills
for quick results. Easy, safe, sure and
only 25 cents at J. C. Perry's.
Running up and down stairs, sweep
ing and bending over making beds will
cot make a woman healthy or beauti
ful. She must get out of doors, walk
a mile or two every day and take
Chamberlain's Tablets to Improve her
digestion and regulate her bowels. For
sale by all dealers.
The Capital Journal Invites pub
Ho discussion in this department
Let both sides of all matters
be fully brought out It is ot
the purpose of this newspaper to
do the thinking for its readers.
Some Questions fur M r. Paget.
Editor Journal:
At the close of the open air meeting
on the corner of State and Commercial
streets, Saturday evening, Mr, Paget
very pompously proclaimed his readi
ness to answer any questions pro
pounded by the audience. Then ho
hastily got down out of his automobile
and began to disappear.
A very unpretentious small person
came up t0 the car and asked permis
sion to put a question to the vocifer
ous Paget. He was finally rescued
from chaos and mounted his stand to
make answer to the query, "low will
you secure absolute protection of the
rights of labor without Impairment of
the rights of rapltnllam?"
The resourceful Puget Immediately
' answered" this question by setting
questioner right on "capital" instead
of "capitalism," Then ho asked, "You
do not Infer that capital has no rights
which we are bound to respect, do
you? Would you do Injustice to any
one?" ."No-o-o," responded the small
person.' Then to the audience "I
should have added a moment ago that
a man doesn't need to be a Socialist In
order to know that there are differ
ences to bo adjusted between capital
and labor." From the small person
cr.mo the query "How would you 'ad
Just' them without impairment of the
'rights' of capital "
"Well, specify! Be specific! Men
tion some special case! Be definite!''
stormed the Indoniltuble Paget The
Email person stood Irresolute, for It
was quite evident even to one so un
sophisticated, that further questioning
would cull forth replies other than
logical answers from the automobile.
At last came tho query, "If some
one stole your hat and you snatched
it back again, would you feel that you
had done the other follow an Injus
tice "
"Well," hilariously announced the
pompous Paget, "My hat Is 'In tho
ring' like Teddy's! No ono will get a
chance to steal that." Hereupon the
crowd laughed with Mr. Paget. Then
the small questioner aBked, "Do you
think you have answered the question,
Mr. Paget " Then the crowd laughed
some more, and the worthy Paget Im
mediately took his doparture away
with him, and was seen no more.
Now, Mr. Paget, we want to know
why you did not answer the small
person's question. Will you kindly ex
plain to us the difference between
your attitude toward tho liquor inter
ests and the Socialists' attitude to
ward capitalism? Do you Infer that
the saloon keeper has no rights which
we are bound to respect Would you
do Injustice to any one Why didn't
you answer the question? Or do you
really know bettor than to try to an
swer the questions of a "fool Social
ist?" Can you answer the question,
Mr. Paget? If you can, please may we
hear from you? We are really Inter
ested as to how you expect to carry
cut the fourth plank In your platform
In case, ss you suggest, "tho best
n. an" should be elected this fall. And
wlille you are answering questions
j ou might give your reasons for ar-
rn!gnlng every party but your own
on a charge of cowardlco In regard to
the liquor question. Is It quite fulr to
thus arraign your allied mouthpieces
of capitalism?
The Socialist smiles at your charge
of cowardice. You attack only one
effect, .while we give battle to the
whole cause out of which grow all the
minor evils, of which the liquor traf
fic Is but one. Who Is the coward?
Also, we are tempted to offer a sug
gestion to one even so exalted as the
right honorable and verbose Mr. Pa
get. It is simply this, that amusing
retorts to civil questions may draw
laughter from a crowd, but we hardly
think them apt to draw many votes.
You offer the working man abso
lutely nothing but a bunch of cut and
dried morals. You offer It to him
when, If he were Inclined to accopt
r.nythlng cut and dried, It would be
cut and dried beef.
Bah! How do you expect to teach
morals to a man with an empty stom
ach? You might teach him economics,
but morals never!
You are making a fine large noise
that you like to hear. You are witty
and smart, but really, now, Mr. Paget,
do you expect tho laborer's vote on
such a platform as you ara advo
cating? One might almost expect
greater wisdom from one so clever at
rejoinder as you.
The implicit confidence that many
people have in Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy Is
founded on their experience In the use
of that remedy and their knowledge of
the many remarkable cures of colic,
diarrhoea and dysentery that it has
effected. For sale by all dealers.
To keep frivolous or Improper meas
ures off the ballot Is a problem to be
Children Ory
When the legislature meets there
will be introduced, at the request oi
the asylum authorities, a bill provid
ing for the installation of a crematory
at which all unclaimed bodies lit the
institution will be cremated. The
measure provides that a body shall be
cremated ffter it hag been held a
week, and hag not been clnlmej by
any of the relatives. After the cre
mation tho ashes will he sent to the
relatives, should they desire them.
The measuro further provides for
the exhuming and cremation of all the
bodies In the asylum graveyard. The
monuments over these graves, accord
ing to tho bill, will be tnkoa and kept
at some suitable place on the asylum
Alio' her measure to be Introduced
will provide for the changing of the
name of the Institution from the Ore
gon State Insane Asylum to the Ore
gon State Hospital.
Grants Pass, Ore., Sept. 30. Jessie
Lnyton Rich has brought suit In the
circuit court asking that the marriage
contract entered into by her and Law
rence B. Rich, on February 14, last, he
In the complaint Mrs. Rch alleges
that Rich caused hor to marry him
through the false and fraudulent rep
resentatlons that he was an unmarried
mnn, when In truth, he wns a married
man .whose wife was then living and
undlvorced. ,
Mrs. Rich asks that the marriage be
annulled, she, be glyen back her maid
en name, that Rich pay the costs and
disbursement of the suit, and that
she have such other relief as may be
equitable. Complaint in tho action
was Berved on Rich n the county jail,
where he Is still confined, the re
quired $1000 for bond money not hav
ing been forthcoming.
Information brought hero from a re
liable party who has Just returned
from eastern Oregon Is to tho effect
that Baker Is to got rid of Its restrict
ed district, property owners having
notified all tho Inmates to vacate.
This action Is tnken solely by tho
proporty owners. It Is declared, as the
sentiment In tho town Is In favor of
the maintenance' of such a district,
contending that It Is the only wuy to
himdlo tho evvll. It Ib also declared
that the officials of the city govern
ment are troubled over tho situation,
feeling that tho abolishment of the
district means the scntterment of the
lnmutes among the lodging Iiouhcs In
tho town.
Tho property owners, It Is declared,
were prompted to tnko this action be-
caiiso of the governor's declaration to
offer a reward for the arrest and con
viction of property owners leasing
their property for purposes of prosti
tution. Baker for years has boasted
of the best regulutcd restricted dis
trict In tho state, and fears are ex
piessed everywhere, It Is declared that
Its abolishment will only result In the
fullen women plying their trade In se
cret In hotels and other places In the
Feur nn Earthquake.
Valparaiso, Chile, Sept. 30. Predic
tion that earth tremblors aro likely t0
cause serious damage In tho vicinity of
Valparaiso about this date caused
thousands of penwiiB to leave the city
today. The government ordered all
warships to remain In port ready for
an emergency.
Parcels l'Kt StjtmpH.
Washington, Sept. 30. Poutmauter-
Gtnerol Hitchcock today completed
arrangements for the engraving and
manufacture of a series of twelve
stamps, unique In size and design, for
exclusive use in forwarding packages
by the parcels post. The stamps will
be ready for distribution December 1.
Did Not Hit Him.
united rmmn lhasdo wihs.i
Sun Francisco, Sept. 30. The pro
verbial Inaccuracy of a woman's aim
saved a burglar's llfo here when Miss
Uergl Torcha opened fire. Patrolman
Welch heard a fusllade of shots, then
shrill screams. No burglar but bul
let holes everywhere.
A scientist predicts that eggs and
other foodstuffs will be made from
air. Before thut Is done, however, J.
P. Morgan & Co. will have somehow
got possession and control of that element.
For Women Who Care
Of course you use an antiseptic In your
family and in tho care of your own per
son, and you want the best.
Instead of what you have been using
such as liquid or tablet antiseptics or
peroxide, won't you plcaRe try Paxtlne,
a concentrated antiseptic powder to be
dissolved in water as needed.
Paxtlne is more economical, more
cleansing, more germicidal and moro
healing than anything you ever used.
In the toilet to cleanse and whiten
the teeth, remove tartar and prevent
decay. To disinfect the month, destroy
disease germs, and purify the breath.
To keep artificial teeth and bridgeworlc
clean and odorless. To remove nicotine
from the teeth, and purify the breath
after smoking. To eradicate perspira
tion odors by spongo bathing.
As a medicinal arrcnt for local
treatmont of feminine ills where pelvlo
catarrh, inflammation and ulceration
exist, nothing equals hot douclieB of
Paxtlne. For ten years the Lydia 13.
Pinkhara Med. Co. lias been regularly
advising their patients to use It becaube
of its extraordinary cleansing, healing
and germicidal power. For tills pur
pose alone Paxtlne is worth Hb weight
in gold. Also for nasal catarrh, Mire
throat, inflamed eyes, cuts and wounds.
All druggists, 25 and M) cents a box.
Trial box and testimony of 31
women free on request.
W. A. Smith, Brldgeton, Ind., is
telling his friends and neighbors of
bis return to health and strength by
the use of Foley Kidney Pills, and he
says he wants others to benefit also.
"I was so crippled with rheumatism I
could not dress without help, and had
kidney trouble for years. I started us
ing Foley Kidney Pills and now all
my troublo has left me and I do not
feel that I had ever had rheumatism.
I rest well all night and though 59
years old, can now do tho work of a
man of 33 years. I would Ilka to be
the means of others getting benefit
from Foley Kidney Pills." Dr. Stone
Drug Co.
There should be no more politics in
an Oregon legislature than a board of
Journal "Want Ads" 3rin Results.
Country Bauer kraut, per gal 85c
Smoked bloaters 6 for 25c
Gravenstein apples, per box"5c
Ripe tomatoes, per box ....75c
Hubbard squash, each 10 to 15c
Green corn, per doz ...... 10c
Concord grapes, per basket 40c
Quinces, pears, melons.
Best sugar cured hams ...,20c
BeBt sugar cured bacon 20 to 25
Shoulder meat 12c
At 3!ic per pound Is as good as
highly priced coffeo packed in
cans. We get it freshly roasted
each week. It you are not us
ing It, begin now; It Is a good
coffee at moderate price.
Buy your groceries of us for
October. We guarantee satis
faction. Prompt Auto Delivery.
839 N. Com. St. . . Phone 259
Quick, courteous
gorvlce day or
Stand Hotel Marlon
Salem Taxfcab &
Transfer Co.
We publish legal notices
as required by law, fur
nishing affidavit and
proof of publication.
Brief Work
Ib our specialty. Let us
figure with you on your
next case.