Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 03, 1912, Page Page Six, Image 6

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    Fre Six
The laying bare of name of stock
holders of nil corporations dealing In
liquors, for the purpose of nsoortuln
ing If thoy do not take In tholr sweep
municipal nnd other officials, nnil are
In this way able to enjoy protection
under tho law, lit Governor Wcst'B
next move In Ills vice crusade In I'oit-1
In adillllon (o finding out If any of
ficers are Block holders of theao cor
porations, ho will also be able to I.Mrn
from their other honks ns to whether
they ai o violating the law In siilpiilni;
lliliior Into dry territory.
This action will be taken under i
section of the corporation law whlclj
provides that tho stock books of the
corporation shall he open to Inspee
(Ion for the purpose of IcnrnlnK the
names of stockholders, nnd their orlier
books also b eopen for Inspection. By
this method, he believes, he will be
ahlo to show to tho peoplo the ronunn
why the law Is not enforced ngnhipt
many breweries nnd liquor dealers, is
that offlceii are stockholders.
District Attorney Brown was toda
directed to bring proceedings to dis
solve the P.os 'Irii'K Drewery ft :ce
company, on 'lis ground that !l bn
violated the ,' I'V selllni? aa-r :ti
dry terrltJ Articles of incorpora
tion for this Institution shows Jiscpi
Mlchellle, m-iyr of Rosebnrg, to Lc
one of ihfl ine.it porators, end Mix
Weiss sol Peter Wotck, to be the oth
ers. The govorno" alo looked In'." the
articles of Incorporation for the Over
land Club, and found that J. H. Flem
ing, J. A. McClary and J. M. Peters
are the Incorporators.
floes After Local Ilonse,
This morning the governor notified
the owner of tho Glenn Ellen House,
on Front street, that they must get
rid of their tenants, or he would tnke
a hand . In the situation. Several
months ago the governor directed the
officers hero to close this house, nnd
they compiled with his request. This
morning he was advised that It had
been opened up, and he gave orders
that It must be closed and remained
The Union county fair opens at La
Grande September 9 and that of Ba
ker county at Haker City September
10. Racing will be a big feature at
More thnn 300 Shrlners assembled at
Itnseburg today, mostly from southern
Oregon. They will go to Marshfleld
Major J. J. Morrow, Corps of U. S.
Engineers, now at Portland, has been
appointed by President Taft chairman
of the Alaska Railroad commission.
Twenty-six carloads of sheep, the
largest shipment ever made from Ilen-
tcn county, wero sent out of Corvallls
Kugene physicians emphatically as
nr-rt that Mildred Green, the child
murdered thero last week, had not
been UHsaulli-d some time previous to
her murder, There was such a rumor,
which they pronounce damnable.
The pioneers of Douglas county held
a grand reunion at Olalla Wednesday
I). F. Melluln, president of the Ore
gon City Commercial club, has gone
eoBt to try and get tho Pike-Crane
Paper Co. to locate Its plant there. It
would employ 200 persons.
There was quite a frost In Wallowa
county Thursday night. The report
says but little damage was done,
Pete Dlazelm, a Servian, was Bhot
by a comrade with whom he quar
reled, at Wlllbrldge, five miles north
of Portland, Sunday, and may die.
A little son of Frank Krlze, aged 18
months, was drowned near Mallu,
Klamath county, last week. He was
trying to catch some tame ducks In an
Irrigation ditch, and fell In.
arriving In that city somewhat the Notice of
"wh iur wbui. 1 lie trip IB IUUUU in
Humphrey Miller, of Klamath Falls,
took to drinking tea made of Jlmson
weed, to cure rheumatism. Only he
roic treatment by doctors prevented
the cure being; accomplished. He wilt
The Oregon Rural Letter Carriers'
association, which has been In Besston
for two days, adjourned yesterday afternoon.
The Shrlnara attending the pilgrim
age from Ashland to Coos Ray are
' JSKg'q- "" H -..n-NMM.MiM.nil. i,,,..,.,.-.,
; AUwealhcrs-allv
X " conditions
V; I the best auto oil f
rrfj inthe
liil nandiest can.
L y,r, jl !
For Sale Everywhere
Is Your Judgment Good?:!
A look at Barr's windows
will soon show you.
Can you pick out the lucky
article? If you can, you
are many dollars ahead.
autos and the roads, due to the heavy
rains, were hard to travel, a any,
even a Shrlner, ever traveled.
The number of marriage licenses Is
sued In Linn county last month only
exceeded the divorces granted by three
At Wedderburn, Curry county, last
week, the grand Jury Indicted one Its
own members ror soiling liquor on
Sunday. He pleaded guilty and paid
his fine.
Intention to Construct a
Trunk Line Sanitary Sewer Through
Portions of Depot Addition and Oak
Lodge Addition to Salem, Oregon,
and Certain Acreage Tracts Lying
South of the County Road Leading
From Salem, Oregon, to Turner,
Oregon. '
The Capital Journal Invites pub
lie discussion in this department
Let both sides of all matters T
oe juny Drouirni oui it is noi
the purpose of this newspaper to
do the thinking for Its readers.
The Hull Moose.
The big Bull Moose with his eyes to
the sun.
Could never keep pace to the "Stren
uous One"
Oh, obstreperous Teddy of Oyster Bay,
Think you the dear people are "nil to
the pay?"
A friend to the laborer, ah, yes, It la
Tho "Trusts" and the "Big Doys" who
labor for you.
McCormlck Is one of tho laboring
Frank Munsey, poor soul, on the Dull
Moose depends.
George Perkins, another poor hard
working man,
Is plugging for Teddy as hard as he
The needs of the people the Bull
Moose can see,
But dear, trusting people, that need Is
Just "Me." '
To the Republican party he Boon said
When at last they "got wise" to his
Majesty "I,"
But the "Grand Old Party" was quite
good enough
When It gave up the plums and stood
for his bluff.
They know what he needs and you bet
they're on,
For the big Bull Moose Is a big "Bull
If you knew of the real value of
Chamberlain's Liniment for lame back
soreness of the muscles, sprains and
rheumatic pains, you would nevor wish
to bo without it. For sale by all deal
There is no reason why you should
always be a slave.
If you are desirous of saving yourself or a friend from a drunk
ard's grave, you cannot afford to overlook the opportunity offered
at the Hot Lake Sanatorium for the cure of the liquor and drug
habit Hot Lake mineral baths prepare the body for the treatment
and then sooth the nerves and actually remove Uie desire for the
liquor or drug. Hundreds of happy homes In Oregon and Washing
ton today bear witness to the efficiency of the Hot like treatment
One week will In moat cases effect a cure. Sometimes longer Is re
quired, but not often. The best of care Is given the patient. For
full Information, address
1 Hot Lake Sanatorium.
Pre, and Mgr.
Hot Lake,
Real Estate Bulletin
116 $1550. Lot 60x153 on Court street
If you are In the market for a lot
don't overlook this.
168 (3500. g-room house and lot 85
xl20 on Front Stroet This is the
property to keep your eye on.
187 $5000. 8-rooin modern house.
This Is close In property, four
blocks from court house.
20213600. 7-roora bungalow, beamed
ceilings, built In seats, china
closets, den and fireplace, full
basement and furnace; an Ideal
W9 S2C00. G-room bungalow, beamed
ceilings, column openings, large
lot, close In; $500 cash, balance
same as rent
181 $1200. Five-room houBe and
barn, 4 blocks from State street.
Built one year; some fruit; $:
down, balance monthly or will
take team as part payment.
214 $1300, 11 acres,' 3 miles from
center of city, 6-room, plastered
houBe, water n kitchen, good
barn, 6 or 7 tons of hay, one horse
and wagon, farm Implements, In
cubator, chicken houso to handle
100 chickens.
205 $2400. 10 acres 2 miles
south of city limits, 200 apples,
200 peaches, 100 Cherries, straw
berries and raspberries. This Is
the Inst of a large farm, and is
very fine.
19314000. 15 acres, 4 miles south, 6
acres la prunes, 2M acres straw
berries, acre peaches, 1
ncrcB logunborrlos; horse, cows
nnd farm Implements Included.
213155 acres, 8 miles south of Salem
on rock road, 18 ncres prunes, 3
acres peachos, 3 acres cherries,
buildings good, spring water pip
ed to house; price $100 per acre.
17850 acres 2 miles from Salem, 40
acres In cultivation, lays fine to
cut Into tracts. Nothing better
than this; price $185 per acre.
300 $18,:00, 280 acres deep red hill
soil, 200 acres In crop this year,
40 acres , fine timber, 40 acres
open pasture, can easily be put In
grain, flue house (large), fine
barn, both house and barn on
concrete basements, well fenced
12 i acres prunes, large prune
dryer, running water; will take
up to $6000 In Salem property;
terms on balance.
For Bent
Seven-room house, close In wa
ter paid.
Six-room house, good location.
Five-room house and barn.
List your houses for rent
With E. Hofer A Sons, 113 South Com
mercial 8treet
Office open evenings.
Notice la hereby given that the com
mon council of the city of Salem, Ore
gon, deems and considers It necessary
and expedient and proposes to con
struct a trunk line sanitary sewer as
an extension of what ls( commonly
known as the South Salem sewer sys
tem through portions of Depot addl.
tion and Oak Lodge addition to Salem,
Oregon, and certain acreage tracts ly.
ing south of the county road leading
from Salem, Oregon, to Turner, Oregon.
Said trunk line sanitary sewer ex
tension shall be known and designat
ed as "Sub-trunk Sower A,'' and the
cost of constructing the same, togeth
er with 5 per cent of the cost added
for engineering and other Incidental
expenses, shall be assessed on the
property directly benefitted by the
construction of said Sub-trunk Sewer
A, the boundaries of which said prop
erty Is included within the boundaries
nnd limits described as follows, to
Commencing at the east line of the
Oregon & California Rullway Com
pany's right of way at a point opposite
the alley In block 14, Depot addition;
thence southerly along the east line of
the Oregon & California Rail
way . Company's right of way to
the south city limits; thence east
erly along the south city UmltB
to the east line of lot 8 In Rur
al Home Tracts; tnence northerly
along the east line of lots 8 and 4,
Rural Home Tracts; thence north
westerly along the center of the Tur
ner road to the east line of Simpson's
addition; thence northerly along
the east line of said Simpson's addi
tion to the center of block O, Simp
son's addition; thence westerly along
the center of said blocks G and F of
street; thence easterly along CroBS
street with a 12-Inch vitrified pipe
through Oak Lodge addition and Cross
said addition to 24th street; thence
northerly along 24th street to.Bolle-
vue street; thense westerly along
Bellevue street to the middle of block
1, J. Myers' addition; thence south
erly along the center of blocks 1, 9
and 10, J. Myers' addition to Hyde
street; thence westerly along Hyde
street to the Turner road; thence
northwesterly along the Turner road
to a point opposite the alley In block
19, Depot addition; thence westerly
through block 20, opposite the alley In
block 19; thence through alley In
blocks 19, 18, 17, 16, 15 and 14, De
pot addition, to the Oregon & Califor
nia Railway Company' right of way.
Said sub-trunk Bewer A shall be
constructed In accordance with the
plans and specifications for the same
heretofore adopted by the common
council of the city of Salem. Oregon,
by resolution No. and on file In the
office of the city recordor, reference
to which plans and specifications for a
more detailed description of said sewer
Is hereby made and tho plat, profile
and detail of plnn of sub-trunk sewer
A in South Salem sewer district are
hereby referred to and made a part
of this notice, the said sub-trunk sew
er A Is particularly described as fol
lows, to-wlt:
Beginning at the manhole on the
east side of the Southern Pacific Rail
way company right of way which said
manhole Is the termination of the 14
Inch main trunk sewer, a part of the
South Salem sower system and is lo
cated at a point In Depot addition on
the center line of Waller street In
Yew Park addition to Salem, Oregon,
projected, at the Intersection thereof
with tho east line of said right of way
of the Southern Pacific Railway com
pany; running thence southerly with
a 12-lnch vitrified sewer pipe to the
Intersection of nines street to a man
hole; thence easterly along Hlnes
street with a 12-inch vitrified pipe to
a manhole In the Intersection of Four
teenth Btreet; thence southerly along
Fourteenth street with a 12-Inch vitri
fied pipe to the Intersection of Cross
street extended, to the enBt line of the
land now owned by George F. Rodgers
of Salom, Oregon, to a manhole:
thence from said manhole with a 10
Inch vitrified pipe In a south.msterly
direction on a straight line to a point
and manholo which is located on the
west line of lot 6 Rural Home Tracts
and 350 feet north of the south line of
said lot 6, Rural Home Tracts; thence
south with an 8-Inch vitrified pipe
along and upon the west line of lots
6 and 7, Rural Homo Tracts a dis
tance of 400 feet and terminating In a
Remonstrances and objections may
bo filed against the construction of
said proposed, sub-trunk sewer A In
South Salem sewer district at any
time within ten days from the date of
the final publication of this notice.
This notice Is published for a period
of ten (10) days by order of the com
mon council of the city of Salem, Ore
gon, the date of the first publication
being the 27th day of August A. D.
1912, and the final publication being
the 7th day of September, 1912.
Chas.tF. ELGIN. City Recorder.
Tacoma, Wach., Sept. 2, Onir hun
dred thousand dollars is today esti
mated by officials of the D. & M. com
pany to be the loss sustained In a fire
which destroyed the company saw
mill at South Prairie Saturday night
The fire Btarted in some refuse near
the mill. The company had recently
spent $70,000 In remodeling the plant,
and It was one of the most modern In
he Btnte. The loss is covered by Insurance.
Albany will have no street car ser
vice for three or four days because of
an accident which happened nt 5
o'clock Sunday evening, when work
men on the Oregon Electric let one
of their power wires fall on the Port
land, Eugene & Eastern trolley at the
intersection of the two lines at Fifth
and Lyon streets. The Oregon Elec
tric wire carried 1300 volts and the
trolley wire only 500, and the contact
burned out the armature In the ma
chine In the local electric plant which
furnishes power for the street enr
system. It will require three or four
days tp secure a new armature and
repair the damage.
A car crowded to the doors with
people, who had lust came from the
ball game In Athletic park, was ready
to leave the southern end of the line
when the accident happened, putting
the system entirely out of commission.
,1 en, It II V V .HU il
Reasons Why
You Should Install a Camp- """
bell Winter-Chaser Furnace
Because it combines all the supreme ad
vantages of warm-air heating the warm
floors, convenient registers, no dunger of freet
Insr pipes, etc. with utmost economy of fuel
and labor, ad an even, healthful temperature
moist, clean and pure. If your present system
is unsatisfactory In any particular, investigate
You don't know what lieatlngcomfort
means until you have llils Wlnler
Chaser Willi all that goes with It ilia
Cuaranlre the Campbell Stnutbnck of
you, witli all the satisfaction It Insures
The Winter-Chaser Is madeof AVr
tied than any oilier furnace in the
country There are no cement Joints In
Its construction no possible escape of
gas Willi the large air-chamber and
entrance door III the Jacket youaresuro
of cltan, pure air. And it warms 20
barrels at once here's the best fire
insurance In the world
The 15-gallon reservoir keeps the
air of your home moist and balmy. No
warping and cracking of furniture no
lll-lieulth from dry, microba-laden air, -
Get In touch Willi us . Get a copy
of the "Twlce-a-Day" booklet. It gives
more reasons all the reasons convinc
ing nnd true Come and examine the
Winter-Chaser anyway Made by The
Campbell Heating Co., of Dcs Moines, la.
I'lione 000
Sulein, Oregon
$SO,000,000 Lost Annually by Wage
Earners. Dr. Sadler estimates that about $80.-
000,000 In wages Is lost annual'y to the
American people as a direct result of
colds. Lost time means lost wages
and doctoring Is expensive. Use Fo
ley's Honey and Tar Compound
promptly. It will stop the cough,
and hoal and soothe the sore and
Inflamed air passages. Cure .your
common colds quickly, and prevent
their developing Into more serious
conditions. Foley's Honey and Tar
Compound contains no opiates. Is
safe for children. The genuine Is In
the yellow package.
When a girl marries the man she's
engaged to she is apt to loet a mighty
Indulgent friend,
J La
Practically in the city limits of Salem.
This place consists of 26 acres of the best land In the Willamette
valley, every foot of which la In cultivation:
There ahre 14 acres of bearing prune trees.
There are 2 acres of bearing cherry trees.
There are two acres of bearing apple trees.
There Is a fine vineyard of tho best grapes.
There Is a garden, Including berries, etc.
There Is a good house, barn, fruit drier and all the necessary out
buildings. There Is a team, wagon, all fai m implements and full equipment
There is nothing in the Willamette valley that can surpass this
place, and few can equal It. Owner must sell at sacrifice to return
east, let us show this to you.
Parker & Wareham
213 South Commercial Street Telephone Muln 82
Here is an investment will make any man
an independent fortune inside of five years
Located on Great Southern Pacific Interurban
Electric Railway System
$13, 750
Money la a splendid substitute
brains In tome
Cash, balance at 6 per cent interest, long time if
desired, buys best 55 acres adjoining West Salem,
Property that is bound to increase in value at the
rate of $100 per acre every year.
Twenty acres in Royal Anne cherries, 4 years old.
Six acres large bearing orchard, apples and pears.
Two and one-half acres English walnuts,
$4000 of improvements, besides orchards, put in
at $2000,
Right on the line of the new railroad bridge being
built across the river to Salem, and on line of the
Salem and Dayton extension. Has county roads on
three sides of the land.
Less than ten minutes walk to big steel bridge.
Seven minutes by motorcar from business center
of Salem,
Beautiful, sightly, scenic residence property, of which there is little left
for sale around Salem, and none in so large a tract. '
Adjoins famous Kimball cherry sweepstakes prize orchard, for which
$1500 an acre has been refused.'
Last larste tract on market suitable fnr nrrencro n tnt.
T? unrrro x enure I
213 South Commercial Street Salem, Oregon