DAILI CAFHAL JOUBJIAL, SALEM, OltEGOS, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 11. 1912. Fage Four ' l HiilllltHM"""'- . J i : : II 1 T Pastor Russell's Sermon I - : l rV'' -f K ,t. .... ...s LuiJ, l)'AMOiai5MlO) DIVINE REWARDS AREjTERHAL Parable cf tiie Sheep and Goats Clearly Explained, GOO'S MESSAGE TO MANKIND, Pastor Russsll Corraota Some Mialn tarpratationa of Holy Writ Etarnal (Jfe la Gi't t God and tha Blow ing Will Not Ba Confarrad on tha Wilfully Wickad -The Church Will Sit With tha Massiah Whan tha World la Judgad. Columbus, Ohio, Sept 8. Pastor Russell's text here todny wns, "These shall go awny luto everlasting pun ishment, but the righteous into Ufa eternal." Mat thew xxv, 48. lie snld: We have been In all sorts of con fusion respecting the future, be- rmmn we have not studied tho Bible' testimony critically. For thirteen cen liirles thu Bible was almost unknown Th l.lshoiw of the Church were erro neously supposed to be successors of AiwiutinH nnd to sneiik with tue Divine liimilrntlon nnd authority irintiiur wns. not vet Invented and rtliicutloti wns conllned to a wealthy iw No wonder the Inspired Mes aage was lost In mass of human tradition, much of which was devilish iiimsense! We huve been gradually 'progressing from darkness to light, though fettered by hobgoblin figures nrwl .iuh other's threats and perver fiinns of the Divine Message. It is n r to snv that the Itlble is being mom erliioallv studied today by ear nost Christians of all denominations than It ever was before. Tho result at this study, and Ihe advantage! of nnr tlnin. are manifesting themselves, Divine harmonics arc filling beadB and hearts once distracted by clashing creeds. Take our Text as an Illustration. Once blltidlv we rend this Pnrable of the Pheep and (Joats and applied It to rewards and punishments as a result of thhiL-s done in the present Age Kmv vi see that lis proper application hplnntM altiisether to the nest Age of Messiah's Kingdom. It distinctly tales this It Is Introduced thus: whon i Knu of Mail shall come 111 Ills irldrv. and all the holy angels with lllni. iArn ahull lie sit upon thoThrono of Ills glory; and befnre IIIlii shall lie ir.it h.'ivd all nation, and lie shall Sep nnte Ihrm one from another as the hepherd dlvldeth the sheep from the coals." The Church Is not Included In this r,i It)., ii t II II tt relates, as we see, to the world-"(l nations." Other Scrip lurvs show us that when the nations Khali thus iiiiilei-go their trial for life or death everlasting Mo Cliurvh will be Kloriiled As the llilde of Christ the shall stt iriM Mini in Vis Throne and be la ted In Ills work of Judging tho world. Note how clearly St. l'aul ex iini.tu. nils stivlne. "Know yo not that the saints shall Judge the world?" a tvrlnihlnn vl. 2.1 Thus It Is the uwM's .ludguient Iay that ho else where mentions, saying, "Cod hath ap ixiluted a Day tfuturo-n thousand ve.ir Dav-the Day of Christ), In tho which He will Judge tlio world In righteousness by (hat Man whom Ho hath oiilulned."-Ai'ts xvll, 31. A right understanding of the doc trine of Klectlon helps us gradually to n nroncr view of the Divine Program, The Church Is being selected out of the world according to faithfulness nnd character-development. In prepara lion for groat service for the non-elect The Mpsslnnle Kingdom, with Christ nnd the Church In control as tho Hoyal I'rlesthood. Is npiwlnled for tho very purost of blessing the non-elect world-'all nations." For a thousand years tho work of bringing nil to a knowledge of Hie Truth will progress. To (Ills end Satan will lie l)ound at (he terv beginning of the thousand years i mi i the light of the knowledge of (he eloi-v of Cod will till (ho whole earth .is i hi waters cover the great deep With nil thus brought to a clear com urelienslnn of righteousness each will tn on, trial, and will either come Into hartmmv with the Kingdom or remain mi nllen and lover of sin. All the lat er are III the parable classed as goats . wavward ones -and will thus placo -themselves at tho left hand of the -K-inif-lii Ills disfavor. On the con- irnrv. all who learn the ways of the i. in! and come into accord therewith nw farm holicallv styled "slieop" In tin .vnifililo and by tlielr conduct will i.ii. nim tlulr n'aces at the King's right band, or place of favor. , Shaao Goats Fire. The Parable shows the conclusion tha world's Judgment.' All Will tlllran their Dlnces, either J.IW as sheep or as goats-cither In the rm-.ir or In Ills disfavor. The nhoep class will then hear His "Well done." "Come, yo blessed of My Fa ther," Inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of tha vorlil"-from the Bine the world wa ataWlshed.-Mtthew nv, 21, 23. U. Tha world 'waa made for mankind. Adam being lt representative was tho King of earth. lie lost Ma dominion hn ha hrnl his relationship to bis Creator and luil his right to eternal life i by his disobedience. The sheep class will represent all of Adams race brought back to perfection by the proc esses of lte.stltutlon during Messiah'! reign. (Acta 111, 19-21.) To them will come the dominion which Adam lost and which Jesus redeemed at Calvary and which He will gift to the worthy ones at the conclusion of His tnou- sand-ycar reign. Next, the fate of the goat class Is stated not in literal lan guage, but symbolically. Indeed, the Prophet and the Apostle declared or Jesus thut "He opened His moutb in pnrablcs and that "without a para ble spake He not unto the people. In other words, everything that Jesns said to tho people in general was fig urative, in order that only those or right condition of heart might be able to understand Illin. The message of the great King to the goat class will be, "Depart from Me. ye cursed. Into everlasting fire pre pared for the Devil and bis angels." (Matthew xxv. iU We might as well Insist that the parable applies to literal goats as to clnlm that this penalty is lltornl fire. All who have studied tho .nhinft will freelv admit that fire itirniichout the Bible is used figurative ly tn rpnri'spnt destruction. Fire Is nnt iiK.d as a svnihol for Adamic death, the sentence upon all of the race, be cause God from the beginning purposed the setting aside of that sentence through the redemptive work of Jesus; hence Adamic death Is not destruc tion, but In tho Rible is styled, sym hniirnllv. "falling asleep," and resur roMirm la stvlfd "awakening from sleen." Rut when picturing the Second nonth tlm Rible uses strong terms, representing destruction In the fullest unit most obso ute sense. Mam me words used: "Perish," "Second Death, Kii-rinittlnn Destruction." We even nvorlnnked the nhiln explanation which Toana irnvn us when He snld. "tne lane of Ore. which Is the Second Death Mlnvnlntlnn TT. 14.1 SL Peter. BUID minr up tho fate of the Incorrigibly irkad. snvs that tbev shall be destroy ed like natural brute beasts. (II Peter ii mi ftniv a htirrnhnn nf eternal tor II, 1 F vuv " . mcnt hundreds of years old, could have so alarmed us that we failed to note tlioso matters lonit ago. Mnnnwhiie. alas, while many of the learned have abandoned the doctrine of eternal torment, they have practically abandoned everything else in the tiime because they supposed the Bible to toorh this Inconsistency. Let US not ,iimc ihom Into "n gher criticism infidelity and total rejection of the in- Bplratlon of God's Word, hut let us Rirlntiiro with Scripture and use our God-given reason within the boundaries of God'a Message. 80 doing wn are soelne more and more tho glor ious perfection of our Fntlier's charac ter and of His Inspired Word. Raasonina by Contraat Rnmn shallow thinkers have been thrown off the track of religious inves tlgatlon, reasoning thnt If there is a heaven, there must of necessity be, a h..ll of torment. But the contrast which lh 7?iMe establishes in respect to tho sinner nnd the saint Is Ife and ifcnn nnd nnt hcarcn and hell. As a mnilnr of fact the Bible nowhere promises heaven to any except tho Church nf tho First-borns, who are now being called out of tho world for association with Messiah In His King dom The world of mankind never lost heaven and Is nowhere promised heaven Adam's loss was an earthly Kden human perfection. Jesus declares that Ho "came to seek and lo .we that which wns Inst." The work of Ills KhiL-ilom for a thousand years will be th-bringing of earth (o a Paradise condition. And lie will restore all tho willing and obedient of mankind to all that irm lost, bringing (hem back annln to tho image and likeness of God In tho llcsh. Adam possessed those nnalltles when ho was declared by his Creator "very good." nnd was plvin the dominion of earth When Adam was placed on trial in Eden ho was endowed with perfection of life and organism as a man. t.ott ii 1,1 not nun word to him nlxiut heaven or hell, but did set before him life ami death. If he would be obedient ho should be privileged to maintain his life and ail his perfections and bless ings everlastingly. If ho would reliol iralnat his Creator's laws and ho dls obedient thereto he should dlo-bo cut off from life. Ho was dlsoKdlent, and was expelled from Kden Into the ac cursed, or unfit earth, where he died a slow dentil, battling with thorns nnd thistles. This has been (ho fate of his entire race-death-mental, moral and physical decay to completion. Life or DsathBlatsing or Cursing." Addressing the people of old (hrongll tho Prophet God declares, "I have set beforo you life and death, blessing and cursing-choose lift thnt ye may live (Deuteronomy xxx, 10.1 Tho hope be fore tho Israelites was of a resurrec- tlon-a "better resurrection" to the faithful. (Hebrew! xl, 33.) Not a word was said to them In all the four thou and rears down to Jesus' day resiHH-t lug eternal tounont, or any hope of life In nnv condition except In harmony with God When telling the object of Jesns coming Into the world, nnd describing nmn a redemption from the penalty of death, we read, "God so loved the world that lie gave His Only Begotten Ron. thnt whosoever belleveth In Hint might not perish, but bare everlasting nr.." Mohn 111. 10.1 What right had we or anybody to twist the word twrlsh. which means dmlnietioH, to make it mean everlasting life in torture? Such perversion! and wresting of the Scrlp M,r have brought treat discredit upon our God and great confusion Into the nilnda of IU! people. We should not! with emphasis the coulrast bo force fully stated In this most precious icxi nnt noHsh. hut have everlasting life." Certainly whoever gets the everlasting life will not perish; whoever aoes noi get It will perish. How plain God'i Word! Vntica again the various terms used in nmnivl to tlm Savior and His work. The word Savior signifies Llfe-Glver. We would have seen the beauty or wis If we had not been befogged a re spects the penalty, death. Wboer sees that " the wages of sin is acatn must tierforce see that the great need of the world Is a L!fe-Glver-to rescue them from the death penalty by a res urrection. Again, our Lord represents Himself as the Great Physician wbo is able not only to rescue from tho tomb, but to heal all diseases, all the Im perfections which come to mnnklnd as Incidentals of the death penalty. Hear agnln Jesus' words, "ne that hath tho Son hath Ke: he that hath not the Son shall not tee life, but the wrath of God (as expressed in the death penalty) abideth on hlra" to him It hecomea tho Second Death. This ex- nlnlna also the meaning of Jesus' words, "Ye will not come unto Me that ye may have life." And again, "I am romo that thev might have life, and hat thev might have U more abun dantly." What can be plainer than that "The wages of sin Is death, but tho gift of God Is eternal life, through Jesus Christ our Lord?" Romans vl, 23. "Into Evsrlasting Punlshmsnt." We are asked. Does not the word eeerlastlna. as applied to the goat class signify aa long a period as the same word applied to the sheep class? We renlv. Most assuredly so. The punish nient of sin is to be everlasting, and the reward of righteousness Is to be everlasting. There is no question on this point The nuestlon Is, Vt hat t the punishment for sin? The thought less at once will say, Hre. torment smoke, blazes, devils with horns and tails and pitchforks, a la Danle's In tern n. But wn ask for a Scriptural answer What does tha Bible Bay Js the punish ment for sin? Nothing like Dante's answer is to bo found In the Bible however much we might Imagine that It was printed In every page and that we hnve read it Bcores or times, i ne Bible Is most explicit. It declares, "The wages of sin is death;" "All the wicked will God destroy;" "The soul that slnneth. It shall die;" "punished with everlnstlng destruction." These abundant and redundant Scriptural testimonies on the subject should set tie the matter of future punishment to very reasonable mind especially when there Is not a Scripture to the con trary, either In the Old or In the New Testament. T dn Indeed remember certnln of on T.ord's narahles which, taken literally might mean tho literal cutting off of a hand or foot, the literal plucking out of the eye, the biting worms possessed of Immortality, and literal blazes un niieiii'hablo. These we hnve already discussed and may yet. agnln refer to, but not now. Wo content ourselves with the generally accepted and ren amiable proposition that parables are never to be accepted ns teaching doc trines, but at very most as Illustrating them. Tho Blblo contains not a sUiglo sug gestlon of eternal torture ns a penalty for sin. It tells of no place beyond tho bounds of time and space whero Dante's poem will find Its fulfilment. It does toll of a Cod. of Infinite Justice. Wisdom, Love and Power, whose de cree Is that eventually nil the wicked shall be destroyed; that eventually there will not bo one Inharmonious note throughout (lie VnlreiTe to mar tho glorious harmony and perfection; that every knee shall bow and pveVy tongue confess to the. glory of God; thnt there shall be no more dying, cry ing, sighing; that God's will shall bo done on earth even as It Is done In heaven; that eventually, "Every crea ture In heaven and In earth and under the earth shall le heard saying. Praise. glory, dominion and might be unto Him that sltteth upon the Throne and ; unto tho Lamb forever." Analysing It Carefully. i Let ns look Btlll more deeply Into our text: Let us noto this word pun-1 Ishment In the Greek. It Is loIut. , Its usage In tho Greek classics signt-, Am, to prune, to cut off. A secondary j mennlng of the word Is, to restrain. , Death Is a most effectual restraint. Tho punishment which God has pro-j vlded for sinners is that they sunn oe ; cut off from life, cut off from all dm , blessed privileges which God provided, not for them, not for rebels, but for sons In fellowship with Himself. The punishment against Father Adam was cutting off from Eden and its blessings, from being the king or nrth. from fellowship with His Cre ator, from being ihe son of God, from enjoying everlasting life. All this ou ting off was Included In his deatn sen tence. Jesus came that Adam and his race might not everlastingly porlsh that thev might be rescued from the power of (be grave by a resurrection of the dead, that all might thm. through Hlai come to n full oppor tunity :'or life everlasting. Neverthe less the Divine Law still stands. 1 ne wages of slu still Is death. Therefore whoever shall receive the grace of God In vain, whoever shall sin wilfully, In tentlonally. after full enlightenment shall again be cut off-'.bis time to nr ish, because "Christ dlctb no more" no more shall death have dominion over Him. Tha opportunity which III.- Kingdom shall grant for every crea ture, for every memlier of Adam's race, ro return to Divine fellowship and ever lasting life, will be so complete as to need no repetition. Those who die the ftoonnd Death will ba without a reme dy, will pexlah In everlastlnt destruc tion. Children Cry for Fletcher's 7 V? ft , -"I- '- f.w ' Iff " -WTPw- , v ... a The Kind You Have Always Bought, nnd which lias hsen la use lor over 30 years, lias borne the signature of rt and lias been made under his pero , fSSd-!- sonal supervision ulnce its liifuney. ySucUi. Allow no one to deceive yon in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good " nro but l:xperliuciits that trifle with and eiidanser the health of Infants and Children Experience against I2xpcrlmcuta What is CASTORIA Cnatorla Is a harmless gnbstituto for Castor Oil, Pare goric, lrops nnd Soothing Syrnps. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Karcotlo substance. Its ago Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms and nilays Fevcrtslnicss. For more than thirty years it lias been In constant use lor the relief of Constipation,' flatulency, Wuid Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy nnd natural tilce?. The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Fricni. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of S9 Ile General Grocery Store ,.rn.T.TTllUl.rTItT. KtW VOW! CITY. Pianos and Organs f Edison, Victor and i Columbia Talking Machines l A full stock of Records. GEO. C. WILL from the cheapest to the best sold on installments and rented. GEO. C. WILL ii Sewing Machines I latest Sheet Music i Genuine needles, oil and new parts for all sewing machines. Sewing ma- i chines rented. GEO. C. WILL Piano and Organ Studies. Violins, Guitars, Mandolins and Banjos. GEO. C. WILL t 4 H SOUTH SALEM MARKET PLACE POISAL & SHAW s A I t ure to please the lovers of a wholesome beverage, ways an invigorating, purs and delightful drink. ends strength to the weak and wearied physique. ffects a soothing cure for the nervous ills of life. We also carry a full line of clgara, tobacco, candy, palnU, drug and stamp.. 761 X X 'akes life more pleasant , cheers the heavy heart. ind r .. Ii. .11 i rings good Teiiowsnip 10 an who partake in moderation. livens the spirit of the down cast and disheartened. idows existence with hopes and aspirations stores man to fulness of . strength and activity. A FINE ruOsVillE Practically In the city limits of Salem. This placo consists of 26 acres of the best land In the Willamette valley, every foot of which Is In cultivation: There ahre 14 acres of bearing prune trees. There are 2 acres of bearing cherry trees. There are two acres of bearing apple treei. There is a fine vineyard of the best grapes. There Is a garden, including berriei, etc. There Is a good house, barn, fruit drier and all the necessary out-' buildings. There Is a team, wagon, all fni m Implements and full equipment. There is nothing in the Willamette valley that can surpass this place, nnd few can equal It Owner must sell at sacrifice to return east. Lt us show this to you. Parker & Warcham Vilh E. liOFER & SONS 213 South Commercial Street. Telephone Main 82 The Best for all Motors LEAVES PRACTICALLY NO CARBON For Sale ETerjwhcre. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Incorporated) !M IttlttlllttHtMIMIIMH MM4MB WHILE IN SALEM Take Advantage of the GOOD JUDGMENT CONTEST T i AT Automobile-Motor Cycle and Accessory Dealers of Salem APPERSON 8. F. AXDEBS05, Also A (rent for Kee and Mlroltaa Simonton Motor Co. 151 Jf. Hlga Barr's Jewelry Store Watch the Windows-New Articles j all the time at Below Cost Prices MMvMM MM E-M-F E-M-F MOTOR SALES CO. E. M. F. "SO" Flanders "i C. L. Boss, Mgr. 24 S. Com'l St FORD FOKD AUEKT, E. H. Whiteside, Mt Also Agent for B. C. H. and loiler Garag 'o. 560 Ferry Street INDIAN cycles WATT SHIPP innnnltloa. Fishing Tackle. Eto. Sorta Commercial Street Phoae l OVERLAND Simonton Motor Co, Agt for Mitchell Tube Tnlranliing a Specialty. Panne 1M 151 Kerta Hlga Strew I SAVE YOURSELF! i There is no reason why you should always be a slave. If you are desirous of saving yourself or a friend from a drunk ard's grate, you cannot afford to overlook the opportunity offered at the Hot Lake Sanatorium for the cure of the liquor and drug habit Hot Lake mineral baths prepare the body for the treatment and then sooth the nerves and actually remove the desire for the liquor or drug. Hundreds of happy homes in Oregon and Washing ton today bear witness to the efficiency of the Hot like treatment One week will In most cases effect a cure. Sometimes longer la re A..ip k., nn .n.n Tha haut nt pnra la riven the Datienta. For IIUIICU. WUb UU. V1V.U. HW wvw " p - " 1 full Information, addresa I ii , II c l Hot Lake, t nOl Lane dauaiUHUiil, Oregon WALTER X. FIEBCK Pre a and Mgr.