DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALE3T, OREGOX, MONDAY, SF.I'TEWDER 2, 1912. taqx Timrn IU all-around nli(cllon. Looking Out For Better Heat? .1 Jl?ann ' mol"t "n(1 I""; nd clcRn7 H"" " " lot! In fuel and tlrao? 1 but ocure most health and comfort with least work? fhrIKrI-rJ,ri,,,tf,.en.t l","""ir "TO""111" Cnmpbell Winter. Clianer hurnuce you hail better me us at once. 1'cir whatever your preent fymem may be wo can quickly rouke the clmnire which will urtrle vou bv Winter-Chaser FURNACE ropronenta the Jnn achievement In tho perfect heailnir of homo from every tanilpolnt of health-economy anil convenience. Siicn In net time you're down town ami let u explain all about the lame air-chamber In the jacket, the "fa-bin water reerviilr-tho period flrrnot-all the polnta of cuistruc- InveKtltrntlon can do no harm, and If you hould decide to wake a chanire, remeuibur- We Can Easily Replace Your Old Plant With a Winter-Chaser In 24 Hours There are ramnhull Ptiraim vnt rrllH feet autlslactlon that havo been In constant mo for 28 ycura-poaltlve proof of their durability. Got the booklet-"Twlce-A-Day" with lull information. Wlnter-rhaaer FurnnccB are made by The Campbell Heatlnir Co., of Dob MolncH.lu. Hold by HADKIi TSCIIER & FULLER, riitme 6((0. Stilem, Orepn I Is Your Judgment Good? ; A look at Barr's windows will soon show you. Can you pick out the lucky article? If you can, you are many dollars ahead. !! BARR'S JEWELRY STORE i: ... U" ' " ' n-D i "'I ' 'i '(! f Paya fAe Photographer to Use and Handle Seneca Cameras . They are unequalcd In simplicity of operation. In durability and In results.. Have many marked Improvements not found on any other Camera. Made on Honor Sold on Merit Not in the Trust Our line Is exceptionally complete, consisting of many styles and Blzes, enabling every one Interested In photography to secure just the Camera they want. SHNIiCA CAMERAS will please your customers, and pay you a good profit. WRITE TODAY FOR HANDSOMELY ILLUSTRATED CATALOG. SENECA CAMERA MFG. CO., Rochester, N. Y. Largest Independent Camera Manufacturers In the World. Low Round Trip Fares To CLATSOP BEACH RESORTS Seaside andGearhart, Oregon f 6.00, effective dally, season limit; $4.50 Saturday and Sunday limit Monday. These famous resorts enjoy the advantage of limited train service along the Columbia river, first-class hotels, cottages, camps, surf bath ing, etc, LOW ROUND TRIPS EAST On the dates given below, round trip tickets will be sold to the points In the East shown below, and many others, at greatly reduced fares quoted. Through Trains East via The North Bund Kond, Northern Pacific and Great Northern Hallway. S QRt IX. I UlltHC I AUantle City.. 1112.30 Baltimore .... 109.00 Boston ....... I1U0 Buffalo 03.00 Chicago .. .. 71.00 Colo. Spring . . 50.50 Denver 6(m)0 Detroit .... Dulutli Kansas City Milwaukee . Minneapolis 84.00 Cl-jO ..6LS0 74.00 01.50 Omaha 61J0 Philadelphia . 110.00 l'lttsburg .... 93.00 St. Louis 71.50 St I'anl 6IJ0 Toronto 93.00 Washington .. 109.00 Montreal 100.50 New York 110.00 Dates of Sale July 22, 23, 20, 29, 30, 31, 1912. AuguBt 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 12, 15, 10, 22 23, 29, 30, 31,1912. September 4, 5, 0, 7, 8, 11, 12, 30, 1912. Stopovers and choice of routes allowed in each direction. Final return limit October 31, 1912. Details of schedules, fares, etc., will be furnished on request C. E. ALIJIN, Agent, Salem, Ore. W. E. COMAN, Gen. Frt. and Pass. Agt, Portland, Ore. TOL FAST BOAT TOMORROW STEAMER GRAHAMONA, A SWIFT PASSENGER BOAT, FOR BUS FROM PORTLAND TO COBVALLIS, TO BE LAUNCHED AT PORTLAND. A Portland .dispatch of Saturday, AuguBt 31, says: Captain A. W. Graham, dean of the Yellow Stack Line, superintendent of construction, traffic manager, and holders of other titles appertaining thereto, Is the author of an Innovation in maritime functions Inasmuch as he announces that the launching of the steamer Grahamona, at Stipple's yards, which event Is scheduled for Tuesday there will be no "keg of nails" refreshments under any other name, distributed to guests. In fact the skipper admits that ho leans strongly to silent launchlngs and intimated yesterday that the public would not even be appraised of the hour, but the Grahamona would slide into the water as easily and noiseless' ly as possible. Some have unfeelingly applied tho title of Grandmother to tho now steamer because of the shut larlty of names, but her builder Insists that she will be th,e real kittenish one of the yellow stackers. Tho Grahamona Is the new Btenmer built for service on the Oregon City Transportation company's boat lino from Portland to Albany and Corvalll and will be installed in the service early this fal' as soon as the water reaches tho proper stage. It has been especially designed for fast passengor servico in connection with the Pomona giving a daily boat service between Portland, Albany and Corvallla. THE RECALL IS NOT WORRYING THE GOVERNOR "Lay on MacDuff and damned be he who first cries hold, enough." That was Governor West's reply to those who are laying a foundation for a recall movement against him and he declares that It applies to them all. He seems to have but little fear of a re call should an election be called, feel ing that he Is doing nothing but en forcing the laws on the statute books and believing that the peoplo will stand by him In the event that the vio lators of those laws seek to recall him. Further than that he would not discuss the situation. Dr. R. N. Avlson, pastor of the FlrBt Methodist church, of this city, last night preached a strong sermon en dorslng the governor In hla vice cru sade. The result of it was the calling together of the congregation by R. R. Kynn and the passing of resolution endorsing the governor. He has also been endorsed In other churches In the state, and neither the governor nor his friends feel that a recall election can be made effective as it will be battle between the law-abiding citizens and law violators and in such a fight the first are certain to win. Uncle Ezra Says "It dont take more'n a gill uv effort to git folks into a peck of trouble, nnd a little neglect of constipation, biliousness, Indigestion or other liver derangement, will do the same. If ailing take Dr. King's New Life Pills for quick results. Kasy, sufe, sure and only 25 cents at J. C. Perry's. A Vision of Bread that Is always light, white and tooth some, that every one will eat and en Joy, Is the dream of all good house keepers. You can realize that vision by trying our bread. Once you use It on your table you will never want to be without It Why bother with bak ing when we can do better. CAPITAL BAKERY 41 Court BtrMt Pboi II' ONLY "CASCARETS" IF CONSTIPATED SALTS, CALOMEL AND CATHARTIC PILLS ARE VIOLENT THEY ACT ON BOWELS AS PEPPER ACTS IN NOSTRILS. Take a Cascaret tonight and thor oughly cleanse your IJver, Stomach and Iloweis, and you will surely feel great by morning. You men and wo men who have headache, coated tongue, can't sleep, are bilious, ner- ! vcis and upset, bothered with a sick gassy, disordered stomach, or have backache and feel all worn out Aro you keeping your bowels clean with Cascaret or merely forcing a passageway every few days with salts, cathartic pills or castor oil? This Is important. CascarcU Immediately cleanse and regulate the stomach, remove the sour, undigested and fermenting food and foul gases; take tho excess bile from the liver and carry off the constipated waste matter and poison from the In testines and bowels. Remember, a Cascaret tonight will straighten you out by morning. A 10 cent box from your druggist means healthy bowel action; a clear head and cheerfulness for months. Don't forget the children. X-RAYS AND SMILES. North Bend Is complaining of the S. P.. which was granted a franchise over Its streets on the conditions that actual construction work would begin in 60 days. On the 60th day at noon a man and team was put at work on the construction, and did a half day'i work costing the company three big plunks. The only proviso in the fran chise waa that tho company should commence construction work, and as It always lives up to Its promises It commenced. Louis W. 11111, of the Great Northern railroad, has been made a member of the Dlackfoot tribe by adoption. That all right as far as It goes and It goes far enough, for to go further would make him a "Blackleg." Oregon produced more than three million, dollars worth of butter last year, and this Is only a starter. There will be another cipher added to the figures In the near future. Medford Is to have a 6000 honpowor poultry furm, a company with $25,000 capital having been organized to run it. There will be some cackling done down that way, other than that of the real estate boosters. SAW OREGON' AND IS flOW OPTIMISTIC San Francisco, Sept. 2. Greater prosperity for tho nation when tills year's bumper crops have been liar- vested and Increased activity in all lines of business was the prediction here today of Judge Robert 8. iovott head of the combined llnrrlman Inter- ebts, who arrived In San Francisco yesterduy from the north. Judge Lovett declined to discuss legislutlon concerning the Panama ca nal. He will remain here four or five days and then proceed by easy stages to Now York. He Is accompanied by his son, Robert A. Lovett, and Aver- Ill Ilarrlman, son of the late E. II Harrlman. LABOR HAS A PlCfJIC 111 PORTLAND rjNiTiD mm ii lkahid wiiii.1 Portland, Ore., 8ept. 2. Labor Day was observed In Portland by an all day picnic under the auspices of or zanized labor at Crystal Lake Park, near Portland. Thousands attended. There were sports of all sorta, a bar becue and specchmaklng. Governor West was on the program to deliver the principal address. Eugene V. Debs, presidential nom inee of the Socialist party, was sched uled to address a large audience in tho Gypsy Smith tabernacle this afternoon. How to Profit by the Growth of Salem You want to boo Snlum grow, don't youT You expect to boo It. You know It will grow. The question Ib, how Is Us growth going to affect you? Will you bo benefited by ltT You will be If you own a piece of well located real' estate, As the city grows your property will enhauco In value. And thousands have been made rich In Just that way buying roal es tate when It was choap and holding on to It. With a deed to a good lot or homo, or a piece of Sulom business proporty In your possosslon, you will havo a vital Intorest lu tho future growth of tho city. $5250 will buy a beautiful, modern well located homo, close to tho capltol, on paved street, every modern conve nience. Fine grounds. $3500 will buy a modem ami new bungalow. Sleoplng porch, basement, &. large rooms, electrlo fixtures, bath, pantry, porches, In fact modern In overy way. $7500 will buy a half Interest In a good store building on North Commer cial Btreet. This Is a bargain. $350 will buy a good building lot. One-half down, balance three to five years. BECHTEL & BVNON. 347 State Street. Tel Main 452 RUSHING MARINES TO' (UNITID PHKHi I.KAHICD WISH. San Francisco, Sept. 2. Currying a force of mnrlnus and an extra draft of 170 bluejackets from the cruiser North Dakota, tho cruiser ' Cleveland Is steaming today for Nicaragua under riiSh orders from Washington. The Cleveland sailed from Mure Island last night. State of Ohio, city of Toledo, ) Lucas County )bb. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business In the City of Toledo, county and state aforo- said, and that said firm will pay tho sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HALL'S CATARRH CURE. FRANK J. CHENEY, Sworn to before mo and subscribed in my presonco this 6th day of Decern ber, A. D. 1886. (Seal) A. W. GLICASON, Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Inter nally and acts directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system Send for testimonial!! free, F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constl- atlon. THE ROUND-UP William Poilmnn and John Schmltz, of Buker, and J. N. Teal, of Portland, recently purchased the controlling In torest In the First National Hunk of Ilaker. Thoy will Increase Its capi tal stock from $75,000 to $200,000. Judge Lovett and his party visited Klamath Falls Friday. James F. Annls, vetoran of the Mex ican war, and during the Populist movement publisher of the Eugene Ilroud Axe, in tho Interest of that iarty, died at Eugene lust Thursday, aged 80 years. Albany's school buildings are taxed to the limit a rare Indication of rapid and substantial growth. Departments of domestic science and manual tl.ilnlng are to be con- ucted In connection with Albany's schools. Medford's pear crop, estimated at the beglnnlns; of the season at 150 cars, will far excel that, and will prob ably exceed 200 carloads for shipment, ment The Hull Mooserg met at Eugene Saturday afternoon about 75 were present T. L. Parks, Murrayvlllo, Ga., Route Is In his 73d year, and like the ma- lorlty of elderly peoplo, ho Buffered with kidney trouble nnd bladder weak ness and urinary Irregularity. He says: "I have suffered with my kid- cys. My hack ached and I was uniioy- ed with bladder Irregularities. I can truthfully say, one 50c bottle of Foley Klilhey Pills cured me entirely." They contain no hubll forming drugs. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR! A ' i i ! - ..... i Tho Implicit confidence that many people have in Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is founded on their experience In the use of that remedy and their knowledge of the many remarkable cures of colic, diarrhoea and dysentery that It has effected. For sale by all dealers. All patent medicines or medicines al rertlsed In this paper are for sale at DR. STONE'S Drug Store Salem, Oregon Also Dr. Stone's POISON OAK REMEDY A snow white medicine, contain! no sugar of lead, opium, nor other poi sonous drugs. Applied every hour It at once relieves, and soon cures in flammation of the skin generally known as Poison Oak. 2Sc and 60o bottles. i ... s i! rrr -J t- V-tf.- v : .1 I I 1 Fashions Favored Styles in Women's Misses' and Children's Clothes At Especially Attractive Introductory Prices Tailored Suits We have never before assembled such a beautiful line of suits, Representing the best thoughts of fashio'i centers, All tho new and approved fabrics and shades splendid values at prices from $12.50 up to $75.00 New-Fall Coats Our new coats are different and at the same time more becoming than those of past seasons, Individual style effectssimple grace and elegance mark our showing of coats, New novelty mixtures, Boucles, Zibelines and Chinchillas, Prices from $7.50 up to $65.00 New Waists Choice styles in fall waiststailored and lingerie styles Prices from $1.00 to $12.50 each New Dresses New dresses that are unsurpassed In excellence, fit and finish, Serges, Messages, Chiffon Taffetas and Char mouse materials, Prices from $7.50 up to $50.00 New Neckwear Charming Novelties In Women's Neckwear for fall Fashions that reigned during the directoire period, Robespierre collars, Marccau collars and many becom ing effects, Prices from 25c to $5.00 Where Shopping Is a Peasure Quality Mtrchandlia U. G. Shipley Co. 145-147 North Liberty Street Between St.te and Court Siree'ti, SALEM, OREGON Popular Prltea An article that bus real merit should In time becorno popular. That such Is tlie case with Cliitnibprluln's Cough Iti-mcdy has been iitlestcd by many (li itlers. Hero Is one of them. H. W. Ilundrlckson, Ohio Fulls, lnd writes, 'Chamberlain's ('ough Humcdy Is the best for coughs, colila und croup, and Is, my best seller." For sale by all (Ii nlers. rillumook Muhoiis $10,000 temple-. aro to bullil a If you knew of tho real valuo of Cliaiiibi'i liiln's Liniment for lauio back, vorenima of the muscles, sprains and rheumatic juilns, you would never wish to be without It. For sale by all dealers. Journal Want Ads Bring Results Children ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A AutoniobileMotor Cycle and Accessory Dealers of Salem A PPERSflN A,M0 AKenUorlt'onVMIrhlKai " v-'- Hliniiiilou Motor Co. 151 J. High AUBURN AlHogfoMent 418 Court Street I'hone ill I" Jlr E7 K-M-F MOTOR SALES CO. tL-lVl-M1 r" n- "W-UHmlers C. L. Hone, Mijr. 216 8. Com'l SI . j FOIil) AUF.UY, JK. II. tVhltcitlde, Vgt (jtVrJ AIn0 Aiit fr It. C. II. und Lomler (Jarnge So. 60 Ferry Street. WATr A AT MOTOR watt shipp INI )1A. N nvAlCC Jmmnnltln, FMilnir Tackle, Ktft LlLLLd North Commercial Street Phone IM w gr-e r-v w t ar Hliiiontiin Motor Co, AU for Mitchell fl y JtLlYLtA. TV JD T,l,,e VulcaitlBlnif Specially. r . noafi m m Nof(h (() Htwrt HARLEY-DA VIDSOS i MOTOR CYCLES HAINF.R BROS. Anlo and Motorcyrld MuppHt Mlnneitiolli Motorcycle at I;