Tx Fair D1ILI CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALES, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER II, 1912. M N IGNORED HER EVEN Ifi DEATH MIIS. JACK JOHNSON BURIED TO , WAT NONE OP HER FORTJER WHTE FRIENDS 1'RESENT, BUT SEVEN THOUSAND NEGROES. Idhitid puss i.niniu wini.l Chicago, Sept, 14. Ostracised In lonth, as she had been lu life, by tho members of her race becaimo of her marriugo to a negro, Mrs. Etta Duryea .Vhn Hon wife of Jack Jotinson, world's heavyweight champion, was burled lierc today In Gracelnnd cemetery. Of all her relatives and former, friends who honored her as the wife of Clnr tnre Dnryea, tho millionaire Now York turfman, only two relented. Thene were hor mother, Mrs. David Terry, and Elaine Terry, a sister, the only whlto persons who attended the funeral, It was estimated that 7000 negroes attended the funeral, held at Woman's Best to the good health which comes from regular action of the organs of digestion and elimination to freedom from pain and suffering to physical grace and beauty is the harmless, vegetable remedy 0oU MCTwbir b bout 10c XSc. HANDLES MILLION FOR $5000. 'cheapest conducted public business In the United States. The sheriff's office In Marlon coun ty handles practically a million dol lars a year In taxes, and attonds to all the civil and criminal business for a total cost of five thousand dol lars a year one-half of one per cent. There are no left-overs when they are St. Mark's Methodist church at ll:3-Uhrough collecting taxes, and It Is the o'clock this morning and conducted by the Rev. J. Itoblnson, a negro, Seven negro pall-bcarors carried the coffin from the hearse to the church and kom the hearse to the grave. Fifty iomoblle loads of negroes comprised tho. cortege. Jack JohnHon, a broken man, rode In the automobile which carried his wife's mother and sister. He sobbed throughout the entire ceremony. A trained hilrse accompanied the fighter to the grave, his friends fearing he would suffeta nervous breakdown. Vt'atermelens by the Carload. The Capital Commission company continues to receive a carload dally 'of the big, Juicy Southern Oregon watermelons, the best melons that reach the Oregon market. ONE no IS - KILLED Bf STRIKERS 1CNITOD FHMB LS18ID Will. Duluth, Minn., Sept. 14. Personal Investigation of the car strike situa tion to determine whether It will be necessary to call out state troops to nuilntaln order, was made here today by Governor Eberhard. So far today no disorders have been reported. George Reddon, a strike-breaker frcm Chicago, is dying today of Injur ies received in a clash yesterday with strikers. A few cars are running to day but with windows covered with netting to protect passengers from missiles. Few rode on the cars. REPUBLICANS BOLTED THE CONVENTION Happy Healthy Women are not endowed with special gift of Nature, but realize the value of HEALTH, ami heed the little warn ing cries: Backache dizzy, weak spells headache tired, "all-gone" feeling and similar certain indications of ill health. They guard their health 89 they would a precious jewel and always look to Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea Nature's wonderful blood-food composed of harmless, healthful roots, herbs, leaves and seeds, which form a medicine of unequalled beneficial ef fects. Hollliter'f Rocky Mountain Ten tnkrn as pro scribed gently expels all poisons from the systep hrinirinir health and happineir wimiHii's riitlit fill hrM-itaui" A package o( Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea miiken 105 cups of heslth beverage, and In Huld by all druggists, at 35c Tuo Nuggets waolet (urn), aliu 35c SAVANTS IfSHOWII SEATTLE NOMINATE RODGEflS AND DOURfJE Indications are that the Dull Moose party next Tuesday will nominate Geo. F. Rodgers for congressman In this district, and Senator Dourne to suc ceed himself as United States Benator. There will be no state ticket nominated. y Houses for Resit 6.00 per month 4 rooms, well water, 1550 North Liberty. 7.00 per month 5 rooms, well water, 1570 North Liberty. 8.50 per month 4 rooms, city water, N. E. corner Cottage and Union. 8.50 per month 5 rooms, barn for cow, 21st between Oak and Bellevue. 10,00por month 8 rooms, well water, 1462 Market 10.00 per month 3 rooms, partly furnished, 936 Trade, r, 10.00 per month 4 rooms, city wator Included, 1950 North Front, 10.00 per month 7 rooms, city water, barn, 1719 North Liberty. 10.00 per month 4 rooms, city water, 1448 North Cottage. 12,00 per month 7 rooms, city water, barn, 1940 North Front. 13.00 per month 5 rooms, modern, Saginaw, between MIsbIou and Bush. 15.00 per month 6 rooms, city water Included, modern, 460 S. Cottage. 15.00 per month 5 rooms, well water, 5 lots for gardening, 1316 N. 6th. 17.50 per month 9 rooms, modorn home, Fairmount, 110 West Lincoln. 16.00 per month 7 rooms, modern, 1247 Ferry. 16.00 per month 6 rooms, or partly furnished for $20, 1510 S. High. 18.00 per month 7 rooms, modern, 1065 N. Cottage. 20.00 per month 8 rooms, well water, windmill) fruit 17th and Bellevue. 22.50 per month 6 rooms, modern, 905 N. 6th, corner D. 25.00 por month 8 rooms, modern, fruit, garden spot, 19th and Mill. 25,00 per month 8 rooms, modern, 235 N. 15th, 30.00 por month 9 rooms, close In, cor Center and Winter. Houses are getting scarce. If you want to get settled for the winter, go Out tomorrow and see these, places. BECHTEI & BYNON ukitid rniBS Uiiixn wini.l San Bernardino, Cal., Sept. 14. Ov erwhelmed in numbers by the bull moose element, the regular republican delegates to the San Bernardino coua ty republican convention, which open cd today, bolted and marched In a body to another hall to hold an Inde pendent convention. Preparatory to bolting, resolutions for withdrawal were passed about among the regulars. Their action Is based on the allegation that while all delegates to the convention are pledge td to republican principles, a majority propose to endorse Roosevelt. Dead silence marked the departure of the regulars. The progressives then continued with the organization of the convention. THE BASEBALL MEN TO GATHER IN PORTLAND Ray and Earl Baker and Perry Jones will go to Portland tomorrow to be present at a meeting of tho man agers of amateur base ball teams of Oregon. Work in connection with the formation of base ball teams for the coming year as well as to close up the business of the present year will be attended to. With the start made this by Manager Eakcr, baseball fans are looking for ward t0 big tilings from the Salem team for next year. We have been es pecially fortunate this year In the number of games played on the local giounds, of which only two games were lost out of 20 played. Seattle, Wash., Sept 14 The beau ties of Seattle and Puget Sound were shown today to the party of noted sci entists who are making a tour of the United States. After their Inspection of the University of Washington, they were entertained at luncheon at the professors' club and from thero taken to the chamber of commerce where a stereoptlcon lecture was delivered on the Bound country. This was followed by an excursion by steamboat. The party left for Tacoma later. SALE! FURNITURE CO. SALEM FURNITURE CO. 347 State Street Telephone Main 452 The Implicit confidence that many people have In Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is founded on their experience In the use of that remedy and their knowledge of the many remarkable cures of colic, diarrhoea and dysentery that It has effected. For sale by nil dealers. Bechtel & Bynon's Bargains $250 cash will buy a good lot close to Capitol street. This lot Is worth $350. Title perfect. Main sewer paid. We have a fow deslrablo lots for sale on Court and State streets. These are right in the heart of the choice residence district Let us show you these. Quite a number of old houses are to be moved this fall. If you are look ing for a cheap lot in a good location for such a purpose, see us. We have a block of 8 lots which the owner has Instructed us to sell for $1000. These lots are worth $250 each and should sell for that amount If sold singly. Here Is a real snap for some one who wants to sell these lots off cne ortwo at a time and make money by bo doing. $1000 will buy 5 acres good land on Silverton road near Fair Grounds. Terms very easy. $800 will take 6.44 acres of good land all cleared, close to Electric sta tion, on good road, close to school, tel ephone service and rural delivery. Land is level and well drained. A real snap. Just the thing for logan berry or chicken culture. Small pay ment down, balance In monthly or an nual payments. We rent houses. We loan money. We wrlto Insurance. BECHTEL & BYNON, 347 State Street. Tel. Main 452. SPECIAL PRICES ON BRASS BEDS We have a fine line of medium - priced Brass Beds which we offer this week at the following extremely low prices: $20.00 BRASS BED, $16.00 $25.00 BRASS BED, $20.00 $27.50 BRASS BED, $22.00 $30.00 BRASS BED, $24.00 $35.00 BRASS BED, $28.00 SALEM FURNITURE C 333-339 Chemeketa Street Near Commercial Street Don't try to astonish your friends, They are too busy trying to spring a surprise of their own to appreciate your efforts. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A Any Price No matter what price you i have to invest In an Adding Machine, it will buy more from the Burroughs than you can get from any other Add- . lr.g Machlno Company. 492 styles of Burroughs, built to do all kinds of work sold on easy payments If desired, at prices to fit any degree of economy. We'll provo it anywhere. BURROUGHS ADDING MACHINE CO. N. B. Gregg, Sales Manager Commercial Club Building Portland, Oregon stimates Furnished We will be pleased to furnish estimates on building materials of all rfi Vri .Our Stork Consists of LUMBER" " SEWER PII'JE FIREBRICK SHINGLES DOORS . WOOD CEMENT MOULDINGS COMMON BRICK LATH DRAIN TILE FIRE CLAY LIME WINDOWS COAL PLASTER DURABLE ROOFING AND BUILDING PAPERS We will endeavor to give our customers prompt delivery and the best of quality. We would be pleased to have our customers and friends call at our yard and examine our ;Btoclt. t SALEM LUMBER COMPANY Successors to Capital Improvement Company. Office and Yard, 260 South Liberty. Phone Main 80 WMtmrnummmmmmmmmsaMmamamammm 184 acres, all under cultivation, fine deep black soil, one-fourth mile to station. "Finest loganberry land In the valley; fine 7-room house, barn, etc. Can be handled on easy terms. Fine dairy farm of 380 acres; fine house, 2 large bams; some beaver dam land, one mile to railroad station; one of the finest dairy farms In the valley. Easy terms, $100 per acre. H. S. Belle Co. Phone 857 124 North Liberty Street IS n Fl M M 11 M M 11 (I N n II U M IX II n u n n t: ti 1 1 N tl N M n n u l i U li M M. li i! tl I I I n n ! 11 fcW m A(n r i rm i f -1 r - ... ,M i i i . .! - f " 1 1 - M saWi HMt Akdl MhM taMI IM1 Hi sihatt SsMIsMIbMIWbI (W0Msll pj m wm wt wn MADE IN SA M You live in Salem, you make your money in Salem, you sell your product in Snlnm: whv should vou not buv nnnrte " Mario in Solnm"? if it io ... 7 J J J -,ww V4VSV III VUIIII 4 II tO llUi "Made in Salem," be sure that it is "Made i n Oregon" before you purchase A SK FOR CHERRY CITY MILL PRODUCTS Wo manufacture three grades of Flour; uliio Chop nnd Roll Feed to order, and do a general milling business, We will make a speclnlty of Hard Wheat Flour, equal to nny shipped In from the east. CHERRY CITY MILLS EATS Auk Your Denier for Pioneer Brand Hams Bacon Lard Put up and made In Salem by E. C. CROSS & SON 370 State St. Phones 1880-1881 B READ WHITE SWAN nnil GERMAN BAKERIES For lllgliest-C.riide BREAD AND PASTRIES Wedding nnd party orders a spe clnlty. We make dally deliveries. 319 North Commercial, Phone 903 Twelfth and Chemeketa, Phone 961 MADE IN SALKM THE jjEEDLECRAFT SHOP ORIGINAL DESIGNS EMBROIDERY SUPPLIES STAMPED ARTICLES Phone Main 925 291 North Commercial Street Roasted In Salem C0FFEE TRY SOME OF Reasoner's Gem Blend Coffee and you will use no other 35c per pound We roast our Coffee dally 1815 Stuto Street Phone 543 REG0N CONCRETE BRICK & DRAIN TILE COMPANY D. II. Weynnt, Manager . BUY BRICK MADE IN SALEM AND, HELP YOIR HOME TOWN Corner River and Front Street RESSMAKING PARLORS MABEL CAMPBELL Room 6 Over Chicago Store URNITURE Made to Order Store and Office Fixtures Is our specialty Made In Oak, Walnut, Mahogany, etc. CAPITAL FURNITURE MANUFACTURING CO. Main 584 805 North Liberty Street ANDY Nothing succeeds like success AT YOUR SERVICE FOR Good Home-Made Kandies and Ice Cream WONDER KANDY KITCHEN 371 North Commercial Phone Main 999 P AINT BEAVER STATE PAINT CO. 55G Trade Street Phone 394 Manufacturer of PAINTS SHINGLE STAINS Interior Stains Shellacs Wood Fillers Wnslmble Wall Paints Also Denier In Oils, Turpentine, Varnish, Brushes, Leud and Dry Colors "TAILORING A That Will Please because It poss es ses ail the points of stylo, fit, superior workmanship, nnd at a price you run afford to pay I). JI. MOSiiLR Merchant Tailor for Men mid Women 4,16 Court Street r. . p-m "mi wff rvm mi rn wm wn i am mtM lUii M mttl . u SiIOUU), to bo comfortable, have your (rowns fitted over NU BONE AMERICAN QUEEN or G05SARD CORSETS Kither front or back lace Made to Order MRS, FISHER Room 7 McCornack Block .4iiUt Imam iff M- 'M - - ! v ukm kim w OMAN'S EXCHANGE Home Cooking Fancy Work FRESH DREAD AND ROLLS CAKES, PIES, COOKIES j SALADS, MEATS, ETC. i Open every day Orders filled J , 27 North Liberty Street wn wm wm ! mm ww wm w rn I INN'S The HOME of "MADE - IN - SALEM" SWEETS AND ICE CREAM 410 State Street Phone 215 dJAKER NURSERY TREES ARE BEST GROWN AT HOME Cultivated and Cured for by Home Labor Biggest home trade of any nursery in the state and the proprietor believes in home buying C. F. LAPSING 0DGERS PAPER CO. 220 State Street Telephone Main 152 BOOKBINDERS AND RULERS Wholesale Paper Dealers Salem, Oregon L AUNCH SUPPLIES BOATS FOR HIRE Phone 849 The Salem Boat Factory Chas. K. Denlson. Prop. DESIGNER AND BOLDER OF LAUNCHES nnd ROWBOATS Agent for Ferro Marine Motors Foot of State Street, Salem, Oregon s TANDARD OF QUALITY Tashmoo, 12!2c La Corona. 10c Bon Ton, 5c AUG. IfUCKESTEIN lIOTIfF If you are a manufacturer or producer I MV B IV-L of an article Made in Salem you cannot afford to miss being in this directory. The cost is small and the campaign for home manufactures has only begun. We want to drill the idea of home buying into Salem citizens. Phone 82 for our representative wm m wm mm mm on m wwt mm w mm u JmHt rtaa .tfciil -M. jj. n t irtMJ yia .af aa,rfa t ft-jt iW -fUt M A J- Ml -a afrrtt ,t rtti ttA'W MHal Ja JUM M fttlM JMI m4 Sm 4tta tiatlft MM i& tJ U glmd' M I soser zz n n ri is ii n ii n n if ii n ri M lit n ii n H li n ti n n M II Ii 11 n I! if 12 II II 11 ii If 13 11 II II M M II 11 fl II li