Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 02, 1912, Page Page Four, Image 4

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    f tfiE FOUR.
special anipmem
500 Pairs Each Style
Women's $4.00 Tan, Gunmetal and
Patent Leather Shoes--the best $4.00
Shoe that is made
Go on sale right away
500 pairs of these Shoes
will arrive every two weeks
all winter
Price Shoe Co.
326 State Street
Do you fool bright ami fresh as
you should foul wlion you get up In
the morning, do you foul like you
lmvo bnd a good night's rest and like
doing tt lull "tiiiy'B work, or, do you
got up all "down and out" and Just
hb tlicd and sleepy as whon you wont
to bed?
If you do, go to your druggist now
and got a bottlo of Cooper's Now Dis
covery. Take throo dosos one be
fore each meal and If you don't fool
bettor than you lmvo for many a day
go back and got your money,
After taking a fow dosos of this. fuel hotter after three doses, go back
medicine, there will be no dyspepsia and secure your money. After using
and you will not fool the effects of a full bottlo of Cooper's New Dlscov
undlgesled food In the stomnch which I ery you will hardly know yoursolf.
causes you to have heartburn, sick For sale by J. C. Porry.
Fow, If any, medicines have met
wit the uniform success that has at
tended the iiio of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. The
remurkublo cures of colic nnd diar
rhoea which it ban effoctod In almost
every neighborhood have given It n
wide reputation, For sale by all deal
ers. Will the burning campaign Issues
make more work for tho smoke In.
Many Driven From Home.
Kvory year, In many parts of the
country, thousands are driven from
their homes by roughs ami lung dis
There is no reason why you should
always be a slave.
If you are desirous of saving yourself or a friend from a drunk
ard's grave, you cannot afford to overlook the opportunity offered
at the Hot Lake Sanatorium for the cure of the liquor and drug
habit Hot Lake mineral baths prepare the body for the treatment
and then sooth the nerves and actually remove the desire for the
liquor or drug. Hundreds of happy homes In Oregon and Washing
ton today bear witness to the efficiency of the Hot Lake treatment
One week will In most cases effect cure. Sometimes longer Is re
quired, but not often. The best of care li riven the patients. For
full Information, address
Hot Lake Sanatorium,
x Prea. and
X Ml
headache, or dlzzlueaa and your food
will not formont and cause the bad
odor to your breath. The bad taste
In your mouth will leave you and you
will fool bo much improved that your
condition will surprise yourself.
Cooper's Now Discovery will take
the gas from your , stomach and
cleanse the Intestines,' and besides,
will prepare the food for assimilation
Into the blood, the same as a sound
healthy stomach should.
You will feol hotter as soon as you
bogln taking this medicine. Don't
put It off. nomembor, If you do not
eases. Friends and business are left
behind for other climates, but It Is
costly and not always sure. A bettor
way tho way omultltudos Is to use
Dr. King's Now Discovery and cure
yoursolf at home. Stay right tbore,
with your friends, ami take this safo
medicine. Throat and lung troubles
find quick relief nnd health returns.
Its help in coughs, colds, grip, croup,
whooping cough and sore lungs make
It a positive blessing. 60o and $1.00.
Trial bottlo froo. Guaranteed by J. C.
PurBlmony is a vice that dries
the charity of the heart
Camp Grounds Bulletin,
Baturday, August 31, 1912.
Dny opened cloudy with wind still
in the south. Indications good for
next week.
President Booth, wife and two sons
nnd Dr. 1 Initios motored In from Hose
burg yesterday, arriving about 10 p.
m. From Albany here the going was
difficult and slow owing to the In
cessant rainfall. They found their
camp In excellent condition, thanks to
Con Homyer, popular farm superin
tendent. Monroe & Crisell, Portland, are
beautifying their cottage today with a
coat of paint.
Mrs. li. Tildon returned from the
Portland races yesterday.
, Steve Bailey arrived In last night
from Portland with his string of
Mac Kolloy and wife, or the Douglas
county delegation invited the president
nnd family and the tented city mayor
to breakfast this morning. All enjoyed
the hospitality extended.
Geo. llofllck, wife and. children
cume In last night and are at their old
location on 29 Downing.
10(1 School, of Albany, superintend
ent of the poultry department, Is
pitching tent today.
13. L. Thorpe, in charge of the Mult
nomah county exhibit, together with
his son, stretched their tent last ev
ening and are living at ?'o. CO Moody.
Nowton C. Marls, a member of the
board, and a resident of Multnomah
county lias Just returned from eastern
Oregon. He was greeting friends
among the campers last evening and
Campers vill kindly refuse to let
tools borrowed from the camp ground
headquarters go away from the
grounds. These tools aro kept for
your convenience. Remember that
there are others bosldo yourself who
have uso for a spade, a shovel, a maul,
a hoe, a rako, a post hole digger, a
bucksaw, a file, etc.
J. M. Nichols, C. Coon nnd Dave
Strome, Junction City, set up tent this
morning. They are at 36, 37 and 39
Moody respectively.
A. C, Ruby, tho largest horse dealer
on the coast, pitched camp this morn
ing at the corner of Oeer and Matlock.
J. D. Gordon, mayor of Newberg,
will be In camp tomorrow.
Chas. Rockbill, who has the vegeta
ble concession, will bo here with a
supply tomorrow. Up to this dute the
campers have been depending upon
the farmers who call,
All trains now stop on flag.
L. M. Herrln, pitched camp toduy und
had a lively time. The jackets had
pre-empted the lot during Mr. Herrln'B
absence of twelve months.
Every shipment of liquor into '"dry"
territory will be labeled nnd a de
scription of It, together with the name
of the consignee, posted nt the pi nee
of destination for the benefit of
peace officers, If Governor West has
his way, for that Is the plan that he
has outlined for ending the reign of
bootlegging In the dry counties of the
Breweries and liquor dealers have
gone on record os not desiring to sell
liquor to bootleggers, and the gov
ernor Intends, by this plan, to give
them a chanco to make good, If they
are Blncere. He asserts that If they
are sincere that they can offer no pos
sible objection to labeling shipments
of liquor sent Into dry territory. Then
the carrier, If the company Is sincere
In not desiring to abet In the crime of
bootlogglng, by carrying the ship
ments into the dry territory, will be
willing to post a description of the
shipment, together with the name of
the consignee, he says. He further
asks that the shipment be hold for a
dny nt its destination, so that the
peace officer may determine what It Is
to be used for. if It Is for private use
then let It pass, he says, but if for
bootlegging purposes, interfere with
Its delivery.
The Ronoburg Brewery & Ice Co.
has been Indicted, or some of Its of
ficers have, for selling beer, when It
was presumed to manufacture and
sell near-beer. The governor has di
rected the district attorney to bogln
action against it
Iotters received by the governor
from Sheriff Stevens, of Multnomah
county, were made publlo by him yes
terday. They were In reply to letters
sent the sheriff by the governor. In
one the sheriff sayg that. In view of
the fact that Tom Word was appoint
ed social agent, declined to accept
the position, there needs nothing be
said. In others he says he la wlllini
to do everything possible to enforce
the law, and that anything In the way
of evidence that the governor will
present will be welcomed. He cau
tioned him, however, to not make such
evidence public In newspapers before
It was given to him, as that gives the
violators of the law an opportunity to
get away.
Accepting an offer to use the ap
paratus of the Playground association
In the schools this year, the school
board will now distribute It among
the different schools, and after It has
made an experiment with It will prob
ably be able next year to adopt a
definite playground policy for the
JSffort towards prevailing upon the
board to adopt a definite policy has
been exerted for some time. The
board, however, declines to commit
itself until It has fully investigated.
The use of the apparatus in the
schools during the year It is believed,
will enable it to make up Its mind
whether such a policy Is for the good
of the schools, and also as to what
kind of a one Is to be adopted, If they
decide In favor of it.
Miss Rudolph and Miss Florence
Akin presented their resignations to
the board, and they were accepted.
Miss Alma Pohle was solected to take
the place of the first named, but the
other place still remains vacant.
Bids for the construction of 1000
feet of cement sidewalk were opened,
but the board was unable to determine
which was the best, and action on the
subject was deferred.
Machinery to the extent of $799 for
Professor Bonnell's manual training
dopartment was ordered.
Dr. J. N. Smith re-elected as school
physician, nnd It was decided to ap
point a special committee to work out
a system of medical supervision for
the schools.
On account of the Stato Fair at Sa
lem, this week, we will run special
train from Portlund to Salem and re
turn, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
and Friday, September 3d, 4th, 5th,
and 6th on schedule as shown below:
Leave Portland 8:20 a. m.
East Morrison 8:30 a. m.
Lambert 8:47 a.m.
Clackamas 8:64 a.m.
Oregon City 9:04 a,m.
' New Era 9:16 a. m.
Canby 9:24 a.m.
Barlow 9:27 a- m.
Aurora 9:31 a. m.
Hubbard 9:38 a.m.
Woodburn 9:48 a. m.
Gervals 9:53 a.m.
Brooks 10:01 a. m.
Chemawa 10:07 a. m.
Fnlr Grounds 10:15 a.m.
Arrive Salem 10:20 a. m.
Leave Salem 5:30 p. m.
Fair Grounds 5:40 p.m.
Brooks 6:00 p.m.
Woodburn 6:16 p. m.
Hubbard 6:27 p. m.
"' Canby 6:47 p. m.
Oregon City 7:07 p. m.
East Morrison 7:40 p.m.
Arrive Portland 7:50 p.m.
This train will make local stops In
both directions and will connect with
the Woodburn -Springfield Branch
train at Woodburn on the return trip
so that passengors from Salem to
points on the above branch may return
to tholr homes without inconvenience.
Goneral Passenger Agent.
The .Men Who Succeed
as heads of large enterprises are men
of great energy. Success.today. de
mand! health. To ail is to fall. It's
utter folly for a man to endure a
weak, run-down, half alive condition
when Electric Bitters will put him
right on his feet In short order. Four
bottles did me more real good than
any other medicine I ever took,"
writes Chas. B. Allen, Sylvania, Ga.
"After years of suffering with rheu
matism, liver trouble, stomach disor
ders and deranged kidneys, I am again,
thanks to Electric Bitters, sound and
well." Try them. Only 50 cents at J.
C. Perry's,
Children Cry
Prune Orchard Snap
If you are looking tor a good buy
In a prune orchard let us tell you
about a 15-acre orchard that we have
listed la the Rosedale district. This
place has been held at $4500. The
owner Is obliged to sell and his In
structed us to offer this place for the
very low price of
There are ten acres In full bearing
prunes In prime condition, full bear
ing; five acres young prune In good
condition. This is a rare opportunity
to secure a fine prune orchard. Let
us tell you more about this property.
Si; State Street. TcL Main 4J3.
notice of Intention to Construct a
Trunk Line Sanitary Sewer Through
Portions of Depot Addition and Oak
Lodge Addition to Sulom, Oregon,
and Certain Acreage Tracts Lying
South of the County Itond Leading
From Sulom, Oregon, to Turner,
Notice Is hereby given that the com
mon council of the city of Snlem, Oro
gon, deems and considers It necessary
and expedient and proposes to con
struct a trunk line sanitary sewer as
an extension of wbat is commonly
known as the South, Salem sewer sys
tem through portions of Depot addi
tion and Oak Lodge addition to Salem,
Oregon, and certain acreage tracts ly,
lug south of the county road leading
from Salem, Oregon, to Turner, Ore
Said trunk line sanitary aewer ex
tension shall be known and designat
ed as "Sub-trunk Sewer A,'1 and the
cost of constructing the same, togeth
er with 5 per cent of the cost added
for engineering and other Incidental
expenses, shall be asBeBBed on the
property directly benefitted by the
construction of said Sub-trunk Sower
A, the boundaries of which said prop
erty is included within the boundaries
and limits described as follows, to
wlt: Commencing at the east line of the
Oregon & California Railway Com
pany's right of way at a point opposite
the alley In block 14, Depot addition;
thence southerly along the east line of
the Oregon & California Rail
way Company's right of way to
the south city limits; thence east
erly along the south city limits
to the east line of lot 8 In Rur
al Home Tracts; thence northorly
along the east line of lots 8 and 4,
Rural Home Tracts; thence north
westerly along the center of the Tur
ner road to the east line of Simpson's
addition; thence northerly along
the east line of said SlmpBon's addi
tion to the center of block G, Simp
son's addition; thence westerly nloiiR
the center of said blocks G and V of
Btreet; thence easterly along Cross
street with a 12-inch vitrified pipe
through Onk Lodge addition nnd Cross
said addition to 24th streot; thence
northerly along 24th Btreet to Bcllo
vue street; thense westerly along
Bollevue street to the middle of block
1, J. Myers' addition; thence south
erly along the center of blocks 1, 9
and 10, J. Myers' addition to Hyde
street; thence westorly along Hyde
street to the Turner road; thence
northwesterly along the Turner road
to a point opposite the alley In block
19, Depot addition; thence westerly
through block 20, opposite the alley In
block 19; thence through alley In
blocks 19, 18, 17, 16, 15 and 14, De
pot addition, to the Oregon & Califor
nia Railway Company's right of way.
Said sub-trunk sewer A shall be
constructed In accordance with the
plans and specifications for the name
heretofore adopted by the common
council of the city of Salem, Oregon,
by resolution No. and on file In the
office of the city recorder, reference
to which plans and specifications for a
more detailed description of said sewer
Is hereby made and the plat, profile
and detail of plan of Bub-trunk sewer
A In South Salem sewer district are
hereby referred to and made a part
of this notlce,the said sub-trunk sew
er A Is particularly described as fol
lows, to-wlt:
Beginning at the manhole on the
east side of the Southern Puclflc Rail
way company right of way which Bald
manhole Is the termination of the 14-
Inch muln trunk sewer, a part of the
South Salem sewer system nnd Is lo
cated at a point In Depot addition on
the center line of Waller street In
Yew -Park addition to Salem, Oregon,
projeetod, at the Intersection thereof
with tho east lino of said right of way
of the Southern Pnclflc Railway com
pany; running thence southerly with
a 12-Inch vitrified Bewer pipe to the
Intersection of Hlnos street to a man
hole; thence easterly along Hlnes
street with a 12-Inch vitrified pipe to
a manhole In the intersection of Four
teenth street; thence southerly along
Fourteenth Btreet with a 12-Inch vitri
fied pipe to the Intersection of Cross
street extonded, to the cast line of the
land now owned by George F. Rodgers
of Salom, Oregon, to a manhole;
thence from Bald manhole with a 10
Inch vitrified plpo in a southeasterly
direction on a straight lino to a point
and manholo which Is located on the
weBt line of lot 6 Rural Homo Tracts
and 350 feet north of the south line of
said lot 6, Rural Home Tracts; thence
south with an 8-Inch vitrified pipe
along and upon tho west lino of lots
6 and 7, Rural Homo Tracts a dis
tance of 400 feet and terminating In a
manholo. -
Remonstrances and objections may
bo filed against the construction of
said proposed sub-trunk sewer A In
South Snlem sewer district at any
time within ten days from the date of
the final publication of this notice.
This notice la published for a period
of ton (10) days by order of the com
mon council of the city of Sulom, Ore
gon, the date of the first publication
being the 27th day of August A. D.
1912, and the final publication being
the 7th day of September, 1912.
Chas. F. ELGIN. City Recorder.
Money Is a splendid substitute
The Oregon
Sn rt TP1
we lr shut
Affords visitors from a distance an
opportunity once a year to visit
the State Capital
Salem is recognized as the most
economical trading point in
the Willamette Valley
You will find splendid displays of Fall Merchandise all over the city.
One of the stores which bus been an lmiortnnt factor In building up
Salem's reputation for good goods and low prices Is
Our prices are bnscd on the Spot Cash plan which means a saving for
you on every item,
Our line of Fall Dress Goods In Novelties as well as Staples Is now
on display. Whipcords, Serges and Scotch Mixtures,
Now cloaking In plain nnd fancy Mackinaw, Chinchilla, Astrnchan and
Plaid back Reverslblcs.
Novelty Tweed Suiting Silks, Changeable Taffetas, Changeable Mes
snllnes, Pompadour Novelties. New two-tono Hongallne Silks.
Corduroys will be In great demand this season. We show a good rango
of colors in Staple Shades and Novelty Changeable Colorings.
Fall and Winter UNDERWEAR
You'll notlco that our Underwear Is cut In full liberal dimensions and
is well finished.
Aro becoming more populur each seuson and wo have selected a much
larger line than usual In a full lunge of sizes for Men, Women and
Our "North Stnr" Hoao are made from solected yarns to InBuro service
and properly shaped to fit right. The Fall Lino Is now complete.
Men's and Boys' CLOTHING
Our clothing is made from stylish fubrlcs cut In the latest models and
thoroughly tailored. .
We carry a larger lino and sell more Shoes than most Shoo Stores.
Every pulr bearing the
''"""" MARK """A.
Trade Mark In built to
We Sell Ev'rjthlB fr (he Whole Family nt
Stores" Can't Mutch.
Our Store will close at 10:30
Wednesday, Salem Day at the Fair
Which Is Hotter Try an Experiment
or Profit by a Snlem Cltken's
Mrs. H, M. Wood, 733 N. Front St.'
Srlem, Oregon, Bays: "Although I
have never had occasion to ubo Doan's
Kidney Pills myself, I know that this
remedy Is an excellent one for kidney
and bladder trouble. It has been pro
cured nt Dr. Stono's Drug Store and
used In my family with the most satis
factory results."
For salo by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Foster-MIlburn Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the United
Practically In the city limits of Salem.
This place consists of 2G acres of the best land in tho Willamette
valley, every foot of which Is In cultivation:
Thoro abre 14 acres of bearing prune trees.
Thore are 2 acres of bearing cherry trees.
There are two acres of bearing apple trees.
There Is a flue vineyard of the best grapes.
There Is a garden, Including berries, etc.
There Is a good house, barn, fruit drier and all the necessnry out
buildings. There Is a team, wngon, all fiiim Implements and full equipment
There Is nothing in the Willamette, valley that can surpass this
place, and few can equal It. Owner must sell at Bacrlflce to return
east Lot us show this to you.
Parker & Wareham
SIJ Sonth Commercial Street Telephone JTaln 82
give satlufactory service.
Prices That "Credit
Remember tho name Donn's
tako not other.
A vast amount of ill health Is due
to Impaired digestion. When the stom
ach fails to . perform Its functions
properly the whole system becomes
deranged, A fow doses of Chamber
loin's Tablets Is all you need. They
will strengthen your digestion, invig
orate your liver, and regulate your
bowels, entirely doing awny with that
miserable feeling due to faulty dlges-'
tlon. Try It. Many others have been
permanently cured why not you?
For sale by all dealers.
brains In tome cases.