Tuf, Fonf . ' DAILY CAPITli JOPBNAL, SALEM, OEEaON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1012. - - T -,-,--!! ii.in ; Pastor CHRIST DIED TO SAVEjlNNERS St Paul's Gospel, Which He Was Not Asharncd to Preach. AN INSPIRED STATEMENT. Paator Ruasell, In Montrtal, Says That tha Panalty of 8in Waa Juatly Im poaad Tha Radaamar la Yat to Ba eoma tha Graat Oalivarar of tha World Importanca of Raiurraotion. Montreal, Sept 22. Pastor Russell Bove two addresses here todny, one on " BEYOND THE GUAVIS," tho other on "BL Paul's Gog pel." America's Ubiq uitous Preacher comes quite fre quently to tho Prov inces, and the Im mense audiences that everywhere greet him are proof that the True Gos pol which he preaches has to some ex tent found a responsive chord In thou sands of Canadian hearts. We report the Pastor's second ad dress, which was from tho text, "Moro over, brethren, I declaro unto yon the Gospel which I preached unto you: how that Christ died for our sins ac cording to tho Scriptures; and that Mo was burled, and that He rose agnlu the third day." (1 Corinthians xv, 1-4.) So coinpleto a statement of the Gospel In so few words Is wonderful. With out Inspiration St. Taul, like tho rest of us, would have said moro-would have snld too much. Lot us analyze the text nnd see what It contains. First of all, It teaches that we are tinners and that our sins nre beyond our own power to wash away or eradi cate. This Is a fundamental, Impor tant mattor. Failure to reallzo that we are Imperfect, born In sin, "shnpen In Iniquity," has hindered many from seeing the necessity for a Redeemer, and therefore from accepting Jesus as their Savior. To say that we aro sin ners Implies a time when righteous ness prevailed In our anccBtry. We do not spenlc of brutos as sinners, be cause tho Scriptures say that "sin Is transgression of the Law," and God would not give a law to a bnito. wMch could not comprehend that law. Similarly the perfection of our first parents was Implied In this term, be cause God would not give a law to a being not lufllclontly Intelligent and capable of keeping that law. Thus this very simple statement, We are tinners, Implies the thought of a fall, just at the Blhlo declares. "Christ Diad For Our Sins," For Christ to die for our sins Implies thnt our sins had a death-penalty at tached to thorn. This ngalu Implies that at the tlmo that death penalty was Imposed It was a Jimt one, because a Just God would not punish unjustly. The Justice of n death penalty Implies A high degree or intelligence ou me part of tho sinner and thnt lie was in n condition hi which ho would not have needed to die If he had not sinned. This statement, "thnt Christ died for our sins," further Implies that Christ was not of the fallen nice, for hud He been a sinner, how could lie hnvo died for sinners-how could Ills dentil have been of any profit or ndvnutago to them? Thus our text teaches that Je sus was Indeed "the I.ainh of God which taketh away the sin of the world," that Cod sent Ills Only He gottcii Son Into tho world that wo might not perish but have everlasting Jlfe. The whole force and Import of this text Is that human salvation Is (iccured by the death of Christ and His resurrection. Wero we not sinners nnd -dying wa would have needed no one to die for us. Were It uot to rescue us from slu nnd from death God would not have sent Ills Son. Tha Daath-Panalty 8Utad, Here let us notice the force of the word dcatS In our text It did not mean life In torment to our Redeemer, for the Scriptures bear clear testimony, not ouly that He (lied, but that He arose from the dead on the third day. And the Scriptures declare that He was not alive anywhere during those three days. This contradicts the thought of some who claim that He "was the Heavenly Father Himself nnd could uot die that lie merely got out of the body ou tho cross and let the body die and afterwards pretended that He had died, when Ho said, "1 nm He that llveth. and was dead, and be hold, Inm nllve forevermore." Itev. 1,18. Wo have a genuine Redemption, a real Sacrifice, and tho Redeemer Is yet to become the Great Deliverer of the world, whose deliverance from denth by resurrection cost the Redeemer Ills life. As by n mau enmo deulh. by the Man Christ Jesus comes the resurrection of the dead: "for as nil In Adam die. even so all In Christ shall be made nllve every man In his own order. "-I Corinthians xv, 21-23. Ha Arose tha Third Day. Great Import a nee attaches to the fact that the One who died for our j sins did not remain (lend, lie de scended Into Iloll-Shcol, linden, the tomlt-but rilH.soul was uot left there, us the Scriptures declare. God the Father raised Him from the dead on the third day. The Importance of Chrlst'l resurrection Is many-fold. It ; '' r. ,J"J ; M(- J L IL J, Russell's shows thnt He did not dlo a sinner, but, on the contrary, maintained His relationship with the Fntnor "holy, hurniless, undclllcd, sepnrnto from sin ners." It shows that He kept the Law; otherwise He would have remained dead llko the remainder of the Jews. More than this, the fact thnt He wns raised from the (lend to a higher nature, a spirit being, "partaker of tho Divine nature," proves thnt His sncrl flclnl death wns very pleasing and nc ccptablo In the Father's sight; hence His high reward. And nil this proves that tho Heavenly Father's great promise to Abraham Is In process of fulfilment. Our Lord's resurrection to the piano of glory demonstrates to us the greatness of this Seed of Abraham, and His preparation for the great work foretold the blessing of all the fami lies of the earth. From this viewpoint we see the Im portance of His denth and of His resurrection, co-related. Tho death was necessary as man's Redemption price, nis exaltation to power nnd great glory was necessary for mnn's deliverance from sin nnd death. Hero we 'have, then, the Gospel which St Paul received and which he, In turn, dispensed the true Gospel of which be was not ashamed. As he wroto to tho brethren at Rome, "I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, for It Is the power of God nnto salvation to every one thnt bellevcth to the Jew first nnd also to the Greek." Qoipsl In a Nut-Shtll. As a great oak may be said to be In an acorn, so the grent Gospel Message may bo snld to be In out text, as St, Paul declares, Every time we look at It, It seems a little lnrgcr and a little moro beautiful than before. We enn almost see It grow not thnt the Gospel Is growing, for It Is the snmo thnt God purposed In Himself before tho foundation of tho world. It Is our appreciation of the Gospol thnt grows, In proportion ns wo grow In grace and In tho knowledge of the Divine Plan nnd In tho Spirit of our Lord; for without Ills Spirit, the Holy Spirit, to enlighten our understanding and to enable us to appreciate the tes. tlmonles of the Word, we would not be able to comprehend "the deep things of God." How plainly the Apostle states this, saying, "Tho natural man recelveth not tho things of the Spirit of God, neither can he know them, be cause they are spiritually discerned; but God hath revealed them unto us by Ills Spirit for the Spirit senreheth all things, yea, the deep things of God."-I Cor. II, 14, 10. Pastor nnsseH'a reputation for faith' fulness to tho Divine Word, his cour age to speak the Truth in Love, and his power to hold vast audiences In rnpt attention for hours has spread everywhere. Newspapers to the num ber of l,M)0-ln the StntcB. In Great Britain and In the Dominion which are publishing his sermons and also his comments on the International Sun dny School Lessons are lealous In their support of his excellent services ana are praying still more power to his voice and pen. We have merely seen the root of the Gospel, continued Pastor Rnuscll, as It centers In the promise made to Abra ham nnd In tho redemptive work ac complished by our Savior. In Itomnns il, 1024 St Paul uses the Illustration of nn ollvo tree, nnd declares the branches of the tree to be tho mem bers of the Body of Christ, which Is tho Church. From these brunches will come abundant fruitage by anil by, of "olive oil" for the light of the World. St.I'nul points nut that tho natural Israelites wer? the natural branches nnd that the Jews therefore had tho first right, privilege nnd opportunity of becoming the members of the Body of Christ, the Church. As n matter of fnct, nil privilege nnd opportunity was excluded from the Gentiles until Is rael's tlmo of favor was complete three nnd a half yours after the cross. During those years the Lord's provi dence so blessed the Jews thnt they were nil brought In contact with the Truth under most favorable conditions. We remember that thousands were converted nnd blessed at Pentecost and other thousands a little Inter on. Wo may bo sure thnt every worthy branch In thnt tree was accepted of tho Lord every "Israelite Indeed In whom was no guile." St. Pnul tells us thnt then the unbelieving Jews, the natural branches, were all broken off, separat ed from the Divine favor In which thoy had previously been. Then begnn the work of calling, preparing and en grnftlng Gentiles, whom the Apostle represents as of a wild olive tree. This work of engrafting tho Gentiles Into the Jewish stock nnd making them fellow-heirs with the Jews of tho orig inal Divine promise made to Abrnhnm hns progressed for now : anrly nineteen centuries. This Is the same Gospel, hern u so It all springs from the same gracious promise. It was "good tidings" when as a mpssnge It was given to Abrnhnm. Its value wnt in tensified when God mndo oath to its certainty of fulfilment. The fulfilment begnn In Jesus, continued through the Jewish disciples, nnd now hns accumu lated a considerable number of the Oentlles-pnilinbl.v the foreordained number Is completed. When the Elect number bIiiiII have been tested nnd proven nnd shall hnve been accepted in the resurrection chnngo and passed bevnnd the veil-then this most won derful feature of the Gospel will hnve been accomplished. Jtwiih Share of Goiptl. Tho completion of Spiritual Israel will be followed by the establishment of Messiah's Kingdom and the begin ning of the blessing of all the families of the earth. We are to distinguish here between the Church and the fam ilies of the earth, for the Church in i their consecration nnd acceptance of the Lord and begetting of the Holy ' 1 i, Sermon Spirit become n.c'.'.iiers or tne new nation. They are no longer humans. As St. Puul declares, "Ye are not in the llesh, but in the spirit, If so he that the Spirit of God dwell In you" (Ito Jiius vlll, I)). The Church not only re ceives eternal life, but that life is ou a higher plane as spliit beings. Theirs will bo glory, honor and Immortality, In Jolnt-helrslilp with their Lord. Amongst the families of the earth to be blessed by Messiah's Kingdom the first place will bo given to Natural Is rael. In all things the Jew wns to have pre-eminence, for this Ik tho Di vine arrangement. As the Jew got the opportunity of becoming members of the Hody of Christ beforo It wns of fered ti he Gentiles, so Fleshly Israel will be tlio first nation to bo granted tho opportunities und blessings of Res titution to human perfection under Messiah's Kingdom. Provision hns al ready been made for this. Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and nil the Prophets of old huve tho testimony that they pleuscd God und that they are to have a better resurrection than the ordinary. They cannot be members of tho Bride of Christ, nor sharers In the spiritual privileges nnd the Henvenly Kingdom. They lived before the High Calling, before the Heavenly Calling wns open ed. JeBiis was the Cnptnln, Leader nnd Forerunner In this, nnd His Joint-heirs all follow Him. None of them pre ceded Him. "Princaa In All tha Earth." But the Messianic Kingdom, ltBelf spiritual, will need earthly Representa tives, and they are provided for In those Ancient Worthies. Their testing hav ing been completed, they will be raised perfect human beings, ns Adam was In his perfection, and Jesus In Ills, while on earth. Their superior powers of mind nnd body will soon grnsp nil the wonderful things which Divine provi dence has arranged for since their day, nnd they will be quite masters of the situation. Naturally, perfect men wbl be Princes amongst Imperfect ones. But these will hold the title from tho Grent Messiah. This Is prophetically stated: "Instead of Thy fathers shall be Thy children, whom Thou (Messiah) shalt make Princes In all tho earth." Psalm xlv, 10. Assuredly the new order of things will appeal to the Jew first. His les sons under the Law will make him spe cially amenable to the new condition of things, for during that thousand years nil mankind will be Judged, not according to their faith entirely, but specially according to their works. Faith will be easy when knowledge will be so complete nnd so general. Good works will be gradually more nnd moro possible ns they shall be blessed and restored to perfection under tho Kingdom arrangements. The Scriptures Intimate that the world at thnt time will be In n deject ed condition. The great "Time of Trou ble" with which Messiah's Kingdom will be Inaugurated will cut n deep swath In earthly hopes and ambitions, and all nations will be In the condition to desire the Messlnnlc Government, and then, "The desire of all nations shall come." ling. il. 7. "Coma, La Ua Go' Up." Tho Scriptures psophotlcally foretell thnt as the Divine blessings of Mes siah's Kingdom go more and .more to Israelites, other nations will take note of this and be Inclined to entreat a share of the Divine favors, saying, "Come, let us go up to the mountain (Klngdoini of the Lord's house; He will tench us of His ways and we will walk In Ills paths." The wholo world, every nation, people, kindred, tongue, needs Just the blessings of healing nnd life eternal which the Messianic Kingdom Is to offer them. And the terms will not be Impossible, but quite the reverse. Messiah Is to be, not only a Great King to rule, but also a Great Priest and the' Church with Him Is promised to be a Royal Priesthood. However, God will not accept any other nation than Israel. All of Ills blessings are to go to the Seed of Abraham. And ns Abraham's Seed spiritual In the resurrection becomes "as the stars of heaven," so his seed natural will Increase to fill tho whole earth, and nre compared to "the snnd of the seashore." Nor will this be an arbitrary matter. It means the great est good to all. Nnto that tho first monitors of Spiritual Israel came from Natural Israel, nnd thnt the Gentiles wero grafted In. Similarly the first fruits of the world will be Natural Israel, but all nations will have the prlvllegoyund opportunity of being en grafted Into nnd becoming members of Israel much after the same manner thnt people of all nationalities com ing to Amerlcnn Canada may enjoy citizenship here under certain Coven ant conditions. Tho New Covenant conditions Inaugurates! with Inrnel (Jer. ml. 31-34) will thus he open to nil mankind, because all will be permitted to become members of Israel. Thus. as the Scriptures prophesy, Abraham eventually will be "a father of rrxiiy nations." Romans Iv, IT. Eventually, all the willing nnd obedient will be glad to enter into this New Covenant relationship with God through Christ nnd to be counted members of "the seed of Abraham." Eventually, nil others will be destroy ed In the Second Death, so that then. nil the earth will be blessed ns Abrnij ham's seed. Hero we hnvo t!;o Gospel ' In Its fulness, expanded fi'fv tho I original promise mndo to Atttiljdm, i nnd tnklng In nil the features of PI- j vine grace and mercy and eventuating In the most wonderful blessings pos- slble for the human mind to Imagine! Ami nil this centers In the work of Jesus. In Ills denth for our sins nnd In , His resurrection for our deliverance nnd the execution of the Gospel Pro- 1 gram. Thanks le unto God for nis . unspeakable gift! Hallelujah, whnt a ; Gospel! Hallelujah, what a Savior! Hallelujah, what a God! j REIN MART'S THE QUALITY SHOP The We wanted the best boys shoe on the market for our boy's trade. We feel that we have it in "The American Boy", a nationally known shoe made by the Menzies Shoe Co., of Detroit. They are made up in black and tan oil calf with double oak tanned soles. Priced from $2.50 to $4.00. The Quality Shop SOCIETY (Continued from Page 3.) An limuenso audience, most apprecia tive nnd enthusiastic, gathered at the armory hall Inst evening to hear this wonderful pianist paint tone pictures. Her work Is of superlative quality and leaves no opening for adverse criticism. Her reputation was fully unstained last evening when alio pre sented tho following numbers: Dach-liusonl Chaconne. Riiineuu Gavotte with variations. Daquln Lo Coucou. Gluck-St. Snens Caprice "Alceute." Beethoven Sonata Op. 53, "Wald steln," Chopin Nocturne In D flat, Op. 27, No. 2. Chopin Waltz In A flat, Op. 42. Chopin Derceuso In D flat, Op. 57. Liszt Midsummer Night's Dream, Fantusie (Mendelssohn), Thu German Ladies' Society held Its monthly meeting Thursday at tho beautiful home of MrB. John Gunten bcln. The pleasant afternoon passed with music and recitations. Fetoons of feathery clematis wero artistic dec orations for the parlors, while the dining room was brlghtoncd with au tumn leaves, asters and dahlias. The Cheer Up! You won't be bothered by the blues if you keep your liver active, your bowels regular, and your stomach in good tone by timely use of the time-tested, beneficent, and always effective family remedy BEECHAM'S PILLS Sold TT7whr la beiM IOc, 2fc. The maajfjajBWnansamaaanMa j ' -"31 PlS3 1 Price, $985 F. O. B. Salem Now on display at showroom LOOK AT THIS EQUIPMENT R-C-Hears are sold fully equipped ready for the road. The equipment is as follows: Electric Light 12-in, Bullet headlights, 6-in. Bullet most of the best known and highest priced cars in the sidelights, tail light, Warner Auto Meter The age indicator made. Jitty tunains---tan oe time from the inside of the nearly as rain proof or cold Bosch Magneto Very equipped with this high grade E. H. WHITESIDE, Sales Manager For Polk and Marion Counties 560 Ferry Street Phone Main 2298 American Boy REINHART'S beautifully decorated tnblo was laid for twelve, the hostess serving an elaborate luncheon. Later Mrs. Schwabo, the musician of the society ployed several piano selections. Mrs. Paulas recited "Tho Dutchman and His Mother-in-law," which caused great laughter. She also gave "Dos Gewrtlcr," by Grimm, a noted poet. The next meeting will be held October thirty-first at the home of Mrs. Paul Schwabo. Miss Angela McCullock started for Tiny City yesterday, intending to visit for a fow days In that thriving young town. Tho W. Mclvlne Plimptons nre (pending the week end In Portland. The Salem B. Y. P. V. will entertain the district members at a rally tomor row afternoon and evening at the First Baptist church. An interesting program has been arranged for the event which promises to be most en joyable. Mrs. Dell Pettyjohn Invited friends last Wednesday to surprise Mr. Petty John, In celebration of his birthday. Five hundred was ployed at four ta bles, card honors falling to Mrs. Caughell and Mr. Paul Johnson. En Joying the delightful affair wero Mr. and Mrs. John Craig and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Nale, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Petty John, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Courier. Mrs. Caughell, Miss Maud Robertson, Mr, Thomas Ardeman and Mr. Robert Craig. ... Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Ford and little son, of Eugene, wero guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Courter for a few days last week. Bolting political parties has always been ephemeral. above is an exact duplicate of the new R-C-H most reliable speed and mile put up o ruown in a iew mmuies car, When closed, makes car proof as a limousine, few cars under $1500 are magneto, which is used on A Real Boy's Shoe Start your boy to school right this fall in a pair of these "American Boy" shoes. He will like their mannish style, their glove-fit.and their comfort. You will like them for their solid honesty and the sturdy service they always give. They come in regular and high cut styles. Built for service. fSO,000,0"0 Lost Annually by Wage. Earners. Dr. Sadler estimates that about 80, 000,000 In wogeB Is lost annual'y to the American people as a direct result of colds. Lost time means lost wages and doctoring Is expensive. Use Fo ley's Honey and Tar Compound promptly. It will stop the cough, and heal and soothe the Bore and Inflamed air passages. Cure your common colds quickly, and prevent their developing Into more serious conditions. Foley's Honey and Tar STUDEB AUT0M0 Iron and steel .look alike, but there's a difference, It it is the same with autos, A good many look well while new, but for long, hard use you want a standard ma chine, Better look at the Studebaker cars before you buy, Their name, which has been a standard for 60 years, warrants service, Let us give you a demonstration We can convince you that we have the best car on the market for the money. . . ; 1 "-.,.:' STUDEBAKER AUTO SALES CO. DAVIS REES, Sales Mgr. Comer Ferry and High Streets, Salem, Ore, lull IIIIIWI I lllWW.WsMHMsMM.BH limMHIIMMMaMaMUl world, Demountable Rims Makes in three or four minutes' time, touring car an(J on mnni hm6 f Rear View Mirror Giving behind, Top, Top Cover, Windshield, Kit, Pump, Robe Rail, Floor Mat, Tally-Ho Horn, 444 State Street Compound contains no opiates. Is safe for children. The genuine is in the yellow packnge. Teddy Is catching up on Taft as a. champion traveler. All the parties and each of the can didates for president nre gaining rap Idly the several managers say. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO Rl A 1913 it possible to change tires root ' rf rio driver full view of the traffic Tool Kit, Jack, Tire Repair AKER BILES !