Pig Foar DULY CAriTAL JOUIINAL, SA1EM, OEEG05, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER , 1913. WEAKENS Oi) SEEING WEAPONS Portland, Or., Sept. 6. Sobbing bit terly, Hazel Irwin, 20 years-old, on trial for the murder together with WHIard Tanner of Ray Wallace, broke down completely today when evidence of the bloody crime was Introduced In court. "For God's nuke, make them take that away!" sho Bcreamed aa she clutched her attorney'! sleeve when the proaecutlon produced the heavy, tolocd-stalncd Iron bolt with which Tanner In alleged to have beaten Wal lace to death, after the Irwin girl had lured him to the room where she lived vlth Tanner. ' The prosecution Introduced several witnesses today who testified aa to here the murdered man was employ ed, his habits and the finding of hla iH'dy In the lodging house where. tho Irwin girl and Tanner lived. The Irwin girl Is alleged to have lured Wallace to her room. Tanner Is under arrest and will be tried later. LABOR IS NOT MR. HAYWOOD Washington, Sept. 6. The Ameri can Federation of Labor will not Join with the movement for a goneral strike urged by officials of the Indus trial Workers of the World In protest against the Imprisonment of Joseph Ettor and Alturo Glovannlttl, leaders In the Lawrence textile strike. The attitude of the big labor body was ex pressed here this afternoon In unmis takable terms by Secretary Frank Morrison. "Organized labor," said Morrison, "will not quit work In response to any call from William D. Haywood. I am aulte sure that no member of the American Federation of Labor or any or Its affiliated organizations would seriously consider Haywood'a sugges tion., "Labor aa typified by the federation la not following the leadership of Hay wood or any othera of his Ilk." If preparing to Bhlp potatoes see to ordoring the cars early especially this fall. A conservative Is a man who Is will ing to argue that a bad egg Is good In spots. Tv TTft TP3 A SUAE5 NOW ON IN FULL BLAST AT THE rice Shoe Co. MILITIA IS . ORDERED TO CHALESTOWH UNITED PHltBS U1ND Willi. Charleston, W. Va., Sept 6. Throngs of excited people this afternoon con gested the principal streets of Charles ton, thoroughly alarmed over reports that efforts would be made to prevent Mother Jones, labor's foremost woman leader, from speaking at the capitol tonight In the Interest of the striking miners of the Paint Creek section. Ten thousand miners are gathered here forjvhat was Intended as a peace ful demonstration against the private guards and detectives sent to the strike zone to guard company mines. Late today a company of militia was ordered here In anticipation of trouble The miners and Charleston citizens generally are Indignant at this stand, asserting such action waa not warranted. HE SETTLED HIS TRODBLES 00T OF COURT (ONI1HD rBESS LEiKID WIRE. San Fronclaco, Sept. 6. Gustav Ehrllck, wealthy Mai estate operator, today withdrew charges he had pre ferred against Mr. Maud Lillian Coop er, pretty cafe singer, whom he had promissory note while In SHRDLU $500 promissory note while in an al leged Intoxicated condition In her apartment. Superior Judge Nostrand dismissed the case when Ehrllcka' at torney explained that the matter had been settled out of court. BOY SHIPPED TO THE EAST . BY EXPRESS IrKlTED PBI8S LEASED WIRE.) Shelton, Conn., Sept. 6. Tagged like any package of merchandise and paid for by the pound, Harold Hen nessey, 8 years old, Is here today, hav ing arrived by express from Los An geles. Harold's parents moved to California and the boy became ,111. A doctor adviBed a trip back to his na tive Connecticut and when Hennessey waa In doubt how to get his bou back to relatives here an express agent solved the difficulty by accepting Har old aa freight- WOULD HAVE LAUD REVERT TO THE STATE A FEW OF OiUR SPECIALS 200 pairs ladies' gun metal and patent button shoes, regular ((JO QC $4.00 grade go at . . . 300 pairs men's 16-inch boots, double soles to heel, Buckeye top, regular $6.50 to $7.00 go QC i $3.05 at 12-inch in same go at Men's rubber boots, regular $4.00 to$4.50 goods, now go Qjj. 1000 pairs of men's now going at $2.95 to dress shoes $3.95 Everything at wholesale, plus the actual cost of selling THE QUICK SALE AND SMALL PROFIT STORE SOCIALISTS GATHER TO GREET DEBS FUXITED PDERI LEASED WIBS.l Los Angeles", Cal., Sept. 6. Several hundred Southern California Social ists gathered today at La Grande sta tion to meet Eugene V. Debs, their presidential candidate, who was sched uled to arrive from San Francisco late today. A brass band and a marching organization were to lead a parade through the business section from the station to the candidate's hotel. Debs speaks here tonight. PRESIDENT ADDRESSED BIG CROWD UNITED mtSJ LEASED WIRE, Now London, Conn., Sept. li. Presi dent Taft addressed a patriotic cele bration at Fort Grlswold today. At the close of the exercises he planned upon resuming his trip to Beverly, Mass., upon the Mayflower. I'pon alighting at the pier the pres dent leaned upon the shoulder of an army officer with one hand and sup ported himself on his cane with the other. When he reached the four steps leading from the landing two men sup ported him. Ho limped notlcouhly up on walking to tho hotel elevator. Sacramento, Cal., Sept. 6. That the legislature to be chosen In November should pass a law enabling the state to take and keep absolute title to all cut-over forest lands after the expira tion of the legal period of five years ncn-payment of taxes, is the sugges tion here today of State Forester Ho mnns, in view of the fact that all three Lolltlcal parties In California are pledged to scientific conservation. "This Is a good time to allow the Etnte to begin the creation of its own forests without any large cash out lay," said Homans. "If the state Is enabled to assume ownership of these cut-oxer lands we shall have taken the flrat step in that direction." THE OLDEST PIONEER III CALIFORNIA San Francisco, Sept 6. At the age of 92 years, Earl H. Cooley, one of California's oldest pioneers, who held the distinction of being one of the sailors under Commodore Sloanc, who tended at Monterey In 1842 and plant ed the first American flag in that city Is dead here today. He Is survived by four children. WILL HOLD A BIG MEETING IN PROTEST (DNiTsn rur.KS leased wihe.1 Tacoma, Wash., Sept. 6. Ical friends of Joe Ettor, the Ijiwiencf, Muss., labor leader, who Is held In jail there on an alleged trumped up charge of murder, because In a riot In the big woolen mill strike a woman was killed although Ettor, It Is admitted, was not near the place at tho time, will hold a big protest meeting here for him Sun day, September 15. Ettor's father and family reside In Tacoma. He himself was here about a year ago. Next to LaJd and Bush Dank V v 326 State St. Phone 616 liiL Ut SL'02 CO. Must Lose Tonsils. UNITED TIERS UASED WIKE.) Bob ton. Sept. 6. Five senators, In cluding Walter Johnson, must have their tonsils removed after the Ameri can league season closes, according to announcement here today by Manager Clark Griffith. With theso pipes cleaned, Griffith said he would win the 1913 nag. Robert L. Uurkhart. of Albany, one of the best known breeders of Jersey cattle on the coast, left yesterday for a nine-mouths' visit In the Fast. His trip is being taken for tho purpose of Inspecting the Jersey herds of the entire Fast. His wife acompanles him. Real Estate Bulletin l!-6 $1550. Lot 50x153 on Court street If you are in the market for a lot don't overlook this. 168 $3500. 8-room House and lot 85 xl20 on Front Street. This Is the property to keep your eye on, 187 $5000. 8-room modern house. This is close In property, four blocks from court house. 202 $3000. 7-room bungalow, beamed ceilings, built in seats, china closets, den and fireplace, full basement and furnace; an Ideal home. 199 $2500. 6-room bungalow, beamed ceilings, column openings, large lot, close in; $500 cosh, balance same as rent. 181 $1200. Five-room house and barn, 4 blocks from State street. Built one year; some fruit; $250 down, balance monthly or will take team as part payment. 214 $1300, 11 acres, 3 miles from center of city, 6-room, plastered house, water in kitchen, good barn, 6 or 7 tons of hay, one horse aud wagon, farm implements, In cubator, chicken house to handle 100 chickens. 205 $2400. 10V4 acres Vk miles south of city limits, 200 apples, 200 peaches, 100 Cherries, straw berries and raspberries. This Is the last of a large farm, and Is very fine. 193 $4000. 15 acres, 4 miles south, 6 acres In prunes, 2V4 acres straw berries, H acre peaches, Vt acreB loganberries; horse, cows and farm Implements Included. 213155 acres, 8 miles south of Salem on rock road, 18 acres prunes, 3 acre8 peaches, 3 acres cherrlea, buildings good, spring water pip ed to house; price $100 per acre. 178 50 acres 2 miles from Salem, 40 acres In cultivation, lays fine to cut Into tracts. Nothing better than this; price $185 per acre, 300 $18,100, 2S0 acres deep red hill soil, 200 acres In crop this year, 40 acres fine timber, 40 acres open pasture, can easily be put In grain, fine house (large), fine barn, both house and barn on concrete basements, well fenced, 12 Mi acres prunes, large prune dryer, running water; will. take up to $0000 In Salem property; . terms on balance. For Itent Seven-room house, close In wa ter paid. 4 Six-room house, good location. Five-room house and barn. List your houses for rent PARKER & WAREHAM, With E. Hofer Son, 213 South Com mercial Street Office open evenings. j PICTORES OF BUILDINGS TO BE SROWN Calvin S. White, secretary for the slate board of health, has been engag ed In taking views of the state build ings which, together with other views he will display by means of moving pictures at the convention of the In ternational Hygenlc Congress at Washington, D. C, this month. The views will especially show the sanitary conditions under which the buildings are conducted. The other views above referred to will show sanitary Improvements made through out the Rtate In general. He Is convinced that the pictures will do much to advertise Oregon throughout the nation. William Curtis, of Harrlsburg, a pioneer of Linn county, died Sunday morning, aged 76. He had resided In Linn county ever since 1852. T. T. Roach, aged 76, and a resi dent of Linn county since 1852, died at hla home In Harrlsburg Sunday. He took up a donation claim In 1852, where he haB resided ever since. Medford's high Bchool enrollment has doubled In three years a sure In dication of healthy growth. Astoria dairymen have let a con tract for tho building of a big cream ery. , Dallas has decreed that all plank crosswalks must go, and cement walks put In their places. IF BILIOUS OR CONSTIPATED PLEASE TRY "SYRUP OF FIGS" NOTHING LIKE THIS DELICIOUS when all the clogged up waste mat Fltl'IT LAXATIVE TO CLEANSE ter, sour bile and constipation poi VOUK STOMACH, LIVEK AND 80 sons move on and out of your system. FEET OK BOWELS OK SOI R BILE, GASES, I'OISONS AND (LOGGED. II WASTE. You know when your liver Is bad, v.hen your bowels are sluggish. You feel a certain dullness and depression perhaps the approach of a headache, your stomach gets sour and full of gas, tongue coated, breath foul, or you have Indigestion. ' You Bay, "1 am bil ious or constipated and I must take something tonight" Most people shrink from a physic they thing of castor oil, calomel, salts or cathartic pills. It's different with Syrup of Figs. Us effect Ib as that of fruit; of eating without gripe, nauoea or weakness. Nothing eleo cleanesos and regulates: your aour, disordered stomach, torpid! liver and thirty feet of waste-clogge-J bowols like gentle, effectlce Syrup of Figs. Don't thing you are drugging yourself. Being composed entirely of luscious figs, senna and aromntlca, it can not cnuso Injury. If your child Is cross, sick and fe verish, or Its little stomach sour, tongue coated, give Syrup of Figs at onco. It's really all that Is needed to niako children well and happy again. They dearly love Its pleasant taate. Ask your druggist for the full name "Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna," and look on the label for the same Instead of Liquid AntisepticsprPeroxide many people are now using Paxtine Toilet Antiseptic The new toilet germicide powder to be - dissolved in water as needed. For all toilet and hygienic uses it Is better and more economical. To cleanse and whiten the teeth, remove tartar and prevent decay. To disinfect the mouth, de stroy disease germs, and purify the breath. To keep artificial teeth and bridirework clean, odorless To remove nicotine from the teeth and purify the breath after smoking. and body Of To eradicate perspiration odors by sponge batmn. The best antiseptic wash known Relieves and strengthena tired, Weak, inflamcdeyes. Heals sore throat, wounds and cuts. 2.1 and 50 cts. a box, druggists or bv mall postpaid. Sninple Free, f HE PAXTON TOILET CO. .Borrow, Mai coarse food; of exercise. Take a tea-1 California Fig Syrup Company. That, spoonful of delicious Syrpp of Figs ; and that only, is the genuine. Rofuse tonight and you won't realize you I any other fig syrup substitute with have taken anything until morning, contempt. Ludwlck Rasmussen was Instantly Gllsdorf, a trained nurse, was hell killed at Astoria Sunday, when a up, stabbed and robbed of $60. late stump to which a cable was hitched, last night as she was returning to In logging, pulled up and was thrown her home at 387 First street, Port with great force by the spring of the lond, from a drug store at Third and cable. It struck Rasmusaen, crushing Harrison streets. The assault occur hlB skull and breaking his ribs and red within a few steps of the front arnts. door of her residence. She was not Just out of a hospital, Mrs Els'a seriously hurt, aside from the Bhock. SAVE YOURSELF There is no reason why you should always be a slave. If you are desirous of saving yourself or a friend from a drunk ard's grave, you cannot afford to overlook the opportunity offered at the Hot Lake Sanatorium for the cure of the liquor and drug habit Hot Lake mineral baths prepare the body for the treatment and then sooth the nerves and actually remove the desire for the liquor or drug. Hundreds of happy homes In Oregon and Washing ton today bear witness to the efficiency of the Hot Lake treatment One week will In moat cases effect a cure. Sometimes longer is re quired, but not often.' The best of care Is given the patients. For full Information, address Hot Lake Sanatorium, i! WALTEB A. PIEBCE Pres. and Mgr. Here is an investment will make any man an independent fortune inside of five years Located on Great Southern Pacific Interurban Electric Railway System Cash, balance at 6 per cent interest, long time if desired, buys best 55 acres adjoining West Salem, Property that is bound to increase in value at the rate of $100 per acre every year. Twenty acres in Royal Anne cherries, 4 years old. Six acres large bearing orchard, apples and pears. Two and one-half acres English walnuts, $4000 of improvements, besides orchards, put in at $2000, Right on the line of the new railroad bridge being built across the river to Salem, and on line of the Salem and Dayton extension. Has county roads on three sides of the land. Less than ten minutes walk to big steel bridge. Seven minutes by motorcar from business center of Salem, Beautiful, sightly, scenic residence property, of which there is little left for sale around Salem, and none in so large a tract. Adjoins famous Kimball cherry sweepstakes prize orchard, for which $1500 an acre has been refused. Last large tract on market suitable for acreage or lots. E. HOFER & SONS It 213 South Commercial Street Salem, Oregon It im turn, tw nkMMnmwiwwrnnivMnww w .w.-i f (wwvi3535sS5515!U$