DAI1T CANT.IL JOCBHAL, gALBH, OHEOOIf. Tl'ESDAY, 8EPTEJ1BER J, 1912. Vug Fir See the big Monday Ad. and Read the Circulars It's to your interest to do so GIVE PROPER CARE TO AND YOT WILL The man who wears a toupee does iiot like it, but hag the courage of his ccnvlctlons. Nature never intended that the top of the head should be left entirely without protection. A bald head Is very susceptible to contraction of colds and neuralgia. Wearing an arti ficial top piece counteracts this ten denscy, and, aside from the Improve ment In the persona1 appearance, is amply justified. How much better It would have been had the man, now chronically bald and wearing a toupee, but realized earlier in llfe-the approaching danger and de voted a little regular attention to his hair, which would have saved it. There is a remedy which will abso lutely prevent baldness. Loss of hair in nine cases out of ten Is unneces sary, being due to dandruff and the germ that causes It. This germ must Colonel's Talk Short tmmD pkmb leibcd wihh. Indianapolis, Sept. 3. Speaking here today, Colonel Roosevelt told the crowd that the progressives are get ting the people of the cast Infected with the western spirit. Ills speech was brief, as he wished to confer at length with former Senator Beverldge and one of his hours here wns lost when his train drew In that much be hind schedule. A BLOOD MEDICINE WITHOUT ALCOnOL. Recently it has been de6nitly proven by experiments on animals that alcohol lowers the germicidal power of the body and that alcohol paralyzes the white cor tmscles oi the blood and renders them unable to take up and destroy disease germs. Disease ierms cause the death o( over one-half of the human race. A blood medicine, made entirely without alcoho , which is a pure glyceric ex-, tract of roots, such as Bloodroot, Queen's root, Golden Seal root, Mandrake and Stone root, has been extensively sold by druggist! for the past forty years s. Dr. P erce'. Golden Medical Discovery. The refreshing influence of his ex ract is like Nature's inHuence-the blood is bathed in the tonio which gives life to the blood the vital fires of the body burn brighter and their increased activity consumes the tissue rubbish which ha. accumulated I during the winter. III 1 "At J they failed to mend or f tion ond would have to mn.t h. cut tlOUDlUt I aUlMli minata IIjul H eyes. W tllMIIIIMMIIH 4 I STATE Stop at our booth northeast of the pavilion and see our Model fire Place built of Old Gold Brick; and also a fine exhibit of Cabinet Work, Boxes Roofing and Sewer Pipe Spaulding Logging Company Front and Ferry Streets Phone Main 1830 WELCOME FAIR VHSITOK Attend the Great Booster Sale Money Saved is Money Made THE HAIR NEVER NEED A WIG bo destroyed and the accumulation of dandruff checked. Then the hair will not fall out, but Instead will grow nat urally and luxuriantly. Newbro's Herplclde Is the remedy regular applications of which will do this. It has long been known as the original remedy that kills the dandruff germ and Is absolutely dependable. Newbro's Herplclde In 50c and $1.00 sizes is sold by all dealers who guar antee It to do all that is claimed. If you are not satisfied your money will be refunded. Herplclde applications may always be obtained at the better barber shops and hair dressing parlors. Anyone desiring to try Newbro's Herplclde before purchasing a large bottle will receive a nice sample and booklet by sending 10c In postage or silver to The Herplclde Co., Dept., R, Detroit, Michigan. Last Ship for Nome. fCNlTUn PBK8S LKASEO !. Seattle, Wash., Sept. 3. Residents of the Arctic settlements of Golovin, Teller, Deerlng, Keewallk and Kotze bue will receive their last winter sup plies and Christmas presents this year when the steamship Leelanwa, which sailed for Nome today, arrives at Its destination, No more ships will enter the Arctic sea this year. Ut. IV. v. rierBo, 1110 iu.. ........ . Surgical Institute, and a physician of large experience and practice, was the first to make up an Altbrativb Extract of roots, without 1 particle of alcohol or narcotic. "It Is with the STMitMt of pleasure, that t write to let yoa know of the Brest benefit 1 received from the use of your medicine and lelf JreatmTnt .t home," write. Ml. W. Hbyes, of Udy.mith. B C i " I suf fered for three years from a running "ore. Consulted four doctors out Hive reliel. ; i w. " ' consult a specialist concern. my ear. that the out liefore the wound would heal. A kind friend advised me to write to Dr. fierce, which 1 did, and after seicn month, use of the treatment the sore I. healed, and I enjoy better health than 1 ever did. 1 dressed the wound with Dr. Pierce . All-He! In, halve and took the 'Golden Medical Discovery' and Pleasant falloU for my a Dr. Pierce! Pleasant Pellet! regulate liver nd bowels. FAIR VISITORS SECRETARY STIMSOf! IS HI FRISCO IDN1T1D rilISS MUSED WIHS.J San Francisco, Sept. 3. On a tour of Inspection of Western military posts, Secretary of War Henry I Stimson, accompanied by Brlgadler Genural William Crozler and Major William Lasslter, of the Inspector general's department, arrived here this afternoon direct from Washington, and was met by a military escort con sisting of troop A, First cavalry, In full dress uniform, with the mounted regimental band, and escorted to his hotel. Mayor Rolph, representing the city, and a number of army officers, head ed by Colonel W. A. Nicholas, chief of Staff, of the western division, wel comed Secretary StalnBon. Tomorrow Secretary Stimson will review the troops at the Presidio, and later will he the guest at several func tions arranged In his honor. Secretary 4StImson Is the third mom ber of President Taft's cabinet to reach the Pacific coast within a week. Secretaries Knox and Fisher are now on the Pacific ocean, the former en route to attend the funeral of the Mi kado of Japan ut Toklo, and the lat ter on his way to Honolulu to Investi gate certain charges against Governor Frear, of Hawaii. SEATTLE'S MAYOR HAS EXPERIENCE WITH A JIULE Tacoma, Wash., Sopt. 3. Relatives of Mayor Cottcrlll, of Seattle, residing here today disclosed the Information that the mayor's recent confinement to his home was caused by an accident on Mt. Tacoma which nearly cost the official his life. R. B. Smith, nephew of the mayor. Bays Cottcrlll was as cending the mountain a few days ago, astride a mule. At a treacherous point in the trail, Mayor Cotterlll was thrown from his animal. He was se verely shaken and bruised In sliding down the mountain side for some distance. f4al HIIEXn.S WORRY OVER FAMOUS TENNIS PLAYER DKITKO HUMS IS MUD WIM.) Santa Monica, Cal., Sept. 3. Rela tives and friends of Mrs. Harold Hopo Docg, formerly Miss Violet Sutton, of tho famous Sutton tennis exponents, are fearful that Bhe may be In trouble at Torres, Sonora, Mexico. Mrs. Doeg'B family has no word from her for three weeks, and It Is known that rebel bands have been op erating In the Torres section. They hope, however, that she is safe in tho American colony at Torres. Miss Sutton at various times held the state and Pacific Coast singles title In women's tennis and at one time was national woman champion, CORY ALUS WOMAN lIKEAhS HER LEO Mrs. Nicy Hcrron, mother of R. C. Herron, of Corvallls fell Saturday morning, broke her hip and sprained her ankle. A wooden walk In the western part of the city near her home was the scene and the cause of the accldont. Mrs. Herron was on the way to a neighbor's and slipped on a portion of the walk thnt had been made slippery by the drippings from a tree or by moss. She took a terrible tumble and suffered what Is ever recognized as a bad Injury. Mrs. Her ron Is past 60 years of age. PROMINENT CORVALLIS MAN CROSSES THE DIVIDE George E. Lilly, former mayor and councilman of CorvalllH, and cashier of tho First National Bank, one of the best and most favorably known men of the city and county, died at his home on South Sixth street In that city Saturday morning at 4:10. The Dull Games. DSITJ1D pnitus I J A BHD Willi National at Philadelphia: R. H. E. Rrooklyn 4 6 0 Philadelphia 5 10 5 ..Batteries: Ragon and Miller; Fln neran, Beaton and Walsh, Kllllfer. Umpires, Klcm and Orth. National at Boston. Tt. H. E. New York 1 f 1 Boston 5 10 3 Butteries: rrnndnll. Ames. Wlltse and Wilson: Hess and Rarldan. Um pires: Rlgler and Flnneran. American at Washington: R. H. B. Philadelphia 2 11 2 Washington 4 6 0 Batteries: Crabb, Honck and Thomas, Egan; Groom nnd Henry, Umpires: Dlneen and O'Brien. American at Chicago, first game: R. H. E. Detroit 2 8 Chicago 5 10 1 Batteries: Mullln and Stange; Cy- otte and Kuhn. Umpires: Evans and Egan. They Fed Johnson. f nfiTwn miss J T.BASicn wis" 1 Lincoln, Neb., Sept. 3. Governor Johnson was the guest of honor at a non-partisan luncheon. A hundred guests, Including William J. Bryan and Governor Chester Aid rich, of Nebras ka, were present. Great enthusiasm was aroused this afternoon by the an nouncement that I). L. Love had re signed as treasurer of the Taft state committee and had come out for Roosevelt MOTHER GRAY'S' SWEET POWDERS FOR CHILDREN, A (Wlimluw nxfererLhnr.. 4 nlll,allnfi. II (I m r 1, ' vt " ff TrM-, Tfi-lliln ". 1 ' IH.ardere, ,d llMlr.j Wix,t ri .?.r!f",-Tl7,f,r,,;"h n i'ii ,1 (accept H.0,,,1. ,rl.rt KHi'H. YliraM ,ni-.t.!ils. A. S. CLi.lSTIO.Lnoy.rI.Y. VERMONT'S STRAW VOTE CAST TODAY Icnitsd FRCSI UtRID wins. Montpeller, Vt, Sept, 3. Tho rela tive Btrcngth of the republican and progressive parties In Vermont is un der the "acid" test today In the first stute election held since the birth of the new party headed by Colonel The odore Roosevelt, of New York, and Governor Hiram Johnson, of Califor nia, The early voting was the heaviest In the history of the stale. At noon It was estimated that 75,000 voters will decide between the five candidates in tho race for governor. As Colonel Roosevelt, Judge Ben Llndsey, of Dcu ver, and former Senator Albert J. Bov orldge, of Indiana, roughly canvassed the slate for the progressive nominee, (he outcome of the voting Is awaited with keen Interest. Chairman Williams, of tho republi can Btate committee, claims a clear majority for the republican nominee, but E. W. Gibson, p-ogreHsive cam paign manager, disputes this claim. He maintains that the comhlnod pro gressive and democratic vote will pre vent the republican nominee from the mnjorlly necessary for olectlon. The progressives admit that Vormont la normally republican, and whilo they do not predict victory for the progres sive nominee, they assert that the democratic and progressive vote will be sufficient to block the election of the Taft republican. GIRLS WERE SAVED BY HIS QUICK ACTIONS uxiraD l'sasa uaisjaD wini. Tacoma, Sept. 3. Two adventure some girls, Gladys Flaskett, daughter of a local attorney, and Hazel Holmes, are none the worse today for their ex perience yesterday when they narrow ly escaped drowning In the Sound. The girls were spending the day at Man zanlta Beach, near here, and, despite warnings, they venutred out on the rough water in a canoe. Fearing a tragedy, J. Clyde Gazoloy, an Oakland, Cal., youth, visiting at the summer resort, put off In a skiff, and followed the girls. Shortly after he left shore the canoe was caught by a big wave and capsized. Neither girl could swim, and both owe their lives to the prompt action of youni; Gnze ley. Many Driven From Home. Every year, In ninny parts of tho country, thousands aro driven from their homes by coughs and lung dis eases. Friends and business are loft behind for other cllmntes, but It Is costly and not always sure. A better way the wny of multitudes In to uho Dr. King's New Discovery and cure yourself at homo. Stay right there with your friends, and take this safe medicine, Throat and lung troubles find quick relief and health returns. Its help In coughs, colds, grip, croup, whooping cough and sore lungs make It a positive blessing. GOc and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by J. C. Perry. THREE DROWNED WHEN THE ROAT CAPSIZED (UNITED TRUSS LSAflFJD WIHH.) Winnipeg, Sept. 3. Their boat swamped by a squall while rowing on Island lake, near Galnsford, a now town on the Grand Trunk, In Alberta, Robert Blssctt, formerly of Edmonton. Mrs. Christopher Johnson, and DIh uett's five-year-old daughter, were drowned today. The husband of Mrs. Johnson was rescued. killed at Aberdeen, 'CNITRD niHH l.flASBn Willi 1 Aberdeen, Wash., Sept. 3. Follow ing a quarrel In tho plant of the West ern Cooperage company, O. Fruinko, head sawyer, was shot and Instantly killed here today by Tona Poetras, n Greek laborer. Poetras was captured by Melville Hemphill, another einployi after a strtigglo In which Poetras shot at Heumphlll, the bullet grazing his shoulder. 1,1 HAL AltKIKII.H HAVE SALARIES INCREASED Washington, Sept. 3 The postmaster-general Increased yesterday the sa'arles of rural letter carriers on standard routes from $1000 to $1100 a year. Thirty thousand men are affect ed with proiortlonate Increases of carriage on shorter routes. ROOSEVELT GREETED BY 81)00 AT ST. LOUIS nsiTan rnxis tMtnto wuia.1 St. Ix)ul, Sept. 3. Colonel Theodore Roosevelt, progressive nominee for president, was enthusiastically greet ed by 3000 persons upon his arrival here at 3:30 o'clock this afternoon. The state progressive convention took a recess at :30 o'clock until f o'clock to await the arrival of the forme; president Roosevelt addressed the delegates late today. w tilt." I ' BEWARE OF SUDDEN ATTACKS THAT MAY PROVE DEADLY. YOU CAN SOON REPEL THE MOST DANGEROUS WITH be. aim's . NEW DISCOVERY THE MOST INFALLIBLE CURE FOR COUGHS AND COLDS WHOOPING COUGS2 AND ONLY RELIABLE REMEDY FOR THROAT AMD LUNGS PRICE 50c AND $1.00 m.!Wii'BW.ii!'i.'ii.iiWM BOLD AND GUARANTIED Ml i, C PKI1KX. THE WOME!! WORKED HARD AT THE POLLS UNiTiD ritual uihbd wmi.l Cleveland, O., Sept. 3. Undaunted by a heavy downpour, Cleveland suf fragettes, "wet to the skin," worked at tho polling stations all day long today, and won many converts to their cause. The voters of the state are balloting en 42 proposed changoB In tho consti tution, one of which would give the ballot to women. Secretary Gangwer of the board of elections declared thlB afternoon that he never saw an old party organization operate so effec tively as the women hero worked to day. Gongwer said they deserved to win. In addition to woman suffrage, some of the most Important questions to be decided are the Initiative and referen dum, good roads, taxation, the mini mum wage, and a change In the Judi cial system. President Makes (lift. UNITID MRS! LXiSlD WIM. Mllbury, Mbbs., Sopt. 8. President Taft caiiBed rejoicing among the pas tor and triiBtees of the little Lutheran church horo, when a check for $1100 was received today from the chlof ex ecutive of the nation. The gift was due to tho Interest taken In the church by the president's mother during her llfetlmo. Mrs. De lia Torrey, aunt of President Taft, Is a member of the church. . Mill Hold Impiest. tUNITBD I'DRSS I .RASH!) WIKI.1 Tacoma, Wash., Sept. 3. Coroner Shaver today ordered an Inquest to bo held over the body of Mrs. V. G. Wool bridge, wlfo of the aged pastor who was run down nnd killed Sunday night by an automobile driven by A. W. Twecden, a Tnconia contractor. The old minister, himself In the hos pital hero, hnB cleared Tweoden of all blame connected with tho ncoldent, but Coroner Shaver Is not siitlsrled with ending tho case thero. The In quest will be held to determine who was at fault tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. WIFE'S HEALTH RESTORED Husband Declared Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Would Re store Her Health, And It Did. Ashland, Ky. -"Four years ago I seemed to have everything the matter with me. I hail fe male and k idney trou ble and wns so bad oil I could hardly rest day or niht I doc tored with all tho best doctors in town and took many kinds of medicine hut noth ing did any good un til I tried your won derful remedy, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound. My husband aid it would restore my health and It has." Mrs. May Wyatt, Ashland, Ky. There are probably hundreds of thou lands of women In the United States who have been benefitted by this famous old remedy, which was produced from roots and herb! over thirty years ago by a woman to relieve woman's luderinft. Head What Another Woiniin nuy: Camden, N. J. "I had female trou ble aiicl a serious displacement and was tired and discouraged and unableto do my work. My doctors told me I never could be cured without an operation, but thanks i I.ydia E.Pinkham's Vegetable Compound I am cured of that affliction and have recommended It to more than one of my friends with the best results. " Mrs. Ella Johnston, 324 Vin St. If yon want special silrlre write to) Lydla E. Plnkliam Medicine Co. (con II dentlal) Lnn, Miss. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman and held lu strict conlldeucc. PEEVISH CHILDREN SUFFER WITH WORMS Don't be angry with your child be cause he or she Is continually Irrita ble. In 99 out of 100 cases you will find that the trouble Is worms. Among the common symptoms of tho presence of round worms are nervousness which often leuds to epileptiform attacks dlzzlnoBs, verti go, capricious appetite, restless sleep, itching of the eyes and nose, nausea and often hysteria. Round worms are several Inches In length and Infest the stomach. Occasional ly several hundred are found in a : single person. Thread worms are smaller, often not longor than a quarter of an Inch. The symptoms denoting tholr presence are about the same, but In this cast) the child has no appetite. Jayne's Tonio Vermifuge Is unsur passed In removing worms, Not only vlll it destroy thein, but Its tonio ef fects will restore the stomach to healthy activity. As Jayno's Tonio Vermifuge seldom purges, the Indi cations of its beneficial effects will bo tho Improved condition of the per son using It Millions of parents have praised this medlolne for more than 80 years. Insist upon Jayno's Tonio Vermifuge nnd accept no othor. Sold by drug Rlsts everywhere. Dr. D. Jayna & Bon, Philadelphia, Pa, Effective Home Remedy for Tuberculosis It Is a hitIoiis inutler when tha lumr sri- nlTertMl. A trip nwsjr or to a sunn lorliiin Is not only Ircnii'iHloijKly oxiiru slvc, hnt It Invulvt si'iKiriitlmi from home ami friends. Home are lii'iitllttl, hnt - linns emi Hiiffly return. ICrknisn's Alicr ntlvo Is efWIIve no lo.nvliijf lioinu unci's Miny. For txiunplt; ';il 8. A l In n lie Aip.. riniMonli'M. N. .T. "lli'iillc : In ili full of llHi.i I run. trticl.'d s very wveio colit, wlik-li iicllh'it on my lum:. At liut I hi-guii to rnlNi Hiiilnni, nnil my pliyMli'liin llini (old nnk I miiKt ko to I'lillfornln Immnlliitnly, At till tlllll I WIIM IHlv'lNf'd to tukt I'.rli. mini's Altfrntlvn. I stayed ut tionip ami fHinnxMifed InMiiK It the Inst weeli In Orlnher. I Im'iiii to Improve, uml the first week III J inry, 1111, I resinned my reKiiliii ncetipnihm, Imvlnu itiiined 05 poinidH, fully restored to lienllh. t Is now llvu yenrs Hlnee my enrt! tins heeu elTeeted, Slid 1 nt ll not prnlo Ki.'kmnn s Alterntlvo too lilKhly. I Imvu idcoiq Inemleil It Wllh excellent results," (KlKned) W. M. TATKM. Hekmnn's Alterative Is iAVeHvn In Urnn rlillls, Ahtlimn, liny Fever; Throat unit Limit Tronhles, nnil In liilnitldliiR tho system, lines not mntiilii poisons, ophite or tin lilt-fnrm Ins. (Ii'iiks. Amk for lioolilet of enred cno nnd wrltii to Ftkinftn. liiihonitory, riillndeltitiin, I'd,, for more evU dem-e. For sale by n 11 lending ilruutfUts and J. C. Perry. . SI'ECIAL TIME TABLE. On account of the Stato Fair at Sa lem, this week, we will run special, train from l'ortlund to Salem and re turn, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday nnd Friday, September 3d, 4th, 5th. nnd lith on schedule as shown below: Leave Portland 8:20 a.m. Kast Morrison , . .8:30 a. m. Lambert 8:47 a.m. Clackamas 8:54 a. m. OreKon City 9:04 a. m. New Era 9:18 a. m. Canny 9:24 a.m. Harlow 9:27 a. m. Aurora 9:31 a. m. Hubbard 9:38 a. m. Woodburn 9:48 a.m. Gervals 9:C3 a. in. Brooks 10:01 a. m. Chomawa 10:07 a. m. Fair Grounds 10:15 a. m, Arrive Salem 10:20 a. m. Returning. Leave Sulem 6:30 p.m. Fair Grounds S:40 p.m. Brooks 6:00 p.m. Woodburn 6:16 p. m. Hubbard 6:27 p. in. Canby 6:47 p. m- Oreon City 7:07 p. m. East Morrison 7:40 p.m. Arrive Portland .. 7:50 p.m. This train will make local stops In both directions and will connect with the Woodburn -Springfield Branch train at Woodburn on the return trip so thut passengers from Sulom to points on the above branch may return to their homes without Inconvenience. JOHN M. SCOTT, Genernl Passenger Agent. Journal "Want Ads" jrlnc Result.